• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 4,313 Views, 63 Comments

The Chronicles of Sunset: Crimson Promise - VioletNightWriter

Sunset is a vampire, plain and simple. When CHS receives a new student, Sunset will find she has feelings for them. But when an old enemy comes into town, she will have to protect her secret and the new student.

  • ...

Chapter 20: "Sunset..."

Twilight was at Starlight's house for the day. She was thankful Starlight and her mother agreed to let her be excused. But she didn't feel okay. She thought about why Filthy Rich would want her to come alone. She couldn't think of any good reasons for such a request.

"Twilight, we're here darling!" shouted Rarity, dropping her bag on the floor.

The rest of the girls came in after her. They all walked into the kitchen to see Twilight and Starlight eating. Fluttershy stood a good distance from Starlight as she finished her blood bag.

"Oh, sorry Fluttershy. Sunset told me you are bit queasy when it comes to our diet," said Starlight.

She got up and threw the empty blood bag into the trash can. "There. I am all done. No need to worry anymore, Fluttershy." said Starlight.

Fluttershy smiled as she walked to the countertop. She sat down next to Twilight. She noticed that Twilight seemed a bit unnerved.

"You okay, Twilight?" asked Fluttershy.

Twilight shook her head no. She wasn't okay. She was anything but okay. She was panicking on the inside because she felt scared. She was panicking because Filthy Rich's request seemed to spell her doom.

Fluttershy and the girls shared exchanges of worried looks. They cared deeply for Twilight. They placed their hands on her shoulders. Fluttershy was the first to speak.

"Twilight, we're here for you. You're not alone in this. Filthy Rich won't hurt you, or Sunset. We won't let it happen." said Fluttershy.

"We're friends, Twi. We not like those Cyrstal Prep bullies, we promise," added Pinkie.

Twilight looked at her friends. She felt like she really had found some true friends. She wished that Sunset was there. She missed the flame-haired girl because she missed her kindness.

"Thank you. It means a lot to have your friendship. Though, I miss Sunset." said Twilight.

The girls nodded in agreement. Starlight, who was previously quiet during that moment, spoke up.

"Okay girls, we need to draw Filthy Rich out, but without endangering Twilight," said Starlight.

The girls all gathered around Starlight. Rainbow Dash looked at Starlight, crossing her arms across her chest.

"So, what's the plan? How do a few humans and one vampire sneak up on a fairly smart vampire?" asked Rainbow Dash?

Starlight chuckled. She noticed that Rainbow Dash was not as confident in her plan as the others were. She decided to hear Rainbow Dash's plan.

"Have a better idea than mine?" asked Starlight, calling Rainbow Dash's bluff.

Rainbow Dash gulped. She was caught. She sighed, giving up.

"No. I don't. How'd you catch my bluff so easily?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Starlight smiled. "Because...I am just as smart, if not smarter then Filthy Rich," replied Starlight.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her neck, chuckling nervously. She didn't like the fact that she was caught. She always tried to sound cool but sometimes she just couldn't.

"So what's your plan, Starlight?" asked Pinkie. She was sitting on the counter, eating a cupcake which she pulled out of her hair.

Starlight grabbed her laptop from the living room. She turned it on, going to a map of the chapel Filthy Rich mentioned. She pointed to the surrounding brush and forest.

"Filthy Rich will have most likely booby trapped those areas. But if we are careful in avoiding them, he shouldn't sense our presence." She made circles on the screen near the brush, "We need to make Twilight look like she did come alone." continued Starlight.

The girls nodded. Twilight, on the other hand, wasn't so confident in Starlight's plan. She had some doubts about it. She had a sickening feeling that it wouldn't work out. But she kept quiet not wanting to ruin her friend's confidence.

"Also, we need to disguise your scents. And don't wear any noisy outfits," said Starlight.

All eyes turned to Rarity as Starlight mentioned the outfits. Rarity looked at her friends. She was appalled that they would think she would dare endanger Twilight.

"Okay, okay. I won't wear any noisy outfits. But I am still wearing the latest stealth outfit." said Rarity.

Applejack sighed and rolled her eyes. She figured that Rarity wasn't going to not be fashionable. She looked at Starlight, she had a few questions for her. She pulled Starlight aside, not wanting to worry Twilight.

"What happens if Twilight gets injured? Are you going to keep in control?" whispered Applejack.

Starlight saw Applejack's point. She remembered how she almost hurt Twilight because she couldn't keep herself under control for a split moment. She thought about bringing a blood bag.

"Would it work if I brought a blood bag?" asked Starlight.

Applejack thought about it. She couldn't see many downsides, but there was one.

"Maybe. But what happens if it gets drained due to being punctured?" asked Applejack.

Starlight knew Applejack had a strong point. If that were to happen, Twilight could be in more danger from her. She paced about as she tried to think of another way.

"Do you have metal bottles?" asked Applejack.

Starlight nodded. She wondered where Applejack was going with that.

Applejack walked into the kitchen, grabbing a metal bottle. She then grabbed Starlight's arm and dragged her down to the basement. She grabbed a blood bag from the freezer, placing it next to the bottle.

As Starlight stared at the two things, she realized what Applejack was talking about.

"Oh. I could do that too. I will get to work on it. Do me a favor, tell the girls to get some sleep so that they can be well rested in case something goes wrong." said Starlight.

Applejack nodded. She left Starlight to prepare a bottle of animal blood. She found the girls lounging in the living room. She was glad that they seemed happy despite the situation.

"Okay girls, Starlight said to get some sleep. She wants us to be well rested for tonight," said Applejack.

The girls all turned their attention to Applejack. Pinkie squealed as she grabbed her pillow and stuff alligator, Gummy.

"Sleepover!" shouted Pinkie.

Twilight remained seated on the couch as the rest of the gang went to sleep in Sunset's room. She didn't really want to sleep, not when she was so worried about Sunset. She stayed on the couch, her eyes drifting closed. She eventually succumbed and was in a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, at the chapel, Sunset was chained to the pastor's podium. She tried to slip free but her body was unwilling. She could feel her body weaken with each passing minute. She couldn't retract her fangs because she was too hungry.

"Oh. I see you're awake now. Good, I will need you to be awake when Twilight comes." said Filthy Rich.

Sunset looked at Filthy Rich as he mentioned Twilight. She tried once again to free herself but to no avail. The chains held tight against her struggling. She gave up, letting her body slump back into a fetal position.

"W-why is Twilight coming here? What are you p-planning to do to h-her?" stammered Sunset, her body shivering against the cold stone floor.

Filthy Rich walked over to Sunset. He sat on one of the benches in front of her. He grabbed a small bag of blood from his jacket pocket.

"I'll bet you're hungry, eh?" asked Filthy Rich, waving the blood bag around.

Sunset growled at him. She hated how he tortured her. She looked away from the blood bag, not wanting to admit that she was hungry. She looked back after a few minutes of long silence.

"Well, here. It's squirrel blood. I hear that's your favorite." Said, Filthy Rich, throwing the blood bag to Sunset.

She looked at the bag, suspicious of it. She placed her hand on it, eyeing Filthy Rich. She was surprised when she was able to grab it and not get attacked.

"Why are you giving this to me?" asked Sunset.

She drank the blood quickly. She didn't care to take her time. The hunger that was ravaging her momentarily subsided. She sighed in relief. She felt her fangs retract after she finished the blood.

"That's why. I don't want you to die, not yet anyway." replied Filthy Rich.

He got up and began to walk away. He faltered in his footing when he heard the chains break. He spun around to see Sunset holding them.

"I need more blood. If I am going to see Twilight, I don't want to harm her," said Sunset.

"Yeah, no. I don't take orders from you," said Filthy Rich, ignoring the glare Sunset was giving him.

"Why can't I have more blood? I may actually die from these conditions you've put me in," said Sunset in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Filthy Rich chuckled to himself. He shook his head, unable to believe what Sunset just asked him. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Because, dear I want Twilight to see the monster you are," said Filthy Rich.

Sunset shoved Filthy Rich's hand off her shoulder. She snarled at him. She was about to jump onto him when the chains were levitated.

"W-what are you doing? You can't do that! I would lose Twilight!" shouted Sunset as the chains bound her again.

Filthy Rich laughed. He walked out of the chapel, closing the heavy, wooden door behind him. He mumbled a spell which would keep Sunset trapped in the chapel.

Starlight finished filling two metal bottles full of animal blood. She cleaned up the basement before she left. She walked out of the basement, immediately seeing a sleeping Twilight in the living room. She smiled to herself.

She silently walked past Twilight, cringing when a creaky floorboard squeaked. She glanced up to see Twilight stir slightly before going back to sleep. She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw that Twilight was asleep.

She quickly grabbed her car keys and snuck out the front door. she closed the door as quietly as possible so it was not to disturb the girls. She drove off to Flim and Flam's shop.

She was slowed down by the midday traffic. As she looked over the sea of cars, she spotted the limousine that Diamond Tiara was in. She found it odd that the limousine seemed to be heading away from her home. But before she could think another thought, the light turned green.

She sped off to the store. She needed to know if Filthy Rich got ahold of the replica staff. She found herself at the store in no time. She jumped out of the car, running into the store.

She saw Flim wake up as she walked over. She saw a few disgruntled customers walk out of the store. She also saw a few display cases were broken.

"What happened here?!" shouted Starlight once she and the twins were alone.

Flam glared at her. He stayed by his brother's side. He looked at Starlight.

"Your friend, Filthy Rich, came by. He took the replica staff from us. We did our best to act as normal as possible." replied Flam

Starlight gasped. She hadn't expected Filthy Rich to do this much damage. She sat down next to Flim. She saw that his head was bruised due to the impact of his head slamming against the floor.

"Did he fall for the trick?" asked Starlight.

Flim nodded. He was unable to keep his eyes open. The light increased his already pounding headache. He tried to relieve the headache by rubbing his temples.

"Good. I need that to continue working for now," said Starlight.

She stood up, dusting off her pants. She had to head back home before the girls awoke. She looked at Flim.

"Sorry, that you got hurt. I will pay for the damages to your store," said Starlight, leaving a check on the counter.

She waved goodbye as she left their store. She got back in her car just as the limousine she saw earlier drove by. She saw that Diamond Tiara wasn't in the car. She found that suspicious.

She drove back to the house. She was glad the traffic from earlier cleared up. She pulled into her driveway, turning off her car as she parked it.

She walked in to see the girls all sitting around the dining room table. She placed her car keys on a table near the door.

"Hello, girls," said Starlight as she sat down next to Twilight.

Twilight gulped. She felt goosebumps on her arms as Starlight sat down. She wasn't used to being close to Starlight. She took a sip of her tea as Pinkie spoke.

"So Starlight, where were you? We woke up about an hour ago and you were nowhere to be seen. I personally thought you were invisible." asked Pinkie.

Everyone laughed at Pinkie's idea of Starlight being invisible.

"No, Pinkie, I wasn't invisible. I was at Flim and Flam's shop," replied Starlight.

The girls had looks of confusion on their face. Twilight, not wanting to be near Starlight, got up. She decided to make another cup of tea.

"Really? Why were you there" asked Rainbow Dash.

Starlight looked at Twilight. She could tell that she was nervous. But that was understandable. She turned her attention to Rainbow Dash. She cleared her throat as she spoke.

"I was there because Filthy Rich swung by there. He grabbed a staff that was, thankfully, a replica," replied Starlight.

Applejack looked at Starlight with a look of pure confusion. She and the other girls were thinking the same thing.

"What staff? And why did he want it?" asked Twilight.

Starlight went to answer. But Pinkie interrupted her.

"It's a staff that gives any vampire the ability to defy any weapon. And he wants it because he wants more power over Starlight. Right, Starlight?" asked Pinkie.

Starlight and everyone else stared at Pinkie. They couldn't believe what Pinkie just said.

"Pinkie, that's probably not it, right Starlight?" asked Twilight.

Starlight nodded. She was amazed at how Pinkie knew certain things like that. She could never understand that.

"Nope. She is pretty much spot on with that. I would like to know how you knew that though, Pinkie." replied Starlight.

Pinkie shrugged, finishing her drink. "Just a hunch," said Pinkie, wiping her mouth off with her hand.

Starlight chuckled. She had to hand it to Pinkie. That girl was a complete mystery sometimes. She looked at her phone, checking the time. She saw that it was 7:34 pm. She saw that the sun was setting.

"Starlight is everything okay?" asked Rarity.

Starlight shook her head. She looked at Rarity and the girls. She saw that Twilight was still by the sink, nursing her tea. She sighed. She knew that they had to do their plan now or risk Sunset's life.

"No. But right now, I am more worried about Sunset. We need to leave now if we want a chance to save her." replied Starlight.

Rarity looked at her friends. She knew what they were all thinking. She turned her attention to where Twilight was. She hadn't noticed that the violet-haired girl had slipped away. She looked around, wondering where Twilight slipped away to.

"I'll be right back, girls. I need to find Twilight," said Rarity before she left.

She searched the bedrooms on the first floor. She saw no sign of Twilight. She then checked the bathrooms, wondering if Twilight wasn't feeling good.

"Twilight, you in here?" asked Rarity as she knocked on the last bathroom in the house.

When she got no response, she sighed. She was unsure of where Twilight could be. Suddenly, she remembered Sunset's room. She ran up the stairs looking for Sunset's room. She found it after a few wrong turns. She almost forgot how big Starlight's house was.

She knocked on the door. After a few minutes of not receiving any reply, she decided to open the door. As the door swung open with a loud squeak, she saw the room was empty.

"Where would Twilight have gone? I have checked all the most likely spots." thought Rarity.

She sat on Sunset's bed as she continued to think about where Twilight could be. She was about to head back to the kitchen when Pinkie walked in.

"Hey, Rarity. Have you found Twilight?" asked Pinkie.

Rarity nodded.

"No, I haven't. I have tried every place I could think of," replied Rarity.

"Every place? Did you check the basement?" asked Pinkie.

Rarity looked at Pinkie with an arched eyebrow. She wasn't sure what Pinkie meant by every place.

"Pinkie, dear, what do you mean?" asked Rarity.

Pinkie took Rarity's hand, leading through the house. Rarity struggled to keep pace with Pinkie as the raced around the hallways. When they neared the basement, Pinkie let go of Rarity's arm.

"You haven't checked here," said Pinkie, opening the basement door.

Rarity looked in, seeing Twilight sitting on the basement steps. She looked at Pinkie. She shook her head and sighed as she saw Pinkie happily munching away on a cookie.

"Twilight? Are you alright?" asked Rarity.

She cautiously took a step down into the basement. She placed her right foot on the next step down. It creaked, making Twilight jump up and spin around. Rarity gave Twilight a nervous smile.

"R-raity?! What's with the sneaking?" asked Twilight.

"I am sorry, dear. I didn't mean to spook you. I thought you heard me call you. " replied Rarity.

Twilight sighed. She hadn't heard Rarity because she was thinking about Sunset. She was scared about what could happen to her. She was about to come out before Rarity made her jump.

"Well, I didn't hear you. So, why are you down here?" asked Twilight.

Rarity saw Pinkie Pie standing in the doorway. She glanced back at Twilight.

"It's time to leave. Are you sure you're ready?" asked Rarity.

Twilight nodded. She followed Rarity and Pinkie back to the kitchen. The other girls breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Twilight.

Starlight walked out from behind Twilight and the girls. She was holding the real staff.

"I am bringing this along with us. I can't trust that Filthy Rich won't find it once he's realized that he has a replica," said Starlight.

She spoke a few words of an ancient language that the girls figured to be latin. As she finished a cloak of magic fell on the staff, changing it into a book of Canterlot's history.

"There we go. The staff is cloaked for protection. Now, everyone in the van." said Starlight.

Everyone nodded. Twilight was last to follow Starlight and her friends. She was hesitant to go to the chapel. As she walked out the door, she thought about Sunset's cyan eyes smiling back at her.

Starlight drove into the outer city limits of Canterlot. Twilight noticed that the city sights dwindled the further they drove. She saw an old chapel appear at the side of the road where a dirt path led to it.

Starlight stopped the van a few miles away from the chapel. She didn't want Filthy Rich to know Twilight didn't come alone.

"Okay, now when we go into the surrounding forest, watch your step. Filthy Rich has most likely set traps," said Starlight.

Everyone nodded, waiting for her to continue.

She turned to Twilight. She could tell that Twilight was scared. She grabbed one of Twilight's hands.

"You ready?" asked Starlight.

Twilight gulped. She looked around at her friend's concerned expressions. She knew that she couldn't let them down. Especially since they were unsure of how much longer Sunset had.

"Y-yes." stammered Twilight, she tried to sound as confident as she could.

Starlight nodded. She and the girls grabbed their flashlights which were still in the van.

Twilight watched as her friends walked into the forest, leaving her standing on the road alone. She flicked on her flashlight. She scanned the area. She saw the bushes that were previously moved by her friends.

An owl hooted, breaking the night's silence. Twilight let out a shriek before she stopped herself. She calmed herself down, not wanting to worry her friends.

She walked the last few miles until she was on the dirt road which led to the chapel. She saw the chapel, which in the darkness of night, seemed to be eerie. She shone her flashlight on the chapel.

"You're doing this for Sunset's sake." thought Twilight.

She slowly made her way towards the chapel. She stopped moving when she heard a twig snap. She shone her flashlight into the forest. She caught sight of a flash of rainbow-colored hair.

She sighed when she realized that it was just her friends. She continued walking towards the chapel. She thought she saw a flash of Sunset's flame-colored hair run past one window. She shook her head and she saw nothing when she looked again. She shrugged it off as just her imagination.

Twilight approached the iron door, her nerves making her shake. She grabbed the knocker on the door and banged it three times. She stood back as she waited for a response. She was about to knock again when the door creaked open.

She staggered back as Filthy Rich stood in the doorway.

"Hello again, Twilight Sparkle. It's nice to see you again," said Filthy Rich, his tone was too sweet like honey.

Twilight looked behind Filthy Rich. She spotted Sunset slumped over on the floor. She thought she spotted chains holding Sunset to the podium. She looked back at Filthy Rich, glaring at him.

"Well, considering our last encounter, I wouldn't say it's nice." retorted Twilight.

Filthy Rich scoffed at her tone. He didn't care to be insulted. He glanced back at Sunset, who was still clinging to life. He closed the chapel door, confusing Twilight.

She stood at the door for a few moments. She wondered what Filthy Rich was planning. She glanced behind to see Starlight jump into a well-hidden tree. She saw Pinkie jump up and waved at her from behind a bush. She waved back before Applejack and Rainbow Dash pulled her back down. The creaking of the door made Twilight jump.

She walked away as Filthy Rich approached the door, Sunset standing weakly beside him. She staggered as she tripped over a loose rock. She managed to gain her footing and continue backing away.

"What's wrong, Twilight? Are you afraid of your friend, because she is a...vampire?" asked Filthy Rich. He lowered the spell keeping Sunset in the chapel. He shoved Sunset on the ground, allowing her to sit on her knees.

Starlight looked at Sunset. She noted that Sunset was starving. She looked down to see Sunset watching the scene play out. She hoped that Twilight wouldn't be in danger.

Sunset looked up at Twilight, her cyan eyes searching for any sign that Twilight wasn't scared. But all she saw was panic and fear. She felt a tear slide down her cheek. She waited for Twilight's answer.

Twilight's purple eyes met Sunset's. She saw the pain in them. She watched as a single tear streamed down Sunset's cheek. She felt a tear of her own run down her cheek. She looked back at Filthy Rich.

"N-no. I am not a-afraid," replied Twilight, her voice gave away her fear.

Sunset bit her lip. She knew that Twilight was still new to knowing the vampire in her. She looked at the ground, hoping that Filthy Rich would stop whatever he was doing.

"Tsk, tsk. Twilight, you shouldn't have lied. For that, I am afraid you'll have to be punished. " said Filthy Rich.

He pulled out a hunting knife. He walked past Sunset, moving towards Twilight. He held the knife in the air, letting Twilight see the serrated edges.

Twilight moved away, holding her hands out. She tripped over a fallen log. She tried to stand but she realized she twisted her ankle. She looked at Filthy Rich as he came closer.

"Now, don't move or this is going to hurt much worse," said Filthy Rich.

Twilight tried to move her leg away. But Filthy Rich placed a firm hand on her leg. She closed her eyes as she felt the knife touch her leg.

Sunset watched in horror as she saw what Filthy Rich was about to do. She felt her fangs extended as her mouth watered. She was so hungry and she needed blood.

"Yes. Cut her, I want to taste her blood." thought Sunset.

Filthy Rich looked at Sunset making sure that she was watching. Seeing her hungry eyes, he smiled. He placed the knife firmly on Twilight's thigh. He pushed harder, the blade cutting through her skin. He pulled the knife towards him, enlarging the cut.

Twilight screamed as her leg was cut open. She felt the blood rush out from the newly open wound. It stung in the night air. She grasped her leg as the pain hit her.

A growl broke the silence in the night. Twilight looked up at Sunset. Filthy Rich walked over to Sunset. He held the bloodied knife to her mouth. She licked the blood off the knife. She moaned in satisfaction at the taste. She looked at the girl in front of her. Twilight watched as Sunset's cyan eyes turned blood red. She gulped, fear immobilizing her on the spot.

"Sunset...?" said Twilight.

Filthy Rich cut the ropes which had bound Sunset's wrists. She sped over to Twilight. She leaned in close to Twilight's wound, close enough to smell her blood. She looked at Twilight's fear-filled eyes. For a moment Sunset stopped moving. She and Twilight just looked at each other.

Twilight saw a glint of cyan behind Sunset's red eyes. She started to cry because she was so scared. She didn't like seeing Sunset like this. She stared at Sunset as the kindness left her eyes, replaced by a primal hunger.

She screamed as Sunset bared her fangs before she bit down on her wrist. She felt Sunset's fangs rip past her skin and muscle, creating a mouth shaped wound. She felt her blood pour into Sunset's mouth, sating her hunger. She attempted to pull her wrist away. But it only resulted in worsening the wound.

"Sunset...stop," begged Twilight through her tears.

Sunset stopped briefly before continuing to drink Twilight's blood. She loved the taste of the warm liquid. She kept drinking, not wanting to stop. The feel of the liquid running down her throat was amazing. She gripped Twilight's arm tighter, squeezing more blood out.

Starlight and Sunset's friends watched as they saw Sunset drink Twilight's blood. Rarity had to look away before she gagged. Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanged worried glances. Starlight hoped that Sunset would stop before they were forced to intervene.

Twilight saw her vision get blurry and dark. She knew that she was going to pass out due to major blood loss. She took one last look at Sunset, saying, "W-why? You said that y-you wouldn't h-hurt m-me..."

Sunset let her grip of Twilight's arm loosen as she spoke. She watched as her friend collapsed, her leg still bleeding profusely. The sight was enough to snap Sunset out of her daze. She started to sob heavily as the realization of what she did hit her.

"T-twilight?! No! No, I didn't-! I am so sorry, Twilight!" screamed Sunset.

She was then pulled away from Twilight by Filthy Rich. She felt a set of heavy metal chains bind her wrists. She tried to break free but they refused to budge. She took one last look at Twilight's unconscious form before she was pushed back into the chapel.

Filthy Rich placed back the spell locking Sunset in the chapel. He looked around, seeing if anyone was around. He noticed Starlight's figure in the trees. He laughed to himself.

"I knew you wouldn't let Twilight come alone. She is injured because of your careless actions," shouted Filthy Rich.

He walked back into the chapel, closing the door behind him.

Starlight and the girls ran up to Twilight. Starlight immediately ripped a piece of Twilight's skirt off. She wrapped it tightly around the knife wound. She took another piece of Twilight's skirt and wrapped around the bite mark on her wrist. Once she finished that, she stepped away.

She looked at the blood on her hands. She felt her hunger grow as the scent of human blood wafted up to her nose. She took a deep breath, remaining calm. She washed the blood off in the nearby stream before she grabbed a bottle of animal blood. She drank the blood within seconds.

Once she was finished, she spoke.

"Okay, Applejack, Rainbow Dash. Help me carry Twilight to the van. Rarity, Fluttershy, drive the van closer to us. We need to get Twilight to hospital. Pinkie, look up the nearest hospital." said Starlight.

The girls nodded and did the task assigned to them. Pinkie went with Fluttershy and Rarity to get the van.

"That wasn't very nice of Sunset." thought Pinkie.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash tied their jackets together to form a rough sling to carry Twilight in. Together with Starlight, they moved Twilight onto the stretcher.

They lifted Twilight and began the long walk to where the van was. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had to take a break after about a few minutes of carrying Twilight.

"We need to keep going, girls. Twilight's life depends on it," said Starlight.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. They weren't sure if they could continue on with exhaustion setting in. Before they could decide, the van pulled up. Rainbow Dash and Applejack loaded Twilight into the van.

Starlight took the driver seat back from Pinkie. She got the address of the hospital from Pinkie before sending her to the back of the van. She drove as fast she could to the hospital. They got there in under ten minutes, with a few shortcuts helping to save time.

Starlight called Twilight's mom as the girls got help. She waited for Twilight's mother to show before they walked into check on Twilight.

Back at the chapel, Sunset stared at her blood covered hands. She replayed the events that just happened. She couldn't believe what she did. She still could taste Twilight's blood in her mouth. She was disgusted at the fact that it tasted good.

She tried to make herself throw up but it didn't work. She went to try again when Filthy Rich came in.

"Your body craves human blood. You can't just puke back out, Sunset," said Filthy Rich.

Sunset growled at him. She didn't want to see or talk to him. He was the reason that Twilight got hurt. She hated herself for not stopping. She looked down, ignoring Filthy Rich.

"Well, that is the last you'll see of your friend for at least a week," said Filthy Rich.

Sunset looked up at Filthy Rich. "Wait, what?" asked Sunset.

"You and I are going to take a little vacation in Ponyville. I know someone who can help me understand how to work this staff." replied Filthy Rich, pulling the staff from behind his back.

Sunset gasped. She hadn't thought that Filthy Rich would ever get the staff.

"So, that's what you were doing when you stopped by Flim and Flam's shop," said Sunset.

Filthy Rich chuckled. "Yep. Now, sleep. You'll need your rest for the trip." said Filthy Rich.

He left the chapel, locking the door. Sunset sighed. She hoped that when she got away from Filthy Rich, she could see how Twilight was. She hoped that Twilight would forgive her

Author's Note:

Thank you, everyone, who has put this story on their bookshelves, who tracked it. All your support is what keeps me going. Please, comment what you think. And as always, thanks for the support and reading my story.