• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,949 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

  • ...

Rarity's Favorite

"What?" Rarity demanded as her Sister repeated herself
"Yesterday I saw a new hero, and he's made of Gems!" She said "I only saw him from afar tho, and I bet Arctiguana could totally beat him in a fight, not that they would fight, their probably best friends or something," as Sweetie was lost in the thought of Arctiguana and the Crystal guy playing games together Rarity ran out of the house and towards the Castel, she knocked on the door, which was answered by Spike

"Oh Hey Rarity what...?"

"Is it true one of your hero's are made of Crystals?"

"Oh, You mean Diamond Head?" Spike asked as he hit the button, spun through his playlist and turned into him

"Pretty cool right?" he asked striking a pose, he looked down and found Rarity with sparkling eyes "jackpot!" he realized as she looked at him like he looked at her "I don't suppose you need some assistance?"

"I DO, oh, but Sweetie's home, and if you timed out..." Diamond head held up his hand

"Let me show you something Celestia showed me before leaving, He turned him symbol counterclockwise with three twists and said slow and clear "Life, Form, Lock" the Symbol twisted around and rang back

"Voice command accepted, commencing Petrosapien Life form lock" The Symbole turned sideway's and with a green glow a cap covered the symbol, making look like nothing more than a part of his outfit

"And now I won't time out, but the longer I'm like this, the longer the recharge, so let's make it as quick as we can." Diamond head said as Rarity escorted him home, as Diamond head looked around, quite a few ponies gathered around him

"Hey!" he heard Mr.Cake call "He turned and waited as Mr.Cake walked over to him "You one of those Heros?"

"Yes sir I am"

"Hmm. I don't see one of those symbols on you" Diamond head pointed to the cap

"I'm off duty" He said, "Don't wanna be, Teleported off to some random space battle on my Day off" Dimond head stood in silence, hoping that sounded convincing, Mr.Cake nodded and he looked at the Cap, Diamond head briefly pulled it down, showing the now Yellow symbol, causing Mr.Cake to light up

"Ah! I see, in that case, Mr.Cake held up a finger and ran off, after a minute of waiting and taking a few pictured Mr.Cake handed him a Box

"Could you give this to that Four Armed Fellow?" He asked "My Wife got it made for him" with that Mr.Cake left with a wave as Diamond Head carried to Box, Rairy was waiting at her door, with an impatient look in her eyes

"Hey, What was I suppose to do?" he asked, Rarity sighed

"True, you were very polite, now let's get this over with, My Sister is going to bombard you with questions about Arcticguano."

"Arctiguana" Dimond head corrected ad Rarity opened the door

"Sweetie we have a very important guess you might want to meet," Sweetie walked in with a bored look

"I don't care about your client Ra..ra...oh my sweet Princess" She gasped as Diamond head walked in,

"Afternoon." He said Politely. Sweetie's scream of joy could be heard across the town


"So what's his favorite food?" Sweetie asked

"Pizza" Diamond head responded as Rarity began attacking his back with a Pickaxe.

"Who's Arctiguana's Best Friend?"

"Wildmutt" DIamond head reasoned as Rarity's Pixaxe broke

"Who's your best friend?"

"Four Arms" He Replied,

"Cool," She said in awe, Rarity meanwhile was trying to use magic to get a chunk of Diamond head's back, who sighed

"Hold on a second," he said as he turned to Rarity "Here" he held his hand palm down and began making a massive pile of Gem's in a multitude of shapes and sizes, after a good pile was made he turned back as Rarity took them all and ran off squealing in joy.

"It was super nice of you to agree to do this for my sister," Sweetie said before falling into an awkward silence, after a moment she took a deep breath and ask "Are you and your friends still made about Scootaloo hitting your Teleporter thing?"

"Naw gave me a head ace, but otherwise it was all good." He replied.

After about 2 hours of doing nothing but Talk to Sweetie and making thing's up while making Gem's for Rarity on command, Diamond head got up.

"Well it's time for me to go" He Declared "I have other thing's to do today" as he got up Sweetie opened the door for him and handed him a letter

"Could you give this to Arctiguana for me?" she asked,

"Certainly" he said as he took it and put it in the bag Rarity had given him to hold the present, as he walked out, he made sure no one saw him as he hide in an alley and removed the cap "Decavitave, Life, Form, Lock" he said slowly and clearly, with a beep the cap disappeared and Spike was back, walking back to the castle with his bag, once he was back to his room, he opened the letter first, it was a Hand-drawn Picture of Arctiguana with Sweetie on his back, The Word Adventure was written over them in large letters, with a note on the Back

"For the Coolest Hero, ever" Spike smiled

"Well, at least I know who's side of the fan war she'll be on" Spike chuckled as he got a tack and hung the picture up on his wall, he proceeded to open the box, and stare at it's context in awe, inside was a pair of small, but very detailed figure of Four Arms, One with Three Tiny Ditto's hanging off him, Spike held it up and read the small note

"Sugar Cube Corner's Newest Series of Cake toppers" Spike smiled as he looked at the two figures

"Guess the Cake's have a fav and a second fav" Spike said with a smile as he placed the figures on his bedside table, Spike smiled as he looked down at his still Red watch. "This Summer is so the Best Summer ever."

Author's Note:

I'm still 50/50 on rather or not Stinkfly should be original, or Reboot
But Wildvine is gonna be 100% the Reboot (I think he works better in mlp than the original)
Also, I swear there will be Action next chapter.