• Published 20th Apr 2018
  • 5,461 Views, 120 Comments

Kirby: Equus Defender - QuartzScale

The young Star Warrior falls out of the sky landing on Planet Equus where he goes on adventures with new friends he makes over the course of his stay.

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10. Settling Troubles

The girls rushed off the train as soon as it came to a stop led by Captain Waddle Doo who pointed them to a small chariot pulled by four pegasi guards.

“Over there! Hurry girls this must be important.” Twilight called out letting all her earthbound friends and Fluttershy into the carriage while Rainbow Dash kept flying alongside the carriage.

For the next hour they passed by several locales of green rolling valleys, a set of islands and beaches, a large well worn tower, a cloud covered castle, several mountains, an ocean with glaciers as far as the eye could see, and finally a frozen tundra covered in naturally forming rainbows. The mane six gawked all around as they could finally see a large fountain in the center of the tundra. All the rainbows coating it seemed to glisten against the large icebergs and the clear night sky which enhanced its appearance all the better for it.

“What is this place…?” Applejack breathed out the gasp she was holding back.

“This is Dream Land… it's bigger than I thought.” Twilight mentioned as she looked over the edge with everypony else.

“This'll make a great adventure! Ooh… I wonder who the partner is gonna be!? I'm so excited!” Pinkie exclaimed as she pronked in place. The motion forced the pegasi team to finally land.

The problem with the landing spot was the widespread destruction that covered their landing position. There were several craters and gouges in the very ground while several waddles dees were busy pulling out the debris and repairing the land before them. Bandana Dee was waving his spear around ordering his people around to continue making things somewhat right in the world.

“What the buck happened around here!?” Rainbow Dash breathed out.

“Dash! Please keep it down. What if this was some poor creatures home? They don't need you to remind them of the destruction that befell their home.” Rarity hissed out.

“Maybe we should go find Princess Celestia… “ Twilight cringed as the waddle dees stared at them. Though some of them waved hi before going to work alleviating some of the others fears.

Working their way around the ruined landscape and large craters slowly being filled in they came across a section of the fountain in the center still intact where King Dedede seemed to be standing… with a heavily bandaged alicorn.

“Celestia!?” Twilight nearly whinnied as she rushed ahead overly distraught by her mentor’s appearance. It didn't help matter that the king was still in pretty good shape even if a little dirty.

“Oh great… the book nerd is here. I'll leave this little pow wow to you Celestia. I'm gonna find out if Bonkers and Bugzzy can fill in these holes.” King Dedede sighed as he trotted off with his hammer on his shoulder.

The ponies that had gotten riled up ready to fight because of a misunderstanding stumbled into a pratfall and wound up mostly face first in the dirt before Celestia. Rarity was the only one who had managed to keep her wits about her and not get dirty or dusty.

“Hm… I give you a four out of ten. You didn't stick the landing very well. Hm hm… oh it hurts to chuckle… well when you've managed to pick yourself up we’ll speak on the matters that had transpired here. And hope that you don't attack the king before you hear the full story otherwise it would just cause another incident that could have been avoided… Twilight… but overall take your time.

The fire that had been building up within Twilight’s belly had been snuffed out with a few choice words leaving her sputtering and stuttering until Pinkie closed her mouth. It had been a taxing day the day previous with trying to figure out Kirby and she still had made no progress.

“Well we just wanted to know what happened here. I'm mean, this looked like one killer party… with heavy emphasis on the killer part of you know what I'm saying. I mean there's fun… “ Pinkie nodded her head excitedly, “... and then there's fun.” Pinkie shook her head while giving a grimace that was uncharacteristic for her.

“Well… you could say they made a killing.” Celestia joked… to the laughter of nopony. “Yes, well, things have transpired due to an oversight on my half. Do you remember what happened to my sister so long ago?”

“Ya mean when she turned into Nightmare Moon.” Applejack started.

“And nearly brought eternal night to the world.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Until we found the Elements of Harmony.” Rarity regally stated.

“And cleansed her of the wickedness cursing her soul?” Fluttershy continued.

“Thereby freeing her from her madness and saving her from an eternity of being trapped on the moon?” Twilight finished.

“What about her?” Pinkie innocently stated until she started a long series of Pinkie Sense Combos. It was going to be a doozy.

“She managed to survive into her own full fledged entity and managed to fight me to a stand still before threatening to repossess Luna while a giant wizard looking being known as Nightmare or in some circles, thanks to Meta Knight, as NME nearly brought the world into a nightmare realm of unimaginable horrors where the worst nightmares you had are barely even a blip on the nightmare scale.” Celestia explained as she took a look at all the ponies. None of them were able to handle that big a bombshell and a few of them passed out… Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

“But… what… bwa!?” Twilight managed to get out before going cross eyed.

“You've gotta be kidding me!” Rainbow Dash shouted nervously looking around trying to figure out what she had to do.

“Oh dear… this is the. Worst. Possible. Thing. Ever!” Rarity shouted out.

Applejack merely scowled thinking about what she could possibly do to help. There was nothing she could buck so she dug her hooves into the dirt. Celestia sighed as she waited until all of them could calm down.

“Ha heh heh… good thing I was around then, eh, Celestia?” King Dedede finally waddled back over as Bonkers and Buggzy began working on the terrain off in the background.

“I suppose so. Didn't think you had it in you.” Celestia chuckled slightly.

“Ah don't sell yourself short. Maybe someday you'll be as great as me.” Dedede boasted not getting the sarcasm that laced Celestia’s words before taking on a serious look. “Now… time for your part of this plan right?”

“Yes… yes it is.” Celestia sighed as she looked at her student and friends. “Twilight are you back in the right state of mind.”

“Huh? Uh… I mean… yes Princess Celestia. Sorry, I must have misheard you when you said that Nightmare Moon was still around and had a new body.” Twilight chuckled at the notion. She obviously misheard her teacher.

“That is correct. Are you ready to discuss the plan then?” Celestia nodded as Twilight started to convulse into another panic attack. “Note to self: invest in psychiatrist for Twilight Sparkle as soon as possible.” Celestia muttered under her breath as Twilight was going through another panic attack.

“I'm good. I'm good. I'm good! Yes… fine. Yes we can discuss plan, yes.” Twilight managed to speak though her mane was a complete mess and even Rarity’s ministrations did nothing to save it.

“Okay… to begin we must safeguard the fragments of the Star Rod from anypony who may try to recombine them until we get a decent way to fight back against the Nightmare.” Celestia started.

“Can't we use the Elements of Harmony? I mean one rainbow laser of doom and bam, defeated baddies.” Rainbow Dash interrupted the princess shadow boxing a couple times confident in her decision.

“A thought that crossed my mind… but since there are two of them and the grander of the two strikes with murderous intent I have no doubt in my mind that should you fire the beam it would leave Nightmare Moon to take the blast and then brutally murder you after the magic has run its course. It is a beam of light that travels in one direction. Had Nightmare Moon not been so shocked she would have escaped from the initial blast and I may have never seen my little sister ever again. The beam won't go forever since it draws on your internal magic.” Celestia explained clearly losing herself in the what ifs that could have happened.

“We… we could have died…” Fluttershy gasped finally connecting the dots.

“Only if forced to use it too many times without resting. It also leaves you open after you use it. So if the progenitor Nightmare sacrifices Nightmare Moon to get close… you may lose your lives.” Celestia informed the group making certain to keep it brief as everypony seemed to understand the consequences of what could happen.

“Now, now that's enough morbid talk since we took care of things. Now let's talk my plan.” Dedede chuckled as he came back onto the scene with five different waddle dees behind him.

“And what is this plan then?” Celestia questioned her fellow monarch while her loyal ponies all seemed to pick each other up from the realization of how dangerous the Elements of Harmony could be.

“Simple. They help my friends protect the pieces of the Star Rod. Simple as that. What are their names again?” Dedede rubbed his chin trying to remember their names. “Except for Twilight Sparkle I don't really remember the others.” Dedede then proceeded to point at Fluttershy who he thought was Twilight Sparkle.

“I'm Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight, the purple unicorn, stepped up to the king feeling a bit annoyed that she was mistaken for another pony.

“Oh… then you can tell me who's who and I'll assign them to one of my friends so we can keep the Star Rod fragments safe.” Dedede guffawed as he revealed his plan.

“Ugh… fine. This is Applejack.” She pointed to the orange earth pony. “This is Rainbow Dash.” She gestured to the blue pegasus with rainbow mane. “This is Fluttershy.” She nodded to the yellow pegasus. “This is Rarity.” She pulled in the white unicorn for a view.

“And I'm Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie jumped in trying her best to liven up the other ponies.

“Right… got it. Probably.” Dedede nodded as he looked over the notes that Bandana Dee had brought him earlier. “Okay… Applejack will assist Whispy Woods. Pinkie Pie with Paint Roller. Rarity helps Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright. Rainbow Dash works with Kracko. Twilight Sparkle assists Heavy Mole.”

The five ponies who had been called each looked a bit confused at the splitting of the party. What was more confusing was that Fluttershy was left out though being so shy she didn't speak up. Rainbow Dash did though.

“Hey! What about Fluttershy? We can't leave her out of this!” Rainbow Dash shouted almost getting in the King’s face if it wasn’t for Applejack holding her back. Dedede didn't answer.

“That… is where I step in.” Meta Knight announced. For the most part he seemed to be back in good shape though the bruises he received fighting Nightmare were still present. “She shall accompany me in the protection of my piece of the Star Rod.”

“Oh… oh dear… “ Fluttershy bowed down completely frightened of the prospect.

“Are you certain this is necessary? I mean surely my guards could handle the protection of the Star Rod?” Celestia interjected not wanting to place her civilian subjects in harm’s way.

“Nonsense. Since they're civilians no one would suspect they are doing something so important. It would take the smartest mind of this generation or the biggest fool in the world to see that they're doing something important.” Dedede waved off the concern before adding his thoughts. “Besides if Nightmare could do this to my army what chance does yours have in all hindsight.”

Celestia grumbled because in all honesty the Equestrian Guard was no longer what it was. It was a peacekeeping force and nothing more. The days where she could have Captains of the Guard stand side by side with a blade had been long over and even with Captain Shining Armor at the reins, defensive practices had taken root in their doctrine. Even then there were no defenses for a creature that operated through the power of dreams as much as Luna warned that Dream demons were some of the few things she even had trouble with and Nightmare Moon appearing would just drive her sister back into a spiral of madness. She wouldn't let that happen.

“Thought so. So follow these waddle dees and they'll take you to where you need to go. Show these guys these notes I'm giving you and everything should be fine.” Dedede waved the ponies off to their escort allowing them to travel to the far corners of Dream Land.

“Do you really think this will work Dedede.” Celestia inquired as she was still uncertain.

“Of course it will you old worrywart! I have the last piece and it would take the biggest fool to come after me!” Dedede guffawed as he usually did. “Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna take a dip in the Fountain.”

“What!? You can't do that!” Celestia cried out.

“Sure I can.” Dedede hefted his hammer. “After all… I am King.”

With those words he grabbed his inner tube and got ready to float amongst the waters of the Fountain of Dreams.

Kirby sneezed though he didn't know why. All he knew was that it was time to go meet with his new friend. Spike had entered the library while Kirby remained outside looking at the sky. Taking a few jumps the Warp Star exited his body awaiting its rider to jump on it.

“Kirby are you ready? It's time to sleep!” Spike called out. With the moon so high it certainly was time for bed. Ignoring the cry Kirby jumped up grabbing his ride.

Spike saw at the last second as Kirby rose up into the sky disappearing with a twinkle. There were few choice words for situations such as that. Twilight never wanted him to say them. She also wasn't anywhere nearby so he was in the clear.

“Buck!” Spike yelled out as he slammed his head against the library door.

While on route to Yogurt Yard, Twilight felt a strange twinge in the back of her mind. She felt she needed to wash Spike’s mouth out with soap. Though even then she was unsure as she rode atop a Wheelie. Her mind was already trying to figure out how it lived or even ate for that matter.

Kirby landed in the castle courtyard with a loud slam as his Warp Star disappeared into him. While guards were alerted Kirby had already rushed off and hid in the underbrush of a bush. Strangely it worked and Kirby managed to have full range of the castle.

Taking in a deep breath Kirby inflated himself and started to fly around the castle at a brisk pace searching for where he needed to go. With how he looked somepony could have mistaken him for a balloon. Thankfully, Luna had been out on the balcony finishing up her star collage out in space. When she noted the strange pink balloon her first instinct was to grab it with her magic. It proved more durable against magic managing to break out of her grip each time.

“Wait one moment… Kirby?” Luna called out.

Kirby floated over to the princess finally letting his air out as he landed next to her in all his glory. She was a bit intrigued at how the diminutive creature could fly without wings though banished that from her mind since there were more important things to do.

“Ah verily, thou hast come. Welcome brave hero who saved our snacks alongside Lady Sparkle. Now a most dire fate has befallen us. No longer are ponies allowed to dream leaving us bereft of sleep as well. I shall endeavor to fix this mistake and ask for thy assistance in this manner. What say thou?” Luna announced nearly using the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Kirby tilted his head… face, at Luna. He looked utterly confused.

“Oh… oh bother give me a moment.” Luna opened a small black book detailing modern phrases of the new year. “Ah here it is. Will you help me save everyone’s dreams?”

“Poyo!” Kirby agreed as he summoned up his Warp Star once again. Grabbing on he waved his nub at Luna to join him.

“Now? Uh… right. We must race ahead to deal with these problems. Lead Onnnnnn~!” Luna screamed as the Warp Star raced through the sky faster than anything she had ever dealt with. The speed stretched out her face causing her to nearly pass out from the speed they zoomed along at.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered while Luna merely screamed as well as she could.

Luna landed with a resounding thud as thy hit the Fountain of Dreams. While she couldn't have said anything during the trip, Kirby’s constant pestering for directions did pay off enough to get him to slow down for Luna’s sake. That gave her the chance to point to the Fountain before they took off again.

As she coped with land beneath her hooves once again Kirby looked around the landscape. The dirt seemed to be freshly dug but there didn't seem to be any structural damage. Instead he found King Dedede lounging within the waters of the Fountain without a care in the world while the Star Rod that stood atop it was gone.

Luna gawked at how brazen the King could be. Before she could yell out she noticed her sister there already trying to plead with him to stop. Instead of confronting him alongside her sister Luna knew what she had to do.

“Come Sir Kirby. We must find the Star Rod and repair it for the sanctity of all dreams!” Luna announced though she kept her voice down. She didn't need her sister getting all up in her grill as those strange foals said in their dreams before hand.

“Poyo.” Kirby nodded as the two of them got on the Warp Star again. Luna got on, albeit, reluctantly. The two raced off on the night sky as Luna used her magic to locate where the Star Rod could be.

Author's Note:

This we get the Star of the adventure. Prepare for the Moon also the alternate title for this chapter is Misunderstanding: The Movie.