• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,451 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Null and Void

Today's adventure opens up in the Rangers base, where Twilight was working on locating the Dark Fortress with the program Trail had provided them.

In that moment, Dusk entered carrying a large egg shaped rock that he placed on the counter next to her. "Look what just got donated to the science department."

Twilight turned to look at the rock, unsure what was so special about it. "It's a rock?"

Dusk smiled before grabbing the top and actually pulled it off, revealing the inside to have a crystalline lining. "How about now?"

Twilight instantly realised what he was talking about, smiling as she looked inside. "It's a geode."

Dusk nodded while sharing her smile. "And quite an excellent specimen as well. If I had had this when I first arrived here, I definitely would have used it to make the Zords."

Twilight gave him a confused look. "What's this about the Zords?"

Dusk chuckled. "That's right, I never told you. In order to create the Zords, I used geodes like this one as incubation chambers."

"You made the Zords in this?" Twilight asked as she looked over the geode.

"That's right. They work similar to the Element's crystal beds. The crystals form a harmonic echo chamber, allowing the fusion of magic, metal and DNA. The quality of the geode effects how the Zords grow. A geode like this one could produce a Zord similar in strength to the Dragon or Thunderbird."

"That's incredible," Twilight said.

Dusk smiled again. "If you like, I could teach you the process."

Twilight's eyes grew even wider. "Yes, please."

Dusk chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Let's get to work."

Up on the Dark Fortress, its new owner Darklight was enjoying his spoils of war.

He sighed happily as he sat on his throne on the bridge. "This takes me back. Reminds me of the last time I beat Chaos."

Cogs nodded as he worked on the console. "And just like last time, everything he once had is now yours." The console beeped. "I just finished integrating your data into the system, overriding Chaos's. Everything that need him on board to work, now needs you. That includes the self destruct."

"Self destruct?" Darklight asked.

"A fail safe he installed should anyone ever try and capture his ship. Once activated, the program will cause the ship to blow the second it stops reading your life signs."

Darklight laughed. "Like that'll ever happen."

In that moment, Heart and Doom enter the bridge.

"How'd you like your new rooms?" Darklight asked.

"Better then that cell," Doom replied.

Heart meanwhile stepped over to her brother, staring at him for several seconds.

"What?" He asked, only to feel himself be smacked over the head. "OW! What was that for?"

"For leaving us!" Heart cried. "We thought you were dead."

"Well I wasn't," Darklight replied as he stood up. "During my battle with the Red Ranger, our combined attacks caused an overload on the bridge. That overload caused the dimension jump systems to malfunction, opening a wormhole that I was sucked into. I awoke in another universe, and have been trying to get back here ever since." Suddenly his eyes went wide. "That reminds me." He raised his staff and shot out a bolt of lightning, which caused a wormhole to open.

The three watched as something stepped out of the portal, a large humanoid figure with a round stomach. His body was mostly gray, with yellow rings around his arms and legs. His head only had one large red eye, while his stomach had yellow designs that made him look like he had a smiling mouth and two eyes on it. He had large black fists on the end of his arms.

"Everyone, meet Void. I encountered him during my travels, and he helped me reestablish contact with you. He's a multiverse traveller, who is a literal bottomless pit."

Void chuckled as he turned to them. "My stomach is portal into a dimension that drains the energy of anything that's inside."

Darklight nodded. "And with that, we'll finally defeat the Rangers." He opened another portal. "You know what to do."

"You remember our deal?" Void asked. "I get you these Elements and we're partners."

"Of course," Darklight said. "I am a monster of my word."

"Since when?" Heart whispered to Doom.

Void did not seem to hear her and stepped into the portal, which closed behind him.

Once he was gone, Darklight turned to Doom and Cogs. "I have a special job for you two."

They both nodded. "Anything for you master."

Back down on earth school had just gotten out, but not many people were leaving. The reason for that was because everyone was helping prepare for the Fall Formal, getting the gym decorated.

"Alright guys," Micro said from his sound shaker off stage. He was talking to the Flash Drivers, who were preparing for their performance on the night. "How's that sound?"

Flash strummed his guitar, listening to the sound as it echoed. His band mates did the same with theirs, nodding in enjoyment at the sound.

"Sounds great," the Red Ranger said.

"Agreed," Ringo said.

"Perfect," Brawly said.

Micro smirked. "This new audio function should improve you music by a factor of twenty two percent. Increasing the enjoyment of those listening."

Flash smirked. "I have no idea what you just said, but it sounds awesome." He turned to his band mates. "Let's give it a test run," He started playing with the other two followed on. They started playing one of their many songs, giving those working one decorating something good to listen too.

Those decorating included the mane six, who were using their magic to speed up the process.

"Little to the left," Rarity told Applejack, who was carrying large table with her strength. "Little more, perfect."

Applejack dropped the table, which was suddenly decorated in ten second flat by Rainbow. The two high fived seeing this.

"Yes that's perfect, thank you," Fluttershy said to the birds helping put decorations in places other people could not reach.

Pinkie then walked in, carrying a glitter-ball. "Fluttershy," Pinkie said, "got any birds that can lift this?"

Fluttershy turned to them. "Oh no, sorry."

"No problem darling," Rarity said as she created a diamond below the girl's feet and lifted them up to where they needed to be.

"Thanks Rarity," Pinkie said as she and Fluttershy hung the ball. Pinkie then took out some sprinkles and popped a few inside it, making them explode different colours and fill it with the cloud. "That'll give the light some pop."

In that moment, Celestia, Luna, Dusk and Twilight entered. They looked around and smiled.

"Great work girls," Celestia said. "This might be our best Fall Formal yet."

"Agreed," Luna said as they heard the Flash Drivers finish their song.

The crowd cheered for them, getting exaggerated bows in response.

"That was great Flash," Twilight told him.

"Thanks," Flash replied as he and Micro jumped off stage while his band-mates left the gym. "We're all ready to perform."

"Glad to hear it," Celestia said.

In that moment, the rest of the student Rangers walked into the gym and looked around it.

"This place looks great," Sweetie said.

"Thanks," Pinkie replied. "It's way easier to set things up with our powers."

"I'll say!" Rainbow cheered. "Super speed's where it's at."

Lyra turned to Twilight. "Hows the scanning going?"

"Slowly," Twilight replied. "The program Trail got us will work, but it's only a beta so its range is limited. The scans will take a while to complete."

"Then we'll just have to be patient," Dusk said.

In that moment, their communicators beeped and they all answered it. "What's up?" Flash asked.

Shining's voice replied. "We got trouble. There's a monster causing mayhem down town."

Everyone nodded at this. "We'll be there as soon as we can," Soarin said before they cut the call.

"We'll get to the base and call Trail," Luna told the Rangers.

"Got it," Sandal said.

"Let's go," Flash said as they all rushed out the room.

Void strode through the streets of Canterlot alone, causing just as much havoc as he would if he were with some Shades.

The people were all running, as he looked for his next big meal. He arrived at a parking lot full of cars, which made him chuckle. "Not as hefty as something living, but they'll do." The smile design glowed before actually opening, showing a large black void on the inside. Then a black tornado appeared from within it, catching one of the cars and making it be pulled into it towards the mouth. As it got closer, the car began to glow before turning into a stream of light that was pulled into Void's stomach before it closed.

Void sighed in delight. "Excellent."


The monster turned around and saw the ten Rangers rushing towards him, coming to a stop in a line. "Arr," he said as he looked at them, "you must be the Power Rangers."

"You're a new one," Flash said.

"What," Lyra said, "no Shades?"

"I don't need those pathetic creatures to help me," Void told her. "I can defeat you all on my own."

"Big talk," Trail said.

Soaring turned to the others. "Lets show this guy just how wrong he is."

"YEAH!" The other cried as they summoned their weapons and raced towards the monster, who in turn charged at them.

Soarin was the first to attack, swinging his sword at the monster. Void however raised his arms and blocked the blade, knocking Soarin of balance before slamming him with on of his large fists and sending him flying.

Lyra and Sweetie were next to attack, using their sword and staff blades to attack him. Void then dodged both weapons, grabbing them before tossing them and the Rangers holding them away from him.

Next was Trail and Shining, who threw a punch or kick at the monster. Once again Void stood tall, allowing the Rangers to hit his stomach but he did not seem to even notice it. He then grabbed them by the arm and leg and threw them away.

Suddenly he was bombarded by a wave of laser fire, making him turn to Micro and Sunset. Those two were laying down cover fire for Flash and Sandal, who were charging at Void with their Magitech weapons.

"Head Smash!"

"Power Slash!"

Void however, raised his large hands and actually caught the weapons while feeling no pain. He then pushed the weapons up, throwing the Rangers of balance before slamming the two of them away like he did Soarin. He then turned to the blaster wielding Rangers, as the eyes patterns on his stomach glowed. From them fired a pair of laser which flew towards the two, exploding in their faces and sending them both flying.

Back at the base, everyone was watching the battle with baited breath.

"This isn't going well," Rainbow said.

"That monsters like a tank," Applejack said.

"There has to be a way to beat it?" Fluttershy asked.

"We're working on it," Twilight said. She and the principles were scanning the monster, trying to locate a weakness in its defences.

Luna opened a channel to Dusk, the last Ranger standing. "Dusk, you'll need to hold him off until we can finish our analysis. Don't try and cause damage, just keep him distracted."

"I can do that," Dusk replied before cutting the call. He then raised his sword and charged at the monster, swing his blade at it while staying wary of his counter attacks.

Void blocked the sword with his fists again and again, the two keeping each other at a standstill while the rest of the Rangers pulled themselves back up.

Dusk then leapt back before rushing the monster, his sword aimed to stab him in the stomach. But then Void did something unexpected. Instead of blocking the attack, he lowered his arms and allowed the blade to get close to his stomach. But as it did, the mouth pattern opened and Nightfang went straight inside before the jaws shut on the blade.

"What?" Dusk asked.

"His stomach opened?" Lyra asked.

"That's gross," Sweetie said.

"That's impossible," Micro said.

With his sword locked, Dusk had no way of protecting himself from the onslaught of punches Void struck him with. Finally the monsters stomach mouth opened as he fired a pair of eye beams that hit Dusk, sending the Black Ranger flying backwards and hitting the ground with a thud.

Void chuckled. "You'll be the first!" He cried as his mouth once again opened and this time, the tornado appeared and began to pull Dusk in.

"What in the world!" Dusk asked as he tried to escape, but the suction was too strong and he was pulled inside before transforming into a load of black light that flew into the mouth before it closed.

"DUSK!" The others cried.

Soarin and Sandal were the first to act, racing at the monster.

"Let him go!" Soarin cried as he and Sandal slashed at him, only for Void to easy counter their unfocused attacks and knock them off balance.

He then opened his mouth and unleashed the tornado, which quickly sucked the two inside before closing.

"NO!" Sweetie cried.

"This is bad," Lyra said.

"What do we do?" Micro asked.

"I'll tell you," Void said as his mouth opened up. The tornado appeared again and the three tried to leap out of the way, but the tornado was to big and they were trapped. They tried to fight it, but like Dusk the suction was to powerful and they were also sucked inside.

The four remaining Rangers realised this was a losing battle.

"We have to get out of here," Flash said.

Sunset turned to him. "We can't just leave the others."

"We can't help them if we're captured to," Trail told her.

"This is our only hope," Shining said.

"You're not going anywhere!" Void cried as he opened up his mouth and created to the tornado.

The Rangers all tried to leap out of the way, but one of them did not make it in time.

"Sunset!" Flash cried seeing the Gold Ranger being sucked into the vortex.

"Help!" She cried before disappearing into the monsters mouth.

The three last Rangers all picked themselves up, knowing they had to escape. However, Void once again began to open his mouth.

Thinking fast, Flash leapt infront of Shining and his dad. "Go now!" He cried as he rushed at the monster, as the tornado appeared. The Red Ranger was sucked inside, but in doing so he blocked the tornado.

"Come on!" Shining cried as he and Trail began to run away, but before they could get a safe distance Void once again opened his mouth.

"Last two," he said as he unleashed the tornado and caught the two.

Trail and Shining tried to fight the suction, but they felt their feet being dragged along the ground.

But in that moment, something happened. From out of nowhere, a bolt of blue lightning flew towards Void and struck his feet. The blast exploded and sent Void flying, stopping his attack and freeing Trail and Shining.

Void moaned as he picked himself up. "What was that?"

He along with the Rangers looked over at where the lightning had come from, only for Trail and Shining to gasp seeing Havoc walking towards them.

"What does he want?" Shining asked.

Havoc stared at Void, a look of anger on his face as lightning once again sparked around his hands. He turned to the Rangers. "Run!" He cried before turning back to Void and unleashing the lightning, striking the ground infront of him and causing an explosion that blocked them from view.

Void coughed as he rushed through the smoke, looking for where Havoc and the Rangers had disappeared to. But the explosion had worked as a smokescreen, allowing them all to make a run for it.

"Darn it!" He cried, "they got away." He patted his stomach. "No matter. I got eight of them, so it's just a matter of time before those last two fall." A portal opened behind him and he stepped inside.

When Shining and Trail returned to the base, the atmosphere was one of fear for their friends.

"I can't believe that one monster beat the Rangers so easily," Rarity said.

"What happened to them?" Pinkie asked in fear.

Twilight stepped away from the computer, which had just finished the monsters analysis. "The best I can guess, his stomach is some kind of portal that works like a black hole."

Starswirl nodded. "We don't know what's happened to the others, but as long as they remain morphed then they should be safe. For now."

"How are we suppose to fight something like that?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack nodded. "If we try an get near it, that thing'll just suck us in."

Trail sighed. "If Havoc hadn't shown up, Shining and I would have been captured as well."

"Why did Havoc help?" Fluttershy asked.

"Good question," Twilight said. "But we'll have to wonder about that later. Right now, we need to focus on saving our friends."

"And how do we do that?" Rarity asked. "You saw what happened."

"And what if Darklight decides to Gigatize it?" Shining asked. "Our Zords can't form a Megazord on their own, and we don't have the Magi-Chargers needed to summon the others."

"And we can't make new ones without their Elements," Luna finished.

"So what do we do?" Pinkie asked.

Everything seemed to be hopeless, but in that moment Twilight spotted something on the table that made her remember. Moving over to the table, she looked down at the geode Dusk had shown her as an idea formed in her head.

"We make a new Zord."

Everyone turned to her, looking confused.

Rainbow broke the silence. "I'm sorry, but did you say...make a new Zord."

Twilight smiled at them. "Yeah. Dusk told me how he did it. If we create a new Zord, then we can form a Megazord." She looked down at the geode. "Dusk said this geode could make a Zord that could rival the Dragon and Thunderbird, which can both form Megazords."

Hearing this made everyone smile, things beginning to look up for them.

"Alright sis," Shining said. "What do we need?"

Twilight thought back to what Dusk had told her, making her frown. "First things first, we need the DNA of something from Equestria."

Everyone's smiles dropped.

"And ow'd ya'h expect ta get something like that?" Applejack asked.

Twilight racked her brains, thinking of a way to get Equestrian DNA. Then her eyes landed on Sunset's bag, which gave her an idea. "I think I know."

Up on the Dark Fortress, Darklight, Cogs and Heart were in the reanimator lab. Cogs was working on the machine, reprogramming it the way Darklight wanted it.

"Well?" Darklight asked, "will it work?"

Cogs let out an unsure hum before turning to his master. "I don't know. It should, but that depends on you being able to survive the procedure."

Darklight laughed. "This is me we're talking about." He held up the staff. "As long as I have this, nothing can stop me. I'll survive."

Heart turned to him. "Do you really need to do this?"

Darklight just nodded as he punched a part of his armour. "I need a body to match my true power. For years I've relied on this armour to keep me alive, but no more. If this works, I'll be more powerful then ever."

In that moment, Void stepped into the room. "Eight out of ten ain't bad huh?"

Darklight turned to him. "Fool! Leaving even one Ranger free may cost us. We need them all."

"Alright," Void assured him. "As soon as we locate them, I'll head out and take then down. I'd have had them already, if that guy hadn't interfered."

"I'm aware of Havoc," Darklight replied. "If you see him, take him down too."

"You got it," Void said before heading to the bridge.

Back at school Twilight and the rest of the mane six were standing by the portal to Equestria.

"You sure this'll work?" Rainbow asked Twilight. The purple skinned girl was holding Sunset's message book.

"I'm sure," she replied. "At least I hope it works."

"But won't the DNA change once she's here?" Rarity asked. "Since she turns human when here."

"She's not coming," Twilight explained as she turned to the portal. "She said she has an idea that should work."

In that moment the portal glowed, as something flew out of it. Twilight caught that something in her magic, levitating it over to her. She held it up, showing it to be a plastic zip-lock bag with several hairs in it.

"Perfect," she said.

"Perfect how?" Fluttershy asked.

"Princess Twilight enchanted this so what's inside won't be effected by coming here. That way, these hairs are genuine alicorn DNA."

The others smiled hearing this before heading back inside, returning to the base as Starswirl, Celestia, Luna, Trail and Shining finished preparing everything Twilight needed to create the Zord.

"Is it here?" Starswirl asked.

Twilight smiled and held up the bag. "Yep. Now we've got everything we need."

"Then let's get to work," Celestia said.

And that's exactly what they did, following the instructions that Twilight had learned from Dusk. The thing to know when creating a Zords was that it was not just a machine, it was also alive. As such, the geode must contain biological, metallic and magical elements to form the Zord.

Twilight used her magic to place pieces of metal inside it, followed by the hairs they had been sent. Finally there was only one final piece needed.

"Magic?" Pinkie asked once Twilight explained.

"Yeah, and not just any magic. It needs to be Equestrian magic, or it won't be compatible with the other Zords."

"Great," Rainbow said, "where are we suppose to get that?"

Twilight did not answer, instead she reached up and untied the necklace holding her geode.

The others quickly realised what she was planning to do. "Twilight!" Rarity called out, "you can't."

Fluttershy nodded. "If you use that, your powers-"

"I know," Twilight told them. "But to save my friends, I'm willing to give up my magic. Flash and the others would do the same for us."

The rest of the mane six thought about that, realising she was right.

"Alright Sugarcube," Applejack said. In that moment she untied her necklace as well. "But ya'h ain't doin it alone."

The others all agreed and removed their geodes.

"Guys," Twilight said.

"It's fine darling," Rarity said.

"For our friends," Fluttershy told her.

"And think of it this way," Rainbow said. "The more magic it's got, the stronger the Zord'll be."

"Yeah," Pinkie said. "We're a team, so we make sacrifices as a team."

Twilight's eyes teared up hearing this, but she quickly wiped them away before she and the others held their geodes over the larger one. "Together?"

The others nodded. "Together!"

With that, they each dropped their magical gems into the geode. As soon as they did, a blinding light shot out of it. Twilight then grabbed the top of the rock and placed it on top, as the two pieces became one and sealed the magic inside.

Celestia placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "We're very proud of you. I know that can't have been easy."

"It wasn't," Twilight said. "But it had to be done."

They watched as the geode began to glow the six colours of the geodes the girls had given up.

"Is it working?" Shining asked.

"I don't know," Twilight replied.

In that moment, the geode seemed to leap off the table and hit the floor. As soon as it did, the floor melted and the geode disappeared below the earth.

"Where's it going?" Rainbow asked.

Starswirl stepped over to the hole and waved his staff over it, causing the head to glow. "I'm tracking its magical energy. It seems to be heading somewhere?"

"We'd better follow it?" Trail said.

The others nodded and rushed out, leaving Twilight, Celestia and Luna. Twilight moved over to the transmuter, which had been scanning the geode and sending the data to an empty Magi-Charger. Twilight watched as the Charger glowed, changing from white to purple before she took it out.

"Amazing," she said before racing off after the others.

"Let's see if we can't track it with our computers," Celestia said.

"Right," Luna replied as they moved over to the computers.

As Flash opened his eyes, he felt a fuzziness in his head. Trying to look around, as he saw was blackness, which he was floating in.

In that moment, he saw something float by him. That thing was Lyra, who was still morphed, not making any movements.

Using all of his strength, he looked down to see that he too was morphed. "What's going on?" He asked as he felt his eyelids grow heavier, eventually closing as he lost consciousness.

Twilight and the others followed the signal, arriving in the woods outside of town.

"Here," Starswirl said, "the geode is beneath our feet."

"Why'd it come here of all places?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe the Zord wanted somewhere peaceful to grow?" Applejack asked.

"It is possible," Starswirl said.

"Guys!" Rainbow called out, "over here!"

They followed her voice and saw her standing in some kind of camp, which looked like it was only a few days old and was using sticks and logs to make a tent and seats.

Shining looked around, noticing the fire-pit was still smoking. "Whoever was here, they haven't been gone long."

"Not long at all."

They all spun around and saw Havoc stepping towards them.

He smiled. "One good thing about nature, not hard to find a place that can double as a bathroom."

Trail and Shining pulled out their blasters, while the others got into a defensive state. "Stay back," Trail said.

"Oh relax," Havoc told them as he sat on a log. "I'm not interested in fighting you."

"Why the suddenly change of heart?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "you were trying to destroy our friends just the other day."

Havoc sighed. "I was only doing that because my father wanted your Elements."

"And before he showed up?" Rarity asked with her hands on her hips. "You've been trying to steal the Elements since the day we met you, long before your father showed up."

Havoc's face became one of anger, as he remembered why he had done everything he'd done. "Because getting your Element was the only way to stick it to Darklight. Since you apparently destroyed him, beating you would mean beating him. But now that he's back, my soul focus is getting revenge for my father."

"That's why you save Shining and me," Trail said.

Havoc nodded. "If Darklight gets his hands on the Elements, I'll never stand a chance."

"Then work with us," Starswirl told him. "Help us and we'll help you. Together, we can defeat Darklight."

Havoc stared at him for a moment, looking like he was considering his proposal. But in that moment, a portal opened up and from it stepped out Void.

"Finally showed yourselves huh," Void said as he looked them over. He spotted Havoc. "And you're here too, excellent. I'll take down all of Darklight enemies."

"Not happening!" Rainbow said.

"Let's go!" Shining told Trail.

"Right," Trail replied before they rushed forwards and started firing at the monster.

Void took the blasts as he rushed forwards them and started swinging his fists at them, the two dodging the attacks as best they could.

"Go hide girls," Starswirl told the mane six as he moved over to the fight. He then pointed his staff at them and unleashed a magical blast, which struck Void but did not seem to do anything other then catch his attention. "You will release the Rangers."

"Not happening!" Void replied. "Soon they won't even exist. My stomach dimension is slowly draining them of their power, then it'll start stripping their life force. Once that happens, those Elements will be up for grabs."

"We won't allow that," Shining said as he and Tail charged at him.

"How can you stop me?" Void asked as his mouth opened. "Soon you'll be joining them!"

The tornado appeared and began to suck the three towards him, them trying their best to fight it.

"We've gotta do something!" Rainbow said from their hiding place.

"But what can we do?" Rarity asked. "We don't have our magic anymore."

Havoc watched from his own hiding place, remembering what Starswirl had told him. If this monster captured the last two Rangers, there would be no stopping Darklight.

So without thinking, he rushed out of his hiding spot and ran towards the monster while changing to his armoured form. Once that was done, he leapt infront of Starswirl and the Rangers before pulling out his sword, which began to surge with energy that he fired at the vortex.

"NO!" Void cried seeing this, "what are you doing?"

The tornado stopped, freeing the three and allowing them to see what Havoc was doing. "A little help?" He asked.

They quickly realised what he was planning on doing, nodding it agreement. Trail and Shining held out their blasters, while Starswirl raised his staff. They each unleashed an attack, which flew into Void's stomach and combined with Havoc's.

"NO!" Void cried out, "you'll destabilise my dimension!"

"Exactly," Havoc cried as he increased his power.

Finally the force of the four attacks was too much.


Everyone watched as an explosion flew out of Void's mouth, while he cried out in pain. Then they saw eight different coloured lights shoot out the monsters stomach, landing on the ground and taking form as seven teenagers and one adult.

"GUYS!" The mane six yelled as they and the two Rangers rushed towards them.

Havoc fell to his knees and returned to his human form, as he spotted Starswirl step over to him. "Thank you."

Havoc nodded as he picked himself up, then turned away from him. "Do yourself a favour old man. Go back to your own dimension, while you still can." With that he turned and walked off, leaving behind a very confused Starswirl.

"Are you alright?" Trail asked Flash as he helped him up.

"I think so," Flash replied as he held his head. "What the heck happened?"

"No time to explain," Shining said. "Right now, we've got a monster to take care of."

"Alright," Rainbow said as she looked around. "Hey, where'd he go."

Void had made a break for it as soon as the others were distracted, making his way out of the forest and arriving in a large clearing. He looked down at his stomach, seeing the smoke still pouring out of his mouth. It would be a while until he could use his dimension again.


He looked around and saw the ten Rangers rushing out of the clearing and standing in a line.

"We've got a score to settle," Sandal told him.

"So what if you do?" Void said. "Being in my dimension must have draining you of most of your power."

The previously captured Rangers looked down at their Chargers, seeing they each only had one and a half of them charged.

"It'll be enough," Flash said. "Because...IT'S MORPHIN TIME! Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others yelled, before clicking the chargers and placing them inside the Blasters.











"Energise!" They all yelled as they charged up their morphers before pointing them to the sky, "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed the ten energy blasts, that morphed into the Zord heads and bit down on them, equipping them in their Ranger suits.

For the first time, all ten Rangers were together for their roll call.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandelwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Soarin: Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger READY!

Trail: Element of Adventure...Power Ranger, ORANGE!

Shining: Element of Justice...Power Ranger, SILVER!

Sunset: Element of Forgiveness...Power Ranger, GOLD!

Dusk: Element of Darkness...Power Ranger, BLACK


Flash: Power Rangers!


A massive explosion occurred behind them.

"Shades!" Void cried as a massive army of cloaked monsters appeared from the shadows behind him. "ATTACK!" They did so, rushing at the Rangers.

"Let's do this!" Flash yelled as he and his team charged forwards.

From the treeline, Starswirl and the girls watched the battle as it unfolded.

Flash was the first to attack, punching and kicking his way through the Shades. "Take that, and that!" He cried while fighting. He then pulled out his Spirit Sabre and leapt into the air, spinning around and slash a whole bunch more of them. He then landed on the ground on one knee, as in that second each of the Shades sparked and exploded into shadows.

Lyra pulled out her Serpent Staff and began twirling it around her body, cutting the Shades down before using its mouth to grab one and pushing it to the ground. "Down you go!" She cried before seeing another charging at her, only for her to toss the one in her clutches at it. "Too slow!" She spun the weapon and around and slashed them both down.

Micro leapt into a cluster of Shades, spinning on his heal while his blasters. The shots hit the Shades dead centre of the chest, knocking them down without a chance of getting back up. "Bullseye!"

Sweetie used her shield to block a Shades attacks before leaping up and deal a powerful kick to its head, sending it flying back. "That had to hurt!" She said as she pulled out her blaster and started firing at them.

"Spiral Slash!" Sandal cried out as he leapt into another cluster of Shades, spinning around like a top to cut them all down. "Gonna need to be quicker then that!" He said, as he slashed at them at high speed.

Soarin was flying through his group of Shades, his sword sparking with electrical energy as he did so. He finally landed before spinning on his heel, preforming a back handed slash. "Hope that wasn't too shocking?" He asked as he cut down several more of them.

"Manticore Tail Whip!" Trail cried as he swung his leg through the air, unleashing a wave of energy that struck the Shades around him.

"Ultimate Justice Punch!" Shining cried as he punched a Shade, sending it flying towards another group before exploding.

Sunset had her Duel Morphin Blaster out, using it to blast her way through the Shades while slashing at the ones that got too close. "Round I go!" She cried as she spun on her heel, blasting all the Shades around her.

"Nightfang!" Dusk cried as he leapt towards a group of Shades, slashing them down with precision skill.

Seeing his forces be overwhelmed, Void knew he had to get in on the fight. Seeing Flash had almost beaten all his Shades, he leapt at the Red Ranger hoping to surprise him.

Flash however sensed the incoming attack and managed to dodge it, turning towards Void before trying to fight him off. "Now that I don't have to worry about being eaten, I can take you down no sweat."

"Don't get cocky!" Void cried as he leapt back before unleashing a pair of his eye blasts.

Flash saw them coming and dodged with a back flip, landing back on his feet before pulling out his blaster. "Fire!" He cried as he shot at the monster, causing an explosion that sent him flying backwards.

"AAARRR!" Void cried as he landed on the ground.

Seeing his chance, Flash pulled out his Legendary Charger and activated it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hiding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

Sweetie and Lyra pulled out their last remaining Magi-Chargers, and threw them at Flash. "Catch!" They both cried to him.

Flash caught them. "Thanks," he placed them in his Drago Blaster along with his own.




"Activate!" Flash fired his blaster, unleashing a blue and pink energy blast. Those blasts then transformed into the heads of the Sea-Serpent and Sphinx Zord, which flew around him before biting down on his arms. In a flash of light his gauntlets transformed, turning into the two Zords shaped gauntlets. "Red Legend Ranger, Sphinx-Serpent Formation. Ready!"

Flash flew at high speed towards Void, raising his shield to block the eye blasts being sent his way. Once close enough he slashed at the monster, hitting his damaged stomach again and again until it was too much for him and he was finally sent flying back.

As Flash's upgrades disappeared, the rest of the Rangers finished of their Shades and rushed towards.

"Let's finish this as a team!" Flash yelled as he held out a Charger. "Magi-Victory-Charger!"

"Magi-X-Charger!" Soarin said as he did the same.

"Combined!" They placed them together, as the other Rangers gathered around and placed their hands on them.

"Together," all ten of them chanted.

"Protectors of right!" The first five Rangers said.

"Ready to fight!" The last five finished.

Flash and Soarin activated the Chargers, causing them both to glow the colours of all ten Rangers before placing Victory into Drago and Maximum into the Morphin Blaster.



Flash aimed the weapon, as the rest of the team formed a V behind him, focusing on Void. One by one they each glowed their respective colours, the light flowing into the weapon and charging it up as the Rangers spoke in unison.

"Victory-Maximum...Final...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and for the first time unleashed the ten energy blasts, one in each of the Ranger's colours, which flew at the monster before transforming into the heads of all ten Zords.

"Not good!" Void cried as he was hit again and again by the blasts, each one exploding as it struck him and sending him flying. He crashed into the ground, smoke coming off his body.

Up in space, Darklight watched as Void was struck by the combo attack.

"I was actually starting to think he'd be the one to finally beat those costumed freaks," he said with a huff. He turned to a Shade. "Fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded before turning towards the big red button and slamming down on it.

Outside, the Gigatisor folded out of the ship and fired its red beam towards earth.

Down below the Rangers watched as the red beam came down and struck Void, exploding as the giant stepped out along with some Shadzillas.

"Not good," Sandal said as Starswirl and the mane six rushed over to them.

"Tell me about it," Micro said. "All of our Chargers have been completely drained.

"Not all of them," Shining said as he and Trail pulled out theirs.

"But your Zords can't form a Megazord?" Lyra told them.

In that moment Twilight felt something in her pocket, causing her to pull out the Magi-Charger she had made. The Charger was pulsing a purple glow, catching everyone's attention.

"What's that?" Flash asked.

Before Twilight could reply, the ground around them began to shake and force them to try and keep their balance.

"What's going on?" Sweetie asked.

Suddenly the ground broke open and from out of the hole flew a giant robotic horse, that was purple in colour along with having wings and a horn. Everyone watched in amazement, as the new Zord flew down and landed a ways off from Void and the Shadzilla.

"When did we get that Zord?" Soarin asked.

"We'll explain later," Twilight said as she took a step forward and held up the Magi-Charger. She activated it before throwing it to the Zord. "Alicorn Zord!" She cried as the Charger grew before flying into its mouth.


The Alicorn's eyes opened widely, as it turned towards the monsters.

"Get that thing!" Void told the Shadzillas.

They charged forwards, but Alicorn was ready as it once again took flying while its horn glowed purple. It then shot out a beam which hit one of the monsters, pulling it into the air before throwing it towards the ground with a slam.

"Wow!" Twilight said. "That's my ability. Did it inherit it from my geode?"

Void fired a pair of eye lasers at the Alicorn, but the Zords horn then glowed white as a large diamond shaped shield appeared infront of it and blocked the attack.

"It used my magic as well," Rarity said.

Alicorn landed on the ground and turned to another Shadzilla, as its horn glowed blue. It turned into a blur, which shot by the monster and knocked it down before coming to a stop.

"Awesome!" Rainbow cried.

Another Shadzilla charged at the Zord, but Alicorn's horn then glowed orange before it thrust its back legs into the monsters chest. It was so strong that it sent it flying before exploding.

"Yeehaa!" Applejack cried seeing her magic in use.

The Alicorn then turned to the final Shadzilla as its horn glowed pink before firing off a load of pink bubbles, which flew around the monster before exploding.

"YEAH!" Pinkie cried.

The Alicorn turned towards the Rangers, as its horn glowed yellow.

Trail and Shining's Magi-Chargers glowed as well, signalling what the Zord wanted them to do.

"Fluttershy's magic must allow it to commune with the other Zords," Starswirl explained. "This is our chance. Form a Megazord."

"Right!" Trail and Shining said as they stepped forwards and held out the Magi-Chargers, activating them. "Summon Zords!"



The two Zords powered up, leaving their hideouts and racing towards the battle.

Once they arrived, Flash turned to the girls. "You lot wanna do the honours."

The six all smiled with a nod before stepping forwards, then all spoke in unison. "ACTIVATE, ALICORN MEGAZORD, MINO-CORE FORMATION!"

The Alicorn Zord neighed as it turned towards the other Zords before the three opened their mouths. Their Magi-Chargers flew out with the Manticore and Minotaur Chargers going into the Alicorn's.


It bit down on the first Charger before it flew out and was replace with second Charger.


It bit down on the second Charger before it flew out again and the last Charger flew in.



The three Zords transformed and merged together. The Alicorn leapt onto its back legs, as its front legs retracted so they were only half the normal length before moving to the side to become shoulder pads. Its neck split in half, with that back folding backwards and the front and head folding down onto its chest. A warriors head appeared from inside the neck.

The Manticore and Minotaur transformed into the arm forms, linking to the two plugs that folded out of the Alicorn's side.


Twilight and the ten Rangers teleported into the cockpit, their Mega-Drive appearing on them. The only ones not wearing the armour were Twilight and Flash, who was still in his Legendary Mode.

The Rangers looked around the cockpit, Twilight in the centre on a purple podium.

"Wow," Sunset said, "this place looks amazing."

"As good as any Zord I've made," Dusk said.

Twilight blushed hearing this before turning back to Void, her face becoming focused. "Let's end this."

"RIGHT!" The Rangers called out.

The Megazord charged forwards, as Void did the same.

"You think just because you've got a big robot, you can beat me?"

"Let's find out!" Sweetie cried as the Megazord swung its Tail Whip around and smashed the monster, making him stagger backwards.

"Lucky shot!" Void cried.

"Then lets see if that luck holds!" Shining cried as the Megazord used its Mino-Claw to grab the monster, then tossed it through the air.

"Augh!" Void cried as he landed but quickly got back up. "My turn!" He yelled before firing his eye lasers at the Megazord.

"In the air!" Twilight called out, the Rangers following her lead and having the Megazord take to the skies with its wings.

"Hold still!" Void yelled as he unleashed a barrage of lasers, only for the Megazord to dodge or block them with its Tail Whip. Finally he stopped firing, panting heavily as he did. He looked up and saw the Megazord land.

"OUR TURN!" The Rangers cried as the horn on the Alicorn's head fired a purple blast of light, striking Void in the chest and sending him flying once more.

Twilight turned to the others. "How about we put an end to this."

The Rangers nodded before turning back to Void, then began to move and speak in unison. "Alicorn Megazord...Final Strike!"

The Megazord began to glow, the light flying above its head and forming a purple sphere.

"EQUESTRIAN ASSAULT!" Everyone cried out as the sphere shot towards Void, then transformed into the shape of Princess Twilight.

"What?" Void cried seeing the spectral pony flying towards. Before he could react, the attack struck him and flew through his body, the energy surging through him. "AAARRR!" He cried as sparks pulsed around his body, finally fading and leaving him swaying limply. "I shouldn't have been horsing around," he said before toppling over and exploding.

Everyone watched as the fire burned, finally extinguishing to reveal Void was gone.

"We did it!" Twilight cried with a jump of joy.

"You bet we did," Flash told her. "Now come on, you know what to say."

Twilight smiled at him. "Guardian Rangers, victory is ours!"


Up in space, Darklight, Heart and Cogs watched as Void was destroyed.

Heart and Cogs turned to Darklight, expecting him to yell at them for their incompetence. But surprisingly, he seemed to be taking it quite well.

"Err...bro?" Heart asked. "You okay?"

"Of course," Darklight said. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because Void was destroyed," Cogs said.

"I know," Darklight replied. "Sure I would have liked to have gotten the Element, but I don't intend to have a partner when I rule the world."

The two quickly realised what he was talking about.

"You wanted the Rangers to destroy him," Heart said.

"Exactly," Darklight got out of his chair. "Void served me well, but I don't share what I have. Besides, he already got me what I needed to defeat the Rangers."

In that moment, a portal opened up on the bridge. Doom stepped out of it along with five Shades, each carrying a glass canister with some kind of green liquid in it.

"Master Darklight," Doom said as he walked over to him. "I found them, exactly where you said they'd be."

"Good," Darklight said as he looked down at the canisters. "Everything's coming together nicely."

Back at the base, everyone was happy to see that the Rangers were fine. It seemed there were additional aftereffects to being captured by Void, aside from slight exhaustion that a good nights sleep would fix up.

The rest of the team, explained to the others what had happened after they had been capture. How they had managed to create the Alicorn Zord, giving up their geodes in the process. How they had tracked it to Havoc's camp, the former enemy helping them free the others.

"Wow," Flash said. "Intense."

"We're sorry you had to give up your powers for us," Sunset told her friends. "I know what it's like to lose them."

"It's fine," Twilight told her. She looked around them. "Having our magic may have been amazing, but nothing is more important then saving our friends."

The other members of the group nodded, all telling them not to feel guilty.

"Besides," Rainbow said. "Now that you've got the Alicorn Zord, it'll be like we're right there with you in battle."

And the others nodded.

Starswirl meanwhile was standing in the corner, a look of concern on his face.

This did not go unnoticed. "Starswirl?" Dusk asked his mentor. "Are you alright?"

Starswirl turned to his team, giving them each a look that told them something was the matter. "Havoc told me I should return to my universe, while I still can."

"So what?" Sandal asked.

"I fear he may know something that we do not," Starswirl explained. "Darklight's greater plan. If whatever he has in store is able to make Havoc want to flee this world, it may be something we must be concerned about."

Everyone shared a sceptical look, unsure of what to make of a warning given to them by a former enemy.

Flash stepped forwards. "Well whatever it is, we'll beat it. Because after everything we've been through, all the trials and tribulations we've faced, we're stronger then anything Darklight can pit against us."

"Yeah," Soarin agreed, "bring it on. We'll show Darklight what happens when you mess with us."

"Because we're a team," Sweetie said.

"And there's nothing we can't do when we work together," Micro said.

"Darklight won't know what hit him," Shining said.

"I hope he does," Lyra said. "I want him to know it was us he lost too."

"And that messing with our world was the biggest mistake of his life," Trail said.

"Along with his crew," Dusk finished.

Flash held out his fist, the others following suit to form a circle. He then looked over at the non-Rangers and motioned them over, everyone but Starswirl doing so.

Everyone looked at the wizard, showing him he should not worry.

Starswirl sighed happily, but placed his fist in with the rest.

"We'll win," Flash said. "Protectors of right!"

"READY TO FIGHT!" Everyone else cried before thrusting their fists up.

Darklight's plan is beginning to take shape. Will the Rangers be able to stop him, or will the world belong to evil?

Author's Note:

And we have the Alicorn Zord. Hope you enjoyed this.