• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,312 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

  • ...

Chapter 34: Back from the Dead

Diamond Tiara walked to the school courtyard. She was thankful it was night so no one would recognize her. As she approached the courtyard, she saw something glinting on the ground. She approached it and saw that it was the pipe she had stabbed through her father.

"Oh, no! That can't be good!" thought Diamond Tiara, panicking.

She picked the pipe up and sniffed it. Filthy Rich's scent was faint. She figured that he must've left about a day or so ago. Setting the pipe gently, she listened for any signs that Filthy Rich was nearby. After a few moments, she heard something at the blood bank.

Flashing over to the blood bank, Diamond Tiara kept herself out of sight. She hid behind a small bush as a van door slammed shut. Footsteps made their way past her. Carefully, she peeked over the bush. She saw her father with what appeared to be a large group of teenagers.

"What is he doing here with them?" whispered Diamond Tiara.

Meanwhile, Trixie was walking by the blood bank. She was on her way home from the mall. As she walked past a row of bushes, she spotted Diamond Tiara. She knitted her eyebrows in confusion. Her eyes darted in the direction of where Diamond Tiara was looking. She spotted the last of the teenagers as they walked into the bank.

Deciding she needed to know what was going on, she approached Diamond Tiara.

"Hey, what's going on here? Why are spying on those people?" hissed Trixie, ducking behind the bushes.

Diamond Tiara spun around, coming face to face with Trixie. She felt her fangs extend before she could retract them. Turning away, she tried to calm herself down.

"Trixie, I am following them because they are with my father, who is supposed to be dead." replied Diamond Tiara.

She got up and flashed over to the entrance of the building. She spotted some of the teenagers lingering in the hallways.

"Great, he has spotters." thought Diamond Tiara, rolling her eyes.

Trixie watched as Diamond Tiara stood by the entrance. She walked out from behind the bushes and followed Diamond Tiara. She wanted to know more. Plus, she wasn't about to be left out of the mystery.

Darting towards Diamond Tiara, she didn't see that someone was watching them from outside. As she got closer to Diamond Tiara, she tripped over the last step. She fell, tumbling into Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara's head hit one of the glass doors, shattering it. The noise was enough to cause the spotters to look at them. She pushed Trixie off if her, quickly jumping to her feet.

"Good job, Trixie! Now I have to deal with them. Just stay out of this before you get hurt." Diamond Tiara said, grabbing a shard of glass.

Trixie groaned. After hitting her knee on the pavement, she felt something crack. She attempted to stand but her knee buckled. Managing to catch herself on the railing, she looked at Diamond Tiara.

"I-I think I broke my knee!" shouted Trixie, fighting through the pain.

Diamond Tiara looked back at Trixie. Letting her guard down, she was attacked by one of the spotters. She landed on her back as she was tackled. Using the glass shard, she slit the throat of the of her attacker. She shoved the person off of her as she got up. Walking over to Trixie, she dropped the bloodied glass shard.

"Come on, I'll help you sit somewhere safer." said Diamond Tiara as Trixie swung her arm over her shoulder.

With Diamond Tiara's help, Trixie hobbled over to the school entrance. As they walked through the broken door, the second spotter appeared. Diamond Tiara sat Trixie down near a set of lockers.

"Oh, come on! Can't you see I am trying to help a friend?" Diamond Tiara said, ripping a locker door off its hinges.

The spotter dodged Diamond Tiara's first swing. As they ducked down, they grabbed a piece of glass. As Diamond Tiara went to prepare for another swing, she left her ribcage exposed. Seizing the opportunity, the spotter stabbed the glass shard into Diamond Tiara.

A sharp pain made Diamond Tiara drop the locker door. As she dropped it, the spotter was hit by the door. She dropped to her knees as the spotter was knocked unconscious. Her hand grabbed the glass shard and yanked it out. Inhaling sharply, she stood up and walked over to Trixie.

"Stay here. I am going to find my father and see what he is." said Diamond Tiara.

Trixie raised an eyebrow at Diamond Tiara.

Pointing to her knee, she said, "Does it look like I have a choice?"

Diamond Tiara nodded.

"When I get back, I will take you to a hospital. But for now, don't get killed." said Diamond Tiara.

The wound on Diamond Tiara's rib cage had stopped bleeding. But it wouldn't heal until she was able to feed. She headed to the room where the blood bags were stored. As she approached the room, she saw her father and the teenagers. They were drinking from some the blood bags. While a small group of teenagers stored the rest in large cooling bins.

Filthy Rich drank the last of his blood bag. It wasn't as good as blood directly from a human. But it did feed his hunger for the time being. Throwing the empty bag away, he caught sight of one the teenagers sneaking a blood bag.

Walking over to them, he yelled, "Hey, I see what you're doing. Please, come here."

The teenager jumped and hid the blood bag behind their back. They gulped, sweating profusely out of fear. Filthy Rich grabbed the bag from behind them. He waved it in front of them.

"We can't afford to have you or anyone else drinking more than one bag. So, if I catch you doing this again, you'll be visiting my dungeon." said Filthy Rich, slapping them before walking away.

As he dumped the blood bag into the cooler, he caught the scent of a familiar person. As he took a deep breath, he recognized the scent. It was his daughter, the one who impaled him.

"Ah, Diamond Tiara. Come to pay me a visit?" asked Filthy Rich, revealing that he knew Diamond Tiara was close.

Diamond Tiara stepped out from her hiding spot. Her hand was still over the wound caused by the spotter. It had started to bleed again due to her jumping from her hiding spot. She saw that her father was eyeing her wound. She glared angrily at him.

"No, I didn't come to visit father. I thought you were dead." replied Diamond Tiara.

Filthy Rich laughed.

"Did you honestly think that I was going to be killed by a pipe? I was touching the staff." said Filthy Rich approaching his daughter.

Diamond Tiara gasped. She hadn't realized that the staff, which had been destroyed, granted her father the ability to be immune to all weapons. As she thought about the staff, she wondered if Starlight had been affected as well. If she did, it would level their playing field. She eyed her father as he circled her.

"So now that you're immune to all weapons, what exactly are you planning to do next?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Filthy Rich stopped walking and turned to face his daughter. He rested a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it tightly.

"That is for me to know, dear. And for you and Starlight to find out...later." replied Filthy Rich.

Diamond Tiara yanked her shoulder away from her father's grasp. She took a step back.

"Well, whatever it is, Starlight won't let it happen." Diamond Tiara said, glaring at him.

Filthy Rich scoffed. It was amusing to see his daughter have so much confidence in Starlight. He walked over to the cooler as Scarlet finished loading the last few bags in. Seeing that they had raided the bank, leaving nothing but a few empty blood bags, he smiled.

"Well dear, I think me and my new friends must be leaving now. But please, tell Starlight I said 'hi' okay?" asked Filthy Rich, placing a hand on her rib cage.

Diamond Tiara flinched as Filthy Rich squeezed his hand, putting pressure on her wound. She spotted Scarlet and her sister. Furrowing her eyebrows, she wondered why they were involved. Her attention was drawn back to her wound as Filthy Rich eased off it.

She watched as Filthy Rich and his teenagers left the room. It was tempting to follow them and listen to their plan. But she had promised to help Trixie. She flashed out of the room, heading back to Trixie.

Trixie was sitting in the same spot where Diamond Tiara left her. But next to her was a dead teenager. She had been attacked after Diamond Tiara left. Thankfully, she was close to the pile of shattered glass. Using that, she fended off her attacker.

"Trixie, what happened here?" asked Diamond Tiara as she approached Trixie.

Trixie, using the wall for support, stood up.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie had some attackers. But a magician always has a trick up her sleeve..." replied Trixie.

An amiable smile appeared on Diamond Tiara's face.

"I am sure they do. Now, let's go to Starlight's place. I can't very well show up at the hospital in my condition." said Diamond Tiara, picking Trixie up, bridal style.

Meanwhile, back at Starlight's house, the girls were all gathered in the kitchen. They had been waiting to hear news of Sunset's death. But starlight hadn't come down yet. Applejack, who was sitting next to Twilight, got up.

"Girls, I think someone should check on Starlight." said Applejack.

Twilight looked at Applejack. Her friend's worry was clear. She was worried too, but it didn't do much good to worry. Seeing her friends look apprehensive about the news, she decided to check on Starlight.

"I'll go." said Twilight, standing up for her seat.

Applejack looked at Twilight, shocked. She was surprised to see that Twilight, who had been quiet for a while, talk. She placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder. Squeezing it, she gave Twilight a comforting smile.

"You sure you want to do that, Twi? I could go if you want." asked Applejack.

Twilight met Applejack's gaze.

"No, but I have to. I wasn't there for Sunset. I pushed her away, but now, I want to be there for Starlight." replied Twilight.

Applejack let her hand fall off Twilight's shoulder. It was the first time she heard Twilight talk about Sunset, let alone say Sunset's name. She knew that Twilight was still recovering after the attack. But it was nice to see that she was getting better.

"Okay, sugarcube. We'll be down here." said Applejack.

Twilight took a deep breath, saying to herself, "It's okay."

Twilight made her way up the stairs. She cringed as the last step creaked. She didn't want to spook Starlight. Careful to not make a sound, she walked up to Sunset's room. As she did, she saw that the door was open. She approached it and saw Starlight sitting next to Sunset's bed.

"Is she...?" asked Twilight, walking into the room.

"Dead? Yes, she is," Starlight said in a monotone, finishing Twilight's question.

Starlight looked to see that Twilight had shrunk away. She gave Twilight a small, yet warm, smile. Getting up, she walked towards Twilight.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take my anger out on you. I-I just can't believe what's happened." said Starlight.

Twilight looked at Sunset, a tear falling down her cheek. It was hard to see Sunset, who always seemed to be full of life, look so lifeless. She saw that even Sunset's flame-colored hair seemed duller than usual. She walked in and sat on the bed.

"I will stay here...if you want me to that is." said Twilight, looking at Starlight.

Starlight took one last look at Sunset. It made her stomach churn. She knew that it was a likely possibility that Sunset would never come back. She looked away before she left, heading to the kitchen.

Twilight looked at Sunset's pale, still face. Regret. Regret was all she felt. The last thing Sunset had asked her was if she hated her. She had said that she didn't hate her. Yet, she had chosen to push Sunset away.

"It was one attack. You...you didn't mean to. I am so sorry that I pushed you away." said Twilight, thankful that no one was around.

As she looked at Sunset, she thought she saw eye movement. She jumped off the bed and looked at Sunset. She again saw more eye movement before Sunset slowly opened her eyes.

Slightly dazed, Sunset looked around. Her eyesight was still blurry. But as she blinked a few times, it cleared up. She saw that Twilight was standing by her bed. As she sat up, Twilight stepped back.

"I-It's okay, Twi. What happened?" asked Sunset, her voice hoarse.

Twilight gulped. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It shouldn't have been possible. Yet, Sunset was awake and probably confused. Shaking her thoughts aside, Twilight sat back on Sunset's bed.

"Y-you had died. Starlight must've done something to save you." replied Twilight.

Sunset was in shocked. She had died and come back. That wasn't supposed to happen, not when she had been human. She looked at Twilight's eyes. There was no fear, just happiness.

"Twilight...you had the right to push me away. I had hurt you when I say that I wouldn't." said Sunset, revealing that she heard what Twilight had said.

Twilight looked away, her gaze landing on her hands. She didn't think Sunset had heard what she said. She was unsure of what to say. Taking a shaky breath, she forced herself to meet Sunset's gaze. What she saw took her by surprise. All she saw in Sunset's eyes was kindness, just like when they first met.

"Sunset...you were being starved. I don't think there was much you could do." Twilight said, placing a hand over Sunset's shaky ones.

Sunset smiled, the smile meeting her eyes as well. It made her happy to hear that Twilight didn't blame for her the attack. As she sat there, a familiar pain hit her. She yanked her hands away from Twilight, clutching her stomach as a pinching sensation hit her. She could feel her fangs extend as she realized what was happening.

"T-Twilight...Starlight turned me. If I were you, I would stand back. I don't know if I can control myself." Sunset said, avoiding eye contact with Twilight.

Twilight looked as Sunset pushed herself off her bed. She thought she saw Sunset's eyes turn red. But in the dimly lit room, it was hard to tell. She got up from Sunset's bed. Looking at the doorway, it was tempting to leave. But a small voice told her that Sunset needed her, now more than ever.

Taking a few cautious steps toward Sunset, Twilight said, "No, Sunset. I know you can control yourself. Besides, I am not leaving you alone, you need my help."

Sunset's red eyes looked at Twilight. Whether it was dumb or brave, she was glad that Twilight wanted to help. She held out her hand for Twilight. As Twilight grabbed it, she felt a small smile form. It was nice to have her newest friend back.

"Let's get you downstairs. I have a feeling that your friends, Starlight especially, are going to want to see you." said Twilight, allowing Sunset to lean on her.

Together, Sunset and Twilight made their way to the staircase. Twilight was struggling to support Sunset as they got the first step. Plus, she could see that Sunset was trying to not sink her fangs into her. She helped Sunset walk up to the staircase railing.

"Sunset, do you think that you can walk down the stairs on your own?" asked Twilight, breathing heavy.

Sunset could tell that Twilight couldn't support her much longer. She inhaled sharply as her stomach twisted. Her hunger for blood was growing stronger every minute she was next to Twilight. It wouldn't be long before she would lose control.

"Y-yeah, I think I can." replied Sunset.

Twilight sighed as relief washed over her. The thought of having to carry Sunset down the stairs had worried her. It wasn't hard to see that Sunset was losing control. She walked alongside Sunset as they made their way down the stairs. Twilight heard a few gasps as Sunset came into view.

Starlight, who was drinking some rabbit blood, looked up. She was shocked to see that Royal Moon's cure worked. If her glass had been in her hand, it would've fallen. She got up and ran over to Sunset.

Twilight stepped back and allowed Starlight to hug Sunset. She gave Applejack a smile. Her friends seemed so excited and surprised that Sunset was alive. They all had expected that she would've died. As she glanced back at Sunset, she saw that Sunset was having trouble controlling her hunger.

"Starlight, Sunset has to feed- and soon." whispered Twilight.

Starlight looked at Sunset. She could see that Twilight was right. In a few minutes, Sunset was bound to lose control. She looked around at Sunset's friends. She found that Fluttershy was missing.

"Girls, where is Fluttershy?" asked Starlight.

Just then Fluttershy came down the stairs. She stopped when she spotted Sunset looking at her. Sunset's red eyes made goosebumps appear on her arm. It took a few moments before Fluttershy regained her composure. She walked past Sunset, ignoring the low growl that slipped as she passed Sunset.

"Now that Fluttershy is with you girls, you need to stay away from Sunset.," said Starlight, gripping Sunset's forearm.

Rarity looked at Sunset. She could see Sunset's eyes were red and her fangs were extended. Her hand instinctively went to cover her neck. She backed away, bumping into Pinkie Pie while doing so.

Sunset felt a wave of hunger hit her. She turned away from her friends. It was easier to control herself if she didn't see the fear in their eyes. She was panicking on the inside. She needed human blood. But where she could she get some? It didn't seem like her friends would be willing to give up a pint. Or maybe they would. She decided to try, desperate to keep herself from attacking them or anyone else.

"Starlight, can you ask them if they're willing to give a pint of blood for me?" whispered Sunset.

Starlight looked at Sunset, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Why can't you?" Starlight asked, loosening her grip in Sunset's forearm.

Sunset looked at Twilight. The attack had shaken both of them. But she was glad that Twilight seemed to be handling it better, now. She turned back to Starlight.

"Because...I don't want to scare Twilight or the rest of my friends." replied Sunset.

Starlight nodded. She turned to face Sunset's friends. She walked up to Twilight and rest a hand on her shoulder.

"Girls, Sunset needs human blood. Her wounds haven't healed completely." Starlight looked down at the ground, "And in the midst of becoming human again, her wounds worsened. So, I need someone who may be willing to give a pint of their blood." said Starlight.

The gang all looked at Sunset, their expressions a mix of shock and worry. The only one who didn't look at Sunset was Twilight. After the attack, she wasn't too fond of giving Sunset any of her blood. Fluttershy was the first one to speak.

"I could give Sunset some of my blood." said Fluttershy.

Sunset looked up, her eyes flashing to Fluttershy. It had surprised her to see that her most shy friend volunteer. She was happy, though she couldn't smile. She was about to drink her friend's blood; again.

"You sure about that, Shy?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy nodded.

"Yes, I am. She's my friend." said Fluttershy.

Starlight smiled, letting go of Twilight's shoulder. She approached Fluttershy. Together, they went down to the basement. Starlight was digging through old trunks as she went to find a blood drawing kit. After a few trunks, she found it.

Meanwhile, Sunset had navigated to the kitchen. She opened the fridge, looking at the blood. After looking around, she settled on a jar of squirrel's blood. She poured the glass as some of her friends looked away. She looked at the crimson liquid. She knew that it wasn't going to do much to quell her hunger. Grabbing the glass, she downed it in seconds.

Just as Sunset finished washing the glass, Starlight and Fluttershy joined her in the kitchen. The scent of human blood wafted towards her. She gripped the sink counter in an attempt to remain in control.

"Sunset, here is Fluttershy's blood. It should be enough to heal you completely." Starlight said, handing Sunset the blood bag.

Sunset looked at Fluttershy as she grabbed the blood bag.

"Thank you, Fluttershy so much for this you don't know how much I appreciate you doing this….." mouthed Sunset silently.

Fluttershy, still lightheaded, joined her friends in the living room. They watched as Starlight removed Sunset's bandages. Rarity covered her mouth, attempting to not throw up at the sight of Sunset's wounds. But no longer able to fight it, she ran to the bathroom.

Sunset drank the blood, draining the bag dry. As she drank the blood, her wounds slowly healed and disappeared. Finishing the bag, she dropped the bag. She flashed over to her friends. Her fangs retracted as her red eyes became cyan once more. She looked at Fluttershy, giving her a hug.

Fluttershy gave Sunset a small smile. She was still a bit lightheaded and nervous. It wasn't every day that she gave someone blood, let alone a pint of it. As Sunset let go of her, she heard a noise. She looked up to see Diamond Tiara, holding Trixie and approaching the front door.

Starlight approached the front door, opening it. She saw Diamond Tiara carrying an injured Trixie. She stepped aside and allowed Diamond Tiara to come in.

"Starlight, Trixie is injured, broken knee I think. Also, my father is alive." said Diamond Tiara, setting Trixie down on one of the stools.

A few audible gasps were heard. But the rest of the room was silent. Everyone had hoped that Filthy Rich had died. Sunset got up and walked over to Diamond Tiara.

"How is he alive? I saw the pipe that was through him. Starlight and I couldn't walk away from that." asked Sunset.

Diamond Tiara looked at Starlight, meeting her eyes.

"I think the staff worked on him...before it was destroyed," replied Diamond Tiara.

Starlight looked shocked. She hadn't thought the staff worked. But hearing that it did, made her both furious and worried. Filthy Rich was probably using his new abilities to plot another attack. And that was worrying her. Trixie groaned, bringing Starlight's attention to her.

"Sunset, get the first aid kit. I'll do a temporary repair, but she will need to go to the hospital." said Starlight.

Sunset nodded and left the room.

Trixie turned her attention to Starlight. The disappearance of Sunset's wounds hadn't gone unnoticed by her.

"So, how did her wounds disappear?" asked Trixie.

Hearing that question, Fluttershy hid behind her friends. She was still uncomfortable with the fact that she gave Sunset her blood.

"Well, Fluttershy gave up some of her blood to help Sunset." replied Starlight, glancing at Fluttershy.

Trixie's mouth fell open. She wasn't expecting to hear that Sunset would willingly drink human blood. But what really surprised her was that Fluttershy had given her blood to Sunset. She turned to Fluttershy.

"Did she bite you or did she drink it from a blood bag?" asked Trixie.

Trixie got a few angry glares. Seeing them, she backed off.

"Sorry..." was all Trixie said as Sunset returned.

Sunset handed Starlight the first aid kit before joining her friends. She saw that Twilight was smiling as she approached her. A small blush appeared on Sunset's cheeks as she looked at Twilight, giving her a small, but pleased smile.

"So, what else was going on with Filthy Rich?" asked Starlight, figuring that Diamond Tiara had more to tell.

Diamond Tiara sat down. Carrying Trixie for the last four blocks had been exhausting. She sighed, looking at Starlight.

"Well, he did have a group of newly turned teenagers with him, including the two sisters, Pearl Rose and Scarlet Shadow." replied Diamond Tiara

Starlight was wrapping Trixie's broken knee in an ace bandage. But hearing what Diamond Tiara said, she stopped. She glanced at Diamond Tiara and saw that she was serious. After a few minutes, she returned to wrapping Trixie's knee.

"I wonder why he turned them. It doesn't make much sense to have newly turned vampires, especially when they aren't as strong as he is." said Starlight.

Diamond Tiara knew Starlight had a point. It didn't make sense for her father to turn vampires less powerful then he was. As she thought about it, an idea came to her.

"Starlight, could the magic of the staff affect a newly turned vampire if Filth Rich was affected by it?" asked Diamond Tiara.

"That could be a possibility." Starlight said, finishing the wrappings on Trixie's knee.

Sunset looked at Trixie. She could see that she was in pain. As Trixie met her gaze she gave her a small smile. She wasn't sure if she could completely forgive Trixie for taking advantage of her. But she had said she was willing to look past her mistake. Turning to Twilight, she remembered their conversation on Saturday. She hadn't been able to answer Twilight's question. Now, she couldn't keep her feelings a secret anymore. She needed to talk to Twilight, alone.

"Starlight, me and Twilight are going to my room for a moment, okay?" Sunset said, grabbing Twilight's hand.

"Wait, what?" Twilight asked, confused.

Before Twilight could say more, Sunset pulled her up the stairs and into her room. Once they were in her room, she closed the door. She turned her attention to Twilight.

"Twilight...remember when you asked about whether my feelings for you were just as friends or more?" asked Sunset, sitting next to Twilight.

Twilight nodded, saying, "Y-yeah, why Sunset?"

Sunset met Twilight's gaze. Her fangs extended as her eyes shifted to red. She could feel her heart racing in her chest. But no matter how nervous she felt, she wasn't going to walk away now. It was time she admitted her true feelings for Twilight.

"Well...my feelings for you are as more than just friends, Twi…." said Sunset.

Twilight was silent. What could she say? She hadn't expected Sunset to admit her feelings. Blushing, she looked down at her hands.

"R-really, Sunset?" asked Twilight.

Sunset nodded, saying, "Y-yeah."

Twilight looked up and met Sunset's gaze. She felt no fear as Sunset's red eyes gazed back at her. She saw the kindness in Sunset's eyes. A hand touched hers making her look down. She saw that Sunset was holding her hand. Her eyes immediately went back to Sunset's smile. She pulled Sunset closer until there was very little space between them.


Twilight leaned in closer, her eyes closing. As she felt her lips touch Sunset's, a jolt of electricity ran through her. She opened her eyes as she pulled away from the kiss. She met Sunset's eyes and smiled.

"I love you," said Twilight.

Sunset grinned back at Twilight.

"I love you too, Twilight," Sunset said, leaning in to kiss Twilight one more time.

Author's Note:

This is the final chapter in his story. I had a fun time writing this. My one hope is you had as much fun reading it. And thank you to everyone you liked this story and followed it. I hope it became what you wanted. Please, comment what you think. I look forward to hearing what guys thought. Thank You! :scootangel:

Comments ( 20 )

planning to do a sequel? and nice work on all the chapters:twilightsmile:

I might if a good majority of people want it.

I hope some of them do.

Me too. I would love to write a sequel.



Okay. I am so happy to see that you want a sequel! :twilightsmile:

Add another to your list requesting a sequel.

Sorry I just feel like playing this :twilightsheepish:...

DO YOU WANT A SEQUEL? THAN GO HERE TO ANSWER YES OR NO - https://www.strawpoll.me/17346881

Thank You For letting me edit the story I had a blast reading over it. I'm glad I was able to help even if it was only a little

You're welcome. And thanks for the help.:twilightsheepish:

I need more please :twilightsmile:

Thank god. Stephanie Meyer butchered vampire mythology, and her books SUCKED! Figuratively and literally!

This needs an 'Alt Universe' tag now.

I just finished this and really enjoyed it. You must write a sequel. Add about five votes from me!

This was good I can’t wait for the sequel mostly for shining armor I mean his sister is now dating a vampire

The best recommendation ever

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