• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 2,681 Views, 343 Comments

Of Stars and Sails - RadBunny

When an eccentric gryphon and his for-hire crew are tasked with kidnapping a Princess for her own safety, it was sure to be an odd job. But when plans and alliances fail, no port is safe when a dagger is hidden behind every friendly smile.

  • ...

Chapter Five: Storms Of The Heart

“Remember not too long, otherwise it’ll burn.” Pergin instructed as Skystar sautéed a skillet of various meats and vegetables together in the ship galley.
“Good, and now you add the secondary spices because why….?”
Skystar grinned as she sent a few dashes of flavoring across the dish, looking to the gryphon confidently.
“Because some of these spices don’t handle heat well, and will change flavor before they even reach your mouth!”

Pergin slammed a set of claws onto the countertop with happy grin, gesturing to Tilly who was watching with an amused smirk on her beak.
“AH! SEE? SHE GETS IT!” he crowed, prompting his wife to clap.
“Well done then, but is it ready? I’m starving.” she groaned, flopping onto the table as Pergin waggled a spatula at her.
“See, you’re always so interested in the end result, you don’t take pleasure in the journey! Food is like that too!” he quipped to her, prompting a very sly smirk from the gryphoness.
“Uh huh. Pleasure in the journey, says the guy who was starting to get rather grumbly after dating for only-”
“AND IT’S DONE!” the cook announced, his usually bland feathers now starting to sport a very unique shade of red as Skystar pretended not to notice.

“Thank you for letting me help Pergin- I was going a biiiiiit stir crazy in the library.” Skystar thanked the gryphon as he waved a set of claws.
“Eh. It was nothing. It’s nice to have someone appreciate the art of making meals, even if you did burn that first dish.”

Skystar stuck out her tongue, then shivering as she recalled the solid block of carbon that had emerged from the oven two hours ago.
I didn’t even know a casserole could burn that deeply and evenly…
It’d make an effective cannonball though.

Still sporting some rather red ears, Pergin sat next to Tilly as Skystar divided out the stir fry. She made sure to save a few portions for Gears, Staunch, and Galen- the latter thought causing her ears to droop slightly with worry.
I haven’t seen him for three days…

“Mmmm. Not bad Skystar. Could use a tad less salt though.” Pergin remarked, causing the Princess to let out an embarrassed chuckle.
“OH. Right. I guess I’m just used to salty food.” she whispered, prompting the other gryphon to shrug.
“It’s still fantastic- impressive considering it was your second try at the dish.”

Skystar smiled as she downed her portion, then looked over to the pair curiously.
“How did you two meet each other? And Captain Galen too, if I might ask?” she ventured.
Pergin gestured to his wife to take over- spooning in another mouthful of stir-fry as the burly gryphoness grinned.
“Well, in terms of us, that’s a fairly simple story. I hated figuring out finances- and I was trying to figure out what sort of items to invest in. I heard this guy offered advice on the side, since financial advising wasn’t too popular at the time. As his main job, he was running a hole-in-the-wall antique store. So, I asked for his help with my earnings, and he just seemed interesting.”
“For the record, I figured out she wasn’t interested in the antiques after she stared at an old minotaur cheese grater for three minutes straight.” Pergin piped up, prompting a snickering laugh from Skystar.

“Yeah yeah. And you totally weren’t staring from behind the counter- or was it your accounting notes making your ears blush?” she countered, effectively shutting up the cook as he smacked his head on the wood table in defeat.
Skystar could barely breath, gasping as she couldn’t help but laugh at the scene.

“Aaaaand yep. Plenty of dates and some time later….and here we are.” Tilly concluded, still enjoying her husband’s misery as he grumbled.

“As for the captain- we’ve known him the longest, but barely. We were with him after he got command of his third ship. One of the youngest captains I’ve ever seen.”
Taking a few bites, Tilly leaned back in the large cushioned bench, tapping her beak with a claw.

“I believe he was in his late teens actually. We got this ship a few years after that, so yep. He needed both someone to handle finances, cook, and a general second in command. I also am trained on loading cannons and ballistae. Pergin and I are a package deal of course, so it was luck he needed the positions we both filled,” she explained, “and after seeing how well he treated both us and the other crew members, we wanted to stick around, if he’d let us. So far that offer has taken us well over a decade of work.”

He was a captain when he was in his TEENS!? How…hmm.
Skystar’s brain spun the facts around as Tilly glanced over to her with a nod.
“Did that answer your question? We picked up Gears about two years after us, right around when we got this ship actually. Then there’s Staunch- she’s only been with us two years.”
“What about Alabaster?” Skystar piped up, prompting Tilly to wave a claw.
“He came with the ship, so about the same as Gears.”

Nodding as she finished her dish, Skystar shuffled her wings in thought as Pergin dolled out a bit of food into a wooden bowl.
“Would you mind taking this to Staunch? She’s probably in her private quarters. I’ll deliver Gears’ meal. That idiot probably got in an argument with Switch again. You’ll probably meet her soon too.” Pergin remarked, prompting a nod from the hippogriff.

“Sure thing! And thanks for the history! I love learning about creatures and everything. And there’s sooooo much about this ship and stuff I don’t know!” Skystar gushed briefly, then blushing as she ducked out of the mess area with the still-hot bowl in a set of claws.
Hmm. Ok. And maybe I can ask Staunch about Galen…

Nearly crashing into the pony, Skystar ducked to the side as she balanced the stir fry in her claws.
“AH! Oh! Hey Staunch! Brought you…lunch? Dinner? Late lunch? Dunch?” Skystar crowed as the pony grinned, levitating the stir fry out of her grasp.
“Thanks, Skystar. I was just heading there to get some food actually.” she mused, head tilting to the side as the hippogriff’s gaze drifted to the floor.
“Hey, Staunch?” Skystar asked, “Is Galen avoiding me? I haven’t seen him for the past three days. Is it because I saw the whole…” she gestured to her arm briefly.

Of the many reactions Skystar expected out of Staunch, a smile and soft laugh was not one of them.
“Oh gosh. No, he’s not- well, not you specifically. Skystar, he’s been basically stuck in his bed. That’s why you haven’t seen me. I’ve been trying to alleviate the symptoms as best I could. But I’ve done all I can do.” she explained, her smile softening into one of genuine concern.
“He’ll be fine though. But honestly? I think he’d like to see you. He’s been asking how you’ve been. Why the idiot didn’t just have us deliver a message I don’t know.”

A blush flared onto Skystar’s cheeks as her ears perked up, prompting an even wider grin from Staunch.
“Just follow this hallway to the end, tale a left, and it’s the first door on your right.” she gestured down the hall, continuing down towards the mess area.

Walking down the hall, Skystar knocked on the door.
“Hey Galen, it’s Skystar?”
A tired voice answered her, the door slowly swinging open with a slight blue glow.
“Oh. Hey Skystar, come on in. Ow, ok that was stupid. No spells.” the gryphon grumbled, waving tiredly from a cushioned cot built into the ship’s wall.
Stepping inside, Skystar glanced around the spacious cabin. To her left was a simple window and shelf, and a large desk took up the space immediately in front of her. Shelves stuffed with books and binders of all types adorned the walls above another window ahead, and the bed area was to the right of the doorway. Galen was flat on his stomach, head propped up on two pillows with a few books nearby.

“Sorry I haven’t been out and about. But I pretty much collapse if I move off the bed, soooo there’s that.” he mused, prompting Skystar to sit down with a tilt of her head.
“Huh. Because of all that stuff you did to save…everyone?” she asked.
“In a word? Yes. In a few words? That about covers it; magical overload of sorts. Thankfully Staunch figured out some painkillers to dull it all.” he explained, a slight smile dawning on his beak.

“Dull wha-” Skystar’s words cut off as small crackles of blue arcane energy surged across Galen’s frame, worming in and through his body like a thunderstorm cloud before subsiding. The gryphon let out a hiss, then shivered with a shaky breath.
“Dull that. Its been a while since I’ve had this entire ordeal. It has been getting better over time though.” he mused, blue eyes then refocusing on the Princess.
“I understand you saw something? Staunch assured me you wouldn’t say a word, and I trust her. I trust you.” Galen’s voice shifted from berating to genuine care, the tired captain letting out a sigh.
“I’m honestly amazed I’ve gone this long with just rumors being said about me rather than fact. You must know I can’t tell you everything, as much as I’d like to.”

Skystar nodded, fiddling with her claws. There had been a single question bothering her however…
“Galen, are you a golem?” she asked cautiously, letting out a relieved breath as Galen shook his head with a chuckle.
“Oh goodness no. I was born from a physical egg with flesh and blood parents.” he replied.
“…are you part golem?”

At that question the gryphon paused, then managed a slight shrug of his wings.
“I guess that’s a way to look at it. So, maybe?” he muttered, flopping back down on the pillow.
“These secrets won’t remain such as long. The council has authorized the release of another history volume to you, and then things get interesting.”

Skystar stayed silent, more curious as to why the gryphon sounded downcast and sullen than anything.
“Is…that bad?” she ventured to ask.
“Inherently, no. But I have kept the secret of Anthracite and such for so long, it’s hard to let that burden go.” Galen whispered, not meeting Skystar’s gaze.
“It’s a very unnerving thing, to have a core facet of your life yanked out from under you- especially when you had to learn to shoulder such a burden.”
“I can imagine. It’s not the exact same, but having the Storm King defeated and coming back to the rest of the world was a shock.” Skystar replied, nodding slowly.

“So, I can at least understand how I felt when that all happened. Maybe that will help with what this council wants me to do?”
Galen chuckled, tiredly waving a set of claws towards the hippogriff.

“I think you’re doing fine. They just want to slowly come back into the world, and if you’ll be the ambassador for such in any aspect, that’d work. If not, at least we’ll have a friend among others.” Galen replied, a soft sigh leaving his beak.
“Just keep being your incredible and gorgeous self. That’s more than…erm…tailfeathers.” Galen muttered, burying his head into the pillow before grumbling.
Wait what?

“Sorry. Dealing with this…condition is exhausting. It sometimes makes me say….-“
Oh. So he didn’t…
“Stuff you don’t mean?” Skystar interjected, prompting the gryphon to look at her in shock.
“What? No. If that was the case, I’d call you ugly and boring. Ugh. I mean, it’s harder to filter from what I am thinking to what I am saying.” He explained with a groan, peeking out from the pillow as a furious blush colored Skystar’s face.

“That’s actually adorable, and I tooootally could have some fun with that.” Skystar chuckled, head tilting to the side as she blinked.
“You, really think that about me though?”
“Assuming it’s the opposite of the ugly and boring? Yes.” he sighed.
Yay! Wait. Why is that a yay?

“Ugh. A breach in professionalism; that will certainly come back to bite me I suppose.” he muttered, prompting a titter from Skystar.
“Um, well I DID ask. Besides, you’ve been a perfect Knight as far as I can tell.”
“Uh, Knights can have relationships and stuff, right? Because if not, then Gallus probably broke that rule day one…and that’s news to me.”
Galen let out a tired laugh with a nod, but then gestured to a stack of books and notes on his desk.
“Oh no, Knights can. But as a Captain and Knight with a duty to protect you, that means I am to act a certain way. So, I apologize for breaching that.”
Wait. He’s apologizing for….
Ok that’s adorable, and really sweet.

Shrugging her wings, Skystar took a few steps closer and looked down at Galen curiously.
“You’ve been a perfect gentle-gryphon. I am not sure what standards you personally hold yourself to, but I think you’ve been fantastic. Are you not supposed to be friends with individuals you protect?”

Galen shook his head, prompting a frown from Skystar.
“Huh. Well I guess that makes sense, but if it’s not hindering the job can’t see why not.”
“Because attachments can lead to hesitation in combat. And that might be deadly to yourself or others.” Galen replied immediately, a strange coldness entering his voice.

“I thought we talked about opening up and stuff?”
A sigh greeted Skystar’s words, and the hippogriff frowned as magic tendrils surged across his frame again.
“O-ow. T-this is different. You’re a Princess. The last thing I want is any sort of material to come forward that could be used against you. Friends with a mercenary? With his crew? Things like that can be either innocent or snowball out of control.” Galen muttered, pressing his head into the pillow.
“Politics. It’s exhausting.”
“Well as the Princess, I have some say in things, now don’t I?” Skystar asked, prompting Galen to look up.
“In terms of how best to protect you, not really. That’s my area of expertise.”
“Buuuuuut if I feel like the atmosphere is unpleasant, you would be honor bound to try and fix that within reason, right?” the hippogriff continued.

A kind smile now dawned on Skystar’s beak, wanting nothing more than to give the prone gryphon’s shoulder a comforting squeeze- but she stayed her claws.
“Well, not being able to make friends with the creatures keeping me safe, including their captain, would make the entire affair very unpleasant and uncomfortable for me.”

A genuine soft laugh left Galen’s beak, the gryphon wincing at the gesture regardless.
“You have me there.”
Skystar stood up a bit straighter- projecting the ‘princess’ as her mom had often instructed her.
“Aaaaaand. Thus far, your behavior has made me feel perfectly safe, secure. This is including the revealing of the Anthracite nation. So, I think you’ve done fantastically.” she then relaxed a bit, a blush returning to her cheeks.

“A-and if you really do think those other things about me, that is certainly not a negative.” her voice then dropped to a whispered.
“It’s really nice actually.”

Galen blinked, levering himself up slightly to lean against the pillows.
“Wait, Pardon? Weren’t you telling me how you hated the attention nobles gave you?”
The cautious look Skystar shot him now had the gryphon’s full attention as the hippogriff refused to look directly at him.
“Well yeah, but this is different. It’s nice to be noticed as me. That doesn’t happen if I’m home. I’m the Princess, so…that’s all the attention I get. Even when I go out to Equestria, I’m still Princess Skystar.” The hippogriff shook her head as a surprising amount of emotion began to clog her throat.

“Being on this ship has been one of the best weeks I’ve ever had. I’ve just been me. Ever since I told you to not call me by my title, everyone just treats me as…someone. Nicely, kindly, but just as me.” When she looked up, Skystar’s eyes were shining with tears, her beak clenched as she struggled to put words to the surging emotions in her heart.
“It may sound silly and stupid, but that has meant so much to me. So, to find out some-gryphon actually thinks I’m interesting as weird me is…it’s really, really nice.”

Galen didn’t say anything at first, claws tapping the cot edge in thought.
“Well, to be fair I think the entire crew thinks you’re interesting. You’re fun to be around Skystar. I’m just glad we can make you feel so welcome. We’re all a weird bunch, so you fit right in.”

The Princess was quiet, finally pipping up with a slight glance to Galen.
“You know that it’s different with you though.”
She didn’t miss how the gryphon’s claws tightened, some of his talons scarring the rough fabric.
“With all due respect Skystar, you don’t know what I think. I mean that in the nicest way possible, but nobody really does know. Nobody can know. That’s part of the problem.” He whispered, and only now did Skystar see the anguish in the gryphon’s eyes as he looked up at her briefly.

“I know that I enjoy talking with you. I know that you’re a really talented gryphon who has done a lot of good, even though you have a ton of secrets. I know that you’ve been nothing but kind to me and your crew, and those around you even outside your jobs. I also know you think the term ‘Pish’ is silly but fantastic. I also know you’re just an overall interesting guy, one who I’d totally ask on a date.”

“Bwahat?” he stammered, the stunned stare on Galen’s features sending Skystar into giggle, waving a set of claws about.
“What? It’s true!”
The gryphon continued to stare, eyes then looking at his own claws.
“You really don’t know much about me Skystar. There’s a lot I’m not sure you’d like.” he whispered, a bit of a cloud coming over demeanor before Skystar let loose another giggle.
“Well duh, but I really want to learn about it regardless! Leave that stuff for me to figure out! That’s why it’s called a date and not a ‘we already know each other get together.’ I mean I guess that’s what they’d turn into after a while though….” She mused, then shook her head briefly.
“But I get it. On the job is not a professional thing.” Skystar agreed, a wide grin now sliding onto her face.
“Buuuuut that means after next week, I can totally ask you!”

The pained look on Galen’s face was enough to give the hippogriff pause, scooting a bit closer as she saw anguish creep into his eyes.
“Skystar, you don’t- I can’t-“

Skystar stayed very quiet for a moment, her wings dropping slightly.
“Does this have to do with losing someone again?” She asked cautiously, and saw Galen nod.
“Ok. Welllll, do you know for sure you’d lose someone again?”

Galen hissed as some arcane bolts wracked his frame, but finally shook his head.
“I don’t know. It’s not that simple.”
Letting the pause carry on for a moment, Skystar mused over her next words, finally sighing.
“Well, just know that I would. I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but I’m more than happy to learn.”

As she shifted up slightly and scooted away, Galen looked over, the turmoil in his usually calm blue eyes shining through.
“Skystar, I’m not- I’m not sure you’ll like the gryphon underneath the captain. I may be a knight, but I don’t have shining armor.” he whispered, prompting a rather determined gaze from the hippogriff.

“I think the same thing about what’s underneath the Princess.” Skystar replied, a slight smile on her beak.
“Armor that’s shining and perfect just means it hasn’t seen combat. I think I’d trust a knight after he’s been through a dozen battles and still has armor than one who hasn’t been tested at all. I read something like that in a book, and I think it’s true.”

As Galen mused over her words, Skystar couldn’t help but shrug her wings in afterthought.
“If nothing else, I still think you’re a friend.” she added, ears perking up as Galen shifted again.
“Hey Skystar?” he asked, causing her to pause.
“I-erm, in a week or so…it’s a date.”

The high-pitched joyous squeak was muffled through Skystar’s claws as she bounced up and down happily, then walking over to look at Galen with the widest smile on her face.
Despite the storms of emotion in his eyes, Galen nodded and managed a slight yet sincere smile.
The Princess didn’t miss how as she hopped up and down again excitedly how Galen’s demeanor softened, the pain in behind his gaze seeming to lessen. She paused on seeing his beak open and close a few times as though words were struggling to escape.

“Although, there’s a lot of stuff that’s going through my head Skystar.” Galen finally whispered, looking up at the hippogriff.
“I just hope you’re ok with me trying to work through it. Our talks, stuff like this, it’s all new to me, in a very unsettling but good way.”

A familiar smile finally worked its way onto his beak, prompting Skystar’s heart to skip a few beats as the Knight’s gaze met hers.
“But you’ve tolerated me this far, so I think that’s saying something.”

Flopping onto the ground and leaning against the cot, Skystar drew a forelimb across her forehead with an exaggerated sigh.
“Oh, but it has been sooooooooo difficult. All those talks I wouldn’t trade for the world, the incredible stories that I’ll never forget. And all the while having to endure looking at an incredibly handsomMMF!” the Princess clasped a set of claws to her beak as her joking went a bit too far into her consciousness, a very warm blush creeping up Skystar’s cheeks to her ears.

“Well. That’s a slip for each of us, guess we call it even?” Galen quipped, his tone significantly brighter.
“Mmmmhmmm.” Skystar muttered, feeling her ears burn.
“I am glad you think so though. It’s quite a nice thing.”
A few more grumbles, and Skystar stood up to look at the gryphon with a mock pout, the Captain managing to sit up with a wince.
“You know. I couuuuld shut you up with a hug, but I know that’s not really an option.”

To her surprise, the gryphon shrugged after a moment of hesitation.
“If you don’t mind possibly getting shocked….” he mumbled, still seeming to be a bit woozy from sitting up straight.
‘It’s not ‘just a hug’ is what everyone said. But…everycreature deserves to know someone cares.

Stepping closer, Skystar winces as lightning bolts flickered across the gryphon’s body and caused Galen to double over. The action prompted a squeak from the princess as the Captain promptly slammed into her shoulder with a muffled hiss of pain. The strange tendrils licked over Skystar’s frame briefly, but only gave her the slightest itch to signal their passing.

“Sorry,” he mumbled into her shoulder, “That one hurt. It didn’t to you?”
Skystar giggled, wrapping her arms around the Captain to give him a single squeeze with a shake of her head
Best I not push my luck.
“Nope! Anyhow, a hug is a hug. Glad to be a pillow too.” she chuckled.
To Skystar’s continued surprise, Galen let out a sigh and didn’t pull away for a few more moments.
“This is going to take some getting used to.” he whispered.
“Well, no rush. I apparently helped you graduate from no hugs to ‘maybe’ hugs.” Skystar replied with a smile, helping Galen lean back against the bulkhead.

“Besides, I’m already waiting a week to go on a date.”
Her words prompted a slight wince, and it was fairly easy for Skystar to draw a simple conclusion.
“Ooooh. Are you worried about what my mom will say? Insinuating you did something to coerce me into it all?” She asked, prompting a simple shrug from Galen.
“Well, I guess that’s understandable. But don’t worry. If anything, I’m the one who asked! You’ve been nothing but a gentle-gryphon the entire time! My mom will totally want to interview you even if we go on one date though.” Skystar mused, prompting Galen to turn a bit ashen.
“Interview or tie up in a dungeon?”
“…Eh, maybe a bit of both, but maybe it won’t be that bad. The royal palace does have some cells though. Perhaps it’ll be a fungeon? A fun dungeon?”

On seeing the gryphon’s grey ears start to turn pink, Skystar smacked a set of claws to her face as a similar blush worked its way across her face.
“OH MY GOSH THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!” She squeaked, the gryphon starting to chuckle.
“I mean, I’m not one to judge…”
“I’ve heard of weirder things. It’s nothing to be ashamed of if that’s-”
Now that Skystar was delegated to a squeaking mess, Galen sighed and shook his head, not able to resist a grin.
“I’m sorry, that was totally inappropriate but I just couldn’t resist. That’s something Galen would joke about- not Captain Galen.”
“I was not expecting it. But I walked into that one.” Skystar muttered.
“Wait, sooooo there’s walk in appointments?”

A cheeky smirk plastered itself across the Captain’s face, the gryphon waving a set of claws.
“Ok. I’m done, I promise. To be fair, be glad it was with me and not Gears. Princess or not, you wouldn’t hear the end of such a thing.”

Skystar grumbled, sitting next to the bed and glaring at him.
“Well new topic then. What do you hope to be doing in a few years?”
Galen blinked, eyes slightly unfocused as he thought.
After a few moments, he sighed, shoulders slumping as a weight seemed to lift itself off of them.
“Exploring either alone with my crew, having my own little island retreat, and mapping lands while helping as best I can. Pretty similar to now actually.”
“Just without all the secrets?” Skystar interjected.
“Yes. And that will be a big enough change for sure. What about you?” he asked in return.

Skystar let out a soft hum, gesturing to the Captain with a set of furry talons.
“Honestly, exploring. Learning about other races and their cultures. Maybe discovering some creepy ruins and stuff. Learning new and weird things- that’s why I’m not too thrown off by this whole new nation business. It’s awesome and fascinating!” she crowed as Galen tilted his head slightly.
“What do you mean ‘huh’?”
Galen shrugged, settling down onto all fours as he looked at Skystar curiously.
“Just…not what I expected. Nothing having to do with home?”

Her ears instantly flattening, Skystar looked away with a shake of her head.
“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t mean it’s like a bad thing.”
“But when your mom is the Queen, it is a bad thing. To most at least.” Skystar whispered as her claws scored the wood floor slightly.
Galen didn’t reply for a moment, finally shrugging his wings.
“Sorry Skystar. I won’t bring it up again- but know that I don’t see it as a bad thing. I can understand in a way.”
The hippogriff nodded, a thankful glance being tossed the gryphon’s way.
“Thanks Galen.”

The pause in conversation had Skystar shifting on her claws slightly, both enjoying the casual conversation and the lack of needing to put on any sort of front.
He didn’t even bat an eye about the whole no-thanks-to-the-queen thing…

A strange high-pitched shriek then shattered the peace, the door slamming open as Gears skidded to a stop. The arcane skates on his foot-paws threw sparks across the floor as he gestured upwards.
“Sorry. Captain. Ships sighted. Hidden for now.” He gasped, then skidding out of the room and aimed towards the engine compartment.
Galen’s hackles rose- something about Gears’ words and demeanor seeming to touch a chord with the gryphon.

“I need to get to the wheelhouse.” He muttered, struggling to stand.
“Yay! Cane duty!” Skystar immediately piped up, grinning as Galen tottered on his feet and leaned against her shoulder.
“That works. Thanks.” He whispered, the hippogriff nodding as they made their way down the halls and to the staircase.
“Sure thing.”
Double bonus. Help a friend in need, and get to be close to toooootally attractiveokfocusSkystar.

Within a few minutes, Galen was inside the enclosed wheelhouse and looking at a crystal projection, appearing to look like a messy three-dimensional projection of chess more than anything. A few dots flickered this way and that, as did a few other symbols.
“Gears, are we running silent?” Galen asked into a communication panel.
“Aye. Tilly had me immediately run silent and go get you. She handled shutting down the mapping equipment and other powered artifacts.” Gears replied quickly.

“Everyone secure? This is the Captain.” Galen called out, tapping the crystal once. Four chimes sounded back- one from each member of the crew.
“This could just be a rogue trading convoy- but we need to be sure. Tilly, make sure we’re battened down, and Gears? Make sure our concealment spells are active and find out what those ships are. Staunch and Pergin? Secure any loose items and make sure the core readings are nominal.”

The crystal chimed again as Galen pulled out a map from beside the wheel, spreading it on a small table in the center of the room.
“Ok. This is the map of the shipping and anticipated patrol routes your mother gave us. Tilly has been navigating, so she must have been using it. We should be here…” Galen muttered, looking at the crisscrossing lines. His eyes narrowed as the Captain double-checked and triple-checked their position, head shaking this way and that.
“No, no that can’t be right.”
“Captain? They’re Equestrian vessels. Three scouting vessels and one light cruiser.” Gears reported.
“Our spells are holding fast. They’d have to run into us to find the ship, and I mean that quite literally.”
“Thanks Gears. Stand by everyone.”

Galen tapped the crystal again and let out a hiss, a few rogue arcane tendrils now squirming across his body.
With a strange instinctual gesture, Skystar scooted closer to nudge Galen’s shoulder. The arcane flow seemed to lessen, the strange itchiness working its way through her feathers. Galen also sighed in relief, looking to Skystar curiously.
“Thank you…but how does that not hurt?” He whispered, prompting a shrug.
“Dunno. It just itches- maybe the pearl shard dulls it? Glad it helps you though! It doesn’t look fun.” Skystar replied cheerily, eyes narrowing as she also examined the map.

“If this is right, we should be in that giant empty space, right? Why would they search this far north? My mom would have made plans of where to search for me if something like this happened, and this far away just wouldn’t make sense, not with everything that’s going on.”
Galen nodded, and despite not saying anything, Skystar saw his hackles start to prickle.
“You said that your mom would have plans of how to search for you- so, she’d know what would be safest. So, if they are searching for us outside those official plans…”

A slight whimper left Skystar’s beak as she nodded.
“T-then there’s a few reasons that could have happened. None of them good.”
“Alright. Everyone? Change of plans. Something is going on- because our charts are no good anymore. We’re flying low and quiet, you know the drill. If we can find a place to hide that’d be ideal, but otherwise stick to your stations.”
Four chimes sounded off, leaving Galen to then slump to the deck with a sigh.
“This complicates things. If something was off, we would have heard from Queen Novo…so why are the routes different, and why haven’t we heard anything?” he muttered.
“Just sit tight Skystar. We’re still safe. This ship has some of the best cloaking spells available. Some are known by the governments, others…well, not so much.” Galen added with a grin.
“I’ll stay up here for a while- and I can meander back to my cabin on my own.”

Skystar nodded, pausing to then run over and give Galen a brief hug, the Princess taking in a shaky breath.
“Thank you for all of this.” She whispered, then making her way belowdecks and leaving Galen alone on the bridge.

After the Princess had taken her leave, Galen sighed as he examined the vessel-detection spell, the four ships above them slowly moving off. A green Kirin flashed into existence next to him, looking at the Captain curiously.
“Let the counsel know we’ve hit a snag. As to what you want Skystar to know- that’s up to you all now.” He whispered, looking over as a wide grin plastered itself across the Kirin’s face.
“What is that look for?”

The magical entity trotted forward and embraced the gryphon, then backed away and gestured down the hall and pranced up and down excitedly.
“Yeah yeah. She hugged me.”
The Kirin leaned on the table, propping up her head on her hooves with a cheeky smile.
“…and yes it’s nice. You happy?”
A satisfied nod was Galen’s answer, the entity vanishing with a wave as the gryphon looked over the maps once again.
“Now where to go now…”

-Three Days Later-

‘Day…ten or something of our journey. I’ve got parchment so I figured, why not write a journal thing? I don’t have my USUAL journal, so why not?
Poor Galen. Whatever that weird magical thing is laid him out for another day. But in the short time I saw him he’s been totally distracted. I’ll just make sure to say hello if nothing else. I don’t blame him honestly. Why would mom’s plans not be followed? The answers make me feel sick…especially with a civil war. But why Equestrian vessels?
In other news, Anthracite was an exporter of MASSIVE mana crystals. Like. Hippogriff sized and bigger. That took some digging to find the specifics and what they can do.

Day Eleven (I think)
Read a shelf in the library- SO MANY COOL PLANTS!
Like. Where we are, there’s a plant that mimics having snow on it, but actually the white stuff is spores that spray everywhere!
I mean yea, you get paralyzed for an hour if you inhale them, but it’s still cool! SO many interesting things!
Also it’s a nice distraction. Galen still isn’t talking too much, so I don’t want to push things. I don’t blame him. If I didn’t have this library I’d go nuts. Still no word on getting new information about this Anthracite nation.
New thing I learned though- these mana crystals can be used like a battery, storing magical energy and then releasing it with different spells. Gears said one of them powers the ship. But how do they charge it up? Still interesting.
…I hope mom is ok.

Skystar glared at the pile of books at the corner of the table, trying to will more information into their pages.
“Almost a week and a half, and no word from mom.” She muttered, still staring at the books.
“And three days ago, I thought you all would have some more pages to dig into. I’ve learned all I can about Anthracite and these golems, and I just need more! Stupid dead ends.” the princess muttered. She nearly fell out of the large chair with a squawk as a unicorn appeared in front of her with a flash of light.

“Hiya!” she crowed, then winced on seeing the distraught princess.
“Oh. Sorry, bad entrance?” the golem asked.
“Eh. Just startled me. You must be Switch?” Skystar asked, and smiled as the pony nodded.
“Yup! Sorry it’s taken me SOOOOO long to say hello, but I’ve been crazy busy- GEARS! Don’t. Touch. Those. Settings.” she growled to a hedgehog clearly outside of Skystar’s view.
“I don’t leave the engine room and other systems much. That’s more of Al’s deal. He’s a great pilot, but I keep the thing running! So, nice to meet you Princess!” she said with a smile.
“Just Skystar is fine- and nice to meet you too! Anything going on?”

Switch shook her head, then glaring to a certain hedgehog out of view.
“Not too much, I would like to chat sometime th-GEARS! PAWS. OFF. THE-” the pony sighed and waved to Skystar.
“This idiot wants to adjust the pressure. I gotta-hmm.” Switch’s eyes widened in surprise, the golem then regaining a bit of her computer.
“Gotta go- sorry can’t chat more. But nice to finally meet you Skystar!”
With a ‘pop’ the golem vanished, leaving Skystar blinking in surprise.
“…Well, ok. That happened. So that means I’ve met everyone.”
She let out a slight huff, head shaking slightly.
“Well, other than Galen’s mysterious friends. But I guess I’ll meet them soon…enough.” Skystar’s words trailed off as a new figure spiraled into existence, motes of lime green light condensing into the familiar shape of a Kirin.
Oh. That’s why Switch left.

“Oh! You’re Ley, right?” Skystar asked, the Kirin prancing up and down happily with a nod. She trotted over and looked at Skystar from every angle, seeming to silently squeal with excitement all the while.
Huh. Can she talk?

“I’m Skystar- buuut I guess you already know that.” the hippogriff chirped, prompting Ley to nod.
“If you don’t want to talk that’s fine! I’m just happy to meet you! I really don’t know who you are though, only that you’re important.” she added, watching as Ley held up a hoof to hide a giggle.
“It’s very nice to meet you official then! Would- OH! Are you here to give me that new book thing?”

Ley nodded- a series of pages the same color as her coalescing into existence. The Kirin seemed to narrow her eyes slightly however, and started to drag her hoof across each one.
“Oooh. Are they not ready?” Skystar asked, prompting another nod, but a few pages drifted down to slide into the main history book.
“OH! Yay!”

Opening the book, Skystar’s eyes widened in surprise as the existing writing of the book began to shiver and tremble. Words rearranged themselves, and others bloomed into existence where none were before.
Wait…I don’t see Golems mentioned almost at all…
A strange sense of tension seemed to grip the hippogriff as she turned the page, her eyes resting on a fascinating drawing. A gryphon king held up a strange looking amulet; golden arches twisting together like a neat briar bush that sheltered a dark blue gem. Surrounding the king were a series of individuals of all species-all glowing like Alabaster and this Kirin.

The new writing was in more modern language and clearly a recent addition to the volume.
Artist rendition of when an old King of Anthracite attempted to activate the arcane channeling spell…

Turning the page, Skystar began to read, a strange sense of discovery building all the while.
‘Notable Summary Three: While Anthracite began as a nation built around the exportation of coal and mana crystals, the potential discovery of a new revitalization spell had the potential to double the nation’s productivity, and offered to further the advancement of magical medical treatments by leaps and bounds.’

Skystar frowned, continuing to glance over referenced passages to fill in the gaps. Starting all over with these volumes was looking like a distinct possibility if so much had been replaced.
’Unfortunately, the spell matrix was extremely unstable. In early trials, users experienced lethal magical degradation within minutes. That was expanded to hours, days, years, and finally solved. But then a new issue arose.’
A new picture was now emblazoned on the back of the page- a series of gryphons and other species seeming to flee from…
That’s the same amulet- but on fire? A building in ruins?

‘The catastrophic activation and subsequent cascading detonation of the Revitalization Spell Matrix centuries ago led to the inadvertent yet complete and total conversion* of an entire city. This event would shape the entire nation’s future history and set up another tragic series of events.’

Looking up at Ley, Skystar saw a lingering sadness in her eyes, the Kirin simply sitting off to the side as Skystar read.
*Total Conversion. The tragic side effect of the failed Revitalization spell. Instead of healing or boosting the current user’s body, the spell completely replaces the individual’s physical form with pure arcane energy. Drawn from ancient ley-lines, the magic is thus far extremely resilient and allows the user/afflicted to exist without much need for rest or sustenance for an indefinite period of time. Attempts to convert from arcane energy to physical form have thus failed (Circa One Century after event.)

Skystar let out a breath, shaking her head sadly. It was an event repeated in many nations; but this was the first in which over six thousand individuals had been afflicted and not outright died by a magical mishap.
‘Due to their unique nature, the afflicted were, and are, henceforth referred to as the Ash(en), the name originating due to their existence being a byproduct, and the nation’s first and then secondary export material being coal (and such being a side-product). Without need for sleep or sustenance, the creatures were manipulated and coerced into being the ideal slave force to build Anthracite’s empire. Their enslavement lasted one hundred and twenty years- during which time Anthracite held the distinguished honor of being one of the most prestigious magical research locations in the Gryphon Empire.’

Frowning as she read, Skystar jotted down a few notes and continued to read. Such a nation built on the backs of such enslavement didn’t settle well with her at all.
‘After over a century of being treated as property, the view of the Ashen seemed to change with the onset of the nation’s final three rulers. King Furgil the Second was the first king to plant the idea that such afflicted individuals still were citizens, and both passed and heavily enforced unpopular measures to give the Ashen limited rights. His successor (K.F. the Third) furthered that work and allowed the Ashen to be full citizens- yet it was K.F.t.T’s nephew that truly launched change.’

Looking back over to Ley, Skystar only saw the Kirin watching, intently curious as to how the hippogriff was reacting to the new information. Apparently, it was in a good way, because any glanced towards the Kirin were met with a smile.

‘King Trestellian worked to erase the centuries of distrust and superstition surrounding the Ashen- allowing many to start businesses and begin to integrate back into society. Prejudice still was rampart, but for the first time, the innocent bystanders of an accident could be treated once again as citizens of an empire they helped build.
Unfortunately, Anthracite’s empire fell into disarray following a coupe that spread like fire through the capital city.’

Skystar’s breath caught in her chest- noticing a few key points in the literature.
A fire- it wasn’t an outright lie, some of this was a half-truth…

‘Aided by a previously unheard-of cult, the King’s brother aided in the slaughtering of almost the entire royal family and the destruction of the castle. Had the events been postponed but a year, the King would have delegated his power to a royal council and his work been continued, but the lawful rule unfortunately now fell to the brother. The Ashen fled into an arcane void, the entire population of afflicted now resided within the royal seal as the new king sent the entire nation into squalor over a decade.

Barely escaping with their lives, the Prince and some advisors sough refuge in other nations until it was time to rebuilt Anthracite away from prying eyes, and after their enemy had returned back to the shadows.

“Wait. Does that mean Galen is the-”
Ley pointed to the book, gesturing for her to continue to read further.
‘The Prince currently resides in the nation’s island capital, kept up to date with affairs from trusted traders and advisors. Of the current penning of this history, plans are in motion to reveal our nation to the world. How that will occur, this historian does not know.’

“And let me guess. Galen is one of these traders and advisors?” Skystar asked, receiving a happy nod in reply. The princess’s wings then flared, Skystar staring at the Kirin.
“So, wait. You’re one of these…Ashen? Is that offensive? I don’t know if there’s connotations with that.” She asked, letting out a sigh of relief as Ley chucked and shook her head twice.
“Then who…?”

With a flicker of light, Alabaster and Switch appeared across from the table. For the first time since Skystar had seen them, the ponies appeared rather nervous. Their forms seemed to be a bit more solid than before, their outlines seeming to have more integrity and bore resemblance to crystal ponies in terms of appearance.
Switch was also scooted against Alabaster, holding his hoof tightly in hers.
They look more…real.

“Nice to meet you officially, Princess Skystar.” Alabaster said, voice hitching slightly.
“My name is Alabaster River. While I am not one of the original Ashen, I was born one.”

Skystar managed to keep her jaw from dropping (mostly,) and could only stare for a few moments before recovering.
“Wait. I didn’t know that was possible? Forgive my ignorance, but it said six thousand were changed. How can you be born one?”
Alabaster shrugged, gesturing to himself and Switch.
“We are the same as you, just a different composition. Instead of eating a piece of bread, we eat a magical form of it. Every physical thing has a magical counterpart- so we are born just as you were.” he then managed a slight smile.

“Well. Not exactly. I didn’t hatch from an egg. But both Switch and I retain the same characteristics as the originally afflicted individuals in terms of life.”
Switch waved with a free hoof, managing a nervous smile.
“This is the first time we’ve met someone like this. So I guess it’s up to you how you want to go from here Skystar.”
With barely a pause, the hippogriff was not able to resist happily hopping up, Skystar’s wings flaring with excitement. The princess was barely able to contain a happy squeal as she looked at the pair.
“Go from here? I have so many questions! I’m so happy to meet you two like, as YOU! This is incredible!”

Alabaster looked over to Ley, who was currently rolling on the floor with laughter.
“I think we now know why you were the individual chosen for all this.” he added, a genuine smile now on his features.
“Wait. Does that mean Galen is an Ashen? He’s an advisor and trader. So, he knows the prince?” Skystar asked, prompting a nod from the three arcane creatures.

“Yes and no. His condition is a bit more complicated than that, and not our business to explain. It’s a pretty sensitive matter, but he is indeed how our nation remains connected to the outside world, and thus knows the prince fairly well.” Alabaster explained.

Skystar finally managed to compose herself, walking over and holding out a set of claws and channeling the Hippogriff Princess for a moment.
“It’s nice to meet you, Alabaster River of the Anthracite nation. I look forward to assisting your re-integration with the modern world as best as I can.” the princess relayed smoothly, the other three individuals smiling as Alabaster shook her claws.
“Thank you, Princess Skystar.” he then paused, letting out a slight chuckle.
“While many, including myself, can appreciate formal conversation, I am rather excited to see how you react outside your royal duties. Your reaction was one of the best I could have hoped for.”

Skystar bowed her head, then trotting back over to the desk to look at her notes. Shredding them, she got a new sheet of paper and looked at Alabaster with a rather eager grin.
“I have to re-do alllllll my notes now! I do have a toooon of questions though.” She then paused, shrugging as a thought came to the fore.

“I can tell some of the history is missing though, even from the few sections I read. I’ll need to read this entire book first and foremost- because I don’t want to ask questions already answered. I know what it’s like to come from a nation sent away for a decade- I can’t imagine the challenges your race has had to deal with. So, that said, I will fully respect if there is a topic or area you do not wish to discuss.”

“Oh my gosh she’s perfect!” Switch crowed, jumping into the air with a grin, followed by Ley prancing up and down. Skystar couldn’t hide the embarrassed blush that ran up her features as she scribbled a few more notes down.
“Well. We are here to answer any questions that may arise as you read. It is…really good to meet you Skystar.” Alabaster remarked, his form then vanishing with Switch’s. Ley stayed behind for a moment, then bowing her head to vanish in turn.

Left alone in the library, the hippogriff let out a relieved sigh, a hum leaving her beak.
“Well that was crazy and awesome. Now what is in this book….”

Author's Note:

Skystar makes some discoveries, learns the stories of two other gryphons, and some progress with our stubborn captain!

Hope everyone is enjoy the story; I'm going to handle time skips with journal entries from Skystar I think, since there are a few (and writing each one as a small segment would be fairly repetitious, but I want to provide some substance nonetheless!)

It's rather tricky to try and condense the contents of a nation's history book into this fic, and I'm hoping that it isn't too overwhelming to the reader. I want everyone to learn things as Skystar does- without pulling random 'oh it was in the book' moments out of thin air.
Feedback is welcome as always!