• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 17,235 Views, 1,058 Comments

Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 18: Twilight Time.

Author's Note:

A nice chilled episode with everyone before the time skip during update.

[Goku's ship - Twilight's POV]

"Why did I ever agree to this?" I whined as I struggle to keep with this training regiment. Spike, Scootaloo and I were currently performing jumping jacks.

"Come on, Twilight, you can't be tired already. We haven't even gotten to the wind, sprints." Goku said. I performed a double take so fast that I may have gotten whiplash. He was going to have us wind sprints?!! We had already done sit-ups, push-up, and squats.

"Goku, don't you think this is a tad bit excessive?" I said with a strained voice.

"Not really. This set isn't even my usual routine. Besides, Spike and Scootaloo don't seem to mind." Goku said as we looked back at them. Spike was currently sprawled out on the ground with his tongue lolling out as he gasps for air. Scootaloo was on her hands and knee's while also panting. I was on the verge of collapse myself.

"They do not mind because they're so out breathing that they can't form words. You're driving us to the point of exhaustion. Are you sure all this - Exercise! is crucial to learning to tap into our Ki?" I asked while Goku ruminates on my question. A brief smiled adorns my face that immediately fell after he said one word.

"Yep," Goku said with his cheerful expression. I let out a groan and fell to the floor. Suddenly, I found myself thinking back to the moment that led to this torture.

[Flashback - one month after the Gauntlet]

Journal entry. Monday 12th, at 3 pm. I am currently sitting in the castle library going over my notes I gathered from Dr. Briefs and Goku. It was truly fascinating about the number of wonders the Earth held. Their technology could quickly push Equestria-no- the entire world into a new age. Traveling from one country to another via hover plane instead of a hot air balloon would be so much more convenient. We could swap out the old steam power train engine in favor of an electric powered one and improve on-time efficiency. The possibilities were endless but as astounding as the technological aspects were, one subject continues to gnaw at the back of my mind; Ki energy.

Goku's power source continues to surprise each time I witness it. It boggles my mind that there exists a power that can rival magic itself. He was able to fight on par with Princess. He defeated Lord Torch in a duel. He can fly without wings, create illusions or afterimages, and the bizarre red aura he used. What did he say it was? The Kaio Ken technique? A move that can multiply a ponies strength as much as they want. I only know of certain magical artifacts that are capable of the same feat. I must get Goku to show me how to perform the technique but-- Is it possible for any creature on Equis to harness Ki energy when magic has been dominate since the dawn of the planet? He is training Spike and Scootaloo at the moment. I was initially hesitant to allow Spike to learn how to fight. However, he brought up how useless he's been feeling in most of our adventures. After hearing this and seeing his face, there was no way I could refuse him. Plus, Goku did explain that anypony can learn, so there should be no problem for me. I knew that Goku must be in the middle of teaching right now. So all I have to do is go and ask if he has room for one more student, end journal entry.

With that done, I put away my notes and prepared a teleportation spell. I popped out of the castle. Goku, Spike and Scootaloo all running in laps around the ship. I stepped forward and Goku their attention.

"Good day to you, everypony. I see that you all are hard at work." I said.

"Hmm? Oh, hey, Twilight." Goku said.

"Hi Twilight," Scootaloo said.

"How's it going Twilight. What brings you here?" Spike asks.

"Well after going over my notes again...."

"Oh, drake," Spike said as he rudely interrupted me.

"...I have decided that it was time to perform some hands-on research on harnessing my own Ki energy." I said giddily as a school filly.

"Oh, come on! I wanted to learn how to us Ki before it was cool. Now everypony wants to learn it." Scootaloo whines not that I can blame her. She wasn't very enthusiastic when Goku took in Spike as his second student.

"Gee, I don't know Twilight. When I first started training under the turtle hermit, master Roshi only took in two students. Adding in another student may divide too much of my attention." Goku said thoughtfully.

"I realize this, and I do not wish to add undue pressure onto you. But you forget that I was once Princess Celestia faithful student." I couldn't help but beam with pride from my statement. "And she can personally attest to my prowess of being a quick study."

"Hmmm?" Goku said as he thought over my request. I panic slightly while quickly coming up with more reasons to bolster my case.

"I-I don't have to learn everything. Just enough to harness Ki, and I can take it from there." I said.

"You could always learn from Spike or Scootaloo once they have completed their training," Goku suggests as Spike and Scootaloo perked up at this.

"Hey that sounds like it would be fun," Scootaloo said.

"Twilight taking notes from me for once? I like that idea." Spike added. The idea wasn't a bad one, but I had to learn from the source.

"Normally, I would not mind, but you're the expert when it comes to Ki energy. It doesn't make sense to learn from any other source that may produce subpar results." I pleaded to him.

"I guess you have a point. Ok, Twilight; you can join, and I teach you enough of the basics so you can advance on your own." Goku said as I let out a happy squee.

"Thank you, Goku. I promise that you won't regret this." I said.

[Present time.]

"It looks like I'm the one with regrets right now," I muttered under my breath.

"Alright, you three. After we make wind sprints, we're gonna sit down and meditate." Goku said to which we all groan. We got up from the ground and took kneeling positions next to Goku. At least he was considerate enough to perform these exercise with us. We took off running in a straight line. After we ran about ten feet, we ran back to the ship. We continued this for ten repetitions before finally collapsing on the ground.

"That was fun! What's next?" Scootaloo said through her panting. While I respected her enthusiasm, I groaned at the thought of this torture continuing.

"Now we take up our meditative positions. I want you three to relax and drown out all outside distractions. Just focus on controlling your breathing. Get comfortable because we'll be at this for 10 minutes." Goku informs us. We each sat down in a small circle around Goku while taking up different sitting postures. Goku sat with his arms and legs crossed while adopting a severe expression with his head hung down, and his eyes closed.

Not much happened during the 10 minutes. We just sat down in front of Goku's ship and breathing in and out. I really couldn't grasp whatever Goku was trying to do here. Why work us to the point of exhaustion and then have us sit down and breath. This training was starting to become very reminiscent of the time Zecora helped me against Trixie. But at least with her, there was an underlining meaning. With Goku, however, I wasn't getting anything. Ten minutes have finally past, and Goku got our attention.

"Alright, everyone. We'll do one more training routine, and then it's off to lunch." Goku said much to my relief and the dismay of the other.

"But Goooooku, all we have done is exercises. When are we gonna learn to fly?" Scootaloo whines.

"Yeah, and when are gonna shot huge lasers out of our palms?" Spike added.

"We'll get to that soon. These things tend to take time, no matter how badly we want to rush it. Anyway, do you all remember what I did when I first told you all about Ki energy?" Goku asks us.

"Yeah, you told us about your awesome battles, and then you made that Ki ball," Scootaloo said.

Goku shots her a smile and nods. "That's right, Scootaloo. Now I want you three to try and mimic what I did and form an orb of Ki in your hands." He said, but I sent him a skeptical look.

"But Goku, we haven't covered how to release our Ki yet," I told him.

"I know, but this will help me gauge how far along you are. Just cup your hands and focus on forming ball ki in your palms. But remember everything we did today." Goku said as we followed his instruction. Each of us cups our hands, leaving a space in between, and tried to manifest our Ki energy. I don't know what Goku was looking for, but even I could see that nothing was happening. Scootaloo had her eyes closed, and she was focusing hard. Spike stared intently at the space in his hands while he bit his tongue. I was able to succeed in forming an orb. Unfortunately, it was an orb of magic, not Ki. I quickly dispelled it and tried again only to receive the same result. I continue to attempt to tap into my Ki, but each time, I would only get my magic. It's so frustrating. I just don't get it, URGH!!

[Third Person POV.]

Goku carefully surveyed everyone's progress in their training. Goku didn't say at first but working their bodies to the point of exhaustion did serve a purpose. One cannot access their Ki flow if their body is tense and active. The exercises help to wear the body down so that they would have no choice to be still when it came time for meditation. Once the meditation ends, the body becomes more in tune with the flow of Ki. Although the others aren't able to tell yet, Goku was able to see that the space between Scootaloo and Spike's hand had a very subtle distortion within it. Their Ki was forming but at a prolonged rate. Goku concluded that he would have to intensify their training regimen if he wanted his pupils to succeed before he left for Planet Namek again.

Twilight was a different story, however. Each time she tried to access her Ki flow, she would only tap.into her magic reserves. Goku would detect the faintest trace Ki begin to manifest before her magic overtakes it. Sadly, Goku's only experience in magic had been from either Baba the witch and those he fought against at the time. It also did not help that Twilight lacked in physical ability. She was fit but in no means was Twilight excelling in athleticism. Rainbow and Applejack would most likely already been able to manifest their Ki. Goku would carefully proceed once he breaks the news to her.

"Alright, everyone, that's it for today. I got a good read on your progress." Goku said as we all look at him with confusion.

"But Goku, we weren't able to complete the session. We couldn't form the orb as you asked." Twilight protested.

"I asked you to try and form an orb of Ki so I will be able to tell how much more training you all need. So far, Spike and Scootaloo are further along than you." Goku replied much to Twilight chagrin and Spike and Scootaloo's delight.

Twilight's mouth began to mimic a fish at what was said. "B-but how can I be falling behind. I performed every task to a T."

"Easy there Twilight. I'm not saying your failing; just that Spike and Scootaloo are ahead. However, I think I see the problem as to why." Goku said.

"And that problem is?" Twilight asked with a strained voice.

"Well, compared to the others, you're not as athletic as the others." Goku points out.

"I will admit that athleticism has never been a strong suit for me, but I'm in great shape. I was able to fight Tirek to a standstill." Twilight proclaimed proudly.

"Hey, I heard about that from Pinkie. She said it was the most 'awesome' fight ever." Goku chuckles while Twilight beamed with pride. This joy did not last long, however. "But she said you mostly used magic against and not physical techniques."

Twilight eyes went wide at this realization. "I suppose I did only used magic."

"And how often did you exercise before joining our training?" Goku asks.

"..." Twilight said nothing.

"Hahahaha, I think exercise is the only word that is not in Twilight vocabulary," Spike said in a snarky tone. Twilight quickly shot him a stern glare that shut him up immediately.

"It's fine Twilight. All this means is that you would have to work twice as hard." Goku said as Twilight shudders nervously. "You're also overthinking. You won't be able to tap into your ki flow if your brain is all over the place."

"Is there anything else?" Twilight asks.

"Yeah, do you have a way to turn off your magic?" Goku asks.

Twilight quirks her head in confusion at this. "I believe I can acquire a nullifying ring, but may I ask why I would need my magic turned off?"

"You see every time you tried to harness your Ki energy your magic would take over. It makes sense that was the only power source you drew from." Goku explains.

"I see. So if I block my magic, then I will have an easier time tapping into my ki. I'll have to ask Princess Celestia for one---OH that's right!! I completely forgot about the meeting." Twilight exclaims.

"What meeting are you talking about Twilight?" Scootaloo asks.

"I invited the princesses, the girls, Cadence, and my brother over to the castle for a crucial experiment at 5 pm. What time is it now?" Twilight asks.

Spike looks up at the suns position before looking back at the others. "It's around 4:25," he said as Twilight jerked up from the ground.

"Sweet, Celestia! I'm gonna be late." Twilight exclaims while everyone watches her with a blank expression. "Goku, you're invited as well. I can't perform this experiment without you."

"Is it alright if I invite the girls too?" Scootaloo asks.

"Sure, The more, the merrier. See you all at the castle." Twilighcastle as she teleported away.

[Castle Friendship, 5 pm.]

"Alright, you two, get comfortable for now. Everypony should be on here soon," Twilight said to Goku and Spike. The three of them were residing inside the castle rec room.

"Sure thing," Goku replied as he was performing some push-ups.

Twilight shakes her head at the site. "Do you ever stop training?" Twilight asks rhetorically.

"Sure, I do. It's when I'm usually eating, sleeping, and working at Applejack farm." Goku said. Twilight was about to reply when the doors flew opening, revealing Twilight's friends, the crusaders, and the sugar lumps.

"Wow, Wee. Having a party in these empty rooms s a great idea." Pinkie Pie said joyously.

"Pinkie, darling, I already told you that the invites Twilight sent were for a social experiment with the princesses." Rarity said.

"Then why did you take so long in getting dressed?" Rainbow challenged.

"Surely, you don't expect me to not be at my most fabulous when in the presence of royalty." Rarity said in mock anger. Rainbow and Applejack proceeded to roll their eyes.

"What is this experiment about Twilight, if you don't mind me asking," Fluttershy said.

"I will explain once the princesses and my brother are present." Twilight answers. Soon enough, the doors opened again only to reveal Starlight Glimmer and a pony most of the elements did not expect to see.

"Hey, Twilight. I came by to tell you that the princesses carriage will be here shortly. And--"

"What's she doing here?!!" Rainbow yelled out, cutting Starlight off.

"BEHOLD EVERYPONY! FOR THE GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE HAS COME TO GRACE YOU ALL IN HER PRESENCE!!!" Trixie announced as fireworks went off above her.

"Oh, that's right. I haven't introduced you all to my new friend Trixie." Starlight said happily. Trixie wore her standard wizard hat and starry cape along with a white blouse with a purple corset on top. She had on black leggings and knee-high show boots.

"Believe us, partner. We met her before." Applejack said with a frown.

"Trixie is sorry, but she does not recall crossing paths with any of you," Trixie said.

"How could you possibly forget the time you trapped all of Ponyville in a giant fishbowl?" Rainbow said.

Trixie let out a huffed before speaking. "Trixie remembers her past crimes very well, and she has worked to change her image. Trixie would certainly remember a pony as obnoxious as you appear to be." Trixie said.

"Why you!!" Rainbow said as she gritted her teeth. She flared her wings out in a challenging manor and prepared to charge the arrogant show mare until she was covered in a light blue aura courtesy of Starlight.

"Easy Rainbow, there's no need to fight. You can't expect everypony to remember all the little details when they go through their megalomania phases." Starlight said as she tried to soothe the enraged pegasus. Out of the corner of her eye, Trixie notices a strange creature in the background. She saw that the animal was performing push-ups while five fillies sat on top of him. She went over to get a closer look, but Pinkie bars her way.

"Hiya Trixie. I was just wondering why are you still talking in the third pony when the POV right now is already set to to the third person?" Pinkie asks.

"W-what?" A very perplexed Trixie said.

"Oh, that's right. You haven't been here long. See the author hasn't been utilizing my fourth wall breaking up till now, and it's already been 17 episodes. Pretty silly right?" Pinkie said as Trixie continues to stare at her blankly. "Well, I think this should be sufficient for now. I will let you be on your way," she said as she skips merrily to her seat.

"..." Trixie said nothing as Starlight comes up to her.

"Don't dwell too hard on it. I still have trouble figuring Pinkie out." Starlight comforts.

Trixie snaps out of her stupor and faces her friend. "Right. Trixie was just wondering who or what is that thing with the fillies?"

"Oh, his name is Goku, and I know how this will sound, but he's an alien." Starlight informs her causing Trixie's jaw to fall. Trixie recovers and marches straight up to Goku.

"You there, Trixie has been told that you are not of this world. Is this true?" Trixie asks. Goku stops his push-ups and stands up. Trixie is taken aback by the height of this creature who could rival the princesses.

"Yep, that's true. My name Son Goku but everyone calls me Goku. I am a Sayian raised on Earth. It's nice to meet you." Goku chirped.

Trixie stood in awe as she processes what she just heard. The elements began to snicker at this. "Wow, looks like Goku has a few magic tricks as well. He left the boastful and loose lib Trixie speechless." Rainbow snide while everyone laughs. Trixie was about to retort before Goku cuts her off.

"Hey everyone the princesses are right outside," Goku said.

"How can you tell?" Trixie asks.

"I can sense their energy," Goku said. Before Trixie could reply, the doors opened once again, this time revealing the princesses, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart. Everyone save for Goku proceeds to bow.

"Really everypony, there's no need for formalities among friends," Celestia stated. Goku walks straight up to the Royals to extend his greetings.

"Hiya Celestia. How ya been?" Goku asks casually. Trixie's mouth fell agape at the audaciousness she was witnessing.

Celestia giggles at this. "Everything has been going well. I wish to extend my sincerest thanks for defending the others while in the Dragon Lands.

"Verily sister. We hath heard tales of your victory against Dragon Lord Torch. A feat that many cannot boast lightly. We hath also learned that thou used a new technique in thy triumph. We would like very much to see this." Luna praises.

"Hahaha no need to thank me; it was pretty fun," Goku said.

"Hold on, you mean to tell me that you went to the Dragon Lands and fought a dragon? Why didn't you take me?" Scootaloo asks with big puppy dog eyes.

"Were ya scared Mr. Goku?" Applebloom asks.

"How did you win?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Can you show us?" Silver Spoon asks.

"Yeah." Diamond Tiara said.

Goku soon found himself being swarmed by the fillies while the others watch with amusement. Trixie puts her hand to her mouth and whispers to Starlight. "What exactly is going on here? How can this oaf best a dragon when Trixie feels no magic coming from him? And how can he act so casually around royalty?"

"I'll fill you in later but this how Goku acts with everypony." Starlight whispers back.

As Goku continues to get swarmed, a sudden weight soon sets on his head. He looks up to see a baby alicorn with a purple and blue mane along with pink fur. Goku reaches up and holds the babies in his hands, and the two begin to study one another. "Hello there. Where did you come from?" he asks as the baby responds with a giggle.

"Goku, she is our daughter and princess of the Crystal Empire. Say hello to Flurry Heart." Cadence says.

"Aww what a cute name. Hey Flurry Heart, my names Goku." Goku said as he lightly tickles Flurry hearts stomach. Unfortunately, she laughs so hard that she went to sneeze. And a blast of magic hit Goku square in the face, leaving behind a cloud of smoke.

"Oh no, I thought she was out of that phase," Cadence said with alarm. The others look on with horror as the smoke cleared. Thankfully, the only damage was Goku's face covered in soot.

"Wow, that was pretty good. You're gonna be an amazing fighter when you grow." Goku said.

"Well, she ought to be. She is my daughter." Shining Armor said with pride. Cadence walks up and takes Flurry Heart back in her arms.

"Are you sure you're fine, Goku?" Spike asks.

"Yeah, no problem. I've been hit with worst." Goku said nonchalantly. Despite his reassurance, a small bit of fire appeared at the tip of Goku's hair.

"Um, Goku?" Fluttershy says quietly.

"Hmm? Yes, Fluttershy?" Goku responds to the yellow pegasus.

"Well um, oh my, you see..." Fluttershy tried to form words as the small fire slowly spread up while Goku remains oblivious.

"Yes?" Goku said as he waited patiently.

"Your um hair is on fire," Fluttershy said in a barely audible voice.

"My stairs are on a tire? But my ship doesn't have wheels." Goku said. By this time the fire had spread to another lock of Goku's hair. Trixie finally had enough.

"You're manes on fire, you twit," Trixie yelled out.

"What do you mean-- Aaah!!" Goku screams as he starts running around the group in a circle. Meanwhile, Spike and the fillies pursue him in an attempt to assist whereas everyone looks on with amusement and irritation.

"Not to worry, I got this," Rainbow said as she flew out a nearby window and came back with a cloud. She position the cloud above Goku and with a fast buck of her leg, let loose a small waterfall that does the growing flames.

Goku stood still as his entire body was soaked. A thin trail of smoke was coming from his head. He shook off the water on his face and gave Rainbow a grateful smile. "Thanks a lot, Rainbow."

"No problem big guy," Rainbow said.

Twilight rolled her eyes at the scene and let out a dispassionate sign. "If we are done playing around. I want to get to the reason I called you all here," she said as her horn lit up. Soon a very familiar device came into view. "Goku, do you recognize this?"

"Hey yeah, that the scouter that Bulma took from Saiyans," Goku said while the group became confused.

"What in the hay's a scooter?" Applejack asks.

"I am glad you asked Applejack. A scouter can detect and determine a ponies strength or power level as Goku would say. After a quick study session with Dr. Briefs, I was able to learn how to operate it." Twilight said.

"So this device can tell how strong a pony is?" Starlight said.

"Precisely, my student, which is why I would like to test this function out today. Any volunteers?" Twilight asks. There was a brief pause around the room until Scootaloo steps forward.

"I wanna try it," Scootaloo said. Twilight nods and hold the device in her magic. She holds it up to her eye and presses the red button on its side. The scouter powers up and Twilight begins to scan Scootaloo.

"Alright, the Scouter is calculating..." Twilight said as the scouter finished. "You're power level is 100."

"Neat, that's good right?" Scootaloo asks

"Yes, it is actually. You're as strong a man I fought against back when I was your age." Goku told her. Scootaloo was giddy at the fact she was as strong as a full grown stallion by Earth standards.

"Oh do me next," Applebloom said as Twilight scans her.

"Your power level is at 107," Twilight said while Applebloom beamed.

"Hey, that's not fair. Why is Applebloom stronger than me?" Scootaloo huffed.

"Don't get discouraged. Applebloom works down at the farm almost as much as Applejack, so naturally, she'll be a little stronger." Goku said.

"Me next me next!" Sweetie Belle cheers.

"You're at 79 Sweetie Belle," Twilight said much to Sweeties disappointment.

"Fret not my dear sister. Where you may lack in physical might, you make it up in beauty and grace." Rarity said as she embraced her little sister in a hug. The sugar lumps came up next, and Twilight scans both of them.

"Diamond TIara's power level reads 65 and Silver Spoon's is 64," Twilight said.

"Ha! I'm stronger than you." Diamond teased to which Silver Spoon sticks her tongue out at her.

"Spike, how about you give it a try." Rarity suggests. Spike instantly ran in front of Twilight.

"Spike, you're power level is at 511," Twilight said.

"Alright!!" Spike said happily.

"Twilight, would you mind scanning Flurry Heart?" Cadence request as Twilight got to work.

"She will most likely score a ten dear," Shining said.

"Nonsense. Our little filly will easy be--"

"8,534!!!!" Twilight exclaims while everyone gasps.

"--OVER 8,000!!! There's no way that can be right; can it?" Shining said in disbelief. Flurry giggle at their reactions.

"I-I suppose that makes sense given that she blew holes in the castles and shattered the crystal heart." Cadence summarized.

"Haha, see I told you. That baby's a real fighter already." Goku said.

"Trixie would like a turn now. She is sure that her power level will be off the charts!!" Trixie boasts. Twilight rolls her eyes and scans her.

"You're 314," Twilight said bluntly. Trixie looked someone slapped her in the face.

"That device must be defective!" Trixie protests. Starlight laid a comforting hand on the shoulder.

"Ok, let's do Starlight now-- 1,234 very impressive." Starlight threw her hands up in victory before she turned a sheepish grin to Trixie who in turn huffs and moves away from her.

Rainbow Dash flew in front Twilight. She held a confident small as Twilight got the message and scanned her. "Rainbow, you're power is at 1,300."

"Awesome!!" Rainbow cheers. Twilight glances over to Fluttershy who in turn gulps nervously. "If you don't want Twi to scan you Fluttershy, then she won't."

"No, that's ok Rainbow. I can do this, I hope." Fluttershy said, mustering all the courage she could.

"You're 315, Fluttershy," Twilight said.

"That's one more point stronger than Trixie." Rainbow praises.

"Yay!" Fluttershy cheers. Twilight turned her attention to Rarity.

"Well if you insist, darling." Rarity said as Twilight scans her.

"You're 250, Rarity," Twilight said.

"Huh, Ah, kinda thought it is lower." Applejack comments.

"Hmph only in the field of battle, darling. But in fashion, my power is unmatched." Rarity said as she gave a haughty laugh.

"Ok Applejack, let's see how you score-- 1,330," Twilight said as Applejack shot Rainbow a coy smile. Twilight turns to Pinkie Pie next who was bursting at the seems.

"Pinkie, You're power level is..."

"2,712." Pinkie beat her to the punch.

"2,712! How did - I didn't finish- Never mind." Twilight said with a pout. Pinkie giggled at this.

"Goku, would you mind scanning me, please?" Twilight asks as she hands the scouter to Goku. He pressed the button and got a readout on her power level. "So, what does mean say?"

Goku blows out a whistle as he read the scouter. "Says here that an even 4,000 Twilight." Twilight smiles at this and takes back the scouter. She then makes her way over to the Royals, specifically her brother.

"Finally my turn, huh, Twily? Well, don't be too surprised once I score higher than you." Shining Armor jokes.

"Hahahaha looks like you're in for a disappointment. It's 3,998." Twilight said as Shining jaw fell open.

"Only by 2 points." Shining Armor countered weakly. With a pleasant smile, Twilight moves to Cadence.

"Cadence, your power level is- 5,100. No, surprise there." Twilight said.

"We desire our power to be scale now, young Sparkle," Luna said. Twilight stood in front of the lunar monarch and started to scan her. Once it finished, Twilight stumbles back a bit.

"Are you ok, Twilight?" Celestia asks with concern.

"L-Luna's power level is 23,000," Twilight said like everyone, save for Goku and Celestia, was dumbfounded.

"HUZZAH!!" Luna exclaimed. She immediately tone, downed her excitement, and clear her throat. "Tis a very acceptable ranking."

"Right, now, let's do Celestia." Twilight recomposed herself and went up to her mentor. "You're power level is 25,500!!" Luna's mouth fell agape while Celestia giggles at her sister's reaction.

"Do not harbor any hard feelings, Luna. It's only natural that the older sibling is stronger than, the younger one." Celestia pauses and looks over at Shining Armor. "In most cases, anyway." Luna puffs out her cheeks and pouts at this.

"Now then everypony. I think we all know who is next. Goku, if you would stand in front and center, please?" Twilight said as she gestures Goku over. Goku smiles and walks right in front of her.

"Oh, I wonder what Goku's power level will be?" Fluttershy ponders out loud.

"He might be tied with Auntie Luna since they fought to a stalemate." Cadence offers.

"True but Princess Celestia interrupted the fight before they could finish." Shining Armor said.

"Shh, no talking, please." Twilight chastised as her sister and brother huffs at her. "Ok, Goku's power level is-- Wait a second. That can't be right."

"What's wrong, Twilight? What does the scouter say about Goku's power level?" Starlight asks.

"It's 0.5," Twilight said to everyone present.


Silence reign throughout as everyone tries to digest what they heard. That is until Rainbow Dash fell to the ground laughing.

*Uncontrollable Laughter*

"Wow, that's got to sting," Rainbow said as she continues laughing.

"Come on, and Dash lay off of Goku here." Applejack scolds.

"But isn't that less than one and wasn't that the same as Fluttershy's wing power rating?" Spike asks.

"No way! There has to be a mistake." Scootaloo said. While the others begin to bicker, Celestia and Luna were studying Goku carefully. He stood perfectly still while the ever-present smile remained on his face. A smile that screams he knew something they did not.

"Everypony calm down. Maybe there was a glitch. Let's try again." Twilight said as she starts the scouter up again. "The scouter reads 1,006," she said with a frown.

"Twilight darling, what is the matter? That number is a much better improvement." Rarity said. However, Twilight merely shakes her head.

"It's still far too small considering everything that we witness up till now." Twilight paused as she looks from the scouter to Goku. "Do you think the scouter is malfunctioning Goku?"

"No, I'd say it's working just fine," Goku replies. This time Applejack narrows her eyes in suspicion.

"Ya, sure about that partner?" Applejack said as she eyed Goku's smiling face.

"Well, we always give it one try," Goku suggests. Twilight nods and scans Goku for the third time.

"This time it's 25,500! Amazing, you're as strong as Princess Celestia Goku." Twilight stated much to everyone's shock. The solar monarch slowly approaches Goku with a knowing smirk adorned on her face.

"It would appear that there is more to you than meets the eye Goku." Celestia praises. Although, to the highly trained ears, the message Celestia sent was clear.

"Haha, I try my best," Goku replies, signaling that the message was received. Before another word was utter, a low grumbling erupts in the rec room. "Say, can we go to eat soon?"

"Verily Sir Goku. We are feeling hunger as well." Luna said.

"I did finish my little experiment here today. I will also be sure to ask Dr. Brief to look over the scouter for any glitches. For now, let's all head to the dining room." Twilight said.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheers in agreement. As everyone left the room, Goku and Celestia exchange another look before following the others.

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