• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,693 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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Prolouge: An invitation

North of the Crystal Empire
2 Years before the return of Nightmare Moon
Eugene Ulgrin

Eugene Ulgrin had his fist to his cheek, idly listening to the teacher give the closing lecture of the class. ‘This is so stupid!’ He thought. He looked to the gray wall to his left, trying to think what the outside would look like, what the night and day and the sun and moon looked like, he shook his head, ‘It doesn’t matter,’ He sat up, ‘If I somehow got out they’d just put me right back here…’ He tried to tune out the lecturer, but some words kept coming through.

“...And that is why… Secure… anomalies… outside world… first-base destroyed…”

The last part intrigued him, ‘Destroyed? What kind of SCP would be able to destroy an entire foundation facility?’ He tuned the teacher back in.

“Officially, the general consensus is that the base was destroyed by members of the now-defunct Chaos Insurgency or The Serpent's Hand, however, there were no survivors from the event… mountain… ponies… nearly 1000… ago…”

He tuned the teacher back out. He sighed, ‘Another story well wasted, lost to time…’ The twelve-year-old heard the bell ring soon after. He got up like a robot, without emotion and feeling, and walked out. Only one thought lingered in his head, ‘School Sucks.’ He looked around at all the other robots.

He walked from class to class on auto piolet, barely hearing the lessons taught, ‘Who cares about agriculture?’ He thought, ‘As long as I get food, I don’t care where it comes from…’ He thought as he left the biology classroom.

Ulgrin idly kicked at the tile floor, trying to kick up something, anything, a stray pebble, rock, speck of dust, but the floor was pristine. He began to fume. ‘This place is way to frickin clean…’ He thought, ‘So goddam clean… so goddam useless…’

He heard a loud blaring sound. He and all the other students along with the teacher looked around. It was no ordinary bell, it was an emergency bell. Everyone knew that they need to take that bell seriously.

As soon as the bell began the lights turned off and the emergency lights turned on. Ulgrin looked at the lights, ‘Yeah, let’s turn off the lights in a facility filled with killing machines…’ He joked.

The teacher at the front of the room motioned for them to get up. Eugene quickly sprung up from his chair like every other student. He was now a robot like everyone else. The only thing that set him apart was him constantly looking around. He spotted his friend, Ross. Daniel Ross.

Likewise, Ross was looking around. Many of the teachers knew to steer clear of the pair when they were together, often referring to them as “Terror twins”. Ross and Eugene made eye contact, each nodding to each other in turn.

The other rooms along the way also opened up, revealing more students to the hallway, joining the ever-growing stream of kids heading to the shelter. Ross and Eugene were somehow next to each other, talking silently.

“Which one you think got out?” Ross asked, “096 or 173?”

Eugene shook his head, “I’m sure this is just some sort of mess up upstairs.”

Mess Up?” Ross asked, “Dude, you know the evac bell has never been rung before.”

“Yeah, exactly,” Eugene affirmed, “NEVER. BEEN. RUNG. It’s probably some sort of glitch or something. Nothing could ever escape this place. It's too much of a labyrinth.”

The pair of students were now in the back of the line with all the other ‘Socially awkward’ students; even the teachers were ahead of them, their white lab coats being far ahead of them. One of the other students began to whimper of sorts. Eugene turned to her.

She was holding her hands in her eyes and there were sounds of tears hitting the floor silently bombarding the two friend’s ears’. Eugene had noticed that it began to grow darker but didn’t care enough to point it out.

“Hey,” He began in a cooing tone, “Don’t worry, this is just some... sort… of…” The girl he had just been talking to somehow just… melted into the wall. He turned to Ross, his eyes were wide. There was the sound of cracking and crackling behind them. The two friends, paralyzed in fear, turned around.

The teacher's voice rang in his head, ‘SCP 106,’ the teacher began, ‘A Keter class object, very dangerous, it pulls subjects in its pocket dimension and subsequently kills them.’ The teacher continued with the lecture, ‘There has only been one recorded survivor in foundation history, one D-9341, whose whereabouts are currently classified,’ the teacher looked down at the report, ‘9341 was, however, captured at least eleven times by 106 and escaped all of them successfully, attempts to replicate this has been met with failure. Remember, 106 looks for a human between 10 to 25.’ She pointed to the class, ‘That’s you.’


Eugene was brought back to reality as 106 took its first step toward the pair, there was a strand of golden blonde hair, the girls’, on its mucus-like skin. Eugene grabbed the collar on Ross and bolted.

"What the hell ma-"

18 years after the Return of Nightmare Moon
Twilight Sparkle

“Twilight, thank you for accepting our invitation to Flurry’s 12th Birthday Party. Your friends are allowed to attend if they so wish, however, tell Pinkie that she is still forbidden from bringing her party cannon as the damage caused is still being repaired. The festivities will take place on January 21st. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Your Friend,
Princess Cadance”

‘No party cannon, huh’ Twilight thought, she looked around the room, revealing that there is nopony there, She let go of the letter and put it on the table. ‘Better not let Pinkie see thi-’

As Twilight Sparkle was put the letter down she was deafened by a shrieking, “WHAT, NO PARTY CANNON!!!???”, Twilight, after recovering, put the letter and attempted to calm the other babbling mare down.

“Pinkie, you do remember why you can’t bring the cannon, right?”

Pinkie being Pinkie somehow defied the laws of gravity and stopped in mid-air, gave a questioning, “Huh?” and then fell to the ground. “Yeah I remember," She said, marching up the Twilight, "and I still think it is completely outrageous.”

“You nearly blew up the castle Pinkie! You’re lucky nopony got hurt.”

“NEARLY!”, she shouted triumphantly.

The Princess of Friendship sighed.

‘She is going to be the death of me.’ Twilight thought.

Pinkie was still smiling at her.

“Yes Pinkie, nearly, you still nearly blew up a large chunk of the castle.” Twilight retorted, “Do you realize how much money I paid to repair the castle?!”

Pinkie was about to retort somehow, but the door opened revealing a group of ponies.

“You two are really going to go at it again? That was 2 years ago.” A recognizable farm-pony accented voice said.

Both turned to see their other 4 friends followed by Starlight Glimmer who said, “Yeah Pinkie, we don’t want to repeat any of that, please.”

Pinkie pouted, but gave a defeated “Ffffffiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeee.” A cannon somehow fell out of Pinkie’s mane.

The mares all took their respective seats around the map of Equestria. Twilight began, “Thank you for all showing up, as you may know, Flurry’s Birthday is coming up. You have all been invited if you want to come.” The friends all gave their affirmations on coming as expected. “Well since it’s going to be the middle of winter there, it’s going to be pretty cold. So dress warmly. I’ll see you girls later, unless there is something else you want to say?”

Rainbow spoke up, “I only have to say that I will have the best gift ever!”

Pinke's head whirled around to the Rainbow Pegasus, “Wanna bet? I am going to bring the best gift ever!”

This is going to be fun, Twilight thought while the rest of her friends left. Starlight stayed behind though and went up to Twilight, “This can only bring good things” she joked.

“Well,” Twilight said, “This week is looking to be very fun.” She mentally added, ‘No problems at all…’

“Yeah, Twilight it really is.” Starlight was smiling, “You know Twilight, I really think Sunburst and I are you know…”

“Has he asked?” Twilight replied giving a mischievous smile.

“No, not yet, but I mean It’s the perfect time to ask, right?” She followed up with a, “Of course it is.”

“I’ll be heading up in a couple of hours Twilight.”

“What, but I got tickets for all of us,” Twilight said.

“Well considering who you are, and who you’re friends are, that train is going to be filled to the brim with fans, and new ponies.” Starlight retorted.

She walked off to go get her things.

‘Oh no, she’s right.’ She mentally cursed herself.

North of the Crystal Empire
Agent Eugene Ulgrin, Facility Guard

A loud Crackle signals the intercom, A robotic voice begins to speak, “Agent… Ulgrin to SCP-106 Containment center for… security Shift.“ The Radio crackled again, signaling it had signed off.

‘You’ve got to be kidding me’ Ulgrin thought, ‘That son of a bi-’, A hand grabbed his shoulder. He turned to see agent Smith, one of his friends. He said, “You don’t want to be late, do you?”

Ulgrin audibly sighed and quickly finished up my lunch. Grabbing the FN P90 at his side and quickly checking it over, he got up and left with haste.

As Ulgrin arrived at the containment chamber the scientists are visibly shaken. He was about to ask what was wrong, but he knew that was out of his station and power. He took his position near the door to the viewing chamber.

He remained quiet while trying not to listen to the conversation around him. A few minutes later the head of research and containment for SCP-106 entered the lab. He immediately struck Ulgrin as the over-confident, and stupid type. He wore a white lab coat with a necktie. He was slightly balding and wore glasses, he was visibly tired.

“Doctor Evans, what do you make of the abnormal behavior the subject has been experiencing.” One of the junior researches spoke up.“You of all of us should know.”

‘Problems with 106, that’s not good. Last time that happened, 106 nearly got out.’
He began looking at the camera screen. Ulgrin couldn’t see, not that he wanted to, the look on Evans’s face said one thing, something was very wrong.

This time it was one of the other senior researchers who spoke up. “Maybe we should incapacitate it so we can transfer it to its secondary cell. Check this one for anything wrong.” The junior researcher then concurred, “There is no harm in trying. 106’s cell is due for a checkup in 2 weeks anyway.”

“Doctor, I believe it would be in our best interest to not initiate a containment breach. This might be what 106 wants.”

Evans gave an inquisitive look then turned towards me. “Agent I want you to come here, I need a second opinion.”

‘This has never happened before.’ Ulgrin thought.

“Yes, sir?” Ulgrin moved towards the researchers.

“Agent… Ulgrin, correct?” Ulgrin nodded, “Please if you will.” He motioned to the camera screen.

At first, Ulgrin hadn’t seen anything and he thought it was off. He was about to turn away and ask when he saw the outline of a face on the camera. It was smiling, but it was an insane smile. And the eyes locked onto me wherever he went. It was as if it was looking at me through the camera.

‘This is freaky, Insane even.’ He thought,

He spoke up, something he rarely does while on the job, “I think it’s up to something. Blocking the camera like that, it’s scheming something up in the cell.”

Evans left the observatory followed by the senior researcher. The junior researcher kept her eye on the camera and he moved back to my post. The Old Man watched me the entire time even when the researcher was standing in front of the screen.

Ulgrin heard her say, “Just one of those days huh.”

He looked to the screen again, the face hadn’t moved. Ulgrin tried to shake off the feeling, but he never got rid of the sensation of being watched.

January 19th 11: 00 PM
Train to The Crystal Empire

‘I hate myself sometimes’ Twilight thought.

Twilight was very tired, first the entire who is bringing the best gift debacle, then for some reason, when they stopped in Canterlot, everypony was wanting to take a trip to the Crystal Empire today. Probably because they wanted to meet the Princess of Friendship and Elements of Harmony on the train. By the time Twilight and her friends were settled down in their bunks, they were exhausted. ‘So many pictures…’ She began to repress some memories.

Rarity was the first to fall asleep stating she needed her ‘Beauty Sleep’.

‘Beauty sleep, I wish I could have some of that,’ She stretched her back and flexed her wings, ‘Why does everypony need an autograph?’ Twilight thought. She yawned and fell onto her bed.

She was shortly followed by Fluttershy and Rainbow. Pinkie collapsed on the floor after having a sugar crash, again, and then Applejack wished her goodnight and carried the unconscious Pinkie to the bed compartment. The noise only then stopped three hours later when the knocking on the door stopped, ‘Next time I need to bring some guards.’ She yawned again, ‘I don’t think they ever sleep.’

When she finally hit the most comfortable spot on the bed she thought she would fall asleep immediately, but instead found herself unable to fall asleep despite being incredibly tired. She tossed and turned, but nothing worked. Eventually, she resigned herself to lie still with her eyes closed. It was only then she could hear nothing other than herself. Not the train, not the girls, nothing.

‘Huh’ Twilight thought. ‘What’s going on?’ Her head perked up from the covers.

She heard a voice begin to talk. “Hello, there your highness.” It was shallow and raspy. It was a stallion obviously, but when she looked around she saw nothing, nopony at all. However, the voice continued, “You may be wondering what I am, who I am and what I am doing here,” It breathed in sharply, “Currently that doesn’t matter, but we have a lot to discuss.”

Author's Note:

The rewrite begins!
Errors? Tell me in the comments!