• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,950 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

  • ...

Alien mayhem

"Alright," Spike said as Rainbow watched "I Have Ditto selected on the Dial" Rainbow looked down at him

"Just make sure you don't screw up."

"I've used Ditto a few times, I'm not gonna mess up."

"Yeah, a few times. I'm not worried at all"

"That's the spirit!" Spike shot back when the ground beneath them shook and Spike smiled and dialed up Ditto with a flash Ditto held up his hand

"Let's go!" He ran outside and froze at the giant robot with 6 smaller ones floating around it "of course this is happening now" he sighed as he began running at full speed to the robot, he had just reached the town limits when there was a second earth-shaking boom. Ditto spun on the spot and watched as another robot emerged with 6 more small robot's detaching from it "OH COME ON!" Ditto sighed as he split into four

"ok you two that way, you with me!"

"BREAK!" the four split up and headed towards their individual robots, just as the first group arrived the third robot landed

'Oh, Come, ON!" Ditto sighed irritably "How is this a thing!?" the two Ditto's of both groups made doubled themselves and split up,

"Hey!" the first pair called out to the massive robot looming above them "Down here!!" The robot turned to them as did the 6 smaller ones, all 7 of them immediately locked onto them, the two Ditto's blinked then pointed at each other and said in unison "He said it!" before being blasted at, the two turned tail and ran for cover. as the lasers fired they jumped behind a pile of rubble and looked at several ponies watching them, several of them where ponies they didn't know by name, but one stood out "Oh, Hey SweetieBell" They said in unison. Sweetie gasped

"You know me! Did Diamondhead talk about me! Does Arctiguana know me?" She asked in excitement before anything else could be said the robots moved around and 2 Ditto's Split into 4, each on gripping a pony and moving out of the way. one of the Ditto's and Sweetie ran into the empty Sugar cube corner. ducking in cover as the glass shattered, Sweetie turned back to him "So Does Arctiguana know me? Did her get my gift!?" the Ditto sighed

"Why did I say hi?" he thought "that was just stupid" Outloud he responded, "Yeah, he knows of you, listen I gotta go, robot invasion and what not, Just stay here..." the two turned as Mr.Cake cleared his throat

"We've got a couple dozen ponies hiding in Fridge."

"Safety awaits," Ditto said with a smile motioning Sweetie in the direction "Also I thank you for that" the Ditto added pointing to the Fourarms statue with 4 Ditto's on it "Upchuck is super jealous"

"Oh your...hm...hu..." Mr.Cake muttered into Silence as Sweetie made her way past him to the freezer and the Ditto ran out to rejoin the fight, as Mr.Cake walked back into the fridge he looked over at his wife "Our little cloning friend has just brought a great Business opportunity to mind."


"Sweet mother of the moon" Rainbow Dash said in awe as she watched the mechanized chaos from the Castel "I sent Spike into that...AS DITTO!" She stood in silence before turning back into the Castel "TWILIGHT! ERROR'S HAVE BEEN MADE!!"


"Bad Idea, Bad Idea, BAD IDEA!" a Trio of Ditto's where all yelling in unison as the Robot's hunted them down, one of them was cut off as he was blasted to green dust "We should have gone in stealthy!!" a second Ditto managed to say before being blasted to dust as well "Probably!" The last one agreed as he was also blasted away, the robot's stopped, scanned the area and they and the big robot began moving towards one of the middle robot, the one of the far side doing the same, meanwhile Ditto exited Sugar cube corner and looked around, he spots a noticeable lack of Ditto's around him "Alright, So I'm never taking a beat ever again" He Decided as the Robot army gathered around him the three robots scanned him and confirmed

"Orignal found"

"Neat" Ditto said as split into a small army and help up a broken wagon wheel "DItto's, throw stuff!" with that the Ditto's began running around and throwing what few items they could while being vaporized, at the same time one of them snuck into Sugar Cube corner and into the Freezer much to the amazement to the ponies

"Is it safe to come out?" Mr.Cake asked

"Actually I have just come to tell you all that you might wanna run as fast as you can to the Castel before the robot armada outside finishes vaporizing my clones." The crowd blinked

"So let's use the backdoor then?"

"And I suggest you refrain from screaming." Ditto added before splitting in to and playing rock paper scissors, the winner walked over the Mr.Cake and the loser ran back out the front

"To The Castel!"

"Wait...Are you the original? or was that the Original?" Sweetie asked, Ditto opened his mouth, shut it, then answered

"I don't know." He confessed "Never thought about it before." he blinked "How do my powers work?" Ditto stood in silence before turning to the door "Well that brought up a lot of weird questions but as I don't wanna die I suggest we all move as I suspect you all wish to not die as well!" With that Ditto hightailed it out of the fridge, split into three, the middle one ran to the door and let one of the other Ditto's run out calling for everypony to follow him, Ditto held open the door and once they were all gone closed the door.

"Ok time to think of a..." He turned, and was then jump scared by Sweetie Bell "AHH!!" He screeched before coving his mouth "Need to put a bell on you...ha...cause your name's bell, that was unintentional but still kind of funny" DItto laughed before clearing his throat. "Anywho, Sweetie if you'd be so kind as to join the mass of screaming ponies so I may focus on stopping the Robo-apocalypse..."

"Why don't you just call in Diamond Head? Or Four Arms..."

"You just said a sentence to me without mentioning Arctiguana...that's pretty deep."

"I'm serious, we need a heavy hitter, someone who won't explode when hit with lasers."

"Hey!" Ditto snapped back "I bet you'd explode too! my Clones or at least their memories, all return to me after they've been destroyed, which leaves the confusion of how this power works slightly less in the air, but still in the air non the less!" Before this could continue a Ditto slammed open the door and blinked at the sight of sweetie bell

"So...you two have about 7 seconds before your stepped on.."

"Wha..." was all Sweetie bell could say before the first Ditto grabbed her and threw her to the second one just as the Robot for broke through the floor, Ditto rolled backward with Sweetiebell and the two looked up at the destroyed Sugar cube corner

"Hey, Sweetie?" Ditto asked

"Yeah?" She answered in silence

"Could you run to the Castel and get Twilight...I need to call someone else...anyone else... to do this." Ditto set down Sweetie, who ran at full speed away from the giant robot directly in front of them. Ditto squinted as he looked up at the robot and picked up a rock. "You're A WASHING MACHINE!" He yelled throwing the rock at the robot, who responded with a laser blast, Ditto jumped out of the way and ran full speed into a nearby collapsed building. "Ok...So it's been a while, so if I'm the last clone then I should..."There was a loud beep and a flash and Spike sighed with relief

"Thank goodness I'm not Ditto...wait." Spike looked down at the depowered watch and panicked "I should have tried to run farther!" He realized when a giant robot foot hit the ground next to him and three drones joined him, Spike blinked and jumped over a partially destroyed wall, running at full speed "Come on Watch! I need to XLR-8! I'm gonna Die here!" To his surprise, the watch responded

"Scanning area." A laser blasted over Spike's head and the watch beeped "Life threat confirmed, Activating Survival mode, please select number." Spike blinked in silence

"What?" He demanded when a laser shot over his shoulder, Spike skid around a corner and jumped into a trashcan, he sat in silence as the drones flew over him and away, he sighed with relief before turning back to the watch "Number?

"Please select a number." Spike blinked


"Denied" The watch responded "Try again" Spike muttered when the watch clarified "Number to high, Training wheel program in place, please try again or deactivate Traning wheel program." Spike blinked.


"Accepted." The Watch beeped and turned green

"Active playlist, 10. 5 available slots unlocked." Spike blinked

"Figure it out later" he sighed "Survive now" He turned the dial "Let's go..." in a flash Ghostfreak floated out fo the trashcan

"Wrong alien." He sighed "Fine, work with what you're given." He flew up high and looked to one of the large robot's, he flew at top speed and inspected for a moment "I wonder?" He phased through the robot, and looked around at it's complex inside, "Wonder what would happen if I did...this?" He when tangible and began pulling out wires. outside Rainbow Dash looked at the robot walking towards the castle with Twilight and several over citizens of Ponyville.

"Oh no." Rainbow facehovved "I had to go Ditto." She muttered before speaking loud "Is Ditto still here?"

"He said he was calling in someone else" Sweetie replied when suddenly the robot that was approaching's arm suddenly started smoking, with a loud band the arm blasted off and into another robot, the broken robot took another step and with more smoking, it's entire upper body self-destructed. The ponies watched in amazement when a large chunk came right at them before Twilight could react several tendrils wrapped around it and Ghostfreak tossed it away

"My bad," He said looking down at the stunned crowd "didn't think it would blow up like that."

"A ghost!?" Sweetie asked in shock "That's so cool, I think that makes...what 9?"

"10! Scootaloo called out, Rainbow said there was a speeding guy." Ghostfreak thought for a second

"well, actually there are going to be..." He stopped when several droend made their way toward them and opened fire "Hold that thought." Ghostfreak turned and charged the drones, they all beeped and turned to show Ghostfreak their tops. "Ok?" Ghostfreak said in confused silence when their tops opened and shot out a fair amount of green goo on him.
"AH! Disgusting!" He said trying to phase through it, only to find he couldn't.." What in the..." Before he could question this farther he was hit with a combination of the 6 drones lasers, he screamed as he flew into the side of the castle. Twilight took point and began attacking the drones while Rainbow and several other ponies came to Ghostfreaks aid

"How did you go down!?" Scootaloo demanded as Rainbow helped him up, the answer came from the watch

"Warning Protoplasm has been solidified." The ponies and Rainbow looked down at it

"Since when does that thing talk!?" Rainbow demanded

"It's new," Ghostfreak responded before the watch spoke again

"User in Danger, switching form." in a green flash Arciguana stood in confusion

"So I guess I'm here now." he said in confusion "That's kewl." Everpony and Arctiguana flinched when Sweetiebelle squealed

"IT'S HIM!" She sighed before passing out on to the grass.

"Whoa!" He said stunned "That's unfortunate." Applebloom and Scootaloo came to her aid

"We got her." They said as the hauled her off, Arctiguana broke through the crowded and with one break froze all the drones, who subsequently fell and shattered.

"Hold it," Rainbow said jumping on his back.

"You said something about funny in response to ponies saying you have 10 aliens?"

"I..might have 15 now, or maybe it was referring to something else. Kind of busy right now." Articiguana froze the ground in front of him and began sliding down to ponyville with Rainbow.

"You say that like it isn't the coolest thing ever!" Rainbow called back, maybe you'll get something that can fly as fast as me!"

"Maybe." He responded as they made it to ponyville. "Ok, I'm gonna freeze the big guy's legs, and you sonic rainboom it so it shatters!"

"Aye, aye oh captain," Rainbow responded as she Jumped into the air and began flying up. Arctiguana slid to a stop and looked up at the giant robot in front of him

"ok, deep breath's Spike," He said as he took as big of a breath as he could before blasting the robot's leg's, the Robot turned to him and held up its hand to blast him, with a loud boom and the yelling of the word
"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash crashed through the icy leg and the robot tumbled down before he could cheat the robot pulled itself up with on hand an prepared to blast Spike with the other

"Uh oh." Articguana said before being blasted into the sky "I CAN'T FLY!!" He screamed when suddenly he was frozen in the air, he blinked and looked to his left at the sound of heavy breathing, Twilight gasp for air at the speed she had flown

"You...are never making a plan without me again!" she said angrily

"Fair 'nuff." Artiguana responded before he turned back into Spike in a flash of red, Twilight looked down at the robot and when it held up its hand to fire again covered it in a bubble, the bubble reflected the blast and the robot went down.

"Nice play!" Rainbow called, flying back to her friends "But we still got...there were screams and the three turned to see the remaining 12 drones attacking the castle and the ponies of ponyville.

"You two get papa robot!" Spike said as his watch went green "Time for XLR-8 to make his big Debut"

Scootaloo had come back outside after dragging Sweetie inside and was now stuck with Nurse Red Heart and Mrs.Cake hiding behind a section of wall Ghostfreak had knocked down

"Any last words?" She asked her fellow doomed friends

"Don't be so grim, I'm sure somepony will help."

"Maybe Ditto will come back?" Nurse Red heart asked

"You almost as bad as Sweetie" Scootaloo sighed "I Just wish I could have seen the speedy guy"

"Who me?" A fourth voice asked, the trio turned and looked over at XLR-8, who waved "Give me a second." He flipped his visor down and ran out of cover, the trio watched in amazement, He ran in a large circle and the drones where one by one slammed into the ground, XLR-8 proceded to jump in the air and crush them one by one then in a flash he was behind them again, all of this taking place before anyone could even blink, Scootaloo had stars in her eyes and held up the only thing she had on her

"Will you sign my backpack?"

"I already did." She looked in shock as she saw XLR-8 already written on it "ah...that's so cool" She said in silence, XLR-8 saluted and ran off, immediately afterward the last large robot exploded, Scootaloo looked on in stunned silence.

"TEAM XLR-8!" She screamed out in glee! the other two mare's behind her shrugged

"Team Ditto" Red Heart said bluntly

"Fourarm's saved my husband, so Team Fourarms." within minutes the 10 factions had started a fight over the best alien, meanwhile Spike and Rainbow watched from the side and chuckled

"How does Ghostfreak already have that many fans?"

"How do XLR-8, Stinkfly, and Upchuck?" Spike responded "I've only used them once in public!" the two turned and looked as Twilight began removing robot's from the town and workers moved in to help with repairs.

"So...15 now hu?" Rainbow asked The Watch responded

"Active playlist 10 out of 15." The two looked at it and Spike shrugged

"well, on the bright side if my life is ever in danger the watch will save me. so that's a win."

"All Droids destroyed Lord Vilgax." Vilgax sat in silence for a moment

"Leave me" he responded, his robot servant bowed and left the room, he sat in angry silence for a minute looking down at the mud ball that was hiding the Omnitrix from him, the Robot's hadn't been his original plan, but he felt he was giving the wielder of the watch to much time to learn how to use it, he pressed a couple of buttons on his chair

"How many have responded."

"6 in all sir."

"Send them in."

Author's Note:

This was fun, and I hope you loved it

oh, what's this? 5 new aliens? does anyone have any suggestions?

I'm only taking 3 alien suggestions, 2 of them have already been preselected.