• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 2,680 Views, 343 Comments

Of Stars and Sails - RadBunny

When an eccentric gryphon and his for-hire crew are tasked with kidnapping a Princess for her own safety, it was sure to be an odd job. But when plans and alliances fail, no port is safe when a dagger is hidden behind every friendly smile.

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Chapter Seven: Gathering Storms and Warming Hearts

Day Seventeen.
We’re in the cave today and tomorrow- then we leave. I don’t know what to make of all this, let alone write. The same freaky group that took down ANTHRICITE is now trying to destroy my home? Why?
Equestria is apparently dealing with some civil unrest too, but Celestia has managed to hold it off. I’m not surprised considering her power.
My home still burns. Things continue to spiral- there are reports of actual fights now. Injuries, deaths…
Please be ok, mom.
At least Galen gave me a hug. That helped.
Wait. It just sank in that HE gave ME a-

Day Eighteen:
The ship is transforming. There’s two huge ballista on the deck now, and there’s some strange openings along the sides of the hull. Hidden spell-casting devices maybe? I don’t know, but it’s still neat. The crew is certainly taking Galen’s words to heart to be sure. I knew they had to be skilled, but they cover such a wide range of fighting techniques! They practiced on and off yesterday (went late, forgot to add in journal), and it’s super cool!

Gears has some odd blades on his arms, while Pergin has two daggers set on his shoulders. Tilly has a HUGE broadsword on her back- at least on deck. Otherwise she has an axe. Staunch uses her magic of course- and then there’s Galen. I haven’t seen him with a weapon yet, only some armor that weaved itself onto his body.
That’s…one of the few times I have seen him actually, just when he was on deck. I know it has only been a day, but he looks horrible. Is he sleeping well?
Or at all?

Staunch asked me yesterday to keep an eye on him- apparently, he doesn’t put up as much of a front with me. She is worried too, they all are. I told her I would, of course.
Apparently later today they’re doing some more in-depth training. I want to see the that for sure. Maybe I’ll wander for a bit.
Side note, I asked Alabaster about Galen’s family. He gave me an answer that the crew ‘confirmed over breakfast. They were all variations of; “His family? Gone in an avalanche. That’s all Galen would say.’

I don’t get it. If these golden-eyed creeps didn’t hurt Galen’s family…then what is his history with them? The avalanche would explain why he acted so off when we saved that party though.
No….there’s more. The anger from losing his home? It looks deeper than that. I won’t push though- not about something that painful. I can respect that.
I do intend to ask about the Prince…
We left the cave early this morning- traveling…somewhere.
Skystar put her journal down and meandered out into the hall, a scuffling noise causing the princess to peek into a side room.
She couldn’t help but take a surprised breath at seeing the gryphon turn around with a tired shrug. The Captain’s blue eyes were slightly bloodshot, and tired shadows had crept onto his grey-feathered face. The formidable knight was barely in there; instead, an exhausted gryphon with a massive weight on his shoulders looked back at Skystar.
Something’s really wrong, something deep. He’s got the look I had after dad died- but it’s hidden really well…
“That bad huh?” he muttered, sitting down next to a window, a small open space between boxes that were stacked to the low ceiling.
“Haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

Nodding once, Skystar sat next to him, wanting to say something, but not finding the words.
“Can we talk?” The fact Galen’s question mirrored her own had Skystar’s ears flicking up in surprise.

“I was going to ask that actually.” she replied.
“I -I just want to know what is going on. I know there’s something, but nobody knows. I can tell the rest of the crew isn’t lying to me; they honestly don’t know. They’re worried too.”
An exhausted nod was Galen’s reply, a sad sigh leaving his beak.
“I know, but I can’t explain, not yet.”
“Because you can’t? Or because you aren’t ready to?” Skystar interjected, prompting a surprised glance from the Captain. He opened his beak as though to reply- and then shut it with a shake of his head.

“A little of both it would seem. Things are spiraling though, so I won’t have a choice much longer. I don’t like being forced to do things.” he muttered, Skystar letting out a thoughtful hum.
“Yeah, that always stinks- but sometimes it’s for the best! Like, if my mom had never pushed me to do some stuff, I’d never have found I loved it! But this is different, I know.” The hippogriff then paused, scooting a bit close to Galen.

“You can either wait until you have no choice, or confront it when you do. Some stuff just has to happen- and maybe that’s not a bad thing. I won’t push t-though.” her voice hitched at the last word, Skystar not able to overlook Galen’s condition any longer.
“But every creature is worried, I’m worried. I know you’re dealing with something, but I don’t know how to help. I really want to though.”

Galen didn’t move for a time, but Skystar saw his claws twitch slightly.
“You’ve helped a ton Skystar, I know I haven’t really said it, but you have. Part of what makes this all easier is having you here.”
A slight blush rose to the Princess’s cheeks, freckles rising as her beak stretched into a smile.
Despite the exhausted appearance, Galen managed a slight smile as he nodded. Looking over to Skystar, his tired shoulders seemed to relax ever so slightly on meeting her gaze.
“Yeah. It’s still a lot to take in though. But so far, I’d say it’s been worth it. It makes things rather difficult at the same time however.”
Aww. Wait, huh?

Galen nodded, a slight blush rising to his cheeks. The gryphon shook his head, instead examining a set of talons.
“There’s too much going on. Anthracite revealing itself, these golden cultists, protecting you…and then you in general.”
Skystar blinked, waiting for Galen to finish as the ghost of a smile twitched at his beak.
“It was supposed to be easy; like any other job. Just keep my distance and let things be. And yet despite my best efforts, I still find you as charming as I did many months ago.”

The princess’s heart melted, a happy smile quivering at her beak.
“I-is that a bad thing? I don’t ever want it to be.” she whispered, scooting a bit closer and letting Galen think.
And do you know how I feel, Galen? I suppose not…and that’s my fault. Easily fixed though.

Skystar was hardly an idiot in terms of picking up on such things; like when a certain somegriff had some sort of feelings for her. She certainly hadn’t missed how he was relaxing more and more around her. That aspect had actually been extremely comforting on the new ship amidst the stress, if she was honest with herself.

The small gestures of actually hugging her before, even if it was in comfort, was enough to make her smile at the mere thought of such affection. The fact he was pushing through his dislike of contact only made Skystar’s heart warm all the more. While a serious relationship was a new thing to her…having an interested party wasn’t.
Having a guy who I WANT to be interested in me is a new thing though, at least like this.

“Can I give you a hug?” Skystar ventured, and saw him look around briefly before nod ever so slightly. She scooted closer to wrap up Galen up in her arms, enjoying the contact while it lasted. She kept such gestures brief- not wanting to push her luck. He might have hugged her once or twice- but how much of that was comfort versus his own conflicting feelings, she didn’t know.
But just the fact he’s ok with this...

What Skystar was not prepared for however, was for Galen to turn and rest his head against her shoulder. The simple gesture caught her off guard as it was- as did the emotions that made Skystar let out a slight sniffle.
I really like this, being close to somegriff…
It took every ounce of the princess’s willpower to not hug Galen tighter, but even that had its limits.

To both Skystar’s embarrassment and surprise, she found herself leaning over slightly to rest her head against Galen’s briefly- the gesture prompting a soft huff from the Knight.
“I can’t keep it all straight in my head anymore, what is appropriate and what is not. In terms of this at least.” He whispered, head shaking back and forth against Skystar’s feathers.
“Well, you’re hurting, and this helps. If that’s all you want to take from it, then that is what can happen. Just a friend comforting a friend.” Skystar replied, swallowing nervously.
“I-if you’d like it to mean more, I’d like that a lot, I’ve wanted that for a while.” the hippogriff added on with a whisper.

Pulling his head back slightly, Galen’s eyes met Skystar’s, and she saw his ocean-blue eyes dampening, wide in surprise. The gryphon shaking his head briefly, but then sighed and returned his head to her shoulder.
“You don’t make this easy, Skystar.” he murmured, taking a slow few breaths.
“It was supposed to be simple. A two-week job, ask you on a date, and go from there. Just a trader and a princess.
And now? Everything is changed.”
Skystar smiled, shaking her head as Galen scooted out of the hug to sit beside her.
“Yeah, it has. But you’re still you, and I’m still me.” she paused, her own claws itching to grab Galen’s and squeeze them tight.
“I’ve always wanted to get to know you more, see if you’d want to be closer. The next time you visited I was going to ask you on a date, but then this all happened.”

Galen’s surprise was ratcheted up another notch as Skystar leaned over ever so slightly- and then seemed to shake her head for a moment. Apparently steeling herself for something…
He quickly found out what that ‘something’ was as she scooted closer to lean on his shoulder with a sigh.
And as always, it doesn’t bother me.
It just all goes quiet. All the background noise, the fear…just her.

“Skystar, I-” Galen began, then had to stop talking as his eyes began to burn with some rebellious liquid.
“You really were going to?” he asked, feeling Skystar nod against his shoulder.
Despite it all, she wanted to- she still wants to…
“I really would like to see where this goes, but I’m afraid that right now it really isn’t fair to you.” he whispered, wings slumping slightly.
“I’m a wreck. Between the news and some stuff I had hoped never to deal with again- I’m not composed enough to be honest with my feelings. I don’t want to mis-lead you or myself with emotions that are clouded, which I know they are to an extent.” Galen explained, letting out a frustrated sigh.

“I only know how I feel up to the first week of our job- after that is when everything starts to blur together. The want for just stability and comfort now is just-ugh.”
“Well, is how you felt enough for this to be ok?” she asked cautiously.
“I’m more concerned with how much I enjoy it. You make it all go quiet- all the doubt, the worries, the things I have to deal with now. It’s all gone, just for a moment. There are good reasons I don’t like random physical contact. But with you…” The gryphon’s shoulders slumped, and he leaned his head over to rest against Skystar’s. Every small movement she made sent a tingle up Galen’s spine, yet at the same time caused a comforting warmth to spread from every touch Skystar gave him.

“You’ve just been perfect. Not questioning- well, you’ve certainly been busy trying to solve mysteries, but not in an overly nosy way. You haven’t pushed with things- just been yourself.”
It was now Galen’s turn to sniffle, emotion blocking his throat as Skystar’s sides rose and fell against his.
“I’d like nothing more than to see where things go, but I don’t know how to go from here. I’ve had to force myself to not want this, not pursue it as best I can for so long, it’s so odd. And now that has changed, much like everything else, I guess. I mean, my job of protecting you comes first, it has to, especially with the return of these creatures.”

Skystar was quiet for a while, and Galen couldn’t help but smile out of happiness as she scooted closer to nestle her side against his.
“W-well, maybe just have moments like this every now and again? Just because you like me doesn’t mean you aren’t protecting me. If anything, wouldn’t that make you more vigilant? We can just ease into it until we can go on a proper date maybe? I mean we could totally count this as one though, if you’d like.”

The Knight shook his head, torn between talking and just enjoying Skystar’s touch.
“Nah. Has to have an activity and a meal, a proper date.” He murmured, a blush rather quickly rising to his cheeks.
“You said that you’ve forced yourself to not want stuff like this, being close. I assume you did though? Just because of the secrets and everything, you couldn’t?” Skystar asked.
“Yes. And how could someone not want this? But to focus on how much I desired closeness when I couldn’t, that is a path to madness.” Galen whispered, closing his eyes as he pressed against Skystar’s side briefly. Just feeling her breath was calming, soft feathers brushing against his, and her own arms giving him the slightest squeeze of comfort.
“I’m just tired, Skystar. I’m tired of not caring, not being able to care. Not being able to trust, tired from hiding. And now it’s all coming to a head.”

The princess’s arms tightened slightly, making Galen’s throat close up even further. Just having someone there to listen who was an outside party to everything seemed to make it all feel better.

Am I this starved for physical contact that she can turn me into a blob just like that? How long since I’ve had a hug or any sort of contact from someone I can truly trust? A few times from my crew family, but this…
From someone I actually care about- how long since I’ve felt that sort affection? Allowed myself to?
The answer to Galen’s own question was rather frightening, enough for him to pull away ever so slightly, prompting a slight sigh from Skystar.
“Sorry, too close?” she whispered.

Shaking his head vigorously, Galen looked over to the confused princess and tried to smooth his slightly-fluffed facial feathers.
“Not at all. Just, I’d have no issues staying like that all day. It’s just a bit overwhelming, in a good way. A really good way.” he explained, ears flattening slightly.
“I don’t get close to individuals physically, not nearly as often as is healthy at least.”
His sober tone killed any ideas of a joke- but Skystar only grinned. She reached over and gave his shoulder a squeeze as her peppy demeanor stamped down the rising darker thoughts.
“Wellllllllllllll how does that song go? Three hugs a day, that’s the minimum! Sooooo to ease you back into it, one a day?”
“…I think I can handle two.”

Skystar smiled, her beak then gritting as she wiped away a bit of moisture from her eyes almost angrily.
“Dangit. Not fair!” she muttered, not able to keep a wide but quivering grin off her beak as the princess looked at Galen.
“What do you mean? Are you ok?” he asked, head tilting curiously.
“I’m just happy. Stupid happy tears.” Skystar said, letting out another sniffle.
“I’ve been so worried about you, and liked you for a while, and now I find out you like me, and are ok with seeing where things go? It’s just a relief.” she explained, freckles shining from her blushing cheeks as the hippogriff traced the deck with a set of claws.

“Can I cash in that second hug?” Galen asked, seeing Skystar struggling to not ask that same question and deciding to spare her further hesitation.
Her eager nod was enough, the gryphon scooting over to sigh and wrap the princess up in his arms in a partially sideways hug. To Galen’s immediate surprise, Skystar melted into his embrace, wings and shoulders relaxing as she tentatively rested her forehead under his.
“You promised to keep me safe Galen, and I certainly feel safe with you.” she whispered, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation of his chest rising and falling against hers.

“I didn’t know you were so worried, I’m sorry. I guess I owe the crew that same apology.” Galen replied, shifting a set of claws to almost rest around Skystar’s middle. Pausing in hesitation, the gryphon finally pulled her a bit closer, a soft squeak indicating that had indeed been the correct choice.
“They’ve been worried too, so that’d be a good idea. It’s ok though. I guess going this long on your own, it has to be an adjustment to have others care for you. Be it crew or otherwise.” Skystar mused, her ears burning from Galen’s gesture that still forced her beak upwards into a happy smile.

“That’s a good way to put it. I don’t like the idea of hurting them the same way I hurt you in that respect. So, I’ll take care of that today.” Galen whispered, Skystar nodding in reply.
I could get used to this. I think I already have.
Ugh. She could probably buy the ship off me with just hugs.

“I love this.”
Skystar’s whisper had Galen glancing down in surprise, the hippogriff refusing to meet his gaze.
“You’re not the only one who hasn’t gotten close to others. For me it was a bit different though- wasn’t for lack of trying. But…I’ve never been able to give a guy a hug like this, or get close to them in this respect, not without something screaming at me to not do so. And that something was usually correct. You’re just you though. Even with the secrets, you’re genuine, and you care for others. That’s a big thing to me.”

Galen had no words to reply to that, only give Skystar a final squeeze before stepping back slightly.
There was no chance of de-fluffing his feathers at this point, so the Knight simply smile back to the princess. The mental weight was still pressing down on his mind with the same force as the burden on his shoulders; but it all seemed a bit more manageable now…

“I, erm, probably should go supervise the training.” he mumbled as Skystar pouted rather adorably.
“Aww. Ooooooook.” she sighed, reaching over to gently give Galen’s side a poke.
“I like your hugs. Firm and not too squishy. But a little squish. It’s perfect.”

The blush that was just starting to leave Galen’s face returned full force, the gryphon finding the floor suddenly fascinating.
“I-um. I enjoy your hugs too. It’s easy to enjoy them a bit too much I guess.” He mumbled, immediately regretting his choice of words.

Peak pursed in the best embarrassed pout he could muster, Galen gestured to the hippogriff with a set of talons.
“Skystar, you’re extremely appealing in pretty much every aspect. So, for somegriff who hasn’t had much affection or contact, it’s a bit overwhelming and just I-erm, it’s just really nice.”

The Princess’s eyes widened slightly, beak widening with a cheeky smile.
“Oh really? Appealing in every aspect? That’s so sweet!” she squeaked, then blinked as his words fully processed. Apparently, she decided to put the full weight behind them, because her entire head promptly turned as pink as a conch shell, the hippogriff letting out a squeak.
“Nope. Training and business now. Embarrassing me later.” Galen grumbled trotting out of the supply room with a barely contained smile.
He was fairly certain that steam was starting to emit from the room as he walked down the hallway to his quarters.

I mean, I said what I meant, and I meant what I said. A gryphon’s faithful one hundred-”
Galen promptly smacked his head into the nearest plank and let out a sigh.
“Thank you, Morton Meets a Moo. How kind of you to offer your hatchling-book knowledge.” he muttered.
Hatchling’s book or not, it certainly is true.
She is totally not going to let that go….ohhhhh boy.

Skystar spent a good while walking around the ship, her ears burning all the while. The sensation was offset however, by the comforting glow in her chest, a silly smile refusing to leave the princess’s features.
Appealing in every aspect? That can mean a lot!
Like. A. LOT!
Ugh. Is this what it’s like to REALLY like a guy?
…I love it. Someone I admire likes me back.
No wonder Silverstream was so happy- oh she’s going to be tickled! I’m glad she’s safe far away from all this though.

After running around her own brain in circles, Skystar’s ears finally stopped burning. The hippogriff then set off to peruse the library for a time, at least until the training started.
And, you know, get my mind off much MUCH more pleasant but distracting things….
Skystar sighed, tapping her notes and shrugged her wings.
“Hey Alabaster? I had a question.”
The entity appeared with a wave, sitting on a chair with a smile.
“What can I do for you?” he asked.

“I want to know about the Prince of Anthracite. What can you tell me?”
The entity blinked, head tilting slightly as his mouth flattened into a thin line.
“…stand by.”

“Sir? She’s now asked about your family, and now is wondering about the Prince. What do I tell her?” Alabaster asked, the gryphon in front of him blinking in surprise. Conflicting expression flickered across the Knight’s face before he finally sighed, head shaking back and forth.
“I suppose it won’t matter for long. Tell her as history will remember the Prince, not as I know him.” Galen muttered before walking out of his room.

Reappearing with a rather wide smile, Alabaster’s eyes seemed to sparkle as he pointed to Skystar’s notes.
“What do you want to know? I can’t tell you his name of course. He has ventured off the island on rare occasions, and with enemies all around, exposing him without authorization….”
Skystar waved a set of claws, ears perking up excitedly.
“Oh, I get it, and that’s fine! Just, what is he like? How do the people view him? What has he done in all these years? How did he escape? Will I get to meet him?”

Alabaster grinned, shrinking down to a quarter size to then sit on Skystar’s table as the princess blushed, finally regaining control of her excited ramblings.

“I’ll answer those in order as best I can. First. He’s charismatic, kind, but with an edge. He’s not afraid to put his claws down for what he knows will be best for the kingdom, and is an accomplished fighter. In short, he’s quite an interesting individual. I think you’d like him actually. He and Galen get along well, but occasionally butt heads. The people…” Alabaster’s voice trailed off, expression saddening briefly.

“The people adore him, but I don’t think the Prince fully understands that. The events that forged him into the ruler he is; they’ve dulled him to things, the happier things in life. I’ve seen moments where that is changing though. He’s the type to visit hospitals and read to hatchlings or colts, and then go challenge an advisor to a honorable duel for cutting costs to said hospital. The Prince is exactly what my people needed; a bridge from our past enslavement into the modern age. I feel that we inadvertently took advantage of his kindness however.” Alabaster continued, ears flattening slightly.

“The Prince has indeed led us into this new age with Galen’s help. But at the cost of neglecting his own life. We never intended that; but…as you heard with the council, it can happen when the advisors get too focused. The Prince is too kind to have not accepted the burdens placed on him. While that has earned him the undying trust of his people; I fear it has damaged him. I suppose all of the Ashen share in that blame.”

Skystar didn’t say anything at first, then letting out a sigh as she scribbled a few notes.
“There’s no right answer. He wanted to help, but at the cost of himself. It’s a noble thing, but it sounds like he took it too far. I can respect part of that though, putting himself above others. That does sound worrying.”

Alabaster nodded, then continuing with Skystar’s questions.
“Indeed. As for what he has done in all these years? He has helped build Anthracite from the ashes, quite literally. Our nation is rather militarized, the current enemy being that very reason.”
“Wait a second. The golden eyed creatures. What is their role in the fall of Anthracite?” Skystar interjected.

Blinking, Alabaster shrugged his shoulders in thought.
“They are the ones who tried to exterminate us, and nearly succeeded. That’s all I can say about that, for multiple reasons.” he muttered, then continuing.

“The Prince has guided our nation to what it is today. We have an economy rivaling that of other nations, all goods ready to be transported to buyers whenever we revealed ourselves. Until now, individuals like Galen helped us ferry goods and services to the outside, a third-party business venture. The Prince was the architect of all that.”

Alabaster paused, waiting until Skystar stopped scribbling.
“Well, the last two questions are simple. Will you get to meet him? Most certainly, but I am not sure when. As to how he escaped, I am not entirely at liberty to say. He barely escaped with his life, and the effort cost him a great deal. It’s a very personal matter to him.” Alabaster concluded, Skystar then propping herself up on her claws, cheeks pushed up in thought.
“Hmmmm. That’s quite a lot to digest.” she mused.
“But like everything, it makes sense. He seems like quite the individual. I can both respect what he’s done and understand it, in a way. I suppose he and Galen get alone because of their losses too, huh?”

The surprised stare from the Ashen was enough to peak Skystar’s interest, Alabaster then nodding slowly.
“They understand each other in a very unique way due to that event, yes.”
Nodding slowly, Skystar waved a set of claws, then smiling to the helpful entity.
“Thanks Al. You’ve given me quite a chunk of info to dig through. I do love learning about all this, so thanks.” she said sincerely, prompting a happy smile and a salute from the pony.
“Anytime Skystar- call if you need anything.”

The hippogriff waved, rifling through her notes a few more times after Alabaster vanished.
That’s quite a lot to process, but all very interesting. So, Galen knows the prince- a few similarities it seems. Makes sense they’d get along.
Not wanting to jumble the information further, Skystar headed out to the hallway and towards the main staircase. The crew would probably be training, or at least some creature would be.

Levering the deck hatch open, Skystar dark clouds gathering on the horizon, even as the sun continued to shine through the wispy tails overhead. The mountains passed underneath them smoothly, the ship heading on a lazy eastern course at a smooth but swift clip. In the center of the deck between the two primary supports for the air bladder, a sort of boxing ring appeared to be set up. Four crystals formed a square as soft beams of light connected the tops of the odd oblong artifacts. A little over the height of a pony, the pillars blinked in time with each other, their grey exteriors shining white with a few strange runes and inscriptions.

Sitting down at the edge of the deck, Skystar watched curiously as Gears meandered into the makeshift training arena with two strange blades strapped to his short arms.
“Alright, Galen wanted us to run our scenarios again. Alabaster? Can you load my usual one? Increase difficulty by point-seven.” Gears called out, then glancing back to Skystar.
“Oh! Hey Skystar. Come to watch? We’re just slicing and dicing training dummies. Realistic ones at least.”

Skystar smiled, nodding as she moved to a better observing position.
Two large gryphons materialized in the arena, each wielding clubs larger than Gears’ whole body. The hedgehog zipped towards them, arcane skates emanating an odd green glow as he ducked a swipe from the nearest opponent. His arms lashed out, slicing open one of their legs as the engineer repeated the maneuver with the other. Once stumbling, the opponents quickly were dispatched as Gears hopped up and slammed his glowing skates into their chests, causing them to fragment into a thousand small sparks.
“Eh. Didn’t stick the landing on one of those” he muttered, then zipping over to the sidelines.
“That’s basically it. I’ve done a few of these already, but I think the others are coming out for a warm up. Not sure about our Captain though.”

Tilly and Pergin did indeed show up; entering the ring together and facing a total of five opponents after nodding to Skystar. Like Gears’ fight, it barely lasted two minutes; the combatants clearly having practiced together numerous times. As the five random creatures walked forward, Pergin reared on his hindquarters, right and left forelimbs whipping out.
As two throwing knives embedded themselves into two mock minotaurs, Tilly ducked under wide strike from a third entity. Her broadsword cleaving the magical mannequin in two, the gryphoness parried a strike from one of the two remaining individuals.

Pergin darted forward again, this time ramming a dagger into the chest of a pony opponent, leaving the final gryphon entity to Tilly, who promptly slashed its chest into pieces.
Nodding to each other, the pair trotted out of the arena as Staunch made her way towards the training area.

The unicorn’s fight was even briefer than the other two; bolts of magical lightning searing across the three mannequins that appeared. Scarlet appeared to guide the magical strike as a single moving entity; the end of the bolt darting from creature to creature in a single continuous strike. Only once two of them vanished did the unicorn lunge forward with an oddly spiked metal gauntlet on her two forehooves, burying it into the chest of the final pony training dummy.
They’ve definitely done this before. It’s more like watching a group of athletes warm up rather than the actual race itself.

“Alabaster. Run acclimation program three. Six opponents.” Galen muttered, the gryphon appearing rather silently from the main staircase. While the Knight had lost the tired look from earlier, a different weight seemed to be pressing down on his shoulders this time. Making his way into the ring, Galen shifted his shoulders slightly. The air itself seemed to condense into small pieces of black sand, each pellet rushing to his chest. A black breastplate streaked with gold weaved itself together around the gryphon’s torso, molding to his frame like a second skin.

Black and gold? Ok, that’s a good look. But why do the others look confused...
Wait. Do they not know what is going on either?

Six opponents appeared; five gryphons and one minotaur. All armed with a variety of weapons, they waited at the other edge of the ring as Galen nodded once, gesturing with his claws.
“Activate it.”

Short blades pieced themselves together above Galen’s head, the three short daggers angling at the opponents as he waited.

Alabaster appeared with a worried frown, looking to the simulation as a soft hum filled the air. The eyes of the mannequins glowed a bright gold, magical streamers flickering from their empty gaze.

The change to Galen was striking; enough for Skystar to take a tentative step forward. The gryphon’s eyes widened in shock, sides immediately heaving for air. Stepping back slightly, the Knight shrank from the six enemies, his newly formed daggers clattering to the deck.
What is your history with these creatures, Galen? Skystar couldn’t help but wonder.

As one of the gryphons lunged forward, Galen snagged one of the daggers from off the deck and buried it in the opponent’s chest. With a savage yank, he sent the weapon tearing up towards the creature’s throat.
The hesitation and apparent fear was shed from the Knight’s demeanor in an instant. Instead, an almost primal rage seemed to take hold. The two remaining daggers were sent into the chests of the minotaur- Galen dashing across the deck to rip one of them out with his claws. Blocking a strike from a sword with a shimmering shield on his own gauntlet, Galen reached forward with his claws and dug them into the gryphon’s chest. Energy sparked from his eyes; and the Captain sent a surge of magic into the mannequin that caused it to instantly explode.

The three remaining gryphons attacked Galen at once; two swords and a club swinging at his head and chest. Ducking under the strikes, the Knight lashed out with his claws, tearing the lower right leg of one gryphon to shreds.
As the mannequins fell, Skystar couldn’t help but gasp as Galen pounced onto the enemy, using his beak to shred the attacker’s throat. As it vanished into thin air, Galen yanked off his breastplate, the odd metal reforming into two simple spikes. One gryphon met his untimely end as a spike was driven through its skull. The final magical entity barely made it two paces before Galen pinned it to the deck, punching his claws through the back if its skull with a growl.

Ley appeared at Skystar’s side; her own mouth creased in a frown. That expression only intensified with a shake of her head, watching Galen with a guarded gaze.
“Simulation complete.” Alabaster called, eyes widening as Galen summoned two more daggers- these pointing at the Ashen and then the crew.
“Erm, Captain?” Gears asked cautiously.

A slight hiss left Galen’s beak, the gryphon’s gaze passing over Skystar briefly.
He’s not there- he doesn’t see us somehow.
Staunch’s voice seemed to give Galen pause, Skystar finally adding her own question to the mix.
“Galen? You alright?”

The gryphon shuddered, ears flattening as his eyes seemed to clear.
“Perhaps that was a bad idea.” he muttered, staggering out of the arena to lean against one of the ship’s supports.
“Couldn’t see you…that was odd.”

“Ok, what was that? I’ve never seen you like that- but I’ve seen others with that look.” Gears muttered, the hedgehog’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“I do think we deserve an explanation Captain; if not as your crew, then as your friends.” Pergin added with a sigh.

Galen looked at the gathered crew and then to Skystar, his wings slumping.
“You all are right of course. I suppose it has-”
“Captain! A broadcast…you need to see this.” Alabaster barked- the viewing screen from the lounge appearing on the deck with a soft ‘pop’.

“What fantastic timing.” Galen muttered, sitting on his haunches.
“What is it? A new development from…the….” Galen’s voice drifted off as the screen snapped on, a pony’s voice overlaying the image of two large ships.
“-has been pledged by one of the smaller gryphon provinces. You say these separatists have been welcome for some time?”

An older gryphon appeared on the screen; having an odd blend of grey and brown feathers that ran up and down his chest. A slight blue streak, no more than a few feathers wide ran up the gryphon’s crest. Despite appearing easily in his sixties, what little was visible of the gryphon’s frame bore testament to a lifestyle of athletics; muscle bulging under the skin. Yet there was a bit of softness to his feathers, indicating the enjoyment of a few of the finer things of life.
“That is correct, but their organization is formally known as the Golden Strand.” the gryphon stated, his voice fairly even but having an odd edge to it. It was the sort of voice that caused a creature to give pause, wondering if the individual was being sincere, or simply joking.

Out of the corner of her eye, Skystar saw Galen’s limbs begin to tremble. His blue eyes widened in shock, and apparent horror.
Rage then began to creep into the gryphon’s expression, beak gritting as a familiar spear formed about Galen’s head, magic gathering around his frame.

“We have sheltered these individuals for some time- and they are still welcome in our province. I refuse to believe these fights are instigated by them; most likely from the….wait. What?” the gryphon called off screen. His dark blue eyes then widened, head shaking vigorously.
“Shut that off!”
Dark blue eyes seemed to glow a bright golden at his words; and a set of claws was seen lashing out at the screen. Before the actual broadcast cut off however, a dark projectile speared the crystal television to the wall of the ship.

“Captain?” Alabaster asked, eyes widening in surprise. Galen’s sides were heaving, the gryphon still staring at the blank screen, his spear having hit dead center.
“Ok, what is going on?!” Gears hissed, the unsettling atmosphere now permeating across the entire deck. Energy began to crackle from Galen’s frame- the Knight’s eyes darting across each creature for only a few moments at a time.

Skystar was about to take a step forward when the world slowed to a crawl.
She almost felt drowsy- every action much akin to waking up from a dead sleep. Things seemed slower and somehow muted, nothing moving for a few moments- not the crew, the clouds, or the ship.
All except for Ley.

Walking over to the hippogriff, the Kirin’s mouth moved, and Skystar fought off a wave of dizziness. It quickly passed however, and the hippogriff actually heard a few words. Spoken with a strange melodic tone to them, emotion and meaning seemed to fill in what the words themselves were not able to convey.
“…bad….help…else…” Ley said, Skystar shaking her head and listening again.
This is bad, please help him, nobody else can.” Ley said again, ears perking up as Skystar nodded.
“Ok, I will.”
“You understand me?” The kirin asked in surprise, her voice becoming even more clear now. It was soft but carried a strange weight to it, as though the will of a hundred individuals were behind it. All the while, the words were spoken as a strange melody, infused with bits of emotion that Skystar couldn’t quite pick apart.
“Yeah, but my head is all fuzzy.” The Princess muttered, prompting a slight sigh from Ley.
“We will discuss this later. Please, help him.”

Time seemed to speed up; and Skystar had the impression it wasn’t the world that had slowed, but her own mind that had been shoved into overdrive.
Help him? I want nothing more. But how?

Walking forward, Skystar paid no attention to the thousand-yard stare Galen viewed her with, instead nestling her head underneath his.
“Galen? You there?” she asked, feeling his chest spasm in surprise.
“Sky? W-what…” he muttered, the summoned knives clattering to the deck.
“Not a dream. It’s…he’s-”
Turning slightly, Galen pressed his head into Skystar’s shoulder, sides suddenly shaking with sobs. As she held the distraught Knight close, Skystar saw the utterly stunned gazes of the crew as they watched.

Ley seemed to nod in approval as she moved a short distance away to observe the event, even as Galen continued to cry into Skystar’s comforting embrace.
It took a good few moments for Galen to gather himself together, finally able to take deep breaths as he wiped away some tears.
“Well. There goes my chance as brushing things under a rug.” he muttered.

“Captain, you’ve been brushing stuff under the rug for years. We’ve just respected that it’s your stuff under the rug.” Tilly remarked, leaning on her sword with a frown.
“But this is different, huh? What’s going on?”

The crew looking at him expectantly, Galen gestured to the broken television set, head shaking slowly.
So much for keeping this quiet any longer. More of the truth. Perhaps it will set me free…
It wasn’t lost on Galen that Skystar still had him wrapped up in a hug- and he had no intention of changing that for a time. The memories that had blocked out the real world faded into blackness at her touch, and he finally felt grounded enough in reality to continue.

“That is the current ruler of Anthracite- or where it used to be located.” Galen whispered, eyes then narrowing.
“He’s the one who led the coup against the king. He’s also the same gryphon who personally slaughtered the King, and many of his advisors. My family fell in that group.”

The crew looked down at the deck after a few moments, their heads shaking in sympathy. All worry and unease vanished, instead replaced by an understanding sorrow.
“So, your family wasn’t killed by an avalanche….” Pergin muttered, prompting Galen to raise a set of shaky claws.
“They were; an avalanche of power. If I have to hide something, I do so with partial truths. I don’t want to lie to those I care about unless I have no other choice.” Galen explained, prompting a few nods.

“That is why you lost it. You were trying to acclimatize yourself to those golden-eyed freaks, and it backfired.” Staunch muttered.
“Massively it would seem. That gryphon is also the one responsible for the attempted extermination of the Ashen.” Galen added.

The crew was quiet for another moment, Gears then leaning on one of his arm blades with a huff.
“So. When do we get to take some of them out? A bunch of murderous hot-heads and a gryphon with an expiration date?” The hedgehog mused, prompting Staunch to facehoof.

The remark seemed to further snap Galen back to reality, the gryphon managing a slight chuckle.
“Oh, that’s certainly in the plans, if you’re up for it. I thought all these creatures died out years ago- apparently I was wrong, we were all wrong.” he added, seeing Alabaster nod solemnly.
“I’ll explain more about them later, I promise. This is all a bit much however.” Galen whispered, now sagging a bit in Skystar’s arms.
“I’d rather not risk a relapse. Clearly I am not stable with the subject.”
“You are now though.” Skystar cut in with a smile, her freckles causing her expression to sparkle.
“Thanks to you.” Galen replied, then blushing as the reminder of an audience smacked him in the face. That reminder happened to be Gears snickering, gesturing to the pair with an arm blade.

“And what about this development Captain? How long has that been a thing, if I may ask?” the engineer chuckled. Galen shrugged, and Skystar’s face reddened as a forelimb pulled her a bit closer.
“Erm, a few hours?” Skystar piped up, prompting a triumphant stab at the sky from Gears.
“HAH! Totally called it.” he crowed, holding out a set of paws to the other members of the crew.
“Pay up.”

With a collective groan, the other individuals tossed a few bits at the hedgehog; who clearly was tickled at his fortune.
“Seriously? A betting pool on us? And YOU won gears?” Galen asked, clearly not terribly surprised but feigning it all the same.

“Of course! You two clearly have got eyes for each other, so why not take some bets?” The hedgehog remarked, then grinning at the pair.
“And what do you mean did I, win? I bet sooner rather than later! I’m quite a romantic, Captain. These quills have to cover up my giant heart after all.” The engineer chuckled, swiping a paw over his eyes as he gathered up the bits, then skating towards the stairwell.

“Well. That’s a thing.” Galen muttered, still comfortably pressed against Skystar.
“And I guess we’re a thing? Sort of?”
“Sort of. Date first…how about that?” Galen replied, then frowning as Alabaster trotted closer.

“My congratulations on finding someone Captain, but those storm clouds require our attention.” The Ashen remarked, gesturing over to where the black mountain-like formations were billowing.

“Just after the broadcast, the clouds began to gather in strength. I believe we are being tracked, and that storm is meant for us.”
Galen nodded, giving Skystar a final hug before standing on all fours once again.
“If that monster is sheltering the Golden Eyed Strand, then they most likely realized we might be watching. We, being myself or the Ashen. How much they know about either of our existence, I don’t know.” Galen added, eyes narrowing at the approaching clouds.
“But we’re going to find out soon enough I wager.”

Author's Note:

Hope everyone enjoyed the return of the FLORF! (Fluff + lore, if you've read the Gallus/Silverstream fics) And and we learn another piece about our interesting gryphon friend...
I've tried to show a halting progression between these two; so I hope that was accomplished! As always, feedback is appreciated! *Note, I might increase time between chapters due to their length (1 week vs 1-2 weeks), so just as a head's up.