• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,450 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Recipe for Disaster

Once again the bells of Canterlot High had just rung, signalling the end of another school day.

As the students filed out into the corridors, we find Sweetie and Pinkie staring at a bulletin board. On said bulletin board was a flyer that was advertising a baking contest that weekend.

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered, "I can't wait."

Sweetie nodded at this. "It looks like it'd be fun."

"Are you gonna enter?" Pinkie asked her, only to get an unsure look from the Pink Ranger.

"I don't know. Baking in the past hasn't exactly ended well for me." Her mind flashed back to the Friendship Games, when she and Flash had accidently baked a bread loaf thanks to her using the wrong recipe.

Pinkie however, threw her arm around the girl and smiled at her. "Don't worry, you can work with me. Together, no one will be able to beat us."

Sweetie smiled back at her friend. "Thanks." She then started walking away. "Come on, the others are waiting for us."

The two girls rushed over to the entrance of their secret base, making sure no one was around, before stepping inside. There they saw the rest of the Rangers and Mane Six, including Shining while Trail was watching from the computer, along with the principles and Cadance.

They were all gathered around Starswirl, who upon seeing Sweetie and Pinkie nodded and raised his staff. "I have called you all here today, because I have decided it is time you all learned about the origins of the Guardian Elements you have all inherited." He waved his staff through the air and created a cloud that floated above him, before showing the image of a unicorn stallion with grey coat and blue hair.

"Who is that?" Twilight asked.

"That is Stygian," Starswirl explained. "Centuries ago in Equestria, before the days of Princess Celestia and Luna, there was nothing but strife and turmoil. Until one day when Stygian chose to bring together six incredible ponies." The image changed to show Stygian and Starswirl, along with five other ponies.

"Hey," Flash said as he stepped forwards, "I know that guy." He pointed to the image of an orange pegasus with red hair, carrying a shield.

Rainbow gave him a strange look. "You know a pony that lived centuries ago in another universe?"

Flash rolled his eyes. "When I bonded to the Element of Courage, I saw a bunch of different ponies. He was the first one I saw."

The others all went wide eyed at this, before looking at the other ponies. Then Lyra, Sweetie, Sandal and Soarin also pointed at a pony and said. "I know him/her!"

Starswirl laughed. "Allow me to explain. Each of those ponies were great heroes, who each protected Equestria in their own way. When Stygian brought us together, it was so we could unite our many different skills and abilities. The six of us worked together and in doing so, managed to defeat all manor of threats that endangered Equestria." The cloud showed the image of the six ponies battling the Sirens, defeating them and sending them away.

"So what does this have to do with the Elements?" Sunset asked.

Starswirl frowned before the cloud changed to show Stygian alone, as the others were celebrated by the ponies they had saved. "We became so focused on our own glory, that we failed to see that the one that brought us together was beginning to feel forgotten. Stygian wished so much to have the power to help, that he turned to darkness to gain it." The cloud changed to show Stygian surrounded by shadows. "Doing so, transformed him into a being of darkness...The Pony of Shadows!" The shadows around Stygian wrapped around him, morphing into an alicorn shaped shadow monster.

Everyone stepped back in surprise.

"The Pony of Shadows became a great threat to Equestria. The other heroes and I knew we had to stop him, even if it meant destroying our friend. We prepared a ritual that would seal both us and the Pony of Shadows into a limbo dimension, but before we could perform the spell." The image changed to show Stygian trying to free himself from the shadows. "We realised there was another way. Working together we managed to use the sealing spell to instead seal the darkness away." The cloud showed the shadows flying off Stygian, before shrinking into a small crystalline object that everyone recognised."

"The Element of Darkness," Twilight realised.

Starswirl nodded as the cloud showed Stygian holding the Element. "Despite no longer being the Pony of Shadows, Stygian's prior connection to it allowed him to wield the power of darkness. He became the first Guardian of Equestria." The cloud showed Stygian using the Element's power to fight off an army of monsters. "Seeing the power the Element possessed, the other heroes wished for it so they could fight alongside Stygian." The cloud showed the Element of Darkness, which was then struck by magic that created five different coloured lights. "Using the Element of Darkness as a base, we were able to infuse its power with the heroic trait that the heroes each held."

The cloud showed the lights flying around the heroes, before forming different coloured crystals.

"Flash Magnus, the Element of Courage. Meadowbrook, the Element of Trust. Somnambula, the Element of Love. Rockhoof, the Element of Will. And Mistmane, the Element of Selflessness. These five became Guardians alongside Stygian, using the Elements to protect Equestria. Over time we met others who shared the desire to help." The cloud showed four others, three ponies and an odd gargoyle like creature. "My student Clover, after defeating the wielder of the Memory Stone, joined us and forged the Element of Knowledge. Commander Hurricane and his partner Pansy, also joined us and became the Elements of Adventure and Forgiveness. Finally the being known as Scorpan, after defeating his brother Tirek, was invited to join us and forged the Element of Justice."

Everyone watched as the cloud changed to show the ten original Guardians standing together.

"For years the ten of them fought to keep Equestria safe, until the time came when they each chose to pass their Element to a worthy successor." One by one the Guardians disappeared, replaced by a silhouette of a pony. "Eventually they all passed on, leaving only me to watch over the Guardians. Until the day when Darklight attacked, defeated all the Guardians, and the Elements were lost." Finally the cloud dispersed, leaving the Rangers to think about the history of the Elements they all wielded.

"That was an incredible story," Rarity said.

"Kinda makes me feel closer to my Element," Soarin said as he looked at it in the crystal bed.

Starswirl nodded. "Stygian and the rest of the original Guardians would be proud, seeing their Elements in the hands of such amazing heroes. And soon, after a thousand years, the Ten Elements will once again be united. When the Black Ranger arrives, we will have the power to defeat Havoc and this...unknown threat."

Trail coughed to get their attention. "Well on the beating Havoc front, I'm close to discovering the whereabouts of his ship." The screen changed to show a map with a red circle on it. "Using the info you gave me on the ships flight path when it crashed, I've narrowed it down to this area. Once I've found it, we can wage a direct assault on Havoc."

The others all nodded. "Keep us informed," Celestia said.

"Will do," Trail said before the screen cut out.

Starswirl turned to the others. "The rest of you must be ready for anything Havoc sends after you in the mean time."

"Right!" They all said.

Over at the crashed ship, Havoc had just entered Cog's lab and saw him, Chimeramax, Heart, Doom and several Shades.

"How's the training going?" he asked.

Cogs just chuckled. "Perfect. Just like I expected, Chimeramax is capable of countering any move the Megazords would throw at him. Allow me to demonstrate." He turned to the Shades. "Mino-Claw!"

The Shades nodded, before they all picked one up. The one used its arms to mimic the Minotaur's horns and charged at the fusion monster, only for him to growl before raising both its metal boxing glove hands. The Shades tried to grab them, but Chimeramax thrusted his hands up and down to force the Shade to get got. It then punched them both.

"Now try the Fang Blade," Cogs ordered as the Shades then tried to mimic Fenrir's attack. Chimeramax lowered its hands and pointed the pipes around its waist at them, as red smoke shot out and blinded the Shades. Suddenly everyone watched as the Shades were sent flying out the cloud and smashed into the wall. "See."

Havoc did not look impressed. "And how exactly will this work, when you won't be there telling him what attacks are coming?"

Cogs chuckled. "I won't, but you will. I built a cockpit inside of Chimeramax. Once he's been Gigatised, you'll be able to control him from within."

That made Havoc look impressed.

"Hang on," Heart said. "Let me see if I've got this straight. Not only have you built a monster that can destroy the Rangers, but you've also made it like a Megazord?"

Havoc chuckled. "My very own monster Megazord. Me like."

Cogs sighed in relief, only for that to disappear when an alarm went off. He rushed over to a terminal and began typing away at it.

"What's happening?" Doom asked.

"We're receiving a transmission," Cogs replied. "It looks like...coordinates. Someone's sending us an invitation."

"I could be the Rangers trying to trick us," Heart said.

"Doesn't look like it," Cogs said. "There's also a time stamp. They want us to meet them, tomorrow."

Havoc wondered who it could be. A new foe, or was it someone wishing to join forces with him?

"Only one way to find out," he said.

The Next Day...

The school was preparing for the baking contest that was going to take place the next day.

While that was happening, the ones taking part in the contest were getting their entries ready. This included Pinkie and Sweetie, who had decided to try and make a simple velvet sponge cake.

"Okay," Pinkie said while reading the cook book, "it says to add three hundred grams of plain flour."

"On it," Sweetie said as she poured the flour into the bowl and started steering the mixture.

The two of them continued working until the cake was ready to be placed in the over.

"Set to one hundred and eighty degrees," Sweetie said as she started the oven and placed the cake inside. "Perfect. Now we just need to wait thirty minutes."

"This is gonna be the best cake ever!" Pinkie cheered, as they heard the door open and their friends stepped inside.

"Never thought I'd have to clean the gym again after the summer," Rainbow said.

"Oh don't be such a cry baby," Lyra said.

"Yeah," Applejack said, "there's nothing wrong with a bit of hard work."

"So how's the baking coming?" Micro asked the two girls.

"It's going great," Sweetie said. "I actually think I managed to pull it off."

The others smiled hearing this, until Flash looked at the oven and saw something that made him frown in concern. "Is it suppose to do that?"

Everyone turned to the oven and saw that the whole thing had been filled up by cake, making Sweetie and Pinkie hurriedly open the door and see their cake had grown to fill the entire oven up. "What happened?" Sweetie asked.

Pinkie had a feeling she knew and picked up the flour she had seen Sweetie use, reading it a making a pained face. "This is self raising flour."

Sweetie frowned seeing she had once again messed up, but her sadness quickly increased when-


The cake exploded and covered the entire kitchen and all its inhabitants in cake.

The thirteen teens all looked down at themselves and saw how much of a mess they all were, Rarity seeming to have a panic attack at the sight, before glancing down at Sweetie.

"Sorry," she said pleadingly.

"It's fine," Fluttershy said as they all started trying to get the cake mix off them.

Sandal swiped a bit off his arm and put it in his mouth, before moaning in pleasure. "Not bad."

Sweetie sighed. "I'll clean this place up. You guys go clean yourselves."

"You sure?" Lyra asked her best friend.

"Go," Sweetie told her.

The others all nodded and started filing out, leaving only Pinkie and Sweetie.

"I said I'd clean up Pinkie."

The cotton candy haired girl shook her head. "I should have double checked we had all the right ingredients, so this is also on me. I'll help."

"If you're sure," Sweetie moved over to where they kept the cleaning gear and started cleaning. Pinkie meanwhile watched as the girl continued to look said.

"Hey, don't worry. So you make a mistake, it happens."

"But it always happens to me," Sweetie replied as she mopped the floor. "Let's face it. I'll never be any good at baking."

"Don't say that. I wasn't always a great baker either, but I kept working at it. I made tons of mistakes, but I never let that stop me. I just made sure never to make that mistake again."

Sweetie just continued to frown. "I'm over a hundred years old, you'd think I'd be done making mistakes."

Pinkie shook her head again. "We never stop making mistake. I bet Starswirl still makes mistakes, and he's way older then you." She placed a hand on the girls shoulder. "I think the problem is you're trying the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. Baking is all about experimentation, so next time let's try something new and inventive." She then started shaking her whole body. "Just shake things up a bit."

Sweetie smiled at this, liking the idea. "Alright. But first, let's get this place cleaned up."

Pinkie nodded with a smile and started cleaning up with her.

Meanwhile across town, Havoc, Doom, Dust and Chimeramax arrived at the coordinates sent them.

Those coordinates turned out to be the bridge that connected Canterlot to its industrial complex, the same one the Rangers had battled Mechano at, and the four of them stood in the centre of the bridge.

"I don't like this," Dust said. "How do we know this isn't a trap?"

"We don't," Havoc replied. "That's why I've brought Chimeramax with us. If someone does try and pull something, they'll have to get through him first."

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Doom asked, only for his question to be answered when a flash of light appeared a few feet away.

They all turned to see a red and black vortex appear on the bridge. Seconds later someone stepped out of the vortex.

That someone, was a figure in black armour that had red trim. They also had eyeball like designs on his chest, shoulder and knees. His face was covered by a black horned skull shaped helmet, with a pair of eyes pocking out the mouth. On his right arm, instead of a hand he had a black claw in the shape of a birds head.

The vortex disappeared as the figure stepped towards them, finally coming to a stop several feet away.

Havoc stepped forwards. "Are you the one who sent me the message?"

The figure's eyes hardened, before he spoke in a dark brooding voice. "I am not. My name is Dusklord, and I come on behalf of my master. He has been watching you for some time and is interested in forming a partnership, in order to acquire the ten Elements."

This made the monsters all glance at each other.

Havoc turned back to Dusklord. "Why would I want to partner with someone else?"

"My master has many resources, all of which would be at your disposal should you agree."

"Well I'd like to know who I'm partnering with if I do," Havoc explained.

Dusklord chuckled. "That depends on whether you can pass my master's trial. He wishes to see how powerful you truly are, so I have come to test you." Suddenly a blood red sword blade shoot out of the bird shaped claw, which he pointed at Havoc. "Show me your power!"

Havoc smirked before transforming into his armoured form. "Gladly!" He swung his sword and unleashed and energy wave, only for Dusklord to use his sword to block it effortlessly. "WHAT!?"

"My turn!" Dusklord lowered his sword, as the eyes on his armour all turned towards Havoc. Then beams of purple energy shot out of them and all struck Havoc, sending him flying back and crashing into the bridge with a thud.

"MASTER HAVOC!" Dust cried seeing his master on the ground.

As Havoc pushed himself back up, he heard Dusklord chuckle. "So is that really the limit of your power? If it is, my master won't even want to look at you."

Havoc growled as he stood back up. "I'll show you my real power. COGS!"

Seconds passed and then, a red beam of light flew down and struck Chimeramax. There was an explosion, destroying the bridge and forcing the monsters to leap to safety, as a giant Chimeramax stepped out of the smoke.

Havoc then leapt into the cockpit, which was similar to the Ranger's except it had two podiums that each had a joysticks on them. "You were built to fight Rangers, but I'll warm you up by beating this loser." He took hold of the joysticks and used them to direct the fusion monster, causing him to turn to the buildings in the industrial complex before firing a missile out of its right shoulder.

Down below, Dusklord watched the destruction and nodded. "Alright, I'll admit that's impressive. But my master is not without his own surprises." He then held something up in his human hand, which he then tossed into the air. "Summon Dragon Zord!"

Havoc, Dust and Doom watched as whatever it was flew into the air, only for it to suddenly grow in size and reveal itself as a red Magi-Charger. It flew off, but seconds later they heard a familiar roar as the Dragon Zord flew into the seen. It flew towards Chimeramax and gave it a sucker punch, knocking the monster back but its magnetic feet kept it up.

"He summoned a Zord!" Dust cried out.

"But how?" Doom asked in shock.

They then heard Dusklord chuckle. "What fools these mortals be. I've barely scratched the surface of my masters power." He pulled out two more Chargers and showed them to the two.

Back at the Rangers base, the team had all just finished cleaning themselves up when the alarm went off.

"What's going on?" Rainbow asked as they all moved over to the screen.

Twilight and Sunset typed away, until it showed the image of Chimeramax and the Dragon Zord fighting. "We've never seen that monster before," Twilight said.

Flash frowned. "Whatever it is, Drago won't last long without a Magi-Charger."

"Impossible!" They all turned to Sunset, who was looking over Drago's states. "According to this, Drago has a Magi-Charger."

"What?" Flash cried as he turned to look at the crystal bed, seeing all his Dragon Chargers were where they should be. "If it's not one of ours, then who's is it?"

He did not get an answer, as in that moment another alarm went off and showed images of the Phoenix and Minotaur Zord leaving their homes.

"What the heck is going on?" Lyra asked.

"Someone else is obviously controlling them," Micro said.

"But who?" Sandal asked.

As Drago and Chimeramax continued fighting, Phoenix and Minotaur arrived on the scene to help.

Phoenix flew towards Chimeramax and unleashed a flurry of fireball, but the fusion monster used its metal fist to bat them away. Minotaur then charged towards him with his horns primed, only for Chimeramax to unleash a flurry of smoke that made it impossible to see and Minotaur ended up crashing into a nearby building.

Dusklord saw this, but was not worried. "You can beat them one on one, but can you beat them together? Activate Phoenix-Wing Megazord, Mino-Drake Formation."


And just like that, the three Zords transformed and linked together to form the humanoid robot that was just as big as Chimeramax.


"He has a Megazord?" Havoc asked in surprise, only to shake his head. "Like it matters."

Dusklord watched as the giant robot stared Chimeramax down. "Megazord...destroy!"

The Megazord obeyed and started to charge forward.

The Rangers watched as their Megazord fought against its opponent, still horrified by the idea of someone other then them controlling their Zords.

"This shouldn't be possible," Celestia said after she and Luna entered and were brought up to speed. "We have security fail safes that are suppose to protect the Zords from being hijacked."

"There's no way someone could have gotten passed them," Luna said.

"Then how are they doing this?" Soarin asked.

"I don't know," Twilight replied as she stared at the screen. "But I'm gonna find out."

They watched as Phoenix-Wing tried to perform a Mino-Claw attack, but Chimeramax blocked it and dealt a powerful punch to it. It then used its Heatwave shoulder to unleash a stream of fire, burning the Megazord.

"That thing's gonna destroy them!" Micro cried.

"We have to get out there," Flash said. The others nodded in agreement and rushed out of the base.

"We'll tell Sweetie," Applejack said as they headed out.

"No more playing around," Dusklord told the Megazord. "Dragon Zord...FIRE!"

The Megazord's dragon head flipped up before opening and unleashing a large fireball, which flew at Chimeramax. However, the fusion monster was ready and raised its two fists to block while using its magnetic feet to stay in place. The fireball bounced off its gloves and left him unharmed, as he then lowered his gloves and fired a barrage of missiles at the Megazord.

Dusklord watched as the Megazord was bombarded by the blasters, sparking as it took major damage. Eventually it proved to much and the Megazord broke apart, its three components crashing into the ground.

"Haha!" Dust cried as he and Doom watched their master's victory. He then turned to Dusklord. "Now do you see Master Havoc's power."

If you could see Dusklord's mouth, you would see he was smiling. "I'm not done yet." He pulled out several more Magi-Chargers. "Let's see what you can do against a whole army!" He tossed the Chargers into the air.

Back at the base, Sunset and the Mane Six watched as almost all the Zords activated. The only one not to was the Basilisk, but the others were all online and heading to the city.

"This is bad," Twilight said.

"Sweetie," Sunset connected to the Pink Ranger. "You need to get going."

"I'm on my way," Sweetie said after she had finished cleaning herself up. She cut her communicator and turned to Pinkie, who was still cleaning the kitchen. "Sorry, but-"

"Go!" Pinkie said.

Sweetie nodded with a smile before rushing out the kitchen, off to meet up with the rest of the Rangers.

Said Rangers had just arrived on the scene, the five of them rushing in and seeing all their Zords battling Chimeramax.

They watched as the Griffon and Thunderbird Zords fired their attacks at Chimeramax, who used his metal fists to block them. The Fenrir and Sphinx Zord charged at it, preparing to use their claws to slash at it, only to suddenly find themselves in a cloud of smoke. Sea-Serpent and Manticore leapt at it, but Chimeramax shot a missile and fireball that struck the two Zords and knocked them both down.

Seeing its comrades fall, Drago picked itself up and charged at monster.

Chimeramax was ready however, as it raised its right foot and slammed it into Drago's stomach before using its magnets to latch on. It then thrusted its foot down and pushed Drago onto his back before the fusion monster started smashing away at him with its fist.

Havoc laughed madly. "With that Dragon Zord destroyed, the Rangers won't stand a chance!"

"DRAGO!" Flash screamed.

"That thing will destroy him," Soarin said.

"We have to get our Zords under control," Lyra told them.

Micro was already on it and pulled out his Magi-Charger. "Griffon Zord!" He tossed it in the air, but instead of growing larger it stopped in midair before shooting back at the Ranger. Micro caught it and looked down at it."

"This is bad," Sandal said.

"GUYS!" They all spun around to see Sweetie rushing towards them. "What's happening?"

"Our Zords are getting wrecked, that's what," Flash said.

"Hey look!" Lyra cried and pointed to a nearby building. There Dusklord had leapt onto the roof, staring at the beaten Zords.

"Get up!" He ordered. "You will not be beaten so easily!"

The Zords, despite being both damaged and low on energy, were compelled to once again stand and charge at Chimeramax. The monster looked up from its pummelling of Drago to see them coming before firing his two blasts, knocking them all down.

But it was just what Drago needed to grab the monsters leg and throw him off, freeing him but the damage he had taken was great.

Dusklord growled seeing the Zords fail. "No choice," he said as he pulled out another Magi-Charger. "I'll have to use the Basilisk Zord!" But before he could activate it, he was suddenly bombarded by a flurry of laser fire. The blast took him by surprise, making him drop the Charger before looking over at the source and seeing the Rangers rushing towards him.

Flash stared at the monster. "Who are you? And how are you controlling our Zords?"

Dusklord growled seeing them, but in that moment something behind him caught his attention. The black and red vortex appeared, signalling his masters want for him to return. He looked up at Chimeramax. "New challenge Havoc. Destroy the Rangers and I'm sure my master will want you by his side." Before anyone could reply, he jumped into the vortex before it disappeared.

"No!" Flash cried, "he got away."

The others all frown at this, until Micro spotted something and rushed over to it. Bending down he picked it up and turned back the his friend, showing them what he had found. "Is this a Magi-Charger?" He showed them the Basilisk Charger, making them all frown. However a roar from Chimeramax made then turn their attention back on it.

"We'll have to deal with that later," Lyra said.

"Agreed," Flash replied, "right now we need to stop that monster."

The others nodded, with Micro looking at it. "If that guy was the one controlling our Zords, now he's gone we might be able to control them now."

"Good," Flash said as they took out their gear, "because it's Morphin Time! Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others cried as they activated their Chargers and placed them in their Morphers.


"Energise!" They cried as they charged them up, before pointing them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed their Zord heads, which flew around them and then bit down on them. In a flash of light they were in their Ranger suits before leaping into their Zords cockpits, activating Mega-Drive as they did so.


Six of the Zords linked together, forming a pair of Megazords.



"All systems go!" Flash said once the Megazords were online.

"We're back in the drivers seat," Soarin cheered as they all turned to Chimeramax. "Let's show this thing what a real Megazord battle looks like."

"RIGHT!" The others agreed before the two giant robots charged forwards.

Havoc saw this and smiled. "Two on one, twice the fun. Bring it!"

"It's brought!" Lyra cried as Guardian swung its sword at the fusion monster, only for him to respond by raising his metal fist to block before punching it.

"Fire!" Micro cried as Thunder-Charge fired a flurry of laser fire, but Chimeramax defended by unleashing a stream of fire.

"Fang Blade!" Sandal cried as they cried to slash at it, only to again be meet with a pair of metal boxing gloves.

"FIRE!" Havoc cried as Chimeramax fired a missile that struck the Megazord and sent if staggering back. "Now go!" The monster stepped forwards and raised its fist, only for Guardian to step between them and raise its shield. However, one punch was all it took to knock the shield from its grasp. Another punch knocked the Megazord off its feet.

"We're losing power!" Flash yelled.

"It's too strong!" Sandal cried.

In that moment, their screens switched on and showed Sunset and the others. "Guys," she said, "it's obvious this thing as been studying us and our Megazord. It knows all our moves."

Micro sighed. "In other words, we can't beat it."

"I won't accept that," Lyra said.

"Me neither," Flash agreed. "We just need to try harder!"

"Wait!" Sweetie almost yelled as she realised something, "It's just like what Pinkie said."

Everyone looked at her in confusion. "Is now really the best time to try and make sense of Pinkie logic?" Soarin asked.

Sweetie rolled her eyes. "Just listen. If we just try the same thing again and again, we won't get a different result. If this thing knows what we're gonna do because it's seen how all our Megazords fight, then to beat it we need a never before seen combination. We just need to shake things up!"

The others all realised she had a point. This was their only hope of winning.

Twilight came on screen. "Sunset and I have been working on a new combination, but it's not ready yet. We need more time."

"No problem," Flash told her. "We'll hold it off as long as we can with the Shadow-Force."

Twilight nodded before the screen went blank.

Flash then pulled out the Basilisk Charger, which he activated and tossed out of the Megazord. "Summon, Basilisk Zord!"

The Charger flew through the air before arriving at the Basilisk's hideout, flying into its mouth.


The giant Zord's eyes opened before it shot out of its hideout and headed towards the city. Once it arrived, the Rangers leapt into its cockpit.

Havoc saw this and smiled. "Going for the big guns huh. This is getting interesting."

Flash frowned hearing Havoc say this. "Activate, Shadow-Force Megazord!"


"Let's do this!" The Ranger cried as their last Megazord stood tall against Chimeramax, raising its axe in preparation of battle. Shadow-Force charged and swung its weapon, which Chimeramax effortlessly blocked before smashing into it with his gloves. He then blaster the robot with a combo of missiles and fire, which badly damaged to Megazord.

"Even Shadow-Force isn't enough," Sandal said.

"Don't give up guys," Flash told them. "Sunset will be here soon."

"We just have to stay calm," Lyra said.

The once again tried slash at Chimeramax, but this time the monster used its gloves to grab the axe. It then pulled it from the Megazord's grasp, leaving it completely defenceless.

"Oh no!" Micro cried.

Chimeramax grabbed hold of the Megazord, not letting it go as Havoc chuckled. "To quote Heatwave...FRY YOU FREAKS!" Chimeramax unleashed a wave of fire up close, cooking the Megazord and roasting the Rangers.

"TOO HOT!" Sweetie screamed.

Finally Chimeramax ceased its attack and let the Megazord go, causing it to stagger backwards before falling to its knees.

"This has gone from bad to worse," Flash said.

"Guys!" They heard Sunset's voice. Looking over at the ground, they spotted her racing up on the Magicycle. The Gold Ranger pulled up to a stop before getting off her bike and rushing towards them, ready to use the new formation. "It's ready. It needs your first five Zords, plus the Basilisk!"

"Alright," Flash said as they all got up and pull out their Magi-Chargers.

"Summon Zords!" The Magi-Chargers flew towards their respective Zords, re-energising them all.


Sunset leapt into Shadow-Force and activated her Mega-Drive.

"Great timing Sunset," Micro said. "So what's this new Megazord called?"

Sunset giggled. "Well first, it's not a Megazord. This, is the Guardian Ultrazord!"

They all liked the sound of that. They turned towards Chimeramax and started to move and speak in unison. "Activate, Guardian Ultrazord!"

Shadow-Force reverted back to the Basilisk, as the rest of the Zords charged towards them.

Havoc saw this and gulped. "I don't like the looks of this."


The Guardian Megazord formed into Sphinx-Serpent Formation, while the Basilisk's head, neck, centre legs and several parts of its back detached. The Basilisks legs attached to the bottom of the Dragon's feet, as one of the Basilisk's back parts connected to its left wing shoulder. The Griffin Zord then attached to that and the Fenrir connected to the Basilisks neck, becoming a large bladed staff the Megazord caught. The Basilisk's head attached the to Megazord's head, while the remaining detached parts of the Basilisk linked to the Dragon's head to form a golden armouring. The Tail Sabre and Sphinx Shield attached to the remaining parts of the Basilisk, which folded up before linking the the Dragon's back to act like a backpack.


"That's a new one," Havoc said in a worried voice.

The Rangers warped into their new cockpit, ready to finally end this battle.

"You're done Havoc!" Flash called out, as the Ultrazord charged towards Chimeramax.

The fusion monster unleashed a flurry of fire and missiles, but the Ultrazord was barely phased by the blast and got closer and closer. Once close enough, it readied itself for battle.

Micro made the first move. "Griffon Zord, FIRE!" His shoulder mounted Zord started firing a wave of laser fire, using a blast pattern that Chimeramax did not know and so could not defend against.

"Fenrir Fang!" Sandal cried as the Ultrazord swung its staff, slashing at the fusion monster who was unable to stop it.

"How'd you like that you overgrown jigsaw!" Sweetie cried as they watched Chimeramax stagger back.

Havoc growled as sparks began to fill his cockpit. "This isn't over."

"It will be!" Flash cried as they all started moving and talking in unison. "GUARDIAN ULTRAZORD, FINAL ATTACK!"

The entire Ultrazord began to glow the six colours of its Zord parts, as the Dragon's head slowly flipped up.


The Ultrazord's glow flew into the Dragon's mouth, becoming a multicoloured orb of power which was then shot into a beam that flew at Chimeramax. The beam struck the fusion monster, causing the sparks in the cockpit to increase as Havoc's creation began to fail.

"This is bad," Havoc said as the sparks became explosions. "EJECT!" He managed to leap out, seconds before the entirety of the monster was consumed by a massive explosion. Several seconds later, the flames disappeared and revealed a limp Chimeramax. All it could do was give off a weak roar before completely collapsing, fading into the ether from which it came.

The Rangers all cheered seeing this, glad they finally managed to destroy the abomination.

"Guardian Rangers," Flash called out, "victory is ours!"

Down below, Dust and Doom rushed over to where Havoc had landed. He was back in his human form and dusting himself off after the humiliating defeat.

"Are you okay master?" Dust asked him.

"I'm fine," Havoc replied as he stared up the retreating Ultrazord. "This isn't over." With that he turned and walked off, followed by his underlings.

After the battle, the Rangers returned to the base and showed their friends the Magi-Charger Micro had found.

They watched as Celestia removed it from the transmuter after scanning it, a look of horror on her face. "It's exactly the same. A perfect replica of ours."

"But how's that possible?" Twilight asked.

"We don't know," Luna said. "When we say it's a complete copy, we mean it. It even has all our security data."

"That would explain how they managed to control our Zords," Lyra said.

"But how could they do this?" Rarity asked.

"There's only one way," Sunset said. "Aside from us, there's only one person with the data needed to make working Magi-Chargers."

"The Black Ranger," Flash guessed.

Everyone looked at one another in confusion. Why would someone who was their side, hand over the data they had entrusted in him."

"There's no way the Black Ranger gave them the data willingly," Soarin said.

Rainbow nodded in agreement. "That would be..."

"Evil," Fluttershy finished.

Starswirl shook his head. "The Element of Darkness would never bond to someone evil."

"Which means he must have bin captured," Applejack said.

"Then we need to save him," Lyra said.

"If we can," Flash said.

Back on his ship, Havoc was stewing in yet another failure.

He was slowly pacing around the bridge, going over what had happened. Off to the side, Dust and the other minions were watching and awaiting their fate.

Finally, they saw Havoc come to a stop. And then-"AAAAARRRRRR!" The half human half monster cried out as he unleashed a flurry of electrical energy, which flowed through the bridge and caused almost all their equipment to fry.

"MASTER HAVOC!" Dust cried out, as Havoc finally stopped.

"I'VE HAD IT!" He screamed as he turned to them. "I'm done. No matter what I try, the Rangers keep beating me. It's obvious, I'll never defeat them. And what's worse, whoever that Dusklord guy works for is probably laughing at me." He moved over to his chair and threw himself into it, looking at it and remembering who had once sat in it. "I'm sorry father. I failed you."

The four monsters were not sure what to do now. Was Havoc really giving up?

Before anyone could answer that, something new caught their attention. The entire ship started shaking, making everyone stand to attention.

"What's happening?" Havoc cried.

Cogs moved over to the computers, but Havoc tantrum had left them completely dead. "I don't know."

"I do," Heart replied as she looked out the window. "We've been pulled off the ground."

"WHAT!" The men all cried as they rushed over to the window.

Rewind several minutes.

In the forest near the ship, Trail Blazer was moving through the forest trying to locate the crashed ship.

Suddenly something shot down from the sky, making him look up and see an orange beam of light shooting down from the sky. Moving quickly, he rushed through the trees towards whatever the beam was hitting. Finally he arrived in an area where the trees looked to have been knocked down, and what he saw made his eyes go wide.

Havoc's ship was surrounded in the same orange aura as the beam, which appeared to be slowly lifting it up off the ground.

"This can't be good," he said as he watched the ship fly higher and higher.

On said ship, Havoc and his minions watched as they left the earth and flew into the sky. They kept going higher and higher, until finally they reached the edge of the planet's atmosphere.

Then they saw it, what was pulling them up into space.

It was a giant space station. It was shaped like a discus, with several towers coming out the top and bottom of its centre. The tractor beam was slowly pulling them towards the station, to an area which opened up to reveal a docking bay.

The ship was pulled into that bay, the tractor beam deactivating, and gently it came to a steady stop as the doors of the bay closed.

Havoc and his minions headed out of the ship, arriving at its exit just in time to see Dusklord enter the room and walk over to them.

"Greetings," he said, "I hope you enjoyed the trip. Welcome to the Dark Fortress."

Havoc frowned at him. "Why have you brought us here?"

"Despite your failure, my master has chosen to meet with you." Dusklord turned. "Follow me," he stepped towards the door with the five of them following. They exited the bay into a corridor, which had several over doors and a large metal one at the very end. Dusklord pressed the button on the said and opened the door, revealed to be an elevator, which they all filed into. "Bridge," Dusklord said as the door closed before the entire room started moving upwards.

The journey lasted several minutes, but finally the elevator came to a stop and the door opened. Revealing another corridor with only one room.

"Stay here," Dusklord said before stepping out into the hallway and walking through the door. Havoc and his minions remained where they were, until Dusklord finally returned. "He's ready."

Havoc stepped into the room, which was not well lit, and looked around. Despite the darkness, he could see this room was about half the size of his entire ship. But what surprised him were the cloaked monsters that filled it.

"Shades?" Havoc asked before turning to Dusklord. "How do you have Shades?"

Dusklord chuckled. "My master was the first one to discover their dimension, and how to tame and control them." He stepped into the centre of the room, where Havoc finally noticed a dark figure in a large throne sat. "Allow me to introduce you to my master. Conquer of worlds and slayer of beasts!" The room was finally filled with light, revealing the figures true form. He was wearing black armour similar to Havoc's, only much bulkier, with golden trim. On his head was a knight like helmet, with a golden visor. He wore a black cape and in his left hand was a large black staff with a golden crystal attached to the top. "Lord Chaos!"

Everyone except Doom looked upon him in amazement mixed with other emotions. Heart and Cogs, fear. Dust, shook. And Havoc, intense joy.

He slowly stepped towards Chaos, not daring to blink should doing so make the him disappear. Finally he was only inches away from the armoured figure, only for his legs to give out and for him to fall to he knees as he continued to stare up at Chaos.

One word was all he could say. "Father."

Lord Chaos looked down at his son, as if judging him. Finally he stood up before kneeling down to Havoc's eye level, to then place a hand on his shoulder. "My son."

Havoc's eyes filled with water before he threw his arms around Chaos. "FATHER!"

The Next Day.

It was noon and the baking contest had officially begun, with the two principles and Applejack's Granny Smith as the judges.

The team were all looking down at the three layered velvet sponge cake that Sweetie and Pinkie had cooked, which looked delicious. But looks can be deceiving.

"Looks decent enough," Flash said as everyone continued to stare at it.

"Looking good and tasting good are two very different things," Soarin said.

"It'll be fine," Lyra said. "You guys need to give Sweetie some more credit."

Flash and Soarin then stared at her. "Then why don't you give it a try?" Flash asked her sarcastically.

Lyra suddenly looked like she was panicking. "Er...I don't want to ruin it until the judges have a chance to see it."

"Right," Sandal said sarcastically.

Pinkie and Sweetie stood waiting for the judges, Sweetie looking very nervous.

"Relax," Pinkie told her. "It'll be fine."

"If you say so," Sweetie said. "But maybe I should have let you do everything."

"It wouldn't be your entry then silly," Pinkie told her with a smile. In that moment, the judges arrived at their table.

"Alright girls," Celestia said. "What have you got for us?"

The two presented their entry, which the three of them began to study.

"Excellent presentation," Luna told them after they were done. She then pulled out a knife. "Now for the taste test."

Sweetie spotted their friends in the corner of her eye, all having taken cover in preparation of another explosion as Luna cut into it. But, happily, it did not explode and Luna was able to dish it out onto three dishes for them.

Everyone watched as each judge took a bite out of their slice, slowly chewing it to properly judge it. Then something happened, the three of them all froze as their eyes went wide.

Sweetie began to panic, thinking she had poisoned them. How was she gonna explain this to the doctors?

But then Celestia spoke. "This cake...is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted."

Take took Sweetie be surprise. "Come again?"

Luna nodded. "This cake is the best one I've ever eaten."

"Darn tootin," Granny Smith said.

"You've outdone yourself this time Pinkie," Celestia said.

"Thanks," Pinkie said before pushing her partner forwards, "but Sweetie did most of the work."

The judges all smiled at this before glancing at one another, each nodding before they turned back to the girls.

"Well," Celestia said, "I think we've found our winner." She held up a blue ribbon and pinned it to Sweetie jacket. "Congratulations."

Sweetie looked down at the ribbon, as she heard her friends all applaud her victory. Tears began to fill her eyes as she turned to Pinkie and pulled her into a hug.

Everyone smiled at this, only to hear a ringing sound and turn to see Twilight pull out her phone.

"Sorry," she said as she stepped away. "I'll take this outside." She left the gym and moved into the hallway. Once there, she answered the call and put it to her ear. "Hello?" She listened as the voice on the other line spoke, one she instantly recognised. "Timber."

Author's Note:

So...Element origins...Ultrazord...Havoc's dad and Timber. Did this chapter feel a little full?