• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,316 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

  • ...

Chapter 33: Knocking on Death's Door

Twilight found herself at the chapel again. She spun around, trying to find the dirt that led away from the chapel. But it wasn't there. It was as if it had been magically erased. Suddenly a twig snapped, making Twilight scream. Her eyes darted to the woods that surrounded her.

Out of the woods, stepped Filthy Rich. Behind him, was someone she didn't expect to see, Sunset. But Sunset didn't look like her usual self. Her eyes were blood red and shimmered as if she was in a trance of some kind. Twilight started to back away, her eyes never leaving Sunset.

As she continued to back up, she felt her hand touch cold, hard stone. She looked behind her to see that she was against the chapel. When she looked in front of her, Filthy Rich and Sunset were standing in front of her.

"Mmm, you smell so good, Twi. I just want to sink my fangs into you," said Sunset, taking a deep breath as she hovered over Twilight's neck.

Twilight's breath hitched as Sunset leaned in closer. She could feel Sunset's breath on her skin. Her knees felt like they were going to give way any minute.

"S-sunset, please..." whispered Twilight, her voice no longer strong.

Sunset ran a finger down Twilight's chest. She opened Twilight's blouse button by button on her way down. She stopped once she had the blouse completely opened, exposing Twilight's purple bra.

"Twi, I don't think I can resist for much longer," Sunset whispered in Twilight's ear.

That made Twilight's breathing become heavy. A mix a fear and arousal made Twilight stay still. Her eyes searched for any sign of kindness in Sunset's red ones. But all she saw was a primal hunger along with lust. The friend she thought she knew, was gone. Replaced by someone who had little to no control over their desires and more hunger.

"Sunset, please, I am your friend," said Twilight, her voice shaking as she tried to sound confident.

Sunset rolled her eyes. She wanted to taste Twilight's blood. And nothing was going to stop her. Nothing. She placed a hand near Twilight's head as she met Twilight's gaze.

"I want to be more than friends." Sunset ran a finger down the middle of Twilight's abdomen, "And I think you want that too, am I right?" asked Sunset.

Twilight tried to ignore the lump that was forming in her throat. She looked away from Sunset's mesmerizing gaze. Feeling Sunset's touch against her bare skin gave her goosebumps. Partly because of Sunset's unusually cold touch. But also because Sunset was right. She did want to be more than friends, but not like this.

"N-no, Sunset." lied Twilight, not wanting to admit the truth.

A low growl escaped from Sunset. Frustrated at Twilight's inability to admit the truth, she walked away. But as she stood next to Filthy Rich, a hand squeezed her shoulder. She looked to see that Filthy Rich was glaring at her. She felt unable to look away as she met his gaze.

"You want her, so take it. She is yours, and yours only," whispered Filthy Rich as a familiar shimmer appeared in his eyes.

Sunset turned to Twilight. Her eyes were now a darker shade of red. As she looked at Twilight, her mouth watered in anticipation. She gave Twilight a wide grin as her fangs extended.

"Stay right there, Twi. I want to see how you taste!" Sunset said as she slowly approached Twilight.

A burst of adrenaline broke through Twilight's fear paralysis. She sprinted towards the surrounding forest. She jumped over several big logs. But she looked behind her and tripped over a slightly smaller log. She held her hands out, trying to break her fall. In the process of doing that, her left palm was cut by a jagged rock.

"Twilight...that wasn't a smart choice. Now I have to chase you, and that is only delaying the inevitable," shouted Sunset as she approached the forest.

Twilight squeezed her palm shut, dripping some blood onto the leafy forest floor. Once that was done, she ran in the opposite direction of where her blood was. She was hoping to lead Sunset off her trail.

Sunset sniffed the air. Twilight's scent was strongest towards a cluster of fallen logs. She sped over to the area, but there was no sign of Twilight. Just a leaf with a few drops of her blood.

"Really, Twilight? Making a false trail? You're starting to make me angry." Sunset shouted, making a murder of crows fly off.

Twilight frantically searched for another path to take. But all around her, there were jagged boulders that stood taller than her. She spotted a wide tree and ran over to it. Pressing herself against the tree, she hoped Sunset wouldn't find her.

Sunset, following Twilight's scent, found the area where she was hiding. She took a deep breath, reveling in Twilight's scent. It was strong, meaning that Twilight was close by, very close. She looked in the direction of one of the trees. A piece of Twilight's ponytail poked out from behind the tree.

"You know Twi, it's easy to track you..." Sunset began to walk towards Twilight, "When you are injured." said Sunset.

Twilight looked at her injury. She knew what Sunset said was right. A twig snapping brought Twilight back to reality. She looked up, searching for her next hiding spot. She found it behind a boulder which rested sideways. But as she went to dart towards it, a hand grabbed her wrist. She spun around to see that it was Sunset.

"Twi, where do you think you're going? I have you now, and I'm not letting you go." hissed Sunset, pulling Twilight closer to her.

Twilight's eyes stung as tears began to form. She wiped a tear off her cheek with her free hand. Her bottom lip quivered slightly out of fear. As she met Sunset's gaze, she saw Sunset's red eyes disappear as the cyan color replaced it.

"T-twilight, I can't fight this hunger much longer. Please, go." choked Sunset, clutching her stomach.

Fear kept Twilight frozen. She couldn't walk away from Sunset. She wasn't going to leave her to fight on her own. Sunset's hand let go of her wrist. But she grabbed it, her eyes meeting Sunset's.

"I-I can't, Sunset. You're my friend and I know you can do this." Twilight said, squeezing Sunset's hand.

Sunset's eyes lost their cyan color as the spell over her took control. She squeezed Twilight's hand, laughing. She pulled Twilight closer to her, their bodies almost touching.

"Wow, I can't believe you would stay. I gave you a chance to leave and you didn't take it. Now, I get to see what you taste like." said Sunset, a sinister grin on her face.

Twilight gulped and closed her eyes. She felt a small scream escape as Sunset sank her fangs into her neck.

Suddenly, Twilight bolted upright in her bed. Her hand was covering her neck where Sunset had supposedly bit her. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the stark difference of light. Rubbing her neck, she found no bite mark whatsoever. She saw that Royal Moon was sitting on the end of her bed.

"Ah! Who are you and what are you doing in my room?!" shouted Twilight, her hand over her racing her heart.

Royal Moon stood up and walked over to Twilight. She pulled the chair over to the side of the bed. Sitting down, she looked at Twilight.

"Relax, Twilight. It's just me, Royal Moon, Starlight's friend," replied Royal Moon.

As Twilight's eyes adjusted to the light, she could see that it was Royal Moon. She sighed, her breathing returning to normal.

"Right. So what are you doing in my room?" asked Twilight.

"Well, I came in here because I could hear you screaming in your sleep. May I ask, what exactly were you dreaming about?" asked Royal Moon, leaning forward in the chair, resting elbows on her knees.

Twilight looked away, embarrassed. She hadn't realized that she had been screaming in her sleep. It was awkward to have someone, especially a vampire, point it out to her. She took a shaky breath.

"Well, I was dreaming of...Sunset." Twilight admitted, grabbing her glasses.

Hearing that, Royal Moon looked at Twilight. She was curious as to why Twilight would dream of Sunset. But as she tossed that thought around, she realized something.

"Twilight must have a special connection to Sunset." thought Royal Moon.

Royal Moon cleared her throat.

"Why, per se, were you dreaming of Sunset?" asked Royal Moon.

That question took Twilight off guard. She bit her lip, blushing.

"I was dreaming of her because of... the attack," replied Twilight, her hand covering the bite mark.

Royal Moon saw that Twilight was covering something. Hesitantly, she reached a hand out towards Twilight. When Twilight didn't flinch or move away, she rested her hand on top of Twilight's. She pulled away Twilight's hand which covered the bite mark.

Twilight looked at Royal Moon, scared. She didn't like showing the scar to anyone. Let alone, letting anyone see it for themselves. She turned her wrist away, hiding the scar once more.

"That..that is from the attack," said Twilight, her voice quiet.

Royal Moon could hear the pain in Twilight's voice. Guilt immediately washed over her. She didn't realize that Twilight was still suffering from the attack.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know. I shouldn't have asked." Royal Moon said, getting up from the chair.

Twilight gave her a weak smile as she looked at Royal Moon. She was about to speak when Starlight came in.

"Star, what's wrong?" asked Royal Moon.

Starlight met Twilight's gaze. Her fear and pain showed in her eyes.

"It's Sunset. She's gotten worse," replied Starlight.

Royal Moon walked out of Twilight's room, following Starlight. She made a quick run to her room to grab her stuff. After a few turns and stairs, they found Sunset's room. Royal Moon opened the door, seeing a lump, which she assumed to be Sunset, under the heavy comforter.

"Sunset, how are feeling?" asked Royal Moon, stepping into the dark room.

A loud moan came from Sunset. Her whole body ached, partially due to her opening wounds. She wanted to sleep and not be disturbed. Pulling herself from her sleep, she threw the comforter off her head.

"Horrible. I have a pounding headache that is making my head feel like it is going to explode," replied Sunset, her voice quiet and hoarse.

Royal Moon looked at Starlight. She knew that Starlight was thinking the same thing. She grabbed the tissue box for Sunset and placed it on her nightstand.

"Do you think you can sit up? I need to check something," asked Royal Moon.

Sunset groaned but reluctantly sat up. It made her head pound harder for a few seconds as her blood rushed down. She closed her eyes till the pounding had eased. When she could open her eyes, she looked at Starlight.

"Can you get my friends, please? I want them to know what is going on." Sunset asked, struggling to keep from coughing.

Starlight nodded and left the room. She didn't have to go far to find all of Sunset's friends. They were all sitting or standing near the top of the stairs. Everyone, except Twilight who had chosen to stay in her room.

"Girls, Sunset wants you. Also, where's Twilight?" Starlight said, noticing Twilight's absence.

Rainbow Dash was the first to run to Sunset's room. The rest of the gang followed. Only Fluttershy stayed back for a moment.

"I think Twilight is in her room. I saw that her door was closed," said Fluttershy, answering Starlight's question before heading to Sunset's room.

Starlight sighed. She flashed over to Twilight's room. Knocking three times, she stood back. She hoped Twilight would answer. The door opened after a few minutes.

"Starlight? Is something wrong?" asked Twilight.

Starlight saw the exhaustion in Twilight's eyes. It was clear that Twilight wasn't in any mood to see Sunset.

"N-nothing's wrong. I just wanted to make sure you were alright," replied Starlight, deciding to not bother Twilight.

"I-I'm fine. I just need to be alone for a little," said Twilight.

Starlight gave Twilight a small smile before walking away. She heard Twilight close her door as she made her way to Sunset's room.

Meanwhile, back in Sunset's room, Royal Moon was taking Sunset's temperature. As she pulled the thermometer out of Sunset's mouth, she was shocked at what it read.

"106. That is higher than it was yesterday. Something is definitely wrong." said Royal Moon.

Royal Moon looked at Sunset. She could see that Sunset was close to having another coughing attack. She handed her a tissue.

Sunset coughed, covering the tissue in specks of blood. Looking at Starlight, she could see that her friend was struggling with the realization of what was happening. She glanced at all her friends, seeing their worried expressions.

Royal Moon examined Sunset's wounds and found that they were reopening. She wanted to test her theory. She took a pin and scraped it along Sunset's skin. A small scrape formed. She knew that her theory was correct.

"So, is she really becoming human again, Royal Moon?" asked Starlight.

Royal Moon looked at her friend. Her eyes were darkened by her sadness at the news she had to deliver to her friend.

"Yes," replied Royal Moon.

Starlight's lip quivered as she fought to keep herself from crying. She looked down, covering her mouth with her hand. A few sobs escape as she tried to adjust to the news.

Royal Moon got up and walked over to her friend, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Starlight..." said Royal Moon.

"W-what?" asked Starlight, her voice breaking.

Royal Moon met Starlight's gaze and sighed heavily. "Sunset will have hours, at most, to live. Once the magic of the knife makes her completely human, she will die," said Royal Moon.

Sunset caught Starlight's eyes. The fear in them was clear. She coughed into the tissue again. Her friends were all scared for her. She and Royal Moon exchanged glances of worry.

"You should say your goodbyes, everyone," said Starlight.

Starlight and Royal Moon walked out of the room. Starlight looked at her friend, her eyes misty.

"P-please...tell me there is a way to save her," begged Starlight.

Royal Moon looked at Starlight. It pained her to see her best friend so heartbroken and scared. She laid her hands over Starlight's shivering ones.

"Star, I...don't think you can," said Royal Moon.

Starlight looked at her friend, wide-eyed. "Please, I will try anything! I can't lose her!"

"Well, Star...there is one thing, but I'm not sure it'll work," said Royal Moon.

Starlight squeezed Royal Moon's hands. She wanted to save Sunset. She was willing to try anything, even if it there a huge possibility it wouldn't work. She couldn't lose the closest thing she had to a daughter.

"What is it? Please...tell me," asked Starlight.

Royal Moon grabbed a syringe from her bag. "Well...supposedly, you could give her an injection of your blood while you bite her again. It could possibly reverse the magic."

Starlight grabbed the syringe, taking a shaky breath. "Okay. Thank you."

Royal Moon nodded. She gathered the rest of her stuff, taking one last look at her friend. She hoped that for Starlight's and Sunset's sake, the cure would work. Leaving the house, Royal Moon headed back to her home.

Back in the kitchen, Diamond Tiara was browsing the fridge. She wasn't sure if Sunset would want her there. It wasn't like they were as close as the rest of Sunset's friends were. Grabbing a jar of rat's blood, she closed the fridge door. To her surprise, Twilight was sitting at the counter.

"Hey, Twilight. How was your night?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Twilight groaned. She wanted to forget the nightmare she had last night. And it was getting annoying being asked about her night. Taking a deep breath, she answered Diamond Tiara.

"Bad. I dreamt of Sunset." Twilight replied, grabbing a box of cereal.

Diamond Tiara finished pouring her glass. As she took a sip, she looked at Twilight. If the under eye bags didn't give away Twilight's lack of sleep, her disheveled hair did. She joined Twilight at the counter.

"You want to talk about it?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Twilight poured the contents of the cereal box into a bowl. She stopped pouring and met Diamond Tiara's gaze.

"Yes...and no," replied Twilight.

"Well, we don't have to talk about every detail if you don't want to," said Diamond Tiara, taking another sip of her drink.

Hearing that made Twilight feel better. She put away the cereal and went to grab the milk. But as she opened the fridge, she saw shelves of blood, but no milk.

"Well, I guess I am having cereal, without the milk," said Twilight, closing the fridge door.

"So, what exactly did you dream about?" asked Diamond Tiara.

"Well, both Filthy Rich and Sunset were in my dream. Sunset, it was like she was under some sort of spell. She wanted to taste my blood," said Twilight, trying to recall her dream.

Diamond Tiara grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal in it. She was still drinking her usual dosage of blood. But her stomach also craved some real food. She took a bite of her cereal as Twilight continued to talk about her dream.

"Sunset was also very forward about her feelings towards me," Twilight said, trying to not blush, again.

Diamond Tiara almost choked as she heard Twilight mention Sunset's feelings. She couldn't see Sunset, the way she saw her now, being that forward. As she went to say something, Starlight came down.

"Hello, girls. I see you're doing better Twilight." greeted Starlight, joining them at the counter.

Twilight cleared her throat. She wasn't sure if she was doing better. It felt more like she was managing it. But she chose to not say anything.

"Yeah, how's Sunset doing?" asked Twilight.

Starlight cringed at the question. She would rather not think about Sunset, at least not right now. For a moment, Starlight remained quiet.

"She's...going to die, Twilight. At most, she will be alive for a few hours," replied Starlight in a quiet, shaky voice.

Twilight was shocked to hear the news. She and Diamond Tiara exchanged worried glances. Guilt weighed heavily on Twilight. All she had done with Sunset was try to avoid her or push her away. Now, Sunset was close to dying and she might lose the one friend that actually cared for her for the first time.

While Starlight sat in silence, she allowed herself to get lost in thought. Filthy Rich crossed her mind. She wondered if he was still impaled on the school courtyard. But she faced one problem; she couldn't leave Sunset. She glanced up at Diamond Tiara.

"Diamond Tiara, do you think that you can go make sure your father is still impaled? I don't want him to be walking away, causing more trouble," asked Starlight.

Diamond Tiara nodded. She was happy to make sure that her father was dead.

"Yes, Starlight. I'll go now and give you and Sunset some time," said Diamond Tiara, finishing her glass of blood.

Twilight watched as Diamond Tiara left the kitchen. Her gaze drifted over to Starlight. Though she tried to hide it, Twilight could still see a few tears running down Starlight's cheeks. She got up and took her bowl to the sink. She wanted to get out of the house and leave Starlight alone. Once she finished her cereal, she went out to the backyard, sitting on one of the swings.

Meanwhile, Filthy Rich was back at his house. He had the teenagers from the orphanage with him as well. Checking the house, he found it empty. Turning to the kids, he noticed that Scarlet and her sister were missing.

Scarlet and Pearl Rose were still sitting in the car. Scarlet was growing hungrier with every minute that passed. Shivering, she pulled herself into a ball.

"Scar, are you okay?" asked Pearl Rose, resting a hand on her sister's shoulder.

Scarlet looked at her sister, her azure eyes becoming red.

"No, I am starving," replied Scarlet.

Filthy Rich ran back outside. He found Scarlet and her sister in the car still. Flashing over, he grabbed Pearl Rose's arm.

"I need you and your sister to come inside, now!" hissed Filthy Rich.

Pearl Rose yanked her arm free of Filthy Rich's grip. She glared at him angrily before turning to her sister. She pulled on her sister's arm, pulling her out of the van.

"Come on, Scar. We can feed later," said Pearl Rose, letting her sister lean on her.

Together with Filthy Rich, they walked into the house. As they walked into the living room, Pearl Rose set her sister down on the couch. She was thankful no humans were around at the moment. Guilt over what she and her sister had done to Emerald still lingered. She didn't want to be this, but it did free her from the sickness.

"When are going to feed, Mr. Rich? My sister, she's starving, as am I." asked Pearl Rose.

Most of the teenagers in the room nodded in agreement with Pearl Rose. One human wasn't enough to satisfy 22 newly turned vampires. They all turned to Filthy Rich, awaiting his answer.

Filthy Rich sighed. Pearl Rose raised a good point. He was also starving. It had been a while since his last meal. And it was beginning to wear on him.

"We'll feed tonight when we visit the local blood bank," replied Filthy Rich, looking at the group of hungry teenagers.

A collective sigh was released at the news. The teenagers left Scarlet and Pearl Rose to go find their new rooms. Filthy Rich eyed Pearl Rose. Something about her told him she was special. But what it was, he couldn't tell.

*2 hours later*

Back at Starlight's house, Sunset was in her room with her friends. Only Twilight wasn't there, still needing her time alone. Twilight had tried to push herself to see Sunset. But as she hard as she tried, she couldn't do it. She sat alone, still sitting in the swing.

In Sunset's room, Applejack sat in a chair next to Sunset's bed. She held her hand, looking at her dying friend. A stray tear fell down her cheek.

"Sunset, please...hold on. I know you can fight," said Applejack.

Sunset managed to give her friends a weak smile. She knew that she was slowly dying as her body returned to its human state before she was turned.

"I-I'm trying, Applejack. It's hard though so...very hard." Sunset replied as she began to shudder and shiver as her body began to go into shock.

Applejack looked down at Sunset's bed. She couldn't bear to see her friend's pale face. Not when she knew she was going to lose her. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

Looking up, she saw that it was Rainbow Dash. She looked at her, her eyes growing watery. Letting go of Sunset's hand, she walked away. She closed the door behind her as she left the room.

Rainbow Dash looked at her friends. She exchanged sorrowful glances. Her breath quivered with each exhale. Her sorrow threatening to spill over uncontrollably.

"I am going to get something to eat," said Rainbow Dash. She needed an excuse to get out of the room.

Sunset watched as the rainbow-haired girl left the room. She looked at the rest of her friends who were still there. She could see they were tired and sad.

"Guys, please, don't cry. I am still here. Let's make the most of it, please?" asked Sunset, giving a weak, pained smile, trying to lift their spirits.

Fluttershy, who was silently crying, sat in the chair next to Sunset. She handed her a picture.

"Do you remember this?" asked Fluttershy, her voice quiet and shaky.

Sunset looked at the picture. It was of her and her friends at the park. She remembered that was the day she had told Fluttershy about her secret. It was also the first time she didn't feel alone and had friends for the first time. She could still feel the warmth of the sun. In the picture, her friends had happy smiles. She wished that she could see their smiles one more time. She held the picture close to her heart.

"Y-yes, I do, Fluttershy. That was one of the happiest days of my life," replied Sunset, a tear falling down.

Fluttershy got up and decided to join Rainbow Dash. She didn't want to make her friends cry. Also, she didn't want to upset Sunset by crying in front of her.

Pinkie Pie was not her usual happy self. Her hair was not as curly as it would normally be. She looked sadly at Sunset. She was about to walk away when Sunset motioned for her to come over.

"What is it, Sunset?" asked Pinkie, her happy demeanor seemingly gone.

Sunset felt a cough building up. She turned away from Pinkie. Holding the tissue, she coughed. Once she managed to stop the cascade of coughs which had been released, she turned back to her friend.

"P-pinkie, promise me one thing, Promise me you'll find some way to keep you and our friends happy when I am gone...please, " said Sunset.

Pinkie grabbed Sunset's hand."Okay, I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Sunset gave Pinkie a hug. She smelled Pinkie's cotton candy perfume. She took a deep breath, enjoying the sweet scent. Finally, she let Pinkie go after a few moments.

Pinkie, still reeling from hearing that Sunset was dying, didn't want to let go of her. She had to force herself to let go. She stood back, allowing Rarity to sit next to Sunset.

Rarity gave Pinkie a saddened looked. She was thankful that her mascara was water resistant. Wiping off a few tears which ran down her cheek, she looked at Sunset. She could see her friend's cyan eyes were slowly dimming as she slowly died. She looked away as a few more tears ran down her face. She felt a hand grab her own.

"Rarity...are you okay?" asked Sunset.

Rarity made herself look at Sunset. Her eyes were red from her crying.

"No, I am not. Sunset, I-I don't want to lose you," replied Rarity.

Sunset squeezed Rarity's hand. She knew that her friend would miss her. Everyone that she ever knew would miss her. She placed a hand on Rarity's cheek.

"Rarity, please-" Sunset started to cough violently. She grabbed her trash can as her stomach began to feel queasy. She threw up blood as she vomited.

Rarity pulled her hand away. She ran out of Sunset's room. "Starlight, Sunset's throwing up blood!" shouted Rarity.

Starlight heard Rarity calling her. She ran towards Rarity as she saw her come down the stairs.

"Okay, I am coming," said Starlight, grabbing a glass of water and paper towels.

When Starlight arrived in Sunset's room, she saw Sunset laying down. She grabbed a paper towel and wiped the blood off Sunset's mouth and chin. She grabbed the glass of water, which she had handed to Rarity for a moment.

"Here, drink this," said Starlight.

Sunset lifted her head, bringing her lips close to the glass. She felt the water enter her mouth. It was a struggle to swallow as her mouth was dry. Taking a few more sips, she laid back down. She gripped her blanket, feeling cold and shivering as a result. The flu was once again attacking her weakened immune system.

"T-thanks, Starlight," said Sunset.

Starlight nodded, placing the glass on Sunset's nightstand.

Sunset looked around. She noticed that Twilight was missing. She tried to sit up but her body was unwilling. She looked at Starlight.

"Starlight, can you do me a favor...please?" asked Sunset.

"Sure," replied Starlight.

"C-can you find Twilight? I need to talk to her before I die," asked Sunset.

Starlight looked at Sunset. She didn't want to leave her daughter's side. Not when she could lose her at any moment. But pushing aside her own worries, she sighed.

"Yes, I will," said Starlight.

Twilight decided to come inside and talk to Sunset. She went straight for Sunset's room, ignoring her friends in the kitchen. But when she got there, she saw Starlight was with her. She decided to just wait by the door.

She got up and walked out of the room. She closed the door to see Twilight standing there. "She...wants to see you."

"R-really?" asked Twilight.

All Starlight gave Twilight was a nod back. She didn't have the strength to speak. Opening the door, she stepped aside.

Twilight walked into the semi-dark room. She could still see Sunset's pale and sweaty skin in the light. It pained her to see her new friend like this. She didn't know Sunset for that long, not as long as the rest of her friends. But she never had any friends care about her as much as Sunset did. She sat down in the chair next to Sunset.

"Sunset..." said Twilight.

"Twilight, I know that I have hurt you. I know you are scared that I will attack you again. But please...I need to know just one thing; are you still my friend or do you hate me?" asked Sunset, finding some of her strength for a moment.

Twilight looked away, not wanting Sunset to see her crying. She felt like a bad friend because she was scared. Her hands rested in her lap. She felt a clammy hand grab one of them. Looking up, she saw that Sunset was crying too. She watched as tear after tear ran down Sunset's cheeks.

"P-please, Twilight. Tell me that you don't hate me, please," begged Sunset, her voice quivering.

Twilight started to cry harder. She could hear the pain and sadness in Sunset's voice.

Twilight squeezed Sunset's hand lightly. "I-I don't hate you."

Sunset smiled through her tears. She pulled Twilight into a hug. As she hugged her, she made sure to memorize Twilight's scent. She wanted it to be the last thing she smelled.

Twilight felt Sunset's grip around her, weaken. She looked at her friend. She could tell that Sunset only had mere minutes left. She grabbed Starlight.

"Here, you should have the last moment with Sunset," whispered Twilight.

Starlight looked at Sunset and started to cry harder. "T-thank you, Twilight."

Twilight walked out of the room and left Starlight alone with Sunset.

Starlight sat next to Sunset. She grabbed her hand as she looked at her. It was clear that Sunset was losing all her strength to fight. She kissed Sunset's hand as she kept her eyes on her.

"Sunset...please...don't leave yet," said Starlight.

Sunset turned to face Starlight. She places a hand on Starlight's cheek. Tears fell on her hand as she kept it there.

"S-starlight you saved me w-when I didn't t-think it was p-possible." Sunset wiped a tear from Starlight's cheek, "Now, please...let me go." said Sunset.

Starlight looked at Sunset, her tears streaming down. She couldn't just let go. She loved her and she couldn't lose her daughter.

"I-I can't," whispered Starlight.

"Yes, you c-can," said Sunset.

Suddenly Sunset's hand fell from Starlight's cheek. It landed on the bed as she exhaled for the last time. Her eyes closed as her last breath left her lips.

Starlight looked at Sunset. Sunset's skin had lost all its pink color. She grabbed the syringe, which had her blood in it. She looked at it, hesitating for a moment. Taking the syringe, she injected her blood into Sunset's arm while she bit Sunset in the same spot she had when she first turned her.

Once she finished that, she looked at Sunset. She wanted to see Sunset open her eyes once again and smile. She wanted to see that what she did, worked. After a few moments of waiting, nothing happened. Sunset's now dead body remained motionless. She laid her head down on Sunset's hand and cried.

Author's Note:

I hope you guys are enjoying the storying. I also hope that you enjoy this chapter as well. There is only one more after this. Please, let me know what you think. Thanks for all the support.