• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,951 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

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Robot Wild

Spike walked into Sugar Cube corner, he had come for one reason and one reason only, To look at "his" Statue, He walked over to the renovated Dining area and looked at it in all its glory. Fourarms was holding up a Pillar that connected to the roof, while the entire thing was just for show, it looked like he was holding up the roof, in one of his lower arms was a Ditto, Spike smiled and walked back out to look at the building properly, there where a total of 3 Ditto Statues beside the one in Fourarms arm, One was sitting outside the door, holding up the Daily Special sign, one was on the roof eating a cupcake while hammering into the roof, and the last one was just inside, next to the counter, holding the tip jar.

"I'm loving this" Spike said as he turned and made his way the Apple's Cyder booth to get a taste of The Heatblast Special. he had just spotted the cart when a huge explosion went of behind him, Spike fell on his face and turned to see a Huge Robot step out of the Huge Crater it had just made, It looked at its arm, looked around, then looked back at its arm, it pressed several buttons and from it's shoulder popped out two smaller flying robots. the loud robot made a sequence of Robot noises and the Two Smaller ones responded and flew off, without hesitation the big one turned and started stomping its way towards the Castel. Spike got up and, along with the rest of the ponies, ran in the opposite direction, Spike slid into an alleyway and flicked through the watched. "Gota gets the little guys first," He said as he Spun the dial and slammed it down, with a loud growl Wildmutt jumped out of the ally and sniffed, he ran through the crowd causing them to stop running and gawk at him in amazement. Wildmutt jumped over a cart, then jumped again when he sensed the laser that had been blasted at him, One of the two Smaller ones had locked onto him and was blasting at him in rapid-fire mode. Wildmutt jumped and started climbing a building, dodging the blast, the Robot raised an antenna to alert the other two, when a Rock collided with it, breaking the antenna. The Robot spun around and was struck with another rock, Scootaloo picked up another one and threw it.

"Who do you think you are? Attacking our town!" She yelled out as she picked up another rock, she threw it and the Robot blasted it into rubble, Scootaloo backup as it charged, when Wildmutt landed on it, causing the robot to miss it's shot and shoot into the sky, Wildmutt opened his mouth and with a mity chomp, he bit the Robot's head off, The Robot spun out of control and Wildmutt jumped off, the Robot flew off and collided with the ground, exploding on impact, Wildmutt turned to Scootaloo and spat out the Robot head, he made a series of growls and grunts, Scootaloo looked at him bluntly. "I don't speak alien Police dog." She said in confusion as Wildmutt grumbled, He turned and was met face to face with the second robot, before he could react he was blasted in the face and was sent flying into a wall, destroying it and landing inside the building, Scottaloo turned to the Robot, but before she could assault it She was plucked into the air by miffed looking Rainbow Dash.

"Kid, you are in so much trouble when this is over!" She called as the Robot turned to the building, Inside Spike rubbed his head, looking at the watch.

"You've got a lousy sense of timing for a watch." He muttered as the Robot flew in through the hole. "Oh hey...buddy...the, um, dog went that way?" The Robot charged it's laser "Worth a shot" Spike yelled as he jumped out of the way, the Robot chased after him, Spike jumped over a couch and ran out the front door, slamming it behind him, he ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction when the Watch flashed Green. " give me somebody good please!?" Spike yelled as he pressed the button and slammed without looking, in a flash Diamond Head came to a halt and looked at his hands.

"Wait...I haven't tried this guy out yet." He said as he turned on the spot and was hit with a flaming door, the Door splinted on contact and fell to the ground, leaving Diamond head without a scratch, He looked back at his hand for a second. "Rarity's gonna have a Heart Attack when she sees me." He said as he looked up at the Robot, it fired its laser, which ricocheted off Diamond head and back at the robot, destroying it. Diamond head shook his head. "That's...that's just sad," he said as he turned and ran to go after the Big Robot, Diamond Head turned just in time to see Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo land.

"Kid I swear if you...holy walking Chandelier!" Rainbow Dash took a back step when she saw Diamond Head "That's a new one!" Scootaloo looked at him and looked behind him.

"Is the Orange Dog guy ok?"

"Wildmutt's fine, I just tagged out with him." Diamond head said as he looked down at her "He told me you threw rocks at one of the small guys."

"Man, I don't need another lecture." Scootaloo moaned, Diamond head smiled as he got on his knee and lightly patted her head

"He also told me he got the jump on it because of that, and he told me to tell you thanks for him since you don't speak Space Police dog." He said with a smile. Scootaloo looked up at him in awe as he got up and ran past them, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a giant robot to destroy." He called back at them as he turned a corner. Scootaloo watched him run off and turned to Rainbow with a smug look.

"See, The oran...Wildmutt I mean, Appreciated my help." Rainbow sighed

"Just stay here, or I'm telling your Aunts," she said as she flew into the air and followed Diamond Head. once she was overhead she looked down. "So...name please?" she asked.

"I'm going with Diamond Head." He said as he took a corner and was met with the sight of Twilight trying to destroy the Robot, with little no effect.

"WHAT IS THIS THING MADE OF!?" She screeched angrily as her magic spell hit it with no effect. Diamond head, still running, held up his hand and shot shards at the robot, piercing its body. the Robot turned and looked at him, Dimond Head slid to a stop as Rainbow joined Twilight.

"Say hello to Dimond head, our new friend." She said as the two watched the battle, The Robot raised it's hand and shot a laser, Diamond head stood his ground, thinking it would ricochet off him, instead it blasted him into the ground.

"Ow," He groaned as he pulled himself out of the ground. "I thought that would go differently." He Turned his hand into a Sword and charged, only to get stepped on and picked up, Diamond head looked up at the Robot for a moment, then with a loud explosion it's hand was stabbed through with a lot of Diamonds. Diamond head hit the ground and The Robot raised it's other hand and shot a laser at him again, this time it reflected of his sword and hit the ground, Diamond head looked at this and thinking quickly he turned his other hand into a sword and reflected the laser into the Robot's face, destroying it. Diamond head watched as it fell down and hit the ground. Twilight and Rainbow ran over to him just as he timed out.

"What's with all the robots?" Spike asked as he looked at its remains.


"Lord Villgax, another drone has been destroyed, shall we send another to fetch the Omnitrix?" The Robot minion asked Villgax looked down over the planet.

"This wretched planet...no, we don't need this plants rulers on defense," He said as he turned to the robot, "It's time for a different approach."