• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,950 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

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Ariving at the Empire

Twilight and Rainbow Landed, a group of guards rushing towards them as Twilight set Heatblast down, She had a moment to turn to him before he was once again blasted in the face by a spell, with life form lock-off Heatblast transformed into Diamondhead as he hit the ground.

"Ow," Diamondhead complained as a large number of spears were pointed at him "Being shot on sight is starting to get real old real fast,"

"Stand down," Twilight demanded.

"No can do," one of the guards replied "And you, your under arrest for your crimes against the Empire,"

"What crimes?" Diamondhead demanded as he got to his feet, not particularly worried about the spears "I just got here,"

"Yeah, sure," The Guards replied as Cadance landed.

"Cadance,' Twilight attempted to ask her sister-in-law for aid but was quickly assured that Cadance was heading off the problem when she shot Diamondhead in the face and sent him barreling into a wall.

"I'm gonna start taking offense to this," Diamondhead called back as Twilight rushed in Cadance's way.

"Twilight move," Cadance said angrily, cracking her knuckles "This creature and his friends need to pay for their crimes,"

"He's not with them," Rainbow said angrily "I'm taking offense on his behalf because several of your guards tased me with magic for defending him," several guards turned to her. "Don't you dare," She said angrily as they pointed their spears at her.

"Princess, it's possible these two are fakes, we have to take them in for questioning," Before Twilight could respond to that she was blasted by a spell and her eyes rolled into her head before she fell into Cadance's arms, Rainbow was given the same treatment.

"If you two are who you say you are then I'm very sorry, as for him," Cadance turned to Diamondhead, who was chilling in the wall, "Hold him in stasis until I secure Twilight and her friend," Cadance picked up Twilight in her arms and Rainbow in her magic as Diamondhead was once again bubbled.

"I officially take offense to this," Diamondhead decided, several guards attempted to tase him to no effect. Diamondhead was ready to tank it when one of the guards used a spell to grab the Omnitrix and attempted to pull it off of him. "Hey!" Diamondhead complained "That doesn't come off,"

"A likely story," The guard replied as the Omnitrix broke through the barrier, the guards attempted to pull it off before hitting it in frustration, the result was instant as it began beeping wildly before declaring loudly.

"Activating Randomizer function,"

"Oh not again," Diamondhead managed to complain before turning into Ditto.

"Great, I don't know how to turn this off you jerk," Ditto was tased and yelped in pain before turning into Wildvine.

"Chill bro," He demanded "I ain't resistant I'm complaining while already in custody, guard brutality is beyond cruel," The Guards carried him away and zapped him every time he transformed for good measure.

XLR8 Sat in the bubble with a sigh, he tapped his feet before turning into Four arms, who barely fit inside, after a short while longer he turned into Upchuck.

"Just gotta wait for Ghostfreak," Upchuck said as he sat in the bubble, doing his best to remain patient. he heard voices and the guards in front of the cell his bubble had been placed in stood at attention before Twilight spoke irritably.

"Get out of here," She demanded "Freaking calling me an impostor," Twilight opened the cell and pulled Upchuck out.

"Dude?" Rainbow demanded, "Why are you..." She received an answer to her unfinished question when Upchuck flashed into Eyeguy.

"The guards tried to rip the Omnitrix off of me," Eyeguy complained "Now Eye'm stuck in Randomizer mode,"

"You named the watch?" Rainbow asked "Omnitrix...has a nice ring to it I like it,"

"Actually the watch named itself," Eye guy replied before turning into Stinkfly.

"Send help," He added as his wings bent around oddly along the interior of the bubble, "Or at least make this thing bigger," Stinkfly gave the stink eye to the guards, knowing full well that they were slowly making the bubble smaller to mess with him.

"Now that I'm cleared of the suspicion of being a fake, let him out this instant," The Guards complied without hesitation, and upon exiting the bubble Ghostfreak floated before them.

"I do not appreciate this thing's comedic sense of timing," Ghostfreak declared angrily.

"Come on," Twilight said as she walked away "We may be too late to warn about the potential invasion, but we can still help capture the three who attacked on the train," The Trio made their way to the main throne room, Upon arriving Twilight, Rainbow, and Wildvine walked in and found Cadance and Shining talking.

"Twilight," Shining said running to her with great haste,

"Shining I..." Twilight was cut off when Shining ran past her and lit his horn at Wildvine.

"Stay behind me," He warned "These things are dangerous," Wildvine saw what was about to happen and dipped as a Bubble was formed where he had just been, losing a foot in the process.

"Ay yo, my Foot," Wildvine complained hoping in place.

"Stop," Twilight cried out, "He's with me,"

"Twilight that's an Alien," Shining said "You know, the things attacking us,"

"I take offense to that," Wildvine shot back before turning into Diamondhead.

"I have done nothing to earn this level of hate,"

"Twilight I'm sorry, but that thing needs to go back in a bubble, it's to dangerous to roam free, it's probably working with them as a poorly disguised spy,"

"Does he not know who I am?" Diamondhead asked Rainbow.

"Yeah, it occurs to me he'd have no way to know," Rainbow realized, "Hey Shining Armor," Rainbow called out to get his attention "You are aware that this is Spike with a super-powered alien transformation watch right?" Shining and Cadance looked at Rainbow in silence and Twilight facepalmed.

"Why didn't we start with that?" She demanded before turning to her older brother "I can vouch for that, and so can Celestia, speaking of whom can someone ask her to come here as soon as possible, she's the only one who knows how to turn that off," there was another flash as she spoke.

"This is starting to give me a headache," Fourarms complained as he rubbed his head.

"All the random flashes are starting to blind me," Rainbow shot back.

"I'm sorry hold up," Shining demanded "What!?"

"This is Spike," Rainbow repeated "And that's about it, in retrospect Twilight probably should have told you, he's had this thing for like a month at this point,"

Cadance marched up to Fouramrs and stared him down, "Who do you have a crush on?" She demanded.

"Rarity," Fourarms shot back before turning into Buzzshock.

"Oh hey, it's the new one," Rainbow noted.

"Where did that guy come from?" Twilight demanded in confusion "What does that make now, thirteen?"

Candace leaned down and demanded in a whisper to avoid everyone else hearing, "Why did I always buy you ice cream on Sundays?" She asked Buzzshock.

Buzzshock leaned in and replied softly "I caught you and Shining smoking Marry Jane and that was my price for silence,"

"Oh Sweet Celestia it is Spike," She cried out, backing away from it rapidly, "When did this happen?"

"A Month ago," Buzzshock declared before flashing into Ditto and immediately splitting into two copies and running across the room. Rainbow watched the two Dittos curiously as Shining stared dumbfounded at Twilight.

"It's a long story," Twilight groaned "One that I barely understand,"

"Hu," Cadance scratched her chin with a bemused look "There are two of him,"

"I don't think that's gonna work," Rainbow called out, realizing Ditto was hoping to stall out the Random Transformation the same way he stalled his time-out function,"

"Worth a Try," Ditto countered as they both felt drawn to the other like metal to a Magnet. They managed to hold out for a few moments before one of them lost their grip and was sent flying across the room, slamming into the second Ditto and sending them both tumbling to the floor before transforming into Wildmutt. Who made several irritable noises.

"That's Spike!?" Shining demanded in outraged confusion when the bright light of teleportation filled the room and Celestia appeared before them all.

"What happened?" She demanded as Wildmutt turned into Eyeguy.

"Eye want to complain about guard brutally," He demanded "They tazed me like a hundred times for no reason," Celestia didn't say anything in regards to that and instead walked over to Eyeguy and waited a moment before he turned into Fourarms and pressed the Omnitrix Simple with a figure, Turning the Fourarmed behemoth back into Spike.

"Ah, I can see again," Rainbow cheered as she rubbed the red flash of the Omnitrix timing out from her eyes.

"Alright," Celesita noted as she turned away from Spike and back to Cadance and Twilight "now Explain,"

Comments ( 5 )

The wait was worth it.

More good

Nice :)

I'm surprised you haven't added a pony DNA sample into the Omnitrix
The Omnitrix is a peace keeping device that allows the user to transform into other sentient species
Having spike turn into a pony would be so cool

I want Spike to get revenge by spraying everyone with Stinkfly goop.

Edit: It doesn't need to be intentional, just as part of a fight.

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