Kirby: Equus Defender

by QuartzScale

First published

The young Star Warrior falls out of the sky landing on Planet Equus where he goes on adventures with new friends he makes over the course of his stay.

One day just as ponies are celebrating the Summer Sun Celebration a giant metallic star falls from the heavens depositing a small pink puffball in their midst. That pink puffball is known as Kirby.

Join Kirby as he meets the ponies in this mish mash of a world combining both Equestria and Dream Land as one. He will face countless foes and make numerous friends as he changes the way ponies see the world one fight at a time.

Every hat available and multiple partners to be made. Truly this is one grand dreamland.

01. Star Warrior on Equus

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Long ago, out amongst the stars a spacecraft in the shape of a large star hurtled through the cosmos escaping a fate that was unfathomable to any mortal mind. The stars shifted leading the craft to a destination where it could finally be in peace… but that peace would last only so long.

Out in the distance was such a planet, peaceful and ever unaware of the dangers around it. The star quickly honed in on its target as it dived down to a special town where every pony was gathered for a new beginning.

Twilight looked over the procession as everypony celebrated the return of Princess Luna. She looked over her new friends and tears threatened to take over. She knew her mission was over. She didn't want to leave them now that she knew who they were. She had friends… friends she wanted to be around. Spike had been so elated that she had been able to even see her again.

“Is something wrong Twilight?” Celestia, the Alicorn of the Sun, looked down to her seeing the frown form on her face.

“It's just… I made all these new friends and now I've got to leave them.” Twilight pouted as she looked over her new friends.

“Spike, take a message.” Celestia announced while Spike pulled out a parchment and quill from somewhere.

“What's that!?” A random voice from the crowd called out.

Out in the sky was a very bright shining spark. It was hurtling down for Ponyville.

The spacecraft had hit a bit of turbulence as an asteroid hit the craft’s side. With the sudden destabilization of the navigation system the craft was forced into a dive towards the strongest gravity field around. Apparently the star shaped planet of Equus was the only possible landing point.

The sole inhabitant of the spacecraft was still blissfully unaware of everything going on. Lost in their dreams they hurtled down towards the planet as the spacecraft caught fire.

Celestia barely had time to react as the object flew straight for the center of Ponyville. Using her magic she erected several barriers made of solar magic to catch the falling object.

It didn't work.

The object tore through the first seven shields like they were wet paper. The eighth barely fared any better crumbling from the speed that the object was falling.

The next ten barriers all crumbled only managing to slow the object down. The following barriers did better catching the object as it started to come to a halt barely missing a small rabbit who was nearly crushed by the object.

His life had passed before his eyes… he needed to have more carrots. With a new lease on life Angel vowed to eat more before his eventual demise.

“Angel Bunny!” Fluttershy called out as she pulled the rabbit from beneath the falling object. It was a close call and his little bunny heart could have stopped from the fright.

“What is that?”

“Why's it shaped like a star?”

“See Bonnie I told you aliens were real.”

The murmuring of the crowds and the falling object from the sky made everypony forget they were in the presence of royalty. Celestia had to regain her composure because it was so shocking that something like this happened and in her dizzy state she placed the craft on the side of the stage where everypony could see it. Twilight was one of the few who didn't shy away from the craft looking over intently.

“Made of… metal it would seem. There are parts on it that look like the undercarriage of a carriage… but far more advanced. The lump on the center seems important. Oh there's a button here.” Twilight narrated as she examined the craft in more detail. There were other details but the button she found was the most important. It might even be the thing that would open the object in question.

“Twilight, please don't get too close to the object. We don't know what could possible happen.” Celestia quickly gather Twilight in her magical field making certain she didn't press the button or touch anything else.

The guards surrounded the area, spears at the ready. Luna, still depowered, kept a close eye from behind Celestia’s wing. The only pony not carefully watched was -

“Pinkie! Get away from that!” Applejack called out as everypony noticed the party pony precariously perched above the weird star.

“But parties from outer space! We have a duty to give them a little pony hospitality. Besides they're probably nice and harmless.” Pinkie gleefully chuckled only to lose her footing as planting her plot on the button.

The sudden hissing from the star caused Celestia to grab the newly minted Element of Laughter before anything else could happen. The hatch atop now at an angle slowly lifted as steam poured out from the hatch. Everypony that could see would have started to panic had the guards not been there before hand.

Celestia watched alongside everypony else as a small pink blob rolled out from the hatch and onto the ground. It was a large circular pink blob with two oval like red feet which rolled to a dead stop in front of Twilight Sparkle. Nopony could breath as the blob stopped.

Before anypony could say anything the blob slowly turned around getting back up onto its feet. As it turned to face the princesses the being opened its eyes staring into their eyes.

“Poyo…” The small pink puffball muttered as it yawned from the nap it had taken. The pink puff had had a strange dream that he had landed on a world filled with ponies of various shapes and sizes, some with horns and others with wings. As he wiped the sand from his eyes there was an immediate squee going off somewhere around him.

Fluttershy couldn't stand it anymore. It had been subtle at first but she knew what it was. Her inner nurturing nature immediately took hold as soon as the small pink ball rolled out of the scary thing.

It tightened the moment it got up on its little feet. It strangled her the moment the creature went poyo. It bucked her in the heart when the creature rubbed its eyes as if waking from a nice nap that she couldn't ignore it any longer.

Faster than even Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy swooped forward grabbing the creature who she cuddled with as if her life depended on it. The sheer amount of cuddling was so powerful all the guards nearly fainted from the purity of it. Even the two celestial sisters were nearly brought to tears from this display of cuddling prowess that no mortal nor god could ever replicate it in all its splendor.

It took a while for everypony to realize what just happened. Celestia and Luna blanched at the sight and cautiously stepped forward and slowly began to peel Fluttershy off the creature who by the sound of his voice sounded to be male.

“Hello there… little pink puffball.” Celestia cautiously chuckled. Her many years of diplomacy and speech rendered to smaller venues by how strange thing had gone. He looked at her and tilted his head… body, she was unsure whether you could separate one from another.

The small star warrior looked upon the large majestic being before him… and the only thought running through his head was wondered how her hair seemed to flow without any wind around. He looked around noticing several other eyes watching him and with his best smile he he shouted aloud something which made everypony startled.

“HI~!” Kirby shouted out to everypony.

There was a large scuffling as everypony either blanched or said hi back with much less intensity. Twilight was one of the few who was still stunned at how brazen Fluttershy had been. Regaining her senses she immediately paced over to the star shaped ship from space apparently wanting to figure out what was going on when she noticed that something landed on her back.

“Spike, now's not the time - wait… you're over there… then who's on my back?” Twilight shuddered as she realized Spike had stayed near Applejack.

Celestia held a hoof to her muzzle, whether to express shock or stifle giggling she would never say. The small creature had effortlessly jumped up onto Twilight’s back the moment she made her way closer to the strange star.

“HI!” Kirby shouted as Twilight immediately flew into a panic and did her best impression of a bucking bronco. And through it all Kirby held on with all his might laughing the entire time.

“Ugh… she forgot didn't she…” Spike growled out.

“What did the egghead forget?” Dash muttered as she tried to keep her laughing to a bare minimum.

“She has a horn.” Spike deadpanned which made Rainbow Dash laugh even harder than before.

It took several minutes of Twilight thrashing around until she finally collapsed in front of Spike while Kirby jumped off and landed on his star again. He seemed to fumble around the ship for a bit while Spike took one of Rarity’s fans to cool her down.

“Thanks… where did she have that…?” Twilight coughed out, nearly hyperventilating from the sudden physical work.

“She thought she would need it yesterday. Two, why didn't you use your magic?” Spike asked at the first moment he had.

“What?” Twilight coughed as she realized what he was getting at. “Spike, I was panicking!”

“It took until he said hi for you to even realize he was on your back.” Spike deadpanned. Twilight grumbled under her breath until she could think of the best retort possible.

“Shush Spike…” Twilight growled out only to fall flat on her face from exhaustion.

Kirby waved at all the ponies as he dove back into the ship and pulled out a large tomato with a giant M on it and happily munched on it. There were many dumbstruck looks on everypony’s faces and nopony wanted to break the mood.

“Um… little one. What is your name?” Celestia called out stepping forward as Luna followed.

“Kirby.” Kirby managed to answer as he pulled out another tomato and swallowed it in one bite. With a contented sigh he fell asleep against the star shaped craft and everypony visibly flinched at how carefree he seemed to be.

“Sister… I know that things have changed over the year when it comes to foreign meetings but… is this a normal thing or am I going crazy?” Luna questioned Celestia with stage whispers which at the very least were very quiet.

“No Luna… no they aren’t. I didn’t expect this to happen and I have to head out and meet with the monarch of Dream Land later this week. Now this happens.” Celestia shuddered at the thought of the meeting luckily only Luna and Twilight were close enough to notice.

She remembered how boisterous that penguin figure King DeDeDe was. His manservant, a Waddle Dee and citizen of Dream Land, Bandana Waddle Dee while nice, acquiesced to his king’s demands far too often. The only respectable figure was his Head Knight, the mysterious Meta Knights. Though even he kept his intent close to the chest far too often for her own liking.

“I could do it for you Princess Celestia.” Twilight interjected her mentor’s thought process bringing attention back to her… even though she was limping towards her from exhaustion.

“I couldn't ask you of that Twilight. I was going to announce that you would stay in Ponyville to study the magic of friendship but it seems that Kirby’s arrival put a small kibosh on that plan.” Celestia wistfully chuckled as the crowd finally calmed down enough and began chattering amongst themselves about aliens, space, and how funny it was to see Twilight get ridden like a bronco.

The comment wasn't lost on Twilight who was blushing indignantly yet keeping enough composure to show Princess Celestia that she was okay. With a heavy sigh and plans far in the making for much much later she made a decision. A decision that would change everything. Such a catastrophic decision that Twilight would forever remember that day as her DAY OFDOOM.

“Yes… you can meet with the Dream Land representative in my place.” Celestia relented feeling a great weight off her chest at finally not having to deal with that problem… plus Twilight would need experience eventually.

“Uh… sister. Me thinks you have forgotten something.” Luna chirped up while Twilight began to gush about not letting Celestia down.

“What is it sister?” Celestia turned her head only to catch the small pink puff attached to her mane waving at her.

Celestia, the unflappable princess of the sun and ruler of all ponies, jumped in surprise landing on her back legs splayed out while several of the ponies around gawked at the sight. Kirby for his part rolled around as he was tossed through the dirt utterly confused at what had happened.

“Poyo?” Kirby muttered as he ran up to Celestia to try helping her up.

“Ah little one… what are we going to do with you?” Celestia sighed realizing that Kirby was like a child. Curious and a bit of a prankster but relatively kind and fun loving she noted that he seemed at the very least sorry about things.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he ran around everypony taking in the sights and sounds jumping on random ponies backs who looked unperturbed by his apparent lack of weight.

“Uh… Princess, are you okay?” Twilight trotted up looking so sheepish about talking with Celestia.

“Of course Twilight… though I think I have a second job for you. Can you keep him safe as well?” Celestia pointed at Kirby who was watching butterflies flap around with Pinkie who had immediately jumped around to play with him.

“Uh… you got it Princess. I'll do my best.” Twilight reaffirmed even though Kirby was kind of hyper.

And with the celebration in full swing Twilight was announced to be staying in Ponyville while Kirby sat on his ship looking over everything. He didn't know why he was there but the ship had never let him down before. Though he did crash land so there was at least some room for error.

He waved at all ponies and by the time the two princesses left he was surrounded by six ponies and one dragon.

“We still need to clean up everything.” Rainbow Dash groused since she was getting sleepy at this point.

“C’mon Dash. Faster we do this the faster we get home.” Applejack muttered as she led several of the other earth ponies to take down the stage.

“Let's go!” Pinkie shouted as she rushed through the town cleaning up everything she could.

“Oh dear…” Fluttershy whimpered as she tried her best to keep up with Pinkie Pie.

“Darling, why don't you head home for now and get settled in. I'm sure Kirby will also need some rest after everything that had happened.” Rarity offered to Twilight.

“I can't do that now. Don't worry I can help out before we head back home.” Twilight insisted as she started to pick things up in her magic.

“Oh thank you darling.” Rarity mentioned as everypony started to clean up the town.

Kirby, meanwhile, sat down. He felt slightly uneasy at the moment but he couldn't tell why. It felt as though something bad was happening soon. Though just as easily as he felt it, it soon disappeared. A tad unsettled Kirby got back up and began running around with Spike to help carry things around.

Far in the Everfree Forest, beyond the Castle of the Two Sisters, at the border to Dream Land, stood the illustrious Fountain of Dreams that King DeDeDe boasted could give good dreams to all his citizens without needing anypony to head into their dreams to fix them. Rumors abound that even Luna had used it to help with her own citizens dreamscape.

A small wisp of shadows eked out through the waters… battered and broken it made its way towards the main fountain and the famous tool known as the Star Rod. But for as valiant as its struggle was it couldn't reach the prize.

As the last of its form started to fade into nothingness from the concentrated Rainbow Death Beam a hand slowly picked it up out of the water. The hand was larger than even Princess Celestia and was horribly gnarled and gray with long sharp pointed claws.

The remnant of the shadows, also known as Nightmare Moon, managed to weakly turn her slitted pupil towards its savior… only to feel even smaller and more insignificant when it saw what had saved it.

The figure was almost as large as the castle hanging off of Mount Canter. It wore a long purple robe that seemed to have stars swirling around it without much effort. The face was masculine, with a long pointed chin and sharpened teeth adorning its mouth. Nightmare Moon couldn't see its eyes through the conspicuous shades it wore over them though the crown it wore and the horns peeking through it said more than it wanted to know.

“Well little nightmare… I shall take care of you.” The Nightmare chuckled as he pulled out his pendant and allowed it to absorb the remnant of Nightmare Moon into the red jewel.

With a sharp laugh the large wizard shifted into its other form, a large orb with a constant stream of stars circling it and fled towards the moon. He still needed to bide his time until he would strike.

02. Ponyville Vignettes

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With the Summer Sun Celebration behind them Kirby enjoyed a strange but venerable experience while in Ponyville. Though even then nopony could have foreseen just how much things changed when Kirby was on the scene.

The first moment Twilight had alone with Kirby had been a bit hectic but she was certain with a little understanding and some common ground they would discuss the secrets of the universe and the heavens above. They didn't.

“Stop hitting my horn!” Twilight shouted as Kirby bopped her on the horn once again after she had tried to grab the star shaped vehicle once again.

Twilight was exasperated as she was trying to learn everything she could about the vehicle but Kirby would give her a disappointed look and wave his stubby nub in her face as of to signify that he was saying no. It took twelve swings and twelve shorts to her magic to get the idea that maybe she was doing something wrong at this point.

It was made worse when she tried to grab Kirby in her magic and he managed to not only struggle in it but break the telekinetic field within seconds. She wasn't able to teleport something else aside from herself without hurting the other object so she refrained from doing so to Kirby.

“What do I got to do to get you to let me see it? Ask nicely?” Twilight groused almost glaring at the pink puffball but his cuteness cut it down to a apathetic stare.

“Poyo…” Kirby answered as if almost in the affirmative. Twilight's eyes went wide and shocked.

It was at this point she realized how bad a friend she was being and the multiple times she tried to grab the star without asking. So with a quick cough and clearing her throats she realized what she needed to do at this point.

“I'm sorry Kirby for not asking. I should have known better than to try and grab your things. Can you forgive me?” Twilight breathed out clearing her mind and remembering Celestia’s proclamation to learn the magic of friendship.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he ran up and hugged Twilight. Twilight had learned an important lesson that day about making sure to not take thing that weren't hers.

“Now Kirby, may I examine your star now?” Twilight brought up with a soft smile and jovial tone figuring out that she needed permission first.

“Poyo!” Kirby shook his head and with a quick tap on the console within the ship, it shrunk into an energy star of some sort. Twilight could only surmise that it was similar in nature to the magic Luna most likely wielded.

Then he ate the star.

Twilight gaped at the sudden destruction and consumption of the star shaped ship which Kirby merely rubbed his belly. Firefighters were immediately called to the town square as Twilight blew a gasket.

Unbeknownst to her, Kirby had actually changed the ship to the more compact warp star model. It was much more flimsy as it was in that state but it would be able to travel between galaxies within hours due to the speed boost. Thanks to his infinite black hole of a stomach he could summon the warp star at any time and recreate it from his own internal energy whenever he needed it.

Twilight, on the other hand, needed three days bed rest after conflagrating within town. Kirby merely giggled and enjoyed his trek amongst these strange ponies.

Applejack had seen a lot of crazy things in her life. She had seen the goddess of the moon come back and plunge the world into eternal night. She had seen a giant rainbow death laser come out of her eyes and necklace defeating the same goddess. She had even seen a pony that hated eating apples which she couldn't believe for the life of her.

This was a good number four on the list of weird things.

Kirby had jauntily wandered his way into the orchard and started running around like a foal who had discovered their cutie mark for the first time. That was the simple part which warmed her heart and made her work day much lighter. It was what happened afterwards that made her pause for thought.

After hearing Kirby’s stomach rumble she gave him a few apples. That was when it began. Kirby began to inhale, breathing in the apples. It didn't stop until two bushels of apples were gone within the blink of an eye.

“Now hold it right there Kirby, you can't eat all those apples by yourself… I mean you can but you shouldn't! We need to sell those to Ponyville so we can keep the farm.” Applejack berated Kirby who apologetically held his head low.

“Poyo… “ Kirby held his head low.

“Shoot… its fine Kirby. Just don't eat anymore bushels cause we need to sell’em later.” Applejack sighed as she patted him on his head… at least the top part.

Kirby nodded and before she could get ready to take the new bushels she filled Kirby picked one up and ran it to the barn to help out.

“Huh… “ Applejack responded before taking a small bottle of cider out from under her hat and took a big swig of it. “I ain't lived long enough to make sense of that.”

Applejack quietly ignored the fact that the small child like creature was stronger than Big Mac by a large margin… or that he managed to pull in over thirty bushels of apples by himself. They were one at a time but even then the baskets and apples combined weighed enough that it would cause strain even for Big Mac. She continued her work and paid Kirby in more apples which he happily swallowed whole. Today was a weird day overall and she merely went with the flow.

Rainbow Dash flew around town at a brisk pace when she noted that the small pink puffball that wasn't Pinkie Pie was racing around the town at breakneck speeds.

Curious she quietly glided down and watched as he raced around like a little speed demon while Twilight desperately tried to catch him. Her magic had been broken several times whenever she found a chance to focus on Kirby. He merely struggled for a bit flailing around and broke the telekinetic field every time. It was kinda awesome in her opinion seeing as not even she could break Twilight’s grip whenever she was being held by magic.

“Kirby! I just want to study you!” Twilight called out before break my into a wheezing cough.

Kirby, most likely thinking they were playing tag, kept running and laughing as he did so. The sudden speed boost caused Twilight to fall flat on her face from exhaustion which Dash tried to not laugh at. She did anyways because even her awesome skills couldn't stop her from laughing when something funny happened.

“You okay there, Twilight, snrkt.” Rainbow Dash nearly snickered out once again.

“I was trying to learn more about Kirby but he decided to run away. Ugh… how am I supposed to learn more about him if he runs away. Not only that but we are meeting the Dream Land representatives in less than a week and I don't have time to catch him.” Twilight groaned as she shook her legs out trying to get her legs working again.

“Don't worry bout it egghead. I'll catch him lickety split and bring him back to the library before you know it.” Dash smirked as she started to flap her wings.

“He doesn't stay with me. He keeps alternating houses staying with random ponies which is really weird… though I guess he's making friends… which reminds me that I should make more too.” Twilight sighed as her breathing stopped its harsh decline and soon returned to normal.

“Right, well I'll bring him to you today then.” Dash confidently stated.

“I won't hold my breath. Just try to keep him in one spot for a while and that would be fine.” Twilight mentioned clearly tired as she walked for the nearest Hayburger she could find. The Triple Combo Supreme was calling her name.

Wasting no time Rainbow Dash flared her wings and zoomed off catching sight of Kirby still racing around running circles around several of the townsponies who merely stared bemusedly at the tiny guy. Dive bombing down she held her hooves low ready to catch him in ten seconds flat… only for him to duck so low that she caught nothing but air.

Kirby saw he had a new opponent to play tag against and immediately took off while Dash was forced to change directions at a sharper than normal angle.

“Get back here!” Dash called out as she flew back down at Kirby.

“Poyo! Poyo, poyo!” Kirby answered and began laughing again as he raced away from the ever present rainbow contrail that was following him.

Thus began, as the townsponies call it, The Great Rainbow Escape. For several hours Kirby managed to swiftly dodge, roll, jump, slide and even parkour circles around Dash. He wasn't faster than her that was certain whenever she though she had cornered him. No, he was much more intuitive with his senses managing to evade her grasp at the last minute.

Dash took this challenge much more personally after she accidentally crashed into Sugarcube Corner from one of her ill fated divebomb maneuvers. At that moment… It. Was. On.

Dash immediately stirred up a small tornado if only to stop Kirby. He retaliated by sucking in the air stopping the vortex before running off once again. Now with twitchy eyes she zoomed off completely giving herself over to her need for challenge and chased Kirby throughout town.

Finally after several more missed attempts and minor crashes Rainbow Dash was exhausted. Groaning, she flapped up to her specially reserved cloud and got ready for a nap. She would catch Kirby in an hour or two after some rest. She didn't get any as Kirby, seeming overly bloated, was flying through the air.

“What!?” Dash lost all composure as even her voice cracked.

“Poyo!” Kirby announced as he landed on the cloud… and didn't fall through and ran around her.

She could have caught him then and there. It would have been easy and she would have taken the win… but she was also really tired. Fatigue won out over competition.

“Gotta hand it to ya. You're much faster than you look. Not as fast as me… but a lotta things aren't.” Dash admitted.

“Poyo?” Kirby titles his head noticing that Dash was laying down and looked ready to sleep. Taking the hint, he sat right next to her barrel and made himself comfortable. Rolling her eyes, Dash rested her head.

Before she knew it Kirby had passed out next to her… and a small nightcap had appeared on his head. Ignoring the new questions she felt the puffball hug her.

With great reluctance… she grabbed Kirby and hugged him back.

“Gotta hand it to ya. You've got my friendship after all this. Don't tell nopony about this or I'll pound you though.” Dash warned the still sleeping Kirby who merely snored in response.

She hoped to Celestia that nopony was gonna bother her in this precarious situation. She had an image to keep up with.

Pinkie was absolutely ecstatic about finally throwing a party for the alien. It was a jubilous day of epic proportions. She needed to be on her A game as she assembled several long tables with every sweet she could make and placed them on a long table where every pony could see. She also made sure to have the secondary spread if they didn't have enough for everypony to eat.

Kirby was rushing around chasing after Spike who was chasing after Kirby in an endless loop acting like a kid for once. She had been worried by how grown up Spike had acted when they first met… even if he was a party animal by trade.

“Welcome everypony! To the special ‘Welcome to Ponyville Kirby!’ party that we've prepared for our new guest! Kirby!” Pinkie announced to everypony who stomped their hooves in approval.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he waved his arms with all his might.

“And since he’s the guest of honor, let's see what his favorite food is from the choices before him!” Pinkie announced as she pulled the long tablecloth that had covered the food she made for the party in question. At least one of them would be something Kirby liked.

“Oh boy…” Applejack mumbled as she gripped her hat tightly in her hoof. Rarity, confused by her new friends antics, immediately did the same for the dress she had made and worn that day.

Kirby, enamoured with the spread before him, jumped on the table and planted his feet firmly on the wood. At that moment, Pinkie felt her whole body spasm. Eyes widening, she realized what she had to do.

“It's a doozy!” Pinkie yelled to the crowd who all braced themselves.

Kirby began to inhale. His breath sucked in every dish on the table that was almost four buildings long. Cookies of every style, pastries of every make, punch of multiple flavors, nothing escaped Kirby’s might. Then the dishes… utensils… even the tablecloth disappeared into Kirby’s mouth. With a small burp Kirby spit up the dishes, utensils and tablecloth which while slimy… were still in working order.

Everypony gaped at the suddenly devoured banquet. What was to feed everypony was suddenly gone and Pinkie actually needed to use the extra food she had made to feed the townsponies. They were still all stunned at the sudden loss of food within seconds.

“Now I know what hungry is.” Pinkie smiled as she pronked around grabbing Kirby who rested on her back and fell asleep. He had had his fill and was mostly content.

“What was that!?” Twilight shouted losing more semblance of her understanding about Kirby.

Kirby flitted about Rarity’s shop taking in the sights of the entire ensemble that she had on display. He had taken an interest in hats at the moment looking them over with an extreme amount of focus.

“I see you've got the eye for what you want, darling.” Rarity traipsed into the room looking over the hats. None of them fit Kirby though… which she needed to fix.

The problem came that there was no inspiration for a hat for the small pink puffball to any extent. It was mortifying seeing as she prided herself as a fashion mogul of sorts but she couldn't see anything that she could make to compliment his look at the moment.

It was as if there was a certain magic around the little guy which explained Twilight’s many breakdowns when he refused to go along with her studies and ran off. Though, to be fair, she was a bit overbearing whenever research came to mind.

“I'm terribly sorry darling but I can't think of anything that would fit you so well at the moment. It's as if you have something in mind already and far be it for me to get in the way of your creative flair.” Rarity lowered her head slightly as Kirby, in his infinite wisdom, merely patted her leg and smiled at her.

He looked at the hats one more time and merely nodded as if he already had everything under control.

Ditzy flew around town looking high and low for her mysterious letter recipient. Apparently Princess Celestia was sending a letter to a one, Kirby, for some reason if the to section of the letter was anything to go by.

She flew high and she flew low through Ponyville looking for the mysterious space alien that crashed not too long ago. The problem was that he was always on the move hanging out with random ponies. It made her always save his letter as the last on her route for the three days he was in town.

“I just don't know where he is… maybe he knows.” She muttered as she decided that maybe the doc, Time Turner, would know where he was.

Flapping to a stop, she landed smack dab in the middle of his yard… leaving a small crater from where her flank connected and immediately patted the ground for forgiveness.

Turner had joked her flank was a dangerous weapon… though the steel flag pole near town hall was proof that it just might have been. She didn't mind though… that always meant that stallions were looking which boosted her confidence whenever anypony stared at her lazy eye.

Ignoring her growing thoughts she entered the humble abode of creations and experiments… only to find Kirby and Turner messing with the orb with electricity in it.

“Found you!” Ditzy cheered as she galloped over to the two.. before tripping over her hooves and rolling into the two. “I just don't know what went wrong…”

Kirby took it in stride laughing the entire time while Turner tucked and rolled with it groaning as she landed on top of him with Kirby resting against their sides.

“Thanks Doc. I've been looking all over for this little guy.” Ditzy pecked him on the check which caused him to blush up an oncoming storm. She hopped off him and handed Kirby the letter.

He stared at it in confusion before grabbing it and opening it up. There were several words that he couldn't make hide nor hair of and merely perplexed himself over the contents. Then he looked towards Turner who was still reeling from the affection that came his way.

Waving the letter in his face Turner shook himself awake and looked at it and then Kirby.

“You want me to read it to you, old boy? Well if you give me permission to I don't think our mailmare extraordinaire would take offense, would you dear?” Turner looked to Ditzy who was put on the spot.

“Nope. The letter reached his… nub, I think it's called, and it's his decision.” Ditzy nodded as if she was reigning expert on the subject and proud of her ruling decision.

“Hm… it seems that she would like you to talk with Twilight a bit more about yourself.” Turner read off the letter.

“Poyo?” Kirby tilted his head.

“I know right? She just can’t understand how you speak already. Heck, you’ve been telling me all about the stars and the Star Warrior lineage you come from.” Turner answered clearly understanding all those details from just one word.

“Poyo.” Kirby answered resolutely clearly agreeing with Time Turner.

“Of course old chap, you’re very welcome.” Turner answered.

“Wow… he’s actually a warrior. But he’s so tiny.” Ditzy poked at Kirby who giggled at the tap of her hoof.

“Their power doesn’t come from size but skill. I think I’ve figured out his ability but I think he wants to keep it a secret until it’s time.” Turner postulated.

“That’s so neat. Take us on an adventure one day!” Ditzy cried out prancing around like a little filly again while Turner and Kirby chuckled.

“Poyo!” Kirby affirmed with a nod a serious smile.

“Thanks old boy. We’ll be waiting for our chance to shine.” Turner answered as the two ponies hugged the small pink puffball.

Roseluck, Lily Valley and Daisy slowly gathered their flower arrangements together. After all the work they had done getting things together the bouquet was looking ready to send out to the potential buyer. It was at that point the newest guest of Ponyville had come up to them with a small wave and a bright smile.

“Poyo!” Kirby waved at the three who nervously waved back. They all remembered what he did during Pinkie Pie’s party. And it made them extremely on edge.

“What’s up K-kirby?” Roseluck, the bravest of the three, managed to say after some time.

Kirby immediately rolled to the right, moonwalked to the right, spun back to the center, did two hops while raising his arms followed by a backflip and finally finished by raising one arm up in a victorious pose. Kirby had done a little victory dance for the three of them.

“Too cute! Too cute!” Daisy shouted as she fell over backwards.

“It’s too much for my heart!” Lily yelled as she fell over as well.

“Too… much… “ Roseluck, with sparkling eyes and the warmth in her heart, passed out like the other two from the cuteness overload.

Everypony else who saw the dance managed to shield themselves from just how much energy was placed into it. It was almost too much for most of the ponies around him but it was all in fun. Luckily the flower ponies were resilient enough to keep getting back up even after their worldview would be shattered.

Lyra sat down and stared at Kirby. Kirby stood defiantly and stared back at her. It was an epic showdown of epic proportions. Bon Bon, meanwhile, groaned and shook her head in exasperation.

“You know you don't understand him Lyra.” Bon Bon muttered as she watched the staredown continue.

“Don't worry. When I win he'll teach me how he speaks.” Lyra growled out as she widened her eyes again staring into Kirby’s soul. She was pretty sure she could see food of all types but that might have been the fatigue from three hours of staring.

“Poyo. Poyo!” Kirby roared… which sounded more like a kid attempting to be scary and comi out adorable. He had managed to keep his eyes open if only for the promise of Bon Bon giving him a bag of candy. That was an agreement that Lyra was forced to negotiate just to get this chance.

Sweat dripped down her face while Kirby somehow managed to remain sweat free. It was torture as the young lyre player fought tooth and horn for her ticket to learning about aliens and eventually fingers. It was her only chance and she had managed to convince Kirby to it unlike Twilight who was still undergoing maintenance after that incident where Kirby inhaled an entire towns meal in less than five minutes.

“You will lose…” Lyra strained as she felt her eyes water even worse.

“Poyo…!” Kirby answered back as he got up almost muzzle to muzzle with her. She wouldn't back down.

“Unbelievable. It's like I'm a mom now.” Bon Bon groused.

Secretly, she was hoping that Lyra would win since Celestia had sent orders from down the grapevine that she wanted to know more about Kirby. The few instances of his powers activating gave Agent Sweetie Drops a bit more leeway in keeping up the agent’s lifestyle and she was happy for the chance. Even in her new identity of Bon Bon she couldn't fully give up the life and she knew it.

Then the unthinkable happened. Lyra had blinked. The sweat had managed to get in her eyes. She had tried desperately to fight the stinging sensation but it was too late. When she opened her eyes Kirby finally blinked as well. He looked around and she noticed that he was sweating. It was on the back of his head.

To her dismay and hindsight she had faced the way the sun set for an advantage early into the competition but because of Kirby’s willpower he managed to wait until the sun had set and was instead hitting his back instead of his front.

“Curse you timing!” Lyra shouted to the heavens.

Octavia had been extremely busy that week after the debacle that was the Summer Sun Celebration. The return of Nightmare Moon, her defeat and the return of Princess Luna had made her rush from gig to gig for the last week. She was looking forward to some relaxing at home with her roommate Vinyl Scratch, the infamous DJ-PON3.

She facehoofed when relax and Vinyl came up in the same sentence and slowly breathed in and out as she stepped up to their shared home. Strangely, the house wasn't vibrated my like it usually did whenever she was left home alone which made Octavia curious. Vinyl never shut off the wubs, as she called it, even if a guest came over.

Octavia braced herself and entered the house to find Vinyl sitting at the couch with a small pink puffball who was lazily kicking his large feet back and forth.

“Sup Tavi. You know the alien Kirby, right? S’a cool dude and he showed off some cool things already.” Vinyl drawled out… clearly it was five in the afternoon somewhere in the world.

“Vinyl, you're drunk.” Octavia flatly stated getting ready for the touchy feely moments she had when drunk.

“No I'm not! Kirby is!” Vinyl argued.

On cue Kirby burped slightly and the smell of cider filled the air. Octavia blinked noting that he was much calmer at this moment. He wasn't running around or laughing. He was just sitting still and lost in thought.

“Po - hiccup - yo.” Kirby answered nonchalantly.

Octavia quickly sniffed at Vinyl… only to not find any scent of cider on her. She was clean and positively surly and sober. A winning combination.

“I was minding my own business ready to play some wubs when he came knocking at the door. I think to myself that I've never hung out with an alien before and let him in. As I went for my cider he accidentally tripped making me trip and the entire bottle fell in his mouth, open mind you, and he drained it dry. It was the last one too. Now I'm just making sure he takes it easy so nothing bad happens.” Vinyl explained clearly not enjoying her new sobriety.

“That's very responsible of you Vi. I'm proud of you.” Octavia complimented her though there was a bit of mirth in her tone.

“Oh don't patronize me.” Vinyl shot back making Octavia giggle.

Kirby then began to hum a strange tune. It was short but sweet and seemed to carry a tune of adventure behind it.

And the two gathered their instruments and played along.

Flitter and Cloudchaser slowly drifted around while an airborne Kirby followed behind them. It was a surreal sight to be certain but the two were used to it after seeing a certain rainbow maned pony cuddling the little guy… and if she could do it so could they.

Resting on a cloud Flitter hugged Kirby who merely allowed himself to be used like a stuffed animal. He didn't mind since it meant he had more friends. Cloudchaser, while not as enthused as Flitter, also hugged Kirby and managed to feel her stress alleviate itself as time went on.

“They should call you Dr. Kirby cause your hugs are just what my prescription needed.” Flitter joked making Kirby giggle as the description.

“You need to work on your material.” Cloudchaser deadpanned as she set Kirby beside them sitting on the cloud. The three watched the stars come out by the coming of the night.

“Poyo…” Kirby marveled at the starry skies and vastness of it all being able to see for miles and miles around him.

“I know. It's why we live in Ponyville. Anywhere else and you'd never get a sight like this.” Cloudchaser sighed as she felt the majesty of the night sky.

“Except Appleloosa and Dodge Junction but then you deal with dust bowls of it's a really bad night.” Flitter chuckled as the three stretched their wings and arms respectively before taking off into the night sky.

“You can stay with us tonight Kirby!” Flitter announced and merely nodded his now air filled body and flew alongside the sisters towards their home to rest for the evening.

Fluttershy was thrilled as the diminutive Kirby rested on her back. So giddy was she that she didn't even notice the other ponies of town noticing her. She practically didn't care as she trotted around taking care of her grocery list while Kirby hummed a little ditty to go along with her trek.

“What would you like to eat today Kirby?” Fluttershy quirked her head only to find Kirby softly snoring on her back. She nearly died from the cuteness right then and there only managing to keep going because her other animals still needed her. “So cute~”

As she flew back home taking care to keep her groceries together she noted that something was wrong. The chickens were out of their coop and something was making a ruckus out back.

Shaking to her core, she steeled herself up to go check it out when she noted that Kirby had woken up and rushed ahead. Forgetting her fear she raced after him trying to keep him safe.

When the two reached the back she noted that the entire backyard was wrecked beyond belief. She knew living by at the edge of the Everfree would be dangerous but this was far beyond what she thought.

Kirby tensed up as he saw a large beetle digging through the backyard. It looked like a large rhinoceros beetle that dwarfed over the average pony adorned with three horns, two on its crown and one acting like a nose. When the beetle noticed the two Fluttershy froze up while Kirby kept his right foot back in a readied stance.

The beetle roared and charged for its new targets. Fluttershy yelped and almost froze until Kirby knocked her out of the way sending the two stumbling to the side. It didn't have the chance to stop as it slammed into Fluttershy’s cottage and got stuck in the wall.

The impact created small star icons which floated in mid air and in that moment Kirby knew what to do. Jumping forward before Fluttershy could grab him and race away he absorbed the stars and fired a piercing star bullet that managed to hit the beetle twice knocking it off the wall and off to the side.

It growled in response while Fluttershy was shocked in response. Kirby not only sucked in weird projectiles but he also had shot them back out like a cannonball. Before she could fully act on that knowledge the beetle took several lumbering steps over to them. With each step it struck in front of it with its horn. The act kept Kirby from rushing in and Fluttershy backing up.

Kirby waved his small stubby arms in the air which managed to attract the attention of a large bear. “Poyo!”

Harry realizing he was being called looked at the destruction. Devastated by the destruction of his friend’s home he was about to charge in when something flew towards him.

“Oouph… “ Fluttershy groaned as she was unceremoniously tossed over to Harry by Kirby. How he managed to toss Fluttershy was a mystery but it had to wait until the beetle was dealt with.

Kirby, content that his new friend was safe turned to face the beetle. The last swing finally made new star projectiles and with a quick blast of air he sucked them in and shot them out sending the beetle skidding back from the impact.

“Harry! We gotta help Kirby!” Fluttershy pleaded as she tried to get out of his grasp. Harry merely shook his head and pointed at Kirby.

Kirby was still unharmed and clearly in control of the situation. The beetle, by comparison, was reeling and also seemed to be flashing red. If she didn't know any better she would have thought that Kirby was fighting in one of those joy boy games that one colt played all the time. She had seen that often enough wandering around town and wasn't secretly an avid gamer who left all her things at her parents home. Certainly not.

The giant beetle charged once more and Kirby hopped over it jumping higher than his height would insinuate. As soon as it tripped over Kirby sucked in the newly formed stars and fired at its backside. In a stunning explosion of power the beetle exploded into stars…

Fluttershy needed to lie down at that moment. The stress of the situation was becoming a bit too much for her and her need to keep Kirby safe was warring with the fact that he was far stronger than anything she could imagine… maybe even more than Rainbow Dash.

Harry carried her within her home as Kirby followed blissfully unaware at how much of an impression he made on his host for the day.

Twilight was beside herself. After a week of constant attempts at getting to know Kirby she was ready to throw in the towel. The fact that he was sitting with her that day didn't deter the fact that she was almost done trying to figure out what he was all about.

All the eye witness accounts had made her head spin. It got worse when Fluttershy had explained how Kirby took down one of the giant beetles that roamed the Everfree Forest, single hoofedly in fact. Spike had had to deal with her nearly exploding again after that.

“Twilight, you need to relax.” Spike ordered as he placed tea in front of her.

“How can I relax now!? In two days I have to go meet with this King DeDeDe because I opened my fat mouth and I'm still nowhere close to solving the mystery that is him! He doesn't make sense at all!” Twilight complained quite loudly though Kirby paid it no mind.

“Poyo.” Kirby muttered focusing on his fruit plate Spike had made for him… attempting to eat it civilized like with an actual fork. Kirby briefly wondered if he needed a top hat and monocle to go along with his look.

“See! He's mocking me! I know he is. I can tell.” Twilight hissed out.

“I think he was being fancy right now. See. He's using a fork now.” Spike pointed out.

“That's how he gets you. Oh, I know. We all know how he operates.” Twilight paranoidly thought aloud.

“Twilight… do I need to get your mom here to go be you the relaxing talk again.” Spike warned the now more than ever neurotic unicorn.

“What!? No! Never again!” Twilight shouted before she zoned out into a PTSD trance. Never again.

The sudden knock at the library door broke the trance especially with how hectic it sounded. Twilight flung open the door as she was tackled to the floor by a concerned looking Pinkie Pie. Kirby, not knowing what was going on, followed suit and jumped on the two. He was so light they almost didn't notice.

“Twilight! It's terrible. I mean not like burnt cupcake terrible or I locked my keys in my house terrible but terrible nonetheless. I mean those are more minor inconveniences instead of straight up disasters though I guess that all depends on perspective. In a society where we favor the need to herd together we are usually in a place of not confronting the problem. Heck, most of the time we just run from the problem at hoof. I keep telling Cheerilee that we need to train some of the foals to have backbone but we can't get it by the school board which is a pain sometimes but that's neither here nor there. Anyways it's terrible!” Pinkie rambles on for a bit which China nearly lost Twilight, lost Spike and never even found Kirby who was swaying on the spot in a pseudo dance.

“Pinkie? Pinkie! Just tell me what's wrong?” Twilight managed to get a few words in.

“Oh right. There's a monster attacking Ponyville!” Pinkie screamed after the short pause to build up the suspense.

“What!?” Twilight cried out… while Kirby immediately ran out the door with Spike trying to stop him.

“Kirby! Come back here!” Spike yelled as he chased after the pink puffball.

“Kirby!” Both mares cried out as the two chased after him.

Smack dab in the middle of the commerce center of town was a large purple stag beetle with two large pincers wrecking up the town. It had four orange limbs and stood twice as tall as even Big Mac. Even at rest it had its wings exposed though everypony immediately got out of range of its attacks except for Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was doing her best to corral the ponies out of the area with Rarity.

“What the heck is this thing?” Rainbow Dash muttered as the beetle charged forward pincers opened.

It nearly grabbed her and instead grabbed a wagon that was holding hay bales. Thinking herself safe, she didn't notice when the creature lifted the entire wagon up and performed a German Suplex sending the object hurtling towards her. Rainbow Dash didn't see it coming as she was knocked out of the air and crashing into a building.

“I'm okay…! Ow… “ Dash called out letting her pain out only with a reluctant grumble.

“Dang varmint! I'll show ya what for!” Applejack snorted as she managed to turn around and buck the creature off balance and on the ground.

Buggzy, as he was known to some, quickly shook off his confusion and hopped in place. Hopping mad and unwilling to take it, he waited until the orange pony was in range. As she went for another buck he charged forward grabbing around her barrel.

“Let go of me, you dang overgrown bug!” Applejack called out… up until she started to see the ground.

Buggzy immediately dove forward carrying the farm pony into a Pile Driver. As she hit the ground she made several bounces before she was left beaten and bruised. It chittered in jubilation before continuing to wreck up the market.

“Oh dear… Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Are you two okay?” Fluttershy managed to get up to both of them while the monster was busy.

“Yeah I'm good… I think.” Raised know Dash groused as she stretched herself out. The pain was tolerable and lucky she wasn't on the receiving end, Applejack though.

“Granny Smith… how did you get here…?” Applejack stumbled over her words.

“No Applejack, it's me Fluttershy.” Fluttershy tried to console her friend.

“What are you doing at the farm this early?” Applejack drawled on before she slowly regained her senses.

“You good now?” Rainbow Dash quirked her head both amusement and concern painted themselves on her face.

“Huh? Yeah… yeah, I'm good. Reckon I shouldn't get too close to it.” Applejack muttered as she rubbed her head and reclaimed her hat from the ground.


The sound caused all three mares to realize that the giant beetle was menacingly stomping over to them. Before it could charge again a small hay bale smacked into it causing it to fall back. Rarity lifted another object in hopes of halting the foe a bit longer.

“Take this you horrid brute!” Rarity cried out as she tossed another object, a discarded wheel, at the monster.

Without missing a beat, Buggzy grabbed the wheel in his pincers and tossed it underneath him before stomping the wheel to splinters. It immediately began stomping back over to the mares. Applejack and Rainbow Dash took heed and stepped up as Rarity and Fluttershy remained behind them. Before Buggzy could attack the four a large triple decker cake immediately flew out tossing Buggzy off to the side as Pinkie Pie and Kirby came racing forward with Twilight trailing behind them. The constant chasing after Kirby had made her a little sturdier than she once was… though she was still wheezing slightly.

“Pinkie… Pinkie… stop running. Kirby should be fine…phew…” Twilight managed to squeeze out as she took in deep breaths.

“No time silly! We got a monster to take care of.” Pinkie confidently stated as Spike finally also joined the others as well.

“What is that thing?” Spike pointed out as the giant stag beetle wiped off the cake and it started to glow.

“Don’t worry I’ve got it!” Pinkie called out as she charged forward.

“Poyo!” Kirby warned the party pony to seemingly stop.

“Pinkie! No!” Everyone else shouted out.

Buggzy immediately turned orange and as Pinkie shot another barrage of cake at the monster it instantly demolished all the used ammo that flew after it grabbing the cannon out of her grasp. Pinkie flew backwards being caught in Twilight’s magic as it pulled the cannon in and shattered it with one blow of its pincers. The shield spell which went up barely managed to hold against the shattered debris.

Twilight dragged everyone in as close as possible… except for Spike, who was too far away, and Kirby who actively avoided Twilight’s magical grasp. Unfortunately, Buggzy looked towards the two small morsels and menacingly stomped over to them. Kirby stood defiantly while Spike tried to pull him back.

Feeling overconfident it summoned several ladybug sentries from behind its wings sending them against the two. Gritting his teeth, Spike stepped up blowing a stream of fire at the swarm setting plenty of them on fire. Kirby waited until many of them were burning as he watched the monster rage and screech at the sudden death of its sentries.

A flash of inspiration came to Kirby as he immediately sucked in all the burning ladybugs. They were still on fire and he knew exactly what he needed to do to stop this monster from hurting his friends anymore.

“Kirby wait those are all burning!” Spike called out coughing as he was still unused to burning things purposely.

“No!” Fluttershy cried out as she watched the burning mass of insects… or at least what looked like insects enter Kirby’s mouth.

“Is he crazy!” Twilight shouted until something amazing started happening.

Kirby swallowed the mass of fire and his entire body started to shine. He jumped into the air as an emerald appeared on his forehead and a gold band wrapped around what would be his forehead. As the band closed a large roar of fire burst out of his head and Kirby’s entire body turned a shade of red.

“What the absolute buck!” Twilight muttered as she looked upon Kirby wearing a hat… covered in blazing flames without being burned.

“That hat is fetching! I knew a hat would fit for him… No wonder I couldn’t think up a good hat for him.” Rarity mused completely ignoring the giant beetle attacking them.

“Not the best time for fashion Rares…” Applejack groused until their attention was drawn back to the large stag beetle chittering as it looked down at the two pint sized creatures.

Kirby stepped forward while Spike stood back near the shield Twilight was projecting. Buggzy charged forward… only to be met with a torrential wave of flames that were spewing from Kirby’s mouth. The flames licked at Buggzy as he was forced back slightly trying desperately to stop the flames from turning him to cinders. Kirby wasted no time and rushed forward.

As Buggzy turned to face the pink puffball turned red, Kirby turned into a shooting comet of flames slamming into Buggzy’s stomach sending him sprawling on the ground and lit on fire.

Kirby was on the other side of the creature as it turned around, screeching in fury as it tried to catch the tiny warrior. As he got in close Kirby jumped into the air right in front of its face and performed his Fireball Spin turning into a blazing star inferno.

Buggzy immediately exploded on the spot releasing a large collection of stars. Twilight dropped the shield and the six carefully stepped up to it. Before Twilight could get it Kirby jumped into it. She was about to raise her voice when Kirby split into three different Kirbies and Spike was standing next to them.

“Spike? What are you doing?” Twilight questioned as the six looked on in complete and utter confusion.

“I don't know! I just… I need… I want… to… to… dance!” Spike yelled out as the three Kirbies and Spike all began to perform a dance to their victory.

The Kirby on the right of the main Kirby and Spike were synced up with one another. They moonwalked then spun into their positions. The main Kirby jumped up and down with the third Kirby on his left. They all did the wave allowing it to travel along the length of their arms. Two rolled around the ground and the others did their own hopping motion before they all came to a rest and raised one arm up in a victory pose.

“Twiiiiilight… what’s going on?” Spike managed to get out when he was certain that he wasn’t going to be dragged around at random once again.

“I don’t know… Kirby… explain. Explain now. Please.” Twilight quickly amended the please otherwise he would immediately ignore her.

Kirby managed to absorb the other two kirbies that had appeared and tilted his head in confusion. He merely shrugged though the hat on his head could give Twilight clues about things… maybe.

“Hi!” Kirby waved at the six who were now staring at him. The hat flew off his head resembling a star with a fire symbol on it bouncing away.

“Wha…” Twilight watched the star bounce around a bit.

Just as she tried to catch it in her magic the star shattered and blinked out of existence. Twilight blinked… and blinked… and blinked some more. Her eye twitched in spasms while her mane was highly disheveled with random strands springing out of it. The sudden scraping noise that filled the air came from how hard she was grinding her teeth at that moment.

Then she stopped. She took a deep breath and sighed out laying on the ground while her friends looked at her. Kirby took the initiative and laid against her barrel staring at the cloud shapes that the pegasi had worked on.

With the near death experience and the almost loss of her friends she couldn’t be mad anymore. She could but it wasn't helping her and her innate inquisitive nature was actually giving her an aneurysm at this point. She just looked up at the sky… watching it. The world was far more vast than anything she ever knew of.

“Poyo…?” Kirby piped up.

“No… I think I get it now. I probably won’t ever learn what you are truly saying, will I?” Twilight perked up as her friends seemed to frown about things.

“Is it really that important sugarcube?” Applejack drawled off as she laid next to her studious friend. Her hat resting on her chest.

“Yeah! These are all just surprises and they were awesome!” Pinkie cried out laying next to Applejack though in a more circular pattern.

“I know right? That was so awesome when he used all that fire somehow. Kirby how’d you do that?” Rainbow Dash gushed out slightly as she laid next to pink but still in the circle.

“Poyo! Poyo. Poyo.” Kirby answered out.

“So… it’s a special ability of your body then?” Twilight asked… before realizing she was understanding what Kirby was saying.”

“You can understand him darling?” Rarity asked as she laid down next to Rainbow Dash almost right across from Twilight though she was on a very stylish blanket.

“I think so… it’s like… something is speaking to me from within.” She placed her left hoof over her heart as it seemed to resonate as Kirby spoke.

“Maybe now that you’ve stopped obsessing over the mystery of Kirby you can understand him better. Though… I don’t think it goes to all of us as well.” Fluttershy muttered out loud enough for everypony to hear.

“Hm… maybe its true about friendship then?” Twilight lightly mused.

“Poyo?” Kirby questioned managing to twist his head enough to look up at him.

“That friendship is magic.” Twilight answered simply… feeling more relaxed than usual. She no longer felt too much pressure about learning about Kirby too deeply. It would come to her eventually given time as now she could finally understand what Kirby meant when he spoke.

“Come along girls! It’s time to go meet over in the Dream Land Kingdom!” Twilight called out to all her friends. Even Kirby was amongst them all. Even with all the shenanigans that had happened over the week like the incident with the tickets and Applejack overwhelming herself with work they were ready to head over to the meeting in Celestia’s stead.

The train pulled into the station and a small orange puffball wearing a bandana and holding a spear stepped out of the train.

“Ah you must be our escort Celestia wrote to me about.” Twilight asked the small creature who did a proud salute and tapped the butt of the spear against the wooden floor.

The six wasted no time following the quiet individual into the train as it headed off for its final stop at Mount DeDeDe.

03. Dream Drop Drama

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There ensconced within the train the group of ponies mingled and talked while Kirby and the small soldier sat next to each other waggling their feet together as if it was natural. The soldier made no attempt at small talk merely pantomiming his actions to convey his point. It was similar to how Kirby did things with very few others understanding his intentions explicitly through the power of his heart. That didn't stop Twilight though.

“So… what can you tell us about Dream Land?” Twilight managed to get the small orange bandana wearing figure to look at her. Since he had no visible mouth she was unsure how much information she could actually get.

Bandana Waddle Dee looked at the pony with a questioning look. He was expecting the tall white one to show up but this was a surprise all around. Celestia usually remained silent during the trip drinking tea the other waddle dees served up. This one was asking questions… and so he answered them.

“It is a land where dreams come to reality. The magic of the realm makes several things possible and is the source of good dreams in conjunction with Princess Luna… at least it was before the Nightmare Moon debacle and we've been forced to up production of good dreams throughout the entire realm.” He explained though not of the ponies could hear or understand him at all.

“Um… did you say something?” Twilight strained her ears. She knew she heard something but it was muffled… as if her heart wasn't strong enough to understand him.

“Poyo. Poyo, poyo.” Kirby quickly explained understanding completely.

“Oh… I can't understand him…” Twilight splayed her ears clearly wearing her feeling on the cuff of her hooves.

Bandana Dee, as he would now be nicknamed, got up and patted her leg in a gesture of understanding. She couldn't fully understand him but she would learn even if it killed her. It wouldn't but Twilight was a very neurotic unicorn when failure was on the line.

“Twi! Look out there.” Applejack called out as they all saw the wonder of Dream Land.

Rolling hills of green sailed along surrounded by grand mountains and farther in the distance over the horizon was the ocean visible from where the train was at the moment. On the other side were frigid peaks and several rolling deserts before them. The entire ecosystem moved on its own and there were no signs of ponies doing anything. Even animals that roamed around were all living without any intervention.

Fluttershy was, at first, appalled at the lack of ponies helping but as the scenery went on she noted that all the animals were happy and capable of living even without intervention. It was a strange feeling to see that and she didn't quite know how to react.

Rainbow Dash was a bit more relaxed by the lack of weather scheduled to happen. The rolling clouds looked almost alive to her and she could tell at a glance that all the clouds were moving based on the wind currents currently flowing around. The weather was wild, dangerous even but that was exciting. It meant challenging stunts could be pulled off with varying degrees of danger added per day. The rainbows forming out I. The distance also seemed a bit weird to her… especially the ones that seemed to be coming from the edge of the Everfree from what she could see.

Pinkie was a blaze of excitement and uncontainable enthusiasm. While she couldn't understand either of her new puffball friends… yet, she could tell the two were deep in conversation. Kirby, uncharacteristically, didn't run around with her like he was ought to do while in Ponyville. He remained next to the bandana wearing Waddle Dee as she found out from one of the name tags that one of the brown ones were wearing. Apparently they were Parasol Waddle Dee though she couldn't tell if they were male or female. It was a real mystery as Pinkie took a long pause and blew into a bubble pipe she pulled out of her mane.

Rarity kept quiet throughout the trip taking care to write in a few sketchbooks she had brought. After seeing Kirby’s hats she vehemently needed to transcribe her thoughts to paper. The hat was so unique that she didn't think she could replicate it easily enough. Even with rudimentary illusion spells the fire would still go out after a day. She needed to figure out an angle at which to make it possible to have the hats be permanent but it escaped her for the moment. She desperately needed to sit down with Twilight and see how viable it was to make a hat like that.

Applejack scrutinized the land. As an earth pony she could feel the minute shifts of magic that coursed through the land. The entirety of Dream Land, as a country, was viable for farms but when a branch of the Apple family tried to make a settlement there they couldn't get their trees to grow. It was as if some force attempted to keep Dream Land from being farmed in. The fact that fruit trees grew rampant around the small forest she had seen made her more curious about who was growing them in the first place. The small bandana wearing Waddle Dee had given her a note which detailed a guardian spirit of the forest known as Whispy Woods. It sounded like hogwash at first, but after seeing Kirby fight off a monster nearly four times his size she was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

As the train passed on the outskirts of Whispy Woods Bandana Dee made his way up to the engine room, most likely to check how much longer until they reached the main area. Twilight looked over the small booklet which he gave her while Kirby finally joined Pinkie at looking out the window in excitement. Twilight quietly opened the booklet and began peering over the contents.

Welcome to Dream Land!

So you decided to come to our neck of the woods and are a little curious how things work. Who could blame you? Don't worry cause I'll explain things to you.

Since you've more than likely been living under a rock this part of the country is known as Dream Land, ruled by the great King DeDeDe and inhabited by over sixty five different races and counting. That's a lot and while I would love be to explain it to you I am a very busy booklet and have to talk about other things right now, you bookworm.

Anyways Mount DeDeDe, named after our illustrious leader, lies smack dab in the northern part of Dream Land and offers a sky high view of the entire country. While there you can enjoy bowing to your leader and taking in the scenic view of the entire country. Truly the only way to live.

I'll not prattle on about too much more and just wish you a happy stay within our vast realm. Should you need more information you can ask someone else. Thanks for reading, now head outside and play already.

Written and paid for by your sultan of slam, your poobah of dreams, lordship of Waddle Dees.

Signed by King DeDeDe.

Twilight looked over the booklet and partially how insulting it sounded… and took several deep breaths. It didn't help much regardless of how much her old foal sitter told her it would calm her down. Bandana Dee walked back into the car and informed the party with two taps of his spear that they were about to reach the station.

A bit in the distance was the station and standing at the ready was a figure wearing an intimidating mask with glowing yellow eyes. He wore a cape over his entire body and seemed to exude the presence of a ruler. Pinkie wanted to go glomp him as soon as the train stopped but was quickly held back by Applejack.

The doors opened and Kirby rushed out the door greeting the enigmatic figure who merely nodded his head in acknowledgement. Twilight was the next to follow along with her five other friends.

“I take it that you are the one I was waiting for?” A deep spanish toned voice came from the mask wearing figure standing before them. “Twilight Sparkle, was it?”

“Ah, yes. I'm Twilight Sparkle. I came alongside my other friends. This is Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and the one running around is Kirby.” She quickly explained as she tried to coax Kirby back to her side with a flailing hoof. “Sorry for him… he's excited to explore.”

“Yes. Most Star Warriors usually are. We shall be making our way to the tram station to get up the mountain. Shall we?” The knight beckoned the others always keeping his cape around him as he moved. “Before I forget, since you gave me your names I should be polite to give my own. You may call me Meta Knight.”

“Meta Knight… got it.” Twilight muttered under her breath. “Wait… Star Warrior?”

Meta Knight didn't say a word as he trekked ahead of the group leading them to a lift station where a small team waited for them. Twilight tried to get more information but he remained a stoic figure… one that would give her brother and all the guards of Canterlot a run for their bits. Rainbow Dash seemed the most wary of the figure keeping the most distance and unlike the others remained quiet.

She couldn't tell why though. Instinct told her that messing with him at this point would be dangerous. So she opted to take a nap on yet another ride.

“That is such a lovely cape Sir Meta Knight. Who made it for you?” Rarity brought up seeing as all of Twilight’s questions were being ignored at the moment. The fact that she was asking so vehemently also made it off putting. Fluttershy placed a hoof on her shoulder making her blanch and realize what she was doing. She winced as she let Rarity take the lead.

“A friend of mine gave it to me. They were a good friend… but enough about me. I should talk more about what you can expect.” Meta Knight wistfully stated as his eyes glowed a pale gray before quickly changing the subject.

“When did he start talking about himself in the first place?” Applejack whispered into Fluttershy's ear who merely shrugged as they listened on.

“The King is a bit of a blowhard… selfish and at some points a fool. Regardless of those he does protect Dream Land as he sees as right. He will put his foot into his mouth more times than I would care to count. Do not take it personally.” Meta Knight started only to unfold his cape revealing two metal pauldrons where his arms were labeled with a stylized M on it. Then he wrapped his cape around him and disappeared, reappearing where Rainbow Dash was and tapping her on the head to wake her up. She didn't take it as well.

“Woah! What the buck!?” Rainbow Dash fell off the small seat onto the floor as Meta Knight wrapped his cape around him and walked back to his spot in front of the others.

“Try not to fall asleep in his presence and don't take his food. He'll provide as is befit a King though I will mention that he eats meat as well. We know of the propensity of ponies being vegetarian but Princess Celestia never voiced any concern.” Meta Knight stated to everypony… though his gaze drifted to Twilight Sparkle in particular.

“That's… understandable. Right, girls?” Twilight coughed out clearly uncertain of what that would entail.

The choruses of yes and of course made Twilight calm down while Rainbow Dash trotted beside her grousing at the sudden wake up call. The team slowly made a stop as the group was ushered out to a giant palace resting upon the mountain. The entire grounds were filled with Waddle Dees who seemed to be the only staff on hand at this point.

“Sir!” A voice called out as a small stock knight came running up to them alongside another knight like figure.

“Blade Knight and Sword Knight? What is the problem?” Meta Knight allowed his cape open as he held his arms up trying to calm his fellow knights.

Twilight made note of these two new figures. Blade Knight was wearing a tiny suit of light green armor with a long helmet which covered most of his face except for a pink section that looked like a chin. The helmet was adorned with several red tassels and his shoulders with large pauldrons decorated with crescent moons. While his sword was sheathed on his silver buckled belt she noted that his gloves resembled Meta Knight’s gloves only white in coloration.

Sword Knight, on the other hand, wore a suit of aqua green armor. The helmet revealed a dark hole where their eyes would be but something was keeping them hidden which creeped Fluttershy out slightly. The helmet had four open ridges along the side and large shoulder pauldrons to reveal the same white gloves Blade Knight had. The sword he had sheathed was also different. While Blade Knight wielded a straight sword, Sword Knight wielded a two pronged sword.

“We need you to check over some of those systems you requested a month ago, sir!” Blade Knight mentioned saluting his captain. It reminded Twilight of how often her brother would get an over enthusiastic new recruit.

“Of course. Bandana Waddle Dee! Please accompany our guests to the King.” Meta Knight commanded as Bandana Dee stepped up and tapped his spear down, signifying that he understood.

“Thanks for the information Meta Knight.” Pinkie called out with a quick poyo from Kirby to boot. He nodded and walked off as his two squires explained something that the ponies couldn't understand.

“What did he mean by jet engine?” Rainbow Dash barked out at Bandana Dee who merely shrugged. Whether he knew or not it wouldn't have mattered since none of the ponies could hear the voice of his heart when he spoke.

Kirby took the lead with Bandana Dee and walked through the lavish halls where all the other Waddle Dees were busy either cleaning up or acting like guards. It was a bit surreal since most of the Waddle Dees didn't have a way to grip their tools yet they were holding them perfectly.

“Okay girls… we need to remain calm and not say anything to offend this King, Rainbow Dash or talk his ear off with ramblings, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight informed the group stressing both mare’s names when she did.

“Grr… I'm not that bad.” Rainbow Dash growled only to be stared at by all the girls while Kirby blissfully danced in his spot rocking back and forth as she winced under their stares.

“But I don't ramble. Except for that one time where I talked about promises and cupcakes and marshmallows and chocolate and…” Pinkie Pie rambles only for a moment before Applejack placed a hoof over her mouth. She giggled slightly giving off an embarrassed look and continued to pronk in silence.

“Please you two. Don't cause any fights. Princess Celestia is counting on us.” Twilight proudly stated though most of the mares were curious on why Celestia had agreed to this.

Celestia laid in bed slowly eating a delectable piece of cake she never would have gotten to enjoy had she gone on that diplomatic meeting. The sensual taste sensation filling her mouth was more than she could bear.

“Sister. Please stop that. No one wants to watch you stuff your gullet like a wild pig. It's as if you're a black hole and everything gets trapped within with no way out.” Luna muttered as she watched the display before her.

“Never!” Celestia cried out as she began resembling a vacuum sucking in all the cake she could muster. Luna did all she could not to retch at the sight.

The group soon found themselves at a grand hall with a large throne smack dab in the center of the room. The chair looked incredibly comfortable and the figure sitting in it seemed to be happy with it if his expression was anything to go by.

“Sire, you got visitors.” A large snail muttered making DeDeDe get up from his nap.

“Huh? What? Is Celestia here already or something?” The large penguin dressed in a red robe and fancy shirt got up picking up the hammer at his side and resting it on his back.

“No sire, remember that she sent her protege to learn the ropes. You got a meeting with a pack of ponies today.” The snail muttered making DeDeDe get up from his stupor.

“Oh right. And just when I managed to find that one comfy spot that reaches every spot on my back.” DeDeDe muttered under his breath as he stepped up to the group. “Welcome to my kingdom, uh… ponies and you,” he pointed at Kirby, “make yourselves at home… not too comfortable mind ya but comfortable enough.”

The king yawned so deeply that the ponies were uncertain of the protocol behind meeting the king. He made no actual proclamations or ordered them to bow. Twilight tried to remember what she was supposed to do in situations like this only to draw an utter blank.

“Alright, let's get this meeting or whatever over with.” King DeDeDe muttered as he led the way towards another room while the six followed.

Thanks to their positions they managed to see the symbol on his back and the weapon he wielded. The symbol, to Fluttershy, seemed to be a pair of bunny ears though being too shy to say so nopony really could figure out what it meant. The hammer seemed to be made of wood though the two faces seemed to have metallic playing hidden beneath the star decals. Twilight made special note that even with how heavy it looked, the king lifted it with ease.

As they traveled down the hall they noticed another walking orange puffball… only this particular figure freaked everypony out to a small degree. When he turned around his entire face was dominated by one eye. A very large somewhat cyan shaded eye that looked at them. He also seemed to have a small belt with sword attached.

“Captain Waddle Doo, what's wrong?” DeDeDe muttered slightly disinterested to the figure who was now identified.

“Nothing sire! Just observing the new guests to the castle. Should we still bring out that “thing” regardless?” Waddle Doo stated waiting for his orders.

“Hold it fer now. No use wasting that on this just yet.” DeDeDe waved him off and with a curt nod Waddle Doo wandered off.

“How many things are we gonna see that freak us out?” Rarity whispered to Applejack who shrugged at the sight.

“Could be worse… we could be fighting that beetle monster again.” Applejack sighed under her breath. “Sure would be easier than this.”

“Um… King DeDeDe, how many races live in Dream Land?” Twilight tried to coax out information. Even with all her extensive research over the course of the last week, barring the Buggzy attack, she hadn't found many records about what existed in Dream Land.

“Save it for now nerd. We're gonna get some grub before I answered those scholarly questions you spouting out there.” DeDeDe brushed her off still walking forward and not missing a beat.

“Rude…” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie both growled out while Twilight could feel the aneurysm she was suppressing rise up… exactly like the incident with Kirby.

The king slammed open the set of double doors before them revealing the banquet hall which the Waddle Dees were busy filling with food. There were several vegetarian dishes on the spread of the table… and carnivorous options near the fanciest edge which DeDeDe walked to. Kirby follows right behind them and sat near said dishes. Rainbow Dash being the heartiest of the ponies sat near them taking Twilight’s spot though she didn't exactly complain too loudly.

Fluttershy sat near Kirby while Twilight sat next to Rainbow Dash while the others took their position near the vegetarian options Pinkie near Twilight and Applejack next to Fluttershy. Rarity took the other head of the table.

“So we have those trade agreements in effect is that correct?” DeDeDe mentioned as he stuffed his face. “She did inform you of everything, didn't she?”

“Uh… yes, of course. She told me everything.” Twilight coughed out. The sweat dropped down her forehead while Applejack furrowed her brow clearly not liking this direction.

“Good to know. So we can begin in a week or so right?” DeDeDe mentioned nonchalantly brushing off the worried look.

“Could you tell me about the trades!?” Pinkie cried out saving Twilight from explaining to Celestia about agreeing to something she had no idea about.

“Oh right… the common folk wouldn't know about these things. Basically gems are the name of the game. You've got gems we want and we got several metal… oi! Escargoon get in here!” DeDeDe screamed out as the snail man came rushing in. Fluttershy was especially impressed with his speed.

“Yes sire?” Escargoon sighed out as he stood before the king.

“What's that thing we're trading for gems again?” DeDeDe made no attempt to hide that he forgot entirely about everything.

“Sire, we discussed this at length yesterday. We're trading our metallurgical know how and several steel construction materials in exchange for gems. We've mixed a good balance of tech and magic here but we need more gems to act in our research.” Escargoon explained.

“Yeah that exactly.” DeDeDe pointed at the snail with a know it all tone. “That answer your question Cotton Candy?”

“Yup yup yup.” Pinkie cheered not even caring for the new nickname though it was one of the friends she met while she threw a party in Manehattan, who she now wanted to write a letter to to say hi.

“Forget about work already and just eat. All these kingly duties are giving me indigestion.” DeDeDe mentioned only to stop when Kirby jumped onto the table and sucked in all the food within one minute.

“Kirby!” Twilight hissed out as the other mares instant went stock still eye shrinking to pinpricks. Fluttershy hid beneath her wings, Rainbow Dash held in her chuckles, Applejack lowered her hat over her eyes, Pinkie started to shake uncontrollably, and Rarity bit her lip in worry.

“Hey! That pink puffball pilfered all my food!” DeDeDe cried out growling out in fury at the loss of the food.

“Poyo.” Kirby answered patting his stomach and eliciting a facepalm from Twilight and company.

“Sire… it’s fine we can just make more food.” Escargoon quickly tried to calm the king down while the ponies at the table immediately stepped away from the table trying to get as far away from the now angry king… who pulled out his hammer.

“Poyo?” Kirby looked around noting that his friends were now gone from the table. Looking behind him he noticed the ponies rushing through the door with Twilight and Fluttershy trying desperately to wave him over towards him. He misunderstood as he waved back happily to the others.

“I’m gonna clobber that there Kirby!” DeDeDe shouted out as Twilight managed to grab Kirby in her magic field dragging him out of the way as the hammer slammed down shattering the table to splinters.

“Run!” Twilight shouted completely freaked out as the entire group rushed off for the entrance as all the Waddle Dees looked confused about things. A few even waved them through a few doors closing it behind them to buy them time as an enraged King DeDeDe raced after them swinging his large mallet around like a madman clearly being much faster than a figure of that size should have been.

The ponies managed to reach the cable car just as it was running down the mountain leaping into the open car with only Fluttershy needing some help to get in because she was still afraid of heights. Luckily the ponies had made it… though Twilight was a panicky mess since she probably just started a war that would result in the magically able Equestria fighting the more technologically balanced Dream Land.

Nopony wanted to say anything about the incident lest Twilight blow a gasket once again while they were on the cable car. They slowly made their way back to Canterlot, in order to inform the princess of their failure.

King DeDeDe growled as Meta Knight joined the troubled king chuckling the entire time. He wanted to smash that jerk with his mallet but Meta Knight was far too good to actually hit even while he was training the king with some moves.

“So who had besmirched the king this time? The pink one too obstinate, the purple too invasive? Perhaps the blue one was being rude or the orange calling you out on something? The white one insulted your wardrobe or the yellow one called you out on the treatment of your subjects?” Meta Knight chuckled as he looked over a small collection of dossiers Blade Knight handed him.

“No, no, no! It was that darn Kirby who ate all my food! It was my favorite too and Chef Kawasaki doesn't return for another month or so!” King DeDeDe stomped the ground frustrated allowing Meta Knight some pause for thought.

The appearance of a Star Warrior only made things a bit more complicated. Something was happening on this world and he could only surmise what was going on. Still, there was nothing that could be done until the King was calmed down… or had his revenge.

“So what would you like to do sir?” Meta Knight cautiously stated.

“Since he's gonna be a jerk and take all my food, I'm gonna take all his food in return!” King DeDeDe called out stomping away while Meta Knight watched the cable car descend further away.

“It is here… “ Meta Knight stated as he removed his cape revealing two large bat wings and flew off leaving Blade Knight and Sword Knight to follow after their King. He needed to find out for sure.

Twilight calmly trotted through the hallowed halls of Canterlot Castle up to the throne room. Adamant about facing these things alone she braced herself as she stood before the doors. She stood there psyching her nerves up making absolutely certain that nothing would deter her from going in. She was a bundle of confidence, in her opinion, capable of taking the world.

“Miss Sparkle… are you going to enter? You've been standing there for two hours.

What was really standing before the door was a bundle of frayed nerves as a disheveled purple pony with crazy mane twitching every so often. She looked at the guard who managed to remain composed as he opened the door. Something she was entirely unprepared for.

“No wait!” Twilight shouted out too late as she was seen by the one pony she didn't want to be seen by.

“Ah Twilight welcome back from your trip to Dream Land. How was it?” Celestia nonchalantly traipsed up to the mass of unicorn that was formerly Twilight Sparkle quivering in place.

“Ah heh heh… fine. Fine. It was fine. Trade agreements still going on and such. Yes that's what happened yes. Nothing went wrong. Perfect as perfect can be.” Twilight let out a forced laugh as she stumbled in place trying to find her footing.

“I heard it was a disaster and Kirby became King DeDeDe’s enemy. Also that you ran for your life after he threatened you with his hammer.” Celestia deadpanned as Twilight gaped up at her mentor.

“YOU KNEW!” Twilight screamed out before realizing who she was yelling to and collapsed on the spot a giggly broken mess.

“Yes. Sir Meta Knight brought me a letter detailing everything that happened and how Kirby ate all his food. Luckily, he a smarter king than that… most of the time, and knows not to go overboard with declarations of war or the like. Though it does mean that he will fight Kirby until a true victor can be found so there is that.” Celestia giggled as she waved her hoof off as if it was all in good fun.

“But… but… but… we ruined a banquet style meeting!?” Twilight pointed out.

“That was lunch. He eats a lot… “ Celestia looked at her flank but said nothing more to that end. “It's how he is. You just got lucky that he was hungry at the time.”

“But… all those guards surrounding us?” Twilight contested.

“He enjoys having the Waddle Dees around since they actually do like him for looking out for them.” Celestia cut her off from going any further with that train of thought.

“The advisors…?” Twilight weakly stated.

“The more level headed of the bunch. Escargoon may be the easiest to lead but Bandana Waddle Dee and Meta Knight keep the king on track.” Celestia finished off pulling Twilight up and wrapping a hoof around her. “You need to stop looking for perfection. It doesn't exist and never will. I am not like that at all.”

“But you're the princess…” Twilight tried to rebuke… only for Celestia to hold a hoof to her muzzle.

“No I am only a pony. My title means nothing in the grand scheme of things.” Celestia finished off.

“Okay… “ Twilight muttered still unsure of everything.

“Get home and get some rest. Tomorrow is another day.” Celestia ordered before flashing her horn and teleporting her back to her home.

Twilight looked around the darkened library where both Spike and Kirby were asleep on the couch. A small note with a message of ‘Sorry Twilight’ written on it. Inside was a picture of Kirby waving hi.

“I can't be mad at you.” Twilight assured to Kirby as she lifted the two placing them in their respective beds, the basket and the guest bed, and returned to her own bed ready to sleep off the stress of the previous day.

Meta Knight soared over the Fountain of Dreams. It was relatively peaceful as more rainbows were delivered to the pegasus cities around the world making certain they would have the raw materials to complete them and nothing seemed out of place.

Still there needed to be some vigilance if another Star Warrior was here on this planet at this time. It could only mean one thing… he was here. That led to problems later on should the King be too distracted and with the Princess of the Night barely returned, there was little they could do at this point.

“It seems as though I may need to train that boy up to help deal with this threat.” Meta Knight calmly stated as he looked over the clear waters of the fountain.

Up in the moon, unbeknownst to him, Nightmare was busy reconstructing Nightmare Moon. Even then she was a specter of her former glory. Incapable of more than understanding revenge. As soon as he infected the Star Rod he would be able to fully subsume all of Equus Star into his nightmarish grasp.

04. Twilight's Dream Land

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‘How? How did it come to this?’ Twilight exasperatedly sighed as the chaos was going off around her.

She knew something went wrong that day when she couldn't find any sweets at Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie wasn't the culprit. It was even more surprising that Kirby hadn't done it either. Then it began.

Swarms of Waddle Dees raced in grabbing every single snack and raced off for Dream Land leaving nothing to chance as they skedaddled past any defenses the ponies tried to do. The sheer mass of them were able to break through any magical shield and with how many they were they immediately charged through knocking whomever got in their way out. There were several bumps but never anything more serious than that.

A part of her knew what this was all about… and unfortunately it was because Kirby ate the king’s food. She had caused an international incident without planning and was slowly becoming a tangled mess of nerves and neuroses. Kirby valiantly tried to pat her side but at this point not even Spike could calm her. Nothing short of Celestia could calm her down.

“Twilight, I came as soon as I heard how wound up you got.” Celestia appeared, considered her words and got her attention. Twilight began bawling.

“I'm so sorry! This is my fault! I should have done better!” Twilight rambled on from whatever Celestia could make out which admittedly wasn't much.

Kirby waved at her lunging at her as the two fell into a hug pile. It was refreshing when thing unexpectedly happened and Celestia returned the hug to Twilight’s horror and chagrin.

“Ok… now that you have calmed yourself how about you tell me what is wrong Twilight.” Celestia calmly stated as Twilight composed herself to the best of her abilities.

“It all started yesterday when a lot of ponies noticed that several Waddle Dees had made their way into Ponyville. At first nopony made any fuss about it because they were adorable. Though as night fell there were a few reports of Waddle Dees taking as many snacks as they could from the town… especially places where Kirby decided to be. Before long there were no snacks left and even cake had gone missing.” Twilight quickly explained to that point where Celestia went paler than usual.

“T-t-the cake!? Are you sure?” Celestia growled out realizing that her beloved was in trouble.

“Yes. Everything was taken and several ponies are going crazy from the lack of sugar.” Twilight pointed over to the Flower Trio.

“The cakes!” Lily cried out.

“My pies!” Daisy moaned in sadness as tears fell from her eyes.

“The horror! The horror!” Roseluck finished off as the three fainted.

“It's been a rough time. Especially for Pinkie… she's almost gone cold turkey…” Twilight trailed off as a straight maned Pinkie slowly trotted by. Thunderlane accidentally brushed past her.

“Oh sorry Pinkie.” Thunderlane quickly apologized.

“Sorry? Sorry! I'll make you sorry!” Pinkie shouted as she grabbed Thunderlane and chucked him into the nearest wall. Her eyes were unfocused and she kept muttering to herself. When she realized where she was she continued to trot through town. She couldn't remember whose birthday it was today.

“My… she's looking well. I guess… “ Celestia muttered the last part under her breath.

“It's gotten bad. I need to fix this. I will fix this Princess. You can count on me.” Twilight tried to reassure her.

“I also trusted you with the diplomatic meeting Twilight.” Celestia pointed out causing Twilight to blanch and stammer. “But I will give you the chance to make things right. This is my fault as well for foisting too much responsibility on you when you are clearly not ready to deal with other beings personally.”

“I-I-I'm getting better. Honest!” Twilight protested.

“And I don't doubt that but you are still getting there. Take Kirby with you to have him apologize for his faux pas and see if you can get along DeDeDe to calm down.” Celestia informed the purple unicorn.

“Yes Princess. But the others… they are dealing with too much right now to go with me.” Twilight grimaced as she looked at her friends all attempting to stop the Waddle Dees.

Rainbow Dash had been stopped immediately from charging in because her actions would not only ruin the food but cause unwanted property damage. Applejack tried to corral them all… to no avail since they merely jumped over Winona and started to fly… somehow. Fluttershy had attempted to be diplomatic, but the few that didn't take food decided to incapacitate her with hugs and cuddles. They knew what they were doing. Rarity had been able to do the most as her mastery of her telekinesis allowed her to grab as much food away from them. Then a cake fell on her mane because she wasn't paying attention and she remained locked in Carousel Boutique rinsing and washing her mane.

Twilight had attempted a shield… but they all knocked on it incessantly until she was drained of magic from maintaining it. It was mortifying that they were this insistent of a foe for how adorable they looked. Kirby had taken to comforting his friends and not fighting the Waddles Dees though nopony was certain why he didn't fight. His reasons were his own.

“Then I suppose it will only be you and Kirby, and perhaps Spike if you decide on it.” Celestia quietly nuzzled Twilight who managed to compose herself. Celestia quickly teleported back to Canterlot where she rushed to her Cake Vault and secured everything I there making absolutely certain no one could break in.

“Spike! Kirby! We have a mission from the Princess. Are you two ready to save Equestria?” Twilight valiantly informed the two.

“Poyo!” Kirby raised his hand up.

“You got it Twi!” Spike shouted out holding his own hand up.

Before they could leave Twilight carried them back to the tree house as she gather their supplies for the trip. She was going to be prepared.

Two saddle bags and three checklists later the three were ready to head out on their grand adventure. Spike was especially excited since he was involved from the very beginning. The library was closed due in no small part because everypony was concerned when Twilight started to looked like an escaped asylum patient complete with cringe like twitches and disheveled mane.

Kirby had nothing with him on his journey seeing as everything he owned was eaten to the chagrin of Twilight’s inquisitive nature. Kirby didn't mind as he happily ambled to and fro while Spike was bogged down by a small backpack. He had tried to carry more than he could only to be stopped by Twilight. Only the essentials were going with them… which for some reason included a few books.

Spike sneakily tossed the books out instead packing the few snacks that they had managed to hide carefully wrapped so the smell wouldn't attract anyone.

“Ready you two? We've got to head out and make this right.” Twilight bravely stated as they all struck an adventuring pose as they walked out the door.

Unfortunately, the rest of her friends were busy dealing with the Waddle Dees invading the town to notice the three following the few who were leaving the town already. Fortunately, they knew where they were going already and traveled that path on foot since the trains were overwhelmed by Waddle Dees walking along the tracks.

“Looks like we're gonna have to go on foot and hoof.” Spike brought up as Twilight was still too tired to use her magic fully.

“Poyo, poyo poyo.” Kirby explained as he pointed out towards the horizon.

“You just want to rush out there! Are you crazy!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he rushed off while Spike followed and Twilight growled out before racing after the two.

The three races off facing the sun as they galloped across the fields towards the direction all the Waddle Dees were running for and from. Twilight luckily wasn't wheezing as bad as she did when she first chased Kirby. Still it was a tough trek until they hit a dense forest.

Kirby immediately slowed down making certain to keep track of his surroundings while Spike managed to get to a good vantage point while they waited for Twilight to catch up to them.

“Good work Twilight. That's more than you've run in your entire life.” Spike praised her though in Twilight's ears it stung a bit.

“Spike… I run… a lot… already. You don't need… to rub it… in.” Twilight breathes in heavily managing to catch her breath as Kirby jumped around looking at the foliage around them.

It was certainly different than any other forest that she had read about. The trees were natural and wild like those in the Everfree but they didn't menacingly close off most light through the tree boughs. In fact if she didn't know any better the trees seemed almost… alive.

“Poyo.” Kirby stared up at all the surrounding trees.

“I know. There’s so much going on with this forest that I don't even know where to begin. Still, we should get going and head for Dream Land. We need to get all the snacks back from that King DeDeDe.” Twilight explained.

“Poyo!” Kirby rushed ahead through the trees while Twilight picked up Spike and galloped after him.

As the pair chased Kirby the notes that several of the animals started attacking them. A random assortment of birds swooped down and tried to peck at their faces which Kirby stopped by sucking them in. With a little hop he shot a large star bullet out as the swarm sending them flying with a single shot.

“What the buck?” Spike called out.

“Spike! Language.” Twilight warned as she managed to get a small healing spell on them to cover up the small peck wounds.

“Poyo?” Kirby wandered closer looking over his friends.

“We can't just attack them like that Kirby. They are living beings that should be dealt with more gently.” Twilight chided though her expression wasn't one of confidence on that matter.

The birds had purposely attacked them. She could see that and Spike meandered in place unsure whether to agree with that sentiment. Twilight was certain that friendship could solve this… but if the other party didn't want to speak… well, what could be done at that point?

“Poyo! Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby eloquently explained detailing a minutiae of details that caused Twilight’s pride to swell.

“You're right. We have to be firm on this matter otherwise somepony would just walk all over us. C’mon Spike. We're getting the food back!” Twilight announced as she charged ahead, Kirby running at her speed so she wouldn't be left behind.

“Hey, Twilight.” Spike whispered into her ear.

“Yes… Spike?” Twilight breathed harshly as she tried to remember all the time she chased after Kirby when trying to learn about him and bring it to the forefront. She needed to be prepared for saving Equestria.

“What did he say that got you all fired up?” Spike intoned as he waiting for his answer.

“He explained how the need to safeguard the sustenance of the ponies outweighed my personal feelings and that should I fight, I fight for the common ponies and their snacks. He also mentioned how someponies don't understand each other with trading blows or fighting first. He was very verbose using words I had to stop and think about.” Twilight summarized to a stunned Spike.

“He said all that? Are you serious?” Spike incredulously asked.

“Yes. Surprisingly yes. It was very moving.” Twilight nearly fell over trying to wipe a tear from her eye but managed to right herself as she kept running with Kirby.

Several more enemies attempted to stop them from chasing after the food including more bird swarms and several Waddle Dees. Each tried a different method to stop the pair. The swarms all tried to peck at the three only for Twilight to grab them in her diminished magic and use them as projectiles against each other. Kirby merely sucked them up and in some cases swallowed them.

Twilight's curiosity wanted to know where they went since Kirby was no different than he was before but the constant barrage of things in their way stopped her from focusing on that aspect. They needed to get through this.

The Waddle Dees merely rushed for the pair jumping at them in a futile attempt of slowing them down. Kirby decided against sucking in his enemies and slid into them causing them to explode into smoke. It was a surreal moment when the pair saw that.

“How did that happen!? Is he okay!?” Spike cried out… until he saw the Waddle Dee off to the side knocked out with a cross shaped bandage on his head. It would be comical if the pair wasn't still freaking out.

“Spike breathe! You need to calm down. Even if I want to research how this happened I'm controlling myself from doing so and you need to too!” Twilight nearly screeched out as her own instincts to understand warred with her need to please Celestia.

“Poyo!” Kirby yelled as he rushed ahead causing the other two to stop freaking out long enough to know that it was time to keep moving.

Kirby and Co. managed to reach a small grove after a few minutes of running thanks in no small part to his boundless energy. Twilight, on the other hand, not so much. Even with Spike rushing through on his own, even taking down some of the Waddle Dees chasing after them, Twilight wasn't an athletic mare.

“Jeez… Applejack makes… this look… so… easy.” Twilight wheezed out falling to the ground from fatigue.

“I told you that we should have made a workout program before Twilight.” Spike chided his caretaker and friend.

“Buck… you… “ Twilight managed to wheeze out though she flinched because she clearly didn't mean to say that. “Sorry… just… frustrated… “

“I know. You get really belligerent when tired. I've dealt with it all before. Now here. Drink some water so we can keep going.” Spike ordered as he produced a water bottle from his backpack.

“Fine… “ Twilight reluctantly agreed and sat down drinking the water beneath a wild… apple… tree.

“Poyo? Poyo!” Kirby pointed up realizing that there was fruit above him.

“An apple tree? That's weird. I didn't know that the apples grew out here as well.” Twilight muttered as she looked up.

“I don't think… that they do.” Spike warned as he started stepping away from the tree.

On the tree were three large knotholes. Two that acted like eyes and one that acted like a mouth. Twilight, still tired, managed to amble away from the tree to get a better look as Kirby joined them at their side.

Before any of them could voice their confusion the tree violently shook and the eyes blinked. The tree actually grew slightly and looked at the trio before releasing a large roar.

Vs. Whispy Woods

Twilight immediately shook herself and Spike out of their stupor as the living tree shot out several bursts of air that slammed against the ground leaving sizable impact craters. Kirby had wasted no time getting in close to keep the tree focused on him while his friends came to grip with a living tree.

“Twilight! Move!” Spike cried out as another barrage of air bullets came hurtling towards them.

Jumping out of the way, Twilight managed to dodge the brunt of the attack making certain to keep Spike ahead of her. The tree seemed to be focusing on them because Kirby couldn't do anything at the moment.

“Twilight, look out!” Spike yelled as the tree stated to shake dropping several apples on their collective heads.

Wasting no ammunition Kirby sucked in as many apples as he could and spat it out at the tree. Whispy whipped back slightly from the sudden strike as he turned to focus on Kirby.

Twilight sensing her chance struck the tree with a few magical laser beams. While they hit they didn't do as much damage… though it did get its attention once again. It immediately shook once more only to release several wriggly caterpillars which Kirby tried to suck in.

Kirby coughed up nearly throwing up on the spot causing Twilight and Spike to stop fighting and rush over to him.

“Are you okay?” Twilight muttered as she picked up the diminutive Star Warrior. They couldn't stand still for long as the tree grew larger of its own accord.

“What now!?” Spike cried out as the tree shot out several mini tornadoes which raced for the trio.

Twilight lit up her horn and teleported the three of it the way leaving them covered in ash with a charred mane for Twilight. The tree turned and fired several more tornadoes which forced Twilight to react to forcing another teleport.

Kirby pushed himself up from the disgustingness that filled his mouth looking more determined than ever as Whispy released more items from his boughs. Several more caterpillars and an iron ball covered in spikes with two eyes, called a Gordo, fell atop them forcing them to jump out of the way.

By sheer chance an apple also fell which Kirby sucked in and shot at the crazy tree. Whispy Woods reeled back from the sudden attack. From this point on the he was stuck in a pattern of firing either air bullets or mini tornadoes followed by shaking his boughs over the trio.

“I didn't sign up for this!” Twilight screamed as she dodged a Gordo and tossed the fuzzy caterpillars aside which were almost as large as Applejack’s dog, Winona.

“This is nuts!” Spike called out as he used his flames to push back the Gordos slightly. They were far too durable to do anything more than deflect them.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted over the mayhem as he sucked in some more apples.

“What do you mean lift you up!? Spike, cover me!” Twilight complained as she worked her horn to pick Kirby above the mess around them. Spike used his flame to incinerate the strewn about caterpillars and rogue apples that tried to attack them. The Gordos remained difficult to stop so Spike used his breath to knock them off course at least a little.

With Kirby floating around he shot out the multiple apples he had taken firing them incessantly as Whispy kept reeling from the barrage. As quickly as it began it soon came to an end as Whispy stopped trying to move and a large glob of sap dripped out of its eye.

A sparkling star appeared from the tree floating above the trio. Twilight took a deep breath finally able to relax from the sudden shift in fighting. Spike looked up at the sparkling stars wondering what that actually meant.

“Weird… this is just like the phenomenon that Kirby does whenever he eats something and spits it up.” Twilight pondered aloud wanting to touch them with her magic… only to realize that she was burnt out from the excessive teleportation.

“I don't know Twilight. Last time I was influenced by the stars to dance. I don't mind busting a move but I'd like to do so under my own power, if you get my drift.” Spike mentioned as he looked at them floating in mid air.

“Poyo!” Kirby jumped at the stars and instantly split into three kirbies.

“Uh-oh… “ Spike muttered as he felt something come over him. Twilight was about to cry out due to the loss of a research topic… only to feel something come over her body.

The Kirbies all began to dance identically shuffling around and spinning like a ball before jumping into the air and raising a single arm up in victory. Spike had moonwalked and shuffled in place before doing a full spin into a disco pose. Twilight managed to do a cartwheel in place, land on her back hooves standing up doing an impromptu wave before spinning back on all hooves holding her head up high in elation.

“What!?” Twilight screamed out when the sensation left and the extra kirbies disappeared.

“Huh… I did dance better that time.” Spike muttered under his breath clearly find with what happened.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he sat beneath Whispy Woods, who finally calmed down, kept quiet vigil over the area.

As a peace offering three fresh apples fell from his boughs and Kirby handed one to each of his friends.

Twilight groaned before taking the apple and just accepting that this would be that kind of trip. The kind of trip that didn't have time for exploration. Spike took the apple and ate with Kirby beneath the shade of the living tree clearly already fine with whatever was going on.

It was still a long journey to face the king but they would do so together.

05. Flailing Floating Fun

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After resting for a while Kirby finally decided it was time. He had waited long enough and filled his belly with enough apples as he looked to Twilight and Spike who were examining Whispy Woods. The large tree merely looked sad as he was beaten by sheer chance.

“Poyo!” Kirby expelled as he Wave to his two companions.

“What? Already, but the tree… “ Twilight pointed out.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby mentioned which caused Twilight to realize what needed to be done.

“You're right. We have to keep moving!” Twilight suddenly straightened up to a very confused Spike.

“Twilight… what did he just say?” Spike pondered aloud getting a close up of Twilight’s face.

“Didn't you hear him Spike. He said that Celestia gave us a mission. A mission to save the snacks of Equestria, of Dream Land, neigh, of the entire world from the tyranny of a king who is using knowledge to be mean. We must right the wrongs and always strive to push forward.” Twilight announced.

Spike looked to Kirby who merely shrugged because that wasn't at all what he said. He just mentioned Celestia wanted them to save the snacks and that was it. Unfortunately, Kirby couldn't express that sentiment to Spike who took it at face value and the three rushed off towards the light shining through the tree lines. He just nodded before quickly turning away to hide that nervous smile that he was misinterpreted once again.

With a quick hurrah from Kirby they rushed off towards the light.

Before them was a wide ocean with several islands dotting along the way. A signpost was nearby which Twilight eagerly looked at hoping by to glean some information about where they were and how this landscape even worked on Equestrian soil.

‘Welcome to the Float Islands. Enjoy your stay as you play amongst the cascade clear waters and make an effort to join our special guests Lololo and Lalala, master of the castle in the center of the ocean. We await your arrival.’ Twilight read, even reciting it for the other two. “What is this?”

“Poyo?” Kirby looked over the waters noticing that the Waddle Dees were swimming with the food protected by this small energy field that surrounded each item.

“There they are! Come on Twilight let's get’em!” Spike cried out as he dove into the water followed by Kirby who suddenly sprouted swim goggles and an inner tube.

“R-right!” Twilight called out as she carefully eased herself into the water. It was really cold and she only had rudimentary knowledge of swimming slowly going out in a pony paddle motion. Kirby took off his little water wings… somehow, and quickly pushed them onto Twilight's front hooves so she wouldn't waste so much energy.

“Poyo.” Kirby announced before taking off after the Waddle Dees.

“Thanks Kirby!” Twilight called out as she slowly kicked after the two. She wasn't the strongest swimmer but she would manage as best she could.

It was only a couple minutes later that trouble struck as several Blippers rose from the water making a beeline for the trio. Spike couldn't exactly breathe his flames underwater and Twilight could only hold back so many so Kirby took it upon himself to dive underwater.

With a few quick shots Kirby took the led using his water gun like breath to smack the Blippers into each other knocking them out to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Twilight made certain to toss the few Blippers as far as possible. During the entire adventure so far Twilight had taxed her magic well beyond what she thought she was capable of. For some reason she had more magic reserves than a normal unicorn but for the time being she focused on swimming alongside her new friends to the closest island that they could find.

The three fought their way through with Spike managing to use his claws to smack the Blippers away from the others. His fire breath was diminished by the constant rush of water all around them.

It didn't take long before Squishies came to the surface after them. The squid like creature immediately shot towards the group gripping Twilight by the legs before dragging her below the water.

“Spike! Kirby! He - “ Twilight glubbed as water entered her lungs.

Kirby and Spike dove down chasing after the Squishies knocking them aside releasing her from their grasp. She tried to kick her way up but her body ached from the sudden dive. Spike grabbed her swimming back up to the surface. As they broke through Twilight gasped for air as Kirby stayed beneath the surface shooting the wild Blippers and Squishies trying to capture them and drag them to their watery graves.

“Heugh… hurk… “ Twilight coughed out the water as Spike led her to the closest land mass. “Whose bright idea was it to follow Kirby?”

“Celestia.” Spike mentioned. “And you.” He added quickly afterwards.

“Buck both of them.” Twilight wheezed out.

“Including you?” Spike quirked an eyebrow.

“Especially me, Spike.” Twilight muttered as the two paddled onto the nearest island which seemed to house a very large building. It was similar to the town hall but with let administration running around and more Waddle Dees mingling with other creatures.

Kirby eventually joined the pair, jumping from the surface of the water and puffing himself up to fly through the air joining the pair. Twilight was worn out as was Spike who was lying on his back gasping for rest. Kirby, however, looked ready to keep going but he opted to relax with his two friends. He spat out two apples and shared them with his friends frenching them as he forced the shredded apple into their gullets. The Face to Face Transfer was complete.

Elsewhere on a farm far away an orange pony with a stetson hat looked up. She was confused because somewhere apples had both been used to help somepony and used in a disgusting way.

“It just don't sit right with me… “ Applejack mumbled as she knocked out the rest of the Waddles Dees tryin to take her apples as the Apple Family came together to fight the travesty of apple thieving monsters.

Twilight and Spike were too tired to protest ignoring the feeling as they swallowed the apple chunks flinching the entire time. Kirby smiled as his friends immediately got up.

“Great… I'm a baby bird now.” Twilight groaned and coughed up from the sudden invasion of her mouth.

“My first kiss… “ Spike cried out, tears streaming down his cheeks from frustration and broken dreams.

“Poyo?” Kirby tilted his head confused at the reaction.

“Never happened. Just… it never happened.” Spike quickly growled out which Twilight eagerly agreed to.

“Poyo?” Kirby was more confused than ever. Still he pointed onwards ready to travel on to save the snacks of the world.

The three made their way into the fortress fighting through random creatures that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Bronto Burts, small winged flying pink creatures, dive bombed their position only to be sent pack by a stream of flames from Spike. Spinning Kabus, tiki head figures, chased after them forcing Twilight to fling them away with a burst of her magic. The most dangerous of all were the Burning Leo's, small beings with a head of flames, which blasted at the intrepid trio with billowing flames and fireballs.

“Just how many beings work for King DeDeDe!?” Twilight shouted as she slid under another blast of fire. Spike was immune to the flames but he couldn't exactly tank the flames blowing out at them to protect the others.

Kirby had had enough though and when a small opening appeared rushed into the fray. With a quick puff of air he knocked back the Burning Leo and slid into it knocking it to its knees. Sucking it up he shot it out at the other offending one making the duo explode as the trio was finally given a breather.

“That was close… you okay Twilight?” Spike brushed off the accumulated ash from all the flames that had enveloped him.

“Spike this is crazy… I mean I was all up for completing Celestia’s mission but I almost died recently and we haven't even made it halfway there. What else can we expect at this rate?” Twilight worried as she fretted with her hooves while Kirby and Spike stood at her sides patting them.

“It'll be fine Twilight. We've made it this far. It can't be that long till we get there.” Spike reassured her before jumping back up to assess the situation.

“Poyo?” Kirby quietly asked.

“Yes I think I'll be okay Kirby.” Twilight answered making certain to cough the quavering tone in her voice.

“Poyo poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby eloquently stated making certain to add inflection at certain points.

“You're right. She did trust me to handle this and i can handle this. This will be just like organizing the library. We do so one book as a time.” Twilight reaffirmed herself and readied to trot back into the fray.

Kirby smiled and led the way with Spike and Twilight trotting along at a brisk pace. They had been through a harrowing event as they swam through the oceans through Dream Land. The three entered the large fortress only to be thrust into a room with a large walrus wearing suspender pants.

“Who is that guy?” Spike pointed out.

Before he was answered Mr. Frosty jumped into the air, shook his butt, and summoned a large ice block knocking it at the group. Twilight hopped out of the way with Spike on her back bounding away while Kirby sucked in the ice and shot it back at the walrus.

“What the buck was that!?” Twilight shouted once again flabbergasted by the sight of the random things that happened once again. This was up there with living trees in the crazy that came up.

“Twilight battle now, complain later!” Spike called out as the walrus attempted to jump atop of them.

Twilight used her shield spells to smack the walrus out of the way allowing the pair to dodge his body slams. Kirby sucked in the stars that came from the impacts of Mr. Frosty. The sudden burst of stars shot him into the wall as he bounded around mad as a bull in a china shop. Twilight backed up as Spike and Kirby took point as he fired several ice blocks at the pair. By sheer chance Kirby accidentally swallowed one of the ice blocks.

A bright flash of light went off as Kirby was lifted into the air. He was shivering constantly as his entire body turned blue and another band with an emerald appeared around his forehead. A small glacial spire grew out within the air surrounded by the band on his head. The ice crystals glistened in the sunlight and suddenly Kirby stood straight up and eyed Mr. Frosty with a harsh glare.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted at the monster gaining his attention.

“Woah… ice, huh? Pinkie wanted to call you Fire Kirby for the flames but we vetoed her then… so I guess now you're Ice Kirby.” Twilight muttered under her breath.

Mr. Frosty rushed ahead hopping mad until a blast of frigid air caused him to stop in place. Kirby blew out a freezing wind which covered the battlefield in frost. Mr. Frosty hated being stopped by his own element only to be met with the Super Ice Sprinkle attack. Kirby had jumped into the air spinning around as he released his ice breath over his foe.

Twilight held him in place with her magic forcing Mr. Frosty to be hit incessantly by the barrage of icy wind until he fell over collapsed from the constant pain. The trio stood triumphant.

“Phew… glad that's over. Now what?” Spike chimed in looking around the room and noting that there wasn't really a way out of the room.

“I don't know Spike… I just think this was too easy to deal with. This guy isn't the main boss of this area remember? The sign said that Lololo and Lalala are the masters of a castle and this place is definitely not a castle. It's more of a fort.” Twilight explained though she kept it brief so she could catch her breath.

“Poyo?” Kirby chirped as he looked up at another warp star. This one had formed after the walrus had been defeated.

“Is that what I think it is?” Twilight gulped as she saw the mysterious star. Her researcher instincts were acting up again. “Spike we gotta study it! Now before it disappears again!”

“Wha - uh, okay gotcha.” Spike pulled out a quill and parchment from the little backpack Rarity had made him before he left but before the two could say anything Kirby jumped onto the star.

Before either could gasp or admonish him for his actions they were both forced onto the star as well and a cot of magic surrounded the two. From there all that could be heard were the terrified shrieks of a purple pony and purple dragon being dragged along by a pink puffball.

The Warp Star shot into the skies sailing across the ocean as near super sonic speeds with their riders only being safe due to the magic that surrounded them. Anything else that touched them were immediately obliterated on touch alone. Two of the riders couldn't even notice due to the pounding of their hearts and the tears clouding their vision but that all changed as the star slammed down in the courtyard.

Kirby landed in a cool pose arms touching the ground and ready to race ahead to fight the bad guys. Spike was nearly unconscious on his back all from the fear of the impact even though he was unharmed. Twilight was shuddering in a little ball trying desperately not to break down from the sudden broken laws of physics.

“Mommy… I don't wanna go on the airship… it's too high.” Twilight mumbled as she shivered uncontrollably.

“Poyo?” Kirby poked his purple pony friend and then shook Spike back awake.

“Twilight…? I think I died. But I'm not in heaven… “ Spike intoned as he looked around noting a lack of marshmallow like ponies surrounding him.

“Huh? Spike! We're not dead! Woo!” Twilight leapt up grabbing Spike in a bone shattering hug just thankful to be alive.

“Woo… “ Spike grumbled out as the air was crushed out of him. “Let go already… need air.”

“Oops… sorry there Spike. Kirby! Warn us before you do something that dangerous!” Twilight quickly shifted from happily alive to worried parent mode as Kirby merely looked at her.

“Poyo? Poyo poyo.” Kirby countered making sure to give the appropriate arm motions.

“I know but I wanted to study it… argh… fine. But later I expect something to study. Got it?” Twilight offered making sure not to budge on that notion.

“Poyo.” Kirby agreed only because he knew his friend needed to relax after all this trouble.

“Good. Come on Spike. Let's go save Equestria.” Twilight proudly stated as she trotted forward towards a door with three stars above it.

“One of these days I'll figure just how eloquent you are to get Twilight to agree with you.” Spike pointed at Kirby.

Kirby didn't know either and merely tilted his head in confusion and shrugged. With that display both of them rushed after Twilight and went first because they had abilities. Kirby made it a point to keep his ability in case anything else was about to attack them.

The trio confidently stomped into the next chamber only to be locked in a new room with three levels and six doors they couldn't see into. It resembled the inside of a cuckoo clock as far as Twilight knew.

Vs Lololo and Lalala

Two small spherical creature with eyes and limbs popped out of the hole giving a little salute before disappearing back into the darkness. Twilight could see that one was blue and the other was pink with a tiny yellow bow on the left side of its head.

“Now what?” Twilight groaned as the two started to push out large blocks which seemed ready to steam roll right over them. Twilight and Spike panicked until Kirby threw them up to the next level while the two being pushed their blocks back into the darkness.

Spike attempted to chase after them only to be flung back by some mystical force that blocked their entry into the doorways. Spike was knocked back when he tried to rush into it.

“Ow… shield around doors.” Spike whined slightly as he rubbed his snout from the impact.

“We need to stop them from running over us. Any suggestions?” Twilight peeked up as she shot a beam at the next block that the blue one was pushing. That didn't stop him from trying to body tackle the trio. Kirby was forced to push the duo beneath the platform once again as Lololo charged forward even through the barrage of ice Kirby was breathing.

Kirby was crushed into the wall though not as hard as he would have been if they had used those green blocks. Before they could go to Kirby the pink one came out wielding a spike ball with eyes known only as a Gordo. Twilight and Spike rushed away as the rolling death came hurtling towards them. Twilight tried to push it back with her magic but the Gordo was much more invulnerable than she thought as it pushed directly through her magic.

“Ponyfeathers… “ Twilight cursed as she pulled Spike onto her back and jumped up to the next level. She rushed over to Kirby peeling him off the wall as he shook his head from the impact.

“Poyo… poyo.” Kirby rubbed his head from the sudden shock as another block came hurtling. For them. Twilight jumped back up only to find the pink one coming for them holding another block. She waited for the last moment before diving back to the middle level.

“This is crazy!” Twilight shouted only for Kirby to pat her as he breathed ice at the blue one passing them by.

“We just need to hit them from behind and we'll be okay.” Spike figured out as he breathed flames up towards the pink one.

Twilight nodded as she played bait. She shook her tail taunting whichever one was in front of her before either diving or jumping to a different level while Kirby and Spike attacked them as they passed by. It took a bit of effort when they doubled their efforts moving faster than the trio could track. They sometimes even forced Spike and Kirby to escape from one of their charges.

As the fight dragged on the blue one fell shortly followed by the pink one. A star appeared and both Spike and Twilight braced themselves as they performed another dance and Kirby split into three beings again.

“Why do we dance?” Twilight bared her hooves to the heavens still unsure why she felt so compelled to dance. Still she laid on the ground and rested while Spike and Kirby joined her. The floor of the castle wasn't as comfortable as being out on the grass but at the very least they had made it through this horrible place.

“Poyo.” Kirby stated as if it was the most profound thing in the world.

“You got that right Kirby.” Twilight answered as she fell asleep from the constant rushing through places. Spike passed out soon after merely giving a nod to Kirby which he returned.

Kirby kicked his feet slightly as he let his friends take a well deserved nap. They weren't used to all this action. With a quick wave of his hand he discarded his ability and laid besides the two, keeping vigil while the sounds of the waves outside lulled him to relax at the very least.

06. Cloudy Climate Control

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Twilight slowly arose from her slumber listening to the taps of feet and the chimes of plates and silverware. She noted the lack of warmth around her barrel and forced herself to get back up.

“Huh? What'd I miss?” Twilight groggily stated as her eyes adjusted to the room they had rested in.

“Oh! Twilight it's a good thing you're awake. You're just in time for some food. The guardians of this place made us something.” Spike called out to his exhausted caretaker.

“Poyo!” Kirby answered as he stuffed his face with another fried chicken dumpling.

Twilight felt her face fault at the sight as the two small beings actually served Kirby and Spike a meal. They even had a small vegetarian option for her as well. Confusion rushed over her as she stumbled into place towards the small table that was set up for them. The two beings were covered in bandages but seemed to be placative towards them. She quietly dug into her food confused about everything that was going on so much so that she didn't even question that she ate everything on it.

“Why? What? I… ?” Twilight mumbled out trying to find the right words.

“Don't worry Twilight. I can explain. Lololo and Lalala are the owners of this place but King Dedede asked them to make sure that anyone who tried to stop his waddle dees were stopped from doing so. He also ordered if they were defeated to accept whomever had beaten them as special guests and help them out before they leave. Also Kirby’s charming personality seemed to win them over but I didn't understand a word they were saying to one another.” Spike summarized as he tried one of the chicken dumplings as well.

“Oh… right. Yes.” Twilight mumbled out still completely out of it.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo.” Kirby explained curving his arms to explain that they were leaving soon.

“Already? But… yes you're right. We got to continue on quickly.” Twilight affirmed as she nodded her head and clenched her jaw in solidarity of continuing the journey.

Lololo and Lalala both waved at the three and carried the small table and the dishes with silverware away as Kirby began to lead the way outside. When light washed over their faces they knew that at least a day had passed since they had left to go confront King Dedede. Kirby quickly hopped on the spot three times summoning the Warp Star. Twilight gaped at the object realizing that Kirby could summon it at any moment.

“Uh… Twilight… we’re gonna be in trouble.” Spike lifted a finger getting Twilight’s attention. Her eyes widened and she could only shift in fear as Kirby jumped into the star.

Without warning Twilight and Spike were summoned into the Warp Star and forced to hold on. All that could be heard was the sheer screams of horror that were elicited by the shaking purple pony and her screaming purple dragon. Kirby was certain that there were euphemisms somewhere in those words but his innocent mind couldn't think up any.

“Pinkie! Report! How many snacks do we actually have left?” Applejack called out as Pinkie stood and saluted the orange earth pony.

“We have enough for seven batches of cupcakes but after that nothing.” Pinkie grimly stated, her mane flatter than anything seen before. She also had a crossed look gracing her eyes which had hardened from the loss of so many young snacks. They were lost before they could fulfill their destiny.

“This won't do. I need my tea cakes to go for the small tea party I was to hold with Sweetie Belle.” Rarity scoffed at the notion especially after giving in to actually being part of the tea party in the first place and getting both the food and tea beforehand because no one could trust Sweetie Belle’s cooking.

“We need to ration then… Rainbow Dash make sure to keep an eye on Pinkie… just in case.” Applejack ordered which Dash gave a serious nod before looking around. “Where’s Fluttershy?”

“She's keeping the animals calm. Since the invasion the animals seemed more restless than usual.” Rainbow Dash explained. Applejack merely nodded and continued rousing the townsfolk to get ready to weather the worst snack drought since the Great Apple Derby of the Lunar Cycle.

The star exploded releasing the three onto a large bubbly cloud. As Twilight and Spike fell to the cloud layer their life's passed beyond their eyes. Spike regretted never telling Rarity how he felt while Twilight regretted focusing solely on books without hanging out with her friends as much as she possibly could.

As her muzzle hit the cloud… she didn't fall through bouncing off the cloud back onto her flank. Spike sunk in slightly but managed to pull himself out of it. Twilight felt her eye twitch since she wasn't a pegasus. It didn't make sense at all and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

Kirby walked over to the positively panicking purple pony and smacked her on top of her head breaking her out of her craziness. Though because he was merely a pink puffball and he wasn't trying to hurt her it flopped over her face breaking her from her anxiety induced freak out. Twilight shook her head wildly breaking out of the trance she had found herself in.

“What!? Kirby? But how? Why? I don't understand!?” Twilight hyperventilated as her hooves found solid footing within the cloud… but it was still cloud.

“Poyo.” Kirby shrugged uncertain of what was wrong with Twilight. Spike, on the other hand, took a deep breath and ignored the breaking of their laws of physics so as to not completely lose his mind like she did.

“So we should keep going then right?” Spike asked. While he couldn't understand Kirby yet he knew that focusing on the clouds would just drive them crazy.

“But Spike! The clouds… they're… “ Twilight protested.

“We should get going… right!?” Spike stressed to no end causing Twilight to blanch from the sudden directness.

“Poyo.” Kirby nodded and immediately took off running through the bouncy field of clouds.

Twilight wanted to stop and study everything that was different but with the fate of Equestria in their hooves she swallowed the discomfort of the clouds and ran after the super tough pink puff. She didn't even know the cloudwalking spell yet and she was walking on clouds.

Spike climbed upon her back and didn't look down the entire time. His life had flashed before his eyes enough for that day. The two chased after Kirby as they were forced to make some death defying jumps over what appeared to be bottomless pits. Neither knew whether that was a fact or not and didn't want to chance it regardless of how absurd it sounded.

“Kirby! Hold up!” Twilight called out getting Kirby to slow down enough for the intrepid duo to catch up with him.

“Poyo?” Kirby tilted his head… which was his entire body in hindsight.

“Do you know where we're going?” Twilight wheezed out. Fatigue had reared its ugly head once again.

Kirby shook his head and took off once again. Flabbergasted, Twilight ran after him muttering obscenities under her breath at how half cocked this plan was now. It lasted up to the point where they reached a strange tower seemingly buried within the clouds. Kirby stopped to poke at the ruins making certain to wait for his friends.

“Ruins!? Even ruins are in the clouds!” Twilight gasped, grimaced and cringed all at once trying to reign in her enthusiasm and incredulity at the situation.

“I think we gotta climb…” Spike muttered into her ear breaking the trance that had nearly taken hold of her.

“Oh horseapples… “ Twilight moaned into her hooves wanting to be completely done with the adventure… up until Kirby inhaled some air and started to float upwards. “Hey! Wait for us!”

The trek up was perilous as Twilight was forced to carve hoof holds in the clouds while Bronto Burts, small pink creatures with wings and yellow feet, dove towards them. Kirby handled them with his Air Bullet technique knocking them out of the air. Spike assisted by breathing small gouts of flame to deter them from flying any closer.

“Why!?” Twilight could only cry out as she reached the next tower.

“I don't know either.” Spike rolled his eyes while Kirby floated towards the next section.

Twilight had to quickly carve another path out as she climbed the next tower. At this point a small part of her mind realized that maybe at this point she could be stronger than Rainbow Dash or even Applejack. The other part of her mind realized her sides were on fire and she was wheezing from the constant climbing. Finally they came up to a small door… in the middle of the tower with a small star above it. She hesitated when she finally reached the door. Whether from fatigue or trepidation she didn't quite know.

“Twilight… there's a door in the middle of nowhere… I think I'm going crazy. Tell Rarity… “ Spike started looking close to faint.

“Spike get a grip of yourself. It's fine overall… it's just magic. Yeah… magic. That's all. Nothing to worry about.” Twilight assured the small dragon and herself most of all. She couldn't afford another freak out at this high an altitude. Kirby peered into the door but never said anything about it.

Kirby pointed at the door and jumped in to the shock of his friends. Throwing caution to the wind Twilight leapt through the door winding up in another section of the ruins in the clouds that had water… defying gravity and keeping to perfect ninety degree angles. Kirby already was fighting off a large flower that seemed to be alive and tying to snap at him with its petals.

Twilight shot a beam out knocking the flower off its stem into the water where it withered and blew up into smoke… in water. The sheer amount of confusion dragging its way through her eyes was soon released as tears. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back in her eyes. Physics made no sense and it felt as though everything was a dream…

“Everything… is a… dream in… Dream Land… “ Twilight muttered as the epiphany broke the mind numbing insanity and clarity took its place.

“What?” Spike questioned as he was a bit freaked out by the water.

“This doesn't make sense but it does because we're in Dream Land, Spike. It only works in Dream Land because that's its magic. It makes dreams into reality!” Twilight expounded feeling totally elated that she wasn't going completely insane even if her mane was fanned out and sprung out at random places and there was a slight twitch of her eye and jaw.

“You're scaring me Twilight… “ Spike muttered as they kept climbing the tower. For some reason the pair could see the moon far in the sky already making the two question just how long they had been inside. Still Kirby pushed them forward knocking the Bronto Burts out of the way and keeping the Waddle Dees that did try to stop them from getting anywhere close to them.

“Poyo!” Kirby pointed up towards a new door below the moon. It also had a star above it but it seemed bigger than the other door.

“I got a bad feeling about this Twilight… “ Spike whispered to his bookish companion who was still a frazzled mess.

“Nonsense Spike. For Science!” Twilight charged in with Kirby with the reckless abandon that he expected out of Rainbow Dash. Still clinging to her neck, he resided himself to a very dangerous meeting beyond the door.

Beyond the door was a large arena that seemed to have nothing of value within it. Clouds littered the floor and several columns jutted out from below made of marble though colored in pastel yellows and greens. There were several decorations adorning them ranging from stars and moons to the stranger sculptures of clouds.

“Luna would love it here… “ Twilight gasped as she looked out towards the night sky… even though she was certain that it was still morning.

“Uh… Twilight? I think we have company.” Spike tapped her head getting her to turn around.

Floating in mid air was a large eyeball with four floating spheres surrounding it. It looked at the three passively… until it noticed Kirby. The eye tensed up and glared at the diminutive warrior who noticed the hostility. Before Twilight could intervene the eye shot up into the air and started dropping bombs on them.

“We just got here!” Twilight shouted as one of the explosions threw here and Spike off to the side.

“I don't think there’s time to argue Twilight!” Spike shot back as the eye shot back down and charged into Kirby shocking him.

Twilight quickly grabbed him managed to get a good hold on him and getting him out of danger as the eye started shaking. It blinked and a Waddle Doo appeared from it confusing Twilight even more and making Spike retch slightly from how gross it looked.

Kirby shook off the shock and magic and sucked in the Waddle Doo. A bright flash of light came as Kirby donned a jester cap with a yellow and red motif and a small wand appeared in his right nub.

“Another one!” Spike called out as he realized that Kirby had another transformation alongside the fire and ice hats.

“Poyo!” Kirby cried out as he held the wand close and just as the eye tried to tackle him again a giant sphere of energy shot out like a comet smacking the eye to the ground.

Unperturbed by the shot the eye forced its way back to the sky and shot out more bombs blinking them into existence. Twilight, now a bit calmer, grabbed them tossing them back at the eye with nary a shred of hesitation. The explosions knocked the eye for a loop as Kirby jumped up and released a whip of energy against it.

The eye blinked out tears as the four spheres surrounding it faded and the eye exploded revealing another star. Before Spike could protest Kirby and Twilight jumped for it. They quickly shot off into the sky with a genial smile and erratic laughter from Twilight. Spike was certain that all of Twilight’s worldview had been broken after the fight… and yet it didn't feel like it was over.

The star slammed on top of the highest tower in the area leaving the three sprawled out near yet another star door. It was wider like the last door which in Twilight’s mind seemed to register that an enemy was beyond the horizon. Kirby was undeterred and kept his new hat securely against his head though there was a chance he could lose it at any minute.

“Ready to battle!” Twilight cheered. She was followed by the cheerful warrior Kirby and the reluctant dragon Spike. She was certain that she would be fine but the cheer hid the sheer implications of fighting sentient flying eyeballs. It frightened her to no end but she remained stalwartly focused on completing her mission and she didn't need to be reminded of how dangerous everything in Dream Land had been already.

Entering the door the trio were stopped by the same eyeball. It glowered at the three and seemed to glow red for a moment. Twilight mentally chuckled since the battle looked to be as easy as the first time they fought it off.

The eyeball gathered clouds to its body as large yellow spikes shot out at each corner of its hitbox. The eye shuddered slightly before turning to the trio. Each one pales at the sight aside from Kirby who took a step forward. Twilight now mentally cursed her assumptions and took a low stance as the cloud shuddered some more.

Vs. Kracko

Kracko glowed yellow as he released several beams around his body forcing Kirby and Twilight to back up while Spike kept low to the ground breathing fire up at the cloud monster. It flinched… barely and immediately shot up out of range of the fire breath.

Kirby charged up his wand as Kracko charged downwards circling areas as it smacked Spike electrocuting him for remaining too close. Twilight cried out to him as the cloud got closer forcing her to conjure a shield. Kracko nearly broke the shield cracking it and spreading those spider web cracks across it. Kirby fired his beam weapon making Kracko flinch but he powered through shocking Kirby as well.

“Spike! Kirby!” Twilight called out to her still stunned friends. They groggily rose and jumped out of the way as Kracko made another pass, this time shattering Twilight's shield spell.

Kirby wasted no time jumping into the air and firing off beam whips while Spike took a spot in the corner breathing as much fire as possible. Twilight forcefully grabbed Spike as the cloud hovered over him and showered the place he had been standing with a deluge of electrocuted droplets.

“Poyo!” Kirby yelled as he released several strange beams including one that released several blue orbs in a spiral pattern and a rapid fire machine gun style beam barrage.

Kracko took offense to the assault and started to charge up. Kirby landed back on his feet as Kracko released several bolts of lightning following after the Star Warrior and leading him towards Twilight and Spike.

“You've got to be kidding me! Twilight move!” Spike grimaced as he pushed Twilight in a certain direction before climbing on her back.

Taking aim Spike shot back fireballs at the crazy cloud though even then it barely stopped the lightning barrage. Kirby was forced to run with Twilight because Kracko had made it very apparent that he was the primary target.

Kracko eventually stopped his barrage releasing more Waddle Doos which Twilight took advantage of. Finally getting her footing back she grabbed the small creatures and launched them into Kracko actually doing enough damage to knock him back slightly.

Spike and Kirby took the chance as Kirby charged up his beam and Spike his flames. As Kirby fired the large buster shot Spike blew his flames over it enhancing the shot as it grew in size and power. The giant beam shot enveloped Kracko and exploded knocking Kracko out of the air.

Kracko teared up leaving a large puddle of water behind as he lost his mass. The clouds shot off back into the sky leaving the eyeball which looked surprised at the trio. It exploded and the eye was no more.

Twilight laid down breathing harshly as she finally got her bearings down. The crazy that had followed her immediately stopped hounding her sensibilities if only because they almost all died to a sentient cloud of some kind. Spike had been badly electrocuted as electricity trailed across his body from time to time. Kirby looked no worse for wear though fatigue had caused him to sweat quite a bit.

A star appeared and before she could protest the three of them were ready to dance. Kirby split into three once again and performed their tiny dance. Twilight moonwalked this time while Spike freestyled and spun around. As the dance ended the three of them were sitting around three sparkling stars… which for some reason remained floating around.

“Poyo?” Kirby pointed at them though at the shaking of Twilight and Spike’s heads he didn't push the subject too far.

Everyone was tired and some rest was in order. Twilight pulled out some apples she had taken a while back from Whispy Woods which the three ate while they watched the stars in the strange night sky that enveloped them at this moment.

Even then Twilight was certain that it was morning still but without any way to check the time she could only surmise that maybe she was going crazy.

07. Acrobatic Aerial Assault

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It had taken an hour of rest and a bit of small testing for Twilight to finally restore her crumbling sanity from batshit crazy to mentally disturbed. Spike called it an improvement overall though he did admit not wanting to be around Twilight when they got back home if only because that glint in her eyes held the need to experiment on things.

“Poyo!?” Kirby called out as he saw Twilight messing with a small portion of the clouds. Her magic laced off her horn weaving into the small section trying to figure out why the cloud had such viscosity.

The clouds were solid enough to step on and hold weight yet her magic raced through it like water. It was a fascinating look at the cloud formation over Dream Land since there were no cloud factories. Even with their extensive work on the environment around Equestria, ponies didn't create weather for other races. The sun and moon moving through the sky was the only thing the ponies were known for… at least as far as Twilight knew.

“So there is a difference in cloud and these are more in tone with sand rather than water. There are small air pockets which seem to keep the shape constant yet fluid. I have left hoofprints in the cloud though they disappear soon after. Hm…” Twilight buzzed about looking over the cloud.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he jumped on her back freaking her out.

With a whinnying cry she rushed around like a chicken with its head cut off. She partially yelled about brain sucking parasprites.

“Hey? I thought those weren't real.” Spike groused unsure whether her panic was making her tell the truth or proving she was a closet conspiracy theorist.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he held on to the bucking Twilight who had completely forgotten her magic at that point and focused completely on what she called the ‘Applejack method’. It didn't work very well since Kirby proved to be stronger than he looked while his little beam cap waved around in the wind.

Twilight fell over exhausted once again as Kirby did a quadruple spin through the air before landing in front of her. Somewhere in Ponyville, even frowning like a madmare, Pinkie held up a small scorecard with the number ten on it. Realizing who had been on her back she shook her head and looked over the scene of the crime.

“Was I getting into research mode?” Twilight innocently stated chuckling to herself.

“Yeah. I was worried you were gonna ruin the clouds. Y’know, the clouds we are standing on that are our only barrier between life and death. But overall you're fine.” Spike snarked slightly giving her a cheeky grin.

“Heh heh… sorry. Just… y’know… needed to know.” Twilight blushed as she scrunched up a bit smaller.

Now that Kirby was satisfied that everything was fine at that point he point at the three sparkling stars. Twilight and Spike had been trying to remain aloof about the floating stars mostly because Twilight hadn't been able to affect them with her magic. Now that they were forced to look at them they needed to figure out what to do.

“Well… I got nothing.” Twilight finally admitted after scanning them with her magic.

“What? But Twilight you're the smartest mare I know. Surely these stars can be figured out.” Spike voiced his disbelief.

“Ugh… that's not the problem Spike. These stars are obviously holding magic and I can feel it but they aren't affected by my magic. It's almost as if only alicorn magic could hold them. Even with my connection to the Element of Magic I haven't been able to do much more than push magic into the star and take it out. There are no detrimental effects and I haven't been able to do anything else with them. So frustrating…” Twilight growled at the stars trying to intimidate them to reveal their secrets. They remained sparkling through her darkened glower unphased by it.

“Poyo!” Kirby jumped and touched the sparkling stars.

Twilight and Spike gasped and face faulted at how careless Kirby was being as the three were lifted into the air against their will and thrown off the large cloud formation towards the large castle atop the mountain in the distance. The two screamed in horror and Twilight was too drained to actually teleport them back to safety. Kirby laughed the entire time childishly riding the roller coaster of life to its smashing end.

As they fell through the air once again they realized that their lives were flashing past their eyes. Twilight saw books and friends she once had way back before anything had happened with Nightmare Moon.

‘Wow… I was a jerk to my fellow classmates…’ Twilight surmised as she thought of Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Lyra Heartstrings, and especially of Moon Dancer. ‘If I survive maybe I should go apologize…’

Spike thought back to Rarity and came to the startling realization about their relationship. He mentally looked over himself accepting the age gap between the two knowing that no matter how far he aged there was no way for him to actually be with her. Time and Rarity’s own pursuit for a relationship to show off her status at this point was the only thing on her mind at this point. The other problem was that he had no idea about dating in the slightest and the two of them only shared gems in common and not even in the same way.

‘Maybe I should actually try dating somepony else…’ Spike growled out mentally realizing that he would move on from his crush to something more substantial only after he was about to die. It was just his luck.

As acceptance finally reached their hearts and they stopped screaming the sparkling stars spun under them keeping them from falling any further as a large ship appeared beneath them. It was made of metal and coated in silver with the appearance of a shooting star. The three were comfortably sat down while Kirby took the pilot seat.

“Spike?” Twilight coughed out.

“Yeah?” Spike answered.

“Was I a bad friend?” Twilight groaned as she looked away not really wanting to know the truth.

“In Canterlot?” Spike wondered and Twilight nodded. “Then yeah. We need to go back and say sorry, especially to Moon Dancer.”

“Oh…” Twilight sighed as she came to grips with what happened.

“Twilight?” Spike twiddled his claws uncertain how to ask the question.

“Yeah?” Twilight composed herself ready for Spike’s revelation.

“Is Rarity too old for me?” Spike questioned as he looked down at his feet.

“Oh Spike… “ Twilight held a hoof to her mouth ready to lie… but the near death experience wouldn't let her. “Yes… yes she is.”

“Ah… maybe I should move on then, huh?” Spike groaned as he held his head in his claws. “Jeez, I didn't expect to have a moment like this so out our depth.”

“Yeah… Kirby? Was that on purpose?” Twilight finally addressed the elephant on the ship.

“Poyo?” Kirby turned his chair about and looked deep in thought. He didn't say anything more than that though quietly returned to the controls to steer the ship. Twilight and Spike were left with their thoughts as the ship lurched forwards towards Mount Dedede.

Before they could try to coax more out of Kirby a large blimp appeared with a large cannon underneath it. The blimp appeared to be completely autonomous and floated in the air before them.

“Poyo!” Kirby called out switching on more controls.

“What do you mean we're gonna fight that thing!?” Twilight was broken from her revelry and realization and Spike went wide eyed as the ship finally started zooming through the air.

Vs. Kabula

The star ship pitched left as a cavalcade of cannonballs were shot out of the turret from the bottom of the ship which moved almost unnaturally fast. Kirby was forced into aerial acrobatics rolling through a hail of cannon fire.

Twilight only had a bit of magic left and used her focus to fire lasers at the ship attempting to disable the turret from firing but with it zooming around like a large Rainbow Dash and the ship being forced to pitch, roll, and yaw to escape she could get a bead on it. Even leading her shots didn't seem to help much as her timing was off when she aimed for the turret. Spike had attempted to blow flames but the wind pressure surrounding them nearly blew the flames back in their face.

“Twilight! I can't do much here!” Spike cried out feeling a bit useless due to this.

“I'm not doing much better!” Twilight cried out back. The two were screaming again at this point due to the sheer amount of combat and near death experiences that they had over the course of their adventure.

Kirby slapped a button and two controls appeared in front of the pair. They were simple buttons in front of them that hooves could easily press. Glad with the simplicity the two pressed them and stars shot out from the front of the ship.

“Woah.. “ The two were stunned by the display until the ship tried to fire on them.

Kirby rolled the ship as Spike and Twilight pressed with wild abandon shooting stars at the ship which seemed to be doing damage. The ship seemed to notice as it released gordos, sharp spike balls with eyes, in their path. Kirby was forced to yaw the ship changing heights as the ship kept in front of them and firing off more cannonballs and gordos.

The stars seemed to be taking their toll as the ship started to receive more structural damage as smoke and fires broke out on the blimp. Still it wouldn't take that lying down. The blimp spun around like a tip before hurtling into the trio.

The star ship was knocked off into the distance forcing Kirby to grab the wheel for all he was worth. Twilight and Spike, while terrified, helped Kirby with the wheel trying to force the ship back up before they crashed. Harrowing seconds turned to minutes as the ground came closer.

“Twilight! Spike! Poyo!” Three random cries called out as Kirby finally got the wheel straightened out.

The ship managed to climb once again returning to battle the damaged blimp. Twilight and Spike shakily took back their positions and immediately button mashed the firing controls.

The blimp was seemingly made as it furiously shot out triple cannonball shots and several more gordos. The star barrage took its toll and now that Kirby knew about it he wouldn't fall for the charging move again. It started to spin once again like a top and rushed forward.

Kirby immediately dove down dodging the first pass and by sheer luck the second pass as it made an arcing return trip. Taking advantage of the lull the two held the buttons unknowingly charging the star shots.

Two purple stars zoomed out bisecting the blimp as it fell down to the ground covered in roaring flames and billowing smoke. The trio sighed as things finally calmed down and Spike and Twilight hit the floor of the ship. Fatigue washed over them alongside a bit of pride.

Pride from accepting their flaws and short sightedness. Twilight needed to show she wasn't a one trick pony with friends and she could restore friendships before it could get any worse. Spike was looking towards a new him… looking for a new pony to maybe find his affection for. They also accepted that they were alive as they zoomed off for Mount Dedede.

Kirby was ecstatic otherwise since he was finally close to saving all the snacks of the world… his world at least. With a small giggle he pushed the ship faster.

King Dedede was a lot of things. He was a King, an innovator, a connoisseur, and a shrewd ruler. His mouth was wide open in shock staring at the destroyed Kabula. Meta Knight was beside him appraising the situation and Bandana Dee was freaking out.

“What? What just happened?” Dedede gasped out.

“Seems we have heroes coming to stop you. I shan't be involved though.” Meta Knight announced before flipping his cape and disappearing into it.

“Sir! We’ll have intruders soon!” Bandana Dee cried out though no sound was heard.

“I heard! Get ready! I'll deal with these upstarts.” King Dedede announced before grabbing his hammer and trudging away towards the ring he made specially for these situations.

08. Mount Dedede Rumble

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With an explosion of epic proportions Twilight, Spike and Kirby all landed at the gate of Castle Dedede. Twilight and Spike still faltered on the landing though, falling straight on their backs from the sudden stop while Kirby looked no worse for wear. Kirby looked up at the large door that seemed to loom over the three though Twilight was still frazzled.

“Why? Why does it explode? It was made of stars! It should have done more than that but it didn't!” Twilight rambled as she fixed her mane up just to get it out of her eyes. Spike was the one combing it for her with his claws. At the very least she wouldn't have knots in her mane later.

“I don't think this is the time for that Twilight. We're here.” Spike pointed out forcing her sights up at the large palace doors that gave Canterlot Castle a run for their bits.

“Oh… right. The snacks of Equestria are at stake. Y’know… now that I say that out loud it doesn't feel as high stakes as I was making it out to be, does it?” Twilight looked back to Spike who merely shrugged.

“I don't know anything about that but we certainly fought some epic things didn't we?” Spike countered before he turned to Kirby who nodded back.

“We did, didn't we? I don't think anypony is gonna believe we fought a sentient tree, two fairy like creatures, a sentient cloud and a sentient blimp. Saying even that out loud makes me wonder if I'm dreaming everything up. Would make an interesting dream, right Luna!” Twilight called out her eyes twitching slightly. Her nervous tic remained since the fight with Kracko. Spike pinched her ear. “Ow… what was that… for. Oh… “

“Sorry Twi but this isn't a dream.” Spike consoled the now broken purple pony as she had to accept that this was her reality.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby patted her leg.

“Thanks you two. Spike for the hug and Kirby for that eloquent soliloquy on the nature of dream and reality. It really puts things into perspective.” Twilight breathed in managing to keep herself calm from all the things going on that last couple of days. Her manic behavior from so many new things had made her go a bit… crazy and she need some normalcy eventually. It didn't help that the clouds moved on their own whenever she tried to stargaze for some serenity of mind.

Kirby broke into a sprint as he pushed against the door… revealing a smaller door for everyone else to use to get through the larger door. Twilight groaned as she realized that the door was merely an overcompensation analogy. She also wanted to bleach her mind but that was for an entirely different reason altogether. Spike surmised it was probably physics based if he knew what was going on within Twilight’s mind.

The three rushed through passing the same halls they had wandered down when they were meeting with King Dedede that fateful day. Several Burning Leos and Mr. Chillys attempted to stop them sending a cavalcade of fire and ice to stop them. This forced Spike to step up.

Spike rushed ahead and used his natural resistance to fire and burned up the frigid snowman guards that were stopping them from progressing. Twilight not wanting to place too much of a burden on him used her telekinesis to knock the Burning Leos into the ceiling knocking them out of the fight. Kirby, without a care in the world, rushed through as if there was nothing in his way.

Hall after hall the three were attacked by all manner of monster. Sir Kibbles and Sword Knights had banded together using their blades to slice at the would be intruders for it Kirby into action. Sucking up a Sword Knight he disappeared in a flash of light only to reappear with a new look.

Atop his head was a long green conic cap with a bright yellow band around the rim and a yellow cotton ball at the tip that he proudly wore. Raising his nub Kirby showed off a golden sword that glistened as he held it aloft. Before the foes could rouse themselves to the challenge Kirby swung his weapon and a beam of energy flew straight and true. Piercing through several Sir Kibbles and a few Sword Knights forced into the path by overeager challengers.

Twilight balked at the sight completely floored by yet another ability Kirby had. Also with its own hat to match as well. She briefly wondered if the hats were referential to something or meaningful to the ability he wielded. When she got home she would write a book about it and research it fully.

Spike snapped his claws getting Twilight to focus on the battle at hand. His fire breath could only go so far when she got in her pondering state and the boomerang blades flying towards them weren't helping in the slightest. Shaking her mind clear, Twilight grabbed as many blades that were flying as she could sending them back with double the force knocking out even more of the enemies in their path. It was a miracle in of itself that the three reached the end of their journey without too much of a scratch on them.

The throne room… was completely bare. No guards and no king were left to see. The only thing before them was a large door with three yellow stars atop it shining against the darkness. Kirby rushed forward… only to be stopped by a frantic Twilight.

“Kirby, wait! We need a plan. Who knows what the King has in store for us if he did all these jerkish things to us. Please be patient.” Twilight pleaded with the super tuff pink puff who nodded and sat down.

“Twilight… what exactly are we gonna plan though? He has home turf advantage here. The moment we go through that door we're probably gonna be in a trap.” Spike advised his friend who was pacing around now.

“I know! I know. I just need a moment to think. Only the three of us are here and our friends are trying to keep order in Ponyville. Dedede’s hammer is the most dangerous thing I've ever seen and if he uses it against us I wouldn't be able to lift it. It was far heavier than anything I've lifted and if he uses it with any momentum we’ll be knocked out hard.” Twilight rambled on completely lost in her pace. “Not to mention that he's faster than he looks and probably will fight us to the bitter end.”

“Poyo.” Kirby slapped Twilight albeit lightly. His nub barely grazing the unicorn but making its point anyways.

“Kirby?” Twilight held where he hit her… there was no mark and felt like a marshmallow had smacked against her but for some reason it stung all the same.

“Poyo! Poyo poyo poyo! Poyo! Poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby explained before pointing at the door.

“You're… you're right. We just have to do this and teach the bully a lesson.” Twilight raised herself back to her confident stance.

“You know… one of these days I will understand what he's saying and I'll bet it isn't as eloquent as you make it out to be.” Spike deadpanned as he got himself situated on Twilight’s back.

Kirby readied his sword and the three rushed into the door leaving the throne room behind and a cowardly Escargoon to watch.

“Sire… they've entered the arena.” Escargoon whispered into the headset he was wearing.

“Good… heh heh heh ha ha.” King Dedede laughed as he grabbed his hammer ready to show that Kirby what for.

The three felt space warp as they were deposited into a dark room in what seemed to be a platform suspended in the middle. There were cables surrounding them in the square arena which was worrying Twilight. It was a trap but to what end was uncertain. As the three spread out slightly a flick of a switch reverberating throughout the room.

The lights turned on as a procession of cheers and jeers roared through the arena. A mixture of dream landers and equestrians poured through the stands finding seats and getting snacks.

“Welcome! Welcome one and all to the first and only throw down between these three schmucks and the sultan of slam, mallet of wham, and poobah of bam, King Dedede! Tonight and for this night only he'll be taking on the being who took all his food, Kirby, the one who stood there and did nothing to stop it, Twilight Sparkle, and her capable assistant, Spike! This is your MC of the fight Escargoon with my co commentator, you know her, you love her, Princess Celestia!” Escargoon announced as the regent of the sun raised her wings for the crowd below.

“Thank you! Thank you one and all for joining us for this momentous occasion where these two ideals fight one another. Friendship versus Decorum in a no holds barred match to the finish.” Celestia finished as she sat back down adjusting her headset. It was clearly not meant for an alicorn head.

“What!” Twilight screamed as she noticed her mentor, regent of the sun, actually agreeing to this fight.

“Did not see that coming, that's for sure.” Spike gasped slightly though he was feeling far too overwhelmed by the praise when his name was called.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted out.

“Bandanna Dee, if you would head down for the interview.” Escargoon ordered as the spear wielding Waddle Dee rushed to the arena. When he made it he waved the mike in front of Kirby who declined, then Spike who couldn't find his words, before settling on a livid Twilight.

“What the buck is going on!?” Twilight cried out as she looked up to Celestia. “Why aren't you stopping the stealing of snacks when you are right there!?”

“Twilight, I love you like a daughter but all reports from the meeting told me you allowed Kirby to devour the entire banquet without even trying to stop him when you know how he is around food if your letters are anything to go by.” Celestia announced causing Twilight to step back with a bright blush on her face. “Not to mention how much you wanted this diplomatic meeting to show me you were ready for this sort of responsibility and nearly caused an international incident that would have resulted in a horrible war that would have left all of Equestria and Dream Land in horrible positions but you know… no big deal right.”

“Well… I mean… but I… “ Twilight blustered as the steam behind her sails died out just as quickly as it had exploded.

“So now you are dealing with the consequences of your actions and you will make it right through your own power because I believe in you.” Celestia finished. “And even though I must remain impartial because if I solved all your problems for you then there would be no point for you to do anything if I'm solving everything for you… even though I can.”

“But… but… “ Twilight stuttered out completely floored by this revelation.

“Also this was your test… would you have rather failed?” Celestia quirked her eyebrow at the young mare who she fixed her stare on.

“Never! I'll succeed, you can count on me!” Twilight shouted to the cheers of the entire crowd.

Celestia grimaced at her playing Twilight’s insecurities but needed her prodigy to have the confidence in fixing her mistakes and learning from them before anything got out of hand. She hadn't even decided to endorse this course of action until she had received a special report from Meta Knight. Several strange circumstances were occurring around the Fountain of Dreams. Luna had also made mention of strange dark spots appearing on the moon. This needed to happen sooner rather than later.

So with a heavy heart she endorsed the plan to get this over with. A couple loud stomps later and King Dedede landed within the ring making the arena and entire building seem to shake though that could have been the trio’s collective imagination.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted as he took point.

“Now we’ll settle this. For the crime of taking all my grub I'm gonna clobber that there Kirby!” King Dedede announced.

Vs. King Dedede

Jumping into the air the trio were forced to scatter as his stomp released several stars that cut the fighting ring. Without wasting a second he raised his hammer high up and slammed it down on Kirby.

Twilight lit her horn grabbing the hammer but it wasn't enough. The hammer was far heavier than anything she had ever tried to carry. At the least she managed to give Kirby enough time to slide out of the way. Mitigating for the sudden decrease in speed Dedede spun around smacking Kirby into the ropes. His marshmallow body pulled the ropes taut as he fell to the floor without his sword ability.

Spike gasped in horror until he noticed King Dedede rushing for them. He slipped but the momentum he built managed to push him into Spike and Twilight at full force knocking them to the canvas. Twilight gasped for breath while Spike was knocked out cold.

“Ooh… looks like the King employed his patented body weight against the bookworm and assistant. Looks like he ain't getting back up anytime soon.” Escargoon commentated to the roar of the crowd.

“Quite.” Celestia seethed at the sight. As much as she wanted to stop things now she was torn with getting her ponies to grow stronger and more capable. Without conflict they would remain sedentary and unable to face changes. With what was coming the lesson needed to be learned. Her hooves disagreed as they pulverized the small metal stress bar she had brought into dust with her earth pony strength.

As a courtesy King Dedede got Bandana Dee to carry Spike off to get treated. As much as he wanted to treat him like his own man he wasn't quite ready for that responsibility. Kirby got back to his feet and faced down the large Dedede who menacingly held his hammer out ready to strike.

“Ugh… that smarts… “ Twilight groaned as she got back to her feet. Seeing that Spike was off the mat both relieved and incensed her at the bully King. With his back turned to her she started to formulate a plan.

“Sorry bout this boy but you made a mistake when you took old Dedede’s food. And there are consequences for doing that.” Dedede warned the pink puffball.

“Poyo!” Kirby defiantly yelled.

“What did you say about me!?” King Dedede turned red as he steamed up from the scathing insults he just got.

Charging forward with hammer raised high Kirby backed up managing to dodge the large hole created from the impact. A star was created from the attack which Kirby took advantage of sucking it up and shooting it back sending the portly king skidding backwards.

Twilight, finally figuring something out, ran to one of the corners out of his eyesight and rapid fires several beams of magic as the king. He fell over from the sudden barrage causing Kirby to laugh at the sight. It would take some magic and she couldn't do it constantly but her plan was set.

King Dedede roared as he got back to his feet and jumped into the air. Twilight noted he was coming straight for him and pushed magic into her horn. With enough effort she disappeared and reappeared in another corner confusing him. Kirby jumped in at that moment sucking in the two stars he created from the impact before running up to the king. With a small puff of breath Kirby shot King Dedede point blank from above sending the wayward king into the canvas.

Rushing off Kirby rejoined Twilight who looked at the small star warrior noting that he looked far more tired than he was during the last few fights they had. Ever since he lost the sword ability Kirby actually looked injured. Forcing herself to look forward the two notes how tired the King looked. He still stood strong against them.

“I'll hand it to you two… you got guts. But I gotta show you why it's a bad idea to mess with the King’s brunch.” Dedede claimed as he pointed one of his gloved fingers at them.

“They could have made more for you!” Twilight countered mostly exasperated by the turn of events.

“It's the principle of the matter Sparkle!” King Dedede roared back clearly not backing down. “If I let anybody get away with stealing my lunch then what next? My bed? My throne? My subjects!? I have to dole out the hard decisions and if you think I'm extreme then what does Celestia do when her cake stash is at stake.” Dedede pointed out growing more incensed as his topic became more involved.

Twilight peered up to her mentor hoping for an answer that wouldn't gratify his point. Celestia couldn't look her in the eyes. Fearing she wouldn't win the argument she decided it was time to meet him on his terms.

“Fine! I'll fight you on your terms!” Twilight screamed clearly done with everything.

“Poyo!” Kirby added though in all honestly he was lost completely on the political machinations that were the undercurrent of the entire fight and decided it was best just to focus on getting the snacks back.

“Finally taking responsibility! I like this even more.” Dedede stomped closer and opened his beak as wide as possible.

Twilight’s eyes widened as an impossibility appeared before her again. Kirby tried to move her as a sweeping vortex pulled them into the waiting maw of King Dedede. The gasps and cries of the crowd were drowned out by the sheer screams coming from Celestia.

King Dedede had eaten Twilight and Kirby in one gulp.

Then he spat them out against the turnbuckle covered in spit and woozily stumbling around from the sudden impact. Dedede laughed as he posed with his hammer. Kirby managed to get to his feet first standing defiantly. Twilight managed to regain her senses and quickly used her magic to get all the sick off of her mane. It was disgusting.

“Gross. Gross. Gross. Gross.” Twilight mumbled ad nauseum as she did so. It was indeed gross.

Before she could fully get her bearing she heard the familiar grunt of a jumping king while Kirby used his own momentum to push Twilight out of the way of the stomp. Kirby turned around sucking up another star and shooting the king back against the ropes.

“What the buck!” Twilight shouted while King Dedede charged against the hapless duo hammer raised high into the air.

The two rushed around the ring, Twilight more so than Kirby, to avoid being smashed by said hammer. Kirby kept close egging the king on with his little exclamations of hi to goad him into striking before he had Kirby trapped. Dedede slammed his hammer down creating more stars only for Kirby to suck it up.

Twilight managed to get behind the wayward King and charged up her horn in tandem with the stars creation. The two released the magic they held striking King Dedede at the same time.

The sudden explosion rocked the entire castle as the king was flung up, and up and eventually through the roof of the building. The crowd went silent taking in the sight of the purple bookworm of a pony and the pint sized pink puffball who won against one of the strongest warriors in the entire world. The cheers were deafening.

King Dedede landed bruised but no worse for wear than usual. His hammer was busted though so that was a bummer. Taking a deep breath he decided that maybe he needed a new hammer and to take some time to assess how things went so wrong.

“Your majesty.” A deep Spanish voice rang out from the darkness.

“Meta Knight!? Where were you!? When I went to clobber Kirby he clobbered me!” Dedede spat out as the masked knight slowly wandered closer keeping his cape around his shoulders.

“I see… so I take it your grudge is settled for now?” Meta Knight changed the subject clearly unwilling to go along with his whereabouts for the moment.

“I guess… I will have my revenge. Some day… anyways what's got you so serious?” Dedede growled clearly unsatisfied with how his subjects were so candid with him but enjoyed the banter if nothing else.

“The Fountain of Dreams. There have been more shadows and we must deal with them soon. We must talk to Celestia and keep her sister out of this mess.” Meta Knight responded in the most serious tone while his eyes glow a deep red.

“Fine… as soon as I get back to my castle. I gotta think about some things.” Dedede muttered as he turned to start the long climb up.

“As you wish sire.” Meta Knight agreed before wrapping his cape and disappearing from sight.

“And there we have it! The end of the match and in an upset victory the winner is… Kirby, Twilight and Spike!” Escargoon called out from the commentator box. “Now Celestia I know there were some moments of uncertainty but I see you've at least taught your subjects to fight for what they believe in.”

“Yes… I wish they didn't have to fight though.” Celestia responded as she looked at her student getting treated by the Waddle Dees. She had a few scrapes from all the death defying stunts while Spike was sleeping at this point. Exhaustion had tuckered the poor boy out. Kirby was still a bundle of energy and healed up by eating food.

“Now, now don't say that. Adversity is the only thing that keeps us moving and if we didn't fight then someone would come down and walk all over us. Dedede keeps a standing army so that everyone can defend themselves when need be.” Escargoon commentated though it was clear he was reading flash cards underneath the desk. She didn't have the heart to tell him she had found out.

“I suppose. If you'll excuse me I must go meet with my student now.” Celestia gave a small bow which Escargoon waved off casually. The small chuckle made it clear that he wasn't so stuffy about decorum. Celestia was glad and trotted off while Twilight and Kirby were taken backstage from the wild crowd cheering for the match of the year.

It hurt to sit. Twilight’s flank was sore from hitting the turnbuckle and while it hadn't turned red yet it had started the moment she made it backstage. Bandana Dee brought a tub of ice which she gingerly sat in to cool off. Kirby was still eating large tomatoes and Spike was sleeping on a comfortable looking mattress.

“Poyo.” Kirby asserted.

“I know… let her explain first.” Twilight sighed. After seeing her mentor sit there and watch the fight questions were abound in her mind. Still she needed to hear her side of the story before making a judgement call. Like it or not what she had said was the truth.

Kirby was an eating machine. Pinkie’s party had proved that unequivocally without a doubt. The moment the banquet was revealed she should have done something to at the very least get Kirby to pace himself. At the same time Celestia hadn't given her all the information to the trade deals… though that might have been for the best seeing as Dedede didn't really pay attention to the administration and things would be explained to him in front of an audience. It was a very deep mixed bag.

“Twilight… may I enter.” Celestia knocked at the door of their room. Hyperventilating but keeping as silent as possible she braced herself for her confident answer.

“Whoisityescomein.” Twilight humbled her words together as the golden glow of magic opened the door. In her humble opinion on greeting Princess Celestia she nailed it… though in truth she failed horribly.

“Twilight… I'm so sorry you had to get involved in this. I knew that sending you out for a diplomatic meeting was far too soon but you were so adamant on proving you could do so. I just… I just didn't want you to think I didn't trust you.” Celestia stepped closer getting all teary eyed as she did. That opened Twilight’s floodgates as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“I'm sorry for nearly causing a war and not expecting things to go south so quickly. I just wanted you to be proud of me for being able to help you for all the years you've taught me!” Twilight sobbed as the two mares cried and hugged.

Kirby remained blissfully unaware eating his tomatoes as the two forgave each other for expecting the world but receiving scorn for it. Spike woke up but remained lying down due to the little reunion between teacher and protege. Far be it from him to break up a touching reunion plus… he was far too comfortable on that mattress to want to get involved.

“Princess… I got to ask. Why did you have me do all this? There has to be a reason for all this, isn't there?” Twilight finally worked up the nerve to ask the question that had been bothering her all that adventure.

“Twilight… yes there was. Things might get dire in the next coming months and I needed you to be ready.” Celestia took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. “As you know our world has always had dark things come into our life and we have managed through harmony and friendship.”

“Yes. It's the entire basis of our society as I've come to learn. Why are you so tense?” Twilight shuddered. Nothing usually phased Celestia.

“Because Twilight… just because Equestria’s enemies could be handled by harmony doesn't mean that all enemies could be. Dream Land has also had its share of enemies and they couldn't be dealt with with harmony as our only means. These enemies show no mercy and like our bruised friendly king are determined to use as much force as possible.” Celestia admitted.

“You make it sound like… friendship might not be the answer.” Twilight gulped as she felt a shiver up her spine.

“In these cases it might not be. You will have to have the conviction to fight back for your friendships to succeed against what we might be facing.” Celestia grimaced biting her lip as she did.

“W-what are we facing?” Twilight shuddered as she could feel that chill become a deluge of frost building up in her soul.

“A Nightmare…” Celestia finished as the room went quiet.

It took a while but the three heroes and all the food that was stolen was returned back to Ponyville. Luckily, thanks to Applejack’s management of their rations the snack shortage was barely a crisis since ponies could handle a few missing snacks.

Pinkie was still in her Pinkamena funk but the sudden arrival of cakes and cookies restored her puffy mane back to normal. Everypony breathed a sigh of relief since laughter hadn't been heard in Ponyville for three days and that was one too many.

Celestia left Twilight to her thoughts as she teleported back to Canterlot. Their conversation on the trip home was… an enlightening view on the world around them. As she looked towards the sky she felt smaller than ever.

Creatures like Kirby who came from the stars, Dream Landers who handled their world without the meticulous schedules constructed by pegasi weather makers, and monsters hidden from the sight of ponies. It was enough to make anypony scared. Twilight looked towards her companions who each had listened to the truth as well.

Spike hadn't taken it as well looking positively terrified that worse things were coming. With the revelation that he was going to fall in love with somepony else his entire world had been shook. Twilight was sure he would recover.

Kirby was the complete opposite. Blissfully smiling he wandered around saying hi to as many ponies as possible. It was infectious but there were moments he would look seriously up at the sky as well. He was ready to fight.

Twilight wandered around town smiling and making sure that ponies were feeling better. She knew how to make the best of any situation. This was just another one of those moments. Whether she was going to be the one charging into danger this time was beyond her at this moment. She would step up but more likely that not…

Kirby would be first one to rush in.

09. Broken Dreams

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Twilight couldn't sleep. It had been a week since the threat of no snacks in Equestria and that had been the talk of the town. Even when a unicorn showmare had whisked herself into town the talk was all about the snack heist of the century. Luckily, she wasn't heckled into showing off and humiliating others. Twilight was too lethargic to actually check things out since her muzzle was against the grindstone checking on Kirby.

Every test she put him through was met with failure. No thaumic signatures and no background exothermic radiation to signify earth pony style magic coursing through him. She exhausted all her scientific tests and had to go back to the tried and true method of all researchers. The hit or miss model and just throwing magic at the wall to see what sticks. She felt as though she could be flexible after everything she had been through.

“Okay Kirby, we've established no thaumic signatures and I can't seem to scan your body with these machines. It's as if you have no skeletal structure which I'm starting to believe might be the case. So… we're going to see if you sucking in an object will do something.” Twilight informed her new research project.

“Poyo? Poyo.” Kirby nodded ready to help out his friend. Even then he was still confused about all these tests and wires sticking out of him. He knew what he did was just something he could do and needing to understand the how and why wasn't something he was interested in. Still… she was his friend and who was he to deny her want to learn.

Twilight placed an apple on the stand nearby making certain everything else was bolted down beforehand. Kirby waited for his signal and started to suck the apple in… there was no response from the machine at all.

“Hm…? That means that it's actually all biological with you. As you are you can do these things…” Twilight needed a very long nap. Nothing made sense with Kirby.

The only clue she had was that small throwaway line that Meta Knight had uttered during their first meeting. That was her only lead. Kirby was a Star Warrior but what that detailed was lost on her. She couldn't even figure out if it was a title or a species. All she knew was that he had shown Kirby a modicum of respect even for how childish he had acted. That had to mean something but without input from the knight in question there was little to go by.

“Twi! Everypony wants you to join them for a picnic!” Spike called out from upstairs somewhere waking Twilight from her stupor. She quickly looked in a mirror… only to note the horrible way she looked. It was as if a bird’s nest got into a fight with a ball of yarn and that would describe her mane. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was certain she had lost a little weight. She was tired though so it could have been paranoia.

“Tell them I'll be there with them soon…” Twilight called out. “Just need to get cleaned up.”

She muttered the last thing under her breath and released Kirby. With a happy bound and hug he ran upstairs from the basement research lab. Twilight slowly trotted upstairs before collapsing from exhaustion. Spike sighed as he carried his caretaker up to the shower. Once again he would have to sponge bathe her.

“This shouldn't happen to a dragon.” Spike muttered as he quickly hopped up the steps with the unconscious purple pony currently sucking her hoof.

Meanwhile, back in Dream Land. Things were happening all too fast.

“Are you sure we can handle this, Meta Knight? Meta Knight!?” Dedede called out as his Knight Captain merely looked up towards the shadow of the moon in the sky.

Darkness had been emanating from it. The billowing clouds of darkness were slowly edging their way to Equus. They were on a collision course for the Fountain of Dreams.

“Yes. We shall be fine. I will confront the Nightmare while you prepare whatever contingency plan you have in place.” Meta Knight informed his flustered king.

“I don't have a contingency plan! That's what you are!” Dedede squawked pointing his accusing glove at the diminutive knight.

“Then I suggest you improvise lest we lose everything.” Meta Knight retorted causing the king to place his face in his hands.

“I shall assist you of course.” Celestia trotted in decked out in full battle armor, all golden plated. Though it seemed the color was only for show.

“Fine… let's get this over with. Oh I wish I had taken that nap right at this moment.” King Dedede sighed as he lifted his new and improved hammer. It had a star emblazoned on both faces now which to the king was an improvement to enjoy.

Twilight ambled through the town showing off a smile but she was worried. For some reason she hadn't been able to dream last night. It was a surreal experience overall but it happened time to time whenever she was too wrapped up in research.

“Poyo?” Kirby chimed in getting the mare’s attention.

“Spike? He said he was going to talk with Applebloom for a bit. Why?” Twilight quirked an eyebrow at the pink puff.

“Poyo.” Kirby replied with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.

“No I'm sure he won't miss the picnic. We had Pinkie pack you lunch for today with Applejack since you eat a lot.” Twilight chuckled as the two made their way towards the girls favorite picnic spot.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he rushed circles around Twilight.

“Where is this energy from?” Twilight mused taking her time to reach her friends.

Meta Knight unsheathed his blade, the dreaded Galaxia, and swung a sword beam at the approaching darkness. It immediately switched to two targets with one racing towards the Fountain.

The Star Rod seemed to gleam in the light trying to ward off the darkness. It didn't care.

“It seems I'm needed. King Dedede please come up with a stop gap for this. I shall buy us time.” Celestia informed the king who was flabbergasted at what he was asked.

“We’re screwed aren't we?” Dedede plainly stated as the darkness above facing Meta Knight formed a large figure with a billowing cape of stars and two sharpened horns atop its head.

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Celestia informed the king and shot forward as the second shadow took a familiar looking pony of dark azure coat and black armor.

Nightmare looked down on the Star Warrior and dismissively raised a finger shooting down a blazing star beam against the knight. Meta Knight wrapped his cape around him disappearing from sight Nightmare adjusted his aim as a sword beam came slicing through where his hand had been.

“Feeble Star Warrior… you cannot stop me from claiming this world for my own. The dreams of this world belong to me. They are my domain and all shall fall into an eternal unrest as nightmares rule the night!” Nightmare announced before swooping for Meta Knight. A clash of blade and stars lit the sky before an explosion erupted from their attack.

Celestia had charged forward using her magic to conjure as many weapons as possible as the second shadow took form.

“Sister! It's been too long. Perhaps it's time to pay you back for your meddling now!” Nightmare Moon cried out summoning her own spears and scythes to counteract Celestia’s own swords and shields.

The two knocked blades and spears out of each other's magical grip eventually forced to fight hoof to hoof. The two rolled through Rainbow Resort tearing apart the ground as a hoof caught Celestia in the gut. Celestia managed to repay the favor with a hoof to Nightmare Moon’s jaw.

Forced back the two charged their horns unleashing the full extent of solar magic and lunar magic until a large light eclipsed the ground itself. King Dedede looked shocked as he tried to figure out the best course of action. Looking at the Fountain he trotted his teeth in from determination before rushing for the Star Rod.

“And so then I was touching the cloud… but my hoof didn't go through it! It was like walking on a sponge… only fluffier.” Twilight announced to her friends who were riveted by the story of daring and adventure.

“No way! That can't be true!” Rainbow Dash dismissively waved off the so called assertion. She secretly thought it was awesome and wanted the clouds for herself to get her friends to enjoy her home without needing a cloudwalking spell.

“Darling, I know you had a long adventure but what you're saying sounds impossible.” Rarity sniffed though a part of her was so curious about Dream Land, even if it was only about the fashion trend, that she was hooked.

“She ain't lying girls. I reckon that the world is a mighty strange place.” Applejack adjusted her hat enamored at the thought of a living apple tree. If only Bloomberg could speak the stories he would say.

“That's so amazing! I wish we could have gone! It would have been so awesome. Especially since I baked a new recipe of cake with marzipan cooked right into the filling though I don't know how I did so. Then again I've managed to get back my pinkiness since the disappearance of the snacks. Though ponies did like my mane straight and said I look more sophisticated. I don't get why they were looking at my Cutie Mark though it was really weird.” Pinkie continued to ramble throughout the talk until Twilight shoved a hoof into her mouth.

“We get it Pinkie.” Twilight resisted the urge to sigh.

“Were they really trying to stop you? The little fishes and birdies?” Fluttershy had been reeling since she heard how territorial all the animals had been… even to the extent of trying to peck Twilight’s eyes out.

“Unfortunately… and that wasn't even the worse part. Then this giant cloud with an eye showed up.” Twilight started ready to regale her friends with more of her story. She also was ready to head up to Canterlot for a weekend. She needed to see an old friend whom she hadn't seen in a long time.

Meta Knight slashed down knocking Nightmare’s hand away from him forcing the dark wizard to warp around the area. Taking stock of his surroundings he held his blade downward ready for the next strike. Nightmare revealed the whirling chaos beneath his coat as a twister of darkness and nightmares billowed around. Meta Knight held strong in the air but it was difficult for his wings to push against him.

Celestia was locked with Nightmare Moon fully made of the darkness she once represented. The similarities to Luna were merely cosmetic and meant to unsettle the Solar Alicorn. The two took to the air weaving around before hoof met hoof. The impact forced the two away. Magic collided as the two created a sun and moon smashed together before the explosion sent them hurtling towards the ground. The shockwave was deafening leaving several of the waddle dee soldier flailing from the impact.

King Dedede held on for dear life as the battle raged. Climbing the Fountain of Dreams was the only way since the clashes made too many typhoon class windstorms torment the area. As he reached the summit an idea finally hit him. He just hoped he had good timing.

“And then he sucked us in. I didn't know what was going on. Then my body got the turnbuckle and I was dazed. Kirby kept on his feet and led the King away.” Twilight continued.

“Oh dear… “ Fluttershy gasped as did a few of the other girls.

“That darn jerk… how'd somepony like that become King.” Applejack groused under his breath.

“From what I was told he became King after beating up the last one. He's one of the strongest beings in Dream Land. Ironically, he legitimized his reign after befriending all the Waddle Dees by giving them food.” Twilight explained causing everypony to become confused.

“I don't get it.” Rainbow Dash muttered. “That's a whole bunch of loyalty even if it's only for food.”

“That's the thing though… while we were in the castle most of the guards were lax and didn't do much when we went for our meeting. He didn't even care that they were goofing around unlike the guards in Canterlot Castle. They're more like friends rather than employees.” Twilight mentioned remembering how many of the Waddle Dee guards had been fooling around only acting when Dedede appeared.

“So he's a good guy then, right?” Pinkie answered innocently tilting her head in confusion.

“But he was a jerk.” Rainbow Dash argued back not getting the disconnect.

“Rainbow, sometimes you're a jerk when you don't mean to be. It's the same thing here.” Applejack sighed while Dash glared at her.

“Am not…” Dash muttered under her breath.

“Anyways, it seems Celestia’s royal friend earned his place. Regardless of how, he made it to his throne on his power alone.” Rarity sniffed as she drank her punch.

“I still don't like how rough he was with you. There could have been better ways.” Fluttershy spoke up frowning at the notion of fighting to make your point.

“I've learned something on my journey Fluttershy. No matter what happens sometimes you gotta fight for your ideals because not everypony will agree with you.” Twilight announced quite proudly. “Also lessons from Princess Celestia are harsh a lot of the time.”

Nopony knew what she was talking about but Twilight continued to speak of her experience off in Dream Land. They all stole glances at the pink puff Kirby and collectively wondered something.

‘Will we go on a journey with Kirby?’

Celestia tore her horn into Nightmare Moon’s shoulder ripping a large gash along her side… but all that came out was darkness. The condensed nightmares that made her being sealed the wounds forcing Celestia back. Nightmare Moon wickedly laughed at the Solar Princess as she charged up her horn and blasted Celestia through several objet d’art tearing the very landscape away.

Nightmare, himself a malevolent creature, laughed cruelly at the sight. Meta Knight, incensed at the callous nature he displayed and the sound of Celestia’s cries made his first crucial mistake, turned around to check on his ally. Nightmare took the opportunity to knock Meta Knight straight down into the ground. The plume from his impact nearly broke his mask chipping away at the sides as the two nightmarish creatures flew above their defeated prey.

“Congratulations Star Warrior you've proven once again. You are no match for me. Once again with this I shall spread Nightmare Enterprises across the cosmos and fill every world with my own brand of Nightmare Creatures. Rejoice Equus Star! You shall be the factory for my rebirth!” Nightmare yelled to all the creatures gathered around as the very sky was torn into darkness and the storm clouds gathered around.

“Sister! Worry not. Our ponies shall be made into the best Nightmare Creatures possible. And once Luna is mine we shall be whole once again!” Nightmare Moon added as the two beings floated towards the Star Rod. The pulses of light could do little without a vessel to wield them. As the two nightmares circled the weapon of pure dreams Dedede waited.

The two coalesced their forms back into dream form as their dark energies began to corrupt the Star Rod. Soon nightmares would become the norm and the idea of a good dream would forever end.

Section by section the star lost its shine and the Fountain of Dreams lost its color. The rainbows it form turned from a bright technicolor dream to a dark black and white nightmare, in this context. Evil had won.

Dedede rushed out with his hammer raised high. The two Nightmare beings could only scream in frustration as his hammer smashed the Star Rod breaking it into seven separate pieces. The Nightmares were left trapped within the pieces of the Star Rod.

“Ugh… my only choice huh? Damn… “ King Dedede gathered up the pieces and jumped off the Fountain. Thanks to a bit of training he gathered air into his body and floated back down to the ground floor.

Meta Knight forced himself off the floor checking his mask. It was thankfully still in tact after all the battle. Celestia stumbled through the wrecked terrain carrying as many Waddle Dees as she could in her magic. Almost all of them were injured in some way and the worry on her face was obvious. Even with the damage to the landscape she was just glad no one had died from that.

“Well… I enacted my brilliant plan. Hopefully we can plan something out before things get worse.” King Dedede boasted but the shards in his hand of the Star Rod were shaking violently. Fear had taken over him.

“Yes… thank you King Dedede. This isn't ideal though. Without dreams everyone in the world will notice their loss. Meta Knight? Do we have any contingencies?” Celestia looked over to the knight who was using his sword as a brace.

“Not at this moment. We need time to recover. For now we just need to come up with a plan before anything.” Meta Knight informed the two monarchs as he forced himself to stand up tall like a true knight.

“Tch… I already got the best plan. I'm handing these things to my six best men and they'll hold on to them while you figure something out. I already did enough to get things to this point but I'll hold onto one.” Dedede stated as he placed one of the shards into his coat pocket.

Celestia was flabbergasted by the sudden change in demeanor. She couldn't tell if he was being a coward or brave. She was about to voice concern when he whistled and five separate waddle dees came waddling over.

“You give this over to Whispy Woods, you hand this over to Paint Roller, you give this over to Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright, you give this over to Kracko and you hand this to Heavy Mole. You all have your orders?” King Dedede ordered as the five saluted. “Then get out there already!”

“What are you doing?” Celestia questioned the monarch as he turned to Meta Knight.

“Making sure my friends are handling these things. We need these safe until you figure something out.” Dedede informed Celestia before handing over the sixth shard to Meta Knight.

“I shall protect it with my life sir.” Meta Knight answered the gesture pocketing the shard away.

“Perhaps I should prepare something as well. Do you mind if I get my ponies to assist?” Celestia wondered aloud though with her mangled mane and bruised body she wasn't in the best shape.

“If you have to.” Dedede waved her off before he fell against one of the wrecked stone monuments. His legs had finally given up on him.

“Don't worry… I know what I have to do.” Celestia answered as Bandana Dee handed a quill and parchment over to her and she started to write her letter.

Luna awoke with a fright. Something had changed entirely and she couldn't put her hoof on it. She focused her magic but nothing. The Realm of Dreams was locked off to her. This hadn't happened since the rise of Nightmare Moon.

“What!? No this cannot be! I… I must find out what happened.” Luna reared up breathing heavily from the sudden loss.

Focusing she tried once more. Off in the distance she could feel one sleeping figure. As she got closer it was a pink portal to this particular realm. She cautiously entered since she didn't want to be in Pinkie Pie’s Dream without being more prepared.

“Poyo?” Kirby looked up noticing his dream was no longer breaking.

“Ah Sir Kirby. Ever since your return from Dream Land, Lady Twilight has held you in high regards for your battle prowess. I wish to have your assistance in these matters. Please would you come to Canterlot, the castle on the mountain? I wish to discuss with you what this entails. Please?” Luna pleaded with the young Star Warrior.

“Poyo!” Kirby nodded and was ready to charge off… only to remember that he was asleep. “Poyo…”

“Of course dear visitor from afar. Come tonight when the moon rises and we shall meet at the front gate.” Luna explained as Kirby agreed and waved goodbye to the Lunar Princess waking up in the process.

“A message from Princess Celestia. It seems she wants to meet with us for a mission of grave importance. Are you girls up for it?” Twilight asked her friends as they all gave her a look of determination.

“You got it!” Rainbow Dash announced.

“Oh boy a new party!” Pinkie

“Oh no… sounds dangerous.” Fluttershy muttered as she started to shiver.

“Reckon I better tell Granny before we head out.” Applejack announced before she trotted off.

“I better pack.” Rarity cheered to the heavens.

“One bag only!” Twilight called out.

“But Twilight!” Rarity whined.

“One bag!” Twilight growled putt

“Oh fine… “ Rarity poured only to get ignored before she could use the look to get her way.

“Spike! Can you watch over Kirby? He's still sleeping.” Twilight called out.

“Yeah Twi. I got this.” Spike answered in kind. What he had done with Applebloom was left unanswered.

The six girls ran off for the train which for some reason was where they needed to go. A Waddle Doo guard was there waiting for them. The letter Twilight had received only made slight mention of Dream Land and a location known only as The Fountain of Dreams.

There was also mention of something called the Star Rod but nothing rang a bell. Twilight felt a little unease since that meant something was wrong in Dream Land and Celestia was heavily involved.

10. Settling Troubles

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The girls rushed off the train as soon as it came to a stop led by Captain Waddle Doo who pointed them to a small chariot pulled by four pegasi guards.

“Over there! Hurry girls this must be important.” Twilight called out letting all her earthbound friends and Fluttershy into the carriage while Rainbow Dash kept flying alongside the carriage.

For the next hour they passed by several locales of green rolling valleys, a set of islands and beaches, a large well worn tower, a cloud covered castle, several mountains, an ocean with glaciers as far as the eye could see, and finally a frozen tundra covered in naturally forming rainbows. The mane six gawked all around as they could finally see a large fountain in the center of the tundra. All the rainbows coating it seemed to glisten against the large icebergs and the clear night sky which enhanced its appearance all the better for it.

“What is this place…?” Applejack breathed out the gasp she was holding back.

“This is Dream Land… it's bigger than I thought.” Twilight mentioned as she looked over the edge with everypony else.

“This'll make a great adventure! Ooh… I wonder who the partner is gonna be!? I'm so excited!” Pinkie exclaimed as she pronked in place. The motion forced the pegasi team to finally land.

The problem with the landing spot was the widespread destruction that covered their landing position. There were several craters and gouges in the very ground while several waddles dees were busy pulling out the debris and repairing the land before them. Bandana Dee was waving his spear around ordering his people around to continue making things somewhat right in the world.

“What the buck happened around here!?” Rainbow Dash breathed out.

“Dash! Please keep it down. What if this was some poor creatures home? They don't need you to remind them of the destruction that befell their home.” Rarity hissed out.

“Maybe we should go find Princess Celestia… “ Twilight cringed as the waddle dees stared at them. Though some of them waved hi before going to work alleviating some of the others fears.

Working their way around the ruined landscape and large craters slowly being filled in they came across a section of the fountain in the center still intact where King Dedede seemed to be standing… with a heavily bandaged alicorn.

“Celestia!?” Twilight nearly whinnied as she rushed ahead overly distraught by her mentor’s appearance. It didn't help matter that the king was still in pretty good shape even if a little dirty.

“Oh great… the book nerd is here. I'll leave this little pow wow to you Celestia. I'm gonna find out if Bonkers and Bugzzy can fill in these holes.” King Dedede sighed as he trotted off with his hammer on his shoulder.

The ponies that had gotten riled up ready to fight because of a misunderstanding stumbled into a pratfall and wound up mostly face first in the dirt before Celestia. Rarity was the only one who had managed to keep her wits about her and not get dirty or dusty.

“Hm… I give you a four out of ten. You didn't stick the landing very well. Hm hm… oh it hurts to chuckle… well when you've managed to pick yourself up we’ll speak on the matters that had transpired here. And hope that you don't attack the king before you hear the full story otherwise it would just cause another incident that could have been avoided… Twilight… but overall take your time.

The fire that had been building up within Twilight’s belly had been snuffed out with a few choice words leaving her sputtering and stuttering until Pinkie closed her mouth. It had been a taxing day the day previous with trying to figure out Kirby and she still had made no progress.

“Well we just wanted to know what happened here. I'm mean, this looked like one killer party… with heavy emphasis on the killer part of you know what I'm saying. I mean there's fun… “ Pinkie nodded her head excitedly, “... and then there's fun.” Pinkie shook her head while giving a grimace that was uncharacteristic for her.

“Well… you could say they made a killing.” Celestia joked… to the laughter of nopony. “Yes, well, things have transpired due to an oversight on my half. Do you remember what happened to my sister so long ago?”

“Ya mean when she turned into Nightmare Moon.” Applejack started.

“And nearly brought eternal night to the world.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Until we found the Elements of Harmony.” Rarity regally stated.

“And cleansed her of the wickedness cursing her soul?” Fluttershy continued.

“Thereby freeing her from her madness and saving her from an eternity of being trapped on the moon?” Twilight finished.

“What about her?” Pinkie innocently stated until she started a long series of Pinkie Sense Combos. It was going to be a doozy.

“She managed to survive into her own full fledged entity and managed to fight me to a stand still before threatening to repossess Luna while a giant wizard looking being known as Nightmare or in some circles, thanks to Meta Knight, as NME nearly brought the world into a nightmare realm of unimaginable horrors where the worst nightmares you had are barely even a blip on the nightmare scale.” Celestia explained as she took a look at all the ponies. None of them were able to handle that big a bombshell and a few of them passed out… Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

“But… what… bwa!?” Twilight managed to get out before going cross eyed.

“You've gotta be kidding me!” Rainbow Dash shouted nervously looking around trying to figure out what she had to do.

“Oh dear… this is the. Worst. Possible. Thing. Ever!” Rarity shouted out.

Applejack merely scowled thinking about what she could possibly do to help. There was nothing she could buck so she dug her hooves into the dirt. Celestia sighed as she waited until all of them could calm down.

“Ha heh heh… good thing I was around then, eh, Celestia?” King Dedede finally waddled back over as Bonkers and Buggzy began working on the terrain off in the background.

“I suppose so. Didn't think you had it in you.” Celestia chuckled slightly.

“Ah don't sell yourself short. Maybe someday you'll be as great as me.” Dedede boasted not getting the sarcasm that laced Celestia’s words before taking on a serious look. “Now… time for your part of this plan right?”

“Yes… yes it is.” Celestia sighed as she looked at her student and friends. “Twilight are you back in the right state of mind.”

“Huh? Uh… I mean… yes Princess Celestia. Sorry, I must have misheard you when you said that Nightmare Moon was still around and had a new body.” Twilight chuckled at the notion. She obviously misheard her teacher.

“That is correct. Are you ready to discuss the plan then?” Celestia nodded as Twilight started to convulse into another panic attack. “Note to self: invest in psychiatrist for Twilight Sparkle as soon as possible.” Celestia muttered under her breath as Twilight was going through another panic attack.

“I'm good. I'm good. I'm good! Yes… fine. Yes we can discuss plan, yes.” Twilight managed to speak though her mane was a complete mess and even Rarity’s ministrations did nothing to save it.

“Okay… to begin we must safeguard the fragments of the Star Rod from anypony who may try to recombine them until we get a decent way to fight back against the Nightmare.” Celestia started.

“Can't we use the Elements of Harmony? I mean one rainbow laser of doom and bam, defeated baddies.” Rainbow Dash interrupted the princess shadow boxing a couple times confident in her decision.

“A thought that crossed my mind… but since there are two of them and the grander of the two strikes with murderous intent I have no doubt in my mind that should you fire the beam it would leave Nightmare Moon to take the blast and then brutally murder you after the magic has run its course. It is a beam of light that travels in one direction. Had Nightmare Moon not been so shocked she would have escaped from the initial blast and I may have never seen my little sister ever again. The beam won't go forever since it draws on your internal magic.” Celestia explained clearly losing herself in the what ifs that could have happened.

“We… we could have died…” Fluttershy gasped finally connecting the dots.

“Only if forced to use it too many times without resting. It also leaves you open after you use it. So if the progenitor Nightmare sacrifices Nightmare Moon to get close… you may lose your lives.” Celestia informed the group making certain to keep it brief as everypony seemed to understand the consequences of what could happen.

“Now, now that's enough morbid talk since we took care of things. Now let's talk my plan.” Dedede chuckled as he came back onto the scene with five different waddle dees behind him.

“And what is this plan then?” Celestia questioned her fellow monarch while her loyal ponies all seemed to pick each other up from the realization of how dangerous the Elements of Harmony could be.

“Simple. They help my friends protect the pieces of the Star Rod. Simple as that. What are their names again?” Dedede rubbed his chin trying to remember their names. “Except for Twilight Sparkle I don't really remember the others.” Dedede then proceeded to point at Fluttershy who he thought was Twilight Sparkle.

“I'm Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight, the purple unicorn, stepped up to the king feeling a bit annoyed that she was mistaken for another pony.

“Oh… then you can tell me who's who and I'll assign them to one of my friends so we can keep the Star Rod fragments safe.” Dedede guffawed as he revealed his plan.

“Ugh… fine. This is Applejack.” She pointed to the orange earth pony. “This is Rainbow Dash.” She gestured to the blue pegasus with rainbow mane. “This is Fluttershy.” She nodded to the yellow pegasus. “This is Rarity.” She pulled in the white unicorn for a view.

“And I'm Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie jumped in trying her best to liven up the other ponies.

“Right… got it. Probably.” Dedede nodded as he looked over the notes that Bandana Dee had brought him earlier. “Okay… Applejack will assist Whispy Woods. Pinkie Pie with Paint Roller. Rarity helps Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright. Rainbow Dash works with Kracko. Twilight Sparkle assists Heavy Mole.”

The five ponies who had been called each looked a bit confused at the splitting of the party. What was more confusing was that Fluttershy was left out though being so shy she didn't speak up. Rainbow Dash did though.

“Hey! What about Fluttershy? We can't leave her out of this!” Rainbow Dash shouted almost getting in the King’s face if it wasn’t for Applejack holding her back. Dedede didn't answer.

“That… is where I step in.” Meta Knight announced. For the most part he seemed to be back in good shape though the bruises he received fighting Nightmare were still present. “She shall accompany me in the protection of my piece of the Star Rod.”

“Oh… oh dear… “ Fluttershy bowed down completely frightened of the prospect.

“Are you certain this is necessary? I mean surely my guards could handle the protection of the Star Rod?” Celestia interjected not wanting to place her civilian subjects in harm’s way.

“Nonsense. Since they're civilians no one would suspect they are doing something so important. It would take the smartest mind of this generation or the biggest fool in the world to see that they're doing something important.” Dedede waved off the concern before adding his thoughts. “Besides if Nightmare could do this to my army what chance does yours have in all hindsight.”

Celestia grumbled because in all honesty the Equestrian Guard was no longer what it was. It was a peacekeeping force and nothing more. The days where she could have Captains of the Guard stand side by side with a blade had been long over and even with Captain Shining Armor at the reins, defensive practices had taken root in their doctrine. Even then there were no defenses for a creature that operated through the power of dreams as much as Luna warned that Dream demons were some of the few things she even had trouble with and Nightmare Moon appearing would just drive her sister back into a spiral of madness. She wouldn't let that happen.

“Thought so. So follow these waddle dees and they'll take you to where you need to go. Show these guys these notes I'm giving you and everything should be fine.” Dedede waved the ponies off to their escort allowing them to travel to the far corners of Dream Land.

“Do you really think this will work Dedede.” Celestia inquired as she was still uncertain.

“Of course it will you old worrywart! I have the last piece and it would take the biggest fool to come after me!” Dedede guffawed as he usually did. “Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna take a dip in the Fountain.”

“What!? You can't do that!” Celestia cried out.

“Sure I can.” Dedede hefted his hammer. “After all… I am King.”

With those words he grabbed his inner tube and got ready to float amongst the waters of the Fountain of Dreams.

Kirby sneezed though he didn't know why. All he knew was that it was time to go meet with his new friend. Spike had entered the library while Kirby remained outside looking at the sky. Taking a few jumps the Warp Star exited his body awaiting its rider to jump on it.

“Kirby are you ready? It's time to sleep!” Spike called out. With the moon so high it certainly was time for bed. Ignoring the cry Kirby jumped up grabbing his ride.

Spike saw at the last second as Kirby rose up into the sky disappearing with a twinkle. There were few choice words for situations such as that. Twilight never wanted him to say them. She also wasn't anywhere nearby so he was in the clear.

“Buck!” Spike yelled out as he slammed his head against the library door.

While on route to Yogurt Yard, Twilight felt a strange twinge in the back of her mind. She felt she needed to wash Spike’s mouth out with soap. Though even then she was unsure as she rode atop a Wheelie. Her mind was already trying to figure out how it lived or even ate for that matter.

Kirby landed in the castle courtyard with a loud slam as his Warp Star disappeared into him. While guards were alerted Kirby had already rushed off and hid in the underbrush of a bush. Strangely it worked and Kirby managed to have full range of the castle.

Taking in a deep breath Kirby inflated himself and started to fly around the castle at a brisk pace searching for where he needed to go. With how he looked somepony could have mistaken him for a balloon. Thankfully, Luna had been out on the balcony finishing up her star collage out in space. When she noted the strange pink balloon her first instinct was to grab it with her magic. It proved more durable against magic managing to break out of her grip each time.

“Wait one moment… Kirby?” Luna called out.

Kirby floated over to the princess finally letting his air out as he landed next to her in all his glory. She was a bit intrigued at how the diminutive creature could fly without wings though banished that from her mind since there were more important things to do.

“Ah verily, thou hast come. Welcome brave hero who saved our snacks alongside Lady Sparkle. Now a most dire fate has befallen us. No longer are ponies allowed to dream leaving us bereft of sleep as well. I shall endeavor to fix this mistake and ask for thy assistance in this manner. What say thou?” Luna announced nearly using the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Kirby tilted his head… face, at Luna. He looked utterly confused.

“Oh… oh bother give me a moment.” Luna opened a small black book detailing modern phrases of the new year. “Ah here it is. Will you help me save everyone’s dreams?”

“Poyo!” Kirby agreed as he summoned up his Warp Star once again. Grabbing on he waved his nub at Luna to join him.

“Now? Uh… right. We must race ahead to deal with these problems. Lead Onnnnnn~!” Luna screamed as the Warp Star raced through the sky faster than anything she had ever dealt with. The speed stretched out her face causing her to nearly pass out from the speed they zoomed along at.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered while Luna merely screamed as well as she could.

Luna landed with a resounding thud as thy hit the Fountain of Dreams. While she couldn't have said anything during the trip, Kirby’s constant pestering for directions did pay off enough to get him to slow down for Luna’s sake. That gave her the chance to point to the Fountain before they took off again.

As she coped with land beneath her hooves once again Kirby looked around the landscape. The dirt seemed to be freshly dug but there didn't seem to be any structural damage. Instead he found King Dedede lounging within the waters of the Fountain without a care in the world while the Star Rod that stood atop it was gone.

Luna gawked at how brazen the King could be. Before she could yell out she noticed her sister there already trying to plead with him to stop. Instead of confronting him alongside her sister Luna knew what she had to do.

“Come Sir Kirby. We must find the Star Rod and repair it for the sanctity of all dreams!” Luna announced though she kept her voice down. She didn't need her sister getting all up in her grill as those strange foals said in their dreams before hand.

“Poyo.” Kirby nodded as the two of them got on the Warp Star again. Luna got on, albeit, reluctantly. The two raced off on the night sky as Luna used her magic to locate where the Star Rod could be.

11. Luna's Adventure

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Luna gasped as the first inkling of a fragment finally set her magic ablaze. She pointed her hoof down to a lush valley that seemed to catch both her and Kirby’s attention. She didn't want to open her mouth due to how fast the Warp Star was carrying them.

“Poyo!” Kirby yelled out as the star shot out for their first destination.

Vegetable Valley

The two landed in the boughs of a grand tree overlooking a large valley. Vegetables of veritable sizes grew throughout. For some reason Kirby had a sword in his little nub of a limb.

“How did thou get that?” Luna questioned only to see Kirby tilt his head at the sight.

“Poyo?” Kirby looked as the sword and was about to throw it away when the sound of metal hitting armor rang out behind them.

A sword knight had found the two. The roving knave held his sword out threateningly. Luna stomped her hoof to show she was not to be trifled with… only for the knight to blithely shrug off the shockwave as of it were nothing. Luna, reluctantly, admitted that he had been better trained than the guards in Canterlot Palace.

Kirby held the sword aloft as the two prepared to duel. Seeing as she was to knight Kirby as one of her subjects she watched what was sure to be an epic duel for the pink puff that stopped the mad king. The two inched closer and closer as the air became thick and the tension rose to unbearable temperatures.

The two attack… only for Kirby to lose his sword. It flew out into the forest and Luna didn't catch it in time. The Sword Knight edged closer and Luna was certain that it was cruelly smiling at them. Kirby was unphased, he did have a brief panic attack, but remained undeterred in his endeavor. He started sucking in air as the enemy before them was eaten.

Kirby swallowed and in a flash of light was now wearing a green cap with yellow puff on the tip. He also wielded a new sword to go along with his look. Luna was certain he could pass for a hero of legend at this point… though his attack methods were far too different than what she thought they would be. Kirby led the way forward as the two came across a vast plains.

“Verily young knight. This is the first place our magic has led us to. We… I mean I shall lead the way while you act as our stalwart companion as we travel forth.” Luna announced as she posed like the badass princess she thought she was and usually is.

“Poyo!” Kirby yelled as he charged forth Sword fully drawn.

“Sir Kirby! Wait! You shall listen to thine Princess of the Night!” Luna cried out as she galloped after the pink puffball with all her might keeping her regalia affixed to her body with magic.

Applejack was a bit perturbed. All these fine apple trees and nopony was around to tend to them. They grew wild and unruly though a part of her wished she could get Bloomberg to grow this big and strong.

She was still utterly confused about the king’s friend being somewhere in the forest and the waddle dee that had escorted her pointed straight ahead. She hadn't deviated from her path but it was getting a mite tiring not seeing whom she was going to work with.

Ever since she had become an Element of Harmony more and more of her time was spent far away from the farm. Big Mac still needed help and none of her family could come to fill in. Apple Bloom was still too young to buck a tree bare and Granny Smith was getting up there in age.

She nearly ran into a tree the last time Granny cornered her on siring a new bushel of apples already and give her some great grandchildren so they could learn the apple way. It really busted her bushel whenever that conversation came up. It annoyed her so much that she didn't realize the moment when she ran into an apple tree which seemed grander and more majestic to all the others. At the very least it was to her senses.

“Who are you!?” A voice called out from nowhere and seemingly everywhere all at once.

“Pardon? Sorry there partner, but Princess Celestia asked me to come help guard the Star Rod fragment from any varmint who thinks they can take it for their dastardly plottin’.” Applejack drawled on as she kept her eyes peeled for whoever was talking.

“Oh… you're the one he sent. Well… someone who likes apples can't be all bad.” The voice called out and while Applejack felt a bit slighted she bit her tongue. The last thing she wanted to do was argue about apples. Granny Smith already lectured and tanned her hide once for getting into a scuffle for that. She wasn't going to disgrace the apple family name.

A face formed on the largest apple tree and Applejack nearly lost it.

“Holy Buck!” Applejack screamed falling on her back and soon flailed around like a turtle.

“You seem to be stuck… wait a moment.” Whispy uttered out before moving one of his roots up and pushing Applejack back on her hooves.

“Uh… sorry bout that. I reckon I overreacted.” Applejack quickly apologized… to the talking tree. She talked to Bloomberg after all so this was completely normal. Now the tree just spoke back… that was all.

“Indeed… what were you here for?” Whispy called out as he shifted his weight around and looked upon the pony.

“Oh right. Here, this letter explains it.” Applejack pulled a letter from under her stetson and opened it up holding the letter for him to read.

“Ahem… I see. So Dedede wants us to work together. Joint Equestria-Dream Land operation. Protect Star Rod fragment yadda yadda ya… got it. Thanks for holding it up for me. My branches get too stiff to hold thing up sometimes.” Whispy answered in a completely jovial tone.

“What happened to your big booming voice?” Applejack quirked her head to the side.

“What booming voice?” Whispy looked confused as the two rolled their eyes at the confusion and got to business protecting the fragment from whatever could happen.

Kirby hopped over another Bronto Burt that had tried to ram into him. He had accidentally tripped and lost his Sword ability to a particularly nasty fall. Luna, for her part, merely bobbed and weaved through danger.

In hindsight, she had forgotten that she didn't have access to all her powers just yet. She also didn't want to wait around for it. That left her in the bind of waiting until after Nightmare Night or compensating with physical might. She bucked one of the Sir Kibbles away making him lose his cutter blade as Kirby hopped around like a child.

“Sir Kirby… I may be new to these adventures but don't you think we're taking things too easy?” Luna questioned the diminutive pink puffball who merely shrugged to her worries and concerns.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby explained to an utterly baffled Luna. She blinked trying her best to figure out what was being said. It took her a bit but not because she didn't understand. It was because he spoke far too fast. Kirby was very eloquent with his words if a little too fast for his own good.

“You mean we should always rush head first into danger? But we don't know what might fight us. ''Tis a foolhardy endeavor.” Luna balked at the notion.

“Poyo?” Kirby tilted his head.

“True we don't know how long we have.” Luna reluctantly agreed.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo.” Kirby kept his streak rolling.

“Fine. We shall rush into danger with nary a care in the world.” Luna sighed though a soft smile did edge out on her muzzle. It felt good to be around someone who didn't judge her for the Nightmare Moon fiasco and affect her self esteem in such a way.

The two raced along the plains either sucking in enemies, ala Kirby, or bucking them in the face like Luna. It was a little simple as random Sir Kibbles and Blade Knight kept striking at the duo with wanton abandon. Luna was a bit worried though because every being was being very hostile for no discernible reason. She idly wondered if there was a reason as the two came up a ladder leading up to the treetops.

As the two took a short break to scan ahead Luna decided to finally voice her concern.

“Sir Kirby, a moment of your time?” Luna commanded though in a more subdued tone than she was trying to portray. The Princess mode as Celestia had called it was slowly beginning to fade albeit only to one being.

“Poyo?” Kirby sat down not quite tired but not in tip top shape.

“Why are all these beings trying to harm us? They must have a reason for doing so but I cannot find reason behind their actions.” Luna admitted which caused Kirby to tap his chin, or what constituted the area that was the chin.

“Poyo?” Kirby answered though a little stiltedly.

“What do you mean they are territorial!? This is hardly mere territorialism! They are attempting us harm for no reason or no reason I can see for the moment!” Luna gasped as she had lost her cool if only for a moment. It was unbecoming for a princess but she didn't care much.

“Poyo.” Kirby answered in resolute determination.

Luna was dumbfounded by the simple logic and nodded mutely. She didn't like to admit it but she was worried what the adventure would show about herself. Unfortunately, she wasn't expecting the sharp shock that ran down her spine.

“Yeow! Vile wretch!” Luna shouted as she telekinetically grabbed a small tear drop shaped being that was coursing with electricity. She tossed it off into the distance only for Kirby to grab it out of midair swallowing it.

In a flash of light Kirby landed with an entirely new hat. It was sparking with blue electricity and seemed to crackle in a predictable pattern. It kept within a small area surrounded by a gold band and brilliant sapphire as its centerpiece. The electricity seemed to spark off of Kirby’s body and he seemed to giggle at the feeling.

“What the buck…” Luna muttered under her breath. It was something she heard a few of the kids say in their dreams whenever something crazy happened. It was a vain attempt at connecting with the kids of this era… but the situation before her warranted those words all the more after what happened.

“Poyo!” Kirby cried out as he rushed off.

“Huh? Wait for me!” Luna raced after the pink puffball trampling over any that would get in her way.

“Hm… they've arrived.” A heavy tone announced causing the small butter colored pegasus to seize up in surprise.

“Oh dear…” She replied. She didn't know why she was there except that it was a royal decree. Her new ally was scary… and she didn't think that he was keen on being friends at the moment. His glowing yellow eyes seemed to brighten as her new friend Kirby ran alongside… Luna!? “Oh no, oh no…”

“What is wrong?” The stalwart knight turned to the shy maiden.

“That's Princess Celestia’s sister. What is she doing?” Fluttershy managed to mumbled out before shaking herself into a panic induced terror.

“The mare of Night and Dreams?” Meta Knight questioned only to receive a nod and sharp whine of anxiety from Fluttershy. “Interesting… let us give them a chance then.”

Fluttershy was confused until Meta Knight pulled out a glowing lollipop with stars on it. It glowed with an intense magic she could only feel rocking through her core. Meta Knight jumped up to one of the trees and with careful precision threw the candy up in front of their eventual path.

“Our work is done. Come… we must prepare.” Meta Knight commanded and Fluttershy quietly fell into step. She took one glance up at what he threw confused by the gesture. She didn't know how this knight actually thought but she could tell he always seemed to have a plan at the ready.

“Poyo! Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he saw the lollipop floating in front of him. Luna haggardly trotted up to him breathing heavily from trying to keep up. Kirby was a speed demon and she was uncertain if he actually was one or not.

“A lollipop… an obvious trap if I've ever seen. Let us tarry not and find the frag- Sir Kirby!” Luna screeched as Kirby grabbed the candy and stuffed some of it in her mouth.

Before she could force him to spit it up he grabbed Luna and force fed her some of it…

Luna’s mind went blank and she was utterly mortified. Her coat figuratively went white and she couldn't figure out what just happened. Before an existential crisis could fully destroy her mind something happened.

Her entire body began to shake with excitement as the candy made her feel powerful. It made her feel great. She felt invincible. She was the greatest! She could do this!

Luna and Kirby dashed off ignoring the Como spiders tossing webs at them and bashing through the Sparkies and Bronto Burts that kept trying to tackle them to the ground. So powerful were they that they managed to break through every trap and ambush the creatures of Dream Land tried to throw at them.

The two raced on even as the candy slowly came to a halt. Without warning Luna slapped Kirby.

“You will warn a mare before thou does that again!” Luna blushed heavily. It was like a child had stolen her first kiss but made it more disgusting by shoving food down her gullet. It was mortifying.

“Poyo? Poyo.” Kirby tilted his head confused. He was just sharing food. What was wrong with that?

The two continued on in relative silence across Vegetable Valley. Both were unaware that alongside Dedede’s friends there was another threat to watch for.

The Mane Six were now their enemies.

12. Apple Orchard Massacre - Vs. Applejack

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It had taken a few hours for the pair of heroes to work their way through the Valley. It didn't help that Luna was still a little peeved that she had been force fed candy entirely against her will. Regardless of whether the magic candy allowed her to massacre her enemies stomping a wave of destruction to make her path. She mentally groaned when it sounded better than it actually was. Kirby had kept quiet and allowed only the sparks of his new hat to do the talking for him.

Several times random lightning strikes would come from the pink puffball, who now that Luna looked closer, noted that the lightning was blue in color. One of the more dangerous colors that electricity could be. Kirby looked around for anything else noting that most of the enemies were now giving them a wide berth.

“Poyo.” Kirby announced.

“Verily. Thine enemies seem scared now. Heh… 'teas only a moment ago that they tossed thine bodies at you. Now they run like the cowardly louts they are.” Luna announced proudly and with a slightly bloodthirsty smirk.

Kirby nodded but kept his cool. It wasn't the first time he had to deal with someone so fight crazy but for the life of him he didn't know why he could handle it. Probably hunger clouding his thoughts, he quietly surmised as he released another electric field from his body. The Como that had tried to bite him were paralyzed and sent flying.

The small talk, at the very least, cleared the air for the two. It also helped that several enemies had stood in their way making things difficult for the pair to truly internalize any regrets, at least in Luna’s case. Kirby still thought she just didn’t like candy. The pair descended further and further through the Valley fighting their way through a battalion of Sir Kibbles.

Unfortunately for them, Kirby was equipped with the Spark ability and had been taking potshots at their defenses. Luna merely basked in the glory. Her eventual knight was doing an adequate job. Even if he did get a little fresh with her, he managed their path effortlessly. There was a small pang of worry since her magic wasn’t fully recovered but she shoved it aside and used what little she had to not be a burden.

Several blades flew towards them until they were caught in the telekinetic grasp of the lunar mare. Then they were sent back at a much higher velocity knocking the poor saps out. Luna gave a glorious huzzah before trotting back up to Kirby’s side. Honestly this had been an enjoyable rush that she didn’t have anymore.

For Luna, after her return, was lost in the new form of politics that had risen within the Canterlot nobility. No longer could she buck people off the cliff side for being an annoying git. Now she had to listen to all the stupider problems mixed within the real concerns that the citizenry held. She also couldn’t put blasphemers to the pyre like she would do when they started to chant traitorous sentiments. She had taken to running a Night Court but the worse she could do was yell at the buffoons for wasting her time on trivial matters. Though after those outbursts she didn’t get that many visitors since she wouldn’t suffer fools as lightly as Celestia would.

Now she had an outlet behind her now. Sure, it was violent but that was to be expected when the fate of dreams were at stake. She continued to rush forward slapping away potential foes with her magic. For once… everything felt like it had been. As if nothing had changed for her. Things were simple and straightforward instead of the usual cloak and dagger of politics were anything to go by.

“Sir Kirby? Where are we going?” Luna finally asked the question that had been on her mind the entire time.

“Poyo?” Kirby tilted his head in confusion causing Luna to blanch.

“What do you mean you were following me!?” Luna cried out in complete shock.

“Did ya hear anything just right now there Mr. Woods?” Applejack asked as she quietly helped plant another tree for her new stalwart companion.

“Huh? It sounded like deep anguish followed by the death of a million ponies crying in agony.” Whisky answered.

“But it was just one voice- wait, do you hear millions of ponies in agony right now?” Applejack paused as she looked towards the tree.

“No. I'm a tree Applejack. I have no ears.” Whisky stated.

“But you heard me?” Applejack pointed out.

“You're close. Just because I'm the Woods, doesn't mean I'm the woods, ya know? Haven't you heard that old saying? If an animal falls in the forest and no other animal is around to hear it, do the trees hear the sound?” Whispy soliloquized aptly and succinctly.

“Uh… pardon?” Applejack quirked her eyebrow. He was muddying the issue with his fancy schmancy philosophication.

Then the awkward silence fell over them and Applejack just shrugged and continued to plant the new tree.

Kirby began leading the way again after Luna had lost her bravado. Or voice. Kirby wasn't certain which went out first. They continued out into a large valley where an extra large tree stood stock center of the area. It seemed to loom over the valley leaving the pair to stare in awe. No other tree could compare to the amazing sight before them and it didn’t help that there were several Sir Kibbles surrounding the tree.

“So… do ye have a plan? Or are we running in crossbows blazing?” Luna slowly asked as she stared at the diminutive pink puffball.

“Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby muttered under his breath.

“Are thou crazy? That is far too reckless for us to handle!” Luna argued back completely flabbergasted by the sheer moxie that seemed to ooze off the Star Warrior.

“Poyo.” Kirby winked before rushing in dropping his Spark power and sucking in one of the Sir Kibbles as the two rushed for the strange star door that seemed to be floating in the middle of the tree.

Luna watched as Kirby glowed in a bright blinding light and a new Kirby appeared before her. Instead of the electric topped hat that had adorned his head there now was a small yellow cap with two eyes and two little wings adorned on the side. That wasn’t what caught her attention though. Right in the center of the the cap hanging on the back was a large blade akin to a mohawk. It seemed impractical… up until Kirby grabbed the blade off his hat and threw it at the enemy. A new one popped up just as quickly as it was popped off.

“Hm… I must ask Generosity to make me hats like you have Sir Kirby.” Luna mused as she grabbed the far off Sir Kibbles and tossed them off into the forest.

“Poyo.” Kirby answered meekly.

“Yes I would like a hat like yours. They are amazing but even with all the magic I could wield I doubt that I would be able to make an infinite regenerating blade. Still I could use illusions for the other hats… regardless let’s keep moving.” Luna chided her want for a hat and leapt through the star door.

“Poyo Poyo.” Kirby shook his head chuckling to himself as he jumped in.

The door popped them out amongst another glade of trees.seemingly far as possible from the tree that they had just managed to find. Luna stared behind her… confused and a tiny bit irked by the random nature of Dream Land. There was always a catch when traveling through Dream Land. The doors never truly made any sense to her since there was always one more door or one more area to rush through. Still her adventure had barely started and she would be undeterred at that notion.

“Poyo?” Kirby question Luna since she had stopped moving and looked completely lost.

“Hm? Of course I’m not lost. I know exactly where I’m going.” Luna chided the pink puff for the assumptions.

Kirby waited. He didn’t know where he was going either and looked up to her with sparkling eyes and hopeful ambitions. Luna noticed this and realized one simple thing.

‘Oh buck… I have no idea where we’re going!’ Luna hid her growing uncertainty through a confident smirk. Then she pointed a random direction and with all the grace of a Princess of Equestria, she strode forward.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he rushed ahead. Unbeknownst to him, Luna followed along as a brisk pace with complete uncertainty and the thought she had clearly bucked up. She hoped against all hope that she had chosen a good direction. At least then she would be vindicated instead of disgraced.

Running across the glade of trees, the two cheerfully took in the sights and sounds of a world untouched by any other races. Still several Sir Kibbles, Sword Knights and Waddle Doos raced forth to stop the pair. A torrent of beams shot out from the group of Waddle Doos forcing Luna to bring up her own magic shields. Kirby… turned around and started throwing blades out behind him.

“What are you doing!?” Luna chided Kirby.

“Poyo!” Kirby argued back while Luna looked completely dumbfounded at his actions.

The blades were going the wrong way… then curved around and started to fly at the enemy. By some twist of fate, the blades had gone in an arc swinging around Kirby and flying towards the enemies knocking the Blade Knights and Waddle Doos out of the way. The Sir Kibbles that had seen that threw their own blades to stop the projectiles in place. Luna used that opportunity to blast them with magic beams from her still glowing horn. It ached slightly from the constant use but she pushed through to make certain they could get through the obstacle.

“Poyo.” Kirby smugly chuckled… though it looked too cute to actually be smug.

“Yes, yes… you are very good at that.” Luna rolled her eyes. Her knight in training was a bit too cocky for his own good but it was at the very least much better that he could back it up.

“Poyo?” Kirby pointed at another door. This particular one was strange in that it had three stars above it. The central one was larger than the others but that in of itself was the most normal part of the problem.

“Verily. Tis a suspicious door. Tarry not knight. Me thinks we have found our prey.” Luna grinned, hoping beyond hope, that they had reached the end point of the valley. She was uncertain but within a few moments it wouldn’t matter. She would either be vindicated or shamed. She wouldn’t run from it since she was ‘Best Pony’ if some foals dreams were anything to go off of.

Luna and Kirby had been warped above tree line. The boughs of the tree were very well woven into each other. There was only one way through and the two quickly trotted, and ran respectively, over to the hole. Jumping in the two found themselves on another level of tree boughs with another hole off in the distance. Again the pair hopped down through.

The two landed as the large tree opened its eyes and stared down the two. What brought their attention to a stop was the orange farm pony in the stetson hat looking back at the two.

“Honesty? Shall ye explain why thou are here?” Luna broke the silence pointing accusingly with her hoof at Applejack.

“Princess Luna? Kirby!? What in tarnation are you two doing here? Look I reckon this looks weird but I’m on a mission for Princess Celestia.” Applejack started only to get cut off by a confused Luna.

“My sister!? What doth my sister have to do with this? Does she not know the suffering the beings of this world are going through without dreams? Doth she not trust to come to me, the pony who watches over her subjects dreams, to help with the matter at hoof?” Luna started, growing more emotional with every question she threw out at the small farm pony who couldn’t answer any of those questions.

“Princess, please calm down. I reckon I don’t know nothing about what Princess Celestia is thinking but you shouldn’t think it the worse way possible. There must be a good reason but even I don’t know much about it.” Applejack admitted. She was always reliable but she hadn’t understood all those strange politicking that had gone on.

Whispy, on the other hand, had been glaring down Kirby who stared determinedly back. He didn’t hold a grudge against the tree but Whispy had a mission to uphold. The only reason neither had made the first move was the talk that their two pony friends were having with each other.

“Honesty, regardless of what happens I must follow my heart in these matters. I know that something here that deals with dreams is here. You know where it is right?” Luna finally took a deep breath. She was still angry… but she needed to be a strong pony now. She needed to do things for her ponies.

“I don’t Princess.” Applejack answered though she clenched her lips and looked around. She needed to follow an order from the Princess… even if another Princess was asking. IT broke at her heart but she had to do it. They needed more time.

“Honesty… did you just lie?” Luna gasped.

“Argh… yes. Yes I did. I hated every second of it. Look Princess Luna, I got orders to protect that thing until it’s time. I can’t let you take it.” Applejack admitted take a step forward which finally got Whispy to grow a bit larger.

“Then I am sorry Honesty. I must follow my heart on the matter.” Luna called out.

“Poyo!” Kirby jumped forward taking his own stance.

“So do I Princess. So do I and I can honestly say… I’m sorry bout this.” Applejack called out.

VS Applejack and Whispy Woods

Whispy shook violently causing several apples to fall from his branches onto everyone present. It should have been too dangerous for Applejack but therein laid the problem. Applejack was one of the most renown apple farmer on the face of Equestria due to years of experience. With a quick twirl she jumped into the air turned around and bucked several apples in succession towards the pair who stumbled around dodging whatever they could.

Kirby fared a bit better as he sliced through the first apple allowing him to perform his secret technique. With a quick flurry of slices Kirby danced with his blade and jumped into the sky where he fell down releasing a blade of light at Whispy.

Kirby had performed his Final Cutter ability which made Whispy flinch from the sudden damage and forced his boughs to stop shaking. Applejack landed and pulled out her lasso which Luna took advantage of picking her up in her magic before she could get her footing back.

“Yield Honesty! You can not win!” Luna shouted out.

“Ah can’t do that Princess. Ah made a promise to Princess Celestia.” Applejack slurred slightly as she floated in place.

Unfortunately… Luna wasn’t paying close attention. Whispy shot out several puffs of air at the distracted mare sending her off balance along with the magic holding Applejack. She fell unceremoniously to the ground grunting from the sudden drop.

“Dangnabit! Watch it!” Applejack growled out as she shook her hoof at the tree. Whispy merely ignored it as Kirby got up close and personal.

Kirby knew what he needed to do and he did so very well. Performing the Final Cutter so close allowed Kirby to get tons of damage on Whispy. A lasso soon wrapped around him as Applejack pulled him away towards her.

“Now hold on there ya ornery varmint. We can’t let you just do as you please Kirby. Please understand. We have a plan but you need to be patient.” Applejack pleaded with the pink puffball.

“Poyo! Poyo poyo poyo!” Kirby argued back. An argument that fell on deaf ears. Applejack couldn’t understand her diminutive friend. The grimace on her face said it all.

“Sorry Kirby, but I gotta stop ya.” Applejack muttered though she took no pleasure in this act.

“Nay you shan’t!” Luna cried out as she shot several magical beams towards Whispy and Applejack. All of them were low powered though since it would behoove her to try anything too dangerous against one of her subjects… even if said subject was being overly difficult.

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack danced around the beams hiding behind some of the other trees to keep from being hit.

Whispy didn’t take it lying down as he shook his boughs again letting purple apples and several Gordos fall down. Kirby was still stuck by the rope and unable to reach the blade to cut them off. Luna quickly rushed backwards grabbing the rope in her telekinetic grip. With a great heave the rope was ripped off Kirby sending the little guy spinning like a top.

Kirby managed to get his blade off his hat holding it in place as he spun around. While he couldn’t cut through the Gordos, he did use them to propel him forward. Even dizzy he managed to smack into Whispy making the tree grimace from the pain of a blade tearing through his bark.

Applejack peered around the corner looking for her opportunity… until she felt something around her hoof.

“Oh… you’ve gotta be kidding me.” Applejack groaned as the rope was glowing with Luna’s magic.

In a few seconds Applejack was trussed up like a christmas goose and Kirby released his Final Cutter once more knocking Whispy into his crying state. The battle was over and the two obstacles before the Princess of the Night and the young Star Warrior had finally fallen to their combined might.

“Oh sh- shoot!” Applejack grumbled as Luna placed her next to Whispy.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered. Before Luna could voice her concern something came over her. Something extremely weird.

Kirby split into three different Kirbies. They all took position before the two defeated beings. Luna was enticed… no, compelled beyond all shadow of a doubt to join the three. Just as she did she was dancing on the spot like if nothing really mattered to her. A quick pirouette and a sudden dip. Then she was moonwalking on the spot while the Kirbies were also busting a move.

“What the buck was that!?” Luna finally articulated when she regained control of her body. Kirby was about to answer when a strange orb flew out of Whispy Woods. A mystical piece of the legendary Star Rod gathered their attention.

“Poyo?” Kirby asked uncertain of what he was looking at. It was red in color and he had never seen the Star Rod in question

“Mh… yes Sir Kirby. That does indeed look to be the Star Rod… only it is merely one piece of it.” Luna rubbed her chin in puzzlement. “Though that raises the larger question of why it is broken. Honesty, do you know why it was broken?”

“Honestly Princess… I ain’t got a clue. All I know is that I needed to protect that piece with this tree until something else happened. As for what that is… I ain’t got a clue.” Applejack sighed out as she did so. “Should’ve really paid more attention.”

“Hm… puzzling. If my sister ordered you to do that… did she take part in its breaking…” Luna mumbled under her breath.

“Poyo?” Kirby stepped in slightly concerned.

“It’s nothing dear knight. It must be my imagination.” Luna quietly comforted the pink puffball.

Meta Knight looked on as Kirby and Luna reclaimed one piece of the Star Rod. Fluttershy was more concerned by the state her friend Applejack was in. She didn’t look hurt but she was left tied up in a very compromising position. She watched as Kirby took her hat… and placed it on her flank. Fluttershy sighed in relief since her position showed off a bit too much to the world. Luckily, Meta Knight had been such a gentlestallion and not drawn attention to it in the first place.

“It appears as though we have a solution in the making… wouldn’t you say so, Fluttershy?” Meta Knight bemusedly stated. His eyes were glowing green at this point… as if lost completely in thought.

“Um… uh… y-y-yes.” Fluttershy managed out… she was quietly so proud of herself for managing that out. Rainbow Dash’s little speeches were finally paying off. She didn’t really understand what he was saying so she just agreed with his musings to follow the path of least resistance.

“Hm…” Meta Knight hummed as he kept watch on the situation.

“Come Sir Kirby! Tarry not. We must make haste for the next one.” Luna announced.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered.

“Hey! What about me?” Applejack called out.

“Don’t worry Honesty. I shall send somepony to gather you in a few moments. You must rest there for a bit for going against one of the Princesses of Equestria. I do this not to punish you though. I do this because I must not show favoritism to anypony of this nation.” Luna explained.

“Darn it!” Applejack tried to smack her hoof against the dirt… but merely rocked in place grumbling the entire time she was.

A large star appeared and before Luna could protest, Kirby jumped into it. Luna was forcefully dragged onto it and began screaming as she rocketed away towards the next location.

“Great… now I have an itch.” Applejack grumbled before she was cut loose.

“Are you okay Applejack?” Fluttershy whispered as she helped her back on her hooves.

“Fluttershy? What’re y’all doin here?” Applejack sounded out still a little groggy from all the canoodling she was put through. It was already rough enough to have to fight a princess, losing just made it sting worse.

“Sir Meta Knight has us making sure we keep an eye out for the other pieces of the Star Rod… though I think he's hiding something.” Fluttershy's whispered even softer into Applejack’s ear. Before she could say anything Meta Knight appeared.

“It seems you lost your piece of the Star Rod.” Meta Knight stated. Applejack held back her tongue though she clearly wanted to complain. Instead she focused on him more intently. Every being had simple tells to show when they were lying. Though even as she peered deeply into his eyes he didn't shake or break under her scrutiny. So guarded was he that she wondered if Fluttershy’s state would fare a better chance at getting info.

“Yeah… Kirby took it. He also had Princess Luna with him.” Applejack explained though a raised glove from Meta Knight stopped the conversation from continuing.

“I noticed. That is fine. We must look to keeping the others safe. For now, my knights will deliver you to Princess Celestia for recuperation. No I shall not accept any deviations from this. You were beaten and that is that. We’ll shore up our defenses at Rainbow Resort.” Meta Knight explained while Applejack merely grumbled.

Axe Knight and Mace Knight each came down from their own personal Warp Star and untied the farm pony. Before she could make a compelling argument Mace Knight picked her up and jumped onto the star. They say that if ponies listen closely they could still hear the cries of a farm pony reaching terminal velocity. Though Fluttershy would later clarify that it was an exaggeration.

“Sir Meta Knight… what are we doing?” Fluttershy finally managed to state.

“What I do every day.” Meta Knight answered before turning his back to her.

“What?” Fluttershy called out as she rushed to meet his stride.

“Try to save our world.” Meta Knight finished as he immediately let out his bat wings and took off forcing the shy pony to follow after him.

13. Frozen Treat Track

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Boing! Boing! Boing!

Pinkie pronked along bouncing to the beat in her head. It had been hours since she had been dragged into a royal meeting with the Dreamland Delegation or DD for short. She couldn’t use DDD though because it was the leader’s name already. She giggled at the small joke though kept it short. The Waddle Dee that had led her to Ice Cream Island had been very informative and jovial though he hadn’t mentioned that the island wasn’t actually made of ice cream.

She coughed up several scoops of sand making an extremely elaborate sand castle of Canterlot Castle with detailed trebuchets and even a sloping mountain it hung on. The Waddle Dee said nothing about it which surprised her since Twilight was always questioning her methods though the two of them, her and the Waddle Dee, weren’t besties just yet so it was understandable.

They hopped about a small dinghy which made her laugh as they rowed out to the largest island which held surprisingly a large art gallery. Truly a majestic sight to behold… though the paintings on the outside were very… cartoonish if she had to say. Although, there was nothing wrong with that style, afterall she was a bit looney tooney.

“So this is where one of those mystical pieces of the Star Rod, the holder of all good dreams on this entire world and only thing stopping a dreadful Nightmare and Nightmare Moon from plunging the world into total nightmare where they feast off our sleeping forms till we wither into dust and usher in an apocalypse the likes this world has never seen, is being held then?” Pinkie summarized before gasping and taking in another breath. “And if we fail most likely we’d be suffering the worst out of all sorts of punishment because we were the ones who stopped it from being released because we didn’t want nightmares to ruins the dreams of the future we have. Is that what I’m getting here?”

The Waddle Dee nodded and opened the door for her. Pinkie was surprised, no outright shocked, that someone listened to her entire rambling thought and not only didn’t stop her, but follow along perfectly. It was a breath of fresh air since everypony always had so much trouble following her thought processes even though she had detailed every section of her plan almost perfectly every time she made one.

‘Just smile and nod Waddle Dee, smile and nod. Fifty percent of the time your right and she seems to still not be able to understand you speaking.’ The Waddle Dee nodded some more before the preppy pink pony pronked into the gallery.

Pinkie stepped almost gracefully into the gallery since it was an important mission from Princess Celestia. Also Twilight gave her a note card to follow since it was a diplomatic meeting. She was always so nice to give her the instructions when she knew how to get through to others with a little jig in her step and a smile in her heart.

The sound of wheels broke her out of her revelry as she saw the figure whom she was guarding the piece of the Star Rod with. The figure was an orange sphere with two large eyes and two pink blush stickers left of where his cheeks presumably would be. His hands and feet seemed to float where they would be connected on his body but they didn’t exactly have anything connecting them. He wore two white roller skates with a red stripe on them alongside a four sectioned baseball cap with red and blue sections and a grey rim. It was the paintbrush that really got Pinkie’s attention.

It only had red, yellow and blue on the brush but they weren’t drying or dripping. In fact it looked perfectly capable of making any picture at anytime as the Paint Roller, as she was told he was called, slapped his brush across a blank canvas drawing her picture.

The colors matches hers to the right shade and hue even if it was even more toonish than her. It jumped off the canvas… quite literally as it pronked over to her.

“Hi I’m Painted Pinkie Pie! Who are you?” The painted Pinkie smiled.

“Hi! I’m fleshy Pinkie Pie! Ooh~ do you know what this means?” Pinkie exclaimed before the painted one dragged her closer.

“Oh do I! It’s time to partay!” Painted Pinkie shouted as all the guards of the gallery got up. The music started and the dancing grooved on.

“Sing! Sing! Sing!” Painted Pinkie chanted which got the other guards to do so as well. Paint Roller even gave her the thumbs up.

“Well… okay!” Pinkie got up on the makeshift stage.

My name is Pinkie Pie,

And I am here to say,

That I’m here to make you smile,

And Brighten up your day!

Several of the guards bounced to the music turning over to each other as they danced to the beat. Paint Roller took the time to create several light machines and fireworks which immediately turned the gallery into a pseudo club of sorts.

It doesn’t matter now,

If you are sad or blue,

Cause Cheering up my friends,

Is just what Pinkie is here to do!

The fireworks lit up the gallery but to the whole world outside it was silent and peaceful. Luna and Kirby had just landed the Warp Star several islands away only to notice strange lights coming from the building off in the distance. Reluctance built up as Luna was… uncomfortable of moving forward right away. Kirby noticed and the two decided to sit down. Even if it was only a short chat… maybe he could soothe her fears away. Pinkie… unaware new beings were on the way to the party continued her song.

'Cause cheering up my friends

Is just what Pinkie is here to do

'Cause I love to make you

Smile, smile, smile

Yes, I do

It fill my heart with sunshine

All the while

Yes it does

'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

I like to see you grin

Several Sir Kibbles and Sword Knights used the clinking of their blades to punctuate certain words of her song allowing a satisfying clash of blades which Pinkie assumed was part of the music she was hearing.

“Hey Paint Roller… where’s the music coming from?” A Sir Kibble asked only to get an incredulous look from him.

Paint Roller looked around noticing that his stereo was actually unplugged… but music was playing regardless of what was going on.

I love to see you beam

The corners of your mouth turned up is always Pinkie's dream

But if you're kind of worried

And your face has made a frown

I'll work real hard and do my best

To turn that sad frown upside down

'Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin!

Pinkie finished with a small twirl as she bounced around making friends left and right. It was a magical time for all the party goers and she was having a blast. Even in the interim of other beings playing musical instruments after she had finished her song she still hadn’t forgotten what she came for. Her Painted self returned back to the canvas though she smiled regardless. It was a gift for her to enjoy. It was something to give her some amount of comfort for what she needed to do now.

Maud had taught her long ago that someday she might have to use her hooves to crack some stones… though there was a niggling thought in the back of her mind that she didn’t mean actual stones. Maybe she meant heads… or that euphemism that stallions use when they wanted to refer to their masculinity as her mom would tell her. It made her giggle though when her father had used it it had almost seemed… natural. It was like she understood what he wanted in her and her sisters potential suitors. That was something she ignored since it was far too early to think about that sort of thing.

Paint Roller waved her over and the two looked as the remnants of the Star Rod kept under his hat securely fastened to the underside of his cap. She gave him a satisfied smile and went off to get some food for the party. There was no telling how long it would go on for and she wanted to be prepared.

Kirby and Luna had finally finished their long and ornate talk about many topics.

“So that’s what your stomach is like? You may give Pinkie a run for her money in the eating department. Even Celestia can’t eat that much cake.” Luna admitted feeling both queasy and mortifyingly curious. She enjoyed the macabre. Knowing that her new Pink Knight was far and above a black hole of infinitesimal size in an ever expanding pocket dimension with no discernible way out was horrifyingly interesting.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo poy.” Kirby finished off.

“My word that does sound as though it is a hitch to feed yourself. Is that what the foals are saying?” Luna rubbed her head. She was certain she had heard in one of the foals dreams that they said that when it was a bother to deal with things.

Kirby shrugged and got back on his feet before pointing his nubbly out at the strange building. It seemed to be hopping to a beat all on its own and he was curious about what was out there.

“Ah time to go? Right, lead on Sir Kirby we shall restore dreams!” Luna announced before noticing that Kirby already took off. “Wait for thy Princess of the Night!”

Luna galloped off as the two ran along the beachside racing through the palm trees. Kirby forced them to stop as some of the coconuts fell from the boughs. She scoffed that that was enough to stop them from running forth… then they exploded leaving a large crater about the size of a large dog in the sand.

“They explode…” Luna muttered almost going cross eyed from the experience.

“Poyo…” Kirby sweated a bit since he didn’t remember this happening before.

“Right… Sir Kirby allow me to lead then… I shall make sure we’ll be fine.” Luna admitted as she formed a shield in her magic as they rushed past the trees in question.

The first star door they came across led underground through a small cavern. Luckily, there hadn’t been any water hazards in their way. Luna wasn’t looking forward to swimming any time soon. Together they pushed onward fighting off the random Blippers that hopped out of the few pools of water they passed to attack them. It was a strange sight since they flopped in place everytime they missed their target.

Luna… graciously threw them back into their pool though they would just try again. Luna gave them a stern frown before bucking one several meters through a wall and draining a pool into said hole. Kirby patted her leg making her slowly take a few breaths. She knew that this would happen and what she was getting into but that was the risk she took for being nice about things. She needed to be better eventually and building patience this way was in some ways cathartic.

That was when they met their first strange looking being. A small orange creature with floppy ears like protrusions. They were smiling and floating in midair which made the two relax almost uncharacteristically. The Scarfy just flew there mindlessly keeping pace. Unfortunately that was when another Bronto Burt flew past.

Kirby had tossed his power since then and was waiting to get a new one. Unfortunately the Bronto Burt didn’t ignore the pair dive bombing directly at the pink hero. Kirby began to suck it in… which also managed to catch the trio of Scarfies as well. Luna watched as the Scarfies all resisted the suctioning power of Kirby’s breath and suddenly stepped back from fright.

The orange balls turned a deep brown as fang burst from their mouths. Their pair of eyes turned cycloptic leaving behind that single bloodshot eye glaring at the two. The trio charged at the pair and before Luna could react one of the creatures bit her leg.

“Yeowch!” Luna cried out as she slammed the Scarfy against the sand making it explode on contact.

The other two hit Kirby but at the same time made him spit up the Bronto Burt he had sucked in for ammunition.

With the Scarfies defeated the two continued on their trek clearly distraught at how horrifying that that creature had been. It was employed within the confines of the Dreamland Army which made Luna question just how multicultural the entirety of DeDeDe’s army was.

Through sandy beach and odd ocean cavern the two kept up their adventure until they hit the first true roadblock they had come across. It was a large water filled tunnel. There was no other way forward and the star door behind them wasn’t there to take them back.

“I knew we should have flown there.” Luna grumbled into her hoof as her flank hit the ground.

“Poyo. Poyo poyo.” Kirby stated with a resolute stance.

“What do you mean that’s cheating? It’s not cheating. It’s strategy!” Luna challenged the pink puffs logic as she came to know it.

“Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby fired back.

“No I don’t like being shot down by shotzos but still this is ludicrous. I mean what shall I do? Swim?” Luna balked at the notion.

“Poyo.” Kirby simply stated to Luna’s incredulous stare.

“Are you crazy!?” Luna yelled though not at Royal Canterlot Voice levels.

Kirby waved his little nub back and forth as if symbolizing that yes he was a little crazy. Luna slammed her head against the rock wall and a section broke down… which led to the other side.

Kirby cheered as his plan worked perfectly. Something Luna wanted to slam her head against another wall because she was just played in a way that was both refreshing and frustrating at the same time. Refreshing, in that someone treated her like a pony instead royalty, and frustrating, in that she was treated like a tool.

It was a confusingly optimistic experience that filled her with the hope that she would have normal friends eventually. Then Kirby rushed off forcing her to go after him.

It had taken a few hours before they reached another large body of water. Only this time there was no other way then through the water. Luna sighed as she lit up her horn and gave herself a bubble charm over her head. It was something she should have remembered but Kirby’s argument on going on foot for adventure had made her blinded by unimaginable forgetfulness. It was a truly debilitating disease that had also afflicted Celestia by making her forget she had already had fifths of the same cake.

The two swam beneath the waves being attacked by far more aggressive Blippers who desperately wanted to stop them. Several Squishies had tried to ambush them but Kirby’s water gun knocked them out while Luna tied up their tentacles to keep them from grabbing her.

She had seen that one stallion’s dream with the tentacles and she wanted no part of that. The two had exit into a new room where Kirby saw something amazing. There floating around was a UFO!

Kirby immediately sucked it in to Luna’s shock. In a blinding flash of light Kirby was now in his own little saucer of sorts. He constantly hovered in place and had trouble turning around but he seemed quite happy now.

“Are thou alright Sir Kirby?” Luna asked to which Kirby bobbed up and down in an affirmative manner. “Well… so long as you are fine then.”

The two continued on until they were stopped by a veritable army of Sword Knights. Luna was aghast at how many there were only for Kirby to once again zoom ahead.

He glowed an eerie light before a laser shot out of the saucer he was in piercing through several knights and leaving them twitching on the ground. The others charged in only for a wave of energy to pass through them knocking them to the floor.

Luna was flabbergasted. ‘Was this the fabled OP power I’ve heard colts speak about in their video games!?’

With the knights defeated they entered the next star door. As soon as they did Kirby’s UFO ability disappeared leaving the pink puff back to having no ability.

“I call hax! Nerfed down!” Luna shouted though it was only a mimicry she heard from that colt, Button Mash, when he was having a nightmare.

“Poyo?” Kirby wondered what that meant. Forgetting it the two continued off… after Kirby had soothed Luna from all craziness that had happened.

14. Sundae Funday - Vs Pinkie Pie

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Kirby and Luna approached another cavern only this time there didn’t seem to be anyways forward aside from through a water filled cavern. Luna groused slightly since her wings were still a bit soaked from her previous swim. She felt a bit heavier do to the water in her wings.

“Poyo?” Kirby spoke up.

“No Sir Kirby I do not appreciate having waterwings now.” Luna groaned since that was most likely a joke but with how innocent he acted she could never be sure.

Kirby chuckled before hopping into the water. An inner tube appeared around him before he dove under and they disappeared into goggles.

“I will learn how you do what you do eventually…” Luna announced to no one in particular. She dove into the water with her bubble head charm taking effect. She would need to give anypony who ever traveled with Kirby a talisman with the charm enchanted upon it before they adventured with him.

She dove into the water kicking her hooves to push ahead. It was a tight path but Luna was flexible enough to fit anywhere they needed to go. Kirby would frequently stop whenever he was ahead to make sure she was okay.

It took a little forced exploration before they found the right path. She had lit her horn making things a bit easier to navigate. The two finally found a door… which deposited them far above ground when they were in the water.

“It doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother me. It bothers me. It bothers me a lot and my wings are still wet!” Luna shouted as she shook crazily coating everything in water. Kirby wiped his face off from the small deluge that covered him. He giggled lightly as the two walked along the new path that they found themselves upon.


King Dedede sat around the fountain looking over all the plans Escargoon, Bandana Dee and Meta Knight had given him. Nothing came of it and while the Elements of Harmony was given more thought… Celestia disapproved the use of them. The fact they were held by civilians made it even worse to their cause. The fact that Nightmare and Nightmare Moon were working together made them a sitting duck.

Celestia had created a magical projection of what would happen. Nightmare would force Nightmare Moon forward. The orbital rainbow death blast would hit her then Nightmare would kill one of the six who wielded them. They were too magically draining for the six who had barely met that night that it would leave them open.

And as they saw… Meta Knight and Celestia were barely capable of keeping either of the enemies too busy.for very long. Little by the little the plans dried up and nothing could be done. Celestia started to stress eat copious amounts of cake which was only made worse by the waddles dees constantly supplying her with those slices. Their stress levels reached critical when the next piece of news reached their ears.

“Huh… what do you mean?” Dedede asked his attendant and friend Bandana Dee.

“Um… Applejack is here to see the two of you.” Bandana Dee spoke up.

Coming from behind a rock limped a pretty bruised Applejack still partially tangled in her rope. Celestia quickly undid the rope as Applejack couldn’t even look her in the eye. It took a long while until she was ready to speak which was only permeated as King Dedede shook Bandana Dee around yelling at him about Whispy Woods condition and his piece of the Star Rod.

“Ah’m sorry Princess. We failed. Right a short while while I was moseying around his woods checking the apple trees we were attacked.” Applejack started stopping as she recollected her thoughts.

“Who was it? Was it those filthy thieves the Squeak Squad? Or was it the Skull Gang from those blasted islands near the Dragon Lands? Nobody else is supposed to know what I did with the Star Rod in the first place but those two organizations had been a real thorn in the behind if you get my drift.” Dedede groused as he hefted his hammer. “Gotta teach those pests what a good exterminator I am!”

“I reckon… but it wasn’t any of those confangled groups… ya see. It was Kirby.” Applejack finally admitted as Dedede went hopping mad.

“What!? That pink creampuff will ruin our entire plan! Why didn’t you stop him he’s only one thing!?” Dedede pointed accusingly at Applejack only to be hoisted up in the air by Celestia’s magic. After he was seated and slightly calmer than he was they resumed.

“I’m sure Applejack did her best. There must have been extenuating circumstances behind this going down.” Celestia chided her stalwart royal companion.

“Well I reckon that’s the thing there Princess. There was someone else there…” Applejack started.

“See, I told you there was a reasonable solution. No way one being took out all those that got in their way so easily. Now which pony is helping him.” Celestia daintily drinked from her tea cup taking a long slurp.

“See… it was Princess Luna helping him.” Applejack stated.

Celestia turned to Applejack and in one quick motion spit tea all over her face. The torrential flow of tea coated Applejack, her hat and dropped down her fetlocks leaving her soaked. She groused slightly and quietly mumbled how only Twilight would enjoy something gross like that.

“What!? What!? What!?” Celestia went on overdrive screaming out the same word until Dedede slapped her hard enough to send her spinning.

“Calm down there Celestia, your worry wart nature is showing.” Dedede chuckled taking great pleasure in her freak out.

“Calm down! Calm down! How can I be calm when my sister is putting herself into unreasonable danger!” Celestia summoned a paper bag and began breathing into it making Applejack turn away lest she see her ruler act like a spaz.

“Bah! We just stop her and make her go back home until Meta Knight figures out a permanent solution to our problem.” Dedede waved her concerns off.

As tough as she was she still needed a bit of rest after what happened to her and Whispy. Bandanna Dee immediately ushered her away while Celestia attempted to control her outburst. Applejack was gonna take a good long nap from the rodeo she just got out of.

“You done there?” Dedede grumbled as Celestia breathed a little too hard making the bag pop open.

“I’m fine. I’m cool. I’m collected…” Celestia slammed her head against the table smashing her cake with the anxiety that burned beneath her fur.

“I’ll take that as a no. Meta Knight!” Dedede screamed out as the familiar knight warped in with the butter colored pegasus by his side.

“Yes my liege?” Meta Knight answered although the tone was dismissive and slightly not on point. While Meta Knight did work with Dedede, he didn’t work for him.

“Can you keep an eye on the dark blue pony with Kirby and make sure she doesn’t do something she’s gonna regret?” Dedede ordered though to the more attentive viewer he made sure merely to ask rather than order. That was their dynamic and how they worked with each other in long term missions.

“Yes. I shall keep an eye out on her.” Meta Knight smoothly answered keeping his cape around him while Fluttershy merely shook in place.

“Oh dear… that sounded ominous…” Fluttershy squeaked slightly though no one could hear her comment. With another flap of his cape the two disappeared back into thin air.

Dedede merely kept eating his light snack as Celestia picked the cake crumbs off her face. She was still a proponent of the ideal of waste not want not.

“Blasted Cur! Come hither and ye shall get mon horseshoe up thy posterior!” Luna yelled out as a new enemy fought the pair off. A group of Knuckle Joes had struck against the two unleashing a barrage of vulcan jabs and hadoukens against the two.

Kirby was having some trouble since his needed him to suck something in and the UFO only lasted so long. Kirby looked at his environment and then at Luna. Then back to the environment and back to Luna. He did so a few times until he finally formed a plan.

“Poyo!” Kirby called out as he rushed ahead.

“Are you mad!” Luna cried back but initiated her part of the plan before things could get dicey.

As Kirby rushed forward jumping over the hadoukens, Luna fired off a salvo of beams in a machine gun fashion. They impacted on the first Knuckle Joe allowing Kirby enough room to get close and suck him into his mouth. In a flash of light Kirby reappeared this time with a red headband around his head… where a forehead would be had Kirby not be so spherical.

With a blast of speed Kirby release several roundhouse kicks knocking the other Joes away. Luna invigorated by the new form took her chance to gallop forward. It was refreshing to see the path cleared so easily as Kirby grabbed another enemy and punched it so hard only dust remained. In truth it disturbed her a bit how strong this creature was when he was so small and adorable.

It was smooth sailing at that point as the barrage of vulcan jabs and laser beams from the two pierced through the enemy footholds allowing the two to get closer to their goal.

Pinkie sat near the window stroking a Scarfy almost menacingly. Paint Roller stood nearby since the two had retired to his private workshop. The air was tense.

“Truly… they come to me on the day of my biggest party. Truly a blessed day for all involved.” Pinkie invokes her most convincing mafioso personality as she turned to the window. “We’ll rub them out before they know it.”

Paint Roller took the mafia hat she had found away from her making her return to her normal peppy self.

“Awwh… I was getting into character.” Pinkie pouted precociously while politely poking her pet Scarfy. Then it turned into its evil form and she threw it through a wall.

“Sorry!” Pinkie yelled through the new hole she made.

The two intrepid heroes had finally made it to the gallery that was still bouncing from a party that went on. Kirby nervously got his mind ready to punch something while Luna used her hoof to grasp the handle.

The door burst open sending the two flying backwards with Luna holding on for dear life by the handle. The music was so powerful that Kirby struggled with Luna’s tail just trying his best to hold on for dear life. Eventually they started changing sets letting the two regain their footing.

“Blasted music…” Luna groused while Kirby stepped into the room.

A record scratched as everyone saw Kirby. The sudden panic as every single creature rushed Kirby who began using his fighting prowess to smash his way through the mobs. Luna wasted no time using shields to smash the creatures into the wall leaving indents where they impacted.

Kirby continued vulcan jabbing his way through the horde switching between hadoukens and a quick Smash Punch breaking through solid stone.

“Poyo!” Kirby screamed out.

“Sir Kirby! Don’t speak about yonder enemy’s mother like such!” Luna answered appalled at the vulgarness behind his fist.

“Poyo!” Kirby answered.

“What do you mean I misunderstood you!? I’m certain you were talking like that!” Luna shouted back.

“Poyo poyo!” Kirby argued back clearly offended.

“You meant that he wasn’t the bomb… not that you were nailing his… oh.” Luna stopped herself clearly confused. “Perhaps the thrill of combat had gotten to me.”

“Poyo…” Kirby sighed and shook his head.

They fought their way through clearing the area of the other creatures within the Dream Land Militia. The next piece of the Star Rod was somewhere around them but they couldn’t find it. After all the fighting the two lifted and looked under all the paintings and sculptures.using their nubs and magic respectively.

“Hehehehehehehe… you’ll never find it.” A shrill laughter followed by the sound of mirthful cheer emanated through the entire building.

“Laughter! Show thyself!” Luna called out flaring her wings in an aggressive manner. “Dreams must return to the ponies!”

“Poyo!” Kirby screamed out agreeing since he was disturbed by the lack of dreams.

The two looked around searching for any sign of Pinkie but… there was nothing. The lights turned off suddenly leaving the entire building in darkness. A single spotlight appeared showing a cupcake standing alone in the center of the light. Cautiously, the two stepped forward until another spotlight appeared.

Another cupcake and another light allowed the two to follow the path. Kirby ate them though he was carefully taking one bite after another. Luna shook her head when he was about to eat another one. Kirby ate one anyways though he did so carefully. Luna sighed and just allowed Kirby to continue.

“That’s right… follow the trail my little ponies.” Pinkie sang out clearly getting things ready behind the scenes.

“Laughter… “ Luna growled out clearly annoyed now by the sudden change in abilities. “We do not have time for this.”

With a large blast of her horn Luna shot out a section of the wall revealing both Pinkie and Paint Roller hidden behind it alongside four canvases. Pinkie looked positively shocked and dismayed while Paint Roller just facepalmed.

“Poyo!” Kirby shouted pointed accusingly at Paint Roller.

“What Sir Kirby said! We will take the piece of the Star Rod now!” Luna answered in kind clearly following his lead.

“Aww… I wish I could understand Kirby.” Pinkie frowned for a moment before becoming determined. “But I can’t think about that now. Since you two are being meanies I’ll have to put you in time out. Rock Farmer style!” Pinkie shouted to the heavens.

VS Pinkie and Paint Roller

Paint Roller painted up several rocks all the size of Celestia. With a quick buck Pinkie sent the rocks flying at the two in a flurry of speed and precision. Luna dove to the side clearly underestimating Pinkie while Kirby used his prodigious strength under the Fighter hat and broke his way through them.

“I thought thy was naught but a baker!” Luna shouted out clearly flustered at the sudden impact of several rocks leaving craters and rubble behind.

“That’s not all silly! I’ve always been a rock farmer!” Pinkie proudly exclaimed as Paint Roller Painted several more stones for Pinkie.

As Pinkie took her time knocking the rocks at the two she always seemed to hit them hesitantly. Luna was given plenty of time to escape and Kirby broke his way through them. Luna noticed this and decided to take advantage of the situation.

With a little planning she grabbed the rubble in her magic sending it out like a shotgun blast against the two. Pinkie remained unflinching as she weathered the rock storm smashing the rocks like they were nothing. Paint Roller, on the other hand, raced through using his brush to paint obstacles so as to not be crushed.

Kirby took advantage and raced up to him sending a flurry of vulcan jabs into his body. Paint Roller used his free hand to act as a shield but his roller skates made him roll backwards after every hit. Pinkie switched over to her cake ammunition blasting away with her party cannon forcing Luna to run.

“Gallop! Gallop or you’re in for a wallop!” Pinkie yelled out clearly using cakes as weaponry was taking its toll on her mind.

“Laughter! Quit this farce and yield! Yipe- “ Luna yelped as a triple decker cake flew over where her head had been.

“You know me. No shirt! No Shoes! No Service!” Pinkie activated her auto fire as a stream of cake batter flew out of the muzzle.

“We don’t wear shirts!” Luna voiced her complaints though they fell on deaf ears.

“Poyo!” Kirby also called out as a quick rising upper punch sent Paint Roller over several of his canvases.

“Oh… oh gosh. I forgot entirely about this.” Pinkie looked completely ashamed… until she brought out a shirt and some floppy shoes putting them on. “There we go. Crisis averted.” Pinkie smiled as she continued her assault.

Paint Roller got back up releasing a cavalcade of painted enemies which swarmed Kirby. Kirby punched his way through sending the antagonistic artwork flying. That frustrated the angry artist as he painted even more enemies including gordos. The gordos zoomed out flying towards the two. Only a quick jump from Kirby and a low duck from Luna led them to safety.

Pinkie assisted by tossing several cream pies of various flavors at the pair. Chocolate and Banana splattered across the room leaving it covered in slop.

“Enough!” Luna shouted as she used her magic and gathered all the batter and cream and forced it to surround Pinkie who looked up in fear.

“Meep…” Pinkie squeaked before she was lost in a wave of batter. Paint Roller had gotten away and Luna’s righteous anger baked the batter trapping Pinkie in a cake. It encrusted itself around her making her wriggle in futility.

Paint Roller was about to help her when Kirby came in and slammed into him with his foot wreathed in energy. The sudden impact sent him flying as he smashed through a canvas and cratered into the wall. He was stuck in an imprint of his body on the wall which made Kirby sigh in relief.

“Now Laughter… where is the piece of the Star Rod. My patience grows thin. Should thy tongue not be loose ye shall suffer a fate worse than you could handle.” Luna warned Pinkie clearly unamused at this point.

“Do your worst! I’ll never tell you anything!” Pinkie cried out. “I mean it’s not like I know anything. I’m just here partying and meeting new friends and then bam you waltz in hurting everyone. I mean yes they’re hiding the Star Rod but you could’ve asked for it.” Paint Roller shook his head and Pinkie got the message quickly trying to figure out a good way to spin it. “I mean we weren’t gonna give you it but you could’ve been nicer about things!”

Pinkie pouted up until she saw Luna’s horn light up. Kirby looked mortified by what he saw. The cake shifted and turned black but it wasn’t burnt. No it was much worse.

Black Licorice Cake. Pinkie looked as if she was about to cry. It was that horrible. Kirby was certain at this point that there was no god anymore.

“Talk Laughter… don’t make me do this anymore.” Luna solemnly stated as Pinkie looked forlornly at Paint Roller who was unmoved by the sight. He was ready to give it his all.

“It’s… I… it’s… under his hat…” Pinkie broke allowing Kirby to take the piece from under Paint Roller’s hat.

Broken, Pinkie’s mane turned limp as she lost. Luna held up her chin looking into her eyes.

“I’m sorry Laughter but we must restore dreams. Whatever you are doing isn’t helping but by helping us you’ve taken a step to saving our dreams.” Luna attempted to comfort her.

“Really?” Pinkie desperately answered hoping that she wasn’t being lied to.

“Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby assured her.

“I can understand you!” Pinkie smiled as tears streamed down her cheeks. She still looked shocked. “How!?”

“You’ve awakened your empathy. You need it at a higher level to understand the language of the heart.” Luna explained and quickly amended some parts. “That’s not to say you didn’t understand ponies but you needed to lose something to gain something else. It’s different for everypony and for you it seems to be a sense of taste or something to that effect.”

“And the cake?” Pinkie looked around at the black licorice.

“Nothing but a ruse. An illusion of epic proportions.” Luna lit up her horn and the cake returned to normal.

Kirby looked relieved as if a god had come down from on high and restored his faith in baked goods. And just like that the dance effect took hold as the two did a tango before striking a pose in success.

“It’s seems that this is goodbye for now Laughter. We shall meet again later.” Luna waved as Kirby summoned up the warp star.

“It’s Pinkie.” Pinkie stated trying to force a change.

“That’s what I said Laughter. Fare Thee Well!” Luna jumped onto the star with Kirby and the two slammed through the ceiling.

“Don’t give me that look. She was one of the princesses. There was no way we could stop them when they have the same authority like King Dedede and Princess Celestia.” Pinkie quickly cut off Paint Roller’s glare.

Instead he got back up and held his face in his hands clearly frustrated. He had failed his friend and now they were on the way to the next guardian.