• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 2,680 Views, 343 Comments

Of Stars and Sails - RadBunny

When an eccentric gryphon and his for-hire crew are tasked with kidnapping a Princess for her own safety, it was sure to be an odd job. But when plans and alliances fail, no port is safe when a dagger is hidden behind every friendly smile.

  • ...


Skystar turned the small blue gem over her claws, a thoughtful smile twitching at her beak. She looked out from the upper levels of the palace, watching the hustle-and-bustle of Mount Aris below her and in the distance, hippogriffs and other creatures going about their day under the sun.

Her home had been secured months ago, and the Ashen now mingled freely with the inhabitants, eager to see the world now without fear of their greatest enemy. Negotiations and contracts had been hammered out; and embassies for the Ashen had continued to crop up in many nations. For Mount Aris, a permanent portal was active for their new friends; a smaller version having been placed in a side-room for Skystar’s use on her daily trips.

The Princess smiled, a warm glow in her chest arriving with that final thought. The personal portal had been a semi-regular event at first, but then over the months had turned into a routine way of visiting. Galen would have breakfast with her, they’d then disperse for their various duties, and then have dinner and an evening together, alternating between Anthracite and Mount Aris. That was most days at least, but as the tasks has decreased, lunch and afternoons had been added to the mix. Half the time in one kingdom, half in the other.

For all intents and purposes, they spent most time together other than nights….which led to the current state of affairs. She looked at the gem again, recalling her mother’s simple reply to her plans.

‘I just want you to be happy, my little seaweed wrap.’ Novo had whispered, wrapping her daughter in a hug. ‘And if being forever with him does that, then I’ll give every blessing I can to you two.’

Almost as though on cue, Ley shimmered into existence, the kirin’s eyes flickering to Skystar.

“Thanks for coming, Ley. I just wanted a final check of it- nerves and all.” Skystar admitted. The kirin simply smiled, touching the blue gem with a nod.

“Same result. Keep him safe, Skystar.” Ley’s voice had been slow to get used to, but now barely even registered as a different tone to the hippogriff, having consulted her on numerous occasions.

‘They’re certain?’ Novo had asked, as Skystar showed her the gem.

‘Ninety-nine point nine, and then about ten more nines, percent sure. I’ve had the gem for two months now…and apparently I’ve acclimated to the energy perfectly. The transition should be near-seamless.’ Skystar had explained.

‘I’m just happy for you, Skystar. You’ll forgive me for being a bit e-emotional. It’s a big step to accept that my daughter is finally-Oh your father would be so proud, and I most certainly am. My little girl has grown up so much.’

‘I love you, Mom.’

‘I love you too- and you’ll always been my little seaweed wrap.’

Spreading her wings, Skystar flew down to a secluded area of the gardens; her and Galen’s usual meeting place for lunch. On landing, she opened a different box, looking at the item inside with a smile. It was a big step- now she just had to figure out when to take it.

A big step indeed, but one I can’t wait to take.

Nodding to a guard, Galen trotted through the portal in his private section of the castle, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. The past months had been a whirlwind; yet Skystar had made traversing all the political rabble all the easier.

Not sure why I’m nervous…well, I KNOW why.

The true nerve-wracking moment had been a few weeks ago; during a private audience with Queen Novo. It had been a simple request for her blessing, based on a question.

And Novo had stared at him with a steely gaze at first, finally breaking down and letting out a laugh.

‘Prince Galen,’ she had chuckled, waving a claw at him. ‘You fought against a foe that nearly brought my nation to ruin, protected my daughter with your life on multiple occasions, and make her happier than I’ve ever seen. And you have the nerve to ask my blessing for this?’ She had paused, ‘I am almost insulted- because I planned on giving it regardless, for you have more than earned it. However, your courtesy is appreciated. Continue to treat my daughter as you always have, and I have no reason to do anything but wish you my best, and give you every blessing I can.’

Queen Novo was a cheeky one more often than not; that was something Galen had quickly discovered in abundance. She seemed extra tickled however by his request, and that was something he wasn’t entirely sure the reason of.

But no matter. I just hope Sky…

Said words faded as the hippogriff in question came into view, Galen having traversed the palace in Mount Aris and making his way to their private meeting area in the gardens. She turned on hearing him approach, welcoming him with a tight hug as the hippogriff nuzzled her head across his neck.

“Hey there.” she whispered, prompting a chuckle.

“Hello to you too. Light work day? The council is handling most negotiations on my end.”

“Hmm. Same. But there were a few trade agreements that popped up, as did the vetting of a council on our end. But my mom is handling most of that. I get more and more time free, which is nice.”

Galen let out a hum, giving his special somegriff a kiss before settling down to look at the prepared spread of food.

Not sure if I can eat just yet….

“Politics are best dealt with by someone else handling it, honestly.” he mused, prompting an affirming nod.

“Too true. I’m already itching to go…somewhere. I got spoiled when on your ship. So many new places!” Skystar sighed, then gestured to the food. “The cooks had some leftovers; I didn’t want them to make a brand-new thing, especially since it’s still really good.”

Galen nodded, feeling a bit of sweat start to collect under his feathers.
Face down a magical ‘god’, an armada, yet this…


The gryphon shook his head, reaching over to hold a set of Skystar’s claws tenderly.
“There’s, something I’d like to talk to you about first, before we eat.” he began, and saw a strange recognition in Skystar’s eyes.

“It’s really a simple question, a yes or no. Skystar,” Galen reached up to rest a set of claws on her cheek, a gentle smile on his beak. “You’ve made me happier than I ever thought I could, in so many ways. I look forward to every moment I can walk through the portal, or when you are coming over for dinner, and would like nothing more for that to be a regular occurrence. Well, not just regular, but…life.

Reaching over to pull a small box from the satchel at his side, Galen swallowed the lump in his throat, opening it to show the simple golden band, a series of small gems set into the metal.
“I love you, Skystar, more than anything. I’d like nothing more than to be at your side every day, through thick and thin…” he let out a nervous but still amused huff. “But I’d say our journey has covered plenty of that too. Skystar, will you marry me?”

A few tears streamed from Skystar’s eyes as she nodded, only able to lean forward into Galen’s arms as she squeaked out a single word.


Galen swept her up and around in his arms, giving her a passionate kiss as dampness intruded into his own gaze. He paused, then seeing Skystar fish out a small box as well, the hippogriff wiping a few tears away.

“I will, I most certainly will! I j-just…”

Galen’s jaw dropped as the hippogriff opened the box, showcasing a similar ring, Skystar’s beaming expression reflecting off of the dark blue metal.

“I’ll marry you, Galen. Will you marry me?

Staring for a moment, Galen couldn’t help but laugh as he swept her up into another hug, nerves vanishing on the wind.
“Yes, a million times yes!”

Skystar joined in his laughter, pressing her forehead against Galen’s as they settled back down onto the ground.

“You were going to ask me? That explains why your mother was so tickled when I asked for her blessing…” Galen mused, not wanting to let go of Skystar’s claws for an instant.

“She didn’t tell me that- oh that cheeky hippogriff.” Skystar mused, then pausing. “Galen? There’s one more thing I’d like to share.”


Skystar pulled out the small blue gem, energy swirling inside the oblong item.
“Ley says there’s basically no chance of the spell failing now.” she explained. “I’ve carried it around for over two months. I told you a while ago, I wasn’t ready to take that eternal step, but now, now I’m sure.”

A sniff caught her attention, and Skystar looked up to see Galen’s shocked gaze, tears streaming down his cheeks.

“Sky? You’re willing to be with me…”

“Forever, Ashen and all.”

Galen could only stare, Skystar walking forward to wrap him up in a tight hug, caressing his cheek with her own.

“I know it has been on your mind, that fear; I’d like nothing more than to put that to rest, forever, because I’m not going anywhere.” she whispered, Galen’s arms wrapping around her torso to pull her close.

“Well, not anywhere without you at least. I’d like to think we’re going to go to a lot of places together.”


She didn’t say anything further for a time, holding Galen close as decades of fear and pent up worry were beginning to be shaken free from the Prince’s heart.

“You’re willing to do that? Live for however long, be with me….”

Skystar tapped Galen’s beak with a claw, a sly grin on her features.
“Well, I sure didn’t carry this gem around to not do just that. And before you ask, my Mom is just happy that I’m happy. It’s a big step, but I’ve thought about it a lot, obviously.”

She scooted back slightly, holding Galen’s claws in her own.
“You know, when I said that you owed me, or someone else a hug, when we first me, I never thought you’d be so serious about fulfilling that request.” she mused, not able to resist a laugh as Galen smiled, the pair wrapping their arms around each other again.

“And I never thought I’d enjoy completing that request so much.” Galen teased, a giggle Skystar’s response.

“I love you Galen.”

“I love you too, Skystar.”

The pair stayed in each other’s arms for a time, a familiar confidence beginning to creep back into Galen’s frame.

“Hey, Sky,” Galen mused as they put rings on each other’s claws. “I do have a smaller ship, one that I’ve recently had refitted. It’s built for two, and is more of a luxury scout ship…”

Skystar’s entire face lit up, freckles almost leaping off her cheeks in anticipation.

“Well, I guess the question is, where do you want to go for the honeymoon? And after that?”

Skystar let out an excited squeak, wings flaring as she hopped up and down.
“With you? Anywhere!

Holding her claws in his, Galen was all smiles as he looked upwards to the shining sun, and then back to the hippogriff that made his heart glow all the brighter.
“Then we’ll set sail for the stars!”

-The End-

Author's Note:

And thus concludes the tale of Galen and Skystar! I believe an appropriate quote would be 'To infinity, and beyond!'
Got a bit emotional writing the last few paragraphs...this has been quite a journey!

This was a blast to write, and I hope everyone enjoyed it! Many thanks to everyone who offered constructive feedback, and I'd love to see you all in another story!


Comments ( 59 )

Poor queenie. Given the enthusiasm of youth, she is having to consider the fact she wont ever see her daughter again, because it will be so long before she even remembers to call home, never mind return to see how things are doing?

Problems of immortality.:twilightoops:


There's no reason she wouldn't see Skystar again though- and I never meant to imply that. =) Is there a specific passage that DID imply it? Because I'd like to change that. Becoming an Ashen doesn't mean she now has to spend 100% of her time in Anthracite, only that now she ages at a different rate. Her home is still Mount Aris, and that won't change- hence the portals between two lands. :twilightsmile:

Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that you got to experience it.

If you're referring to the authors note; it's more of the ENTIRE fic has built up to the last chapter or two. It had a good arc, and didn't drag on, and that was my goal!

Nah, it's my thoughts about the entire fic

Well, in that case I hope it was a happy and worthwhile journey!

So much fizzles and fluff... but a good kinda fluff. Glad to see Galen and Skystar getting a happy ending.

That was a cute and wholesome ending.

Overall I liked the story, some issues I had with it; one of them being Galen's seeming power-creep, but all in all I'd say it deserves a like.

I'm glad you enjoyed it- and thank you for the feedback. I was worried about that, but tried to keep the power-creep at least somewhat reasonable.

I cannot contain the amount of fluff and tears in my brain! This is too much!

So so happy about this and I'm glad I get to finish another fic about lovebirbs! :D

:pinkiehappy: I'm glad you liked it!

Oh and just a bonus:


Some BG music that fits this chapter :)

Ooooh that's quite nice!

As always, fantastic story! I don't have a lot to say, both because it's late over here and due to the sheer length of the story (I'd be here all night!), but I very much enjoyed all the characters, canon or otherwise, and their development.

I must say though, Chapter 18 was really good. “Do you think they’d be proud?” actually hit me really hard. It truly was the perfect conclusion to Galen's development. On the topic of that chapter, I found a few grammar errors, such as "Our dept" (debt*), "Griffinstone" (Griffonstone*, check the title of S5E08 =P), "warm flooding her frame" (warmth*), possibly more – I know I'll reread this chapter in the future, I want it to be pristine when the time comes! =P

And speaking of time, now that this story is finished, I suppose I should go check out Timeless, shouldn't I? 😛

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! =)
And yeah, these final chapters were the culmination of Galen and Skystar's journey; I hope I did it justice!

Oh, thank you for those catches- I'll get those fixed!
Heh, and I hope you enjoy Timeless! It's in the final chapter or two, and then there's the sequel!

Another great fan fic. The end was something that I didn't expect, since skystar took immortality. The last chaper was beautiful and yet sad:raritycry: ,since knowing everything will happen in a blink of an eye to a person who is immortal. I still enjoyed reading this and it was great experience :twilightsmile:

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! But I certainly see it as more of a happy thing. Things passing by in a blink of an eye may occur, true, but does that make them any less meaningful? I don't see ageless existence as just a blur of events that are forgotten; simply a constant continuum. The whole ageless issue was a sticking point, and certainly a fear of Galen's.

I completely forgot that becoming an Ashen to live an extended life with Galen was something that they had discussed and that Skystar would have to contemplate. It was great to see that she decided to go through with it. It was also sweet and funny to see that they both planned to propose to each other at the exact same time. A great way to close what has been an entertaining read.

I'm glad it's been entertaining all the way through!
The issue was meant to be a back-in-the-mind thing, the primary reason Galen was so hesitant forward things- Skystar eventually realized it was something she wanted; being with him forever.

Heh, it just didn't fit to have one or the other do it, catching someone off guard. SO simultaneous it was!

WARNING: lots of constuctive feed back ahead
OMG this fanfiction trilogy is the best. No joke, I am litteraly crying right now because it is over. It was sooo good. I read this over the summer and it rlly made my days. You did a great job of ballencing fluff so its fluffy but not cringy. And the plot lines are strong with charecters that have distinct personality. And the way its written, Its perfect and uniqe in a way ive never seen before. And the way you ended it! It feels complete, and satisfactory. It paints a beautiful picture that everyone will remember, A bit of joy you can bring with you in real life. So thanks for writing this. Its been a great journey, but everything must come to an end.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy: This wasn't a terribly oft-read fic; but to hear it reached out to a few people makes my day! I'm so happy it ended in a complete and satisfying way; and there was equal (and non-cringy) amounts of fluff! =) And I hope they are happy tears! It was a total joy to write, and certainly an emotional ending! Hope to see you on the newer stories; but if not, I'm still so glad you enjoyed this tale with our two quirky birds!

Truly Bravo! I see those words of encouragement helped, this is worthy I assure you! I hereby fully advocate for this story and it’s merits to the author! Coming quite a ways from the Gallus Silverstream Dancing days. In literary tools learned and used as well as a new storyline that didn’t appear to deviate from the idea or ‘the plan’ and came out in the end a fine emotionally enthralling , and robustly inspiring writing style. I do look forward to seeing what you’ll do next.

Thank you for that high praise;I'm glad it was as enthralling and engaging as I hoped it would be! And I do hope you enjoy the next stories!


Yes, yes it can.

And we haven't even spoken of Friendship. Now, that is a capital W Weapon. Not only does it "destroy" your enemies, it gains you allies all at the same time!

Well this was an absolute blast to read.
Things really picked up in the second half witch made things seem to go a bit fast but, was a fun and enjoyable ride none the less.
This is kinda my favorite type of story to read with ADVENTURE, ROMANCE, INTRIGUE, SECRETS even has a bit of a darker side to round it all out.
I'm honestly surprised it isnt read or liked more.
10/10 would reccommend to a friend (if only my friends liked these types of stories :ajsleepy: )


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It was one of the longer stories I had written, so I was hoping it captured attention the whole way though! I think it is a bit of a niche though, (hippogriffs/gryphons instead of ponies,) so I assumed it wouldn't be read a ton.

I'm quite happy to hear that it was a fun read though!:pinkiehappy:

i stumbled upon river of silver and heart of gold a few weeks ago. I seriously read from beginning of that to the end of this, I must say it was a very enjoyable ride and im recommending this story to a few friends of mine. Thank you for the joy these stories have brought.

Getting comments like yours is some of the best feedback I can hope for concerning my stories. I'm so glad you liked them! :pinkiehappy: Stars and Sails is a lesser-read one of mine, and so I'm really happy to hear it's still a joy to read!

All three stories were amazing. The plot, the fluff, the tension, so perfect..
But what exactly happened to Gallus/Silverstream? There weren't any mention of them except when Skystar received news they were evacuating.

I'm so glad you enjoyed them! They honestly weren't really a focus, and were just going about a (semi) normal life, mainly due to this story being geographically/politically far removed from them.

In the 'Radverse' (stories I've written that are connected) I'd say Stars and Sails is the looser in terms of being related to the other stories. The two stories with Gallus/Silver, and then Timeless/Sunspots are directly related on a single timeline. This one is loosely connected, and I never intended Gallus/Silverstream to play a big roll other than a passing mention.

And that's another late night binge read down. This trilogy, I think that's what these 3 stories have been anyway, has been a wild ride. From a crazy necromancing ape to a weird golden creature, the royal hippogriffs have been through a lot. I would honestly love to see what Silverstream's reaction would be to her cousin becoming an Ashen. That would be an experience to say the least. That and they both are married to Griffons, would be a wonderful little family catch-up to say the least.

Oh goodness, you crazy creature! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed them! There are indeed a few loose ends, but I tried to tie it all up nicely =P
There IS a 2-part story in progress as well, if you want to burn more midnight oil! :rainbowlaugh:

If you can point me in the direction of said story then I will gladly give it a read. You did some amazing work with this, because keeping me focused on something is hard due to me having ADD and not only did you keep my focus with one good story, but on all 3. Even while in a Discord call with friends while playing Fortnite I couldn't drop it.

Oh wow! That is quite the compliment then! =D

Any chance for a sequel?

Not at this time. I've been working on a different set of stories on a somewhat-related timeline. Loosely set in the same 'realm' as this though. But no direct sequel is planned.

Literary Perfection.


:yay: Why thank you!

Could you explain the "separatist" situation? I'm a little lost.

In general? It has been a while since I've delved into this fic. From what I recall they were a splinter group from the Ashen. They took over the Ashen's homeland while the survivors fled and re-built with Galen's direction.

Ok, then what's their deal with Mount Iris and the Hippogriffs?

Aaaah I remember. Ok. So there was a secessionist movement in Novo's kingdom propped up by the Ex-ashen, since they thrive off instability. So they were going to try to use Skystar as leverage to divide the hippogriff kingdom and, in turn, strengthen their political tendrils out from their current location.

Aaah, that makes sense. Sounds like they were planning to spread to Equestria next.

Yuuuup. That's why they wanted to spread unrest. The more tendrils they could extend, the better. They just weren't planning on running into a certain Gryphon and crew!

I hope Gallus and Silverstream (and her family) are ok during this unrest. I wonder how they're dealing with it?
Also, why do I get the feeling that some of the protesters are hypnotized?

I did mention they were basically in a safe location (Luckily.)
And while that is a possibility, it's easier to incite unrest with half-truths and anger. No hypnotism needed....usually.

Great story! Really enjoyed it.

I don't know if you have any wedding stories planned. But, I do have some ideas if you're interested?

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