• Published 20th Apr 2018
  • 5,461 Views, 120 Comments

Kirby: Equus Defender - QuartzScale

The young Star Warrior falls out of the sky landing on Planet Equus where he goes on adventures with new friends he makes over the course of his stay.

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05. Flailing Floating Fun

After resting for a while Kirby finally decided it was time. He had waited long enough and filled his belly with enough apples as he looked to Twilight and Spike who were examining Whispy Woods. The large tree merely looked sad as he was beaten by sheer chance.

“Poyo!” Kirby expelled as he Wave to his two companions.

“What? Already, but the tree… “ Twilight pointed out.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby mentioned which caused Twilight to realize what needed to be done.

“You're right. We have to keep moving!” Twilight suddenly straightened up to a very confused Spike.

“Twilight… what did he just say?” Spike pondered aloud getting a close up of Twilight’s face.

“Didn't you hear him Spike. He said that Celestia gave us a mission. A mission to save the snacks of Equestria, of Dream Land, neigh, of the entire world from the tyranny of a king who is using knowledge to be mean. We must right the wrongs and always strive to push forward.” Twilight announced.

Spike looked to Kirby who merely shrugged because that wasn't at all what he said. He just mentioned Celestia wanted them to save the snacks and that was it. Unfortunately, Kirby couldn't express that sentiment to Spike who took it at face value and the three rushed off towards the light shining through the tree lines. He just nodded before quickly turning away to hide that nervous smile that he was misinterpreted once again.

With a quick hurrah from Kirby they rushed off towards the light.

Before them was a wide ocean with several islands dotting along the way. A signpost was nearby which Twilight eagerly looked at hoping by to glean some information about where they were and how this landscape even worked on Equestrian soil.

‘Welcome to the Float Islands. Enjoy your stay as you play amongst the cascade clear waters and make an effort to join our special guests Lololo and Lalala, master of the castle in the center of the ocean. We await your arrival.’ Twilight read, even reciting it for the other two. “What is this?”

“Poyo?” Kirby looked over the waters noticing that the Waddle Dees were swimming with the food protected by this small energy field that surrounded each item.

“There they are! Come on Twilight let's get’em!” Spike cried out as he dove into the water followed by Kirby who suddenly sprouted swim goggles and an inner tube.

“R-right!” Twilight called out as she carefully eased herself into the water. It was really cold and she only had rudimentary knowledge of swimming slowly going out in a pony paddle motion. Kirby took off his little water wings… somehow, and quickly pushed them onto Twilight's front hooves so she wouldn't waste so much energy.

“Poyo.” Kirby announced before taking off after the Waddle Dees.

“Thanks Kirby!” Twilight called out as she slowly kicked after the two. She wasn't the strongest swimmer but she would manage as best she could.

It was only a couple minutes later that trouble struck as several Blippers rose from the water making a beeline for the trio. Spike couldn't exactly breathe his flames underwater and Twilight could only hold back so many so Kirby took it upon himself to dive underwater.

With a few quick shots Kirby took the led using his water gun like breath to smack the Blippers into each other knocking them out to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Twilight made certain to toss the few Blippers as far as possible. During the entire adventure so far Twilight had taxed her magic well beyond what she thought she was capable of. For some reason she had more magic reserves than a normal unicorn but for the time being she focused on swimming alongside her new friends to the closest island that they could find.

The three fought their way through with Spike managing to use his claws to smack the Blippers away from the others. His fire breath was diminished by the constant rush of water all around them.

It didn't take long before Squishies came to the surface after them. The squid like creature immediately shot towards the group gripping Twilight by the legs before dragging her below the water.

“Spike! Kirby! He - “ Twilight glubbed as water entered her lungs.

Kirby and Spike dove down chasing after the Squishies knocking them aside releasing her from their grasp. She tried to kick her way up but her body ached from the sudden dive. Spike grabbed her swimming back up to the surface. As they broke through Twilight gasped for air as Kirby stayed beneath the surface shooting the wild Blippers and Squishies trying to capture them and drag them to their watery graves.

“Heugh… hurk… “ Twilight coughed out the water as Spike led her to the closest land mass. “Whose bright idea was it to follow Kirby?”

“Celestia.” Spike mentioned. “And you.” He added quickly afterwards.

“Buck both of them.” Twilight wheezed out.

“Including you?” Spike quirked an eyebrow.

“Especially me, Spike.” Twilight muttered as the two paddled onto the nearest island which seemed to house a very large building. It was similar to the town hall but with let administration running around and more Waddle Dees mingling with other creatures.

Kirby eventually joined the pair, jumping from the surface of the water and puffing himself up to fly through the air joining the pair. Twilight was worn out as was Spike who was lying on his back gasping for rest. Kirby, however, looked ready to keep going but he opted to relax with his two friends. He spat out two apples and shared them with his friends frenching them as he forced the shredded apple into their gullets. The Face to Face Transfer was complete.

Elsewhere on a farm far away an orange pony with a stetson hat looked up. She was confused because somewhere apples had both been used to help somepony and used in a disgusting way.

“It just don't sit right with me… “ Applejack mumbled as she knocked out the rest of the Waddles Dees tryin to take her apples as the Apple Family came together to fight the travesty of apple thieving monsters.

Twilight and Spike were too tired to protest ignoring the feeling as they swallowed the apple chunks flinching the entire time. Kirby smiled as his friends immediately got up.

“Great… I'm a baby bird now.” Twilight groaned and coughed up from the sudden invasion of her mouth.

“My first kiss… “ Spike cried out, tears streaming down his cheeks from frustration and broken dreams.

“Poyo?” Kirby tilted his head confused at the reaction.

“Never happened. Just… it never happened.” Spike quickly growled out which Twilight eagerly agreed to.

“Poyo?” Kirby was more confused than ever. Still he pointed onwards ready to travel on to save the snacks of the world.

The three made their way into the fortress fighting through random creatures that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Bronto Burts, small winged flying pink creatures, dive bombed their position only to be sent pack by a stream of flames from Spike. Spinning Kabus, tiki head figures, chased after them forcing Twilight to fling them away with a burst of her magic. The most dangerous of all were the Burning Leo's, small beings with a head of flames, which blasted at the intrepid trio with billowing flames and fireballs.

“Just how many beings work for King DeDeDe!?” Twilight shouted as she slid under another blast of fire. Spike was immune to the flames but he couldn't exactly tank the flames blowing out at them to protect the others.

Kirby had had enough though and when a small opening appeared rushed into the fray. With a quick puff of air he knocked back the Burning Leo and slid into it knocking it to its knees. Sucking it up he shot it out at the other offending one making the duo explode as the trio was finally given a breather.

“That was close… you okay Twilight?” Spike brushed off the accumulated ash from all the flames that had enveloped him.

“Spike this is crazy… I mean I was all up for completing Celestia’s mission but I almost died recently and we haven't even made it halfway there. What else can we expect at this rate?” Twilight worried as she fretted with her hooves while Kirby and Spike stood at her sides patting them.

“It'll be fine Twilight. We've made it this far. It can't be that long till we get there.” Spike reassured her before jumping back up to assess the situation.

“Poyo?” Kirby quietly asked.

“Yes I think I'll be okay Kirby.” Twilight answered making certain to cough the quavering tone in her voice.

“Poyo poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby eloquently stated making certain to add inflection at certain points.

“You're right. She did trust me to handle this and i can handle this. This will be just like organizing the library. We do so one book as a time.” Twilight reaffirmed herself and readied to trot back into the fray.

Kirby smiled and led the way with Spike and Twilight trotting along at a brisk pace. They had been through a harrowing event as they swam through the oceans through Dream Land. The three entered the large fortress only to be thrust into a room with a large walrus wearing suspender pants.

“Who is that guy?” Spike pointed out.

Before he was answered Mr. Frosty jumped into the air, shook his butt, and summoned a large ice block knocking it at the group. Twilight hopped out of the way with Spike on her back bounding away while Kirby sucked in the ice and shot it back at the walrus.

“What the buck was that!?” Twilight shouted once again flabbergasted by the sight of the random things that happened once again. This was up there with living trees in the crazy that came up.

“Twilight battle now, complain later!” Spike called out as the walrus attempted to jump atop of them.

Twilight used her shield spells to smack the walrus out of the way allowing the pair to dodge his body slams. Kirby sucked in the stars that came from the impacts of Mr. Frosty. The sudden burst of stars shot him into the wall as he bounded around mad as a bull in a china shop. Twilight backed up as Spike and Kirby took point as he fired several ice blocks at the pair. By sheer chance Kirby accidentally swallowed one of the ice blocks.

A bright flash of light went off as Kirby was lifted into the air. He was shivering constantly as his entire body turned blue and another band with an emerald appeared around his forehead. A small glacial spire grew out within the air surrounded by the band on his head. The ice crystals glistened in the sunlight and suddenly Kirby stood straight up and eyed Mr. Frosty with a harsh glare.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted at the monster gaining his attention.

“Woah… ice, huh? Pinkie wanted to call you Fire Kirby for the flames but we vetoed her then… so I guess now you're Ice Kirby.” Twilight muttered under her breath.

Mr. Frosty rushed ahead hopping mad until a blast of frigid air caused him to stop in place. Kirby blew out a freezing wind which covered the battlefield in frost. Mr. Frosty hated being stopped by his own element only to be met with the Super Ice Sprinkle attack. Kirby had jumped into the air spinning around as he released his ice breath over his foe.

Twilight held him in place with her magic forcing Mr. Frosty to be hit incessantly by the barrage of icy wind until he fell over collapsed from the constant pain. The trio stood triumphant.

“Phew… glad that's over. Now what?” Spike chimed in looking around the room and noting that there wasn't really a way out of the room.

“I don't know Spike… I just think this was too easy to deal with. This guy isn't the main boss of this area remember? The sign said that Lololo and Lalala are the masters of a castle and this place is definitely not a castle. It's more of a fort.” Twilight explained though she kept it brief so she could catch her breath.

“Poyo?” Kirby chirped as he looked up at another warp star. This one had formed after the walrus had been defeated.

“Is that what I think it is?” Twilight gulped as she saw the mysterious star. Her researcher instincts were acting up again. “Spike we gotta study it! Now before it disappears again!”

“Wha - uh, okay gotcha.” Spike pulled out a quill and parchment from the little backpack Rarity had made him before he left but before the two could say anything Kirby jumped onto the star.

Before either could gasp or admonish him for his actions they were both forced onto the star as well and a cot of magic surrounded the two. From there all that could be heard were the terrified shrieks of a purple pony and purple dragon being dragged along by a pink puffball.

The Warp Star shot into the skies sailing across the ocean as near super sonic speeds with their riders only being safe due to the magic that surrounded them. Anything else that touched them were immediately obliterated on touch alone. Two of the riders couldn't even notice due to the pounding of their hearts and the tears clouding their vision but that all changed as the star slammed down in the courtyard.

Kirby landed in a cool pose arms touching the ground and ready to race ahead to fight the bad guys. Spike was nearly unconscious on his back all from the fear of the impact even though he was unharmed. Twilight was shuddering in a little ball trying desperately not to break down from the sudden broken laws of physics.

“Mommy… I don't wanna go on the airship… it's too high.” Twilight mumbled as she shivered uncontrollably.

“Poyo?” Kirby poked his purple pony friend and then shook Spike back awake.

“Twilight…? I think I died. But I'm not in heaven… “ Spike intoned as he looked around noting a lack of marshmallow like ponies surrounding him.

“Huh? Spike! We're not dead! Woo!” Twilight leapt up grabbing Spike in a bone shattering hug just thankful to be alive.

“Woo… “ Spike grumbled out as the air was crushed out of him. “Let go already… need air.”

“Oops… sorry there Spike. Kirby! Warn us before you do something that dangerous!” Twilight quickly shifted from happily alive to worried parent mode as Kirby merely looked at her.

“Poyo? Poyo poyo.” Kirby countered making sure to give the appropriate arm motions.

“I know but I wanted to study it… argh… fine. But later I expect something to study. Got it?” Twilight offered making sure not to budge on that notion.

“Poyo.” Kirby agreed only because he knew his friend needed to relax after all this trouble.

“Good. Come on Spike. Let's go save Equestria.” Twilight proudly stated as she trotted forward towards a door with three stars above it.

“One of these days I'll figure just how eloquent you are to get Twilight to agree with you.” Spike pointed at Kirby.

Kirby didn't know either and merely tilted his head in confusion and shrugged. With that display both of them rushed after Twilight and went first because they had abilities. Kirby made it a point to keep his ability in case anything else was about to attack them.

The trio confidently stomped into the next chamber only to be locked in a new room with three levels and six doors they couldn't see into. It resembled the inside of a cuckoo clock as far as Twilight knew.

Vs Lololo and Lalala

Two small spherical creature with eyes and limbs popped out of the hole giving a little salute before disappearing back into the darkness. Twilight could see that one was blue and the other was pink with a tiny yellow bow on the left side of its head.

“Now what?” Twilight groaned as the two started to push out large blocks which seemed ready to steam roll right over them. Twilight and Spike panicked until Kirby threw them up to the next level while the two being pushed their blocks back into the darkness.

Spike attempted to chase after them only to be flung back by some mystical force that blocked their entry into the doorways. Spike was knocked back when he tried to rush into it.

“Ow… shield around doors.” Spike whined slightly as he rubbed his snout from the impact.

“We need to stop them from running over us. Any suggestions?” Twilight peeked up as she shot a beam at the next block that the blue one was pushing. That didn't stop him from trying to body tackle the trio. Kirby was forced to push the duo beneath the platform once again as Lololo charged forward even through the barrage of ice Kirby was breathing.

Kirby was crushed into the wall though not as hard as he would have been if they had used those green blocks. Before they could go to Kirby the pink one came out wielding a spike ball with eyes known only as a Gordo. Twilight and Spike rushed away as the rolling death came hurtling towards them. Twilight tried to push it back with her magic but the Gordo was much more invulnerable than she thought as it pushed directly through her magic.

“Ponyfeathers… “ Twilight cursed as she pulled Spike onto her back and jumped up to the next level. She rushed over to Kirby peeling him off the wall as he shook his head from the impact.

“Poyo… poyo.” Kirby rubbed his head from the sudden shock as another block came hurtling. For them. Twilight jumped back up only to find the pink one coming for them holding another block. She waited for the last moment before diving back to the middle level.

“This is crazy!” Twilight shouted only for Kirby to pat her as he breathed ice at the blue one passing them by.

“We just need to hit them from behind and we'll be okay.” Spike figured out as he breathed flames up towards the pink one.

Twilight nodded as she played bait. She shook her tail taunting whichever one was in front of her before either diving or jumping to a different level while Kirby and Spike attacked them as they passed by. It took a bit of effort when they doubled their efforts moving faster than the trio could track. They sometimes even forced Spike and Kirby to escape from one of their charges.

As the fight dragged on the blue one fell shortly followed by the pink one. A star appeared and both Spike and Twilight braced themselves as they performed another dance and Kirby split into three beings again.

“Why do we dance?” Twilight bared her hooves to the heavens still unsure why she felt so compelled to dance. Still she laid on the ground and rested while Spike and Kirby joined her. The floor of the castle wasn't as comfortable as being out on the grass but at the very least they had made it through this horrible place.

“Poyo.” Kirby stated as if it was the most profound thing in the world.

“You got that right Kirby.” Twilight answered as she fell asleep from the constant rushing through places. Spike passed out soon after merely giving a nod to Kirby which he returned.

Kirby kicked his feet slightly as he let his friends take a well deserved nap. They weren't used to all this action. With a quick wave of his hand he discarded his ability and laid besides the two, keeping vigil while the sounds of the waves outside lulled him to relax at the very least.