• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,949 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

  • ...

Punched in the Face

The cold winds of an endless winter blew for as far as the eye could see as Spike and Rainbow looked out the window.

"So what do you think?" Rainbow whispered to Spike as she gazed off into the frozen horizon.

"I think..." Spike paused for dramatic effect as the sound of the winds buffering the train cart echoed through it "...Heatblast could walk through it," he declared with a nod.

"No way!" Rainbow snapped back "he'd be blown out like a birthday candle by the wind alone, add the freezing snow and there's just no way it's happening," as the two continued their debate as to which of Spike's Aliens could make it through the harsh environment surrounding the Empire for miles Twilight was two seats away from them with her headphones on and scribbling down a report on everything that had happened with the Omnitrix so explaining it to her brother and sister in law would be easier, the Train has a few more occupants Like Mr.Cake who was on a delivery, and Octavia who had a gig at a nice restaurant in the Empire, along with a handful of other ponies out on their own business. Mr.Cake was looking out the window when he saw it, a light off in the distance that was slowly getting closer and closer. He watched it get closer and closer before he got a good look at its source, a menacing-looking creature was closing in on the train with the aid of a jet pack, on the other side of the train Octavia was watching as a large bulking creature got closer to the train on a floating board. Both cried out in alarm and very quickly started a panic.

"Hey," Rainbow said as she and Spike looked at the one with the jet pack "Think there with the Vreedle boys and Soreeyes?" Spike looked at Rainbow then at the guy outside and held up his arm baring the watch and pointed at it, their new friend proceeded to pull out two blasters.

"Yup," Spike decided before both he and Rainbow ducked as a laser was shot through the window, melting it instead of shattering it.

"Panic!" Spike cried out loudly, the residents of their train car were happy to oblige, it didn't take long for Twilight to notice the panic, she took off her headphones just as the one with a Jetpack tore a chunk of the wall off.

"Um Princess," Octavia said as she peeked out from under Twilights seat "Can you teleport a hero here by chance?" Twilight sighed before lighting her horn and declared loudly.

"Alien Hero," without hesitation a blinding Green light filled the cart and Heatblast stood tall for about half a second before the wind from the open wall hit him.

"Oh, my starts it's Freezing!" He managed to cry out before being decked in the face by the Jetpack Alien, who was in turn kicked in the chest by Rainbow, dealing no damage but knocking him out of the hole in the wall.

"You couldn't have been more specific?" Mr.Cake demanded. "Maybe asked for the one not made of fire to appear in the middle of a snowstorm!?" Twilight gave the baker the stink eye and he slinked under a nearby seat with a nervous laugh. Heatblast got to his feet and started shivering.

"It's even worse than I thought it would be," he managed to say before the one on the hoverboard broke through the other side and grabbed Heatblast by the back of the head before flying out the hole with him and throwing him into the snow, Heatblast was sent tumbling at high speed through the snow with a few choice words of anger before something shot out of the ground and hit him hard in the side just as the symbol on his best beeped and in a flash turned him into Ghostfreak.

"Better," Ghostfreak said as the thing that hit him came out of the ground and revealed itself to be a Robot Crab, "Hu," He said before going intangible, the Crab Robot looked around for a moment.

"An Ectonurite," he said with some amusement in his voice "What are you gonna do? Scare me to-" The Crab was interrupted as Ghostfreak punched him in the back of the head, The Crab turned on the spot only for Ghostfreak to do it again, He turned and faced his claw behind him, shooting something onto Ghostfreak who went Tangible.

"Did my Protoplasam just solidify?" He asked with a tone of irritation

"It did," The Crab confirmed before decking Ghostfreak in the eye and sending him flying back towards the train tracks, he chased after the ghost as he landed and punched at the Ghost again with his not claw hand when there was a beep and a flash of green. The Crab blinked as he found his fist not in the face of an Ectonurite, but in the midsection of a much big, much Redder Alien.

"This is gonna hurt isn't it?" Crab asked in fear as his arm was grabbed hard. The Symbol on Fourarm's shoulder beeped.

"Correct," Fourarms smiled before slamming down on the Crab robot only to be shot in the back by the Jetpack one with little lasting effect save for a stinging pain.

"You know," Fourarms said irritable "The Last guys at least introduced themselves before shooting at me,"

"That's cause they were idiots," The One on the Hoverboard said as he fired a blaster at Fourarms to little effect again.

"What about you jet pack?" he asked, the Alien with the Jet pack proceeded to make many noises, none of them Fouramrs understood in the slightest. "What about you Crab?" there was a moment of silence as the Crab back up.

"How do you know my name?" Kraab demanded indignantly.

"Lucky guess?" Fourarms replied as Twilight and Rainbow made their way to him.

"Lazer horse!" Kraab cried out "Fallback!" Kraab ducked his neck in and duck into the ground in retreat with the Jetpack guy following his lead and blasting off.

"See you soon kid," Hoverboard said before throwing something onto the ground and enveloping the area in smoke, after a moment Spike stood coughing as Twilight and Rainbow landed.

"Good," Spike grumbled as he rubbed his face "My face hurts,"

"You did get decked in the face and carried out by the back of your head," Rainbow reasoned.

"And hit in the face a third time," Spike added, as Twilight helped him onto her back she heard him grumbling about solidified protoplasm.

"Something wrong?" Twilight asked as they took flight.

"My face hurts," Spike repeated irritably as they headed to the Empire.