• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,451 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Making Your Feelings Crystal Clear

In the lab of the alien's crashed ship, we find Cogs working at the computer connected to the reanimator.

On the screen were images of their different monsters, with certain areas of their bodies highlighted. At the top of the screen were two words, 'Project Chimeramax'. Cogs continued to type away at the computer, but after a few moments of this he stopped and groaned.


Cogs froze in place before turning to see Havoc, looking down at him with an un-amused frown.

Cogs gulped. "I'm trying my best, but creating an entirely new monster using several incompatible parts is proving difficult. If I make a single mistake, the creature wouldn't be able to survive on its own...let alone destroy the Rangers."

Havoc raised an eyebrow at this. "Well you'd better figure out a way to make it work...or else." With that he spun on his heel and exited the lab, leaving Cogs to wallow in fear at the prospect of what Havoc might do to him. He turned back to his computer and got back to work.

Outside the lab, Doom and Heart had been listening in on the conversation. "This is bad," Doom said. "If Cogs can't make this fusion work, then it'll be all our necks on the chopping block."

Heart nodded. "But what can we do? It's not like we can help him, we don't know the first thing about how the reanimator works."

Doom thought about this for a moment. "Our only hope, is to prove to Havoc that we're not failures. And the only way to do that, is to get him an Element."

Heart raised her eyebrow. "And how, pray tell, do you intend for us to do that. Encase you haven't noticed, the Rangers are just to powerful. Especially now that there are nine of them for us to deal with."

Doom chuckled. "Except two of them aren't always with the team. The Orange Ranger is who knows where, but I'm sure we can find the other one no problem and when we do, we'll attack at full force and take his Element."

Heart chuckled at this. "That's why I love you Doomy. Let's go find him." With that the two of them headed for the bridge, off to find the one Ranger that was all on his lonesome."

Meanwhile at Canterlot High, school had just gotten out for the day and the many students were heading home.

Several students had remained behind and were in their secret base. These included Lyra, Rainbow, Micro, Rarity, Sweetie, Fluttershy, Sandal, Pinkie, Soarin and Applejack.

They were all gathered around a table, looking at a form they had been given in class that day. It was a special form that they were expected to fill out, asking about their many future goals and what they intended to do in order to achieve them.

"Well I've got nothing," Sweetie said. "I've lived for over a hundred years, you'd think I would have thought of something by now."

"There has to be something you want to do?" Lyra asked her.

"No," Sweetie replied. "We don't all have our entire life planned out for us you know. I mean you've wanted to be in a professional orchestra since you were...what was it, five?"

"Three," Lyra replied. "But that's besides the point. I'm sure if you look you'll come up with something."

"Indeed," Rarity said. "Keep thinking and you'll soon realise what you destiny is."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes hearing her say that. "You know, we haven't all known what we've wanted to do since we were in diapers."

"Yeah," Applejack said, "you've gone on and on about opening your own boutique since you first picked up a fashion magazine."

"Can I help it that I found my passion so early in life?" Rarity asked.

"Well you're not the only one," Soarin said. "I'm gonna get on the national soccer team if it kills me."

"Same here," Rainbow agreed.

"I'll be joining the family business," Applejack said. She was talking about the apple orchid her family owned and ran, which her brother was currently running with occasional help from the rest of the family.

"Well I'm gonna try and help advance the field of robotics," Micro said.

"And I'm going into veterinary school," Fluttershy said. "I just love helping animals feel better."

Sandal smiled at this. "I'm gonna help the environment...somehow."

"I wanna open my own bakery," Pinkie said happily. "I'll take everything I've learned from the Cakes and my part time job, to make the best desserts imaginable."

Everyone smiled at this, happy almost all of them knew what they wanted in life.

Meanwhile, Sunset, Celestia and Luna were in the lab. The principles were working to try and reestablish a link between them and the hold of the Element of Darkness, the Black Ranger, but so far were having no luck.

"Activating signal twenty three," Luna said as she typed away at her computer. "Anything?"

Celestia stared at her screen, before sighing. "No response."

Luna mimicked her sisters frown. "I fear we may never be able to reopen the dimensional hole. If we can't do that, we'll never be able to send a signal to the Black Ranger."

"We must keep trying," Celestia told her. "Prepare signal twenty four."

Luna nodded and began typing away.

Meanwhile Sunset was working on the transmuter, which had a currently blank Magi-Charger inside it. She typed away at the computer, finally activating the device and causing it to begin humming. After several moments of this, the humming stopped and the transmuter deactivated.

Sunset took the Charger out of the device and looked it over, smiling at the sight of it. It was just like the Magi-Victory-Charger, only its colours were inverted and it had a large X on it instead of a V.

"Perfect," she said before moving over to the others. "I'm happy to report that the Magi-X-Charger is now complete."

They all smiled hearing this, before Soarin got up and took the Charger in hand. "Awesome, now we can use all our Elements. Victory Maximum!"

"I can't wait to see it in action," Sweetie said.

"How about we go test it out?" Sandal suggested.

"That'll have to wait," Sunset explained. "It doesn't work without the Victory Charger, and only Flash can use that."

The others nodded and looked around for the fearless leader, finally realising he was not there along with another member of their team.

"Where are Flash and Twilight?" Rainbow asked.

"It's alumnus day at Crystal Prep," Celestia explained from her spot in the lab. "Shining Armor's giving a speech, so Twilight asked to go see him. Flash offered to give her a lift."

"Oh," The others all said.

Over in the city, the famous Crystal Prep Academy had just gotten out for the day. However, the students had all remained behind so as many past students had come to give speeches about their many jobs. They were all in their assembly hall, watching as the returning students spoke on stage.

In that moment, the Silver Ranger Shining Armor was up on stage talking about his experience as a police officer.

"And so we were able to bring down Big Score and his black market," Shining finished his story as he looked out at the many students who started clapping to it. He then turned to the back of the hall, where he spotted his sister and Flash standing there applauding him as well.

The two teens watched as Twilight's brother stepped off the stage, replaced by another past student who began their own speech.

"That was a great speech," Twilight said, no longer paying attention with her brother finished.

"It sure was," Flash agreed. He then turned back to stare at Shining, looking as if he was contemplating something. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper, which he unfolded to reveal it was the same sheet the others had. The one where he was meant to write out his future goals.

Twilight noticed this and looked at him in concern. "Are you alright?"

Flash was not sure how to reply. "I think so. It's just...when they gave out these sheets today, I couldn't help thinking about my own plans for the future. All I ever really cared for was finding my dad, but now that's done."

"I thought you and your band wanted to make it big?" Twilight asked.

Flash sighed. "To be honest, I love playing guitar and being in the Flash Drivers. But it's not something I want to dedicate my life to. But..."

"But what?"

Flash looked at her. "I love being a Ranger. Helping people and making sure the bad guys get what they deserve. But eventually the day will come, where me and the other Rangers have to give it up. I want to still help people, and I think I know how." He looked back at Shining before memories of their time in New York, flowed through his head. "Do you remember Grand Hoof?"

"The previous Gold Ranger?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. He said I'd make a good cop. And hearing Shining talk about it, being one is a lot like being a Ranger. So maybe that's what I can do."

Twilight caught on and her eyes began to sparkle. "You want to join the police force?"

Flash smirked back at her. "Yeah, I think I do."

"That's great," Twilight said a little to loud and getting the attention of some of the students sitting infront of them. She blushed at that before turning back to him. "For the record, I think you'd be a great police officer."

Flash smiled at this.

Back at the crashed ship, Doom was working to try and locate Shining so he could attack and take the Element of Justice.

Currently he was on the ship's computer, doing research on him. But so far he could not find anything useful to him.

"Attacking him at the police department wouldn't be smart," he said as he closed that window. "All those armed humans would just slow us down enough for the rest of the Rangers to arrive. I need to attack someplace close to home, so he'd be forced to come and defend it. But where?" Suddenly he came onto a picture of a young Shining in the Crystal Prep uniform, holding up a trophy that he had just won for his school. "Hello."


He spun around to see Heart enter the room, followed by three familiar monsters. Blizzard, Heatwave and Reflector.

"These three have agreed to help."

"You bet," Heatwave said. "I've been waiting for a chance to get even since New York."

Reflector nodded. "Same here. Those Rangers will pay for the humiliation they served me."

Blizzard let out a growl. "Those Rangers beating me three times is bad enough, but they also tricked me and made me look like a fool. I want pay back, no matter what I have to do to get it."

"Good," Doom said, "then let's head out. We're going back to school."

Back at Crystal Prep, the last of the alumnus finished had their speech and now they and the students were standing around the assembly hall conversing.

Flash and Twilight walked through the crowds of people on their way over to Shining Armor, finally spotting him near the stage and Twilight rushed up to him. "That was great BBBFF!" She cried before throwing her arms around him.

"Thanks Twily," Shining said before turning to Flash. "Hey punk."

Flash just rolled his eyes, but smirked all the same and gave the older Ranger and thumbs up. "Great speech."

"It sure was."

The three of them turned to see a woman with pink skin and hair that was pink, yellow and violet. She wore a green blazer, over a light blue blouse and green skirt. She also wore gold heels and a gold necklace around her neck.

Twilight smiled. "Cadance!" She rushed over to her and hugged her as well. "It's so good to see you."

Cadance smiled as she hugged the girl back. "And you. I haven't gotten to see much of you, since you transferred to Canterlot High." She pulled out of the hug and then looked over at Flash, before smiling at him. "And who's this?"

"Flash Sentry," the teen replied with his signature smirk. "I'm a friend of Twilight's from school. I gave her a lift here."

"That's nice of you," Cadance told him. She then turned to Shining, smiling another cheerful smile as she did. "It's been a while since I last saw you as well Shining."

Flash watched as a blush appeared on Shining's face, as he scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously. "Well, I've been...kinda busy."

"I could tell from your story," Cadance replied before turning to Twilight. "Come on. Let's go catch up."

Twilight beamed at this and took the older woman's arm, pulling her away from the boys.

Shining watched as the two girls walked off before turning to Flash, seeing a coy smile plastered on his lips. "What?"

"Don't you what me," Flash said as he walked up to stand next to him. "You like her don't you?"

"WHAT!?" Shining asked in surprise as the blush returned and increased. "That's ridicules."

"Oh don't deny it. I've seen that look enough time to recognise it a mile away. Just admit it."

Shining looked embarrassed by this, but eventually he sighed and nodded. "Okay fine. Yes, I like her."

"Atta boy. So...how long have you liked her for?"

"Since we were both in high school. She used to babysit Twilight so we saw a lot of each other. But after graduation I went to out of state to study to join the force, while she stayed here and started working as a trainee teacher."

"But you live in Canterlot now. Why not ask her out?"

"Because she's out of my league. I wasn't exactly...popular back in high school. Studying to be a cop ate up a lot of my time and made me choose to hang around those who also studied a lot. But she was one of the most popular girls there."

"Okay, so maybe the old dorky you didn't stand a chance. But look at you now. You're a cop, who's taken down a bunch of criminals without even batting an eye. Plus," he looked around to make sure no one was looking, "you're a Power Ranger."

Shining gave him a square look. "That's not exactly something I can advertise to her."

"No but it's something you should let give you confidence. You've fought and beaten monsters that want to kill you. Asking a girl out should be nothing compared to it. Besides, she doesn't seem like the type to go for someone purely passed on how popular they are."

"She's not."

"Then you have nothing to worry about. Don't let your fear of what might happen, make you miss out on having something great."

Shining smiled at Flash, giving him a node. "Thanks Flash."

Flash let out a small chuckle. "No problem."

Now it was Shining's turn to give a coy smile. "Speaking of not missing out on something great. When are you gonna ask my sister out?"

Flash's smile turned to a wide eyed surprised. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hey if I'm not allowed to deny anything, then neither are you. I've seen the way you two are together."

Flash frowned at this. "That's different. Unless Cadance has a boyfriend you didn't mention."

Shining gave him a weird look. "Boyfriend?"

Flash sighed. "Timber Spruce. The two met a Camp Everfree before I became a Ranger."

"Oh," Shining said, "I remember her telling me about him. To be honest, at the time I didn't think any relationship between them would last."

"You think?"

Shining nodded. "From what she told me, he seemed a little phoney."

"And I don't?"

"No you don't. Plus I actually know you," Shining said. "I haven't met this Timber guy."

"Well I'm sure you'll love him when you do," Flash said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the stage. "Everyone else does." He looked over at where Twilight and Cadance were standing, only for his gaze to catch Twilight's for a millisecond before he quickly looked away.

Shining just patted him on the shoulder, not sure what else to say.

Rewind a few minutes and move across the room, where Cadance and Twilight continued to catch up.

Twilight wanted more then anything to tell her old babysitter about helping the Power Rangers, but that was not her secret to tell. Instead she went on about how much fun she was having at Canterlot High.

"I'm glad to hear how many friends you've made Twilight," Cadance told her. "It's hard to believe the girl who only ever wanted to study, would become such a social butterfly."

Twilight giggled at this. "Well Canterlot High's a pretty amazing place, filled with some pretty amazing people."

Cadance then gave her a coy smile. "So this Flash boy, how long have the two of you been dating?"

"WHAT?" Twilight screamed so loud that the people around them stared at her, ironically being the same ones she had disturbed before. The teen once again nervously chuckled at them, before turning back to Cadance. "I don't know what you're talking about. We're just friends."

"Is that so?" Cadance gave her a knowing look, the kind she used to give whenever she caught Twilight trying to smuggle cookies. "So he just drove to his school's rival and stayed to hear a bunch of boring speeches, all because you and he are friends?"

Twilight felt herself blush hard. "Seriously," she could not stress her next word more, "friends."

Cadance just rolled her eyes before turning to look at Flash and Shining. "He is kinda cute, wouldn't you say."

Twilight's blush hardened. "I guess. If you like that...unassuming...heroic...rock star type."

Cadance laughed at the girl's embarrassment. "I think the two of you would make a lovely couple. I admit when you told me about that Timber boy, I was worried."

Twilight gave her an unusual look. "What was wrong with Timber?"

"Nothing," Cadance assured her. "It's just that he wasn't how I expected your first crush to be."

"And Flash is?"

Cadance was not sure how to answer this. "In a way. When you were growing up, I always thought you'd end up going for someone like your brother."

Twilight was confused by that. "Isn't that a little...weird."

"Of course not. It's natural for a girl to like someone who reminds them a a person they love and respect, because it makes them feel safe."

"Huh," Twilight said. She thought for a moment and then realised, Flash was similar to Shining in many ways. They were both selfless, cared about others and would often go out of their way to protect those around them, even if it put themselves at risk.

Though despite this, they also had many differences and many of them could be seen with how they acted in their Ranger duties. Flash was more head strong and had a tendency to rush forwards into battle, while Shining had more of a defensive manner and preferred to wait until an opening occurred.

The two of them were the perfect representation of a sword and a shield. Both strong in its own way, but together were a force to be reckoned with.

"I guess you're right," Twilight said. "A lot of the things I respect about Flash are mostly the same as what make me respect Shining."

Cadance smiled seeing this. "See. Now I'm not telling you you should ask him out, I'm only saying you should try and see the potential of a possible relationship. I might have only met him just now, but I feel like you two have more of a potential relationship then you do with Timber."

"Oh," Twilight said. She looked over at where Flash and Shining were standing, only for his gaze to catch Flash's for a millisecond before she quickly looked away.

Cadance saw her confused look and patted her shoulder, but before she could say anything-


Everyone spun around towards the loud sound, which was coming from the entrance of the hall, and saw they had been blasted off their hinges. Seconds later, the room began to be filled with Shades who were all sporting their dagger like weapons.

Everyone was silent as they all began to back away from the cloaked monsters.

In that moment Doom and Heart entered along with more Shades. They all looked around and began to chuckle.

"Look at all the weak little humans," Doom said as he stepped forwards and surveyed the area. "Wonder how many I have to destroy in order to get his attention."

Flash and Shining kept themselves hidden behind the group, not wanting Doom to see them until they knew why he was here. Unfortunately, one person decided not to be so calm about the situation.

"Excuse me!" Cadance stepped out of the crowd towards the monsters. "What's the meaning of this? You dare attack my school unprovoked. Answer me...NOW!"

Doom was amazed at how a powerless human could so casually stand against him, but it quickly disappeared when Heart stepped forwards.

"You dare talk to my Doomy like that!?" She cried as raised her heart shaped hook in a threatening manor, only to stop when Doom held up a hand.

"Forget her," he said. "She's of no danger to us. We will wait until the Ranger shows up and then we'll use her and the others as hostages so he gives himself up."

Cadance raised an eyebrow. "Why would the Power Rangers do that? Aside from the fact that they protect people, why would they give themselves up?"

"Because one of them is an old student of yours," Heart said. "So when he comes to save his precious school, the five of us will overwhelm him and take his Element."

"Element?" Cadance asked out loud.

"The Power Rangers will never lose to you!" One of the students, named Indigo Zap, cried out.

another student named Sugarcoat nodded in agreement. "The Rangers beat you every time, so this time will be no different."

Doom growled at this, before he raised his sword towards Cadance. "SILENCE!"

But before he could swing it down to strike, something shot passed Cadance and struck Doom in the face. The monster went flying back into his army of Shades, dropping his sword as he did so.

Cadance turned to the thing that had saved her and saw that it was Shining, landing on the ground after kneeing Doom in the face.

"Why you!" Heart screamed as she charged at the man, only to suddenly trip over something and land on her face.

"Hope you had a nice trip," Flash joked after leg sweeping her. He took this moment to hit the distress button on his communicator.

Shining turned back to others in the hall. "Everybody out!"

They did not need to be told twice and started rushing towards the nearest exit, luckily there was one behind the stage that the monsters had not blocked.

"Shining!" Cadance cried out as Twilight grabbed her hand and started pulling her away.

"I'll be fine," Shining told her. "Flash and I will hold these guys off until you get out...or the Rangers arrive." He and Flash stood between them and the monsters before taking up a battle stance.

Doom quickly picked himself up and growled at them before turning to his minions. "Don't just stand there. Get them!" The Shades all charged forwards, trying to beat the two men but were beaten back by their fighting skills.

Cadance watched this as she and Twilight rushed out of the room, heading outside and gathering on the back field.

"Dean Cadance!" The woman turned to see Principle Cinch walking over to her. "What is the meaning of this? I was in my office and suddenly I hear a loud commotion."

"The school's under attack," she explained. "A bunch of monsters tried to hold us all hostage to bring the Rangers out."

"Don't be ridicules," Cinch said. "We all know there's no such thing as monsters, or Power Rangers."

Everyone around her gave her a funny look.

"Have you been living under a rock?" Twilight asked, no longer afraid of her since she was no longer her principle. "Canterlot's been attacked by monsters every other day since the beginning of summer. The Power Rangers have been protecting us from them."

Cinch just rolled her eyes. "All an elaborate hoax. Nothing but silly costumes and pyrotechnics."

Everyone sighed seeing her denial, but right now did not care and all turned back to the school. Cadance stepped up to them. "Everyone must get as far away as possible, encase this fight escalates and we get caught in the crossfires."

Everyone nodded and quickly began to exit the field onto the main street, heading home or to the next best spot. Eventually the only ones left on were Cadance, Cinch and Twilight.

"This is ridicules," the middle aged woman said before turning back to her school. "I'm going to prove to you that this is all hokum." With that she started marching towards the building.

"Wait!" Twilight told her, "don't go in there!"

"You do not give orders to me Ms Sparkle!" Cinch cried as she continued towards the school.

"Please," Cadance said. But her pleas fell on deaf ears, forcing the two to rush after her.

Back in the hall, Flash and Shining continued to fight against the Shades. However, no matter how many they knock down there was always another to take its place.

"This is insane!" Shining cried as he kicked one away and leapt up on stage. "No matter how many we hit, they don't seem to decrease."

Flash threw another Shade to the ground and leapt up on stage, looking over at the many opponents they still had to defeat. "No one else is around, so let's kick it up a notch."

"I hear that," Shining agreed. "It's Morphin Time! Magi-Charger!"

"Ready!" Flash said as they both held theirs up. They activated them and placed them into their blasters.

"Energise!" They spun the barrel and pointed them to the sky, completely unaware that three individuals had just rushed inside the hall. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the trigger and fired the balls of light, which transformed into their Zord heads and flew down towards them. Biting down on its Ranger, the heads exploded in a burst of light which quickly faded to reveal the Red and Silver Ranger.


The two Rangers froze, then slowly turned to see Twilight, Cadance and Cinch standing there staring at them.

Cadance stepped forwards. "You're...a Power Ranger?"

"Um," Shining said, but his attention quickly turned towards the Shades that were climbing up the stage. "We'll talk about this later, for now get out of here."

Twilight and Cadance nodded before grabbing Cinch by the arms and rushing out, the two Rangers following behind. They were soon all outside the school and on the field, with Flash shutting the door and locking it by placing a nearby broom through the handle.

"That should hold them," he said.

"But what about us!"

The five of them spun around just in time to see a large fireball flying at them, hitting the ground and causing an explosion which sent them all flying away from the door. They all landed a ways of with a thud, and when they tried to pick themselves up they heard three sets of voices laughing.

Looking up they spotted Heatwave, Blizzard and Reflector walking towards.

"These three losers again," Flash said once he was back on his feet.

"We can take them," Shining said. "Twilight, keep Cadance safe."

"What about me?" Cinch asked.

"Oh yeah...her too." Shining and Flash charged towards the monsters, quickly leaping over them to redirect them away from the girls.

Heatwave turned to Shining and started throwing fireballs at him, but the Silver Ranger quickly managed to dodge them before dealing his own punch and kicks.

Blizzard meanwhile was focusing on Flash, throwing snowballs that the Red Ranger used his Spirit Sabre to deflect. "Take this!" He cried as he placed a Magi-Charger in his sword, causing it to glow. "Power Slash!" He swung his weapon through the air, unleashing a red energy blade which flew at Blizzard.

However, Reflector leapt infront of the ice monster and raised his shield. "Dark Reflection!" The blast struck the shield and then went inside before he held up his other shield, which glowed before firing the same attack at Flash.

The blast struck the ground and sent the Red Ranger flying, luckily managing to land on his feet though he was shaken up. "Time to start playing hard ball," he said as he pulled out his Legendary Charger and activating it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hidding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

"Nice trick," Reflector said.

"Let me show you mine," Blizzard cried as he shot several snowballs at Flash.

But Flash used his Drago Blaster and blasted them all into powder, chuckling as he did. "My turn," Flash pulled out some Magi-Chargers and placed them in his blaster.




"Activate!" Flash pulled the trigger, unleashing a green and silver energy blast. Those blasts then transformed into the heads of the Fenrir and Minotaur Zord heads, which flew around him before biting down on his arms. In a flash of light his gauntlets transformed, turning into the two Zords shaped gauntlets. "Red Legend Ranger, Mino-Fenrir Formation. Ready!"

Flash charged towards the monsters, his blades at the ready as Reflector stepped infront of Blizzard.

"Nothing you throw at me will make it through!" The monster cried as he raised his shield.

"We'll see about that!" Flash yelled before swing his Mino-Claw at the monster, opening the claws so they could grab the mirror. He then yanked it away from the monster, leaving Reflector open for when Flash swung his Fang Blade and slashed the monster down.

Blizzard watched as his partner fell to the ground before turning to Flash. "You've warn out your welcome!" He cried before creating a giant snowball and tossing it towards the Red Ranger.

Flash remained in place as he watched the large ball fly towards him, staying completely still as it got closer and closer.

Twilight saw this and got worried. "Flash, move!"

But Flash remained completely still and instead called out his wings, wrapping them around his body before the ball struck him and exploded into a cloud of frozen mist. When the mist faded, a large block of ice stood where Flash was.

Blizzard saw this and started celebrating as he rushed towards the ice block. "I did it. I beat the Red Ranger." But when he was only a few feet away, the ice suddenly stared cracking before shattering and sending the pieces flying. "What?" Blizzard almost screamed seeing this, when suddenly something shot at him and he felt a powerful slash run down his body. He cried out as he was sent flying towards Reflector, smashing into him and sending them both flying back.

The three women looked into the sky and saw Flash fly up after escaping from the ice.

Heatwave saw his comrades land a few feet away, only to quickly return his focus to his own opponent. "Fry you freak!" He cried before unleashing a stream of flames at Shining, who pulled out his Spirit Sabre and used it to black the fire.

Even with his suit the flames were proving difficult to handle, but Shining knew he could not let himself be beaten so easily. Acting fast he managed to push the flames back and make Heatwave stop his attack for a moment, that moment being all he needed to toss his sword at the monster.

Heatwave saw it coming a barely managed to dodge it, but when he looked back at the Ranger he saw he was gone.


Heatwave looked up and saw the Silver Ranger had jumped in the air, falling towards him with his fist at the ready. He brought it down and with the added speed, socked the monster in the face and made him stagger back.

"Now!" Shining cried as he smashed his right fist into his left palm as it glowed. "Power Ranger," he spun around and with all his might he punched the air. "Ultimate Justice Punch!" From his fist fired a powerful burst of energy, which flew at the monster and struck him before exploding.

Everyone watched as Heatwave was sent flying and landed next to the other monsters, knocking them back down having picked themselves up.

"They're amazing," Cadance said.

"They sure are," Twilight said. In that moment however, the doors to the school finally broke off and Doom stepped out followed by Heart and the Shades.

The spiked monster looked over at the beaten monster and growled. "Are you kidding me!"

"Give it up Doom!" He heard Shining say as he and Flash moved over to the girls.

"Not happening," Doom cried as he turned to the Shades. "Attack!" The cloaked minions nodded and rushed towards them, only to be cut down by a flurry of laser fire.

Everyone turned to the source of it and saw the rest of the Rangers racing onto the field on their Magicycles, pulling them up to a stop infront of the others.

"Sorry we're late," Lyra said as they jumped off their bikes.

"You're right on time," Flash said as they all lined up.

Doom growled seeing the others there.

"This plans falling apart," Heart said.

"Then we'll withdraw," Doom replied before turning to the other three monsters. "Deal with this!" With that the two rushed off, as their minions ordered the Shades to attack.

"Let's do this!" Flash ordered before the Rangers charged forwards.

The two forces fought against each other, the Rangers proving stronger as they cut and blasted them all down.

"Thunder Sabre Strike!" Soarin cried as he unleashed a thunderbolt that struck several Shades and electrocuted them.

"Power Slash!" Lyra and Sandal yelled, as they swung their swords through the air and fired a blue and green energy blade. They flew through the air and cut down several more Shades, before exploding and taking a load more down.

"Phoenix Flame Burst!" Sunset cried as she fired her special attack, which morphed into a blazing bird that struck the Shades incinerated them.

"Power Blast!" Micro and Sweetie yelled, as they spun the barrels of their blasters and fired.

"Weapons combined!" Flash said as he linked his two blasters together. "Legendary Dragon Morph Blaster!" He called out as he aim the weapon at the remaining Shades. "Final...STRIKE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed a powerful blast, which flew at the cloaked monsters and exploded. "Awe yeah!"

Heatwave, Blizzard and Reflector watched as their minions were all destroyed, leaving them all alone to face the Rangers.

"Impressive," Heatwave said. "But you won't find us to be such easy opponents."

"We'll see about that," Soarin said as they all stepped into line. "What's say we try out our new Victory Maximum attack?"

"Like that'll work," Reflector said as he stepped forwards and raised his shield. "Anything you throw at me, my mirror shields will send right back."

"Let's test that theory," Flash said as he and Soarin pulled out the Chargers. "Magi-Victory-Charger!"

"Magi-X-Charger!" Soarin said.

"Combined!" They placed them together, as the other Rangers gathered around and placed their hands on them.

"Together," the eight of them chanted.

"Protectors of right!" The first five Rangers said.

"Ready to fight!" The last three finished.

Flash and Soarin activated the Chargers, causing them both to glow the eight Ranger's colours, before placing Victory into Drago and Maximum into the Morphin Blaster.



Flash aimed the weapon at the trio, as the seven other Rangers got into position. Lyra, Micro, Sweetie and Sandal stood shoulder to shoulder on Flash's right, while Soarin, Shining and Sunset did the same on his left. They formed a V shape, before each began glowing their respective colour. The coloured lights flew into the combined weapons, charging it up before they all began speaking in unison.

"Victory-Maximum...Final...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and unleashed eight energy blasts, one in each of the Ranger's colours, which flew at the trio before transforming into the heads of the Dragon, Sea-Serpent, Griffon, Sphinx, Fenrir, Thunderbird, Minotaur and Phoenix Zords.

The eight Zord heads flew at the monsters, with Reflector standing ready to deflect it.

"Dark Reflection!" He cried just before the attack hit, but then something went wrong. The shield absorbed the first five heads, but then it started shaking as he felt himself being pushed back. "Something's wrong," he cried before feeling his comrades grab him and begin pushing him back. "It's too strong. I can't absorb it!" Finally the shield had to much and-


The three monsters were consumed by a powerful explosion, which sent the lot of them flying.

Over at the ship, Havoc stepped into the bridge when he noticed Dust watching a screen.

"What are you watching?" He asked as he stepped over to him.

"Another of Doom's failed plans," Dust replied.

Havoc raised an eyebrow at this and looked at the screen, before his eyes went wide at the sight of the Rangers performing their new attack on the three monster. "Oh he is so dead." He then took a deep breath. "Maybe I can salvage this." He turned to a Shade. "Fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded and rushed over to the button and pressed it, unleashing the enlarger which then fired.

Back at Crystal Prep the Rangers watched as the Gigatisor flew down and created an explosion, which the three monsters stepped out of.

"Time to go big or go home," Flash said as he pulled his Legendary Charger out of Drago and revert back to normal. He then tossed Drago in the air, allowing him to grow back to full height.

The Rangers then all pulled out a Charger for their own Zord, with Flash also using a Basilisk Charger, and activated them "Summon Zords!" They threw them into the air.


All their Zords activated and emerged from their hiding spots, before rushing to their Rangers aid.

"Activate Guardian Megazord," Lyra and Sweetie cried out. "Sphinx-Serpent Formation!"

"Activate Thunder-Charge Megazord," Soarin, Micro and Sandal yelled, "Fenrir-Griffon Formation!"

"Activate Phoenix-Wing Megazord," Sunset and Shining cried out. "Minotaur Formation!"

"Activate," Flash yelled, "Shadow-Force Megazord!"


The Zords all linked together, forming a quartet of Megazords.





The Rangers leapt into their Megazord's cockpits, each taking out a Magi-Charger and placing them in their weapons. "Mega-Drive!" They cried as they were each engulfed in light, which died down to show their body armour.

The four Megazords charged forwards, Guardian and Thunder-Charge facing off against Heatwave, Phoenix-Wing battling Blizzard and Shadow-Force fighting Reflector.

"Flame on!" Heatwave cried as he unleashed a flurry of fire, but the Guardian Megazord used its shield to block. Then when the flames stopped, Thunder-Charge blasted him with the Griffon Zord. "Arrr!" He cried as he staggered back, but before he could recover the two Megazords charged forwards and slashed him.

"Phoenix Fist!" Sunset and Shining cried as their Megazord launched a flaming punch and the ice monster, causing him to cry out in pain as his body was melted bit by bit.

"Take this!" Flash cried as Shadow-Force sliced at Reflector, who now only had one shield remaining to defend himself as the Megazord slashed him with his axe. But as he continued to defend, the axe battered the glass of the mirror and slowly the cracks started.

Flash saw this and knew it was his chance, as the Megazord reeled its axe back before using its large fist to strike the mirror shield and smash it.

"No!" Reflector cried seeing this, only to have worse problems and the Megazord slashed him with its axe and knocked him down.

"Lets end this," Flash told the others.

They nodded and began to perform their finishing attacks.

"Dragon Zord...Final Strike!"

"Electron Blast Cutter!"

"Firebird Fury!

"Dark Decapitation!"

The four Megazords performed their finishing attacks, each striking their opponents who could not defend themselves and were each consumed by an explosion. One by one the three of them fell, leaving the four Megazords watching the battle.

"Guardian Rangers," Shining declared, "victory is ours."

Back at the ship, Doom and Heart tried to sneak in without being noticed. However, when they entered it they came face to face with Dust.

"Master Havoc wants to talk to you," he said.

They gulped before heading towards the bridge, where they found Havoc waiting in his chair. He did not look happy.

"Care to explain where you were today?"

"Um," Doom asked.

"Or how I now have three empty cells?"


"Oh how I saw you and the three monsters trying to fight the Rangers."

Doom realised he was caught. "Alright, I admit it. I tried to prove myself by going after the Rangers on my own." He turned to Heart. "She had nothing to do with it," he lied. "In fact she tried to talk me out of it."

"That's not true," Heart said. "I was all for it." She grabbed Doom's hand. "If you want to punished him, then you have to punish me too."

Havoc stared at the two of them, but before he could even think of doing anything-


They turned to the screen, where they saw Cogs.

"It's done. I'm ready to create."

Havoc's previous anger disappeared, as he spun towards the door and headed out. He rushed towards the labs, followed by the other three, finally arriving as Cogs put the finishing touches to the program.

"It's done?"

"Yes," Cogs replied. "I'm ready whenever you are?"

Havoc nodded. "Do it!"

Cogs turned towards the computer and pressed a single button, causing the reanimator burst into life. It sparked and beeped as the chamber filled with smoke, until it finally came to a stop. The door slowly opened and released the smoke, as something stepped out.

It was a mismatch of different monsters. It had Smokescreen's chest and waist, with two pipes wrapped around it that had their ends pointed forwards. It had Magnetron's legs and feet, which had magnetic properties so it could stick to the ground. Its right shoulder was actually one of Rabbit Fire's cannons, while its left shoulder resembled Heatwave's lower arm and hand. It had Psychofist's arms and metal boxing gloves, which had Riptides claws sticking out of them. Finally its head was a completely new creation, that looked like a robotic t-rex made of black metal on the top with a silver under-jaw. A large horn pocked at the end of its nose. [AN]

The creature let out a mighty roar, which caused the entire room to shake.

Cogs chuckled. "Introducing, Chimeramax!"

"Impressive," Havoc said. "And it's completely obedient."

Cogs nodded. "All it can do is take orders, fight and, thanks to database brain I got from Gigabyte, counter any move the Rangers or their Megazord will throw at him."

Havoc smiled, which soon turned into raging laughter at the prospect of his new ultimate creation. Soon the Rangers would be defeated.

Cadance was amazed as she looked around the base.

After the Rangers defeated the monsters, they used a Hypno-Charger to make Cinch forget seeing Flash and Shining morph before explaining everything to Cadance and bringing her to the base.

"Incredible," she said. "To think I'd actually be in the presence of the actual Power Rangers, and I've known one of them for years."

Shining smiled at this. "We're sorry for not telling you earlier."

Twilight nodded. "We didn't want to put anyone else in danger."

Cadance nodded at this. "Don't worry about it. I understand, I probably would have done the same."

Twilight nodded as she moved back over to her friends, leaving Cadance and Shining by themselves.

Shining turned to Cadance and blushed, before shaking his head. "Listen...I was wondering...if you ever wanted to...go out and see a movie...with me. Then maybe we could-" He stopped when Cadance placed her finger on his lips.

"I'd love to," she said with a smile that Shining mirrored.

Suddenly a loud beeping sound caught their attention, making them turn towards the lab where the others were staring at the holotable.

"I think we did it," Luna said.

"Black Ranger," Celestia spoke out. "Are you receiving me?"

They watched as the holotable projected the same hologram that the pod had created, with a black screen and white line.

"Hello?" The line fizzled, "can you hear them?"

"We hear you," Flash said. "I'm Flash Sentry, leader of the Guardian Rangers."

"I am the Black Ranger," the voice spoke. "It's good to finally hear from you. Your universe is in grieve danger."

They all stared at each other in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Sweetie asked.

"A great danger, the likes of which none of you have ever faced, threatens the safety of all universes."

No one liked the sound of that. "What can we do?" Micro asked.

"Only the power of the ten Guardian Elements can stop this evil. As such, I am on my way to your universe so we might join forces."

"That's great," Sandal said. "With all ten Elements together, we'll be unstoppable

"That is correct. My journey will be long, so in the mean time I would like to ask that you send me the data on your Zords and Megazords. I will study them so I will be up to speed once I have arrived."

Celestia turned to Starswirl. "Is that wise."

Starswirl nodded. "Since the Element of Darkness bonded to him, he is no doubt a protector of good. We can trust him."

Celestia sighed but nodded. "We'll begin the data transfer right away."

"The fate of the multiverse rests in our hands. Only together can we save it."

With that Luna and Twilight started to transfer.

The final Element was on its way to them, along with a new threat it seems. Can the Rangers defeat it, or was the multiverse and all those who live their doomed? Only time would tell.

Author's Note:

And thus Cadance is part of the team and we enter the final Ranger's arc. Hope you enjoyed.

AN: Think of Chaosdramon's head.