• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,451 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Darklight's End

The day of the Fall Formal was drawing closer, and everyone was working to place the finishing touches into the gym.

During their lunch break, we find the Mane Six and student Rangers finishing up the decorations. This was despite the fact that now that six of them no long had their powers, causing the task to take longer. Pinkie and Twilight were helping hang streamers, standing on ladders held by Applejack and Rarity. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Lyra and Sunset were decorating the stage.

Meanwhile, the male members of the team were setting out the chairs.

The Red Ranger, Flash, was currently being hounded by his friends. "Come on man," Soarin told him. "We had a pact."

"The rest of us have done it," Micro said.

"Now it's your turn," Sandal finished.

Flash rolled his eyes, but then glanced over at where Twilight was standing on top of the ladder. "We've got bigger things to worry about then a dance. I've gotta stay focused on beating Darklight"

"Come on," Soarin said. "It's not like we can do anything right now."

"That's right," Micro told him. "Until we can locate the Dark Fortress, we're stuck on defence."

In the base, Celestia, Luna, Trail, Shining and Dusk were working on tracking down the location of Darklight's base. Even Cadance had come to lend them a hand, each of them scanning a particular area of space for the cloaked space station.

"So why not let yourself have some fun," Micro finished.

Flash rolled his eyes again. "You guys aren't gonna let this go until I do it, are you?"

"No!" The three answered.

Flash sighed in defeat. "Fine," he turned to walk over to where Twilight's ladder was. In that moment however, Twilight reached out a bit to far on her ladder and suddenly lost her footing.

"Whoa!" She cried as she began to lose her balance, trying with all her might to stay up right but was unable to. "WOW!" She fell towards the ground.

Luckily Flash saw this and his instincts kicked in, causing him to leap under where she had fallen and catch her in his arms.

"Whoa!" He said as he worked to keep his balance with the new weight, but managed to stay up right. He then turned to Twilight. "You okay?"

Twilight turned to him and instantly her face blushed, but she nodded. "I'm fine. You can...put me down now."

"Oh," Flash replied with his own blush, "sure." He lowered her to the ground, as the rest of their friends crowded around them.

"You okay Twilight?" Sunset asked her.

"I'm fine," she replied before turning back to her saver. "Thanks Flash."

"No problem," Flash told her with a nervous smile. He looked around and saw everyone staring at the two of them, making him feel even more nervous. Oh well, he was not the Element of Courage for nothing. "Listen Twilight."

"Yeah?" She asked.

"I was wondering-"


Everyone turned to the gym doors, where Sweetie was rushing in.

"What's up Sweetie?" Lyra asked her.

"Yeah," Flash asked in an annoyed way. "What's the problem?"

"You've gotta come see this," Sweetie said before turning back around and rushing out the gym.

The others all shared a confused look, but decided they would bite and rush out after her.

Up on the Dark Fortress, Cogs watched as the Shades worked on the designs he had created.

Five three man teams were each building a rocket like device, which had a large empty space in the centre of it. Cogs looked over each other their shoulders and nodded.

"Yes, perfect. Now all we need are the containers."

In that moment, the lab doors opened and in stepped Darklight. "Cogs, is it ready?"

"Almost," he replied before pointing at the table with the five slim filled canister. "Once the canisters have been set, they'll be ready for launch."

"Good," Darklight replied, "then it's time for my rebirth."

"Yes master," Cogs said. The two exited the lab, as the Shades steadily began loading the containers into them.

The two headed to the reanimator lab, where they found Doom and Heart waiting for them.

"Are you ready to be better then ever master?" Doom asked.

"Of course I am," Darklight replied. "And when it's over, those Rangers won't stand a chance against me."

The three nodded, as Cogs moved over to the machine and typed at its computer. The machine opened its doors, awaiting the one it would transform.

Darklight placed his staff against the wall before turning towards the machine, then stepped into it before turning back to face them. "This is goodbye. Next time you see me, I won't be Darklight anymore."

"We'll miss you brother," Heart said. "I hope you know what you're doing."

Darklight nodded. "Make sure you do as I commanded. The Rangers will rue this day."

The three nodded as they watched the doors shut and the machine filled with steam, while the systems began to power up. The three watched as the device began to work its magic on Darklight, breaking him down to nothing more then mere consciousness before rebuilding his body from scratch.

"And it's begun," Cogs said.

"What do we do now?" Heart asked.

"What Darklight ordered us to do," Doom replied. "We fire those missiles."

Cogs nodded and was about to return to the lab, but in that moment one of the computers began to beep. "What's this?" He asked as he moved over to it. "The computers seem to be picking something up."

"What?" Heart asked.

"I don't know," Cogs replied.

"You try and find out," Doom said. "I'll see to the missiles." With that, he stepped out of the lab.

Back on earth, Sweetie brought the Rangers and Mane Six to the cafeteria. There most of the students were enjoying their lunch, along with one non-student.

"What the?" Flash asked when he saw who Sweetie was pointing at.

Havoc was sitting alone at one of the tables, looking like he was enjoying his meal. The thirteen teenagers all rushed over to him, giving him a serious look as they arrived.

"What are you doing here Havoc?" Sunset asked in a hushed yet serious voice.

Havoc looked up from his meal and smirked at the Rangers. "What, I haven't had a decent meal in ages. Figured I'd enjoy my last meal in this universe before heading out."

"You're leaving?" Fluttershy asked.

"As soon as I can find a way to," Havoc replied. "By the way, you lot seem to have access to another dimension. Mind if I use it? This Equestria I've heard so much about, sounds like it'd be a fun place to hang out."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Ya'h think we'll just show ya'h how ta get ta Equestria?"

Havoc gave her a pouty face. "Oh come on. I thought we were all friends now?"

"Friends don't just abandon their friends," Rainbow told him.

"Yeah," Pinkie said, "I thought you were gonna help us."

"And what about your revenge?" Rarity asked. "You said you were going to fight against Darklight."

"And how do you expect me to beat him?" Havoc asked her. "Especially with what he has planned."

Everyone shared a confused glance before turning back to him. "You know what Darklight has planned?" Lyra asked.

Havoc's face became a frown, as he looked down at his food before pushing the tray away. "I have a pretty good guess." He reached into his pocket and pulled something out, placing it on the table for all to see.

"An ear communicator?" Twilight asked.

Havoc nodded. "My father gave it to me, so we could talk to each other in battle. Darklight didn't know I could hear everything he said to my father, including a taunt he gave him before destroying him."

Everyone gave him a confused look. "What was the taunt?" Sandal asked.

Havoc sighed as he remembered what he had heard that day, speaking it out loud.

"Remember that oh so terrible monster you were so scared of? well I found it, and defeated it. It's now mine, to do with as I please."

To say everyone was shocked at this was and understatement. Darklight had captured the Entity, the bigger badder version of the one they had barely defeated before. That was not a good thing.

"How the heck did he get it?" Micro asked.

Havoc shrugged. "My best guess. He used Void's power to capture and weaken it, allowing him to properly contain it. I don't know what he has planned for it, but it can't be good."

Soarin chuckled. "Well let him try. We've fought that thing before."

"And won," Sandal finished as the two of them high fived.

Havoc rolled his eyes. "What you faced was just a small piece of it. The real thing will be a hundred times stronger. You really think you can beat something like that?"

"Yes we can," Flash told him as he sat down across from him. "And we'd have an even better chance of doing it, if you helped us Havoc."

Havoc did not look convinced.

"Please Havoc," Sunset told him. "I've seen there's good in you. You don't want Darklight to win as much as we do, so help us."

Havoc seemed to be considering it, but eventually he shook his head. "I'm sorry." He picked up his tray and stood up. "Well, I guess this is it. Enjoy getting eaten." With that he walked away from them, placing his tray with the other dirty ones and stepping out the cafeteria.

With him gone, the Rangers turned to one another. "Let's get to the base," Flash told them. "The others will want to here about this."

Everyone nodded and headed to their secret base, where they told Starswirl and the others what Havoc had told them.

"This could pose a serious problem," Starswirl said.

"But you've beaten this monster before?" Cadance asked. "I'm sure you'll do it again."

"She's right," Shining said. "When that thing shows up, we can use the Ultrazord and the other Megazords to take it out."

"But we don't know how Darklight's gonna use it," Trail told him. "How are we suppose to plan for something we don't know."

"We'll find a way," Celestia told him.

In that moment however, one of the computers began to beep.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked.

Luna moved over to the screen and began typing, only to smile. "We've located the Dark Fortress."

Everyone smiled hearing this, moving over to crowd around the computer. On screen they saw nothing but space, but then an outline appeared in a familiar shape.

"That's it," Sunset said.

"Indeed," Dusk told them. "That is the Dark Fortress."

"Then what are we waiting for," Flash said. "Let's get the Phoenix Zord, get up there and take Darklight down."

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered. In that moment though, another beep appeared.

Luna turned back to the computer and her eyes went wide. "Something was just ejected from the ship. Scratch that, five somethings were ejected. They look like...missiles."

"He's gonna bomb us!" Pinkie cried, her hair standing on end.

"Oh no," Fluttershy said.

"No," Luna told them. "The scanners aren't picking up any explosive material in them. Whatever they're for, its not going to explode. In fact, they don't even appear to all be heading here."

"Well where are they going?" Twilight asked.

"What's the trajectory?" Sunset asked.

Luna continued to type, Celestia moving to another computer to help. "There all heading to five different locations," Luna told them.

Celestia nodded. "The first one to hit, will be in Tokyo."

In Tokyo, the people of the city were enjoying their everyday lives.

But suddenly that everyday life was shattered, when something rain down from the sky. That something was a missile, which struck the ground and shattered to pieces. The green slim that had been sealed in the container, flew out and struck the ground.

The people seeing this all looked at it in confusion, but in that moment the slim began to bubble up. The people all looked at it in worry, as the slim seemed to get bigger and bigger.

Finally realising the danger, everyone began to run as the slim grew to the size of a skyscraper and beyond. Finally it reached its peak and began to take a new shape, the slim finally solidifying into a creature that was well known to the Rangers.

The Entity let out a loud cry as it began to stomp around, looking for something it could devour.

Everyone in the base stared in horror at what they were seeing on screen.

"I'm guessing that's the Entity?" Dusk asked.

"Yeah," Flash replied, "it is."

Suddenly the screen split, showing three other locations. In each one an Entity appeared and began to cause havoc. All over the world, Tokyo, London, New York and Cairo, the monsters were causing horrible destruction. Finally the last missile struck, landing in Canterlot of all places and freeing its Entity.

"I thought there was only suppose to be one of those things?" Rainbow asked.

"Darklight must have found a way to separate it into five," Twilight replied.

"What do we do now?" Pinkie asked.

Starswirl stepped up. "We protect this world, as Guardians should. We know from past experiences that these creatures can be defeated by our weapons, so it is our responsibility to stop them."

"He's right," Lyra said. "We have to do this."

Micro nodded. "Five Entities, well I've got some bad news for Darklight. Because, we've got five Megazords."

Everyone smiled at that, knowing what he was getting at.

Flash stepped up to Starswirl and turned to them all. "We'll split up and hit each of them at the same time, until all of them are destroyed."

Starswirl moved over to the centre of the base, near the crystal beds, and turned to them. "This will be the greatest battle you have ever faced. You must not give up, even if it seems hopeless."

"Don't worry Starswirl," Flash told him as they circled around him.

Trail nodded. "We didn't come this far, just to give up now."

"We'll save our world," Shining said.

"And then finish off Darklight," Sweetie finished.

Starswirl nodded and raised his staff. "Rangers, join me."

The Rangers nodded, pulling out their swords and pointing them at the staff's head.

"Together," the wizard spoke, "we must fight to survive and protect the multiverse." His staff glowed.

Everyone suddenly spoke in unison. "Protectors of right!" The Elements flew from their crystal beds, hit the staff and energised their own Rangers into their suits. "READY TO FIGHT!"

Celestia stepped forwards. "Me, Luna, Cadance and the girls will oversee the battles from here."

"All five Megazords," Flash told the team. "At once. You guys ready?"

"YEAH!" The others cried before rushing out the base.

"Good luck," Twilight called out to them as they left.

Once they were gone, a feeling of fear overcame them. This would likely be the most difficult battle they had ever faced, and no matter what they had to win.

The Rangers all rushed down the streets, splitting into the groups they would battle the Entities in.

A lone Flash pulled out the Alicorn, Minotaur and Manticore Chargers, activating them before tossing them in the air. "Summon Zords!"

Lyra and Sweetie pulled out the Dragon, Sea-Serpent and Sphinx Chargers and activated them. "Summon Zords!"

Soarin, Micro and Sandal did the same with the Thunderbird, Griffon and Fenrir Chargers. "Summon Zords!"

Sunset, Shining and Trail held out the Phoenix Charger, Sunset tossing it in the air. "Summon Zords!"

Finally Dusk pulled out his Basilisk Charger, activated it and threw it in the air. "Summon Zords!"


The eleven Zords all activated, leaving their hiding places before heading towards the Rangers that called them. The ten Rangers activated their Mega-Drive and leapt into the cockpits, as the Zords prepared to combine.







Alright everyone," Flash told his team over to coms. "Let's show those monster why you don't mess with our universe."

"YEAH!" The others cried as the five Megazords headed off to the chosen locations.

Up in space, Cogs was still working on locating whatever it was the computer was detecting.

Finally he realised what it was. "Of course! Excellent!"

Heart, who had been staring at the reanimator, turned to him. "What is it?"

Cogs turned to her. "The energy collars Chaos had me build, each had a signal that ran through the ships systems so I could tell if one got damaged. They were each designed to self destruct after Chaos absorbed the energy from them, so no one could use the signal to track us. However, it seems one of them had their self destruct deactivated and has just reset its signal. That's what we're tracking."

"Okay," Heart said, "so how does this help us?"

"Because I'm betting the one that got reset was the one the Rangers took. The Gold Ranger said her brainy friend took it to their base. She must have deactivated the self destruct by accident, but left the signal online."

Heart's eyes went wide, as she realised what Cogs was getting at. "Are you saying we can track it to their base."

"Exactly!" Cogs cheered as he started typing. "All we need do is back trace the signal and find where its source is." The computer screen turned out and showed an image of the earth. The image was then zoomed in to show the country it was in, then zoomed in again to show the city of Canterlot. Finally it zoomed in once more, showing a birds eye few of Canterlot High. "THERE!"

"Their base is a school?" Heart asked.

"OF COURSE!" They spun around to see Doom step into the room. "Where else would it be. How did we not realise this to begin with." He turned to Cogs. "Gather all the Shades we can spare. We're going to destroy that place."

"But why?" Cogs asked. "The Rangers aren't even there?"

"What better time to attack it. If by some slim chance they actually succeed in destroying all the Entities, they won't have a base to work from." He turned back towards the door. "You two coming? It's about time we did something right for master Darklight. Call it a...new body present."

He walked out the lab, as Heart and Cogs gave each other a glance before following him. He was right, they needed to make up for all the failures they had had up until now.

Completely unaware of the danger they were in, the ones at the base watched as the five Megazords finally arrived at their chosen destinations.

"They should have arrived by now," Celestia said.

Twilight opened the coms. "How's it going guys?"

"Great!" Flash replied, "I've just arrived in Tokyo."

As the Tokyo Entity stomped around, it suddenly felt a presence and spun around to see the Alicorn Megazord rushing at it.

"Bring it on!" Flash cried as he started by swinging his Tail Whip and striking the monster, causing it to stagger back and allow Flash the chance to strike with the Mino-Claw.

In New York, the Entity had just arrived in Washington Square Park. But in that moment, something caught its ears.


It spun around to see the Guardian Megazord rushing towards it.

Sweetie called out to it. "No one messes with my home town!"

"You go girlfriend!" Lyra cried and the Megazord reached the monster.

It then swung its Tail Sabre, slashing at the Entity. The monster then unleashed its tendrils, but the Megazord used its shield to block before spinning around and kicking the monster away.

Down below the people of New York, including Forest and Grand Hoof, watched and cheered.

In London, the Entity there was walking through the Thames when a powerful bolt of lightning suddenly struck the water and caused it to look up and see the Thunder-Charge Megazord fly down and land between it and London Bridge.

"Hope that wasn't to much of a shock," Soarin joked.

"Don't worry if it was," Micro told it as the Megazord raised its Griffon arm. "Because this next part will be a real blast!" The robot started firing, hitting the monster and making it stagger backwards.

"Mind if I cut in?" Sandal asked as the Megazord rushed forwards and began slashing at the Entity with its Fenrir arm.

On the outskirts of Cairo, the Entity was roaming around the Giza Pyramid.

Suddenly the monster was bombarded by fireballs, causing it to look up and see the Phoenix-Wing fly down and land a ways away from it.

"Let's show this creature what happens when you mess with our world!" Trail said.

"YEAH!" Shining and Sunset cried as the Megazord charged forwards.

The Entity however, spread its wings and took to the sky. "That won't save you!" Sunset cried as the Megazord did the same and the two giants began to clash in the air.

Back in Canterlot, the final Entity saw something slowly making its way towards it.

The Shadow-Max Megazord, the slowest of all the Megazords, lumbered across the ground as it made its way towards the monster. "Time to take this thing down!" Dusk cried as the Megazord swung its mighty axe to slash at the monster.

Said monster managed to barely dodge before using its sharp claws to slash at the Megazord, making it stagger back.

"This might be harder then I thought," Dusk said.

Meanwhile, Havoc was walking through town trying to figure out a way to leave this universe.

As he did, he walked by a store window that everyone was gathered around. Glancing over them, he caught sight of what they were looking at. On a TV screen, the news was showing imaged of the multiple global monster fights taking place.

Announcer: As you can see, the Power Rangers have engaged with the monsters. Each fight seems to be at a standstill, with the Rangers and monsters appearing to be doing little to no damage to its opponents. We can only hope the Power Rangers pull through.

Havoc just sighed as he walked away. "Idiots. I told them, it was pointless." But in that moment, he glanced back at the TV and saw the Phoenix-Wing's fight. He remembered what Sunset had told him, about there being good in him. "No," he told himself as he walked away.

"Let's do this Alicorn!" Flash cried as the Megazord charged forwards again, swinging its Tail Whip around to strike.

The Entity was ready for it this time, as it shot its tendrils at the weapon and wrapped around it. It then fired more of them at the Megazord, wrapping up its arms and preventing it from moving.

"Not good," Flash groaned as he tried to get the Megazord free.

With its foe trapped, the Entity used its claws to slash at the Megazord and doing a lot of damage to it.

"Come on!" Flash cried, but in that moment came up with an idea. "SPLIT!" He cried, causing the Megazord to glow as it suddenly split apart. The Manticore and Minotaur were still tied up, but the Alicorn was free and able to fight back. It's horn glowed purple, as a magic beam of light shot out at the Entity and blasted it in the head.

This freed the other two Zords, who managed to get their own back by striking the giant monster with their tail or horns.

"Great work guys," Flash told the Zords. "Time to recombine!"


"Time for round two!" Flash cried as the Megazord swung its Tail Whip again, knocking the dazed Entity for a loop before grabbing it in the Mino-Claw and tossing it away. "FIRE!" The Megazord unleashed a purple beam of light from the Alicorn's horn, blasting the monster.

"Alright. Let's finish him!" He began to move the way he needed to, to unleash the Megazord's full power. "Alicorn Megazord...Final Strike!"

The Megazord began to glow, the light flying above its head and forming a purple sphere.

"Equestrian Assault!" The Red Ranger cried as the sphere shot towards the Entity, transforming into the shape of Princess Twilight.

The Entity could not react in time to defend itself, as the spectral pony shot through its body and electrocuted with magic. It let out a cry of pain before exploding, coating half the city in its slimy remains.

"YES!" Flash cried before turning to his console. "Alright guys, the Tokyo Entity is down!"

Everyone cheered hearing this.

"Great work Flash," Twilight told him. "We'll begin rerouting you and the Zords to the other battles."

"You got it," Flash replied. "I'm on my way."

As soon as Twilight and the principle finished sending the three Zords off, a loud siren went off.

"What's that?" Pinkie asked.

"Schools security alarm," Luna replied as she switched on the security cameras. As soon as she did, she gasped at what she saw.

Shades, tons of them, entering the school. The student who saw them all began to scream, running away as fast as they could while the Shades filled the halls.

"What are they doing here?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know," Celestia said. "But with the others occupied, it's up to us to stop them."

"But how?" Rainbow asked. "We don't have our magic anymore."

Twilight moved over to the side, picking up a case and placing it on the table infront of everyone. "I had a feeling we might be in this situation, so I made more of these just encase." She opened it up and revealed the contents to be a bunch of new replica blasters.

Everyone smiled seeing this.

The Shades were ripping the school apart, destroying walls and other parts of the building. The students and teachers had all evacuated, but that did not matter to them.


They turned to see Cadance and the Mane Six, all with blasters in their hands, rushing down the halls.

"Big mistake attacking our school," Applejack told them.

"Let's get them!" Fluttershy said as she and the others rushed forward while firing their blasters.

Over in New York, the Guardian Megazord was still fighting its Entity.

"Tail Sabre!" The girls cried as they swung their sword, only for the Entity to grab it in its tendrils.

The Entity slashed at the Megazord, who raised its shield in defence, trying to cut it with its right claw. The shield blocked it, but the Megazord had nothing to defend against the Entity's left claw and was slashed down the middle and sent staggering back while losing grip of its sword and shield.

"NO!" Lyra cried. "We've lost our weapons."

The Entity shot its tendrils at the Megazord, wrapping it up and constricting it.

"Can't...move," Sweetie groaned out.

"It's gonna crush us," Lyra said.

It seemed to be the end, but in that moment the Entity was slammed by something and released the Megazord as it fell back.

The girls breathed a sigh of relief before turning to their savour, seeing the Manticore Zord.

"Alright!" Sweetie said.

"Flash must have beaten his Entity," Lyra said. "This is just what we need."

Sweetie nodded, as the two activated the combination.


As the Entity got back up, it was suddenly smashed by the Tail Whip again and again before it could react. It then wrapped it around the Entity, flattening its claws, wings and tendrils against its body.

"Let's end this!" Sweetie cried, Lyra nodding before they both moved and spoke in sync while calling out their final attack. "Manticore Tail Swipe!"

The Megazord spun around, lifting the monster into the air before letting it go flying. Then it swung the Manticore tail and let it rip, sending it flying towards the Entity before it impaled it.

The Entity let out a hiss as it was destroyed, the slim splattering around the ground.

The two girls sighed in relief. "Thanks Flash," Lyra said.

Back in Cairo, the Phoenix-Wing crashed into the ground after being thrown to earth by the Entity.

Said creature landed on the pyramid, hissing as it watched the Megazord pick it up.

"This things just as strong as the last one," Sunset said.

"But we did beat that one," Shining assured her.

"And we can do it here as well," Trail finished as the Megazord leapt back into the air before launching its fireballs at the monster.

The Entity leapt into the air, dodging the blasts before charging at the robot and slashing it with its claws. It then grabbed the Megazord its its tendrils and it to the ground, causing it to smash once again into the earth.

"Get up guys!" Sunset told her teammates. "We're not beaten yet."

"Right!" The men cried.

As they recovered, they suddenly detected something getting closer. They all looked to the side and smiled seeing what it was.

"Minotaur Zord!" Shining cheered seeing his mech racing towards them.


The Megazord flew back up, as the Entity unleashed its tendrils on it.

"Not this time!" Trail cried.

"Mino-Claw!" Shining yelled as his Zord's horns caught the green tentacles. The Megazord then spun around and around, disorienting the Entity before finally letting go and sending it twirling towards the earth and smashing into the sandy ground.

“Phoenix-Wing Megazord," Sunset called out their finisher. "Final Strike!”

The Megazord's wings ignited again, only this time the flames flew up and formed a giant ball of fire just above its head. "Firebird Fury!" They all cried, as the fireball shot towards the Entity before it morphed into the shape of a giant blazing bird. It drew close to the monster and then spun around it, creating a ring of fire around the it which suddenly exploded into a flaming tornado.

After a full minute the flame tornado finally went out, revealing an incredibly burnt Entity. It cried out before exploding, the green slime hitting the ground.

"Yes!" Trail cried.

Shining turned to the Orange Ranger. "Your son came through for us there."

"He always does," Sunset told him.

Back in London, the Thunder-Charge Megazord found itself in trouble.

Much like the Guardian, the Entity had wrapped its tendrils around it and was being constricted. If they did not get free soon, they would be crushed.

"Too...strong," Soarin groaned.

Micro agreed. "Can't...get...free."

"Come on," Sandal told them. "We can't...give up yet.

In that moment, a purple burst of energy flew in out of nowhere and struck the Entity. The blast took it by surprise and forced it to release the Megazord, allowing them to escape to a safe distance. Once they were, they turned to see the source of their escape.

"What happened?" Soarin asked.

"The Alicorn!" Micro cried as he pointed at the incoming Zord.

The Alicorn rushed towards the Thunder-Charge, with Flash in the cockpit ready to help. "Time for a new combination!" The Red Ranger called out as the Alicorn reached the Megazord and seemed to body slam it, causing a brilliant flash of light.


The light faded, revealing two Megazords in place of one.



"Hey guys!" Flash said to Micro and Sandal as they appeared in his cockpit. "Sorry I'm late."

"You're just in time," Soarin said over to the coms.

"Let's finish this lovecraftian reject!" Sandal cried.

Flash nodded. "Let's double our strike!" The three of them moved and spoke in prefect sync. "Equestrian Blast Cutter!"

The Alicorn Megazord's two arms began to glow purple. It then raised its Griffon arm and charged up a purple blast, which it fired before spinning around and swinging the Fenrir arm around to fire a purple energy slash which struck the blast and accelerating it towards the Entity.

The Thunder-Charge Megazord leapt into the air and raised its two blades, which both began to surge with electrical energy. "Twin Sword Cleave!" Soarin cried as the Megazord brought the blades down in an X formation, unleashing and and X shaped lightning bolt which flew towards the Entity.

The two attacks struck at the same time, causing it to cry out in pain before exploding. The green slime it was made from landed on the ground with a splat.

"Alright," Flash cried. "Come on, I bet Dusk could use a hand back in Canterlot."

Back at Canterlot High, Cadance and the girls were fighting off the Shades with their replica blasters and whatever else they could use.

"Take this!" Rainbow cried as she and Fluttershy shot several fireballs at them, blasting them back.

Pinkie and Rarity were facing another group of Shades in a different hallway, placing a Magi-Charger in there blasters.


The fired at the group, placing them all under the girls spell.

Rarity chuckled. "Be a dear a destroy each other please."

The Shades obeyed and turned on one another, slashing and fighting each other until only one was left. That one was quickly destroyed by Pinkie.

"That was fun," the party girl said.

Applejack was fighting solo in another hallway. She was not using her blaster, instead using her own physical strength to take them down. "That that ya'h varmints!" She cried as she tossed one into a whole group and knocked them down.

Twilight and Cadance were in another hallway, standing back to back as they blasted the monsters away.

"They just keep coming," Twilight said as she blasted one only for two to take its place.

"Keep going Twily," Cadance told her. "They'll run out eventually."

"But not before our Chargers run out of power," Twilight replied.

While this was going on, Doom, Cogs and Heart had just entered the building and were following Cog's tracer to find the signal.

"This way," Cogs told them as they moved through the halls. Finally they arrived at the blank wall. "Here. The signal's coming from behind this wall."

"Leave this to me," Doom said. He stepped forwards and raised his sword. But before he could do anything.


The all turned to see who it was that was calling out to them, only to be surprised when they saw Havoc standing at the end of the hallway.

Doom chuckled. "Well well, if it isn't our former master."

Havoc stared at the three of them, an angry look on his face. "Darklight took my father and teacher. Now I'll get even by destroying his minions."

The three monsters chuckled. "We'll see about that," Heart said.

"You really think you can beat us on your own?" Cogs asked.

Havoc's glare intensified, as he suddenly morphed into his armoured form. "Let's find out!" He charged forwards, his sword at the ready. He reached Doom and swung his weapon, only for the spiked monster to block it with his sword.

This allowed Heart and Cogs to use their weapons to slash at him, knocking Havoc back as Doom tried to strike him.

Havoc dodged the attack, only to find himself being slashed by Cogs and sent flying backwards through a classroom door. Crashing into some desks, Havoc tried to pick himself up but found Heart's heart shaped hook racing towards his head. He raised his sword to block, but in doing so he had nothing left to protect him as Doom and Cogs slashed him with their weapons.

Once again he was sent flying, smashing into a wall and breaking right through it.

As he picked himself up, his body flinched in pain as he felt his armoured form about to fade. He turned towards his opponent, only to see them stand side by side while each glowing either crimson, pink or dark blue.

"It's over," Doom said as he raised his sword. The three auras flew off their bodies and spiralled around the blade, as he swung it around. "Apocalyptic...DOOM!" He slashed it at Havoc, a giant energy blade firing at the teen.

Havoc tried to defend himself with his sword, but the force of the attack was to much and he was sent flying back. He smashed through a wall, then another and another until finally he broke through the fourth and final wall into the cafeteria. There he slammed into a table before coming to a stop, his armour fading to reveal his smoking injured body.

He groaned in pain, trying to get up but was unable to move without feel intense pain.

"Pathetic." He looked up to see the three monsters staring at him. "To think," Doom said. "He was someone we actually feared."

"Guess we were worried for nothing," Heart said.

"What do we do with him now?" Cogs asked.

"Nothing," Doom replied as he turned away. "He's no danger to our master. Probably won't even survive this little fight. Leave him, we have more important things to do." With that he walked back towards the hole, Heart and Cogs following, and left the teen to wallow in his own misery.

"Father," he croaked out, "I'm...sorry." With that, he head fell back as he lost consciousness.

Back in the base, Starswirl and the principles were still working to redirect the Rangers to their locations.

But then-


They looked up just in time to see the walled entrance of their base be ripped apart, opening it up for anyone to enter.

And enter they did, as Doom, Heart and Cogs stepped into the base. They looked around, chuckling at the sight of the place, Doom then turning towards them.

"Well, this is familiar."

"I agree," Heart said. "If my brother were here, we'd have a redo of that night a thousand years ago."

"Except this time the Elements will be ours," Cogs said.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Starswirl said as he stepped forwards.

"Us neither," Celestia said as she and Luna stepped forwards with their blasters.

Doom chucked as he raised his sword. "Let's do this." And with that, he and his companions charged forwards. Doom and Starswirl locked staffs, while Celestia dodged Cog's axe and Luna started firing at Heart.

Starswirl and Doom leapt away from each other before both firing their magical attacks, which bounced off one another and caused major damage to the lab.

Celestia fired at Cogs, but the armoured monster used his axe to block the blast. Once that happened, he tossed the axe at the principle. Celestia leapt to the side, causing the axe to fly passed her and cut one of the lab's tables in half before returning to Cogs.

Luna leapt behind another table, using it for cover as she fired at Heart. But the pink heart covered monster deflected with her hook, then used it to swat the table away before slashing at Luna.

"You think you can stop us?" Doom asked Starswirl when they locked weapons again. "You three are nothing but bugs compared to us."

"Maybe," Starswirl replied, "but it matters not. Even if you destroy us, the Rangers will not stop until you are defeated."

Back at the battle with the final Entity, the Shadow-Max was being destroyed.

The giant mecha just could not keep up with the creatures speed, preventing it for being able to deal any damage to it.

"This is bad," Dusk said. "Power alone is useless against this thing. It's too fast."

The Entity proved it point be flying at Shadow-Max before slashing it several times with claws, only to fly back to a safe distance once done. The Megazord was unable to counter or defend, forcing it to fall to its knees.

"No," Dusk said as he tried to right the Megazord. He looked up to see the Entity was suddenly standing above him, its claws ready to deal the finishing blow.

But before it could strike, it was suddenly bombarded by lasers, fireballs and magical blasts. The attacks forced it to step back, allowing Dusk to turn and see his savours.

The ten other Zords were racing towards him, all ready to finish the final Entity off.

"Hold on Dusk," Flash told him as the Zords stood by the Megazord. "We're on our way."

Dusk smiled seeing his teammates arrive, as his Megazord stood back up. "Thank you my friends. Now what's say we end this, once and for all."

"YEAH!" The others cried as they pulled out fresh Magi-Chargers, activated then tossed them out to replace the drained ones.


The Zords all let out their individual cries, as each of them was re-energised and glowed before jumping into the air and combining.






The three Megazords and one Ultrazord stood side by side, as the Rangers warped into the cockpit of the Megazord that had their Zord in its fusion.

The Entity, now seeing it was outnumbered, spread its wings and took to the sky. Phoenix-Wing and Alicorn shot up after it, proving faster as they passed it before slamming it with a Phoenix Fist and Tail Whip. The Entity was thrown back towards the ground, where Thunder-Charge and the Ultrazord were wait and slashing it with their weapons.

The Entity was thrown away, smashing into the ground with a deafening crash.

"Yeah!" Flash cried. "This thing doesn't stand a chance one its own."

The Entity seemed to think the same thing, as in that moment it picked it self up and looked to the sky. It then let out a might cry of some kind, which echoed through the air and seemed to make everything vibrate.

"What's it doing?" Lyra asked.

What it was doing, was calling to its other halves. All over the world, the slimy remains of the Entities the Ranger had defeat began to slowly rise into the air. Everyone who saw this feared the creature was being revived, but released a sigh of relief when they saw the slim fly off.

The slim flew across the globe towards Canterlot, finally arriving at the city and shoot towards the Entity.

The Rangers watched as the slim stuck to the monster, slowly concealing it within a slimy green cocoon.

"This can't be good," Micro said.

He was right, as in that moment the cocoon began to morph and grow, taking a new shape. Said shape was the Entity, only now it had doubled in size and had large spikes sticking out of its body. On its stomach was a large set of spikes that were knit together to look like a set of jagged teeth. It's wings and claws were larger and on its head were three sets of horns. Instead of feet, it now had hundreds of tendrils that made it look like it was wearing a skirt.

The new Entity looked around at the mechs before the teeth like spikes on its stomach opened up, reveal an actual mouth. From the mouth it unleashed a flurry of black lightning bolts, that the Megazords all barely dodge while with buildings around it were disintegrated by the bolts.

"Not good," Sweetie said.

"You think this is its true form?" Sandal asked.

"I'd say that's a good guess," Trail replied.

"So how do we deal with it?" Soarin asked.

"The same way we deal with anything else," Shining told him.

"As a team," Sunset said.

"Together," Dusk finished.

Flash nodded and turned to the Entity. "Let's get this thing!"

"RIGHT!" The other cried as the four mechs charged forwards.

Up on the Dark Fortress, in the reanimator lab.

The machine was still whizzing as it worked, until finally the device suddenly switched off. Seconds later the doors opened, releasing the smoke and whatever it was inside it. The figure stepped out, its footsteps echoing through the station as it moved over and picked up its staff.

Back at the battle, the giant Entity swung its colossal arms around trying to swat the bug like Megazords flying around it.

"Phoenix Fist!" Sunset cried as her mech punched the monster in the head.

"Tail Whip!" Trail and Shining cried as their struck its on the arm.

"Blitz Bolts!" Soarin cried as his unleashed a bolt of lightning that struck it on the stomach.

"Fenrir Fang!" The rest of the Rangers cried as they slashed the monsters legs.

The Entity cried out before swinging its giant tendrils at them, whipping them all and sending them flying backwards before smashing into the ground.

The Rangers all moaned as they picked themselves up. "Come on guys," Flash said. "We're not done yet."

"He's right," Dusk said. "Let's hit it with the big guns."

The others nodded as their Megazords picked themselves up and ready their attacks.

"Twin Sword Cleave!"

"Firebird Fury!"

"Equestrian Assault!"

"Unity Cannon!"

The four Megazords all unleashed their finishing attacks, which struck the Entity and caused it to be consumed by a fiery explosion. But before the Rangers could even let out a cheer, the Entity stepped out of the flames.

"How is that possible?" Micro asked.

"I don't know," Flash said. "But we're not giving up."

The Entity spread its wings and started flapping, the force not enough to allow it flight but enough to make the four mechs be pushed back. It then unleashed its tendrils and used them to wrap around the Megazords, slowly crushing them before tossing them away.

The four mechs smashed through a building, getting buried in rubble as they did. Slowly, they dragged themselves out of the debris and stood up. Each one was not looking to good.

"How the heck are we suppose to beat this thing?" Lyra asked.

"We can't afford to hold anything back," Flash told his team. "We have to use our best attack."

Dusk turned to him. "But if it fails, we'll be out of power and defenceless."

"I know," Flash said. "But at this point, it's our only option. Playing it safe isn't gonna win this fight. It's all or nothing."

The nine Rangers all shared a glance, worried but each knew he was right. They all nodded.

"Then let's do it," Sweetie said.

"Activate Union Blaster!" Dusk cried as the weapon detached and flew infront of the Ultrazord, unfolding into its blaster form.

The other Megazords returned to their Zord forms, as their Rangers all warped into the Ultrazord. The Zords took their positions, the Alicorn flying about the Ultrazord's head.

The Entity's mouth opened again, preparing to unleash its attack.

The Rangers pulled out their blasters and pointed them at the super weapon, as the Zords began to glow. "ULTRA HARMONIC DESTROYER!" They cried as the eleven light flew into the tail of the weapon, charging it. "FINAL...STRIKE!" The multicoloured beam of light shot out of the weapon.

The Entity unleashed its attack, the two blasts connecting and pushing at one another.

"Keep pushing!" Flash cried as they all gave it everything they had. Finally, their attack began to overpower the Entity's and slowly the blast was pushed back into the monsters stomach. The Ranger's attack followed, flowing through its body and bombarding it at the cellular level.

Finally the attack ended but the Entity was still acting like it was being attacked, spazing out as it let out a cry of pain. Finally it just froze in the spot before its body exploded, the slim being vaporised and leaving now trace of its left.

The Rangers all watched this, stunned that they had actually managed to do it. They had destroyed a monster that had apparently destroyed entire universes.

"We did it," Flash said.

"We did it," Soarin repeated.

Everyone stared at one another, until finally they all smiled.


Outside the Ultrazord, on one of the remaining buildings, a portal opened up and the figure stepped out.

The figured stared up at the robots, only to then raise his staff as it surged with red energy before firing several bolts of lightning. Those lightning bolts struck the Ultrazord and the Zords, the energy surging through their metal bodies.

Inside the Rangers were suddenly bombarded by the energy, as it surged through the cockpit and struck them.

"ARRRRRHHHHHH!" They all cried as they were electrocuted, until finally-


The next thing they knew, the ten of them were being flung through the air and landed on ground, demorphing as they did.

They all groaned as they picked themselves up before looking back at the Zords, seeing all eleven of them scattered around the city.

"DRAGO!" Flash cried seeing his Zord laying on the ground and looking badly damaged.

"What happened?" Lyra asked.

"Something must have overloaded the Zord's systems," Sunset replied. "The Ultrazord's safety likely ejected us before it blew."

"But what did it?" Trail asked.

"That would be...me!"

They all spun around, only to gasp at what they saw.

A lone figure was walking towards them. That figure was wearing armour similar to Chaos's, only the colours were inverted so the armour was mostly gold with black trim. The helmet was black, with what appeared to be a gold crown like fixture attached to the top along with a gold visor. He wore a black cape, which hung from his bulky shoulder pads and went around his front like a curtain. In his hand he carried a staff.

"Hello Rangers," the figure said. His voice instantly gave him away, making the Rangers all gasp.

"Darklight?" Flash asked.

The figure chuckled. "Please. Darklight was a weakling, who needed a suit of armour to survive. I am something more. Using Chaos's body data, I was able to reconstruct my body into the ultimate being. I am many....I...am...LEGION!"

The Ranger frowned hearing this.

Legion pointed his staff at them. "You have no hope of defeating me. Surrender now."

Flash sighed. "New look, same old garbage talk."

Legion chuckled. "Not so. You battles with the Entity may have granted you victory. But how much power did you use?"

The Rangers looked down at their Chargers, seeing they were all completely drained after the multiple battles and using that final attack. But they were not out yet, as they all pulled out their Elements and prepared to use them.

"Ah yes, your Elements can grant you the power you need." Legion chuckled. "But before you doing anything silly, let me offer up a trade."

This got the Rangers attention. Even more so when Legion opened a portal and from it stepped Doom, Heart, Cogs, a horde of Shades...and their friends.

"No," Flash whispered seeing them all being held against their will.

Legion stepped over to the hostages, who were all struggling to get free. "I have here ten hostages, and I'm willing to release one of them in exchange for an Element. Luckily, you have just the right amount to meet the quota."

"And if we refuse," Lyra asked.

Legion just chuckled. "Then they're of no use to me."

Doom took this opportunity to pull out his sword and hold it to Twilight's neck, showing their threat.

The Rangers all tensed up seeing this, knowing he would go through with it. They had a choice. Give up their Elements, or watch their friends die.

Correction, there was no choice.

"Don't do it!" They heard Twilight call out. "We're not worth it. Don't give them what they want."

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "we'll be fine. Don't worry about us."

"Protect everyone else," Celestia called out.

"It's your duty as Rangers," Luna cried.

"Keep our friends and family safe," Rarity screamed.

"Please don't do it," Fluttershy cried.

"We'll never forgive ourselves if you do," Pinkie yelled.

"Just leave us and run," Applejack called out.

"Please," Cadance cried.

"You cannot allow him to have the Elements," Starswirl said. "No matter what happens, don't give them to him."

They all cried out to tell them not to give up, all telling them to run so they can fight another day. Finally Legion had had enough. "QUIET!" He yelled, silencing them. Once that happened, he turned back to them. "So, what is your answer?" He waved his staff, causing a small portal to open between them. "If you don't want to see your friend's untimely death, then throw your Elements in here."

The Rangers all shared a glance, all knowing they had no choice.

All at once, the ten of them held out their Elements before throwing them at the portal. They watched as the ten magical crystals disappeared into it, one by one until they were all gone.

No sooner had the final Element disappeared, that the portal closed.

Legion chuckled. "A pleasure doing business with you." He turned to his minions. "Release them."

They all nodded before throwing the ten hostages to the ground. As soon as they were free, they rushed over to the Rangers.

"Why would you do that?" Twilight asked them.

The Rangers did not reply.

"I'll tell you why," Legion said as he opened another portal. "Because they care for those around them. A pitiful weakness." The Shades stepped into the portal, followed by Doom, Heart and Cogs. Finally, only Legion was left.

"This isn't over Legion!" Flash called out to him.

Legion turned back to him, staring at him intensely. "No Red Ranger, it is over. Without your Elements, what threat do you pose to me?"

Before Flash could answer, Legion stepped into the portal before it closed.

The Rangers all fell to their knees, unable to comprehend what had happened. They had done everything in their power to keep the Elements safe, but now it seems it was for not. They may have won the battle against the Entity, but they had lost the war.

Author's Note:

Well...that happened. How are things gonna go from here?"