• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 2,680 Views, 343 Comments

Of Stars and Sails - RadBunny

When an eccentric gryphon and his for-hire crew are tasked with kidnapping a Princess for her own safety, it was sure to be an odd job. But when plans and alliances fail, no port is safe when a dagger is hidden behind every friendly smile.

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Chapter Twelve: A Date While Circling the Wagons

Blinking sleep from his eyes, Galen look around, still finding Skystar nestled against his side.
What you said Skystar, you really have no idea how much that means to me, even if it’s just in implication.

As she stirred, Galen couldn’t help but smile, reaching over to nuzzle her cheek with his. It’d be a nice way to wake up for him- so perhaps she’d…

The bright blush on the hippogriff’s cheeks confirmed he was right, the Princess stammering before finally just sighing and returning the gesture. “Quite a way to say good morning.” she whispered, Galen nodding happily.

“One of many ways I hope to say thank you.”

Her head tilted to the side, a bit of playfulness shining in her eyes. “What are some of the other ways?”

Not having expected such a question, Galen stammered, finally settling on the most immediate one. “W-well, a lovely few dates today could be a start.”

However, an extremely bright blush betrayed a much different way that had decided to pop into his mind. Ugh.

Apparently, he wasn’t the only one, because Skystar’s ears perked up as a blush worked its way down from her cheeks to her neck.

“Just so we’re clear, we both thought of the same erm, ‘different’ way of saying thank you?” Galen chuckled, prompting a sigh from the Princess.

“If by different you mean a much more intimate thing than a date, then yes. First things first though.”

Galen wasn’t sure if the grumble that then left Skystar’s beak was towards him, or her own rebellious thoughts. Well, wasn’t just me at least.

Managing to sit upright, the Knight sifted through the nearest emergency bag with a wince. He was still sore, but a bit of his strength had returned.

“So…for our lovely breakfast date. How does some grain and molasses ration bars sound? With a side of packaged water, and…ooooh. Dried fruits!” he proclaimed, setting out the mentioned foodstuffs on a nearby ‘table’ rock.

Skystar giggled, nodding as she scooted over to the rock. “Sounds lovely.”

As they ate, Galen couldn’t help but chuckle, gesturing around in the cave. “Sorry. Just…this is all rather incredible. Not a few months ago we were in very different circumstances.”

Skystar nodded, freckles lighting up her face as she smiled. “True, it has been one crazy journey. And now we’re in a cave, hiding from freaky golden eyed monsters.” she paused, shrugging her wings. “We’ve got supplies, and company. I’d say we’re doing pretty good other than the creepy cultists.”

Galen nodded in agreement, his mind finally spitting out an alternative form of conversation that wasn’t related to their immediate predicament. “Hey Sky? What’s it like living underwater?”

Still smiling, Skystar’s brow furrowed as she munched on some preserved fruit, finally tapping the rock table with her claws in thought. “How best to explain it…everything shifts. You can swim everywhere, so no stairs or stuff like that, so traveling is a bit easier. Obviously, some foods just aren’t possible to make underwater. I mean, we cooked fish near geothermal vents, but it’s just not the same. So any activity above the surface was just, waterized when we stayed.” Skystar mused, letting out a giggle. “Waterized. Totally a word.”

Galen nodded slowly, letting his mind wander briefly. “Not going to argue. Maybe it’ll be added into a dictionary someday. I would like to visit Seaquestria sometime…”

His gaze immediately drifted downwards, Skystar reaching over to grasp his talons for a few moments before letting go. “I’d really like to show you around sometime too.”

Galen blinked, throat closing up with emotions that refused to stay bottled in his heart. Between Skystar just being her cheery and caring self, and the early-morning talk they had…


Despite his strength fading, the gryphon scooted around the table to wrap Skystar up in a hug, resting his head against hers as the hippogriff giggled. “Hello to you too.”

“I’m just so glad I have you.” Galen whispered, sagging into her own embrace as the Princess returned the gesture. “Between you being there this morning, just being you…”

The weight of the Prince’s responsibilities seemed just a bit lighter as Skystar hugged him tighter, even as he felt Skystar rest her cheek against his. “Just thank you. For being you, for being here, for listening. For everything.” Galen whispered, feeling Skystar’s freckled cheeks move as she smiled ever so slightly.

“I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”

Pulling back slightly, Galen reached over to rest the palm of his taloned hand against Skystar’s cheek, the hippogriff smiling as she nestled against his touch.

The gryphon started to hesitate, but quickly kicked any such thoughts out. Pulling Skystar close, he gave her a gentle kiss on the beak-and felt his entire face fluff up as the hippogriff returned the gesture with enough passion to send a shiver down Galen’s spine. Warmth flooded from the tip of his beak to the feathery tuft of his tail as Skystar held him close for the kiss, her cheeks bright red as she pulled away. Puffing a rogue strand of teal feathers out of the way, she began to stammer…

Kissing, Galen discovered, was a fantastic way to remedy such speech issues. He heard a soft ‘eep’ leave Skystar’s beak as the Prince kissed her again, not to be caught off guard by her eagerness this time. Apparently the same wasn’t true- because Skystar was a blushing mess when he pulled away.


Galen couldn’t help but laugh, resting his forehead against Skystar’s. “That about sums it up. I couldn’t think of any good reason to not kiss you any longer.”

“O-oh?” she whispered, Galen nodding happily.

“Considering how much I care about you, ‘because it’s our first official date’ becomes a pretty lousy excuse. I’d say battles and hour-long talks count for something.”

Skystar apparently was coming out of her loving daze, because she nodded in agreement. “Mmmhmmm. Took you long enough. Erm…”

“Thank you for waiting.” Galen replied sincerely, beautiful eyes staring back at his own affectionately.

“I’d say well worth the wait, this early island honeymoon or not.”

Galen couldn’t resist a soft snort, gesturing around at the cave. “Oh yes, a real five-star resort we’ve eloped to. We were dropped off by the most prestigious airships method possible, only have the finest of accommodations and food…”

The Prince smiled, reaching down to give Skystar’s talons a squeeze. “At least the company is beyond compare.”

The now completely-purple Skystar could only squeak, Galen all smiles. “What?”

“Not used to this.” she managed to gasp, fanning herself with a wing briefly. “But not complaining.”

“Well good, because I’m not about to stop complimenting the Princess I adore.”

As Skystar continued to melt into a blushing mess, Galen gave her talons another squeeze.
“Hey Sky?” he asked, “it may seem a bit redundant to ask at this point, but would you like to be my special somegMMFF!”

The kiss Skystar yanked the Prince into made Galen’s head spin, his own feathers standing on end as the Princess then pulled back to rest her cheek against his. “I’ve kind of considered you my special somegriff for a while, Galen. It is nice to finally hear it thought.” she whispered happily.

Galen opened his mouth to reply, but then let out a hiss, claws flying to grasp at his side. “Oh, talk about a mood killer….” he grunted, sagging to the floor briefly.

“Oh! The medicine!”

Making sure Galen didn’t topple over first, Skystar then bounded over and returned with a handful of crystals. Her ears flattened as three of them activated, magic flowing into the slightly-glowing wound on Galen’s side.

“Three. That could be either good, or really bad.” He muttered, Skystar supporting him with a shoulder.


“It means either the magic is working, and it’s taking more energy to actively remove the spell. Or it means it isn’t working, and is trying to keep me stable. The fact I feel better though makes me believe it’s the first.” Galen relayed with a sigh, the pain in his side lessening slightly. “Thank you, by the way.”

Skystar nodded, putting away the three spent crystals but retaining the two still holding a magical charge. “Of course! Hmm. Give me a second- I’m gonna go check outside to make sure we’re still all good.”

As Skystar padded way, Galen settled down with a sigh. Wounded or not, having someone he lov- He blinked as a thought settled in his mind, letting out a thoughtful hum. Interesting how easily that word came to mind. I don’t think I’m ready to fully admit it yet, both to myself and her. As Skystar returned, Galen couldn’t help but smile. But there’s nogriff else I’d rather explore that option with.

His joy was quickly smothered as Skystar’s beak was turned down in a frown, hastily shoving a few rogue supplies into a bag and latching it. “You’d better come and look at this. We probably need to move.”

Leaning heavily on the Princess, Galen stumbled his way to the concealed entrance, peeking through a small opening in the debris. “…uh oh.”

Circling above the forest were no less than seven airships, each flying a strange golden flag- the symbol not visible due to the distance. Each airship was projecting an odd gold-tinged cone of magic onto the forest below as it flew, the pattern getting closer and closer to the pair’s hiding place.

“I don’t know if they’ll find us if we go deeper, but if they do, we’re trapped.” Galen muttered as Skystar grabbed two of the emergency packs, strapping one onto her own back. Galen shouldered one- but he tottered on his feet slightly.

“You’re right. We probably need to move farther out of range. If we get to the coast, could you change into a Seapony and yank me underwater?” he mused, prompting a determined nod from Skystar.

“I can change you into a seapony too. Sounds like a good plan, I think. They won’t scan the water, not off the coast. And I think we’re a few miles away….hmm.”


“I just hope they don’t have creatures on the ground. I guess we’ll have to go slow.”

Galen chuckled, leaning over to give Skystar a long kiss before settling on his haunches.
“No worries there. I can’t move very fast, and I’d say we’ve moved rather slow on other thing too.”

“Shush you.” Skystar grumbled, blushing slightly as she set herself at Galen’s side.

“I’ll just need help down the boulders, I think. Walking on flat ground I can probably manage at least for short bursts.”

Skystar nodded, edging the pile of debris aside-

“Oh! I have an idea.” Galen whispered, digging out the spent medical crystals. A bit of magic flowed from his claws, making the objects glow slightly, the gryphon then heaving them into the cave.

“Ok, that hurt.” he hissed as they began to climb down the rocky hill. “But those will mimic a faint life reading. So, it hopefully can buy us some time while they focus here, and will think we’ve fled deeper into the caves.”

“Ooooh. Smart! Now no more talking, just focus on walking.”

“Yes M’am.”

“Don’t you M’am me.”


“So help me Galen….”

Galen didn’t reply, but was unable to hide a soft snicker as Skystar grumbled, the pair slowly meandering to the treeline.

“Ok. Break….” Galen gasped, sagging to the forest floor as Skystar scooted to settle down near him. Poor guy.

It had been slow going for the past hour or so- Galen having to stop every five minutes just to catch his breath. His wound was definitely worse with movement- each treatment now taking five crystals. And we’re almost out.

Skystar was trying to not think about what would happen when his wound was going to be unmanaged. But being captured by those cultists would be infinitely worse however. The airships were nearing the cave- and thankfully, she and Galen were nearing the coast.

Her ears pricked up as voices echoed through the jungle trees, the hippogriff shedding the orange emergency pack and shoving it near Galen. Yanking a few fallen branches over, she covered the two of them within moments, the knight lying still.

To Skystar’s surprise, he reached over and clasp her talons in his.
Is he shaking?

Apparently, the Knight was more unsettled than he let on, because his eyes were closed while trying to take slow, deep (and quiet,) breaths.

Heavy footsteps thudded nearby, at least ten creatures crashing through the jungle. “Anything?”

“Nothing here!”

“Fine. We’ll double back for another search. You, stay here!”

“Why me?!”

“Because I said so, and we need at least one creature spaced out to at least maybe catch them!”

“Catch them? That mage fried dozens of us! Why do I-”

“Because that’s the order. If you die, we’ll know. So, we’ll get them either way. Or do you want to take up my orders with the boss?”

One of the voices grumbled, most of the noise fading as a single creature was left. Unfortunately, the male individual was close, and Galen seemed to mainly focused on keeping calm.

A quick squeeze of his claws seemed to help that, the Knight managing a nervous smile. “I have an idea.” Skystar whispered, giving Galen’s claws a final squeeze and slithering away into the undergrowth. So I can’t kill this guy- not that I want to kill anycreature though. But…I know what they threatened to do to me. I don’t think I’d have a problem with it, now that I remember that detail. But this guy…maybe I can immobilize him?

Sneaking as quietly as she could through the brush, Skystar was eternally grateful they were in a lively jungle. Birds and insects filled the air with background noise, so any small mistakes on her part were easy covered up.

It was a gryphon, apparently, that was left behind. The bulky brown individual was looking away from her- grasping a long sword nervously. This guy isn’t even well trained- he has his back to the brush….Heh. Or maybe I’m just weird because I took those survival and defensive courses!
Probably that.

Taking a few deep breaths, Skystar readied herself to-And froze.

The gryphon turned around, scanning the jungle with unsure eyes. His gaze passed right over the bush where the hippogriff was hiding, continuing on to then face away from the Princess once again. Phew.

Making sure her daggers were strapped to their sheaths securely (just in case,) Skystar bunched her muscles and darted forward. Crossing the short grassy distance between the two in moments, the wiry hippogriff snapped her arm across the gryphon’s throat, locking it against arteries on either side.

As expected, the guard let out a strangled yelp- dropping his weapon and scrambling at the arm that had cut off his blood supply. By that point however, it was too late, and he sagged to the ground without a whimper.

With Skystar’s heart nearly beating out of her chest, she retrieved some low-hanging vines and promptly gagged and tied up the gryphon, claws shaking all the while I DID IT! And he’s alive. Out for a good few minutes, but alive. Phew.

Once the gryphon resembled a giant ball of tightly-wound vines, Skystar trotted back towards Galen, limbs still shaking from adrenaline. “Hey Galen!” she whispered as she neared his hiding place. “I got him! We can-”

The hippogriff froze, coming face to face with a gryphon that was most certainly not her Prince. A short sword raised halfway, the Golden creature was poised above a woozy Galen, aiming to bring the weapon down on the unsuspecting Knight’s back.


With a screech, Skystar shot forward, yanking out one of her daggers as she tackled the surprised gryphon. Slamming the weapon down, the hippogriff buried the weapon up to the hilt in the Golden’s skull, then drawing the other dagger as the creature continued to struggle. “Threaten me? Try to kill us? Take away my home?! I’ve had ENOUGH of you!” Skystar screeched, plunging the dagger into the gryphon’s neck and yanking it to the side.

Golden magic fizzed from the wound- unsuccessfully trying to heal both the brutal slice to the head and a severed spine. Skystar dug the dagger into the gryphon’s heart as a safety measure, sides heaving as the gryphon gasped and then stopped moving altogether.

Galen’s eyes were wide, a bit of magic sparking on his claws as the gryphon struggled to stand. “S-skystar, you-”

She nodded, helping the Knight upright as they began to move. “Got back just in time it seems.”

Galen nodded, limbs shaking from exhaustion and nerves as he meandered along. “Are you ok? You just killed a-”

“Galen.” Skystar whispered, stopping for a moment to nuzzle his cheek with hers, then continuing onwards. “I might be a mess later probably, but for now, I’m ok. He tried to kill you, and those creatures were threatening all sorts of things towards me. I’d do it again in a heartbeat to save your life.”

Galen was quiet for a time, the pair struggling through the dense undergrowth. “Thank you, Skystar. I didn’t even notice him there, if you hadn’t….”

“Well, I did, and you’re ok. So, focus on breathing and moving. They’ll have noticed that.” Where did little miss commando come from? Feels weird. But I guess that’s just me coping. Just have to get somewhere safe.

Either too tired to argue, or more likely surprised by Skystar’s forceful directions, Galen nodded as they pushed onwards.

“We’re pretty close.” Skystar whispered, the pair sitting under some large ferns next to a hill. “From the hill it’s like, a downhill slope to the beach. Maybe a mile.”

Galen nodded; the gryphon not speaking much anymore. His eyes, usually filled with life were dulled and pained, the last five of the medical crystals having been used an hour ago.

“Hang in there.” The hippogriff sniffled, wanting nothing more than to make her special somegriff feel at least a bit better. The gentle nudge of Galen’s cheek against hers made Skystar’s spirits lift, at least a little bit.

“Up the hill, then down we go, ok?”

As they pushed up the hill, Galen stumbled a few times, letting out a frustrated hiss now and again until they finally stood on top of the grassy, tree-topped outcrop. They were more exposed, but there was no other way around the various rocky cliffs that stood in their way.

“We’re almost…” Skystar’s words trailed off as her heart dropped from her chest. Standing between them and the beach was no less than thirty golden cultists. Ranging from gryphons, ponies, and minotaur’s, the creatures were spread out exactly in their way.

She quickly found out why, as another thirty shoved their way through the jungle behind them, trapping the pair on the exposed hill. “Galen?” She asked, seeing the gryphon’s sides heave at the sight. To go from being powerful and in control to barely able to walk…he must be a mess.

“We’re trapped, and the only idea I have isn’t a good one. I can try to glide us down, but they’ll
probably net us or something. That’s all I’ve got.” she admitted, Galen nodding slowly.

“I might be able to take out one if they get close. But I can barely stand.” he whispered, leaning
onto Skystar’s shoulder. “Let’s give it a shot.”

We’re trapped, and I don’t even know if I can glide that far with Galen.
At least he didn’t suggest leaving him behind, fat chance.

Skystar’s eyes narrowed as the creatures began to close in; two airships now circling overhead
as well. They had maybe a few minutes before the lines closed, and they were set upon by
dozens of the Golden.

Well. Now or never.

Author's Note:

FINALLY YOU TWO! :rainbowkiss:
But....uh oh. :rainbowderp:

I'll see if I can upload a chapter a week- I've written ahead since this tale is coming to a rip roaring finale, and then the conclusion, and having three separate stories running at the same is a bit straining. :pinkiecrazy: