• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 2,680 Views, 343 Comments

Of Stars and Sails - RadBunny

When an eccentric gryphon and his for-hire crew are tasked with kidnapping a Princess for her own safety, it was sure to be an odd job. But when plans and alliances fail, no port is safe when a dagger is hidden behind every friendly smile.

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Chapter Seventeen: Reckoning

Skystar took a deep breath, adjusting the dark grey breastplate that sat over her chest as two Ashen Rangers made sure the protective spells on the armor were activated. Gems glowed along the sides of the metal; powerful shielding spells that would stop all but a concentrated attack.

“Just stay with us and you’ll be fine.” One of the gryphons rumbled, a large individual by the name of Turgin, prompting Skystar to nod. “We’re teleporting in right near the Prince after they clear the entrance and when the second group is surrounding us. The Queen said there should be an access to the palace defenses just inside the door; she said you knew where?”

Skystar nodded, remembering the small crystal panel set behind a picture frame. Novo had spent an entire day showing her around on how to interact with the new security measures when they had been upgraded. Of course, Skystar hadn’t needed to use them until now.

“We’re in, then we’re out. You open the defenses for the Guardian, and then we’re back here.” Turgin reassured her, the hippogriff remarked as she adjusted the two daggers on her shoulders.

“Let’s get it done then.” she muttered, the other Ashen nodding as they led her back to the main spell chamber. With a simple flash of light, Skystar’s vision faded, and the stone room was replaced by the familiar sights and smells of her home.

The palace rose up in front of her, dozens of armored Ashen standing at the entrance as the Princess trotted up the familiar steps.

“Make it quick. I don’t like this lack of resistance.” One of the Ashen called back, prompting Skystar to nod.

“Galen is near the throne room now; resistance has been light, stay on your guard. The Revelation is still concealed; our other forces are easily handling the Golden fleet.” Alabaster’s familiar tone piped through the crystal communicator in Skystar’s ear.

She nodded, turning to her left as they entered the massive palace doors. Another right turn down a hallway…

“Bingo.” she whispered, taking a painting of a tree off the stone wall and tapping her claws against the crystal panel behind it. “Almost…”

The panel promptly blinked, and then began to flash red.
“Uh, that’s odd.” Skystar muttered, trying to open the magical inputs that guided the various spells of the castle’s defenses. “Wait…”

The princess’s breath caught in her chest, a simple indicator flashing on the panel.
“Oh no. No no no no… Skystar hissed, looking over to one of her guards. “The panel- none of them will work! It’s all locked out, re-routed to the control room. It’s one of the last-resort measures built in, but why would they…?”

The answer died on Skystar’s tongue as an exclamation rang out in her ears, the clash of metal sounding outside of the palace doors.


Skystar felt a shiver run down her spine, looking to her now-worried guards.
“They knew we were coming; they must have! I can’t do anything here, not unless I can access the control panel in the throne room. Do…we leave?”

Turgin turned the slightest more pale- the warrior shaking his head as he gestured deeper into the palace. A strange tingling sensation now reached Skystar’s awareness; and the hippogriff shuddered at the sensation.

“W-what is that?”

Her guards took a position ahead and behind the Princess; six other Ashen joining them as the group trotted quickly towards the stairs.

“That was a dampening field; it went up just as hundreds of those cultists flooded the streets. We’re not going anywhere, not by teleportation at least. We can dispel it, but that will take time.” Turgin explained; the Princess relaxing slightly as a familiar voice chimed in over the channel.

“Get Skystar somewhere safe then. We’ll have to tackle the throne room without the defenses.” Galen ordered. “I’m getting reports of hundreds of enemies surging into the streets. They were waiting for us.” A dark chuckle then echoed over the communicators. “They have no idea that their trap is their own demise. We match them almost evenly on the ground; and once their fleet is destroyed, they’re finished. Now, get Skystar somewhere secure!”

Skystar followed her guards down a familiar hallway; usually used for general traffic among the castle-


The Princess ducked as a door exploded next to her, a Golden Gryphon growling at the throng. He barely had time to aim a spear towards the hippogriff before three swords buried themselves into his chest, a fourth taking off his head.

“Be advised, there are still cultists in the castle waiting to launch an ambush.” Turgin growled, prompting a sigh from Galen.

“Get her up here then. Being spread out is just asking for trouble, as is sheltering anywhere in-between us and the entrance. The line is holding, but I don’t know how long. We’re on limited time. They flooded out between our containment lines. We’ll be able to push them back- but I’m not sure if they’ll push into here before that.” Galen remarked, Skystar and her guards quickly trotting down the hallways that led to the main throne room.

“I can try to access the panel while you all are fighting; it’s right by the door and behind a pillar.” Skystar butted in, prompting an immediate hiss.

“Absolutely not.” Galen growled.

Skystar rounded a corner with her guards; now seeing a group of twenty-strong Ashen Rangers with Galen at their head.

“Well what else should I do?” Skystar asked him, seeing the gryphon’s eyes widen, genuine worry shining behind the gryphon’s gaze.

“Just stay safe. You weren’t supposed to be anywhere near here. You just have to stay safe until we get rid of the field.” Galen instructed, prompting a shrug from Skystar.

“Well, nowhere in this palace is safe. If they knew about the throne room failsafe for the defenses, then they definitely know all of the hidey-holes in here. Like, say, the hallway you used to kidnap me?” Skystar countered, prompting Galen to stare at her incredulously (along with a few odd gazes from the Rangers towards their Prince.)
Heh. I wonder how many knew about that actually…

“That is a good point.” Galen sighed, head shaking slowly. “Fine. Just stay behind everyone with a few of the guards; I want four always with you during the fight, or whatever event is down that hallway. When we need the system activated, I’ll let you know.”

Skystar nodded, sitting back and waiting as Galen ran through the plan once more. It sounded fairly straightforward; breech the throne room, kill his uncle/nexus, and then draw out big gold and brash. And then kick his yellow butt to Tartarus!

Galen took a few deep breaths, a sword gripped tightly in his claws.
“Let’s get this done!”
A decade of preparation…

Shoving open the unlocked throne room doors, Galen took in the situation in an instant. Dozens of Golden cultists were packed together, all crouched and ready to charge. Behind them all, lounging on the throne was a pudgy gryphon, grey and brown feathers speckling his frame.

“And so, we finally meet again, Galen. My how you’ve grown.” Galen’s uncle droned, inspecting his jeweled claws.

“Just to make things clear; you won’t win. I estimate you have a short time before my forces breach your pathetic attempts to-”

“Oh, shut up, Jersig.” Galen hissed.

“I didn’t come here to banter, I came here to kill you. You murdered my family, your own brother, for what? Immortality? Power?”

Jersig’s ears perked up, the gryphon walking down to sit behind his warriors.
“That’s about right. You can’t put a price on that, after all.”

And yet you did. It was a price greater than your brother, than my family.
Galen chucked; a mirthless, hollow sound.
“It really isn’t that fantastic, you know. Destined to watch all those you love die? But what would you know of such things; you won’t leave this room in one piece.”

Blinking in surprise, Jersig gestured to his forces, wings shifting as he sighed.
“Perhaps. But what will that victory cost you? Half your forces? Or maybe the life of that pretty hippogr-AHG!”

A dagger embedded itself into the gryphon’s throat, the traitorous gryphon letting out a hack as he ripped Galen’s weapon free. He barely had time to gesture towards the Ashen rangers before they struck.

The front line of a dozen gryphons fell immediately, the Rangers tearing into them with sword, scimitar and crossbow. Galen ducked a swing from a sword, shredding into a gryphon with his own weapon.

Skystar had her daggers clenched tightly in her claws, edging off to the left of the battle. Her guards occasionally lunged forwards; dealing with a wayward Golden who drifted their way.
Almost there!

Arriving at a small panel, Skystar yanked it open and began tapping the crystal console furiously.
Reroute the spell matrix, just like my mom said. Ok, accept outside input, switch to containment, maximum strength….

Skystar heard a nearby commotion- and the Princess turned to see a Golden gryphon grappling with one of her guards, the others occupied with a few other enemies who took advantage of the distraction.

A furious screech left her throat, the hippogriff charging forwards to tear into the creature.
“YOU. GET. OUT. OF. MY. HOME!” She bellowed, spinning the dagger in her claws to nearly sever the Golden’s neck, then retreating as her other guards came to assist.

Skystar turned to watch Galen as he pushed forwards, making sure she was within reach of the console. When he gave the signal…
Go, Galen!

As the Rangers pushed forwards, Galen forced his way closer to Jersig, the other gryphon now starting to scramble backwards in surprised horror.

Arcane energy began to flicker across the Prince’s frame, his movements becoming more purposeful and calculated. A Golden warrior lunged at him- and was promptly batted aside with a searing beam of magic.

Jersig’s shook his head in disbelief, seeing his forces having been split neatly down the middle by the experience Ashen Rangers; allowing Galen safe passage. The murderous creature barely had time to draw his own sword before Galen’s claws wrapped their way around his throat. The young Prince’s eyes were narrowed in rage, and Galen’s free claws buried a sword into his traitorous uncle’s chest.


Jersig let out a screech as Galen’s claws erupted with magic, the blue tendrils burrowing into his body. Golden magic leaked from his frame, seeming to flee and evaporate under the touch of Galen’s spell.

“You betrayed your family, your home, all for what? Some creature who fancies himself a god?” Galen hissed, digging his claws in deeper. “Now, die like the coward you are, and bring out your master! Where is Tenbris?”

His claws ignited, blue flames now spreading across Jersig’s body. The gryphon writhed and shrieked- golden magic leaving his pudgy frame. A dozen other gryphons grabbed their heads, bodies shriveling as their leader expired. The remainder were quickly set upon by Ashen rangers, leaving only the shriveled husk of Jersig near the throne.

“LEY!” Galen called, a familiar kirin snapping into existence at his side. With his own magic surging towards the golden sparks that dotted the room, it concentrated the flecks into a general area. With an angry hum, the magic began to coalesce into a familiar form, the familiar golden gryphon looming over the others.

A group of rangers now darted forwards; their armor bearing an odd marking next to the Anthracite seal. Their purpose quickly became apparent as magic swirled around their bodies, the ponies, gryphons, and minotaur mages forming a strange white shield around the Golden leader.

“YOU!” The Golden bellowed, and then began to chuckle. “You think this will hold me? My forces will be here in but a few moments. You have put up a valiant fight however; I am impressed.”

“Alabaster, instruct the fleet to engage all targets. Leave no survivors.” Galen hissed into his gauntlet, watching as the large gryphon’s eyes widened in shock. The horrified screams of his fallen subjects filled his consciousness; a large beetle-like vessel having dropped its concealment spell as it tore through the airships that were aimed towards the palace.

“What…is this?”

“Begin.” Galen remarked, the other mages nodding and beginning to alter the shield’s spell.
“This is where you die, where you pay for every life you have taken, every family you’ve destroyed. You tried to kill us all once; and you nearly succeeded.”

Galen reached out with his claws, sending an energy pulse lashing towards the golden gryphon. It connected with a hiss, prompting Tenebris to bow his head-

And laugh.

“Oh, you naïve Ashen. You have it all wrong.”

Tenebris’s claws snapped out- and every Ashen in the room promptly clasped their heads in pain, and odd ringing filling the room. Ley herself was splayed out on the floor, the Kirin writing as her entire body began to spark.

Galen seemed to only be partially affected, a glow of energy surrounding his claws as he struggled to maintain the shield in front of him.

“How do you think I paralyzed my sister, and all the other Ashen years ago before I killed them?” The cultist chuckled. “It won’t last long, but I won’t need more than a moment. With you dead, and your attack stalled? I’ll hunt down every Ashen one by one.”

Tenebris calmly tore through the flickering shield, walking over to Galen as he struggled to remain on his feet.

“I am impressed however; Your forces are indeed annihilating mine, and are more numerous than I ever could have imagined. However, will it be worth it? You cannot kill me; that’s not how energy works. This is a setback, but the price will be so worth it.” He hissed.

“I didn’t plan on losing so many followers, but that is a price I’m willing to pay. Now then, young Prince. It is your turn to die. And after that…” the cultist turned towards the rear of a room, where he knew a hippogriff was hiding.

“After that, I’ll deal with your lover. Maybe mount her head on the palace doors.”

A sword materializing in the creature’s claws, the gryphon raising the weapon. His sword swung towards Galen, the Prince’s own magic desperately seeking to blunt the blow. The weapon then paused halfway, and the Golden’s entire body suddenly shivered as it was forced to a halt. Hidden runes now activated along the walls of the throne room, called into existence by a single claw on a console.


His head spasming, Tenebris turned to confront a furious hippogriff, her claws grasping at a console panel as the palace’s defenses responded to her touch, creating a green shield around the massive creature.

“Keep your dirty claws off my Gryphon!”

With a twist, Skystar switched the settings of the palace defenses. Ancient offensive spells activated as piercing beams of white light ignited in the ceiling and floor. Each beam angled to intersect the Golden leader, the intensity slowly increasing.

Tenebris hissed, the beams eating away at his frame bit by bit, the old magic desperately seeking to destroy the intruder.
“You think this will stop me, welp?” he growled, and then paused in horror as Skystar answered.

“Nope. That’s his job.”

A beam of blue energy punched a hole in the Golden’s face, making him stagger slightly. Galen’s body now sparked with healthy magic, shields and runes spinning around his frame.
“You killed those I loved once- I will not let you do the same again! Not to me, not to ANYONE!” The prince bellowed, sending a blast of power into one of Tenebris’s eyes and causing him to hiss.

The Anthracite mages now shook their heads, the Palace defenses distracting the Golden leader long enough to break his spell. Ley stood up, her eyes ablaze in fury as she levitated a serrated blade in front of her.

The mages resumed their spells, Ley adding her magic to the mix as Skystar adjusted the Palace spells to bolster the shield once again.

“I cannot be destroyed!” Tenebris, pausing as Galen nodded, standing in front of the cultist with a furious growl.

“No, but your essence can be scattered to the corners of this land, never to re-form ever again. You, as a creature, will be dead. And if your energy does return? We’ll be ready.”

Tenebris let out a hiss, stabbing a sword through the increasingly-thick shield.
“You foolish creature. You don’t have the power to kill me! NONE OF YOU DO!”

“Alabaster. Fire.”

A low hum filled the air, a wall of the palace beginning to glow as the stone started to melt. Rangers quickly back-peddled, two guards shielding Skystar-

The wall then exploded.

A beam of light thicker than a house blasted into the room, diving into Galen’s body like water into parched earth. The Revelation’s main cannons continued to fire- raw energy surging into the Prince’s frame.

His feathers burning away, Galen’s Ashen form grew slightly, the normal blue colorations giving way to a pure white appearance. Reaching forward, Galen’s claws pierced through the shield and dug into Tenebris’s chest, energy burrowing into the other creature’s frame.

“You won’t escape me this time!” Galen growled, wincing as the beam from his ship strengthened.

Tenebris shrieked, his body beginning to flake away at the area closest to Galen’s claws. The Prince reached upwards, digging his claws into the other gryphon’s throat.

“My Family, the Ashen; how many have you killed?” Galen hissed, energy surging along his arm and into the Golden Creature. “How many are watching now, awaiting retribution?”

Tenebris continued to thrash, a limb flaking off into black dust as Galen continued the spell.
“Now die. Begone into nothing. Go back to the shadows, and never return!”

The Golden leader now began to spasm, the rest of his body flaking into dust. His head turned towards Ley-

The kirin’s response was immediate, sending her sword burrowing into Tenebris’s skull. Ley’s eyes then softened ever so slightly as two whispered words seemed to echo throughout the room.
“Goodbye, Brother.”

A final screech left Tenebris’s beak, the last remnants of his golden frame flaking away under Galen’s assault. With a hiss of magic, the black dust spun and spiraled into an invisible drain, sucked away into the very ether from which it had originally been spawned.

“Alabaster, cease fire.”

The beam of energy abruptly ended, leaving a gaping hole in the side of the room that dripped with molten stone; blue sky and ocean visible from the entrance. The spells cut out; the Ashen mages standing at attention as Galen stumbled slightly.

“Is it over?” Galen asked, looking over to Ley, who simply nodded.

At his side in an instant, Skystar braced herself as Galen slumped against her shoulder, sides starting to quiver.
“It’s over. Galen, you did it.” she whispered, Galen reaching over to grasp her claws tightly in his own.

“No, not just me. We would have lost if not for you, Sky. Every creature here…”
The Prince then turned and addressed his rangers, despite his limbs shivering. “I only did a part of this; We did it.”

Galen braced himself against Skystar, raising his sword high as he took a deep breath.
“VICTORY!” He roared, dozens, then hundreds of voices from outside then responding in gusto.


Skystar joined in with the rest, a few tears springing to her eyes.
It’s over.

As Galen looked over to the hippogriff and gave her a kiss on the head feathers, Skystar’s thoughts promptly corrected themselves.
No, the war may be over, but a lot more is just beginning.

Author's Note:


I wanted to dedicate an entire chapter to this fight, and I hope it didn't disappoint!