• Published 20th Apr 2018
  • 5,461 Views, 120 Comments

Kirby: Equus Defender - QuartzScale

The young Star Warrior falls out of the sky landing on Planet Equus where he goes on adventures with new friends he makes over the course of his stay.

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03. Dream Drop Drama

Author's Note:

First time posting on my phone. Still we continue the story.

Kirby's Dream Land up first. Who do you want as his partner?

Pinkie is off the table, as are her sisters.

There ensconced within the train the group of ponies mingled and talked while Kirby and the small soldier sat next to each other waggling their feet together as if it was natural. The soldier made no attempt at small talk merely pantomiming his actions to convey his point. It was similar to how Kirby did things with very few others understanding his intentions explicitly through the power of his heart. That didn't stop Twilight though.

“So… what can you tell us about Dream Land?” Twilight managed to get the small orange bandana wearing figure to look at her. Since he had no visible mouth she was unsure how much information she could actually get.

Bandana Waddle Dee looked at the pony with a questioning look. He was expecting the tall white one to show up but this was a surprise all around. Celestia usually remained silent during the trip drinking tea the other waddle dees served up. This one was asking questions… and so he answered them.

“It is a land where dreams come to reality. The magic of the realm makes several things possible and is the source of good dreams in conjunction with Princess Luna… at least it was before the Nightmare Moon debacle and we've been forced to up production of good dreams throughout the entire realm.” He explained though not of the ponies could hear or understand him at all.

“Um… did you say something?” Twilight strained her ears. She knew she heard something but it was muffled… as if her heart wasn't strong enough to understand him.

“Poyo. Poyo, poyo.” Kirby quickly explained understanding completely.

“Oh… I can't understand him…” Twilight splayed her ears clearly wearing her feeling on the cuff of her hooves.

Bandana Dee, as he would now be nicknamed, got up and patted her leg in a gesture of understanding. She couldn't fully understand him but she would learn even if it killed her. It wouldn't but Twilight was a very neurotic unicorn when failure was on the line.

“Twi! Look out there.” Applejack called out as they all saw the wonder of Dream Land.

Rolling hills of green sailed along surrounded by grand mountains and farther in the distance over the horizon was the ocean visible from where the train was at the moment. On the other side were frigid peaks and several rolling deserts before them. The entire ecosystem moved on its own and there were no signs of ponies doing anything. Even animals that roamed around were all living without any intervention.

Fluttershy was, at first, appalled at the lack of ponies helping but as the scenery went on she noted that all the animals were happy and capable of living even without intervention. It was a strange feeling to see that and she didn't quite know how to react.

Rainbow Dash was a bit more relaxed by the lack of weather scheduled to happen. The rolling clouds looked almost alive to her and she could tell at a glance that all the clouds were moving based on the wind currents currently flowing around. The weather was wild, dangerous even but that was exciting. It meant challenging stunts could be pulled off with varying degrees of danger added per day. The rainbows forming out I. The distance also seemed a bit weird to her… especially the ones that seemed to be coming from the edge of the Everfree from what she could see.

Pinkie was a blaze of excitement and uncontainable enthusiasm. While she couldn't understand either of her new puffball friends… yet, she could tell the two were deep in conversation. Kirby, uncharacteristically, didn't run around with her like he was ought to do while in Ponyville. He remained next to the bandana wearing Waddle Dee as she found out from one of the name tags that one of the brown ones were wearing. Apparently they were Parasol Waddle Dee though she couldn't tell if they were male or female. It was a real mystery as Pinkie took a long pause and blew into a bubble pipe she pulled out of her mane.

Rarity kept quiet throughout the trip taking care to write in a few sketchbooks she had brought. After seeing Kirby’s hats she vehemently needed to transcribe her thoughts to paper. The hat was so unique that she didn't think she could replicate it easily enough. Even with rudimentary illusion spells the fire would still go out after a day. She needed to figure out an angle at which to make it possible to have the hats be permanent but it escaped her for the moment. She desperately needed to sit down with Twilight and see how viable it was to make a hat like that.

Applejack scrutinized the land. As an earth pony she could feel the minute shifts of magic that coursed through the land. The entirety of Dream Land, as a country, was viable for farms but when a branch of the Apple family tried to make a settlement there they couldn't get their trees to grow. It was as if some force attempted to keep Dream Land from being farmed in. The fact that fruit trees grew rampant around the small forest she had seen made her more curious about who was growing them in the first place. The small bandana wearing Waddle Dee had given her a note which detailed a guardian spirit of the forest known as Whispy Woods. It sounded like hogwash at first, but after seeing Kirby fight off a monster nearly four times his size she was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

As the train passed on the outskirts of Whispy Woods Bandana Dee made his way up to the engine room, most likely to check how much longer until they reached the main area. Twilight looked over the small booklet which he gave her while Kirby finally joined Pinkie at looking out the window in excitement. Twilight quietly opened the booklet and began peering over the contents.

Welcome to Dream Land!

So you decided to come to our neck of the woods and are a little curious how things work. Who could blame you? Don't worry cause I'll explain things to you.

Since you've more than likely been living under a rock this part of the country is known as Dream Land, ruled by the great King DeDeDe and inhabited by over sixty five different races and counting. That's a lot and while I would love be to explain it to you I am a very busy booklet and have to talk about other things right now, you bookworm.

Anyways Mount DeDeDe, named after our illustrious leader, lies smack dab in the northern part of Dream Land and offers a sky high view of the entire country. While there you can enjoy bowing to your leader and taking in the scenic view of the entire country. Truly the only way to live.

I'll not prattle on about too much more and just wish you a happy stay within our vast realm. Should you need more information you can ask someone else. Thanks for reading, now head outside and play already.

Written and paid for by your sultan of slam, your poobah of dreams, lordship of Waddle Dees.

Signed by King DeDeDe.

Twilight looked over the booklet and partially how insulting it sounded… and took several deep breaths. It didn't help much regardless of how much her old foal sitter told her it would calm her down. Bandana Dee walked back into the car and informed the party with two taps of his spear that they were about to reach the station.

A bit in the distance was the station and standing at the ready was a figure wearing an intimidating mask with glowing yellow eyes. He wore a cape over his entire body and seemed to exude the presence of a ruler. Pinkie wanted to go glomp him as soon as the train stopped but was quickly held back by Applejack.

The doors opened and Kirby rushed out the door greeting the enigmatic figure who merely nodded his head in acknowledgement. Twilight was the next to follow along with her five other friends.

“I take it that you are the one I was waiting for?” A deep spanish toned voice came from the mask wearing figure standing before them. “Twilight Sparkle, was it?”

“Ah, yes. I'm Twilight Sparkle. I came alongside my other friends. This is Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and the one running around is Kirby.” She quickly explained as she tried to coax Kirby back to her side with a flailing hoof. “Sorry for him… he's excited to explore.”

“Yes. Most Star Warriors usually are. We shall be making our way to the tram station to get up the mountain. Shall we?” The knight beckoned the others always keeping his cape around him as he moved. “Before I forget, since you gave me your names I should be polite to give my own. You may call me Meta Knight.”

“Meta Knight… got it.” Twilight muttered under her breath. “Wait… Star Warrior?”

Meta Knight didn't say a word as he trekked ahead of the group leading them to a lift station where a small team waited for them. Twilight tried to get more information but he remained a stoic figure… one that would give her brother and all the guards of Canterlot a run for their bits. Rainbow Dash seemed the most wary of the figure keeping the most distance and unlike the others remained quiet.

She couldn't tell why though. Instinct told her that messing with him at this point would be dangerous. So she opted to take a nap on yet another ride.

“That is such a lovely cape Sir Meta Knight. Who made it for you?” Rarity brought up seeing as all of Twilight’s questions were being ignored at the moment. The fact that she was asking so vehemently also made it off putting. Fluttershy placed a hoof on her shoulder making her blanch and realize what she was doing. She winced as she let Rarity take the lead.

“A friend of mine gave it to me. They were a good friend… but enough about me. I should talk more about what you can expect.” Meta Knight wistfully stated as his eyes glowed a pale gray before quickly changing the subject.

“When did he start talking about himself in the first place?” Applejack whispered into Fluttershy's ear who merely shrugged as they listened on.

“The King is a bit of a blowhard… selfish and at some points a fool. Regardless of those he does protect Dream Land as he sees as right. He will put his foot into his mouth more times than I would care to count. Do not take it personally.” Meta Knight started only to unfold his cape revealing two metal pauldrons where his arms were labeled with a stylized M on it. Then he wrapped his cape around him and disappeared, reappearing where Rainbow Dash was and tapping her on the head to wake her up. She didn't take it as well.

“Woah! What the buck!?” Rainbow Dash fell off the small seat onto the floor as Meta Knight wrapped his cape around him and walked back to his spot in front of the others.

“Try not to fall asleep in his presence and don't take his food. He'll provide as is befit a King though I will mention that he eats meat as well. We know of the propensity of ponies being vegetarian but Princess Celestia never voiced any concern.” Meta Knight stated to everypony… though his gaze drifted to Twilight Sparkle in particular.

“That's… understandable. Right, girls?” Twilight coughed out clearly uncertain of what that would entail.

The choruses of yes and of course made Twilight calm down while Rainbow Dash trotted beside her grousing at the sudden wake up call. The team slowly made a stop as the group was ushered out to a giant palace resting upon the mountain. The entire grounds were filled with Waddle Dees who seemed to be the only staff on hand at this point.

“Sir!” A voice called out as a small stock knight came running up to them alongside another knight like figure.

“Blade Knight and Sword Knight? What is the problem?” Meta Knight allowed his cape open as he held his arms up trying to calm his fellow knights.

Twilight made note of these two new figures. Blade Knight was wearing a tiny suit of light green armor with a long helmet which covered most of his face except for a pink section that looked like a chin. The helmet was adorned with several red tassels and his shoulders with large pauldrons decorated with crescent moons. While his sword was sheathed on his silver buckled belt she noted that his gloves resembled Meta Knight’s gloves only white in coloration.

Sword Knight, on the other hand, wore a suit of aqua green armor. The helmet revealed a dark hole where their eyes would be but something was keeping them hidden which creeped Fluttershy out slightly. The helmet had four open ridges along the side and large shoulder pauldrons to reveal the same white gloves Blade Knight had. The sword he had sheathed was also different. While Blade Knight wielded a straight sword, Sword Knight wielded a two pronged sword.

“We need you to check over some of those systems you requested a month ago, sir!” Blade Knight mentioned saluting his captain. It reminded Twilight of how often her brother would get an over enthusiastic new recruit.

“Of course. Bandana Waddle Dee! Please accompany our guests to the King.” Meta Knight commanded as Bandana Dee stepped up and tapped his spear down, signifying that he understood.

“Thanks for the information Meta Knight.” Pinkie called out with a quick poyo from Kirby to boot. He nodded and walked off as his two squires explained something that the ponies couldn't understand.

“What did he mean by jet engine?” Rainbow Dash barked out at Bandana Dee who merely shrugged. Whether he knew or not it wouldn't have mattered since none of the ponies could hear the voice of his heart when he spoke.

Kirby took the lead with Bandana Dee and walked through the lavish halls where all the other Waddle Dees were busy either cleaning up or acting like guards. It was a bit surreal since most of the Waddle Dees didn't have a way to grip their tools yet they were holding them perfectly.

“Okay girls… we need to remain calm and not say anything to offend this King, Rainbow Dash or talk his ear off with ramblings, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight informed the group stressing both mare’s names when she did.

“Grr… I'm not that bad.” Rainbow Dash growled only to be stared at by all the girls while Kirby blissfully danced in his spot rocking back and forth as she winced under their stares.

“But I don't ramble. Except for that one time where I talked about promises and cupcakes and marshmallows and chocolate and…” Pinkie Pie rambles only for a moment before Applejack placed a hoof over her mouth. She giggled slightly giving off an embarrassed look and continued to pronk in silence.

“Please you two. Don't cause any fights. Princess Celestia is counting on us.” Twilight proudly stated though most of the mares were curious on why Celestia had agreed to this.

Celestia laid in bed slowly eating a delectable piece of cake she never would have gotten to enjoy had she gone on that diplomatic meeting. The sensual taste sensation filling her mouth was more than she could bear.

“Sister. Please stop that. No one wants to watch you stuff your gullet like a wild pig. It's as if you're a black hole and everything gets trapped within with no way out.” Luna muttered as she watched the display before her.

“Never!” Celestia cried out as she began resembling a vacuum sucking in all the cake she could muster. Luna did all she could not to retch at the sight.

The group soon found themselves at a grand hall with a large throne smack dab in the center of the room. The chair looked incredibly comfortable and the figure sitting in it seemed to be happy with it if his expression was anything to go by.

“Sire, you got visitors.” A large snail muttered making DeDeDe get up from his nap.

“Huh? What? Is Celestia here already or something?” The large penguin dressed in a red robe and fancy shirt got up picking up the hammer at his side and resting it on his back.

“No sire, remember that she sent her protege to learn the ropes. You got a meeting with a pack of ponies today.” The snail muttered making DeDeDe get up from his stupor.

“Oh right. And just when I managed to find that one comfy spot that reaches every spot on my back.” DeDeDe muttered under his breath as he stepped up to the group. “Welcome to my kingdom, uh… ponies and you,” he pointed at Kirby, “make yourselves at home… not too comfortable mind ya but comfortable enough.”

The king yawned so deeply that the ponies were uncertain of the protocol behind meeting the king. He made no actual proclamations or ordered them to bow. Twilight tried to remember what she was supposed to do in situations like this only to draw an utter blank.

“Alright, let's get this meeting or whatever over with.” King DeDeDe muttered as he led the way towards another room while the six followed.

Thanks to their positions they managed to see the symbol on his back and the weapon he wielded. The symbol, to Fluttershy, seemed to be a pair of bunny ears though being too shy to say so nopony really could figure out what it meant. The hammer seemed to be made of wood though the two faces seemed to have metallic playing hidden beneath the star decals. Twilight made special note that even with how heavy it looked, the king lifted it with ease.

As they traveled down the hall they noticed another walking orange puffball… only this particular figure freaked everypony out to a small degree. When he turned around his entire face was dominated by one eye. A very large somewhat cyan shaded eye that looked at them. He also seemed to have a small belt with sword attached.

“Captain Waddle Doo, what's wrong?” DeDeDe muttered slightly disinterested to the figure who was now identified.

“Nothing sire! Just observing the new guests to the castle. Should we still bring out that “thing” regardless?” Waddle Doo stated waiting for his orders.

“Hold it fer now. No use wasting that on this just yet.” DeDeDe waved him off and with a curt nod Waddle Doo wandered off.

“How many things are we gonna see that freak us out?” Rarity whispered to Applejack who shrugged at the sight.

“Could be worse… we could be fighting that beetle monster again.” Applejack sighed under her breath. “Sure would be easier than this.”

“Um… King DeDeDe, how many races live in Dream Land?” Twilight tried to coax out information. Even with all her extensive research over the course of the last week, barring the Buggzy attack, she hadn't found many records about what existed in Dream Land.

“Save it for now nerd. We're gonna get some grub before I answered those scholarly questions you spouting out there.” DeDeDe brushed her off still walking forward and not missing a beat.

“Rude…” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie both growled out while Twilight could feel the aneurysm she was suppressing rise up… exactly like the incident with Kirby.

The king slammed open the set of double doors before them revealing the banquet hall which the Waddle Dees were busy filling with food. There were several vegetarian dishes on the spread of the table… and carnivorous options near the fanciest edge which DeDeDe walked to. Kirby follows right behind them and sat near said dishes. Rainbow Dash being the heartiest of the ponies sat near them taking Twilight’s spot though she didn't exactly complain too loudly.

Fluttershy sat near Kirby while Twilight sat next to Rainbow Dash while the others took their position near the vegetarian options Pinkie near Twilight and Applejack next to Fluttershy. Rarity took the other head of the table.

“So we have those trade agreements in effect is that correct?” DeDeDe mentioned as he stuffed his face. “She did inform you of everything, didn't she?”

“Uh… yes, of course. She told me everything.” Twilight coughed out. The sweat dropped down her forehead while Applejack furrowed her brow clearly not liking this direction.

“Good to know. So we can begin in a week or so right?” DeDeDe mentioned nonchalantly brushing off the worried look.

“Could you tell me about the trades!?” Pinkie cried out saving Twilight from explaining to Celestia about agreeing to something she had no idea about.

“Oh right… the common folk wouldn't know about these things. Basically gems are the name of the game. You've got gems we want and we got several metal… oi! Escargoon get in here!” DeDeDe screamed out as the snail man came rushing in. Fluttershy was especially impressed with his speed.

“Yes sire?” Escargoon sighed out as he stood before the king.

“What's that thing we're trading for gems again?” DeDeDe made no attempt to hide that he forgot entirely about everything.

“Sire, we discussed this at length yesterday. We're trading our metallurgical know how and several steel construction materials in exchange for gems. We've mixed a good balance of tech and magic here but we need more gems to act in our research.” Escargoon explained.

“Yeah that exactly.” DeDeDe pointed at the snail with a know it all tone. “That answer your question Cotton Candy?”

“Yup yup yup.” Pinkie cheered not even caring for the new nickname though it was one of the friends she met while she threw a party in Manehattan, who she now wanted to write a letter to to say hi.

“Forget about work already and just eat. All these kingly duties are giving me indigestion.” DeDeDe mentioned only to stop when Kirby jumped onto the table and sucked in all the food within one minute.

“Kirby!” Twilight hissed out as the other mares instant went stock still eye shrinking to pinpricks. Fluttershy hid beneath her wings, Rainbow Dash held in her chuckles, Applejack lowered her hat over her eyes, Pinkie started to shake uncontrollably, and Rarity bit her lip in worry.

“Hey! That pink puffball pilfered all my food!” DeDeDe cried out growling out in fury at the loss of the food.

“Poyo.” Kirby answered patting his stomach and eliciting a facepalm from Twilight and company.

“Sire… it’s fine we can just make more food.” Escargoon quickly tried to calm the king down while the ponies at the table immediately stepped away from the table trying to get as far away from the now angry king… who pulled out his hammer.

“Poyo?” Kirby looked around noting that his friends were now gone from the table. Looking behind him he noticed the ponies rushing through the door with Twilight and Fluttershy trying desperately to wave him over towards him. He misunderstood as he waved back happily to the others.

“I’m gonna clobber that there Kirby!” DeDeDe shouted out as Twilight managed to grab Kirby in her magic field dragging him out of the way as the hammer slammed down shattering the table to splinters.

“Run!” Twilight shouted completely freaked out as the entire group rushed off for the entrance as all the Waddle Dees looked confused about things. A few even waved them through a few doors closing it behind them to buy them time as an enraged King DeDeDe raced after them swinging his large mallet around like a madman clearly being much faster than a figure of that size should have been.

The ponies managed to reach the cable car just as it was running down the mountain leaping into the open car with only Fluttershy needing some help to get in because she was still afraid of heights. Luckily the ponies had made it… though Twilight was a panicky mess since she probably just started a war that would result in the magically able Equestria fighting the more technologically balanced Dream Land.

Nopony wanted to say anything about the incident lest Twilight blow a gasket once again while they were on the cable car. They slowly made their way back to Canterlot, in order to inform the princess of their failure.

King DeDeDe growled as Meta Knight joined the troubled king chuckling the entire time. He wanted to smash that jerk with his mallet but Meta Knight was far too good to actually hit even while he was training the king with some moves.

“So who had besmirched the king this time? The pink one too obstinate, the purple too invasive? Perhaps the blue one was being rude or the orange calling you out on something? The white one insulted your wardrobe or the yellow one called you out on the treatment of your subjects?” Meta Knight chuckled as he looked over a small collection of dossiers Blade Knight handed him.

“No, no, no! It was that darn Kirby who ate all my food! It was my favorite too and Chef Kawasaki doesn't return for another month or so!” King DeDeDe stomped the ground frustrated allowing Meta Knight some pause for thought.

The appearance of a Star Warrior only made things a bit more complicated. Something was happening on this world and he could only surmise what was going on. Still, there was nothing that could be done until the King was calmed down… or had his revenge.

“So what would you like to do sir?” Meta Knight cautiously stated.

“Since he's gonna be a jerk and take all my food, I'm gonna take all his food in return!” King DeDeDe called out stomping away while Meta Knight watched the cable car descend further away.

“It is here… “ Meta Knight stated as he removed his cape revealing two large bat wings and flew off leaving Blade Knight and Sword Knight to follow after their King. He needed to find out for sure.

Twilight calmly trotted through the hallowed halls of Canterlot Castle up to the throne room. Adamant about facing these things alone she braced herself as she stood before the doors. She stood there psyching her nerves up making absolutely certain that nothing would deter her from going in. She was a bundle of confidence, in her opinion, capable of taking the world.

“Miss Sparkle… are you going to enter? You've been standing there for two hours.

What was really standing before the door was a bundle of frayed nerves as a disheveled purple pony with crazy mane twitching every so often. She looked at the guard who managed to remain composed as he opened the door. Something she was entirely unprepared for.

“No wait!” Twilight shouted out too late as she was seen by the one pony she didn't want to be seen by.

“Ah Twilight welcome back from your trip to Dream Land. How was it?” Celestia nonchalantly traipsed up to the mass of unicorn that was formerly Twilight Sparkle quivering in place.

“Ah heh heh… fine. Fine. It was fine. Trade agreements still going on and such. Yes that's what happened yes. Nothing went wrong. Perfect as perfect can be.” Twilight let out a forced laugh as she stumbled in place trying to find her footing.

“I heard it was a disaster and Kirby became King DeDeDe’s enemy. Also that you ran for your life after he threatened you with his hammer.” Celestia deadpanned as Twilight gaped up at her mentor.

“YOU KNEW!” Twilight screamed out before realizing who she was yelling to and collapsed on the spot a giggly broken mess.

“Yes. Sir Meta Knight brought me a letter detailing everything that happened and how Kirby ate all his food. Luckily, he a smarter king than that… most of the time, and knows not to go overboard with declarations of war or the like. Though it does mean that he will fight Kirby until a true victor can be found so there is that.” Celestia giggled as she waved her hoof off as if it was all in good fun.

“But… but… but… we ruined a banquet style meeting!?” Twilight pointed out.

“That was lunch. He eats a lot… “ Celestia looked at her flank but said nothing more to that end. “It's how he is. You just got lucky that he was hungry at the time.”

“But… all those guards surrounding us?” Twilight contested.

“He enjoys having the Waddle Dees around since they actually do like him for looking out for them.” Celestia cut her off from going any further with that train of thought.

“The advisors…?” Twilight weakly stated.

“The more level headed of the bunch. Escargoon may be the easiest to lead but Bandana Waddle Dee and Meta Knight keep the king on track.” Celestia finished off pulling Twilight up and wrapping a hoof around her. “You need to stop looking for perfection. It doesn't exist and never will. I am not like that at all.”

“But you're the princess…” Twilight tried to rebuke… only for Celestia to hold a hoof to her muzzle.

“No I am only a pony. My title means nothing in the grand scheme of things.” Celestia finished off.

“Okay… “ Twilight muttered still unsure of everything.

“Get home and get some rest. Tomorrow is another day.” Celestia ordered before flashing her horn and teleporting her back to her home.

Twilight looked around the darkened library where both Spike and Kirby were asleep on the couch. A small note with a message of ‘Sorry Twilight’ written on it. Inside was a picture of Kirby waving hi.

“I can't be mad at you.” Twilight assured to Kirby as she lifted the two placing them in their respective beds, the basket and the guest bed, and returned to her own bed ready to sleep off the stress of the previous day.

Meta Knight soared over the Fountain of Dreams. It was relatively peaceful as more rainbows were delivered to the pegasus cities around the world making certain they would have the raw materials to complete them and nothing seemed out of place.

Still there needed to be some vigilance if another Star Warrior was here on this planet at this time. It could only mean one thing… he was here. That led to problems later on should the King be too distracted and with the Princess of the Night barely returned, there was little they could do at this point.

“It seems as though I may need to train that boy up to help deal with this threat.” Meta Knight calmly stated as he looked over the clear waters of the fountain.

Up in the moon, unbeknownst to him, Nightmare was busy reconstructing Nightmare Moon. Even then she was a specter of her former glory. Incapable of more than understanding revenge. As soon as he infected the Star Rod he would be able to fully subsume all of Equus Star into his nightmarish grasp.