• Published 20th Apr 2018
  • 5,461 Views, 120 Comments

Kirby: Equus Defender - QuartzScale

The young Star Warrior falls out of the sky landing on Planet Equus where he goes on adventures with new friends he makes over the course of his stay.

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12. Apple Orchard Massacre - Vs. Applejack

It had taken a few hours for the pair of heroes to work their way through the Valley. It didn't help that Luna was still a little peeved that she had been force fed candy entirely against her will. Regardless of whether the magic candy allowed her to massacre her enemies stomping a wave of destruction to make her path. She mentally groaned when it sounded better than it actually was. Kirby had kept quiet and allowed only the sparks of his new hat to do the talking for him.

Several times random lightning strikes would come from the pink puffball, who now that Luna looked closer, noted that the lightning was blue in color. One of the more dangerous colors that electricity could be. Kirby looked around for anything else noting that most of the enemies were now giving them a wide berth.

“Poyo.” Kirby announced.

“Verily. Thine enemies seem scared now. Heh… 'teas only a moment ago that they tossed thine bodies at you. Now they run like the cowardly louts they are.” Luna announced proudly and with a slightly bloodthirsty smirk.

Kirby nodded but kept his cool. It wasn't the first time he had to deal with someone so fight crazy but for the life of him he didn't know why he could handle it. Probably hunger clouding his thoughts, he quietly surmised as he released another electric field from his body. The Como that had tried to bite him were paralyzed and sent flying.

The small talk, at the very least, cleared the air for the two. It also helped that several enemies had stood in their way making things difficult for the pair to truly internalize any regrets, at least in Luna’s case. Kirby still thought she just didn’t like candy. The pair descended further and further through the Valley fighting their way through a battalion of Sir Kibbles.

Unfortunately for them, Kirby was equipped with the Spark ability and had been taking potshots at their defenses. Luna merely basked in the glory. Her eventual knight was doing an adequate job. Even if he did get a little fresh with her, he managed their path effortlessly. There was a small pang of worry since her magic wasn’t fully recovered but she shoved it aside and used what little she had to not be a burden.

Several blades flew towards them until they were caught in the telekinetic grasp of the lunar mare. Then they were sent back at a much higher velocity knocking the poor saps out. Luna gave a glorious huzzah before trotting back up to Kirby’s side. Honestly this had been an enjoyable rush that she didn’t have anymore.

For Luna, after her return, was lost in the new form of politics that had risen within the Canterlot nobility. No longer could she buck people off the cliff side for being an annoying git. Now she had to listen to all the stupider problems mixed within the real concerns that the citizenry held. She also couldn’t put blasphemers to the pyre like she would do when they started to chant traitorous sentiments. She had taken to running a Night Court but the worse she could do was yell at the buffoons for wasting her time on trivial matters. Though after those outbursts she didn’t get that many visitors since she wouldn’t suffer fools as lightly as Celestia would.

Now she had an outlet behind her now. Sure, it was violent but that was to be expected when the fate of dreams were at stake. She continued to rush forward slapping away potential foes with her magic. For once… everything felt like it had been. As if nothing had changed for her. Things were simple and straightforward instead of the usual cloak and dagger of politics were anything to go by.

“Sir Kirby? Where are we going?” Luna finally asked the question that had been on her mind the entire time.

“Poyo?” Kirby tilted his head in confusion causing Luna to blanch.

“What do you mean you were following me!?” Luna cried out in complete shock.

“Did ya hear anything just right now there Mr. Woods?” Applejack asked as she quietly helped plant another tree for her new stalwart companion.

“Huh? It sounded like deep anguish followed by the death of a million ponies crying in agony.” Whisky answered.

“But it was just one voice- wait, do you hear millions of ponies in agony right now?” Applejack paused as she looked towards the tree.

“No. I'm a tree Applejack. I have no ears.” Whisky stated.

“But you heard me?” Applejack pointed out.

“You're close. Just because I'm the Woods, doesn't mean I'm the woods, ya know? Haven't you heard that old saying? If an animal falls in the forest and no other animal is around to hear it, do the trees hear the sound?” Whispy soliloquized aptly and succinctly.

“Uh… pardon?” Applejack quirked her eyebrow. He was muddying the issue with his fancy schmancy philosophication.

Then the awkward silence fell over them and Applejack just shrugged and continued to plant the new tree.

Kirby began leading the way again after Luna had lost her bravado. Or voice. Kirby wasn't certain which went out first. They continued out into a large valley where an extra large tree stood stock center of the area. It seemed to loom over the valley leaving the pair to stare in awe. No other tree could compare to the amazing sight before them and it didn’t help that there were several Sir Kibbles surrounding the tree.

“So… do ye have a plan? Or are we running in crossbows blazing?” Luna slowly asked as she stared at the diminutive pink puffball.

“Poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby muttered under his breath.

“Are thou crazy? That is far too reckless for us to handle!” Luna argued back completely flabbergasted by the sheer moxie that seemed to ooze off the Star Warrior.

“Poyo.” Kirby winked before rushing in dropping his Spark power and sucking in one of the Sir Kibbles as the two rushed for the strange star door that seemed to be floating in the middle of the tree.

Luna watched as Kirby glowed in a bright blinding light and a new Kirby appeared before her. Instead of the electric topped hat that had adorned his head there now was a small yellow cap with two eyes and two little wings adorned on the side. That wasn’t what caught her attention though. Right in the center of the the cap hanging on the back was a large blade akin to a mohawk. It seemed impractical… up until Kirby grabbed the blade off his hat and threw it at the enemy. A new one popped up just as quickly as it was popped off.

“Hm… I must ask Generosity to make me hats like you have Sir Kirby.” Luna mused as she grabbed the far off Sir Kibbles and tossed them off into the forest.

“Poyo.” Kirby answered meekly.

“Yes I would like a hat like yours. They are amazing but even with all the magic I could wield I doubt that I would be able to make an infinite regenerating blade. Still I could use illusions for the other hats… regardless let’s keep moving.” Luna chided her want for a hat and leapt through the star door.

“Poyo Poyo.” Kirby shook his head chuckling to himself as he jumped in.

The door popped them out amongst another glade of trees.seemingly far as possible from the tree that they had just managed to find. Luna stared behind her… confused and a tiny bit irked by the random nature of Dream Land. There was always a catch when traveling through Dream Land. The doors never truly made any sense to her since there was always one more door or one more area to rush through. Still her adventure had barely started and she would be undeterred at that notion.

“Poyo?” Kirby question Luna since she had stopped moving and looked completely lost.

“Hm? Of course I’m not lost. I know exactly where I’m going.” Luna chided the pink puff for the assumptions.

Kirby waited. He didn’t know where he was going either and looked up to her with sparkling eyes and hopeful ambitions. Luna noticed this and realized one simple thing.

‘Oh buck… I have no idea where we’re going!’ Luna hid her growing uncertainty through a confident smirk. Then she pointed a random direction and with all the grace of a Princess of Equestria, she strode forward.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he rushed ahead. Unbeknownst to him, Luna followed along as a brisk pace with complete uncertainty and the thought she had clearly bucked up. She hoped against all hope that she had chosen a good direction. At least then she would be vindicated instead of disgraced.

Running across the glade of trees, the two cheerfully took in the sights and sounds of a world untouched by any other races. Still several Sir Kibbles, Sword Knights and Waddle Doos raced forth to stop the pair. A torrent of beams shot out from the group of Waddle Doos forcing Luna to bring up her own magic shields. Kirby… turned around and started throwing blades out behind him.

“What are you doing!?” Luna chided Kirby.

“Poyo!” Kirby argued back while Luna looked completely dumbfounded at his actions.

The blades were going the wrong way… then curved around and started to fly at the enemy. By some twist of fate, the blades had gone in an arc swinging around Kirby and flying towards the enemies knocking the Blade Knights and Waddle Doos out of the way. The Sir Kibbles that had seen that threw their own blades to stop the projectiles in place. Luna used that opportunity to blast them with magic beams from her still glowing horn. It ached slightly from the constant use but she pushed through to make certain they could get through the obstacle.

“Poyo.” Kirby smugly chuckled… though it looked too cute to actually be smug.

“Yes, yes… you are very good at that.” Luna rolled her eyes. Her knight in training was a bit too cocky for his own good but it was at the very least much better that he could back it up.

“Poyo?” Kirby pointed at another door. This particular one was strange in that it had three stars above it. The central one was larger than the others but that in of itself was the most normal part of the problem.

“Verily. Tis a suspicious door. Tarry not knight. Me thinks we have found our prey.” Luna grinned, hoping beyond hope, that they had reached the end point of the valley. She was uncertain but within a few moments it wouldn’t matter. She would either be vindicated or shamed. She wouldn’t run from it since she was ‘Best Pony’ if some foals dreams were anything to go off of.

Luna and Kirby had been warped above tree line. The boughs of the tree were very well woven into each other. There was only one way through and the two quickly trotted, and ran respectively, over to the hole. Jumping in the two found themselves on another level of tree boughs with another hole off in the distance. Again the pair hopped down through.

The two landed as the large tree opened its eyes and stared down the two. What brought their attention to a stop was the orange farm pony in the stetson hat looking back at the two.

“Honesty? Shall ye explain why thou are here?” Luna broke the silence pointing accusingly with her hoof at Applejack.

“Princess Luna? Kirby!? What in tarnation are you two doing here? Look I reckon this looks weird but I’m on a mission for Princess Celestia.” Applejack started only to get cut off by a confused Luna.

“My sister!? What doth my sister have to do with this? Does she not know the suffering the beings of this world are going through without dreams? Doth she not trust to come to me, the pony who watches over her subjects dreams, to help with the matter at hoof?” Luna started, growing more emotional with every question she threw out at the small farm pony who couldn’t answer any of those questions.

“Princess, please calm down. I reckon I don’t know nothing about what Princess Celestia is thinking but you shouldn’t think it the worse way possible. There must be a good reason but even I don’t know much about it.” Applejack admitted. She was always reliable but she hadn’t understood all those strange politicking that had gone on.

Whispy, on the other hand, had been glaring down Kirby who stared determinedly back. He didn’t hold a grudge against the tree but Whispy had a mission to uphold. The only reason neither had made the first move was the talk that their two pony friends were having with each other.

“Honesty, regardless of what happens I must follow my heart in these matters. I know that something here that deals with dreams is here. You know where it is right?” Luna finally took a deep breath. She was still angry… but she needed to be a strong pony now. She needed to do things for her ponies.

“I don’t Princess.” Applejack answered though she clenched her lips and looked around. She needed to follow an order from the Princess… even if another Princess was asking. IT broke at her heart but she had to do it. They needed more time.

“Honesty… did you just lie?” Luna gasped.

“Argh… yes. Yes I did. I hated every second of it. Look Princess Luna, I got orders to protect that thing until it’s time. I can’t let you take it.” Applejack admitted take a step forward which finally got Whispy to grow a bit larger.

“Then I am sorry Honesty. I must follow my heart on the matter.” Luna called out.

“Poyo!” Kirby jumped forward taking his own stance.

“So do I Princess. So do I and I can honestly say… I’m sorry bout this.” Applejack called out.

VS Applejack and Whispy Woods

Whispy shook violently causing several apples to fall from his branches onto everyone present. It should have been too dangerous for Applejack but therein laid the problem. Applejack was one of the most renown apple farmer on the face of Equestria due to years of experience. With a quick twirl she jumped into the air turned around and bucked several apples in succession towards the pair who stumbled around dodging whatever they could.

Kirby fared a bit better as he sliced through the first apple allowing him to perform his secret technique. With a quick flurry of slices Kirby danced with his blade and jumped into the sky where he fell down releasing a blade of light at Whispy.

Kirby had performed his Final Cutter ability which made Whispy flinch from the sudden damage and forced his boughs to stop shaking. Applejack landed and pulled out her lasso which Luna took advantage of picking her up in her magic before she could get her footing back.

“Yield Honesty! You can not win!” Luna shouted out.

“Ah can’t do that Princess. Ah made a promise to Princess Celestia.” Applejack slurred slightly as she floated in place.

Unfortunately… Luna wasn’t paying close attention. Whispy shot out several puffs of air at the distracted mare sending her off balance along with the magic holding Applejack. She fell unceremoniously to the ground grunting from the sudden drop.

“Dangnabit! Watch it!” Applejack growled out as she shook her hoof at the tree. Whispy merely ignored it as Kirby got up close and personal.

Kirby knew what he needed to do and he did so very well. Performing the Final Cutter so close allowed Kirby to get tons of damage on Whispy. A lasso soon wrapped around him as Applejack pulled him away towards her.

“Now hold on there ya ornery varmint. We can’t let you just do as you please Kirby. Please understand. We have a plan but you need to be patient.” Applejack pleaded with the pink puffball.

“Poyo! Poyo poyo poyo!” Kirby argued back. An argument that fell on deaf ears. Applejack couldn’t understand her diminutive friend. The grimace on her face said it all.

“Sorry Kirby, but I gotta stop ya.” Applejack muttered though she took no pleasure in this act.

“Nay you shan’t!” Luna cried out as she shot several magical beams towards Whispy and Applejack. All of them were low powered though since it would behoove her to try anything too dangerous against one of her subjects… even if said subject was being overly difficult.

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack danced around the beams hiding behind some of the other trees to keep from being hit.

Whispy didn’t take it lying down as he shook his boughs again letting purple apples and several Gordos fall down. Kirby was still stuck by the rope and unable to reach the blade to cut them off. Luna quickly rushed backwards grabbing the rope in her telekinetic grip. With a great heave the rope was ripped off Kirby sending the little guy spinning like a top.

Kirby managed to get his blade off his hat holding it in place as he spun around. While he couldn’t cut through the Gordos, he did use them to propel him forward. Even dizzy he managed to smack into Whispy making the tree grimace from the pain of a blade tearing through his bark.

Applejack peered around the corner looking for her opportunity… until she felt something around her hoof.

“Oh… you’ve gotta be kidding me.” Applejack groaned as the rope was glowing with Luna’s magic.

In a few seconds Applejack was trussed up like a christmas goose and Kirby released his Final Cutter once more knocking Whispy into his crying state. The battle was over and the two obstacles before the Princess of the Night and the young Star Warrior had finally fallen to their combined might.

“Oh sh- shoot!” Applejack grumbled as Luna placed her next to Whispy.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered. Before Luna could voice her concern something came over her. Something extremely weird.

Kirby split into three different Kirbies. They all took position before the two defeated beings. Luna was enticed… no, compelled beyond all shadow of a doubt to join the three. Just as she did she was dancing on the spot like if nothing really mattered to her. A quick pirouette and a sudden dip. Then she was moonwalking on the spot while the Kirbies were also busting a move.

“What the buck was that!?” Luna finally articulated when she regained control of her body. Kirby was about to answer when a strange orb flew out of Whispy Woods. A mystical piece of the legendary Star Rod gathered their attention.

“Poyo?” Kirby asked uncertain of what he was looking at. It was red in color and he had never seen the Star Rod in question

“Mh… yes Sir Kirby. That does indeed look to be the Star Rod… only it is merely one piece of it.” Luna rubbed her chin in puzzlement. “Though that raises the larger question of why it is broken. Honesty, do you know why it was broken?”

“Honestly Princess… I ain’t got a clue. All I know is that I needed to protect that piece with this tree until something else happened. As for what that is… I ain’t got a clue.” Applejack sighed out as she did so. “Should’ve really paid more attention.”

“Hm… puzzling. If my sister ordered you to do that… did she take part in its breaking…” Luna mumbled under her breath.

“Poyo?” Kirby stepped in slightly concerned.

“It’s nothing dear knight. It must be my imagination.” Luna quietly comforted the pink puffball.

Meta Knight looked on as Kirby and Luna reclaimed one piece of the Star Rod. Fluttershy was more concerned by the state her friend Applejack was in. She didn’t look hurt but she was left tied up in a very compromising position. She watched as Kirby took her hat… and placed it on her flank. Fluttershy sighed in relief since her position showed off a bit too much to the world. Luckily, Meta Knight had been such a gentlestallion and not drawn attention to it in the first place.

“It appears as though we have a solution in the making… wouldn’t you say so, Fluttershy?” Meta Knight bemusedly stated. His eyes were glowing green at this point… as if lost completely in thought.

“Um… uh… y-y-yes.” Fluttershy managed out… she was quietly so proud of herself for managing that out. Rainbow Dash’s little speeches were finally paying off. She didn’t really understand what he was saying so she just agreed with his musings to follow the path of least resistance.

“Hm…” Meta Knight hummed as he kept watch on the situation.

“Come Sir Kirby! Tarry not. We must make haste for the next one.” Luna announced.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered.

“Hey! What about me?” Applejack called out.

“Don’t worry Honesty. I shall send somepony to gather you in a few moments. You must rest there for a bit for going against one of the Princesses of Equestria. I do this not to punish you though. I do this because I must not show favoritism to anypony of this nation.” Luna explained.

“Darn it!” Applejack tried to smack her hoof against the dirt… but merely rocked in place grumbling the entire time she was.

A large star appeared and before Luna could protest, Kirby jumped into it. Luna was forcefully dragged onto it and began screaming as she rocketed away towards the next location.

“Great… now I have an itch.” Applejack grumbled before she was cut loose.

“Are you okay Applejack?” Fluttershy whispered as she helped her back on her hooves.

“Fluttershy? What’re y’all doin here?” Applejack sounded out still a little groggy from all the canoodling she was put through. It was already rough enough to have to fight a princess, losing just made it sting worse.

“Sir Meta Knight has us making sure we keep an eye out for the other pieces of the Star Rod… though I think he's hiding something.” Fluttershy's whispered even softer into Applejack’s ear. Before she could say anything Meta Knight appeared.

“It seems you lost your piece of the Star Rod.” Meta Knight stated. Applejack held back her tongue though she clearly wanted to complain. Instead she focused on him more intently. Every being had simple tells to show when they were lying. Though even as she peered deeply into his eyes he didn't shake or break under her scrutiny. So guarded was he that she wondered if Fluttershy’s state would fare a better chance at getting info.

“Yeah… Kirby took it. He also had Princess Luna with him.” Applejack explained though a raised glove from Meta Knight stopped the conversation from continuing.

“I noticed. That is fine. We must look to keeping the others safe. For now, my knights will deliver you to Princess Celestia for recuperation. No I shall not accept any deviations from this. You were beaten and that is that. We’ll shore up our defenses at Rainbow Resort.” Meta Knight explained while Applejack merely grumbled.

Axe Knight and Mace Knight each came down from their own personal Warp Star and untied the farm pony. Before she could make a compelling argument Mace Knight picked her up and jumped onto the star. They say that if ponies listen closely they could still hear the cries of a farm pony reaching terminal velocity. Though Fluttershy would later clarify that it was an exaggeration.

“Sir Meta Knight… what are we doing?” Fluttershy finally managed to state.

“What I do every day.” Meta Knight answered before turning his back to her.

“What?” Fluttershy called out as she rushed to meet his stride.

“Try to save our world.” Meta Knight finished as he immediately let out his bat wings and took off forcing the shy pony to follow after him.

Author's Note:

There we go. Sir Kibble is now available for guest writers to give a back story. I wonder if anyone will. There are more mind you. Burning Leo, Mr Chilly, Sword Knight, Plugg as well. I need to remember the others available.