• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,316 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

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Chapter 26: "So...what's our plan now?"

That Saturday morning, Applejack and the girls went to Starlight's house. Twilight was given a ride by Starlight. She and Starlight were already on the porch, waiting for the rest of the girls.

Applejack and Fluttershy pulled into the driveway. The rest of the girls got out and greeted Twilight and Starlight.

"Hey, Starlight. I gathered all the girls. We're all wondering what is going on." said Applejack, the girls all nodded in confirmation.

Starlight looked down. She wasn't sure how to feel about the news. She turned around and walked into her house. Twilight looked at the girls and gave them a faint smile before she followed Starlight.

Once all the girls were gathered in the kitchen, Starlight left to get the flyer. She came back with it in her hand and Diamond Tiara walking by her.

"Here's the flyer I found taped to my door last night," said Starlight, laying the flyer on the countertop.

Diamond Tiara walked over to Twilight, giving her a hug. She was happy to see Twilight again. She let go of Twilight after a few seconds of hugging. She wanted to hear why Starlight had brought the whole gang together again.

Rainbow Dash picked up the flyer. She saw that it was a school flyer for the Fall Formal. She flipped over and read the note aloud.

"Starlight, I will be at the Fall Formal, with Sunset. She is mostly okay, but don't pull any more tricks on me. Or she will suffer, again. Bring the staff and I will trade her for it." said Rainbow Dash.

The room fell silent. Fluttershy's butterfly barrette fell and clattered on the floor. Everyone turned their attention to Fluttershy as she picked up her barrette.

"Oh, sorry..." whispered Fluttershy.

Starlight smiled and walked over to Fluttershy.

"It's okay. But, that note is why I have you all gathered here. We need to make a plan to get Sunset back, without exchanging her for the staff." said Starlight.

Twilight looked at Starlight, her concern clear in her expression. She was numb with shock. She didn't want to imagine the kind of torture Filthy Rich had put Sunset through. She shuddered, pulling her jacket tighter around herself.

"Is the note really from him?" asked Rarity.

Diamond Tiara grabbed the flyer. She studied the handwriting for a few seconds. She saw her father's classic cursive-print mixture.

"Yep. That's my dad's handwriting," replied Diamond Tiara.

Starlight took a breath before she continued talking.

"Well, now that we know that the note is actually from Filthy Rich, we need a plan and a good one," said Starlight.

Twilight nodded and ran to grab her notebook and pencil. She came back and had her notebook open to a blank page. She readied her pencil to take notes.

"Well, how are we supposed to get Sunset without giving up the staff?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah. He didn't seem too happy to see that he got a fake the first time," added Pinkie.

Starlight was lost in thought. She was trying to figure out how to get Sunset and keep the staff. She wondered if there was a possible way to plan a sneak attack on him. She continued thinking about it while the girls talked.

"What if he doesn't bring Sunset?" asked Fluttershy.

The girls all looked at each other. The thought hadn't crossed their minds until then. Concern and fear quickly replaced their smiles. Twilight was the first to try and reassure the girls.

"I am sure that he will bring her. He's a man of his word. Right, Diamond Tiara?" asked Twilight.

All eyes landed on Diamond Tiara. She gulped as she looked back at them. She could feel her fangs extend as her hunger grew. She looked down, not wanting the girls to see her fangs.

"Y-yeah, he is." stammered Diamond Tiara, she took a few steps away from the girls.

Twilight noticed the change in Diamond Tiara. She put her pencil down and walked towards Diamond Tiara. But for every step she took, Diamond Tiara took one back. She was confused and hurt by that.

"What's wrong, Diamond Tiara?" asked Twilight.

Diamond Tiara looked at Twilight. Her red eyes met Twilight's purple ones for a few moments. She saw her friend's compassion and sympathy. She looked away again, saying, "I-It's nothing, really."

Starlight snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Diamond Tiara's voice. She noticed Diamond Tiara's red eyes and fangs. She walked over to Diamond Tiara. She kept Twilight a few feet from Diamond Tiara.

"Diamond Tiara, go to the basement and grab a bag of blood. Come back when you no longer feel hungry, and only then," whispered Starlight.

Diamond Tiara looked at Starlight. She saw Twilight gasp out of the corner of her eye. She figured Twilight figured out what they were saying. She sped down to the basement without saying a word.

Twilight watched Diamond Tiara leave the room. Her eyes eventually landed back on Starlight. She was hoping Starlight could tell her what was going on. She saw Starlight walk away, avoiding her. She took the chance to see Diamond Tiara in the basement.

She was about to grab the handle when Starlight appeared. She backed away a little as Starlight stood in between her and the door.

"You shouldn't go in there yet. She is hungry and she hasn't yet learned to control herself," said Starlight.

Twilight crossed her arms across her chest. She raised an eyebrow, her frustration clear in her purple eyes.

"She's my friend. I want to be there for her. I know she might hurt me, like Sunset, but I doubt that she or Sunset would mean to." said Twilight.

Starlight stared at Twilight. She wasn't sure if she could believe what Twilight said. She didn't have many experiences with people supporting her, especially knowing that she could potentially kill them. She stepped aside, grabbing the handle. She opened the door for Twilight.

Twilight looked at the doorway. She flashed back to when she and Sunset had been down there. She remembered the night vividly. She shook her head and the thoughts disappeared.

Starlight gripped Twilight's shoulder as she passed her. She leaned in and whispered something that only Twilight could hear.

"Be careful, she is still new to her hunger. I trust you'll walk out, alive and with her," whispered Starlight.

Twilight looked at Starlight. She nodded, letting Starlight know that she understood. She slowly walked down the basement stairs. She was unsure of what she would see. She stepped on the second to last step and it creaked under her weight.

Diamond Tiara looked up immediately. She couldn't see who was in the shadows. But as Twilight's scent reached her nose, she figured it out. She stepped back away until she felt the wall behind her. She kept her focus on her breathing, not letting her focus shift to Twilight.

"Diamond Tiara...?" asked Twilight as stepped onto the last step.

She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the sudden change of light. She started to make out the vague shapes of boxes in the low light. She spotted the freezer and shadow of who she figured to be Diamond Tiara. She walked a few steps closer towards her.

"Twilight, don't come any closer. I am not sure I can completely control myself," said Diamond Tiara.

Twilight stopped moving. She heard the fear and uncertainty in Diamond Tiara's voice. She sat on top of a trunk and looked at Diamond Tiara. She could see Diamond Tiara's shaking hand.

"Okay. I just wanted to be here, for emotional support," said Twilight.

Diamond Tiara fiddled with the blood bag in her hand. She hadn't finished it when Twilight came in. She was tempted to finish right then and there. She lifted the bag up to her lips and started to drink the liquid.

Twilight could hear the sound of the blood bag squishing in Diamond Tiara's hand. She watched Diamond Tiara finish the bag with slight disgust. She now understood why Sunset had eaten in her room that Saturday night. She stood up and leaned against the freezer.

"Are you done? Sorry for interrupting you," said Twilight.

"I am. And I didn't it mind all that much" replied Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara threw the bag away. She stepped closer to Twilight, laying her hand over Twilight's hand. She felt her shudder as their hands brushed. She pulled her hand back, upset that Twilight was scared by the move.

"D-did I make you uncomfortable?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Twilight looked down at the basement floor. She could see a small blood stain from when her head hit the floor. She blinked the thoughts of that night out of her head. She glanced up at the wall in front of her as she spoke.

"You didn't make me uncomfortable. I was just startled, that's all. Sunset's touch was not as warm as yours but she had a way of making me not notice it." replied Twilight.

Diamond Tiara looked at Twilight. She could hear the sadness in her voice. She wondered if Twilight really missed Sunset, despite the fact she was a vampire. She placed her hand over Twilight's hand again.

"Why did you come down here? I don't think it was to see me drink blood, was it?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Twilight was still staring at the wall in front of her. She could still see her and Sunset standing together. She felt her eyes tear up as she thought about Sunset. She was scared when Sunset attacked her. But now, all she wanted was to hug her and see her smile again. She felt a few more tears fall.

"No, it wasn't," said Twilight. "I just wanted to be here for you, for emotional support."

"Really? I thought you would be scared after Sunset's..." Diamond Tiara trailed off, not bringing up the event completely.

"Yeah, really," said Twilight. "I thought I would be scared too, and I was after Sunset's attack on me. But, now...I am okay, mostly."

Diamond Tiara looked down at her own hands. She was amazed at Twilight's strength. She wondered if she was in Twilight's position if she would react the same way. She looked at Twilight as she spoke.

"How do you feel about Sunset and me being vampires? I mean, I would understand your fear," asked Diamond Tiara.

Twilight stopped staring at the wall. She met Diamond Tiara's gaze. She could see her friend's curiosity. She was surprised by the question. She hadn't really thought about it. Not that she really ever had a chance to.

"I am not sure. But one thing I know is that I am not afraid of you, or her. At this point, I just want to see her and know she is safe." replied Twilight.

She stood up completely and brushed the dirt and dust off her skirt. She pulled on Diamond Tiara's arm, pulling her up. She smiled at her vampire friend and gave her a playful punch to the arm.

"Now, let's go back up and see what our friends have planned, shall we?" asked Twilight.

Diamond Tiara nodded and followed Twilight as she was pulled along with her. As they approached the door, they saw all their friends and Starlight sitting at the kitchen counter. They waved to them as they approached.

"Hello girls, I hope you didn't do anything...audacious," said Starlight.

Both Twilight and Diamond Tiara shot Starlight an angry glare. Looking back at each other, they started laughing.

"We didn't." they both said in unison.

Twilight chose to sit next to Applejack while Diamond Tiara sat next to Starlight. She looked at the girls and noticed that they seemed a bit happier than they were earlier.

"Do you guys have a plan now?" asked Twilight.

The girls nodded.

"Yep. Starlight had been thinking of one," said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight looked at Starlight. She was waiting to hear the plan. She wanted to get Sunset away from Filthy Rich just as much as everyone else did.

Sensing what Twilight was thinking, Starlight smiled.

"My plan is to launch a sneak attack on Filthy Rich. Hopefully, we should be able to get Sunset and keep the staff in our possession," said Starlight.

Twilight thought Starlight's plan was pretty good. Plus, it was better than anything she could think of. She smiled at Starlight.

"Sounds like a pretty good plan," said Twilight.

The girls all nodded in agreement with Twilight. Twilight was glad that they had that sorted out. She got up out of her seat and grabbed her jacket. She needed to head home and work on her homework.

"Starlight, mind taking me home? I have homework to finish," asked Twilight.

Starlight nodded. She grabbed her car keys and looked at the girls and Diamond Tiara.

"I suggest you all do the same. I know you all have homework. Best get it done before the Fall Formal. And Diamond Tiara..." said Starlight, waiting for Diamond Tiara to look at her.

Diamond Tiara met Starlight's gaze and said, "Yes?"

"Keep yourself in control till I get back, okay?" asked Starlight.

Diamond Tiara nodded in affirmation of Starlight's command. She smiled at Twilight and she gave her a wink.

Twilight smiled and waved bye to Diamond Tiara and the girls. She and Starlight went out to her car and drive back to her house.

Everyone said their goodbyes to Diamond Tiara then left to go home for the rest of the weekend.

Meanwhile, back at the farmhouse basement, Sunset was waking up again. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the semi-bright light. She felt the cool air against her abdomen wounds. That reminded her that she needed to put her ripped shirt back on. She stood up slowly, her body screaming at her.

She made her way to the bathroom where her mostly clean shirt sat on the counter. She grabbed her shirt and slipped the torn fabric over her head. She saw her ragged and tired reflection staring back at her. She hoped that Filthy Rich would take her out of the dank basement.

Just then the basement door swung open. She saw Filthy Rich walk in and stand in the bathroom doorway. She gulped, preparing herself for the worst.

"Hello, Sunset. Glad to see you have some manners," said Filthy Rich.

He leaned against the doorframe as he waited for her answer. He glanced at the cart and saw one blood bag missing. He smiled to himself.

Sunset gripped the sink counter. She wasn't in the mood for his games. She took a deep breath and forced it back out. She looked at Filthy Rich, crossing her arms.

"Well, I was raised properly, which is more than I can say for you. So, what brings you back? You planning to torture me some more?" asked Sunset, raising an eyebrow.

Filthy Rich let a low growl escape as he walked towards Sunset. He rested his hand on the sink counter, meeting Sunset's gaze. He could see her panic in her cyan eyes. It pleased him to know that she understood her place.

"No, that is not what I came here for. In fact, I have some good news," said Filthy Rich.

Sunset looked a bit confused at Filthy Rich's response. She wasn't sure if his good news was all it seemed to be. She stood back, keeping a few feet between her and him.

"What's the good news?" asked Sunset.

Filthy Rich rolled his eyes as he heard Sunset's accusing tone. He didn't much care for it but then again he was close to getting what he really wanted; the staff. He looked at the cart and grabbed a blood bag. He tossed it to Sunset, who caught it.

"The good news is that you may be reunited with your friends and family. Well, that is as long as they give me what I want," replied Filthy Rich.

Sunset was elated to hear that she could see Starlight and Twilight again. But what Filthy Rich said next had her worried. She knew what he wanted and that worried her. She wasn't sure if Starlight would actually give him the staff just for her safe return home.

"Really? And where and when exactly do you plan on meeting her?" asked Sunset.

Sunset opened the blood bag as she waited to hear his response. She was hungry and she needed anything to help heal the wounds caused by his torture.

"I plan on having us meet during the fall formal. That way, if she pulls any stunts, the whole school will see who their classmate and yearbook editor really is," replied Filthy Rich.

Sunset almost choked on the blood in her mouth. She was unable to believe what she heard. She didn't want to believe it either. She blinked and swallowed the last of the blood in her mouth.

"Wait, what?! Are you really willing to expose yourself along with us? You know that is going to happen when you reveal us, right?" asked Sunset.

Filthy Rich snarled at Sunset. He wasn't in the mood for her questions about the risks of his plan. He wanted the staff, nothing more. He turned his back to Sunset.

"I don't really care. And besides, I have enough money, I could just buy the press and change the headlines." retorted Filthy Rich.

Sunset was silent. She, for once, didn't have much to say. She sat there, staring at the empty blood bag in her hand. She didn't feel too good about what was to come.

"Also, finish those blood bags before the fall formal. I want you to look as presentable as possible," added Filthy Rich.

Sunset threw the blood bag at him. She saw him spin around and growl at her. She stifled a few laughs as he looked at her. She wasn't going to drink the rest of the blood bags, even if it meant she'd starve.

"Okay," said Sunset, keeping her fingers crossed behind her back.

Filthy Rich left the bathroom and locked the basement back up as he left. He was eagerly waiting for the Fall Formal to come. He hoped that Sunset would oblige by his rules and not fight him.

Sunset sat on the edge of the tub. She looked at her shirt and she could see the wounds. They were barely healed around the edges. She hoped Starlight could help her heal once she was safe from Filthy Rich. She sighed and went to lay down on the floor.