• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 34: A Journey of New Beginnings. (Edited)

[Crystal Palace - Radiant Hope's POV.]

I kept up a brisk pace as I made my way out of the palace. I had too, no, I NEEDED to confront Sombra on this issue. He's been wallowing in this destructive path for far too long. I wish I could've done things differently. I was not helping his turmoil. I was enabling it. I can't help but laugh at the irony that the very same princess we attempted to overthrow is the catalyst to saving Sombra! I finally reached the hallway leading outside, but I stopped at the sight of a pair of Umbrum blocking the door. I locked eyes with them and took a deep breath and continued on my way.

"Where do you think you are going?" One of them asked.

"I have important issues that need rectification. Please step aside," I said as assertive as possible. However, they remained in the way.

"What issues could there possibly be left? Everything has fallen under our control,"

"The issue is in regards to the King. Now that we are on the cusp of victory, I must ensure he doesn't lose perspective!" I tried my best to make it seem like I was still on their side.

"We do not believe it is the King that has lost 'perspective' as you put it. You cannot fool us, Hope. We can sense the growing hatred towards us," I hesitantly took a step back at this. "You plan on turning on us, betraying us. It is a shame you cannot see this was always meant to come to pass,"

I gritted my teeth in anger at that. "I can see it now! Everypony was right about the Umbrum. You're nothing but vile, hate-spreading mongrels!"

"Then you shall fall to us just like the others. We will devour your hatred and dispose of you!"

I channeled my magic as a precaution as the Umbrum slowly advanced on me. Unfortunately, I was still weak from my battle with the lunar princess. So I needed to stall them for a little longer. "King Sombra won't be jubilant once he discovers what you have done!"

"He will not find any trace of you after we seal you with the ape," My eyes shot open at that. Son Goku was still alive? But he's trapped in their old prison. If I can get to the entrance, I can free him, and we can stop the Umbrum together, But I only have enough magic to perform so many spells. I have to make them count.

"You will find that I that I am quite formidable..." I said as I gathered my magic to my hands. A bright flash went off, momentarily blinding them, while I formed a sword construct. The Umbrum were undeterred and charged forward. I held my stance as they got closer to my position. The two Umbrum both lunged at me, ready to possess my body and do what they will. They jumped in and phased right through me. The two Umbrum looked back at my projection with confusion before it faded away. By the time they found me again, I was already out of the palace.

I had to move fast so that I could use a teleportation spell to the red crystal gateway. But then I stopped once I realized something important. "The shield around the Crystal Empire! How will I get past it?" Sombra erected it so nopony can escape by any means.

To make matters worse, the Umbrum was everywhere, and they would no doubt find soon. I was running out of option until an idea popped into my head. Sombra told me that he used the shadow realm to traverse the Empire. If he could do this, then so could I. I closed my eyes and focused my magic. I tried to remember the feeling I got when Sombra and I used the shadow realm. Once I was sure I had everything down, I channeled my magic.

The Umbrum noticed this and headed to my position. I opened my eyes and activated the spell. I felt myself sink into my shadow and narrowly evaded capture. I will never understand how Sombra can use the method of transportation. It feels as though my fur is peeling away from my body. Sombra said he used this spell to travel around the Empire, so it stands to reason, the shadow realm can help me find a way out. I don't know how much time has passed while using the shadow realm, but, thankfully, I managed to work my way past the dome shield. I rose from my shadow in front of the Crystal Empire entrance. I then immediately collapsed to my hands and knees and expelled my stomach contents.


"I have to keep moving..." I began to channel my magic to teleport straight to my destination. But, sadly, my good fortune came to an end.

"There she is. Do not let her escape!!!" The Umbrum called out. The shield didn't seem to hinder the Umbrum at all as they phased right through. I could feel panic start to swell up inside me as I gathered the magic necessary for the trip. With a bright flash, I disappeared from the entrance and reappeared in front of the crystal gateway. As I walked up to the protrusion, I couldn't help but turn back toward the Crystal Empire. "It may have taken a millennium, but now I can finally help you, Sombra," With that said, I lit up my horn and walked through the gateway.

[Unknown Dimension, Third Perso POV.]

Goku was high in the air, making his way back to the entrance in the hopes of escaping his imprisonment. "If I use enough power, I might be able to punch a hole through whatever this barrier is that's keeping me trapped here. I need to hurry, though. I know Spike, and the other's can handle themselves, but these Umbrum things give me a bad feeling!" He said as the red crystal came into view. "Hey, who's that?"

A pony had emerged from the crystal. From Goku's perspective, the individual appeared to be looking for something. Goku decided to land before the pony and, upon closer, inspection, the pony was a unicorn mare. The unicorn became startled at Goku's sudden appearance. But she recomposed herself and went to address him. "Hello, Son Goku. It is nice to meet you formally. Although, I wish it were under better circumstances..." She said cautiously.

Goku blinks twice at that. "Hold on! We've met before? I heard that same line before as well, hmm..."

"I assume you must be referring to Sombra. I was his companion at the night of your reveal. Mt name is Radiant Hope,"

Goku's features instantly morphed into a frown at hearing that name. "So I take your in league with Sombra as well as the Umbrum,"

Hope grimace at Goku's sharp tone. 'Of course, he would react like this. We have been at antagonistic toward him and his friends for the better part of the year'" She thought to herself while choosing her next words carefully. "I realize that we have been at odds with one another for a very long time. But please believe me when I say I am not here as your enemy. And I am in desperate need of your help!"

Goku was quick to send Hope a skeptical look. "Why is that?"

"The Umbrum are not who we thought they were. They deceived us all, including Sombra, and they're now wreaking havoc in the Crystal Empire. I know I probably shouldn't ask this of you, but I have nowhere else to turn. Please, Son Goku, all I ever wanted was to save my friend, Sombra. He's been lied to throughout his entire life which is why he is who he is. But I know in my heart of hearts that he is good. I need the chance to show him that!" She pleaded. Goku had an unreadable expression that lasted for several seconds before he gave Hope his trademark smile.

"Alright then, let's get outta here and go help our friends,"

A gobsmack Hope recoiled in disbelieve at hearing that. "Y-You mean it...! After all the grief we caused you, you're willing to help...?" Hope asked as Goku nodded. Overcome with gratitude. Hope pulls Goku into a hug that he was happy to return. "Thank you, but I'm afraid the task won't be easy. The Umbrum will most likely be waiting outside the gateway, and even if we can get past them, we will still have to face Sombra. You will have to wear him down enough so that I can talk to him,"

"Ha, not a problem. I owe Sombra some payback!" And with that said, Hope grabs Goku's hand and lead through the gateway. Just as Hope predicted, a vast quantity of the Umbrum was lying in wait. Goku whistles at the sight of them.

"Hope has returned, and she freed the ape! Drain the mare and Kill the creature!!!" An Umbrum commanded.

"Wow, they're pulling out the stops, and it looks like Spike and Scootaloo are facing Sombra right now!" Goku stated.

"We have to hurry before they do something regrettable. Alas, I cannot aid you in this fight. I used up most of my magic earlier!" Hope said.

Goku merely walks forward while rotating his right arm in preparation. "Hang on; I got just the thing..." He said as he pulled out a senzu bean from his pouch. Goku gave it to Hope who looked perplexed at first until Goku gestures for her to eat it.

Hope swallowed the bean and became instantly revitalized. "My magic returned?! I feel fine! What was that?"

"You're welcome. I can stop these guys on my own. You should shield yourself," He told her and Hope nodded. She quickly forms a bubble around herself while Goku took his stance. "Ok, here we go! HAA!!!" Goku aura instantly flares up as he rushed the ghostly horde.

[The Crystal Palace Throne Room]

Sombra tosses the unconscious lavender princess to Cadence as he took his seat upon his throne. He grumbles under his breath, knowing full well, that Goku's pupils will soon there. "This Ki energy is more unpredictable than I initially thought... But such secrets does it hold. I shall enjoy going through a more in-depth analysis," Sombra then looked around and found something was missing or preferably someone. "Where is Radiant Hope?!"

"She had decided to handle some personal issues and will return later," Rabia lied. Sombra nodded his head in response.

"Twilight! TWILIGHT WAKE UP!" Cadence cried out as she continued to shake her fellow princess.

"Must you be so loud..." Sombra said dryly. Cadence snort at his disinterested tone.

"Capturing Twilight means nothing! The other elements and Starlight will--" Cadence was interrupted as several pops rung out. There, standing in a row, was Starlight and the rest of the bearers. Each one of them was sporting a hateful glare and vicious scowl on their features.

"--Will do nothing but severe as nourishment for my brethren!" Sombra said as Twilight began to stir.

"W-What...? Where am I?" Twilight said in a tired voice. She shook off the cobwebs and got a look at her surrounds. Cadence went to hug her as she squeaks in surprise. "Cadence!"

"I'm glad your okay Twilight,"

"Me too but where are we-- *GASP* --Sombra! The girls! Cadence, we need to leave!" Twilight said. Only for one of the Umbrum to make its presence known and pin her down. Twilight quivers underneath its cold stare before Sombra waved it off.

"I would advise against any rash actions. My brethren tend to get agitated rather easily," Sombra informed. Twilight turned towards him with a snarl.

"I wouldn't get too comfortable on that throne! Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be here soon, and you won't stand a chance!" Twilight said smugly.

"Hmmm, I suppose that is cause for concern..." Sombra said as he ruminated her word. "Here, they come right now!" He stated as The Umbrum brought in the petrified forms of the royal sisters. Both Twilight and Cadence jaws dropped in horror at the sight of their beloved princesses imprisoned. "Well. My princesses. Aren't you going to stop me?"


"But...! I-you...!" Twilight stutters, unable to form complete sentences. Sombra chuckles at this.

"So let's see; the elements are nothing more than food for my brethren. I have two fantastic stone sculptures of the Equestrian Diarchy, and Son Goku is taking an extended vacation in another plane of existence. Is there any more hope for rescue you still hold?" Sombra asks condescendingly.

"There's still Spike and Scootaloo! You didn't defeat them--"

"--Yet, princess. Rest assured, I will handle the pupils when the time comes. For now, I believe it is time to start our court session. Bring him in!"

"Court session?" The two princesses asked. The doors suddenly flew open, and a figure was dragged in. Once again, the princesses were baffled by the pony. The Umbrum then throw the captain in front of the Dark King. "SHINING ARMOR!" With a groan, Shining Armor sits up and locks eyes with Sombra. The two proceeded to glare at each other before Sombra spoke.

"Captain Shining Armor; you stand on trial here today for attempting to usurp the rule of the rightful King of the Crystal Empire! How do you plead?" Sombra stated.

"Surely, you must be joking! You expect me to buy into this mockery of a trial? You were and still are a tyrant that deserved everything that befell you!"

Ignoring his outburst, Sombra went on. "Guilty! Henceforth, I order your instant petrification!" He sentenced as his horn glowed. Shining Armor turns to his wife and sister.

"No matter what happens, don't give up!" Was Shinning last words before Sombra fires his spell and petrifies him.



"Save your pleas. This court is not over!" Sombra said as he glowers at them. Before Sombra could intimidate further, his eyes shot open. An annoyed sigh left his lips as two figures bursts through the throne room windows. Two figures reveal themselves to be none other than Spike and Scootaloo.

"Sombra! It ends here!" Spike stated.

The dark king lets out another sigh before he spoke. "...672..."

"Yeah, we gonna stop you here and now!" Scootaloo added.

"356..." Sombra said in a sarcastic tone.

"You're going regret ever taking over the Crystal Empire!" Spike informs.

"135..." Sombra continued. Twilight quirked a brow at this.

"Um, why are you listing off random numbers?" She asked.

"Oh, forgive me. It just that during my rule over the Crystal Empire, I have dealt with many dissenters. They would march up to my throne, start some tired old monolog about all my wrongdoings, and claim that my end is near. It happened so frequently that I began to file them under different categories," Sombra smugly said. Everyone stares at him dumbfoundedly until Scootaloo spoke up.

"Oh, yeah! Well, uh-- You're a big fat jerk-face!" She said as she blew a raspberry at the end.

"Ooooh~ Hehe, 6!" Sombra stated while Scootaloo frowns. Sombra slowly got up from his throne and walked toward them. "Don't feel too bad. As I said, I've heard them all. But the time for fun and games has expired! My brethren are free. The Crystal Empire is back under my control, and all that remains of enemies is you two. However, I am a generous and gracious King. I know valuable resources when I see them. So Scootaloo was it? How would you like a prominent position within my service. I could show such wonders that you could only find in your dreams. Plus, I can teach all my knowledge of combat. Why in a few short years, you can be the strongest being on the planet. Second only to me of course," Sombra offered.

"Hmph, and what about me? Aren't you going to tempt me to join the dark side?" Spike challenged.

"Hardly, Don't think I have forgotten that it was you that ruined my previous attempt to reclaim what was mine! Spike, the brave and glorious!" Sombra spat out. "So my new apprentice, will you accept my friendship?" Everyone snorted in disgust at the blatant mockery before turning to the young filly.

After a very brief deliberation, Scootaloo made her choice. "Psst, as if! I already have a great teacher, and he's 20% more awesome than you!"

Sombra shooks his head in disappointment. "Shame, I always wanted a pupil but, alas, life never goes the way we want it..." He pauses for a brief moment; as if to reflect on something. Sombra then turns back to his two opponents with a blank expression. "It's time to see what your master has taught. I hope you don't prove to be a disappointment!" With that said, Sombra charged a ki blast shot it toward the young pupils. Spike reacted accordingly and summoned a shield around them. However, the explosion pushed them out of the palace and into the street below. Sombra casually strolls to the exit he made and flew to confront them.

"Make sure that these two stay right where they are. I'll be returning shortly,"

Spike shield held firm from the blast that was currently drilling them into the ground. With a mighty roar, he expands his protection and reflects redirects the explosion into the skies. It harmlessly detonates against the shield covering the Empire. Spike drops his defenses and turns to Scootaloo.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," She replied.

"You won't be for long!" The pupils whipped around as Sombra stood before them. "I've gone weary from your constant trifling. You two have the gall to stand before me and issue a challenge?" Sombra said as he turns to Spike. "You, the pathetic dragon, that follows the equestrians around like a lost puppy!" He said as he looks to Scootaloo. "Or you, the naive filly, that is in way over her little head! It would seem as though you've forgotten how horrifying I truly am..." Sombra said darkly.

"And I'm sick of evil megalomaniacs always hurting the ones I hold dear to me! I'm not the same drake I was two years ago, and I'm going to prove it!" Spike snarls as he took his stance.

"What he said!" Scootaloo reaffirms as she grips the power pole in her hands.

"...Very well! FACE YOUR DOOM!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Sombra cried out like a red and black outline shrouded his form. The ground beneath their feet started to quake. Lightning danced and crackled in the skies above as it struck the dome. Ponies and Umbrum alike sought out refuge from the impressive and horrific display of power. The pupils felt themselves skidding across the ground from the force Sombra was releasing. Scootaloo covers her eyes while Spike grits his teeth. Sombra lets out a roar as his power reached its zenith.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! A pillar of pure Ki energy erupted with his mighty bellow and encompassed the entire Crystal Empire. Spike and Scootaloo wore mixed expression at the sensation of Sombra's power radiating before them. A menacing black and red-tinted ethereal flame danced around his form.

"TCH! How the hay he got this powerful so fast?" Spike muttered to himself.

"He's on the same level as Goku...!" Scootaloo said with alarm in her voice.

"I take you to are impressed. So am I..." Sombra said as he brought his aura clad arm to eye level. "This power...! There's so much I can do with it. To think we have been living with such energy and we never bothered to utilize it! How ignorant we were to believe that magic was the solution to everything when we could have been so much more. It's glorious! Son Goku has earned my deepest gratitude,"

"I thought comic book villains were weird!" Scootaloo said to Spike.

"So is that how you became a Saiyan? You somehow got a hold of Goku's power!" Spike summarized.

"A Saiyan? Is that what he is? I rather like it. Your assumption is not far off. It took a substantial amount of effort on my part to acquire this strength!' Sombra responded as he clenches his fist and smiles maliciously. "And now I have the perfect guinea pig to practice it on!"

Spike and Scootaloo had nodded to each other before they began to power up. "HAAAAAAH!!! Their voice echoed out around the vicinity while their two auras molded into one. Thus, doubling in size. A wicked gleam twinkled in Sombra's eyes as Goku's apprentices achieve their maximum. Their features were stoic as they took a battle stance.

"Hahahaha. Exquisite! Now let us begin!" Sombra cried out.

Spike and Scootaloo rushed forward, Spike with his fist clenched tightly, while Scootaloo's power pole primed and ready. Spike struck first with a right hook forcing Sombra to block with his left forearm. Scootaloo came in next and swung the power pole into his midsection. Sombra took the blow to trap the staff with his right arm. Spike saw this and launches a roundhouse kick to the dark Kings face. Sombra responses by pulling Scootaloo in the way, causing Spike to halt his attack and leave him vulnerable. Sombra steps in and rams his fist into Spike's snout. He went after Scootaloo while the young Drake staggers back. He charged a ki blast into his palm and grips the power pole tightly so she wouldn't escape.

Scootaloo narrowly avoids the blast by dodging to the left. As she moved, Scootaloo manages to position the end of the power pole onto his abdomen. "Power Pole Extend!" She cried out. The power pole propels forward; carrying the crystal tyrant into the air. Spike rejoins her side narrows his eyes at Sombra who struggled to free himself while currently pinned against the barrier.

"Nice one, Scootaloo! Just hold him steady while I finish the job!" Spike said as he gathered his Ki. But Sombra was far from beaten.

"Do you think I'll fall easily!?" He yelled out as he channeled his magic this time. Electricity danced around his hands as he grabbed the power pole. The staff, inadvertently, making a perfect conductor as his attack traveled down its length and back to the young filly. Scootaloo was too slow to react as several watts of electricity. She wailed in agony as Spike prepared his attack.

"Scootaloo!!! That's it! Rapid Fire!!!" Spike called out as he sent a volley of Ki blast straight for Sombra. Unfortunately for the young Drake, the pain grew too much for Scootaloo, and she breaks her hold on the power pole. This act allowed Sombra to slip free and avoid the oncoming attack. He hovered in the air while Scootaloo recovers.

"Exploiting my vulnerability? And here I thought you were the hero of the Crystal Empire?" Sombra said in a mocking tone. "Although it was a splendid attack, I can do better!" He said as he channels his magic again. He aimed his hand down on his two opponents. "Adamant Barrage!" He called out as shards of black crystal honed in on them.

"Scootaloo, scatter!" Spike ordered. Spike flew to the left while Scootaloo ran to the right. However, Sombra seemed intent on ending on the filly first. The shards of death caused extensive damage wherever Scootaloo went. As she continued her escape, Scootaloo stops in front of the library. Scootaloo was about to head up to the skies when she discovered that the citizens were hiding within the building.

"Oh No! they'll be turned into confetti unless I stop that attack!" Scootaloo thought to herself. She flew in the pathway of the Adamant Barrage and extended her power pole. "YAAAAH!!!" Scootaloo fiercely yells while spinning the power pole like a helicopter propeller. This maneuver manages to destroy the shards before they reached the building. Sombra saw this and increased the intensity and volume of his attack. While Scootaloo did her best to ensure no one was hurt, most of the shards caused small cuts to form around her body.

Scootaloo grimaced in pain as Sombra taunted her. "Impressive, but how long can you keep that up?"

"Banshou Fan!" Spike called out and sent a gale of winds at the tyrant. He manages to disrupt the attack and blow the dark king. Before Sombra could react, Spike thrusts his fist right into Sombra stomach. Sombra doubles over in pain, but Spike was far from done. He launched a series of punches, alternating from left and right, all aimed for the solar plexus. He sent one last blow for good measure before ending his flurry with a roundhouse that sent Sombra flying back. Spike gave chase and throw another punch targeted for Sombra's face. Sombra stops the punch and snarls at Spike. The young drake tried again with his free hand, but Sombra caught that one as well and refused to let go.

"Petulant little fool!" Sombra said as he spun Spike around and head for the ground level. The two continued to struggle as they touched down. Sombra launched his knee into Spike midsection, causing the young Drake to spit up blood. Stumbling back, Spike had no chance to stop a hard left from connecting with his face. The blow forced Spike to turn his back. Sombra saw his opportunity and grabs the young Drake by his tail. He then proceeds to spin in place and hurl Spike into a far off building. Sombra raised his hands in preparation for another Adamant Barrage. But his vision was soon full of red as the power pole collided with his face.

"Forgot about me, jerk-face!" Scootaloo taunted, but to her surprise, Sombra merely chuckles at her.

"Oh, this is precious~ The little filly thinks she's a threat. Without that gecko over there, you would have perished from that last attack. Now run along and leave these matters to the adults!" Sombra belittled. Scootaloo gritted her teeth and lunged toward Sombra. The Mad King responded by crossing his arms and waited for her. Scootaloo throws a left jab, but Sombra merely titles his head to the side to evade it. Scootaloo tries to follow up with a high kick, but the tyrant leans back and dodges again. Sombra retaliates with an open palm strike that sent Scootaloo reeling. She lands on her hooves and wipes away the blood dripping down her muzzle. "Can't you see the difference in our strength? You should stop before you suffer a worse punishment!"

"HA, SAYS YOU! I AM NOT DONE!!!" Scootaloo shouted. She charges forward again only for Sombra to flicker to her instead. He threw out a back kick and sent the young filly skidding across the ground. Undeterred, Scootaloo kickflips to her hooves and clasp her hands together. "I can do this. I. Can. Do. This! Ka Me Ha--" She began to chant, but Sombra wouldn't allow this. He appeared in front of her and put her hands in his iron grip while suspending her in the air.

"--Me Ha nothing! You little fool. Did you honestly expect me to sit idle while you charged this attack? Besides, I have seen this technique enough to times to know that as long as I have your hands, you cannot fire it!" Sombra gloated. But then Scootaloo did something unexpected. She swung her lower body and planted her hooves on his chest plate. Sombra looks on with confusion while Scootaloo shot him a smirk.

"ME, HA!!!" To Sombra's shock, Scootaloo fires the Kamehameha wave from her hooves at point-blank range. The blast tore into him and flung him backward.

Miraculously, Sombra survived and stayed on his feet. Sombra wore a face of disbelief as smoke trails rose from various spots on his body. "H-How...?" He asked in a strained voice. Scootaloo did not give him an answer.

The armor covering his torso crumbled away after sustaining too much damage. All that was left was the black garments he wore underneath and the tattered remains of his cape. Scootaloo took advantage of his awestruck state and attack. Sombra's head recoiled back when Scootaloo connects with a leaping kick across his cheek. The blow knocks him out of his stupor, and he grabs the offending limb. Scootaloo shifted her body in response and gripped the end of the power pole. The staff extended out of its sheath and scored a direct hit on the tyrant's nose. Sombra's was forced to let go to nurse his wound. Scootaloo follows up with a right haymaker that caused Sombra to fall on one knee.

Sadly, Sombra caught Scootaloo's wrist and squeezed tightly. He slowly moves his hands from his battered face and glares down the young filly. His expression promised pain and suffering as a purple haze escape the corners of his eyes. Scootaloo began to feel fear creeping up her spine. However, before Sombra could exact retribution, he felt something wrap around his waist. Bewildered, Sombra looks down to find two purple arms gripping him tightly. Spike had emerged and jumped back into the fight. With a green glint in his eyes, Spike lifted Sombra off his feet and delivered a devastating German suplex. Sombra's screams became muffled out once he impacted against the ground, forming a small crater. But Spike was far from done. He shifted his position and grabbed Sombra by the legs.

Spike ignited his aura and put as much strength into his next move as he could. He then proceeds to fall backward as Sombra flips forwards. Spike releases his legs and springboards Sombra across the field. Sombra's momentum was too high to stop himself as he plowed through three building structures. To add insult to injury, Scootaloo flickers above him and drives both of her hooves into the back of his head. This act resulted in Scootaloo kick-surfing the Mad King and dragging him through the ground face first. Scootaloo flickers out of harm's way while Sombra crashes into a fourth building.

Spike appears beside Scootaloo and watches as Sombra gingerly makes his way out of the building. He barely holds onto the to the edge of the hole he came in through. Sombra drew rapid short breaths as he hung his head down. "Let's end this...!" Spike said as they both clasp their hands to one another. Two Ki orbs formed in the space between their hands and combined into one. They thrust their arms forward and shouted out in unison. "Kamehame-HA!!!" Sombra raised his head just in time to witness the combined power of Goku's pupils bare down on him. His eyes shot open in horror as his form was swallowed whole by the blast. A brilliant explosion erupted and obliterated the building the dark tyrant was standing in. The two pupils held their arms out as they slowly caught their breath.

"Please tell me we beat him? I'm pretty pooped..." Scootaloo said through her pants and fell to her hands and knees.

Spike was breathing hard, but he was otherwise still in good shape. "It's hard to say. I can't sense him. But we better keep our guard up,"

Spike and Scootaloo carefully made their way to the remains of the building they destroyed. Thankfully, that area was devoid of any civilians. However, a feeling of guilt crept upon them. The Crystal Empire has suffered vast amounts of collateral damage. The battles waged here had begun to take their toll.

"Do you think we went too far?" Scootaloo asked. "This place is in shambles because of our fight..." Scootaloo in a remorseful tone.

"Some things just can't be helped. But it would have been way worse if we didn't step in," Spike reassured.

"Do you think we, well, you know..."

"No, otherwise those monster would have attacked us by now. Sombra's still here!"

"But how? He had no time to dodge!"

"Just keep your eyes open and try to feel him out?"

Scootaloo did just that as they search for Sombra's Ki signature. Unbeknownst to either of them, the shadow beneath their feet had spread out. They were so busy with their task that they were oblivious of the shadow tendrils etching their way toward them. By the time Spike and Scootaloo caught on, it was too late. The tendrils lashed out and captured their arms and legs. The more they struggled, the tighter their bindings seem to get. Then, to their absolute dismay, Sombra himself arose from the pool of shadows. Spike and Scootaloo doubled their efforts to escape, but more tendrils sprouted up and constricted their movements. Helpless and weary from battle, the pupils found themselves at the whims of a mad man.

"I must say, you two certainly pack quite the punch," Sombra said as he drove his fist into Spike's stomach. Spike grunted in pain and tried attacking with his fire breath. But another tendril shot up and wraps itself around his snout.

"I honestly can't remember a time I've felt this much pain!" He shouted as he backhands Scootaloo. "This sort of humiliation at the likes of you two will not stand!"

"Ha! Cry me a river!" Scootaloo taunted. That little remark earned her another slap in the face. "How did you even escape our last move?!"

"The shadow realm is more than just a fancy mode of transportation. It allowed me to evade your little collaboration attack and move to you undetected. And despite your continued presumption, I believe I might have underestimated you. Congratulations, I now acknowledge you two as a threat. Unfortunately for you..." Sombra trailed off as his horn glowed. Suddenly, a crystal pillar burst from the ground and slams into Spike's midsection with a sickening crack. The force ripped him from his bindings and launched several feet away. He came to a stop and clutched his torso; all the while trying to regain his breath. "...I eliminate all threats! Hmm, that looked painful. That blow most likely shattered a couple of his ribs. Now for you..."

Scootaloo wasn't about to be pushed around and shot Sombra the fiercest glare she could muster. "Do your worst!"

"I commend your bravado, but even the most stoic warriors crumble when faced with their fears!" Sombra ominously said as his horn lit up and his eyes glowed a bright green. He took his hand and covered Scootaloo muzzle. It glowed with dark magic as Scootaloo struggled anew. Her eyes shot wide open, but her pupils had turned the color red and the rest green. A moment later, all her movements went slack, and the tendrils released her from their grasp. She collapsed to the ground with a glazed over look in her eyes. Spike finally got back to his feet, but he still held onto his ribs.

"W-What have you d-done to her...!?" Spike asked in a strained voice.

Sombra was a stone face before he slowly turns to the young Drake. "Nothing much. I haven't the faintest idea what type of fears a little filly has," Spike's jaw dropped at the implications. He thought back to the time when Sombra first reemerge and him along with Twilight, found his doorway into their fears.

"If that's what's happening to her now, then..." Before Spike could do anything, one of the Umbrum bolted from its hiding place and phased into Scootaloo's vulnerable form. "NO!"

Sombra suddenly gained a look of curiosity at this new devolvement. "This is intriguing. Now she will experience both fear and hatred simultaneously,"

[Scootaloo's mind.]

"Um. What? Where am I? Spike?" Scootaloo asked. She stood in a black void with darkness stretching in every direction. Scootaloo gained some altitude for a better vantage point. She began to move, hoping to find something remnants of her home. She flew for hours until finally, she came upon a familiar setting; Ponyville. The darkness seems to ebb away as she landed in front of the town hall. "Hello? Is anypony here?" The town seemed deserted, and an eerie silence was the only sound Scootaloo could hear. She caught movement from the corner of her eyes and turns around. It was one of her school mates from Cheerilees schoolhouse. Before Scootaloo could talk with her, she made off in the opposite direction.

"Hey, wait!" Scootaloo gave chase and soon found herself in front of the Schoolhouse. The entire class was facing away from her and didn't acknowledge her presence. "Hey, everypony! Boy, do I have a story to tell!" She said excitedly but no one reply. "Um hello, anypony home?" She called out, but again, no one turned around. "Hey. What's with all of you? Peppermint Twist, Rumble, Feather Weight, Pipsqueak, Um, Snips and Snails? Ms. Cheerilee! Why won't any of you answer me!?"

"And why should they?" A familiar voice called, causing Scootaloo to turn behind. There stood her two friends; Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon! Wait, what did you mean by 'Why should they?'"

"Isn't it obvious? We don't associate with blank flanks!" That phase. That stupid, awful aspect that Scootaloo has come to loathe. But something wasn't right.

"What are you talking about, Diamond? Me, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle all earn our cutie marks together after we helped you understand yours. The whole class was there for our cute cinerea!"

"Oh yeah, then where is, huh?" Silver Spoon challenge. Confused, Scootaloo checked her hips only to discover that cutie marks had vanished without a trace. All the color left from Scootaloo's being at that point.

"N-No. no, no, no NO!!! where is it?" She said as she frantically pats down the spot where her cutie mark should be, but the result was the same.

"See, nopony wants to be friends with a blank flank so why don't you do all us a favor and leave!"

"I-I thought were friends now," She pleaded, but another voice spoke up.

"We can't be friends, not anymore!" Scootaloo whips around to find two of her best friends in the world. She rushes over to her fellow crusaders and embraces them in a hug. But she was shoved away by Applebloom.

Slightly hurt and confused, Scootaloo spoke up. "Hey, what gives? Why did you shove me away?" She demanded, but instead of an answer, all the young filly received was cold hard glares. "G-Girls?"

"Since ya lost your cutie mark, you can't be a crusader no more!" Applebloom said.

"Yeah, you're giving us a bad name!" Sweetie Belle added. Scootaloo felt like her heart had dropped into her stomach.

"P-Please! I don't-- I can't!!!"

"--Can't believe it took them this long to wise up!" Scootaloo turns around again to find Rotten Core hovering in the air while wearing her Junior division medal from the tournament. With all that was going on, Scootaloo became incensed with anger.

"THAT BELONGS TO ME!!!" She screamed as she shot toward him only for Rotten to easily slip behind her.

"Na uh ah. This medal belongs to a real champion, not some freak Pegasus that can't even use her wings to fly!"


"Psst. Right thanks to the freak of nature. It figures you would like him since your birds of a feather!" He mockingly said as he crossed his arms.

"DON'T BAD MOUTH, MY TEACHER!!!" Scootalo charged forward, intending to knock Rotten's block off when someone she knew very well spoke.

"So what am I, chopped liver?" Scootaloo turned once again to find her all-time idle and sister glaring at er with a frown on her muzzle.

"...Rainbow Dash..."

"Do you know how many hours I spent helping you that could've gone into training for the Wonderbolts. I probably would've made Spitfire's righthand Mare by now. And how did you thank me? You got all friendly with a pony that's not even a pony! You left me in the dust as soon as some alien offered you an easy way to fly! My element didn't rub off on you!" Rainbow words cut deep, and Scootaloo felt her world breaking apart.

"I didn't mean-- I just wanted to learn to fly!"

"Hmph! You're nothing but a traitor!"


"And a freak!" Rotten said.


"A blank flank loser!" The Sugar Lumps said with the rest of the class.


"And a failure!" The CMC said.

"STOOOOOOOP!!!!!" Scootaloo couldn't bear the ridicule any longer, and her power exploded outward, consuming everything in sight. When she finally settled down, Scootaloo took a look around her surrounds and was horrified at the result. The lifeless bodies of her friends, classmates, and sister laid before her. She brought a trembling hand over her muzzle as tears streaked down her cheeks. "...No..."

"Scootaloo, what have you done?" Scootaloo heart stopped at that moment. She slowly turns her head to find her beloved master gazing at the destruction she caused.

"G-Goku???" She said meekly.

"I thought I taught you better than this! You were taught to only act in defense, and never lash out at others. I guess I wasted my time!" Goku then held his palm outward and summoned his Ki. Scootaloo had glowed a bright light before an orb of Ki left her body. "I have taken away your ability to access your Ki energy!"

Scootaloo's eyes shot open in pure horror at her master's words. She tried to gain altitude only for nothing to happen. Broken beyond repair, Scootaloo sent Goku the most desperate look anyone has ever seen before. "...Please...! D-Don't take it away..." Her voice was devoid of any semblance of emotion. But Goku shakes his head in disappointment.

"Now you'll have to live with what you've done here today for the rest of your life!" His words were cruel and sharp as Goku turned around and walked away. Scootaloo said nothing as she watched him disappear. The darkness came back, and Scootaloo was the only occupant left to keep it company. After having her powers taken away, getting scorned by her friends, rejected by her sister, and abandoned by her master, Scootaloo threw her head back and wailed in sorrow and hatred.

[Outside world.]

Sombra and Spike watched as Scootaloo twitches uncontrollably on the ground. Scootaloo's face morphs scowl, much like the others, and tears ran down her. Sombra couldn't help but pity the young filly. "If you would have done the smart thing and accepted my offer, then you wouldn't be suffering right now. This anguish is the only path for impertinence. You have no one to blame but yourself..." Sombra stated as he turned his attention back to Spike. The young Drake was back on his feet while his line of sight stayed fixated on Scootaloo.

Spike clenched his fist hard and trembled slightly. Smoke poured out of his nostril as he spoke in a deep threatening voice. "You'll pay...!" He muttered softly. Sombra was about to respond when a burst of Ki exploded out of Spike. His aura shifted from white to green, and a white outlined fitted his body.

Sombra instantly recognized what was happening. "That's the same power he used at the tournament...!" He said with alarm.

Spike lifted his head and glared balefully at the Dark King. "YOU WILL PAY YOU ROTTEN BASTARD!!!" His aura sent shockwaves that caused Sombra to lose balance. Chunks of debris lifted off the ground as Spike's roar shattered the crystalline structures. "DRAGON SOUL MODE!!!" He bellows as he charged forward and scored a direct hit on Sombra's face. The Mad King bounced across the Empire, unable to stop his momentum, as he swayed through several builds. Spike flickered in front of him and sent into the skies with a powerful high kick. Sombra had the wind knocked out of him when slammed into the dome barrier. The impact cause spider web cracks to spread, but the shield did not shatter. Spike trains his eyes on his opponent and prepares a Kamehameha.

Sombra manages to pry himself off the barrier just in time to spot a blue and green light emanating directly below. "Don't get full of yourself, boy!" He said as he grabs his left forearm with his right hand and focuses his Ki to his palm. "No matter what you try the result will be the same. You'll still die; Veil of Shadows!!!" He called out as the Ki in his palm formed into a pitch-black ball of Ki energy. He then hurls the sphere of darkness down toward the young Drake.

Spike met the challenge and thrust his attack upwards. "Dragon Soul: Kamehame-HA!!!" The two attacks collided in mid, sending out shock waves that shook the Crystal Empire to its core. They struggled for dominance for what seemed like an eternity, but in the end, Spike won out. His attack punched a hole straight through Sombra's with the Dark King as the next target. Sombra watched on in terror as the dragon outline open its maw as if to gobble down in one bite.

"There's nowhere to escape! I must defuse his attack!!!" Sombra extended his left hand and stopped the blast from going further. However, even with his gauntlet on, Sombra could feel the intense heat coming from the attack. "I can't stop It!!! WAAAAARGH!!!" There was a brief flash of light before Spike's attack detonated. For a moment, it looked as though the blast radius would consume the entirety of the Crystal Empire. Thankfully, the explosion died down, and no one was hurt. Spike took long deep breaths as he brought his hand to his side. He sucks his teeth in frustration for lowering his guard and getting injured.

"Tch, I couldn't follow through on my attack. My injuries got in the way..." Spike mutters as he kept his eyes on the smoke cloud that gradually faded away. Sombra was still floating in the air, but he had not come out of that attack unscathed. His left arm was visible, free from the gauntlet that protected it and severely burned. Half of the black garbs was gone as well; exposing his left pectorals. The worse damage lied with Sombra's face. His left had barely cracked open due to the burn marks that ran down his left cheek. He grunted and trembled in pain as his wounds sizzled like eggs on a frying pan. Spike flew up to him and smiled at his current state.

*Grunt* "You worthless little--"

"Does it hurt??"

If looks could kill, Spike would have died ten times over. Sombra was doing his best to project all of his malice to him. The young Drake had expected Sombra to snap in a fit of madness. Instead, something unnerving happened. Sombra began to laugh. "Hm, Hm, Hm, Ah ha ha ah ah ah ha ha Ha. Superb, no, actually, magnificent. You certainly are different from that dragon you were three years ago. And here I thought I would not get a chance to use this technique!"

"What are you talking about!?"

Sombra didn't respond right away. He did flash Spike a wicked grin and uttered a phrase that made spike's blood run colder than ever before. "...Kaio-Ken...!" Instantaneously, Sombra's aura flared a deep crimson red. Spike's eyes widened in shock at the sight before him. Sombra watched Spike's panic expression with unapparelled glee. " Don't look so surprised. I entered the mind of your fellow pupil, and I have witnessed the power of this technique at the tournament. Of course, I was going to use it!"

"B-But you have to be completely in tuned with your mind, body, and spirit for that to work!"

"How old do you think I am a boy!? I was ruling the Crystal Empire for a long time before my banishment. I've had centuries to not only master my magic but myself as well. As I told you before, this was all a test of my capabilities. We were never on the same level. But now..." In a blink of an eye, Sombra closed the distance. Spike had no time to react as Sombra plunges his fist into Spik's already damaged ribs. Blood pooled from the young Drake's mouth while he powered down. He fell limply to the ground below as Sombra flickers next to him and plants his boot on his sternum. "It's time to grade your papers, and it looks like you'll be receiving an F, haha!"

Spike tried to speak, but all that came out was an unintelligible gurgle. "I would reframe from talking at the moment. Keeps the blood from flowing into that punctured lung," Sombra said as he channeled his magic and formed a crystal sword. "Don't worry, though, I will be sure to commemorate you so that everyone will remember your failure!" Sombra then raised his crystal blade above his head to impale Spike's forehead and brought it down. However, Sombra felt someone grab his arm and stop his attack. The sword rested mere inches from Spike's eye as it slowly pulled away. Sombra turns to who would likely be his new enemy and received the most significant shock of his life. Son Goku had returned, and he had the Mad Kings wrist in a death grip.

"That's enough!" Goku plainly said.

"S-Son Goku--" Sombra didn't get a chance to finish as he came into contact with the business end of Goku's fist! The Saiyan warrior punch sends Sombra several yards away. Goku then turned his attention to his pupil, who was staring at him in awe.

[Moments Earlier, Radiant Hope's POV.]

"He's astonishing!" I said in awe as Son Goku quickly dispatches the Umbrum forces. I am glad we are no longer at odds with each other. A frontal attack would've been suicidal.

"Whew, that's the last of them," He said as he looks back at me. "Hey, you okay? we should get moving,"

I snap out of my stupor and lower my shield. "...Yes, let's get going," He walks up and pulls me in close. A furious blush appears on my muzzle as we ascend to the skies. The Empire was in sight within several minutes. He would certainly give the Crystal air force a run for their bits. Thankfully, the Umbrum ceased their attacks. Either something must be stalling them, or they succeeded in their goal. We landed by the shield, and I walked up to it.

"Any ideas on how to get inside? I don't just want to go bust the shield up and let these things run wild,"

"It would not matter anyway. The Umbrum can easily phase past the shielding. This barrier is here to keep the citizens from escaping..." I shook my head at this. Sombra erected this shield to allow the Umbrum to feed off his subjects. We need to hurry. "I know of the magic that holds the shield in place. I can create an opening for us," I said as I focused my magic and put my hands on the dome. A small hole large enough for us to go through forms. We walked inside only a tremor emitted beneath our footing.

"Looks Spike and Scootaloo are giving Sombra a run for his money," He said with pride. I, however, wasn't as enthusiastic.

"We need to stop them now! The Crystal Empire never experienced any earthquakes before. The entire kingdom comprises of fragile glass-like material. And with their powers, there might not be a Crystal Empire left to save!"

"Isn't there a spell to prevent something like that?"

"Yes, that would be the Crystal Heart. Unfortunately, Sombra removed it from its pedestal, so the spell isn't as useful!"

"Then let's get going," He said as he picked me up and flew towards the battle. The journey wasn't long as Goku picked up the pace. He said something about one of his student's power flaring erratically. We came upon the scene, and my heart broke at what we saw. The same filly we captured not too long ago was now lying on the ground. Her features twisted in anger, yet tears streamed from her eyes. And now and then, she would twitch. It didn't take long to deduce that the damages were the result of Sombra's magic at work.

"How could he have done this? He promised me he wouldn't hurt her!" I said more to myself. How far does Sombra madness stem? Am I just wasting my time at this point? I turned to Goku to see the most neutral expression I have ever seen. No, that wasn't right. I could see the quiet fury in his eyes, reaching a boiling point. I feared that he was going to destroy Sombra on sight after what he's done. He walks up to her prone form and gently places a hand on her stomach. "Son Goku... I'm--"

"--Can you remove whatever magic she's under?" He asked. I flinched at his tone. He looks at me, and I nodded in response. "Good. Give me a second..." He said. I was confused by this request. But then his hand glowed a bright yellow and washes over the little filly. I was about to ask what he was doing when one of the Umbrum fled out of her body. Goku then proceeded to destroy it before it could cause any more harm. "Ok, now you can help her,"

I was quick to remove the spell and her features relaxed. I wiped away the tears as Son Goku gave me a grateful nod. That was when a massive explosion caught our attention. A gigantic ball of blue and green energy expanded above us before it started to decline. But then, there was a flash of red that seemed to cause some alarm in Son Goku. It became apparent where our next destination was going to be.

"This is bad! We need to move. Keep Scootaloo close to you!" he said as I held on to the filly tightly as we flew off. Once again, my heart fell at the actions of my friend. He stood over the dragon from the tournament in triumph. His steel boot firmly planted on his chest while blood poured from his muzzle. It was a gruesome sight to behold. My horror became amplified when Sombra formed a Crystal Blade intending to end the young Drake's life. Son Goku immediately set us down and vanished from my field of vision. He reappeared just in time to stop the fatal blow. I knew what was coming next as the two locked eyes with each other. I can only hope that everything will turn out well.

[Present time, Third Person POV.]

Goku allowed a smile to grace his lips as he addresses the young Drake. "Hey there Spike. You and Scootaloo handle yourselves very well while I was gone. I'm proud of you two," He praised as he dug out a fresh senzu bean. "Here, eat this!"

With some effort, Spike was able to consume the senzu bean, and he shot up to his feet; now fully healed. Spike hopped back on his feet and brought Goku into a hug. "GOKU! Oh Drake, am I glad to see you!" Before he could go further, Spike's eyes widen with alarm. "Wait! Scootaloo's hurt too! We gotta--"

"Whoa, easy there! We picked up Scootaloo on the way here,"

Spike arched n brow at this. "Um, we?" Goku gestures behind him and Spike finally his gaze to discover a purple unicorn mare cradling an unconscious Scootaloo. The unicorn gave Spike a sheepish grin and waves at him "Who is she?"

"Radiant Hope!? What are you doing with him?!?!" Sombra shouted as he made his way back to his feet.

Hope looks at her long-time friend and frowns at him. "You promised me that she wouldn't be hurt!"

"She needed to be taught a lesson in respect. Besides, she is a lot tougher than she appears. She can handle it!"

"Do you even hear yourself!? This madness has gone too far!"

Sombra gritted his teeth and spoke in a chilling tone. "I do what I must. If my actions seem cruel, then so be it. It is the only recourse I have. But I need to know that you are still with me, Hope? Or have you betrayed me like the others?"

Hope merely shakes her head in response. "I have now and always will be on your side Sombra. But sometimes one must give their friends the help they need, not the help they want. Talking to you now would only be a waste of breath, so I will let Son Goku handle the rest from here..."

Sombra did not like that answer and turned away from her. "Just like all the others!" He said loud enough for Hope to hear.

"Spike, go with Hope and watch over Scootaloo. I'll take over things from here!" Goku commanded as he walked up to the Mad King. Spike offered no argument as he ran over to Hope and took Scootaloo in his arms. She then lit up her horn, and the trio vanished from sight.

Sombra huffs indignantly at the Saiyan warrior. "So now the mentor wants to challenge me, eh? That's hardly sporting fighting a wounded adversary--" Goku cut Sombra's rant short when he tosses him a senzu bean. Sombra catches it in his right hand and looks back at Goku in bafflement.

"Eat it! Then we can start. I want you at your best, so there won't be any doubt about who was the superior fighter!" Goku stated.

Sombra blinks a couple of times before he chuckles a little. "You truly are a noble warrior. Stupid but noble. I shall take your gracious offer wholeheartedly!" He then ate the senzu bean and rapidly began to heal. The wounds he received from Goku's pupils were gone, and he was back to full strength, magic and all!

(This song name is The fury of Son Goku.)

Sombra cackles with delight at his newfound rejuvenation. "Haha! Superb! Thanks are in order Son Goku. Now we can get--" Goku shut off Sombra with a well-deserved punch to the face. Sombra bounced off the ground, and Goku follows up with a roundhouse kick that pushes him back even further. Sombra found himself laying face first in the dirt as Goku went to speak.

"Sorry, you were wide open! I want to wrap this up quickly so what do you say we skip the warm-up. Kaio-Ken!!!" Goku emphasized his point by activating the Kaio-Ken right away. Sombra slowly got up to his feet with a wicked smile on his face.

"Now where is the joy in that!" He replied by thrusting out his right fist and sending a shockwave toward Goku's position. Goku jumps out of the way and charges forward. In mere seconds, he hovered in front of Sombra. The Mad King recoiled at the display of speed. He offered no resistance as Goku kicks him into the air. As Sombra flew through, Goku launched a series of blows to different sections of his body. He finished up with a sidekick to Sombra's stomach and hurled the Dark King into the barrier. Sombra grunted in pain while Goku hovered in place. "I see you weren't joking. Very Well! Kaio-Ken!"

"Well, I'm waiting--" This time Goku was on the receiving end of a punch. Sombra tried to follow up with a knee to his opponent's midsection, but Goku blocks it with his own.

"I thought we were skipping the warm-up?" Sombra said with a coy smirk. Goku returned one of his own.

"Sorry old habits!" The two proceeded to trade blow as their knees smashed into each other. Goku rears his head back and thrusts it forward. The resulting headbutt causes Sombra to break his hold. The Dark King grabs hold of his horn, trying to numb the pain. Goku took advantage and sent two punches into his stomach. However, to his surprise, Sombra recovered and spun around. He threw his elbow on the side of the head. He then grabs hold of Goku's arm, pulls him back, and buries his knee into the Saiyan's stomach. Sombra held on to Goku's arm as he charged a Ki blast in his right arm. Goku saw this and counters with his blast. There was a vast explosion as the attacks made an impact.

Goku recovers first and flickers over to Sombra. He appears above the mad tyrant and lands a double-handed overhead strike. As Sombra plummets to the ground, Goku flickers again. A considerable uppercut halted Sombra's descent and caused him to flip uncontrollably. Goku grabs his leg and twirls around in rapid succession.

"Dragon Throw!!!" He called out before letting the Mad King go. Sombra didn't travel far as Goku flickers once again and dropkicks him into an unpopulated area. Seconds later, Sombra's Ki flares up again, indicating that he double the Kaio-Ken output. The Mad Tyrant glares up at Goku who wore an unreadable expression. "Seriously, that's all you got?"

"Grrr...! KAIO-KEN TIMES FIVE!!! Sombra bellows again. His Ki flares up again, and he charges forward. Goku met his charge and the two locked hands in the air. However, Sombra was able to push Goku down to the ground and slide across the streets of the Empire. The power struggle continued for several seconds until Goku multiplied his output by five as well. They came to an abrupted halt as their aura's sent debris in every direction. Despite being evenly matched, Goku began pushing Sombra back. The Mad Tyrant could do nothing as Goku broke the hold and placed his hand on his chest. A shockwave erupts from his palm and knocks Sombra back. He struggled to gain his balance, but Goku didn't let up. He ran forward and slammed his elbow into Sombra's face. He then follows up with a flurry of kicks before ending his combination with a devastating gut check. The Dark King felt himself lift off the ground before crumbling to his hands and knees. He spat out blood on the ground as he tried to regain his breath.

"Save yourself the trouble and stay down!" Goku recommended.

"Don't be so pretentious!" He said as he flared his horn and crystal stalagmites shot out of the ground. However, in an incredible feat of agility, None of them came close to touching Goku. Although, this was but a distraction so Sombra could gain some higher ground. "I don't understand. I have your powers! I have one thousand plus years of experience under my belt! Why am I being thwarted like this?!?!"

"You were drunk off of power that you never earned. You only saw what appealed to you and try to flaunt it. You never bothered to dedicate yourself to learning these techniques correctly. There are no shortcuts in martial arts. That's why you will never beat me with Ki energy!" Goku stated, and yet, this only severed to infuriate Sombra more.

"Don't you dare lecture me you filthy scum... You are beneath me! But if my Ki energy only can't beat you, then I'll add magic to it as well! KAIO-KEN TIMES TEN!!!" He roared as his aura flared to nearly five times its average size. The Mad King then channels his magic and Ki energy at the same time. His power flaunted wildly, and electricity shot out from his being. The Mad King claps his hands together and forms a black orb with a red outline. "How about a little game. If this next blast hits anything other than you, all the habitats will be wiped out! MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Goku smirks and steels himself. He knew what was going to happen next. "Alright, take your best shot!"

Sombra smiles wickedly at this and prepares to fire. "FAREWELL FOOL! TOTAL ANNIHILATION--" Sombra never got to finish. One moment his attack was ready to fire, and the next it just instantly dissipated along with his Kaio-Ken. "W-What?!" The next thing that Sombra knew was that his vision became blurry and felt disoriented. Soon after, his body began to convulse. Miniature explosions racked his entire collection from the inside. The pain grew so intense that he was unable to sustain his altitude and fell towards the ground. Luckily for him, Goku caught him before he touched the surface. He set him down gently and stood victorious. Sombra coughed, and dry heaved as he looks up at Goku.

"You...! Y-you knew-- This would happen..." He asked in a strained voice. Goku just nodded.

"The magic on this planet is more powerful here than it is on Earth. Since magic is the dominant force, a violent reaction takes place when mixed with a new element too quickly. Not to mention the fact that your body is still relatively new and couldn't handle the strain of the Kaio-Ken technique. With all these factors working against, I knew it was only a matter of time before you lost control,"

"Hmph, outsmarted by a simpleton - *Cough* - Well played..." He praised. But then Sombra did the unthinkable and tried to stand back up.

"Don't move, right now, your nerves are hypersensitive. Any movements will send you in a whirlwind of pain!" Sombra ignored Goku's advice and continued to stand. He manages to get one foot under him before his body gave out and he fell back to the ground. The pain he felt was excruciating, but he refused to wallow in weakness.

"You can laugh if you want, but I am far from finished! If you wish to stop me, then you will have to kill me!"

"Sombra! That's enough! It's over!" Goku shouted.

"Not as long as one of us continues to draw breath!" Before either of them said a word, a loud pop sounded off. The two fighters turn their heads to see Spike, Radiant Hope, Twilight, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna standing next to them. Scootaloo was still resting in Spike's arms.

"Sombra. It's time to brings this to an end," Hope said solemnly.

[Eariler - Crystal Palace - Throne room.]

Spike and Hope reappeared in the throne room with the others. Spike raised his guard when he spotted the two Umbrum next to standing next to Twilight and Cadence. He blasted one of them into oblivion, but the one known as Rabia escaped. With the threats removed, Spike tended to free his friends.

"SPIKE!!!" The princesses said in unison.

"Hey Twilight, hey Princess Cadence. You two, you look awful," Spike joked.

"Whose she?" Twilight asked as she gestured to Hope who was gently placing Scootaloo done.

"I dunno. Goku showed up with her,"

"She was working with Sombra when last I saw her. But I know that things had changed, haven't they?" Cadence asked.

"...Yes. You can say I found another alternative to helping Sombra," Hope said.

"Why bother even helping that tyrant at all!? Look at all the crimes he committed. Why on earth would you want to help a heartless pony like him?!" Twilight said with a frown.

"Quiet! You don't know him as I do. Son Goku has agreed to help him see the light. I heard you were the Princess of Friendship. So shouldn't Sombra be offered that chance?"

"Twilight, she's right. There is much we don't know. We should give him the same opportunity to reform like we did Discord," Cadence said. Twilight saw the reason in her argument, and reluctantly agreed. Spike turned his attention to the petrified rulers and the rest of the girls.

"So how do we free the other's?" Spike asked.

"AND how do we rid ourselves of these crystals suppressing our magic!?" Twilight butted in.

"I saw Son Goku feed his power into the young one here," Hope said, gesturing to Scootaloo. "The Umbrum seem to respond negatively to it. But be careful, we'll have to deal with the Umbrum once you expel them. I can remove the crystals myself," Hope raises her hand and fires a beam directly at Twilight and Cadence's horns. The suppressors instantly break off while Spike moves to the girls. One by one, he freed their friends and dealt with the Umbrum that emerged from their bodies. Unfortunately, the girls did not awaken.

"They will be okay. Now for the other rulers. There are several methods to freeing them. First, is rendering the caster of the spell unconscious. Second would be for another caster to release them. Sadly, I am not proficient in petrification spells,"

"And the girls are damaged. So we can't rely on their rainbow power," Cadence deduced.

"Is there another way?" Spike asked in frustration.

"Yes, although it is risky. You must apply the right amount of force to shatter the stone encasing them. If you strike them too hard, then you will destroy them," Hope stated.

"Alright, the right amount of force, got it," Spike said as he walks up to Celestia first. He hovers two fingers near her abdomen.

"Remember Spike, not too hard," Twilight reminded.


"You can't hit them too soft either,"

"Ok Twilight!" He said in annoyance.

"Be sure to breath when you--"

"TWILIGHT!!!" He yelled as she gave him a sheepish grin. Spike turns back to the solar alicorn and thrust his fist forward. He steps away as a small crack appeared. The crack spread over her form until the stone breaks apart, and Celestia stumbles free.

"W-what...? I don't know-- Where am I?" Celestia asked, thoroughly confused. Twilight and Cadence both embraced her in a hug while Spike repeated the same process for Luna and Shining Armor. After a heartfelt reunion, everyone turns their attention to the battle waging outside. The shockwaves from Goku and Sombra's attacks continue to send tremors throughout the Crystal Empire.

"The Crystal Empire won't be able to withstand this much longer!" Cadence said urgently.

"Then let us end Sombra's tyranny once and for all!" Celestia stated.

"I had already asked Son Goku to help me save him, not destroy him!" Hope argued.

"Sombra has made it clear that he does not want redemption, and there will be no amnesty for you as well,"

"I think Goku has this fight won," Twilight said as she wore the Scouter. "Sombra's power level has dropped significantly and, while I agree that Sombra is dangerous, we should give him the same chance we gave Discord, Princess," Celestia sighed as she debated a course of action.

"I believe everypony should get a second chance, sister," Luna supported.

"Very well. Sombra will have one more chance," Celestia conceded. Hope gave her a courteous bow.

"I'll stay here and watch over the girls," Shining Armor said. Twilight thanks him and the royal sister ignited their horns and teleported away.

[Sombra's POV.]

"It is not over, Hope. It can never be over!" I stated. Why did she choose to side with them?

"I think I understand why you continue down this path, Sombra! You have a choice! You never wanted anything like this back when we were young!" I can't believe she would try to bring up our foal hood. The Sombra she knew died ages ago.

"I never had a choice. My right to choose was taken from me the moment I drew breath in this world!" It was taken away by them, carried away by her, accompanied by that insufferable cosmic force!!!

I saw Hope take a deep breath and spoke very calmly. "I want a straight answer to this next question, Sombra. What did you see that day when we looked into the Crystal Heart!?" She said firmly. Why, why does she insist on asking me this question? It won't change anything to know what I saw, but if it will give me peace during my final hours.

"As I told you before, I saw the truth of my destiny. And my fate was to be the 'tyrant' you see before you!" They all looked shocked at my revelation, but it mattered not. "You see, the Umbrum wanted to be free from their imprisonment, so they gathered the last visage of their magic to send an agent to perform this task; me!"

"*GASP* That's why you kept referring to the Umbrum as 'your brethren.' You are one of them!" The purple alicorn summarized.

"Thank you for that brilliant assessment, Celestia must be so proud!" I said sarcastically, causing both her and Celestia to glare at me. "However, my change altered my memories, and I appeared as a little colt. For a time I lived peacefully in the Crystal Empire under the rule of Queen Amore; alongside my best 'friend' Radiant Hope," I emphasized the word friend and took delight in watching Hope tense up. "But things turned disastrous the moment I looked into that wretched hunk of rock. Naturally, I panicked and ran to the queen to seek help. I pleaded with her to help me. I begged her to ensure that I wouldn't become the monster the heart showed me and do you know what she said to me..."

"What is that Queen Amore told you?" Celestia asked. I felt my anger boil over as I spoke.

"She said that she already knew of my fate!!!" That got quite the amusing reaction out of most of them. "She stated that each and everypony is given a path to follow at birth and that they must follow it Obediently until the end! The reason I kept getting sick was that the Crystal Heart was slowly killing me! THE QUEEN KNEW OF MY PAIN AND SUFFERING AND DIDN'T LEFT A SINGLE FINGER TO HELP ME! SHE WAS CONTENT TO ALLOW ME TO DIE A SLOW, AND PAINFUL DEATH! ME! A LITTLE COLT WHOSE ONLY CRIME WAS EXISTING!!!" I bellowed, and all of the mares looked downcast. The dragon looks away while in pity, but Son Goku was different. He wore this neutral expression as he processed my words. I will admit that I am curious about his opinion on the matter.

"...Sombra..." Hope reached out to me, but I turned away.

"That was when I made a decision... If I could not change my destiny, then I would fully embrace. I petrified the queen and shattered her to pieces! I devoted myself to becoming what the world wanted me to be! I--"


I got cut off from my rant as Son Goku picks me up and punches my face. The pain was nearly crippling as I fell to my back. "If that's your reason for all of this, then you are a fool!" He stated.

"The only fool here is you. No one can fight against the flow of destiny!" I spat out, but his expression did not change.

"I was sent to the Earth as a baby in the hopes of wiping out the inhabitants. They wanted the planet so that they could sell it to the highest bidder. That was the mission given to every Saiyan warrior!" I couldn't believe what he just said and neither could the rest.

"You neglected to share that with us, Sir Goku. But clearly, that is not what transpires so what changed?" The lunar alicorn asked cautiously.

"Hehe, apparently I bumped my head when my grandpa found me and that got rid of all my more violent instincts," I scoffed at his carefree attitude.

"We're not the same. You were meant to suffer your accident to be a force for good!" I stated, but Son Goku disagreed.

"I don't think so because I could have easily joined my brother when he came to the Earth, but I chose not too,"

"He's correct Sombra!" Hope spoke up. "We are not puppets, and destiny is not the puppeteer. When I looked into the Crystal Heart, I was that eventually, I would have become a princess! But now I ask you this; Has that destiny come to pass?"

"Bah! I would have made you a queen after my conquest--"

"--And I still would have rejected it!!! If I stayed on the path of my studies, then I would have been royalty. But I denied that road because I only wanted to help my friend. Greatness was my destiny, and yet here I am; that same little filly you always had a fun time with~,"

"Each of us has the power to choose our destiny. I think it's time you did the same," Son Goku stated. I wanted to argue. I tried to tell them that they were wrong, but I couldn't.

"By the stars, what a fool I've been!"

"You noticed that too~." Hope joked. I chuckled at that. I looked around and saw that the mood had changed. The princesses all bore small smiles. Hope had tears forming at the corners of her eyes and a proud smile on her face. The Drake was indifferent, not that I could blame him, and steps into the background. All the while, Son Goku supported a wide grin.

"I've made a lot of mistakes it would seem... It's time I finally corrected them," I said as I summoned the Crystal Heart into my hands. "Hope, would you be so kind as to take us to the pedestal?"

Hope then strolled next to me and hooked our arms. Hope ignited her horn and teleported us in front of the Palace.

[Crystal Heart Pedestal - Third Person POV.]

The group arrived in front of the pedestal. However, upon arrival, they were met with an unexpected guest. Rabia blocked the path leading up to it. Everyone took their stances in response. "What are you doing, my liege?"

Sombra nodded for Hope to let go and walks in front of the group. "Move now!"

"Your humble servant asks you a question,"

"And your King has given you a command!" Rabia remained firmly in her spot. The silence was so palpable that you could cut it with a knife.

"What a disappointment you turned out to be. We chose you to be our King! And now you would betray us? It is your destiny!"

"For so long, I have allowed others to dictate my life. Whether it be hatred, you, Queen Amore, There was always someone holding my reigns-- But now I am taking control. Now, I'm finally choosing my destiny!" Sombra said as he lit up his horn and tosses the Crystal Heart toward the pedestal. But in that instance, Rabia jumps up and swallows the relic whole. Before anyone could react, Rabia proceeded to possess Sombra as well. He fell to his back and spasm uncontrollably.

"SOMBRA!!!" Hope cried out, but the process had already finished. Sombra's eyes faded out into a pale white. Rabia was now in control.

"You were a fool to spur your kind, Sombra. Now we shall use your body and its newfound powers to destroy that which you hold dear. Isn't that right..." Rabia spoke using both her and Sombra's voice. She then slowly turns her attention, Hope. "Radiant Hope! COME TO ME, MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS! LET US CLAIM THIS WORLD FOR OURSELVES!!! Having said that, all the Umbrum within the Kingdom converges to Rabia's position. They phased into Sombra as well and began a twisted metamorphosis. Sombra's pale skin turned dark gray. His muscles bulged out and expanded as several cracks rang out. What was once an average size man now grew to an enormous 25-foot tall giant? Finally, Sombra's entire face was covered in a black substance with smoke outlining some features. The transformation disrupted the barrier, and the inhabitants immediately evacuated.

(Best example I could find.)

The new being looked down at the group and spoke in multiple voices. "ALL FALLS BENEATH THE UMBRUM!!!!!!!!!" It then raised its mighty fist and brought it down upon them.

The Umbrum fist came down and destroyed the ground under it. There were no bodies found when it removed its fist. It roars again and stumbles around, trying to find where its prey has gone. Celestia and Luna's horns powered down as they rematerialized back in the throne room. Shining Armor was surprised before he ran over.

"What happened? Where did that monster come from!?!?"

"The Umbrum, they merge with Sombra, and turned into that thing!" Spike said.

"I saw that the barrier went down! The citizen will be trying to evacuate the Crystal Empire!" Twilight said.

"We need to remove that monster from the kingdom! It will cause too much destruction!" Cadence alerted.

"We must alleviate as much damage as possible! Shining Armor, Cadence, go to your subjects and ensure they leave safely! Twilight, Radiant Hope, I want you to do everything you can awaken the elements! Goku, Spike, Luna, and I will confront the beast!"

"What about Sombra? How will we free him?" Hope interjected. Celestia pauses for a moment to gather her thoughts, but Luna beat her to the punch.

"We will battle this monster to give you and young Twilight enough time to reawaken the bearers! Hopefully, their Rainbow Power can cleanse this demon and free him!" Luna informed, but Hope id not like that response.

"Hopefully!? You do not sound convinced that they will do as you say!!!"

"It's all we can hope for at this point! If Sombra was being sincere about reforming, and his heart is pure, then our Rainbow Power will free him!" Twilight reassured.


Goku looks down in thought as he came up with an idea. "If he's pure of heart... Hold on a second, that's it!" He exclaimed, startling the others.

"What? Have you got a plan, Goku?" Spike asked.


"Will it save Sombra for sure?" Hope pleaded.

"Don't worry; everything will work out. The first order of business is getting that thing out of the Crystal Empire!"

"I trust you, Son Goku..." She said with a smile.

"Hey, my friends just call me Goku!" He said with a cheery smile and a thumbs up. Goku's expression shifts into a serious one moments later. He activated the Kaio-Ken and led the charge. "Alright, follow me!" The four warriors then flew out the balcony and straight into battle.

The Umbrum was currently lumbering around the streets of the Empire; looking for Goku and the others. It turns around once a whistling sound made itself known. It arched its eyebrow in confusion when a red dot approached it at dangerous speeds. It tried to swipe the dot like a bug. Nevertheless, the creatures were powerless to the dot from ramming int its stomach. The Umbrum felt itself being across the ground. It tried to grab at the being currently pushing against it but soon discovered that it lost its footing. Goku carried the monster far into the Frozen North before broke off his attack. He sent the Umbrum giant crashing into the snowy ground below. The Royal sisters appeared beside via teleportation while Spike came to his left side.

"Do not hog all the fun sir Goku. We want a go at the monster as well!" Luna said as she readies her scythe. Celestia adorned her sword and trident and kept her eyes on the Umbrum giant as it stood back up.

"You will not have to worry, Luna. There is enough of this creature to go around!" Celestia stated. "The next strike is mine!" Celestia then flew forward and hurled her trident into the beast shins. It howls in agony as the sun princess fires a beam spell into its chest. The Umbrum giant flinched at the attack but pressed on. It took both of its arms and attempted to grab the solar alicorn. That was when a slash of white energy made contact with the monsters left-wing and froze it solid. The Umbrum groans in pain as Luna joins her sister.

"Overzealous dear sister," Luna said with a coy smile. However, Celestia grabbed Luna and flew above the giant's hand that was barring down them.

"Dropping your guard isn't like you, Luna," Celestia said with a coy smile of her own. A roar from the Umbrum broke the two sisters from their musing. A red and black aura covered its form and broke the ice on its arm.

"You two-- You're the same race as the once who imprisoned us. Now die as that pony did!" The Umbrum giant opens its massive jaw and energy began to form. The Umbrum giant thrust its head forward and fires a gigantic ball of energy at them. But suddenly, Spike flickers in front of the blast with his arms crossed.

"Claws of the Emerald Dragon!" He called out and sent multiple slash attacks that cut the attack to ribbons.

"Thank you, Spike. You advance well over the year," Celestia praised. Spike was about to respond when the beast threw another fist at them. This time, Goku intercepted it. He grunted with effort as his Kaio-Ken aura flared intensely.

"This guy's no joke! Hey, don't clump together! Keep moving; make yourselves a harder target to hit!" He stated as the monster drove his fist, and Goku, into the ground. The Saiyan warrior withstood the impact, but the field slowly started to cave in under him.

The others follow Goku's advice and attack the Umbrum giant from different angles. Spike flies up and delivers a flip kick that caused the beast to stagger back, and freed Goku. The royal sister followed up with taking a chunk out of its shoulders with their weapons. One gash froze over while the other suffered cauterization. The Umbrum giant wailed in agony, but its pain did not cease there. Goku rejoined the effort to take down the abomination. He drove an uppercut straight into its stomach and then followed up with a series of punches and kicks that gradually pushed it upward. Goku rears back his right arm and sent the Umbrum giant soaring higher into the air.

Spike appeared above it; clad in his Dragon Soul Mode, with his right fist crackling with electricity. He slams his fist square into its face and sent it crashing back into the ground. Celestia and Luna were up next. They flew back to back in a spiral motion with their arms outstretched. They gathered their magic for an offensive spell, and two orbs manifested. Celestia's was golden like the shining sun. While Luna's shine like the pale moon. They watched as the Umbrum Giant slowly sat up just in time for them to release their most devastating collaboration attack.

"Solar Eclipse!!!" They called out. An astounding gold beam with a white spiral beam enveloping it shot forth. The wave connects with the monstrosity and detonates in an enormous explosion. All four fights hovered in the air as the blast residue faded away.

"Did that do it?" Spike asked.

"No, we managed to so it down at least," Goku said.

"Sister! Look there!" Luna stated. Everyone turns their attention to the large crater below. The Umbrum giant was severely wounded as it stood back on its feet. Then, to everyone's surprise, a dark gray glow covered its form and the injuries it sustained healed at an alarming rate.

"It used its magic to regenerate itself?!" Celestia said in disbelief.

"Goku! You told us you had a way to beat this thing! We could sure use it now!" Spike said.

"Right. Since the girls are out of commission, we're going to fall back on the Spirit Bomb!"

"I remember you mentioning this when had our discussion in your ship. This move was one of the technique you learned from King Kai," Celestia reminded.

"That's right! The Spirit Bomb comprises of positive energy from every living organism on the planet. It targets and destroys anything comprising with negative energy," Goku informs.

"And the Umbrum are beings that feed off of the hatred of others!" Luna exclaimed.

"Which means we can stop that thing once and all!" Spike had said before he realized something. "But, are you sure it won't destroy Sombra too? He has been evil up until a few minutes ago,"

"You weren't listening carefully enough. I could hear the sincerity when Sombra spoke. He wants to change his ways. Now the technique takes some time to charge. So I need you guys to distract him--"

"UUUUUUARGH!!!" A deafening roar interrupts Goku as their party looks back down at their foe. The Umbrum Giant had its hand clamped together. It slowly opened them as an orb of dark energy forms. It looks up at the group, and everyone put up their guard, believing it would target them. Unfortunately, the Umbrum giant had something else in mind. It quickly shifted its gaze in the direction of the Crystal Empire and raised the attack above its head. "Veil of Shadows!" It called out and launched the blast with all the strength it could muster.

"IT'S AIMING FOR THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!!!" Spike alerted. Goku didn't need any more incentive before he flew off. While they were a reasonable distance away, the attack was moving at frightening speeds.

Goku saw this and decided to increase the Kaio-Ken output. "Kaio-Ken Times Ten!" Goku shot off with a new burst of speed and easily outpaced the attack. He clasped his hands to together and began a familiar "Kame-Hame-HAAAAAAAAAA!" Goku thrust his arms forward and released his signature move. The two attacks met and, to Goku's surprise, the orb of darkness quadrupled in size. Goku felt his boots drag against the ground as his beam gradually lost momentum. The Umbrum giant smirks, knowing victory is within its grasp and its biggest obstacle destroyed.

"You lose!"

Goku gritted his teeth and planted his feet to stop himself sliding. "I've got to take it further...! KAIO-KEEEEN TIMES 20!!!" Suddenly, the Kamehameha wave increased in size and output. The dark Ki blast shifted to blue before Goku's attack tore straight through it. The Umbrum giant stood frozen in fear and disbelief as the beam bores into its chest, and carried it to a far off mountain. Goku sustained his blast for several seconds before cutting it off. He fell to one knee from extortion before the others joined his side.

"That was unbelievable! No way that thing survived that attack!" Spike praised, but Goku shakes his head.

"No, I canceled my attack before it could do any permanent damage," Goku stated as he stood back up and raised both of his arms above his head. He closes his eyes in concentration as the Alicorns, and young Drake watches on in confusion.

"What are you doing Sir Goku?" Luna asked.

"I'm gathering the energy needed to form the Spirit Bomb. Hmm..."

"What is it? Do you need any assistance from us?" Celestia asked.

"The magic in the atmosphere is interfering with the process. I'll need time to sort through it, but I can't break this stance. Just keep that monster occupied for five minutes," Goku said as a white outline aura covers his body. The group felt the ground shake with a dull thud that felt a lot like footsteps. The Umbrum giant was making its way back to them.

"Steel yourselves, everypony!" Celestia commanded. Spike narrows his eyes as the Umbrum came into view. Immediately he noticed that something amiss.

"Whoa, look at its chest!" Spike pointed out. The creature had a hole where the Kamehameha struck. Inside the hole was the limb form of Sombra, along with the Crystal Heart planted firmly on his chest. Although, the same black substance held both Sombra and the Heart in place.

"It cannot heal itself!" Celestia gathered.

"Then let us strike while the advantage is ours!" Luna said. Spike and Celestia nodded in agreement, and all three re-engaged their foe. The trio moved in tandem as they buzzed all around their lumbering adversary. Any attempt the Umbrum giant made to land a deceive blow became thwarted by one of the party members. Spike found himself trapped in the monster grasp only for Celestia to sever the hand that held him. Luna came to her sister rescue by freezing the incoming fist that sought retribution. The Umbrum released a roar that threw the trio off balance. "The beast is certainly tenuous..."

"Indeed! Goku, how much longer?" Celestia asked.

"I just need one more minute!" Goku replied. Spike was busy circling the monster while launching a barrage of Ki blast. That was until he flew past its mouth and the Umbrum react by slamming its maw down upon the Drake.

"Spike, hold on!" Celestia cried out. She tried to go for its jaw, but the sun princess failed to notice the stump of the creature strike her down. The Umbrum giant quickly pins her underneath its heel. Luna tried to mount an offensive, but the beast flared its aura again and broke the ice on its fist once more. It then reached out and grabbed the princess of the night. Luna grunted in pain as the Umbrum brought her to eye level. It sent a death glare that would give lesser warrior nightmares, but not Princess Luna. She glared right back. Then suddenly, the beast's mouth was forced open. Spike thrusts his legs down with enough force to dislocate its jaw, and slip-free. He flew to its eyes and put his fingers to his temples.

"Solar flare!" He called out and a blinding light emitted from his form. The Umbrum giant shrieks as he stumbles back while shielding its burning retinas. Celestia and Luna freed themselves, and everyone took positions back to Goku.

"Now is the time, Sir Goku!!!" Luna stated. Goku brought his arms down and held out his right arm. The aura around his body condensed into his palm. He concentrated on the energy in his hand and began to mold it. Soon enough, a ball of pure Ki energy floated above his palm.

"There we go...! This amount was the best I could make given the circumstances. This Spirt Bomb will not only save Sombra but finally take down the Umbrum!"

"It's astonishing!" Celestia said breathlessly. The other marveled at the attack before them.

"It feels like the whole planet is resting in your hand..." Spike said.

Goku adopted a grave expression as he zeroes in on his target. The Umbrum giant showed signs of recovery as Goku primed his attack. "Time to end this... SPIRT BOMB!!!" He called out as Goku wine his arm back and thrust the Spirt Bomb out like a fastball. The Umbrum giant finally recovered and was met with a positively chilling sight. The Spirit Bomb was mere inches from the hole in its chest. Its eyes widen in absolute horror as the blast made contact with the Crystal Heart.

Time slowed down for the being as the Spirit Bomb expands and engulfs its complete form. If one was listening carefully enough, they could hear the desperate wail of shock and dismay over the explosion. "THIS WASN'T MEAT TO BE! IT WAS OUR TIME NOW, OUR TIME! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

Everyone held their collective breath as the blast residue faded away. Where the Umbrum giant once stood was now a deep crater stretching 50 meters out in all directions. Celestia and Luna dropped the shields they activated to protect their group and address them. "Is everypony unharmed?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah... Uh, somehow..." Spike said with uncertainty.

"I am glad that you came after my reemergence as Nightmare Moon. I dare say I prefer banishment over such devastation!" Luna said as they surveyed the aftermath.

"C' mon, I'm picking up a faint power level," Goku said as they rushed to the epicenter of the attack. Sombra laid motionless on the ground with the Crystal Heart glowing softly next to him. The Spirit Bomb did its job well. There was no trace of the Umbrum anywhere. Goku went down and picked up the Heart and slips Sombra on his shoulders. Let's head back. It's freezing out here," The group shared a laugh before the royal sisters teleported everyone safely back to the Crystal Empire.

[Sometime later, Crystal Palace Throne Room.]

Sombra was understandably nervous. He stood before an impromptu tribunal with the four princesses as acting judges. Shining Armor stood in front of both him and Radiant Hope who had refused to leave his side again. Goku stood next to Spike and Scootaloo who had reawoken some time before their return. She threw a small tantrum about being left out of the final battle. But she settled down once Goku promised to show her all that transpired in the mental scope. The elements stood on the opposite end. They each wore different expressions that did not inspire confidence in things turning out well for the former tyrant.

"Sombra, the former tyrannical ruler of the Crystal Empire. Radiant Hope, the former student of the royal sister. The two of you stand trial for the crimes of against Equestria as a whole. These crimes include, but are not limited to: attempting to remove the head of state for the Crystal Empire. Conspiring with known enemies of the nation, multiple counts of assault and battery, filly napping," Sombra received an elbow to the gut, courtesy of Hope, from that particular charge. "Assault on royalty and millions of bits of property damage. Your actions have left the capital of Canterlot in terror. And the Crystal Empire in a state of disarray. I would have you both locked away in the smallest, filthiest cell we have and ensure neither wield magic ever again!"

Sombra had to restrain a chuckle since he no longer just relied on magic, but Hope was distraught about all this. He squeezes her hand, affectionately before standing forward. "I shall take full responsibility for all charges provided that Radiant Hope goes free,"

"Sombra--" Hope tried to speak, but Sombra continued.

"I have lied to and forcefully coerced her into committing most of those crimes. Therefore, I am the only one that should bear the punishment!"

"No, while I was lead astray for some of those crimes, I knew what our end goal was to be. I am just as guilty if not more so since I sought out the aid of Chrysalis and the gallery of rogues that have plagued Equestria!"

"Enough! Both of your actions has been recounted. And both of you shall face judgment here today!" Shining Armors tone was sharp and dispelled any further objections between the two. "Now then, given the unique circumstances of this case - As well as witness testimonies of Princess Cadence and Son Goku - This court orders you both to be exiled from the Crystal Empire effective immediately and never return!"

Sombra and Hope were both stunned to hear this. After all, the crimes they've committed warrant more than just mere exile. "May I ask the court how they came to this decision?" Sombra inquired

"As SPrince Shining Armor has stated; there unique circumstances to your actions. You have been used and mistreated nearly all your life, Sombra. It does not seem right to punish you when you were never fully in control of your destiny. There is also another factor to consider," Cadence stated as she turns to Goku.

"The Spirit Bomb is designed to destroy negative energy or evil. If you were as cold-hearted as you believed yourself to be, then you would most likely be dead right now," Goku said causally. Sombra and Hope both paled at this.

"However, you still went through with these crimes, and the citizens of the Crystal Empire demand recompense. Hence, your exile," Cadence said.

Sombra then did something unexpected. He got on one knee and bowed his head in respect. "You are twice the ruler Queen Amore could ever hope to have been... Thank you!" He got back up and walked to Radiant Hope. "It would seem I got you kicked out again my old friend,"

"Yes, it does. Why do I still tolerate you is anyone's guess," Hope then reaches up and plants a kiss on Sombra's cheek, causing the girls to gasp as a result. Goku looks on in confusion while Spike and Scootaloo gags. "Want to race to the entrance?" She asks seductively.

Sombra clears his throat and tries to find his voice through his embarrassment. "I-i have a better idea..." He said as he carried Hope bridal style and flew out the balcony.

"I think they make a cute couple~," Cadence said, earning another gasp from the girls.

"I don't get why she put her lips on his cheeks, though..." Goku said.

"Duh, it's called a kiss," Rainbow said while she shudders.

"Why yes darling, I'm sure you do the same to your wife all the time," Rarity stated.

"Not really, I never kissed Chi Chi," Goku said a matter-of-factly. Everyone stares at him in bafflement.

"WHAT!?!?!?" Everyone shouted out before they fell to the ground with their legs in the air.

[One week later - Inside Goku's ship.]

"Welp, I guess this is it, everyone. It's been a pretty wild ride," Goku said to the amassed group of ponies, zebras, and dragon all gathered in his ship.

"Indeed, Goku, my boy. With everything that has transpired, it is hard to fathom that its only been a year," Dr, Briefs commented.

"Time has a way of slipping through our fingertips," Twilight said as she bows her head to the kind doctor. "I will miss our conversations Dr, Briefs,"

"As will I, Princess Twilight Sparkle,"

Fluttershy could be seen cradling guru for dear life. "I'm going to miss you, Guru..." She said as she held back tears.

"Guru-Guru," He said in response. Applejack had to pry Fluttershy off while Twilight looks from her friend and to Dr. Briefs expectantly.

Dr, Briefs sighed before speaking. "Not to worry, I will be making the necessary adjustments to Guru's software once they return..."

"It's a mighty shame I'm losing the best darn worker, Sweet Apple Acres ever had, but it was great getting to know ya," Applejack said as she shook Goku's hand vigorously.

"Yeah, me too. Your apples are the best I've ever had!" Goku said.

"Don't worry none. I made sure to stock your fridge up with only the best apple products,"

"And I made sure to pack plenty of cupcakes and sweets from sugar cube corner. The cakes are going to miss you so much!" Pinkie pops up from behind the Saiyan warrior in one last attempt to surprise him but failed. Goku chuckles at her antics.

"Thanks, Pinkie Pie. I'm sure Gohan will love them!"

The CMC and the Sugar Lumps had their heads hung low. Goku noticed this and walked over to them. "Hey, I know goodbyes are rough, but I promise to visit again,"

"We were kinda wondering if we could go with you?" Applebloom pleaded. The rest of the fillies joined in with perhaps the cutest puppy dog eyes ever conceived.

"My blood pressure can't handle that much cute in one sitting..." Dr, Briefs said.

"Sorry girls, but I can't. There are some seriously dangerous people on Namek, and I won't risk your safety," Goku saw their features go downcast before he spoke again. "Hey, enough with the sad faces. I'll be sure to tell you all about my adventures there, deal?"

"Deal!" The fillies ad as they all hugged him.

"I'm sure you'll kick their flanks all over the place!" Rainbow said as she gave Goku a fist bump.

"They won't stand a chance!" Goku said.

"We wish the best of luck in the battles to come, Goku," Celestia said.

"Come back to us victorious. Then we shall have our fight. However, I will not be so merciful next time!" Luna exclaimed.

"Hehe, thank you, princesses. I look forward to a rematch as well!" Goku said.

"I just wish you had more time to train our guards," Shining Armor lamented. Cadence smiles and pats him on the back.

"Well, you do still have two great martial artists right here. Isn't that right Spike and Scootaloo?"

"Yeah, I guess I could help those guys out," Spike said as he puffs out his chest.

"Yeah, we'll whip them into shape as Goku did for us!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"I hope they can survive your crazy training methods," Cadence said. Flurry Heart flew out her mother's arms and into Goku's hair, where she started chewing on it.

"Our meeting may have happened by chance, but I am glad we had that dance," Zecora said with a bow. Goku returned it while Flurry Heart flew back to her mother.

"I will miss you too, darling. Despite the Horror, that mane of yours put me through we quite the talk of the Gala," Rarity chirped.

"It was kind of weird having my hairstyle that way, but I had a real-time,' Goku replied.

"Please be sure to bring your friends along when you return. I'm sure you've met some interesting characters," Starlight said.

"You can count on that. my friends will love it here!" Goku stated.

"Goku, I would like to share a lesson I learned during your stay here," Twilight said as she summoned the journal the girls wrote their friendship lessons. "Over the past year, my friends and met a pair of the most bizarre individuals anypony has ever seen. They were different. And first impressions were less than ideal. We all discovered that their little quirks are what made them truly unique and fun to get to know. I am proud to call them my friends!"

"That was very insightful Twilight Sparkle," Dr, Briefs said.

"I'm glad I came here too," Goku said.

"GROUP HUG!" Everyone proceeded to hug the Saiyan warrior. They stayed like that for a time before a sudden flash caught their attention. They turned their heads to see Guru produce a photo from his midsection. Twilight levitated the picture to here and smiled gratefully.

"I feel a physical copy of the merriment here will add to your little journal. Now then, I have made the necessary calculations, and I believe I can produce the energies that the ship was exposed too. Theoretically, this should not only provide you with a shortcut to Planet Namek, but you will arrive there as you would have when you first set off," Dr, Briefs informs. Everyone said their final goodbyes and exited the ship. Goku stood at the doorframe and waved them off - sporting a big, cheerful smile as the door retracted. The door closes, and Goku activated the ship flight protocols. The engines ignited, and the ship slowly began its ascent. One moment later, the boat shot off into the outer atmosphere, leaving behind a bright twinkle in the sky.

"Thanks for helping me fly again, Goku..." Scootaloo said with unshed tears.

"And thanks for helping me to surpass myself!" Spike stated.

"So Spike, when were you going to informs us of your new relationship with Dragonlord Ember?" Twilight asked as Spike tensed up.

"What relationship?" Rarity said. She was annoyed at hearing this.

"Um..." Was all the young Drake could muster. He began to sweat bullets, and he desperately needed a distraction. Luckily, his pray's was answered in the form of a Talon ripping open a hole in space. A figure with different animal parts steps out of the pit; wearing a set of unique clothing.

"Discord!" Fluttershy exclaimed as she hugged him. "Where have you been this whole year?"

"And what are those ghastly rags you are wearing?" Rarity shrieked

Discord huffs at this. "Well, I never! And to answer your question, my dear Fluttershy. I was at a lovely little convention in the human dimension," Discord chuckled at Zecora scowl. "It was quite fun. Those bipedal apes sure have creative imaginations. Of course, things got interesting when I met up with another chaos maker. He used various items to send some poor saps off to another reality. It was very entertaining. Although I was sure, I spent a week there. Time dilations are hard to account for in the multiverse. I'm sure I missed nothing important in this place," Everyone proceeds to send the Draconequus a coy smile.

"Oh, we've had a fascinating year," Twilight eluded.

[Outer space, Goku's ship.]

"Alright my boy, I am going to activate the artificial cosmic waves. It should work in conjunction with the ships current velocity," Dr, Briefs said as he worked the keyboard from his end. The ship lets out a soft humming sound as the effects take hold. The space around the spacecraft began to distort. The shuttle started to shake violently under the sudden turbulence. This process went on for several minutes before the ship settled.

"Did it work?"

"Planetary body inbound," Dr, Briefs instruments announced.

"We'll see in a moment," Dr, Briefs said.

The ship broke the planet's atmosphere much easier this time around. And the vessel made contact with the surface. Almost immediately, Goku picked up on several ki signatures. Three of them belonging to his friends. "This is planet Namek. I can sense Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma. But Krillin and Gohan's are getting weaker by the second. I better hurry!"

"Good Luck to you, my boy. Contact me as soon as you are able," Dr. Briefs said as he cut off the video feed.

Goku tied the senzu beans over his belt and stands in front of the door frame. The door slowly opens up to reveal a beautiful green sky and mountain landscape. "Alright, time to move," Without another word, Goku ignites his aura and shot off into the battle. In his haste to save his friends, Goku never noticed that he had an extra seat by the gravity machine that was never there before. A green light flashed in the ship's interior, and the chair morphs into a being. It walked with a limp toward the doorframe and props itself up with a stump for its left hand. It's green irises held a shined with malicious intent. A fanged smile graced its lips as it watched the Saiyan warrior fly off into the distance.

"How rude of you, Son Goku. Don't I get good by as well? The love you have for friends will keep my nourished long enough until we reach your world. With a new world to explore and new forms of love to sample, this day is going to be perfect~."

To be Continued.

Author's Note:

Goku has finally completed his journey and arrived on Planet Namek. He will carry the adventures that took place on Equis will always remain in his heart, but now he must focus on the task ahead. However, he is unaware of the dangers lurking within. Will he be able to save his friends and deal with the stowaway on his ship? FIND OUT NEXT TIME IN HIS BRAND NEW ADVENTURE; DRAGONBALL MLP: WORLD TOUR!!!

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