• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,739 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(9 Part two) Hearing You Out

It is… dark? ‘No,’ Flurry thought, she shook her head, her eyes weren’t opening. that She was… she was running, running from… something. Her teal eyes finally responded and opened. She looked at her surroundings. ‘Now it’s dark.’ She said to herself with confidence, ‘Where am I?’ She thought to herself. She looked up into the sky, stars dotted the expanse, separated by clouds. She cocked her head.

“Where’s the moon?” She asked, “Did Luna… did she forget?” She thought about it for a moment, then shook her head. ‘No,’ She confided in herself, ‘Of course she didn’t, something’s wrong.’

The youngest Alicorn began to trot along what she thought was a path. She looked to her left and saw a wall of dirt and mud. She looked to her right and saw the same thing, say for there were wooden planks on this side. She put her hoof on the wood pillar. *BOOM!* She fell to the ground at the shock of the noise. She heard hoofsteps, dozens of them, screaming and yelling. She began to hyperventilate.

When her eyes opened, she saw humans, all lining the wall of dirt and wood. She tried to stem her breathing. “Wha- where?” They were all holding their strange weapons and wearing strange hats. These ones, though, were wood and had knives attached to them.


The Princess looked right, she saw dirt get kicked up at least 10 feet in the air before falling back down. “What’s happening?!” She yelled to no pony in particular. She looked forward and saw a single human walking toward her. He was no more than a yard in front of her and was moving far too fast to get around him. The Alicorn covered her head.

“Wai- please leave me alone!” She shut her eyes tight. Flurry felt a slight coldness come over her, then it was gone. She tentatively opened her eyes. The human that was approaching her was gone. She turned around, he was walking the other way. ‘The human… walked through me?’

She got up, and only then noticed, her right forehoof wasn’t hurting. She reached up and felt her horn, there was no ring. She looked at her back and saw that her wings weren’t bound. The Princess immediately realized, “I’m dreaming!” She spread her wings and took flight. “LUNA! CAN YOU HERE ME!?” She screamed into the darkness.




The Princess sighed, “It must be day or…” She shook her head. “Okay, it’s a dream, I just need to-”


Flurry Heart turned around. She saw smoke coming out of some odd cannons that were pointed in the air. She flew over to them. ‘This certainly isn’t my dream,’ The Princess thought to herself, ‘So who’s is it?’

The Princess landed at where the line of cannons was located. She looked just behind the line of cannons and saw a flag. None like that she had ever seen before, it had white stars on a blue background, with white and red stripes. She looked next to the flag and saw two others, both red white and blue. One was an ‘X’ and the other was just the cloth divided in 3.

She looked at where the cannons were facing, up, and slightly out. ‘Is it…?’ She sprung into flight and flew. She looked down and saw humans in the giant connected trench. ‘How many are down there?’ She idly asked herself, before continuing forward.

As she approached the opposite trench, she saw six giant explosions and heard the explosions soon after. She landed in one of the newly created muddy holes. She trudged forward through the mud on hoof, and peeked over the wooden supports of the trench. There was no human was in sight.

She hopped over. Besides her own breathing, she heard nothing. She began to trot around the trench.


She turned and ran in the direction of the scream.

“What the hell!?” She heard another voice

Flurry found the source of the commotion. There was a group of humans all surrounding a large opening in the wall of mud. One of them was holding a lantern inside the trench

“I think I’m gonna be sick.” One of the humans immediately turned around and fell down onto their hands. He lurched forward as he began to vomit on the opposite wall. Flurry turned away and closed away. ‘Whatever it is, I don’t want to see it?’

“Private Dixon, off the mud, we still have a job to do.” Another one said. The Princess turned to look at the one who talked, “And for the love of God, burn it.”

Flurry turned for a split second and gagged. The light the lantern provided was just enough to see the form of a human, that had their skin spread across the ground like butter. She couldn’t turn away. She saw the blood seeping out and what used to be a uniform torn to shreds.

One of the humans took the lantern and threw it in. The fire caught nearly instantly.

“Come on men, let’s check for survivors.”

“Survivors sir? But they are the enemy!”

The leader, Flurry assumed, shook his head, “Son, you saw what was in there. We check to see if anyone survived so they can tell us exactly what the fuck happened here.” The commander then said, “I want to know.” He turned to another one of the soldiers.

“Corporal, take Dixon and search south,” He turned to the one that spoke out, “You and I are going north, the rest of you go search the eastern trenches. Shoot twice followed by one if you need assistance.”

The corporal helped Dixon up and the pair began to walk away. The commander took the one who spoke up and began to walk in the opposite direction. The rest went into the trench system.

Flurry began to follow the commander and his partner, listening in on the conversation, or the blurs that became of their voices. She looked around, there was increasingly less and less light. She could barely make out their bodies in the darkness.

Then their bodies became blurred and began to disappear in front of the Alicorn as they walked. Flurry turned around and saw more light, ‘Maybe I need to go that way?’ She asked herself. Flurry stumbled. She looked back. The ground was disappearing.

She galloped the other way. She tentatively turned back. Everything was going dark. She galloped harder. Until she reached Dixon. He was looking into another hole in the wall of the trench.

“Lawerence! Are you okay?” He screamed into the hole. Flurry looked into the floor and lit her horn. The light couldn’t penetrate the darkness. “Shit!” Dixon turned around and pulled out his gun. Flurry noticed that only the area around the opening of the hole was lit with light. The rest was completely dark. She watched as Dixon pull out his gun and shot twice into the air, waited a few seconds then shot again.

Flurry turned and looked into the hole. She could hear buzzing as if a thousand Changelings were all in the same place at once. Flurry again got close to the hole and lit up her horn. The blue filled barely a foot into the hole. The light being sucked up by the darkness. She gave up and turned to Dixon.

The human was gone, along with the section of the wall he was leaning on. She turned back and saw two silver-white eyes staring back at her. She turned and ran.

The Princess hit a concrete wall and passed out.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

“Ugh,” Flurry said as she opened her eyes and felt her forehead. *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* She stared at the expanse of black that was her room. The only way she knew it was her room was the red light on the wall opposite her bed, it was just above the metal door. The Alicorn Princess got up and sat in the cold and uncomfortable bed. ‘I am never going to complain about my room ever again.’ She thought to herself.


The bright light filled the room, revealing the mundane room that the royal has been provided. ‘This is supposed to be their Capitol,’ She thought to herself, ‘Why is just a boring and bland as that other base?’


She reached for her head again but found the thumping coming from outside her room. ‘My Cell,’ She corrected, ‘My room’s back home.’ Flurry got out of her bed and pulled back the sheets with her teeth and hooves. ‘I wish I could use magic, this would be so much easier.’ The Alicorn heard the mechanical whir of the metal door opening.

Flurry saw the three human guards, all wearing their take on armor. Flurry sighed, ‘Too grey and boring for me,’ She looked to the ground, ‘I think dad’s guards are better.’ She let her head drop as she marched out of the room like clockwork. Her right forehoof still gave her excruciating pain when she set it on the ground. So she marched with a limp.

“Hey T.L.,” One of the guards said. Flurry looked up and looked at the guard and sighed, ‘Oh, here we go again…’ Flurry thought.

“Yes, private,” The trooper on her right replied, “What is it?”

The guard chuckled a little bit, “What’s that old saying? If a horse has a limp…” He began to laugh

Flurry looked up at the guard on her right, “This is the third time, I think I get it,” She cut him off. She looked back down at the black tiled floor, “It wasn’t even funny the first time.”

The guard leading them briefly turned around and walked backward, “Yeah dipshit, it never was funny, and it never will be funny,” He turned back around, “Just give me some silence.” The guard on her left sighed and muttered something under his breath.

The rest of the walk was in silence, Flurry knew the routine by now. ‘Take a right. Go to the infirmary. Then go back and do nothing for the rest of the day…’ She looked at the grey hallways for a window, ‘If it even is the day?’

She looked at the guard that they called T.L. “What time is it?” She asked timidly.

“Uh,” He put down his weapon and looked at his wrist, “About half-past two.” He grabbed his weapon and resituated it in his arms. He looked to her, “In the morning. The 05 really do have a ridiculous schedule right now.” They turned a corner and walked in silence. Flurry occasionally saw a human doctor or another pair of guards plying the halls, but other than that, they were empty. ‘Or maybe they’re hiding me.’

Flurry stumbled and fell onto her wounded hoof. The guard behind her, without hesitation, picked her up by her collar and set her back down. She barely had time for the pain to register in her body before she was already walking again. ‘How can anypony live like this?’ She looked up to the ceiling, ‘I can’t even tell where we are!’

They turned a corner again, she kept her head down. Before she knew it, she was in a dark room. Flurry shook her head and turned around. She turned around only for the door she had unwittingly walked in close. If she were back home, she could’ve lit up the room, or, if she had spent more time training, teleport out.

Flurry sighed and turned around. She saw a chair in the dim light of the room, a metal and uncomfortable abomination. She sighed, walked over, and sat in it. ‘This is a bit… odd, I guess?’ Flurry waited for something to happen.

“Hello there,” A voice, obviously an older male, in the dimly lit room spoke, “Unfortunately, not all of my colleagues could be here today, but we, would like to chat before the formal inquiry. Is that okay with you?”

“Uh… Sure?” The Princess offered.

“Good.” The lights turned on, revealing a large, elevated desk, she spied several nametags on the desk, but couldn’t make out what they had on them. What she did make out, were four distinct human upper bodies.

The male voice, coming from just left of center, spoke again, “I am 05 two,” He said. 05 two then gestured to his left. “The lovely women over there to my left is 05 five.” He gestured to his right, “05 eight and twelve.” Both of them were also male by the looks of it.

“So,” The 05 five said, “Are you ready?” She asked.

Flurry timidly nodded.

“Okay then,” She said, “Our reports say that the city you come from, disappeared a little over a thousand years ago. How can you explain it reappearing?” The other members there watched on, pens and tapping on strange devices.

“Um, the f-former ruler… King Sombra was defeated by my great aunts Luna and Celestia,” She said, trying to make sure everything was right, “He… cast a spell that um… banished the Empire for one thousand years.” She explained, “It only recently reappeared, twenty-ish years ago.”

“Hm.” Was all the response she got from the 05-5. “And what happened to this Sombra?” She asked.

Flurry shifted in her seat, “He’s in a cell in the dungeon. Dad… he sometimes goes down there to check and make sure he’s still there…”

The female 05 continued without hesitation, “Could you describe Sombra?”

“Yeah,” Flurry straightened her back, “He’s got a curved horn and-”

“That’s good enough.” 05-5 interrupted.

“Wha- okay… I guess.” Flurry looked back at the floor.

Nearly exactly when she finished talking, one of the others, 05-12 maybe, asked, “Can you describe your family?” He asked.

“My family?” She asked, ‘What do they want with my family?’ She thought, “What do you-?” She got interrupted.

“Yes, your family,” He said again, “Next time you open your mouth, I expect an answer.” Flurry was stuck, ‘What could they need my family for?’ Flurry looked up, ‘I can’t put them in danger.’

“No.” She straightened her back, “I won’t tell you about them.” She stared at the elevated desk and the forms behind them. They were looking at each other. Flurry could hear faint whispering coming from them.

The 05 scoffed. “Hm, well then, can you perhaps tell us if you know what attacked you?” Flurry could see the outline of the figure hunched over the desk as if he was either trying to judge her, or he was writing something down. “You do remember?”

“Yes, I remember, but I don’t know what it was.” She answered, “I do know it wants me dead…”

“Well,” 05-2 laughed, “It wants everyone dead.” Flurry looked back down at the floor.

“What did I ever do to it?” Flurry muttered under her breath, “For it to want me dead?” She breathed in and out, calming herself. “Is there anything else?”

“Yes, two more actually,” The last voice joined in, 05-12 if Flurry remembered correctly, “How many Alicorns are there for starters?” Flurry sighed.

Flurry sighed, “Other than me, there are…” Flurry paused ‘That’s too much… I can’t tell them that, what if they want to kill them too.’ Flurry shook her head, “I… can’t tell you that.” Flurry closed her eyes and looked down again.

“Okay then,” He said, “Then what are the Elements of Harmony?”

Flurry was tired. Be that because she was up at two in the morning apparently or the questions she was asked, she was utterly out. ‘I just want to sleep... please…’ She pleaded mentally with her captors. ‘Why can’t they just let me go?’ She fell onto the uncomfortable bed and was out.

Or so she thought. When she opened her eyes she was not in her room. She wasn’t even on her bed. She was on the cold metal floor. She pulled her wings over her head and closed her eyes, “MY WINGS!” She was up on her hooves. She felt the familiar power of her magic. “Now where am I?” She asked no pony in particular.

It was dark again, but at least she wasn’t wet and cold. She began to walk through the hall until she came to the door. She looked up and saw a button next to it, just out of reach of her hooves. There was also something else on the door. I symbol, one that she recognized.

There was a loud explosion and the ground shook. The lights flickered on and off. A voice came over the intercom.

“The site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid class containment breaches. Full site lockdown initiated.” It buzzed off. A hellish laugh sounded on the other side of the door. Flurry began to cower away. There was a pause and then there was a black spot appearing on the door, first, its hands stuck through the metal door, then its forehead. The last thing Flurry saw before a bright light filled the room, was its silver eyes.

Author's Note:

Tell me if there are any errors in the comments. Any suggestions, tell me those too!