• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,316 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

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Chapter 3: New Friends

Twilight sat on a bench in front of the school. She saw her mom pulling up in her maroon minivan.

"Hey, sweetie! How was your day?" greeted Mrs. Velvet. Twilight placed her bag in the back seat as she got in.

"It was good, mom. I made some new friends. Plus the school is amazing." replied Twilight.

She was thinking about Sunset's odd behavior. She wondered if her new friends were keeping something from her. She decided that she would ask Sunset about her behavior tomorrow.

"I am glad to hear that you made some new friends already. You ready to go shopping, dear?" asked Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight nodded. She smiled to herself as she thought about Sunset. She couldn't wait to meet Sunset's other friends.

Twilight and her mom arrived at the Canterlot Mall. She was ecstatic at getting some new clothes. She didn't mind her Crystal Prep outfit, but she felt like a change of clothes may help her feel better.

She looked around the clothes that her mom suggested that she try on. She found three dark violet skirts that she liked. She also found five beautiful plum rose shirts with a few star designs around the edges.

"Is that all you want sweetie?" asked. Mrs. Velvet.

Twilight nodded. She hadn't seen much more than what she got. She waited patiently as her mom bought the clothes. Once that was done, Twilight and her mom headed home. She was glad to be able to sleep.

Twilight's mind was ablaze about why Sunset's skin was so cold. She also wondered why Sunset seemed to lack a decent amount of pigmentation in her skin. The first thought that came to her mind was an vampire. But she immediately shook that off, saying, "That can't be possible. Vampires are just myth, they're not real."

Twilight couldn't get the word vampire out of her head. It was as if some part of her brain truly believed that Sunset Shimmer, a teen girl going to high school, was a real-life vampire. She was troubled by that thought for the rest of the day.

The next morning, Twilight awoke to her blaring alarm. She jumped out of her bed, snoozing her alarm. She quickly got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey, mom. How was your day?" asked Twilight, sitting down at the table. Mrs. Velvet smiled at her daughter.

"My night was good. Thanks for asking. How was yours, sweetie?" asked Mrs. Velvet. She handed daughter a plate of eggs with a side of bacon.

Twilight looked at her mom, saying, "My night was...good." She didn't feel like mentioning that she was up almost all night trying not to think about Sunset. She began to eat her breakfast as she waited for her mom to continue speaking.

"Well, that is good to hear, sweetie. Time to leave for school," said Mrs. Velvet. Twilight grabbed her bag and headed towards their car.

She sat in the front seat next to her mom. She was slightly nervous about going to a new school. She was especially nervous about meeting Sunset's other friends.

Twilight was dropped off at CHS. She got off the car, taking a deep breath. She watched as her mom drove off after she closed her door.

She walked past the wondercolt state. As she passed it, she was immediately greeted by a cheerful Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, Twilight! Nice to see you again!" shouted Pinkie Pie, jumping up and down.

Twilight pushed her glasses up her nose, unsure of how to respond. She wasn't used to people being this cheerful at Crystal Prep. She watched as Sunset walked over joined by who appeared to be her other friends.

"Hey, Twilight. I am so glad you're here," Sunset ran up to Twilight and hugged her, "These are my other friends that I want you to meet." continued Sunset.

She watched as a rainbow-haired girl walked up.

"Hey, you must be the transfer from Crystal Prep. The name's Rainbow Dash," said Rainbow Dash, she shook Twilight's hand.

"Yep, that's me. I am Twilight Sparkle," said Twilight. Rainbow Dash looked at Sunset then back at Twilight.

"She's cool," said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight was unsure of why Rainbow Dash said that. Suddenly a blonde haired girl wearing a cowgirl hat walked up.

"Well, you must be the new transfer student. My name is AppleJack," said AppleJack. She too shook Twilight's hand.

She could tell AppleJack was strong. "Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you," said Twilight.

AppleJack smiled. "The pleasure is all mine," said AppleJack.

She then noticed a shy and quiet girl standing behind Sunset. She watched as Sunset coaxed the girl out from behind her. She watched as the girl with light rose colored hair, slowly approached.

"My name is Fluttershy." said the girl in a soft whisper.

Twilight strained to hear Fluttershy's name. "Nice to meet you, Fluttershy. I am Twilight Sparkle," said Twilight.

"Do you have any animals?" asked Fluttershy.

Twilight nodded. "Yes, I do. I have a dog named Spike," replied Twilight. She watched as a smile beamed across Fluttershy's face.

"What breed is he? Do you know?" asked Fluttershy. She absolutely adored animals of any kind. She was glad Twilight had a dog.

"I think he is a mutt," replied Twilight.

"Cool. Maybe I can come over and bring Angel, my bunny. We could have a pet playdate." suggested Fluttershy.

Twilight smiled. "That sounds like a good plan. Spike loves meeting new people. I am sure you two get along wonderfully." replied Twilight.

Just then a girl with dark purple hair and moderate azure eyes approached the gang. "Hello darling, you must be the new student. My name is Rarity." said the girl.

Twilight was amazed by the girl's sense of fashion. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you Rarity," replied Twilight.

Sunset approached Twilight. "Well, that's the whole gang. What do you think?" asked Sunset.

Twilight smiled nervously. "I think everyone is really nice," replied Twilight. She tried to not show that she was more nervous than she actually was.

Suddenly the bell rang. Everyone grabbed their bags and headed towards their classes. Sunset and Twilight headed their math class.

"You can sit next to me if you want." offered Sunset.
Twilight nodded, saying, "Thanks, Sunset. I am glad to have someone in my first period that I know."

Author's Note:

I would love to hear how the story sounds to you guys. I know there may be some errors, but I am doing my best. Please let me know if you like it and if I should continue.