• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,451 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Walking a Mile in Each Others Suits

Up on the Dark Fortress, we find Cogs and Dust in the lab.

The two were both standing at the reanimator's computer, typing away at it as they finished the designs for their latest scheme.

"And done," Cogs said after pressing the last button. "It's ready."

"Then let's bring our creation to life," Dust told him.

Cogs nodded and activated the machine, which powered up and began to fill with smoke. As this was going on, the lab doors opened and in stepped Chaos.

"What's going on here?" He asked as he walked over to them.

Dust and Cogs turned to him. "Master," Dust said, "we were just preparing to begin our plan for dealing with the Rangers."

Though he could not see his master's eyes, he could tell her was frowning. "And what, pray tell, is this plan?"

"Simple," Dust replied. "It's fair to say that the Rangers are practically unbeatable as they are now, with all ten Elements and their mastery in each of their skills. As such, the only way to beat them is to force them into a situation where they can't use those skills."

"That's where this comes in," Cogs finished as the reanimator deactivated. It then opened it door, releasing the smoke and the monster inside.

Said monster looked like the combination of Brainwave and Vacuumon. He was dark green in colour with multicoloured spirals on his armour, while on his back he carried a device similar to Vacuumon's.

"Hello world," the monster said. "Mindrone here to change a few minds."

Dust chuckled before turning to his master. "With his abilities, the Rangers will have no chance of stopping us."

"Is that so?" Chaos asked before eventually nodding. "Very well." He waved his staff and created a portal. "This better not fail."

"It won't," Dust said before he and Mindrone stepped through the portal.

Once they were gone, Chaos turned to Cogs. "Did you finish inspecting the targeting system?"

"I did."


"I double, triple and quadruple checked it. But, I found nothing wrong with it. The system was working perfectly."

"So the reason it missed was because of Havoc?"

"It's the only logical explanation."

Chaos frowned at this. Why would his son miss? He had been well trained in firearms, so what had happened?

Havoc was in his room, laying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling.

He was going over everything that happened in their fight against the Phoenix-Wing Megazord, but nothing he thought of would explain why he failed the usher the finishing blow.

"What's wrong with me?" He asked himself. In that moment, the image of a girl with red and yellow hair flashed in the forefront of his mind. "No," he shook his head, "get a grip. She's the enemy."

Down on earth, we find said enemy in the Canterlot Mall's pet store.

Sunset was currently picking up some food for her pet gecko Ray, who had become rather ravenous with how much he was eating lately. She was not the only one there, as Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight were also there with their pets.

"Thanks Fluttershy," the Gold Ranger said to the shelters volunteer. "I'm starting to think Ray might need to go a diet with all he's been eating."

Fluttershy giggled hearing this. "Oh that's natural for leopard geckos at this time of year. With the weather getting colder, they need to put on more weight."

"That makes sense," Twilight said as she brushed Spike. "With him being cold blooded and all, it would make sense that he'd need more fat."

"Wish I was cold blooded," Spike said. "Then I'd have an excuse to pig out."

"Same here," Pinkie said. "I'd get to eat all the cupcake I could find."

"You already do," Twilight told the both of them with a laugh.

Rarity stepped over to Sunset, looking at the container she was carrying. "So darling, what exactly does dear little Ray eat?"

Sunset and Fluttershy shared a smile, knowing what Rarity's reaction was going to be. Sunset then opened the container, revealing its many six legged contents to the girl.

The whole mall was filled with the sound of the girl's scream, making everyone turn towards the pet store. Suddenly Pinkie's head shot out the door. "Everything's fine, no need to worry." She then popped her head back in, seeing Rarity now standing on the other side of the store on several boxes.

"Bugs!" Rarity cried, "why are you feeding your pet bugs."

"Because that's what leopard gecko's eat," Sunset replied as she shut the container.

"What did you think they ate?" Twilight asked the fashionista.

Before Rarity could reply, the door of the pet store opened and they heard the sound of an animal whining and a teen boy's grumbles. "Come on," he said to the animal. "This is happening, so man up and deal with it."

They all turned to him and saw it was Flash, pulling his aunt's dog Banana by his lead. Said dog was pulling in the opposite direction, and obviously proving quite strong for his size.

"Hey Flash," Twilight said with a laugh at his plait.

The Red Ranger turned to look at them, his face sweaty from his efforts. "Hey," he said, "don't suppose you'd mind lending a hand...or more importantly, your magic?"

Twilight rolled her eyes but did as she was asked, using her magic to levitate Banana into the air. The dog saw this and redoubled his efforts to escape, but it was useless and he was soon clutched in Fluttershy's arms.

"Hello again Banana," the pink hair girl said. "Now what seems to be the problem?"

Banana barked loudly, telling Fluttershy everything.

"Oh, I see." She turned to the others. "Flea bath time again."

"He hates them," Flash explains as he caught his breath. "It's impossible to do at home, so I thought I could use the master of the animal kingdom."

Fluttershy gently patted Banana on the head, as she moved over to the sink. The boston terrier was so relaxed, he did not seem to even notice being put in the water. "That's right, relax. Isn't that nice?"

As Flash watched the dog getting his bath, he turned to the others and saw them playing with their pets. Twilight was scratching Spike's belly, Rarity was stroking Opel behind the ear and Pinkie was hugging her 'pet' stuffed alligator. He sighed.

"You okay?" He turned to look up at Sunset. "You seem down."

"It's nothing important," Flash told her. "It's just, I wish I had a pet I could bond with like you guys."

The others turned to him. "What about Banana?" Pinkie asked while she pointed to the dog Fluttershy was now drying off.

Flash sighed again. "I love the little guy, but he's my aunts dog not mine. You should see how they act when she's home. I wish I could have something like that."

"Do you really?" He looked over at Fluttershy as she walk over to him with Bananas. "Because if you do, I know where you can find a pet."

"I don't know," Flash said before looking down at Banana. "What do you think? Wanna roommate?"

Banana barked, causing Flash to look up at Fluttershy. "He said he'd love one."

Flash sighed. "Alright, let's do this."

"Great!" Fluttershy cheered. "Then let's go." She put Banana down and started pulling Flash towards the door.

"Mind if I come too?" Rarity asked. "I've been hoping to see the hamsters again."

"Me too!" Pinkie cheered. "This sounds like fun!"

"You'll have to go without us," Sunset said. "Twilight and I already have plans."

"Hope you find what you're looking for," Twilight told Flash.

"Thanks," Flash replied as he was pulled away.

Meanwhile in the park, Soarin, Rainbow and Applejack were helping Sandal's ECO club plant some new trees.

Sandal and Soarin were currently digging several holes, while Rainbow and Applejack were bringing the trees from the Green Ranger's truck.

"There," Soarin said once the hole was dug. "Not bad."

However in that moment, a rainbow blue shot by them and kicked up and wind that was so strong, it caused the dirt he had piled up to be blow back into the hole.

"Rainbow!" He complained to the now still blur.

"What?" Rainbow asked as she put the tree she was carrying down.

"You know, just because you have super speed, it doesn't mean you need to use it all the time."

"Where's the fun in that?" Rainbow asked before zipping off again, quickly returning with another tree. "I'm just doing what I can to speed to job up."

"That's your problem," Soarin told her. "You're to impatient. Slow down and enjoy the work.

Rainbow frowned at this. "I'm just as patient as you. Besides, you know if you had my powers you'd use them just as much as I do."

"Not true," Soarin told her.

"A'h think she's right partner," Applejack said. She was currently carrying seven trees, using her super strength to do it. "You two are so similar, ya'd totally do what she does."

Soarin frowned at this.

Sandal then stepped in. "I don't see a problem using their powers. As long as they're using them constructively, the way nature intended."

"Right," Soarin said before turning back to the now filled in hole. "So why don't you use those powers constructively and help me re-dig this hole."

"No problem," Rainbow replied. Using her speed, she picked up a shovel and rushed over to the hole. Then she started digging at high speed, soon redoing the hole she had filled. "There. How's that?" She turned around, only to see she had covered her friends in dirt and they were all glaring at her. "Oops. Sorry."

Meanwhile, Flash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie had just arrived at the Canterlot Animal Shelter.

"Here we are," Fluttershy said as they walked towards it. She turned to Flash. "Ready to find your new best friend?"

"I guess," Flash replied as he scratched the back of his head.

"Hey guys." They all turned to see Lyra and Sweetie walking up to them. "What's going on here?" Lyra asked.

"We're getting Flash a new pet," Pinkie said as they stepped inside.

"That's cool," Sweetie said. They decided to follow them in and watch, as Flash and Fluttershy walked around.

"You wanted a dog right?" Fluttershy asked the Red Ranger.

"Yeah," Flash replied, "probably best choice."

Fluttershy nodded and moved over to where they kept the dogs. "Well we've got lots of lovely doggies you can pick." She opened a cage and pulled out a poodle, which she held up to him. "What do you think?"

The look on Flash's face showed what he thought. "Not really my style," he said. "Sorry."

"That's okay," Fluttershy put the poodle away before opening another cage. This time she pulled out a bulldog. "Isn't he cute?"

Again Flash was not convinced. "Aren't those things suppose to be genetically flawed?"

Fluttershy's face showed he was right. "Well...yes...But he's so cute." Flash just gave her a look. making her sigh and put it back. "Fine."

Again and again Fluttershy pulled out the kennels dogs, and again and again Flash said no to them.

"Well that's it," Fluttershy said after putting the last dog away. "That's every dog in the kennel."

"Sorry Fluttershy," Flash told her. "None of them...clicked with me."

"That's alright Flash," Fluttershy said. "I'm sure we'll find you a dog soon enough."

"Maybe," Flash replied, "or maybe-"


Everyone in the building spun around to see people rushing by the window. They all rushed outside and saw a horde of Shades, lead by Dust and Mindrone.

"That's right," Dust said. "Attack and draw the Rangers out!"

A Shade saw a little kid standing in the middle of the street, paralysed with fear as it drew closer to him. But before it could attack, a dome of magic crystals appeared around the child before the Shade was hit by a sprinkle explosion.

"Get away from him!" Rarity cried as she and Pinkie got to the boy and picked him up.

Flash, Lyra and Sweetie got infront of them with their blasters at the ready. "Help the civilians escape," Lyra told them.

"We're on it," Rarity replied before she rushed off with the boy.

Dust chuckled seeing them all. "Finally decided to show up I see. Well Mindrone will deal with you."

"Hardly," Flash replied as he and the girls put their Magi-Chargers in the blasters. They spun the barrel and rushed forwards, firing and being morphed into their suits.

The Shades rushed towards the Rangers, daggers at the ready.


The two forces collided, the Rangers taking down the Shades with ease.

Meanwhile, Rarity and Pinkie were helping people get the the Animal Shelter to hide in. Fluttershy was on her communicator, talking to the principles.

"We need backup," she said.

"Don't worry," Celestia told her. "Soarin and Sandal are close by. Rainbow and Applejack are with them too, so they should be able to help. Micro, Sunset and Dusk might take a while to get there though."

Rarity frowned hearing this. "Then we'll have to lend support to them, until the others get here."

"I'm up for that," Pinkie said once the last civilian was inside. The two girls rushed out, leaving Fluttershy to watch from the window.

"Fire!" Flash yelled as he shot down several Shades before smashing another with his Dragon Breaker.

"Down you go!" Lyra cried as she grabbed a Shade in her staff and tossed him to the ground.

"Denied!" Sweetie said as she blocked another's dagger before slashing it with her sword.

Dust watched as they fought, with Mindrone besides them. The fusion monster turned to him. "Shouldn't I do it now?"

"Not yet," Dust replied. "We need to wait until the right moment."

Lyra and Sweetie soon found themselves surrounded, with Shades all around them. Lyra was slashing away at them with her staffs blade, while Sweetie blocked as many attacks as possible.

Suddenly Lyra found herself inside a dome of crystals, causing her to look around and see Rarity rushing up to her in her own shield. Lyra smiled at her as an opening appeared in it, allowing the Shades to step in one at a time and Lyra could take them all down.

Sweetie meanwhile found herself struck under her shield, but in that moment the Shades were blasted away from her by a multicoloured explosion. Sweetie looked up to see Pinkie rushing towards her. "Thanks."

"No problem," Pinkie said. She and Sweetie fought side by side, blocking the Shades attacks before blasting them away.

Dust smiled seeing the two girls enter the fray, turning to Mindrone. "Now!"

The monster nodded and charged towards Pinkie and Sweetie. Once he was close enough, one of the pipes extended out of the device on his back. Unlike Vacuumon's, this pipe split a few feet at the end and had a nozzle on each end.

Flash was busy fighting off some Shades when he saw the pipe heading towards the girls. "Look out!"

Sweetie and Pinkie heard the cry and spun around, just in time to see the two nozzles flying at them before attaching to their heads.

"What the?" Sweetie asked. In that moment the device started making a suction sound, causing the two girls to glow different shades of pink. The glow was sucked into the pipes, swapping at the connecting points and being sent back up before hitting the opposite girl.

The two suddenly staggered back, moaning as they did.

"Sweetie!" Lyra cried as she finished off the last Shade and rushed towards the girls.

"Pinkie!" Rarity cried as she did the same. She lowered her shields and rushed over to them, but that was exactly what Mindrone wanted.

"Gotcha!" He cried as he fired the pipe again, this time hitting the two girls. Like before the two glowed, Lyra blue and Rarity purple, which was sucked down the pipe and sent to the other. Once that was done, Mindrone retracted his pipe.

Flash pulled out his blaster and fired and Mindrone, forcing him back as he raced towards the girls. "You all alright?"

Lyra and Rarity both moaned and held their heads.

"What happened?" Rarity asked, but her voice was slightly different.

"I'm not sure darling," Lyra replied with a strange posh voice.

"My head hurtsie," Sweetie said.

"Mine too," Pinkie replied.

The girls all looked up, only to suddenly freeze when they saw each other. Then something weird happened, they all screamed.

Flash had to cover his ears. "What's wrong?"

Lyra was the first to speak after looking down at her body. "I'm in Lyra's body."

"I'm in Rarity's body," Rarity said.

"I'm in Sweetie's body," Sweetie said.

"And I'm in Pinkie's body," Pinkie said.

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked, only to hear the sound of chuckling and turn to Dust.

"Mindrone's ability allows him to swap two people's bodies," he explained. "Now that the Elements are being used by those who don't know how to use them, they'll be easy targets."

Flash turned to the girls. "So you've really swapped bodies."

"YES!" They all cried in distress.

"Oh boy."

Dust chuckled again, as more Shades appeared around him. "Get them!" The cloaked figured charged forwards, forcing Flash to leap infront of the girls and start defending them.

"You guys better get out of here, unless you think you can fight as you are?"

The girls shared a glance before nodding and turning back to them. "We're not going anywhere," whoever was in Rarity's body said.

"Indeed," the one in Lyra's body agreed as she raised her staff.

"Let's do this!" Pinkie's body said.

"Yeah," Sweetie's body agreed as she held her shield.

The four girls tried to fight, but unsurprisingly they were having difficulty.

"How do you use this infernal thing?" Lyra's body asked as she tried to swing the staff around, only to lose her balance as she did.

Rarity's body tried to create the diamonds, but they kept flicking in and out and she was forced to dodge the Shades.

Sweetie's body tried to block and attack from a Shade, but as she did the force caused her to lose her footing and fall back. "Ow!"

Pinkie's body held a tube of sprinkles and poured some out, but she was not sure how to ignite it. As soon as she asked herself that question, she was suddenly covered in multicoloured smoke.

"This is getting us nowhere," Flash said as he punched and Shade away.

Fluttershy meanwhile was watching this going on, having seen everyone get switched around. She then noticed something in the corner of her eye. Hiding away from everything was a blue dog with black back paws, black neck and black around his eyes. The dog appeared to be very frightened.

"Oh no!" She said as she opened the door and rushed out to it, completely ignoring her safety. Soon enough she was next to the dog, which she then picked up. "It's okay, I've got you." She was about to return to the Animal Shelter, but in that moment she suddenly found herself surrounded by Shades.

But before the Shades could attack, they were blasted down by Flash. The Red Ranger turned to Fluttershy and saw the dog in her arms. "Come on, I'll get you back inside."

"Not so fast!" The two spun around and saw a pair of nozzles flying at them, attaching to their heads and causing them to glow pink and red. Within a second, the colours were sucked inside the pipes and sent to the other before the pipes retracted.

The two moaned until they looked at each other and realised what had happened.

"Oh no," Flash's voice said as it came out of Fluttershy's body.

"I'm a boy!" Fluttershy's voice said from Flash's body.

"And you're in trouble," Mindrone cried as he got closer to them. But in that moment, a load of lasers exploded around him and made him back off.

Everyone turned to see Sandal, Applejack, Soarin and Rainbow rushing towards them.

"Hold on guys!" Soarin said as he and Sandal pulled out their Magi-Chargers.

"Guys!" Flash cried, "get away from each other!"

"What's with Fluttershy's voice?" Rainbow asked.

In that moment, Mindrone recovered and shot his pipes towards the four. One pair of pipes connected to Sandal and Applejack, while the other linked Soarin and Rainbow.

"What the hay?" Applejack asked.

In that second the pipes started sucking, causing them each to glow before the light was swapped.

Once the light died down, the four of them all stood shakily before eventually regaining their balance and turning to one another. As soon as they saw each other, they froze.

"Well ah'll be," Applejack said.

"We swapped bodies," Soarin said.

"Not righteous," Sandal said.

Rainbow looked the most horrified. "No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!"

"Guys focus!" Flash cried as he dodged a Shade's attack but fell over, causing the dog he was holding to rush off. "We need some help."

"Yes please!" Fluttershy cried as she ran away from a Shade.

"Alright," Soarin said as Rainbow's body stepped forwards. "It's Morphin Time!"

Rainbow rolled Soarin's eyes. "You forget something dude."

"Yeah," Applejack said, "ya'h ain't a Ranger no more."

"She's right," Sandal said.

"Oh," Soarin slumped.

"Leave this to us," Rainbow said as she and Applejack moved forwards. "It's Morphin Time. Magi-Charger!"

"Ready!" Applejack said.

They activated their Chargers and placed them in their Morphers. "Energise...Unleash the Power!" The Zord heads shot out and flew around them before biting down on their bodies, decking them out in the Ranger suits.

"Awe yeah!" Rainbow said as she and Applejack pulled out their swords.

"We're coming guys!" Applejack cried as she and Rainbow started slashing at the Shades, cutting them down with ease.

"What?" Dust asked seeing the two in action. "They shouldn't be able to use those powers so easily."

"Who says," Rainbow asked as she slashed at another Shade before turning to Mindrone. "I've always wanted to try this," she put a Magi-Charger in her sword.


She started swinging the sword around, as lightning surged through it. "Thunder Sabre Strike!" She unleashed the thunderbolt, sending it flying and Mindrone and electrocuting him.

Mindrone cried out as he was zapped before he exploded and was sent flying, landing at Dust's feet.

"Seriously?" He asked him.

"I did what you told me to do," Mindrone replied.

"Guys!" Everyone turned to see the Yellow, Gold and Black Rangers rushing towards them.

"We'd better get out of here," Dust said. "Master!"

A portal appeared behind them, allowing the two to escape while the Rangers managed to finish off the Shades.

"They got away," Micro moaned.

"Got bigger problems right now Micro," Flash said as he looked down at his new body.

Suddenly Fluttershy was next to him and grabbed her bodies arms, raising them high. "No touching!" She said as she demorphed.

"Seriously?" Flash asked.

The rest of the Rangers demorphed.

"Oh," Rarity said as she looked at her hands. "I think I chipped a nail."

"They're my nails," Lyra said.

"Oh yes," Rarity replied.

Pinkie was bouncing up and down, but frowned as she did. "Awe, this body isn't as springy as mine."

Sweetie rolled Pinkie's eyes. "I doubt you'll find one that is."

The late arriving Rangers all shared and confused look, just as a rainbow blur shot passed them before slamming into a wall.

"Careful!" Rainbow cried out to her body, as Soarin picked it up with a groan.

"Sorry," he said as he rubbed Rainbow's head. "This new speed's gonna take some getting used to."

"What the heck is going on with you all?" Dusk asked.

Everyone turned to them, giving them all a look that said they were not happy. "It's a long story," Flash said.

Up in space, Chaos had just arrived outside his son's room.

"What should I say?" He asked himself.

In that moment, the door opened and Havoc was on its other side. "Oh," he said, "is there something you want father?"

"I'm just wondering if you're okay?" Chaos replied. "You've been...distracted, as of late."

"Nothing I can't handle," Havoc stepped passed his father. "I'm going out."


"Just...out," was all he said as he stepped down the corridor.

Chaos sighed, but knew not to ask anymore questions. He turned and headed back down the corridor towards the bridge, and as he arrived he spotted Cogs working on Mindrone machine.

"You're fine," he told the monster. "The attack did not do any damage."

"Good," Dust said, "then we'd better get back down there before the Rangers figure out how to properly fight in their new bodies."

"No," Chaos told them, "instead focus on the one who seemed the less suited too their bodies. Wait until their alone, then strike."

Dust nodded. "Yes master, I'll be sure to do that." He turned to Mindrone and pointed out of the bridge, making the fusion monster leave with him.

Back on earth, the Rangers had made it to their base and explained what had happened.

"So let me see if I know who's who," Twilight said as she looked at all the swapped ones. "Sweetie and Pinkie."

"Right here," Pinkie said as she and Sweetie raised their hands.

"Lyra and Rarity."

"Here," Rarity said as she and Lyra did the same.

"Applejack and Sandalwood."

"Eyup," Applejack said.

"Right here," Sandal agreed.

"And finally, Rainbow and Soarin along with Flash and Fluttershy."

"Yes," Flash said, "now untie us."

Everyone turned to the two Rangers, who Fluttershy and Rainbow had tied to one of the bases supports.

"No way," Rainbow told them. "We're not letting you two go until we figure out how to swap us back."

"That's right," Fluttershy said.

"But who knows how long that could take," Soarin said.

"Then you'll be there a while," Rainbow replied.

"So how do we change them back?" Sunset asked the others.

"Maybe if we destroy the monster that did it," Micro suggested.

Celestia shook her head. "Then we might have destroyed the only way to change everyone back, and they'd be stuck like this forever."

"Yeah," Lyra said, "no destroying the monster."

"Then our only hope is to get the monster to swap them back," Luna said.

"And how do we do that?" Twilight asked.

"That's the issue," Dusk said.

"This is nuts!" Sandal cried as he slammed his fist into the table, only for Applejack's super strength to cause him to go right through it. "Whoops."

Celestia sighed. "Clearly you lot will need to learn to control your new powers until we can sort this out."

"I'd love to," Soarin said. "But I'm a little tied up right now."

In that moment, the room was filled with music. Everyone turned to Flash, who was looking down at Fluttershy's pocket. "I think it's for you," he said to the one inhabiting his body.

Fluttershy reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, answering it and putting it to her ear. "Hello...Oh, that's right. I'll be there as soon as I can." She hung up and turned to the others. "I'm late for my shift at the Animal Shelter." She turned towards the door, but before she could leave she was stopped by Applejack.

"You forget you ain't you right now?" She asked. "Flash is gonna have to go."

"As long as I'm not tied up," Flash said as Twilight magically undid his binds.

"Alright," Fluttershy said, "but I'll need to go to tell you what'll need doing. And keep your hands where I can see them."

"Alright," Flash replied as they left.

As soon as they were gone, Soarin's eyes went wide. "Uh oh."

"What now?" Rainbow asked.

Soarin gave her an innocent smile. "I need the bathroom."

Rainbow's eyes went wide. "NO!"

Outside, Flash and Fluttershy were getting into each other's cars.

What they did not know, was that they were being watched. Havoc was hiding out of view, waiting for a certain someone to step outside so he could fix his mistake.

"Come out already," he said.

Flash and Fluttershy soon arrived at the Animal Shelter.

As soon as they stepped inside, Flash's ears were bombarded by hundreds of voices calling out to Fluttershy. He turned towards the girl in his body, who appeared to frown.

"You okay?"

Fluttershy sighed. "I can't understand them."

"Neither can I," Flash replied with his hands over his ears. "How can you understand anything over all this noise."

Fluttershy moved over to a nearby closet and opened it, revealing a bunch of different bags. "They're probably just hungry. They'll calm down once they've eaten."

"Good to hear," Flash said as he picked up the bag.

Back at school, the swapped members of the team were on the sports field working to master their new abilities.

Soarin, finally free, was on the running track with Rainbow.

"The key is to concentrate," she explained. "Keep your eye on what's infront of you, or you risk running into things."

"Got it," Soarin said before shooting off. But as he ran, he did not notice a small rock on the track and his foot landed on it. Feeling his foot slip under him, he suddenly saw the ground getting closer before rolling along the ground. "Ow."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I told you, concentrate. That means noticing every little detail."

Soarin frowned as he picked himself up, a pained look on his face. "Maybe I could concentrate better, if you let me go to the bathroom."

"I said no!" Rainbow told him.

Applejack meanwhile, was helping Sandal learn to control his new strength. Handing him glass cups. "Naw just remember, be gentle."

"I'll try," Sandal replied as he gripped the glass. But in that second, he squeezed to tightly and the glass shattered. "Darn it!"

"It's okay sugarcube," Applejack said. "You'll get it. It just takes practise."

Rarity, Lyra, Pinkie and Sweetie were also practising to use each others powers.

"Visualise it," Lyra said as she remembered what Rarity had told her. The problem was, she was not a very visual person. Simply picturing something was not easy for her, so the gems continued to be small and weak.

Rarity meanwhile, was trying to master the movements Lyra had shown her using a broom in place of the staff. "Ow!" She cried after hitting herself in the head.

Sweetie and Pinkie were practising on each other, Pinkie using a bin lid in place of her shield while Sweetie threw sprinkles at her.


She was once again blown off her feet, landing on the ground behind her. "Owe!"

"Sorry," Sweetie said as she rushed over to her. "I guess I didn't get the amount right."

"And I didn't have the footwork you told me to use," Pinkie replied as Sweetie helped her up.

"It's to bad I didn't get switched with Rarity," Sweetie said. "She'd be much better using my weapon, and you'd probably be able to use Lyra's Serpent Staff better."

"Yeah," Pinkie said. Her eyes then went wide. "Hey!" She turned to Rarity and Lyra. "I have an idea."

Back at the Animal Shelter, Flash and Fluttershy had managed to feed all the animals. Flash continued to be bombarded by the animals voices, all telling him exactly how they liked their food. Over time the voices got quieter, as more and more of them were satisfied.

"That's the last of them," Fluttershy said as she finished feeding the animals in the aquarium.

"Great," Flash said as he threw the empty food bags in the bin. Seeing it was almost full, he decided it would be best to empty it and took the bin outside to the dustbin. As he put the lid on the bin, he heard something that caught his ear. Turning towards it, he began to walk towards it until he found himself across the street in an alleyway. "Anyone in here?"

"Please don't hurt me." Flash followed the voice and looked around a dumpster, where he found a familiar blue and black dog.

"Oh hey," he said as he kneeled down. "You're that dog Fluttershy saved earlier." He reached out to pet the dog, only to see it flinch away. "It's okay," he told him. "I won't hurt you." He tried to pet him again, but the animal still seemed scared.

Thinking for a moment, an idea popped into his head.

Keeping himself far enough away, he turned his head away and reached out his hand so it was infront of the dog. The animal looked at him and realised what he was doing. Flash was not going to move and instead, was going to let the dog come to him. Flash waited and waited, until finally he felt something soft brush against his hand.

Looking back he saw the dog had put its head in his hand, allowing Flash to stroke it. "There see, I'm not gonna hurt you." He pulled his hand back and opened his arms. "Come on, let's get you inside. My friend is sure to know what we can do with you."

The dog seemed to smile before barking happily and jumping into his arms, allowing him to hug him tight and pick him up.

"Someone's got a spring in their step now," Flash said as he looked around the dog's neck. "No collar. You must be a stray." He turned and left left the alleyway, heading towards the shelter.

But in that second, a flurry of lasers exploded around him and caused both him and the dog to be sent flying. Landing on the ground with a thud, Flash quickly recovered and continued to hold the dog tight as he looked back.

There he saw Dust and Mindrone walking down the street towards him.

"Hello Red Ranger," Dust said. "Don't worry, we're not here for you today."

"Yeah," Mindrone replied, "bring your little friend out and we won't hurt you."

Flash frowned and quickly hit his distress button before standing up, glaring at the monsters. "No way. I might not be able to morph, but I can still fight."

"And how'd you intend to do that?" Dust asked as he pointed his Broom Blaster at him.

That was a good question.

"That's what I thought," Dust replied. He was about to fire, but before he could his blaster was suddenly struck by a different laser. This caused him to drop his weapon and for it to go flying off.

Everyone turned to the shelter, where Fluttershy was standing.

She did not look happy. "Get...away...from them!"

Meanwhile back at school, the Rangers and those who had been switched rushed out the door of the school.

"Hurry up!" Rainbow told the ones behind her. "I want my body back."

"We all do," Lyra said.

But before they could morph and summon their bikes, a flurry of explosion occurred around them. They all managed to dodge the blasts, turning towards the source and seeing someone standing there.

"Havoc," Sunset frowned.

Havoc, in his armoured form, slowly walked towards the Rangers. "Sunset, you and I have some unfinished business."

"No thanks," Soarin said. "We don't have time mess with you."

"I only want the Gold Ranger," Havoc told them. "The rest of you can get lost."

Everyone frowned at this, but Sunset stepped forwards. "You guys go. I'll handle this."

"You sure?" Sandal asked.

Sunset nodded. "Go get your bodies back."

The others nodded before rushing off, leaving Sunset to pull out her blaster and place her Magi-Charger in it. "Energise!" She spun the barrel before rushing at Havoc, pointing the weapon at him. "Unleash the Power!" She pulled the trigger and the phoenix head flew towards Havoc, who deflected it with his sword and caused it to return to Sunset. In a flash of light, she was morphed and had her Duel Morphin Blaster ready.

She fired a flurry of laser fire at him, but he deflected it and tried to slash at Sunset. The Gold Ranger unfolded the blade of her weapon and used it to block before jumping away, blasting Havoc as she did so.

"I will defeat you," Havoc cried as he slashed at her. "It's the only way I'll make it up to my father."

"Like I care," Sunset replied as she jumped out of the way before blasting at him again.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was still in trouble.

She had managed to morph and was fighting Dust and Mindrone the best she can, but the two were far stronger them her as she had not master Flash's body the way the Red Ranger had.

"Magitech!" She cried as she activated Flash's Dragon Breaker, using it to punch the monsters.

"Dustpan Shield!" Dust blocked her attack as Mindrone threw a pipe at her and used it to wrap around her body and lift her off the ground.

Flash was watching from the sidelines, unable to do anything while the dog watched in his arms. "I've gotta do something," he said but could not think of anything.

Fluttershy felt the monster tighten his grip around her, cutting off her air as it constricted around her neck and waste.

"Hold her still!" Dust said as he pulled out his sword and prepared to finish Fluttershy with it. "This'll be over quick."

"No!" Flash cried. In that moment, the dog leapt out of his arms and rushed towards Dust. It pounced on him, biting his arms and causing him to yell in pain before dropping his weapon.

"Get off me you pest!" He cried as he swung his arm around and made the dog let go, landing on the ground before Dust kicked him hard.

Flash watched as the dog flew through the air and slammed into the shelter wall, causing him to rush over to it. Luckily it was still breathing and did not have any injuries.

Fluttershy had also seen it hit the wall, and when she did her eyes wide before turning to a glare. "How dare you!" She cried as she started fighting against her bonds, using new found strength to unwrap the pipe from around her. Once loose enough, she pulled out her blaster and fired at Mindrone.

The monsters cried in pain as he lost his grip, allowing Fluttershy to be completely free and land on the ground. She then charged at Dust and started throwing punches at him with the Dragon Breaker, forcing him to defend with his shield but it was useless. With one powerful punch, she broke through the shield and sent him flying backwards.

With the monster down, she rushed over to Flash to check on the dog.

"He's fine," he assured her. "Just stunned."

"Thank goodness," she said.

"Guys!" The two turned to see their friends rushing towards them.

"You okay?" Lyra asked.

"We are," Flash replied before turning to the ones in the Ranger suits. "You guys better get to work."

They nodded as Fluttershy stepped forwards. "Let's take these guys out," she said with more confidence then they had ever heard her say.

The none Rangers hid around the shelter's corner, watching as the Rangers stepped into line before taking a battle stance.

Fluttershy: Element of Kindness in the Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Rarity: Element of Generosity in the Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Pinkie: Element of Laughter in the Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Applejack: Element of Honesty in the Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Rainbow: Element of Loyalty in the Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger READY!

Dusk: Element of Darkness...Power Ranger, BLACK!

All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

Fluttershy: Power Rangers!


"Shades!" Dust cried as the cloaked monsters appeared around him. "Attack!"


"Thunder Sabre!"


The Rangers rushed forwards, countering the Shades as they did. Rainbow and Applejack were having no trouble, and Fluttershy had finally mastered fighting in Flash's body. But Rarity and Pinkie were still having trouble, until.

"Rarity," Pinkie cried as she tossed the Blue Ranger her shield.

Rarity saw this and, remembering their plan, did the same with her staff. The two caught the others weapons and were suddenly much better off, Rarity using the shield the way she used hers before kicking the Shades down. Pinkie meanwhile was spinning the staff around her, cutting the Shades down with ease.

"Wee!" She said as she did so.

Dust watched as they all began to work their way through the Shades, seeing they were doing just as well as the original Rangers. "This is bad." He turned to Mindrone. "Only one choice." He grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him towards the them. "Swap them around again."

"Alright," Mindrone replied as he ran towards the Rangers.

What he did not know, was that this is what the Rangers and their friends had been planning.

"This is it," Sandal said.

"Get ready you two," Sweetie said to Lyra and Soarin.

They nodded and got ready.

Flash placed the dog on the ground, quickly scratching him behind the ear. "Stay here." The dog barked in response.

Mindrone finally reached the Rangers and extended his pipes, shooting them at the Rangers. In that second however, a bunch of magical gem shields appeared and blocked them from the Rangers.

Suddenly everything slowed down as Soarin, using Rainbow's super speed, rushed everyone into position. One by one he placed them where they needed to be to swap back, rushing next to his own body once he was done and switching off the magic.

Everything returned to normal speed and the gem shield's faded, causing Mindrone's nozzles to move forwards and attach to everyone's heads.

"NO!" Dust cried seeing this, but before he could react he was blocked by Dusk and Micro.

"I don't think so," Dusk said as she slashed at him.

"You stay right where you are," Micro fired at the monsters feeting

Mindrone's machine activated before the monster had time to realise what was going on. In the blink of an eye the ten all glowed their respective colours, which were then sucked into the pipes and redirected to their original bodies.

"Oh no," Mindrone said once her realised what was going on.

Finally the suction stopped and the pipes retracted leaving the ten all wobbly.

Dust growled as he pushed his sword against Dusk's. "Mindrone, switch them back now!"

Mindrone nodded and shot his pipes at them, but in that second the Rangers all recovered and pulled out their swords. With one powerful swipe each, the nozzles were sliced off the pipes.

"NO!" Mindrone cried.

"Oh yes," Soarin replied as he spun his sword. "We're back baby."

"Yeehaw!" Applejack said as she tipped her hat.

"Now this is more like it," Lyra said.

"Agreed darling," Rarity said.

"Now we can really finish this," Sweetie said.

"Couldn't agree more," Flash replied, as he pulled out his Legendary Charger and activated it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hiding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

Sweetie and Lyra swapped their weapons back before the Rangers charged forwards, using their weapons to strike Mindrone.

"This is not going well," Dust said before he was slashed by Dusk.

Back with Sunset, she and Havoc continued to fight.

"Why are you doing this?" Sunset asked as she blocked his sword. "You must know what your father's doing is wrong, so why help him." She pushed him back and tried firing at him, but he managed to block them.

"Because he's my father," Havoc said as he swung his blade and barely missed Sunset. "All my life, he's always been there for me. I trust him, and I trust his judgement. He needs the Elements, so I'll help him get them." He tried for another head shot, but Sunset once again blocked.

"To destroy this so called Entity," she replied. "How do you know it's even still out there. It could have been destroyed."

"Only my father can destroy it," Havoc said as he pushed harder.

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do!" He leapt back before unleashing an energy blast, which flew through the air and struck Sunset.

Sunset was blasted back, landing on her back with her blaster just out of reach. Before she could grab it, Havoc's boot came down and pinned her. He raised his sword.

"Now I'll destroy you and take your Element."

Sunset looked up at him, his sword pointed at her neck. "You don't have to do this."

Havoc stared down at her, his sword remaining in place. "I have to."

"Then do it."

Havoc smiled. She thought he could not, well he would prove her wrong. But in that moment, he froze. His body remained where it was, unable to bring the sword down. He tried and tried, but his body would not follow his commands.

This hesitation was all Sunset needed, allowing her to reach out and grab her blaster. Lifting it up and pointing it at Havoc's chest, she fired several shots that struck him and sent him flying.

As he landed on the ground, Sunset pulled out her Magi-Charger and placed it in her blaster.

Havoc pulled himself up, ready to counter, but Sunset was to quick. "Phoenix Flame Burst!" She pulled the trigger and unleashed the twin blasts, which flew and Havoc before transforming into the firebird. Said bird struck the armoured teen, sending him flying once again while reverting him to his human form.

Once again he crashed into the ground, to weak to transform again.

"It's over Havoc," Sunset said. "Let this end, now!"

Havoc looked up at her, just as a portal opened up behind him. Seeing his chance, he leapt through it and escaped as the portal closed.

Sunset sighed.

Back with the other Rangers, they were beating Dust and Mindrone easily now they were back in their bodies.

Dust was still fighting Dusk and Micro, while Mindrone thought the other Rangers.

"Power Slash!" The Blue, Pink and Green Rangers cried.

"Thunder Sabre Strike!" Soarin cried.

The four attacks flew through the air and struck Mindrone, sending him flying into the air.

"My turn," Flash said as he combined his weapons and aimed them at the monster. "FIRE!" He unleashed the Dragon Zord's head, which flew through the air and struck Mindrone before exploding.

Seeing his monster be defeated, Dust dodged Micro's blasts before blocking Dusk's sword.

"Give it up," Dusk replied. "You can't win."

Dust simply chuckled. "Maybe not today, but someday." He pushed him away as a portal opened up behind him. "Mindrone, finish this." With that, he stepped through it before it closed.

Mindrone picked himself up, seeing he was now facing seven Rangers. "Oh boy."

Up in space, Dust entered the bridge.

"We'll see who wins," he said before turning to a Shade. "Fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded before rushing over to the button and hitting it, causing the machine to unfold and fire the red beam towards the earth.

Down bellow, the beam flew down and struck Mindrone. In an explosion, a giant version of him took his place.

"Your turn Drago," Flash said as he reverted back to normal and tossed his Zord in the air. It quickly regrew and landed next to Mindrone, where it began to pummel the monster.

"Time for the Ultrazord!" Dusk said as he pulled out his Magi-Charger.

The others nodded and pulled out theirs, activated them, and then tossed them in the air. "Summon Zords!"


The Zords activated and headed towards their Rangers, who leapt into the cockpit and activated their Mega-Drive.


Mindrone extended his now nozzle-less pipes and whipped them at the Ultrazord, who used its staff to slash them away before striking the monster.

"Fire!" Micro cried as his Zord began to fire its lasers at it.

Mindrone staggered back at the explosion hit him, forcing him to steady himself or fall to the floor. "Nice try, but it'll take more then that to beat me." But no sooner had he said that, then he was bombarded by a flurry of fireballs.

Everyone looked around to see the Phoenix Zord flying towards him.

"Sorry I'm late guys," Sunset said before she transferred into the Ultrazord.

"What happened to Havoc?" Lyra asked.

"He got away," the Gold Ranger replied. "But I'll explain later. Right now, let's finish this thing."

The others nodded and Soarin, Flash and Micro pulled out their Magi-Chargers. "Summon Zords!"

The Magi-Chargers flew through the air, arriving at the last four Zords. The Thunderbird, Manticore and Minotaur awaken and made their way towards the Ultrazord.

"Activate Union Blaster!" Dusk cried as the weapon detached and flew infront of the Ultrazord, unfolding into its blaster form.

The Rangers pulled out their blasters and pointed them at the super weapon, as the Zords began to glow. "HARMONIC DESTROYER!" They cried as the light flew into the tail of the weapon, charging it. "FINAL...STRIKE!" The multicoloured beam of light shot out of the weapon, flying towards Mindrone and hitting him.

For a full minute he was bombarded by the energy, causing him to scream out as he was. Finally the attack ended and Mindrone was left critically injured. "I've changed my mind about fighting these Rangers!" Were his last words before he fell and was destroyed.

"Guardian Rangers," Flash said. "Victory, is ours!"

Up in space, Chaos was watching as Cogs checked Havoc's injuries.

"I'm fine!" Havoc said harshly as he pushed Cogs away. "That Ranger just caught me by surprise, that's all."

"That's not all," Chaos told him. "You had her, so why did you not finish her."

"I don't know," Havoc said. "I just...couldn't."

Chaos frowned hearing this before turning away and looking out the bridges window, staring down at the earth. "I'm done going easy on these Rangers. Bad enough they refuse to join me, but now they've made my son become weak."

"I'm not weak!" Havoc yelled as he stood up.

Chaos turned back towards him. "Then prove it. Next time you fight the Rangers, do not hesitate to end them."

"I won't," Havoc said.

"Good." Chaos turned towards the window again. "Cogs, I have a job for you."

"What is it?" Cogs asked.

"The Rangers are powerful, but they are not invincible. I have a plan that will overwhelm them, but to do it I need more power." He turned to Cogs. "That's where you come in."

Back on earth, the Rangers were enjoying being in their own bodies again.

"You all alright?" Twilight asked them. "No after effects of the mind swap?"

"None what so ever," Lyra said. "Never thought I'd be happy to have my own chipped nails back."

"Same here," Pinkie said as she stretched her body around before doing the crab posture. "I love you Sweetie, but you need to do some yoga."

"I'll keep that in mind," Sweetie said.

Sandal meanwhile, was helping Applejack fix the table he broke. "I don't know how you do it AJ," he told her. "Everything felt like it was made out of cardboard in your body."

"Just something ah learned to control," Applejack replied.

"Same with your speed," Soarin told Rainbow. "No wonder your so impatient. Anything would look like it's going to slow at that speed."

"Haha," Rainbow replied sarcastically. In that moment her eyes went wide before she zoomed out the room.

"Where's she going?" Micro asked.

Soarin just smirked. "Bathroom."

Everyone laughed at that.

Sunset meanwhile was standing in the corner. In that moment, Starswirl stepped over to her. "Is something wrong Sunset?"

Sunset turned to him. "It's Havoc."

"What about him?" Dusk asked.

"He...I think he's starting to go against his father." Everyone's eyes went wide hearing this. Sunset explained what had happened in her fight with him.

"So you think he might join us?" Sweetie asked.

"It's a possibility," Sunset replied.

Soarin rolled his eyes. "Are you forgetting this is the guy who's tried to destroy us who knows how many times."

"But what if we can get him to join us," Lyra said. "He'd be a useful ally."

"And even if we can't," Sandal said. "Just having him not fight us would be a small victory."

"We can't assume anything right now," Luna said.

"She's right," Celestia agreed. "But we also shouldn't be completely against the idea either."

Everyone nodded at this, knowing she was right. If they could get Havoc to join them, then they would be one step closer to stopping Chaos.

In that moment, Flash and Fluttershy stepped into the room with something at their feet.

"Hey guys," Flash said as he knelt down and picked up the blue and black dog he had saved earlier. "I want to introduce you to my new little friend." The dog barked. "This is Springer."

Everyone was suddenly gathered around them, trying to pet the dog who was soaking up the attention.

Author's Note:

Bet you didn't think you'd be seeing Springer in this story, did you?

Well that's the last of the filler chapters, so no we get to the first chapter of the final arc.