• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 17,236 Views, 1,058 Comments

Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 2: Journey to planet Equis?!! part 2 (Edited)

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for the wait but here's ep 2. I decided to just use my phone to write is internet still off. However, now it will be harder to spot errors so please point them and I'll fix them. Tell what you think of my OCs. I made since the sugar lumps are good now.

[Canterlot - 8:00 am, Dining Hall - Third Person POV.]

Inside the dining hall sits the beautiful majestic Princess Celestia enjoying a nice blend of her favorite tea. She wore an elegant dress of pure white that split down her legs with a yellow belt near her hips with a sun-shaped buckle on it. She stood 6'12, a giant among all her subjects, with her sister being a close second at 6'7. It was moments like these that made the ruling over Equestria worthwhile despite all the hassle of day court and those nigh insufferable noble.

"I'll never understand why my little ponies believe that just because they have wealth and titles somehow makes them better than those without." She thought.

Some nobles like fancy pants and Fleur De Lis were always kind and pleasant to every pony, even going to donate some of their wealth to the different orphanages within Canterlot. They and a few other families are the real ones, but for every good must come bad, and, unfortunately, there were plenty of bad. One excellent example was Sir Penny Pinching, a laughable yet true-to-name stallion. He once pitched to me during day court on cutting back costs for the country by cutting funds from all schooling facilities that didn't make the necessary grade level. Of course, he meant all school facilities that weren't in Canterlot. He also didn't bother to check the classes of those schools since I had to tell him that all those fillies and colts were performing well above the percentage rate.

"The look he made when he tried to report but got the words tumbling out of his mouth was priceless," She giggled as she remembered how he nearly tripped running out of court that day. Then, a confident noble named Sharp Tongue thought he could talk any pony into seeing things his way. He seemed to have the impression that he could persuade Celestia to give him bits from the royal treasury. He wanted the extra money for renovations to the home to include a 'relief' room, but he could not outright say that in public. So he used quick phases and long wordings to cover his tracks.

"Oh, my," Celestia giggled. "Such a shame he didn't realize that linguistics and subtext was one of the first things I learned when it came to politics. He must have thought either I would be to tried to catch his ruse or that I had entered decline with old age." She paused as her eyes widen with realization. "For his sake, that better be former, not the latter." She thought with a slight sneer on her features that quickly turned into a smile when she used her sharp mind and far superior word phases to utterly bewildered the stallion. He stood in bafflement as the guards carried him out. But probably the worse one of all the nobility was-

"AUNTIE!" A loud and obnoxious voice called out. One that causes Celestia to groan and close her eyes. Irritation begins to creep as her pleasant morning was interrupted. "Auntie, this is such a grave travesty! How could you let that pretender host the annual meteor shower along with entertaining all the delegates of other countries when that honor should go to true nobility, namely myself." Blueblood whined as he burst through the dining hall doors causing the guards to stumble. He was wearing his full white suit. "She will only disgrace all of Equestria by letting such prominent figures walk among those uncultured commoners in that backward hick town," he finished as he closed his eyes and tilted his muzzle upwards in disgust.

"OK, Celestia, deep breaths patience is an acquired skill, one you mastered centuries ago, DEEP BREATHS!" Celestia thought while trying to keep her temperament under control. Very few of her ponies, save for the occasional villain, got under her fur, yet somehow, Blueblood never fails to disappoint. So after calming down, she looked at her nephew to address the 'issues' he brought to her attention.

"Blueblood!!" She said with authority. "There are several reasons why I have wanted Princess Twilight to host this year." She continued as she gazes at Blueblood as a parent would when their child was miss behaving.

"Number 1: Twilight has saved Equestria more times than you styled your mane," She said as Blueblood looked aghast at the insinuation that he had poor hair care while the guards behind snickered.

"Number 2: She and her friends performed outstandingly when the delegates from Yakistan came to broker peace with us and again when the city officials came to Canterlot to place their gems to the ceremonial statue."

"Number 3: Did you not yourself say that, and I quote, 'I will never understand why we must align ourselves with those brutish inferiors that dare say they hold a candle to our country and culture. You will never see me conversing with the likes of them'. So knowing this, I left Twilight with the task as she is more tolerant of different perspectives."

"Number 4: Ponyville is anything but uncultured. They have a long, rich history dating back to their founding. It's home to the best businesses that provide excellent services to all of Equestria. One benefactor is sweet apple acres, which provides the best apple-based products I've ever had. The other is the element of generosity herself, Rarity, who produces the best design. She even opened up a boutique here in Canterlot."

"Number 5: And this is most important: I have watched twilight grow from that awkward little filly to my most promising student to the most wonderful princess she is now. I will also remind you that she is no mere pretender as she has earned her princess-hood through hard work and her understanding of friendship. Furthermore, besides my sister and cadence, I completely trust her, and you WILL respect her if you wish to attend in a week UNDERSTAND?!!" She said. The last part of her rant causes the room to shake under the magical pressure. It was too early in the morning for this, and she did not like the idea of the disrespect he was giving Twilight in such a manner.

Celestia finishes her speech leaving Blueblood dumbfounded but still cohesive enough to give a nod of understanding. He then begrudgingly left the dining to prepare for the event. With a sigh, Celestia was able to return to enjoying her tea. She looked to the guards, who were still chuckling over Blueblood's tongue lashing but quickly straightened up and felt a little downcast that her morning was somewhat spoiled. Celestia fixed them a smile. It is known throughout the castle how much of a bother Blueblood can be and assured them that they would not receive a reprimand. At this moment, she felt the reminiscent magic signature of a teleport happen next to her revealing the somewhat tried form of Princess Luna.

"Good morning, my dear sister," Celestia said. She was positively beaming at her arrival as it was scarce for here to be up at this hour.

"Good morrow to thee to sister. We came to see how you were doing before tending to our sleeping rituals." Luna said sleepily. "We could not help but overhear thy's scolding of our irritant nephew. Pray, tell how has he 'got under your fur' as the younglings say these days."

"Oh, he was just expressing his diastase for Twilight hosting the meteor shower this year," Celestia said, still holding her happy feeling and enjoying the time with her sister.

"It still perplexes us to no end on how such a pest became our nephew, let alone how he holds nobility," Luna said with a scowl while Celestia held a blush before responding.

"His family was a great help to me during the more trying times of my solitary rule before your return," Celestia said as she winced a little. She did not like bringing up her banishment and hoped she did not ruin the positive atmosphere.

"Worry not, sister. We have moved past that moment in our lives. Let us not look to the past but look to the coming future." Luna proclaimed dramatically. It was going to be a great experience to share with her friends and family.

"Yes, your right, sister, and I plan on all of us having a splendid time. Now you should be off to bed before you oversleep and forget to raise the moon," Celestia couldn't help but quip at the blunder her sister made.

"Twas one error on our part ONE, and thou still will not leave it be," Luna exclaimed before teleporting back to her chambers.

Celestia giggled at her sister's antics. "Sure, it was Luna."

[Space - Goku's ship - Third Person POV.]

"45, 46, 47," Goku strained as he had himself hanging upside down from the ceiling of his ship. Finally, he was suspended from the ground by a metal cable, performing another set of situps under 60 times earth's normal gravity. The training was going well until he began to feel more substantial than when he started.

"Huh, what's going on? I shouldn't be this worn out already," Goku protested while trying to continue his exercise but finding out that he was barely able to move an inch. Just then, The video monitor activated, and an image appeared displaying an older man with light blue-greyish hair. He was wearing an open white lab coat and a light green undershirt; he had glasses and a black cat resting on his shoulders.

"Hello there Goku, I see you hard at work training again," The old man said.

"Oh, hey, doctor Brief. Nice to hear from you again. How are things back on the Earth." Goku said although he was still finding it difficult to turn around and face the doctor.

"Everything's fine on our, my boy, but I must ask why you are hanging upside down like this." Briefs said. " Seems to me your having a rather tough time of it. Have you finally found a training program too strenuous for you to handle?" He said while giving off a gruff laugh.

"Ha Ha, this is nothing actually, but for some strange reason, I can hardly move even though I don't feel tired," Goku grunted out.

"I should believe so with the fact that your current training is 100 times Earth's normal gravity." Briefs said.

"WHAT HUNDRED TIMES NORMAL GRAVITY?!!!"Goku blurted out, panic painted across his face, Struggling with new vigor to free himself to no avail. "That doesn't make any sense. I only had it at 60. Is there something wrong with the machine?"

"Hmm, no, my instruments show that everything is in working order but let me run a diagnostic." Brief said. "Ah, it would appear you're stuck in some cosmic electrical storm that's interfering with your ship's systems." Briefs concluded.

"Oh man, what do I do now," Goku said.

"Nothing, my boy, you'll just have to wait it out." said Briefs.

"Great," Goku said. However, unbeknownst to both Doctor Briefs and Son Goku. Cosmic electrical storms are wildly unpredictable. Therefore, it is best to avoid them during interstellar travels. This storm, in particular, encased his entire ship and shifted him from his intended course. This phenomenon inadvertently set him on a new destination. Instead of heading to planet Namek, he headed to a new world that sat in between the north and south galaxies.

[Planet Equis- 7:00 pm - Night of the meteor show.]

The quaint little town of Ponyville was abuzz with new activities. Ponies were setting up several banners representing each of the visiting delegate's nations throughout the area. Ponies were everywhere running about, making sure their town looked extraordinarily extravagant for tonight's event. The earth ponies had just finished building a stage for the formal speech and well-crafted side bleachers for the delegates on the left and duplicate thrones for the princesses on the right. The pegasi ensured that there would be no inclement weather of any kind. The sky was devoid of even the most minuscule cloud particles. Finally, the unicorns used their magical talents to cast a spell on all the light fixtures around the town. They glowed a bright spectrum that illuminated the village in the night. Everything was going according to plan for most of the inhabitants — all except one teenaged dragon.

"I knew it. I bucking knew I would get stuck with a menial task for tonight. So here I am, sitting in the bleachers, dressed as one of the meteors for all the world to see. All because I let Rarity coax me into it. It wouldn't be so bad since Rarity asked me but do I have to sit with Cheerilee's class." Spike groaned. Just as he predicted weeks ago at the slumber party, He was stuck doing another abysmal task while everypony else was doing much more decent jobs.

"Ha Ha Ha look at Spike, the dragon. He's just like a great mothball." Some Colt said, causing Spike to groan.

"Ha yeah, or maybe he went too far ahead of the other meteors, and now he was to wait so that they will pick him up." Another colt added on, further increasing his ire. These two colts have been irking everyone's nerves, but they seem especially fond of Spike.

These two colts are new residents of Ponyvile. Ever since the castle sprouted out of the ground, ponies worldwide wanted to visit Ponyville for many reasons. Some wanted to meet the new princess, some wanted to meet the elements, and some decided Ponyville was a perfect place to settle down. In addition, it was a great boon for the town's economy as more ponies meant better income for businesses, both old and new. Unfortunately, some ponies from Canterlot came as well, and they brought that elitist attitude with them. The two colts here are prime examples of that approach. The first Colt's name is Spoiled Brat; he has a dark purple mane and a light purple coat. The other one is Rotten Core; he has white fur with blue hair.

"Why don't you two scurry back to your mommies if you know what's good for you," A new and familiar voice said. What caught Spike by surprise as he turned around was that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came to his aid along with the CMC(Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scooterloo). Spike was shocked to see them together; given their history, it seems they did become friends.

"What was that diamond head?" Spoiled said as he got in her face trying to intimidate her, but she did not even falter to her credit. She also held a smile on her face.

"You heard me; I said back off unless, of course, you want the whole class to know why your mom moved to Ponyville." She retorted, causing the colt to clam up quickly.


"What is happening here?" Another voice had interrupted the colt before things got out of hoof. "Would your fillies and colts mind explaining what's all the commotion about?" Cheerilee said as she was walking to the wayward group. "I'm sure I don't have to remind you all to be on your best behavior tonight, do I?" She said, aiming the last part of her sentence at the two colts who have been causing problems since their arrival.

"No, Miss Cheerilee." The entire class said in unison, causing her to cock her brow and eye them suspiciously.

"Superb. Now everypony, please sit down. The princesses will be here shortly." Cheerilee said

"This isn't over." Spoiled whispered to Tiara, who gave a huff and cocky grin in return.

"Your still here, mommy's colt?" She taunted as he turned away, fuming while dragging his friend along.

"Way to go, Diamond." Said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, that was incredible." Scooterloo chimed in.

"When it comes to bullying, you're still the master Diamond." Silver Spoon finished. Her statement caused the CMC to giggle and Diamond to blush bright red.

"Puh-lease. Don't lump me in with those amateurs." She said, making everypony laugh anew.

"Hey, Spike, you ok?" Sweetie Belle asked. She knew Spike was feeling embarrassed having to wear that get-up.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks for coming. Now you all need to get seated," Cheerilee said." He told them.

"Ok, see ya later, Spike," Sweetie said as she left to join her friends.

"Wonderful, now fillies are saving me." Spike sighed as he began to sit on the ground but quickly shut up when he realized he was still in Rarity's costume. The only thing worse than lecture mode from twilight. It's Rarity's dramatics for nearly everything upsetting. "I wish this dumb shower would start already. This suit is degrading."

"NOW PRESENTING, THE PRINCESSES OF EQUESTRIA," A royal guard called out as the princesses' carriages came into view. Alongside them were the blimps hailing from the other nations that were a part of the alliance, and Spike couldn't be happier.

"YES, now things can get moving," Spike said with total glee.

[Meanwhile, in Planet Equis outer atmosphere]

A spark of electricity flared; space began to warp and distort. Soon that distortion grew, and a sizeable spherical ship emerged, closing in on the planet ahead.

"Whew, boy, am I ever glad that storm finally passed. It was kind of unexpected." Goku said, relieved that his ordeal with the gravity machine has long passed. "I guess one good thing came from that experience. Now that my body has sufficiently accumulated to 100 times normal gravity training, I'm ready for whatever Planet Namek has in store for me." He said confidently.

His time within the cosmic storm was grueling as the malfunctioning gravity threaten to tear his body asunder. However, through much determination, Goku freed himself from his perilous position and turned off the machine. The experience, while jarring, inspired Goku to continue to train in 100 times gravity. The result has pushed his power to unimaginable levels.

Just then, the video monitor opened up again. "Goku, can you hear me? Are you alright, my boy?" Doctor brief asked.

"Hey, Doctor Briefs, I can hear you just fine, and I'm ok. I'm better than ok." Goku said, placing his right arm against his chest, pounding it slightly.

"That's good to hear. I was worried when that storm caused the communications to cut out. But it would seem that those worries are for naught. The ship is fine, and you're nearing the planet. Things should-Oh dear." Brief cut himself off as a new problem started to develop.

"Now, what's happening?" Goku asked, slightly worried.

"Oh, nothing too serious, you're just entering a meteor shower. Quite the unusual visual spectacle, I might add," Brief said.

"So, what can I do to avoid it?" Asked Goku.

"Well, normally, I'd be more confident in the ship's reinforced hull, expect those rocks are quite massive, and it's best not to take any risk at this juncture. So here, I'm handing you manual control of the ship." Dr. Briefs said as he disabled the ship's autopilot on his end.

Goku rubbed his index finger on the side of his head in a display of confusion. All his life, up till now, he never drove anything, save for the flying nimbus. Bulma and the others had always driven the vehicles.

"You sure that's best, Doctor Brief? I never flew vehicles before, let alone a spaceship," Goku stated.

"Of course, my boy. The controls are straightforward to use, and maneuvering through those meteors shouldn't prove too difficult." Brief said.

"Hmm? I guess it would be easier than fighting a great ape monster." Goku said, reflecting on his battle with Vegeta. "Alright, lets I'll do it." He said confidently.

"Good luck, my boy. I'll contact you once your planetside." Dr. Briefs said as the video monitor went black.

Goku then sat down and took the controls of the ship. "Don't worry, everyone. I'm almost there." So he said, preparing to guide his ship safely to Planet Namek.

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