• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 30: Reckoning of The Umbrum!

[Third Person POV.]

Scootaloo was currently flying through the Frozen North as she made her way to the Crystal Empire as per the instructions of Goku. While there wasn't any doubt that Goku could fend for himself, Scootaloo couldn't precisely push down the feeling of foreboding as the Empire drew closer.

"Nothing to worry about, Scoots. Goku will beat that jerk then find the bug queen and stop the bad ponies..." She reassures herself. "But why did he have to tell me to leave? I wanted to kick flank too~ I better hurry up. I think a storm is gonna hit pretty soon!" With that said, Scootaloo picked up the pace while the skies became shrouded in ominous black clouds.

[The Crystal Empire - The Throne room.]

Shining Armor stood in front of the must skilled crystal guards the empire had to offer. Princess Cadence, along with the elements, Starlight, Spike, and Sunburst watch as he addresses the guards. "Listen up stallions and mares! At this very moment, trouble is descending upon the Empire. An old enemy of Equestria has resurfaced and are planning to invade! They are known as the Changelings, and as you can tell by the name, they can assume the form of other beings. The Changeling Queen leads them; Chrysalis!" He said as low murmurs could go off among the guards.

"An invasion?"

"What the hay's a changeling?"

"They can disguise themselves as ponies?!"

"My prince, what do you require of us?"

"At the moment, we are on high alert. However, we must also be cautious to avoid blindly accusing anypony of being a changeling," Shining Armor said.

"But your highness, how can we tell if somepony is a changeling in disguise?"

Shining Armor smirks as he gestures to Spike. "Fear not my Crystal guards. Spike the brave and the glorious has a means of detecting the changelings," All the guards sighed in relief at this good news. "As well as another being. He was sent out to confront an unknown contributor to the changeling cause. There's no doubt he will succeed and provide us with useful intel!"

As Shining Armor went on, Spike's eyes widened in surprise. "That feels like-- Scootaloo!" Just as Spike realizes this, Scootaloo came in through the large balcony surprising everyone present.

"SCOOTALOO!!!" Everyone called out. Scootaloo soon found herself embrace by her elder sibling as she spun her around in the air with joy.

"Eww! Public affection! Gross!" Scootaloo said in mock anger.

Rainbow pulled away from the hug and ruffled her mane. "I promise that's the last time. I got an image to uphold after all,"

"How is she flying without flapping her wings?" Sunburst asked, whispering to Starlight.

"I'll fill you in later," Starlight replied.

"We're all glad that you're ok, Scootaloo. But we must ask what exactly happen with you," Cadence said. Rainbow and Scootaloo landed on the ground so Scootaloo could tell her tale.

"Well, that bug queen Chrysalis captured me and put me in one of those gooey pod things..." Scootaloo said as Rarity looked disgusted.

"Urgh!? How horrid! Placing a small filly in such a filthy place! Look what they've done to your fabulous clothing!!"

"Rarity...! Focus!" Twilight ordered.

"Then She and some ponies from the tournament showed up. Along with the bug queen, a purple and blue mare and a gray stallion," Scootaloo went on.

"Um, ponies from the tournament?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, it was the unicorn twins with the awesome armor, the minotaur that Spike fought, and the Ultra Bolt leader," Scootaloo said causing many of the group to gasp while Rainbow and Applejack gritted their teeth.

"Why those conniving, low down, swindlers! Ah knew those two were trouble!" Applejack said.

"I'm going to buck Lightning Dust into next week! Nopony messes with my sister!" Rainbow said.

"Let's not jump to conclusion just yet. These ponies could very well be under Chrysalises' control," Twilight offered.

"You said there was a stallion there as well. Can you tell us anything else about this pony?" Shining Armor chimed in.

"Well, he wore a gray armor with a red cape and white fur at the end--"

"--White fur trimming, darling," Rarity cut her off, earning a glare from the rest of the party. "Hehe, sorry..."

"He had a wavy black mane; sorta like the princesses. His eyes were pretty weird too. They were red and green and had like a purple mist coming out of it," Scootaloo said as everyone paled at the description.

"...No. It can't be...!" Cadence utters in a soft tone. Shining Armor walked up to Scootaloo with a grim expression.

"Was he a unicorn and was his horn curved upwards with a red tint at the top?" Scootaloo nodded at the question and lost all color to their features.

"...K-K-King Sombra-a-a...!!!"

"That's impossible!"

"Spike, the brave and glorious, and Princess Cadence defeated him with the Crystal Heart! He can't be back!"

"Guards maintain discipline!" Shining ordered, but it seemed to have minimal effect. Scootaloo was confused by this reaction.

"What's the big deal? He's not so tough! I was even able to deck him in the snout and send him into the wall!" Scootaloo said while crossing her arms and holding her head up high.

"Ha! Way to go, Scoots!' Rainbow praises.

"That's because he let down his guard..." Spike stated. Everyone turned to see the fierce expression on his face. "Judging by how torn up your Gi is, I bet he didn't like that too much,"

Scootaloo lost her smug attitude and chuckles sheepishly. "I, uh, did kinda used up all my power just to knock him down but don't worry Goku's taking care of him,"

"Hey, that's right. Sonny went to find you," Pinkie said.

"Shouldn't we try and go find them?" Starlight suggested, but Sunburst butted in.

"That would be a bad idea. Violent snowstorms usually pick up around this time of the day. If they met up in the frozen north, then it would be too dangerous to venture out the empire," Sunburst informs.

"Not like we need to anyhow. Goku's got this in the bag, right Spike?" Scootaloo confidently said as she turns to her fellow pupil. Spike nodded in agreement. However, both of their eyes shot open moments later.

"N-no-no way..." Spike said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"But how?! I was there. Goku was way stronger! I know it!" Scootaloo said vehemently.

"What is it? What happen!?" Twilight asked.

"Goku's Ki just disappeared. One second it was there and the next-- Nothing..." Spike said in shock. Everyone gasps at the news.

"What does that mean? Is-is Goku alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course, he is. He's Goku!" Rainbow said firmly.

"Hold on everypony. Goku's power just vanished, but I don't think he's hurt..." Twilight said as she summoned the Scouter and went to the balcony. She scanned the area toward the Northeast until she got a blimp on her readings. "I'm picking a power level, so somepony is out there,"

"And I bet I know who that pony is..." Spike said as he walks up to the balcony. "I'm going ahead!" Before anyone could protest, Spike activated his aura and flew over in the direction this Ki was emanating. Scootaloo tried to follow but was held in place by Sunburst, Starlight, and Twilight's magic.

"It's too dangerous. The storms outside the empire will be hitting soon," Sunburst said as Scootaloo struggled.


"It will be alright, Scootaloo. Spike can handle himself," Cadence said. "We need to prepare for whatever it is Sombra has in store,"

[Frozen North Wasteland.]

Sombra smiles with unbridled glee as he marveled at his latest victory. He was currently taking his time walking through the snowy expanse while gazing upon his newly acquired crystal. Not only did he gained a sample of Goku's blood and his power, but he managed to seal him away. Only those who are not bound by the effects of the dimension and wield magic can come and go as they please. And since Goku is devoid of that, then there won't be anything he can do to escape from that prison.

"Soon, I will have everything I could imagine, and my brethren will be free!"

"SOMBRA!!!" A voice called out. Sombra looks around the area to locate it. The blistering cold winds blanketed his field of vision, but he couldn't find anyone. Then suddenly, a large gust of wind blew away the frosty mist obscuring his vision. Sombra stared at the impact zone with bemusement before it contorted into contempt. There, standing in the snow, was the same lonesome dragon that played a part in his defeat.

"You...!" Sombra seethed. The purple haze at the corner of his eyes flared up violently. "I see the princesses sent their pet lizard to fight their battles. How droll..." Sombra said in a bored tone. "Oh, how rude of me. I believe your name was Spike, the brave and glorious. Bah!! It amazes me that such superfluous titles exist!"

Spike snarls and bares his teeth. "Trust me when I say beating you to a pulp won't be blind luck!"

"Ooooh~ I would be intimidated if you were intimidating, but we both know who's superior to whom. Perhaps you're out here to avenge your fallen master~" Sombra taunted as Spike tensed up; eliciting a chuckle out of the dark king.

"I know for a fact Goku wouldn't lose to you!"

"Aww, there is that pointlessly hopeful naivety. While I find your delusions amusing, I'm afraid I must take my leave. Being out in the cold is not good for one's health..." Spike quickly fired a blast of Ki at Sombra before he tried to escape. The resulting explosion blew snow in all directions as Spike braced himself. When the attack subsided, there was a sizable crater where Sombra once stood. Spike rushed to the edge, hoping to find the battered form of his foe but kept his guard up. To his dismay, Sombra was nowhere tin sigh. Suddenly, the dark unicorns malicious laughter seemed to echo all around the young drake. "Don't fret little gecko. We will meet again. A storm is just on the horizon and you as well as all of Equestria will face its reckoning! Muhahahahaaa..."

Spike gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He tightens them so hard that if he had flesh instead of scales, then he would've drawn blood. Spike slams them down into the snow and lets out a roar that pierces through the howling winds. He sunk his head in defeat and began to make his way back to the crystal palace. He looks around one last time as one single thought replayed in his head.

"Where are you, Goku?"

[Unknown location.]

Goku stared at the hybrid pony for some time now. Unlike the other species he's met on this planet so far, this equine was quadripedal. Its' entire body seemed made of smoke or smog. Goku had seen some bizarre things on his adventures, but this pony hybrid took the cake.

"Soooo can you talk or what?"

"Uh, yes?" Goku replied. He looked around to gain his bearings.

"That's great mister weird stallion. My name's Rabia. What's yours?"

"My name's Goku," He said as he got to his feet. "So where are we?"

Rabia's features turned sour as she spoke. "We were banished here a long time ago by a naughty pony. Our only purpose is to spread joy and peace, but then that pony sent us here. We've tried and failed to get out so many times. Plus, any magic here won't work..."

"We?' There's more of you guys?" Rabia nodded in response. "And hey, this place isn't so bad. It just looks a little-- Bleak," Goku then realizes something. "Hey, you said no magic could be used here right? So maybe I can help you guys out. Say, what are you anyway?"

Rabia beamed at Goku's willingness to help. "We are called the Umbrum and thank so much for wanting to help free us," Rabia was brimming with joy that she went up and hugged Goku's frame as best as she could. Although it was at this moment that Goku felt an unnerving chill down his spine. Goku also noticed that not only was he getting this foreboding feeling, but he wasn't picking up any other Ki signatures. It was possible that the place was disabling some of his abilities, but at the same time, he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling washing over him.

Goku gave a half-hearted pat on Rabia's back and broke the hug. He didn't want to be fooled again by a seemingly tragic tale like he was with the changelings. But he didn't want to dismiss anything just yet. "It's no trouble at all,"

"Great! Let's meet the others. We do have another friend working to free us but if you can help us now that we can give her the good news!" Rabia grabs Goku by the forearm and pulls him across the field. He kept his guard up and sharpened his senses for anything suspicious.

"Let's see where this goes..."

[Chrysalis Hive.]

Sombra reappeared in his quarters before he collapsed from magical exhaustion. He had been ready to deal with the Saiyan, gathering enough magic from his captive, and gaining what he so desperately needed. Facing his pupil would have gone poorly for him, but thankfully he escaped Hope was there waiting for him and quickly went to his aid. He coughed and wheezed as Hope used her magic to heal him.

"That was completely moronic to face him alone," Hope said as she finished her spell.

"Perhaps but the risk was well worth it," Sombra said as he presented the blood red crystal. A tiny yellow orb glowed from the center.

"So what will you do with it? Use your magic to create some copy of Son Goku?"

"Please Hope! Nothing so predictable. I did not go through all this effort to give this power to some carbon-based byproduct. No, I will be the only one to receive it," Hope shot Sombra a very skeptical look.

"Oh, and what will you do? Inject the crystal into yourself?" Hope snarked at her friend. However, the look on Sombra faces conveyed absolute seriousness.

"As a matter of fact, yes, that is what I plan to do,"

"You do realize that this blood belongs to an alien being! His biology and anatomy don't even come close to that of a pony. Never mind the fact that you two possibly don't share the same blood type!" She insisted, but her woes fell on deaf ears.

"Hope, you have witnessed that my body is not like the average pony. By assuming my smog form, I can absorb Son Goku's blood and his Ki directly into my being. This ritual will forever cure me of the Crystal Heart's magical effects and grant me the strength to complete our goal. Don't you wish to free Rabia and the other's?"

Hope looked unsure of how to respond. She wanted to help the umbrum but not at the expense of her friend. "I-I do want to help them, but I don't want to lose you in the process. I feel like the more we move forward the further we have to walk. It took me ages to find you again. I don't want this to be for naught,"

"Hope... Please trust me as I have you. Everything will come to fruition, I promise,"

"...Very well,"

"Good! Take us to the ghastly gorge. The last thing we need is the unwanted inference from Chrysalis, and her ilk," Hope rolled her eyes, and the two disappeared in a flash of light.

[Gastly Gorge.]

Hope and Sombra materialized on top of the great chasm in the Everfree. Sombra regarded the scenery with little interest as his mind focused on one thing and one thing only; power! Power to stand against the alicorn sisters. A skill that will help him regain what he has lost and so much more. Yes, within his very hands was the true essence of power! Sombra stripped of the upper portation of his armor, thus exposing his bare, muscular chest that Hope no had trouble ogling, and stood at the edge of the cliff. He gripped the crystal tightly in both hands and brought toward his sternum.

"Those with strength are the ones that inherit and govern the world. Those without it power are doomed to be oppressed and abused by those who do. I am oppressed and faced abuse! I have been without said strength and power for far too long. I at this moment shred this fragile mortal coil and be born anew!" With that said, Sombra plunges the crystal directly into his chest. He grimaced in pain as the glass protruded from his torso. Hope yells out in concern, but Sombra dismisses her. For a few painful moments, nothing happens that is until the crystal embedded in his chest starts to pulsate. The pulsing began to mimic the rhythm of his heartbeat until it synchronized with it. The shard wiggled about and dug itself deeper into Sombra's being. The dark unicorn fell to his knees, writhing in agony, as the shard went deeper.

"SOMBRA!?!?" Hope rushed to his side as he threw his head back, howling in pain. But as she got closer, electricity shot out from his body and pushes her back. The crystal finally buried itself within Sombra's body while the dark king continues to scream out in pain. His body slowly took on his smog form, and he levitated a few feet off the ground. Hope watched as the crystal stayed in the center of his smog from; giving off an eerie red and yellow glow. The glow slowly intensifies as the red and yellow color consume the black mist. Finally, the process has finished, and a large pillar of power erupted into the sky for all to see.

Back in Canerlot, Celestia gave paused from her day court session as a pillar of red, black, and yellow shot out in the sky. She felt as though the foulest being of Tartarus had escaped. Elsewhere, Luna shot up from her bed from the intensity of magic in the air. Her breath was short, and sweat covered her form, Instantly, she teleported to her sister to see what has gone array.

"Sister! Did you feel that magic--" Her words died in her throat as she too watched the pillar of power ascend to the skies above. The area around it took on a dark and ominous hue.

"Yes, my sister, I have..." Celestia swallowed down the lump in her throat as the growing feeling of nervousness took hold.

In the Empire, Scootaloo's eyes went wide with horror as a familiar presence of Goku's Ki enveloped her. But this felt dark and twisted. Far removed from the calm and serene feeling Goku usually puts out. Her entire body trembled like never before as she continued to stare out past the empire and toward the Ki.


Spike was not faring any better as he stopped in mid-flight on his way back to the Empire. This new dark presence quickly overshadowed the stinging chill from the snowstorm that Spike knew too well. "Sombra!? But what happened? And why is Goku with him?"

Hope had managed to throw a shield around herself when the tower erupted. However, even within the safety of her protection, she felt the immense weight of Sombra's power bore down on her. She didn't know what to make of it. The pillar finally died down just as Chrysalis and company appeared next to the awestruck unicorn.

"What are you two fools doing now? I felt a powerful influx of magic burst from here?"

"...That is somewhat of correct observation, but I'm afraid you're still far off my bug queen..." Sombra's voice called out as everyone looked towards him. Several series of gasps rang out at sight before them. There Sombra stood yet at the same time, so did something else. The being before them was barren of any hint of fur, and he had fair white skin. His chiseled, more defined muscles flexed as he drew breath. Everyone slowly trailed upwards to the creatures face and discovered that his snout was smaller and compact while his muzzle seemed to have disappeared. What was once hooves now resembled feet, and the ten appendages wiggled of their violation. Sombra touched the top of his head to confirm that the only thing that remained of his pony form was his horn.

(The first picture with Sombra in his armor I placed in the last chapter is still his default outfit.)

Sombra started with a low chuckle that gradually grew in size. He threw his head back and started cackling as he floated to the skies above. He threw his arms out as if to present himself to the world. His laughter died down enough so he could speak clearly. "HEAR MY DENIZENS OF EQUIS. YOU'RE TRUE KING HAS RETURNED! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!" With that loud declaration, Sombra descended back to the ground and turned to his dumbfounded companions. "If you're all done gawking then I suggest we get started,"

"...Yes...! Good! We shall discuss our next move in the throne room," Chrysalis said as she teleported everyone back to the hive.

[Crystal Empire.]

Twilight's Scouter went frantic as new readings displayed on her visor. Her eyes went wild as the texts were coming directly from the Everfree forest. "We do not need this right now..."

"What's the matter, Twilight?" Starlight asked.

"The Scouter's picking up another power level originating from the Everfree. Whatever or whoever it is are among the list of ponies with high power levels!" Twilight informs.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Shining Armor asks.

"Bad!" A voice said. Everyone turned to see Spike landing back in the palace. "Bad. This Ki I'm feeling belongs to Sombra but..." He trailed off, trying to find the right phrasing.

"But you felt Goku's Ki with his... Like they were mixing," Scootaloo spoke up with an ominous vacant look. Scootaloo was currently hugging her knee's and lean against Rainbow who had a protective wing wrapped draped over her. "It feels so wrong..."

"We know where he is! So go kick his flank already!" Rainbow said.

"Sorry Rainbow but I just lost his signal and it would crazy to venture into the Everfree hoping something would pop up. For now, let's send the princess a letter about the current events," Twilight said as she wrote out the letter and handed it to Spike who proceeded to send it to Canterlot.

"So Chrysalis is planning on invading again. Sombra has returned, and he somehow has gotten Goku's power. And Goku himself is currently M.I.A. Is there anything I've missed?" Shining asked.

"Nope, that pretty much covers it," Pinkie said joyfully.

"We need to figure out where they will strike first. We know our enemies have two targets; The Crystal Empire and Equestria. Both of which has earned their ire," Cadence said.

"Well. Perhaps the changelings would strike the Empire first," Sunburst offered. "Chrysalises first invasion was thwarted by your love for each other. Sombra; dethroned because of you and Spike, the brave and glorious, returning the Crystal Heart to its pedestal. Both parties seemed to have a grudge against you two, your majesties. So it's safe to assume they'll strike here first,"

"What about those varmints from the tournament?" Applejack asked.

"Well, darling. If they are indeed victims of mind control, then it's not their fault. However, if the opposite is true, then I'd say they have a reason to want to attack the elements. Hence their new...alligentices," Rarity proposed.

"Alright, so we know who they're gonna attack first and where. But now the question remains when are the changelings going to strike?" Twilight said.

"Oh, um, it could be that they are going to attack during the festival--" Fluttershy tried to say but was cut off.

"Sombra would make sure everypony knows he's back. So it would be something with a lot of ponies present," Spike said.

"The festival would have plenty of ponies attending and--" Fluttershy continued, but no one paid heed again.

"I know If I wanted everypony to see me, then I would throw a big old party!" Pinkie said. Suddenly, a realization was made clear.

"THE CRYSTAL FESTIVAL!!!"Everyone called out while Fluttershy sighed.

"The festival coming at the end of the week would have everything they could need to announce themselves. We will need to have every countermeasure ready!" Cadence stated.

"I'll have every guard doing routine check-ups every 10 minutes to ensure a changeling replaced nopony!" Shining said as he went to talk to the guards.

"We'll be there to provide extra security. With our rainbow power and crystal heart on standby then Sombra won't stand a chance!" Twilight stated as everyone nodded.

"But what about Goku? We have to find him!" Scootaloo yelled out.

"And we will Scootaloo, but we have to be ready for this attack. We have to believe in Goku till we deal with this matter now," Twilight said with a tinge of guilt. She hated the idea of leaving her friend to fend for himself. But Goku has proven multiple times that he is competent.

"Besides, you and Spike could always just beat down on Sombra until he tells us where Goku is!" Rainbow said. This pep talk seemed to cheer up her younger sibling.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo said firmly.

[Unknown Location.]

Goku and Rabia continue their walk through the field. Rabia was ecstatic about making a new friend who could help with their situation. Whereas Goku quickly followed her while observing the scenery. It was just your garden variety open field with a few trees but not much else. Although, what made the Saiyan warrior confused was how can a prison seem so tranquil even if the colors a faded out. Rabia continues to lead the way deeper into a forest area as more Umbrum ponies began to crawl out of the woodwork.

"Hey, it's Rabia,"

"Who's she with?"

"That's one tall, weird looking monkey thing!"

"Hey, everypony. Here is our new friend, Goku!" Rabia said as the umbrum ponies cheered. "He's going to try and free us from this place!" She continued while the cheers grew louder. The umbrum swarmed Goku; showering him with praises and gratitude. Goku chuckles awkwardly at the display.

"Uh, thanks, everyone. We need to hurry. Some friends of mine might be in trouble!" Goku stated.

"Goku's right. Let's go to the seal. I can't wait to see the outside world again!" Rabia said as the umbrum lead Goku away.

[Crystal Empire - Friday 4 pm - The crystal festival.]

The mood was festive and joyful as the crystal ponies gathered around for the events laid out before. Ponies cluttered the frugal horn stands. A long line for the jousting event took up half the district. Several confections stands were teeming with potential customers. The festival was overflowing fun time and merriment. At least for the citizens of the Crystal Empire. For the guards and the rest of their defenders, the air was tense with anticipation. The elements along with Starlight have mixed themselves in with the crowd; discretely scanning for any sign of trouble. Shining Armor performed the check-ups every 10 minutes, and so far no guards had failed inspection. Cadence stood on the palace balcony and oversaw everything while Spike and Scootaloo were wearing their Gi.

"Sunburst, I want you to take princess Flurry Heart to Canterlot with my aunties. I have arranged for the best carriage to take you there right away," Cadence ordered.

"Yes, your highness," Sunburst responds. "Let's go little one," Sunburst cooed as Flurry Heart giggled then both ponies disappeared.

Spike had finished tightening his slash around his pants while Scootaloo adjusted the sports tape on her arms. She glanced over at Spike as he secured the Banshou Fan on his back. Scootaloo huffs in disappointment as Spike turns to her. "You okay?"

"No, that stupid bug queen took my power pole, and I didn't get a chance to get it back..."

"Don't worry. After we deal with these guys here, I'll make sure they cough it up. Then we can find Goku,"

"One can only hope for the best, Spike," Cadence said as she approached the two. "Have either of you pick up anything yet?"

"Not yet but I have a gut feeling that something's about to go down any second," Spike replied. Little did any of them know just how right the young drake was.

[Outskirts of the Crystal Empire.]

"The time has come..." The newly transformed Sombra said as he idly gazes at his would-be empire. Behind stood his fellow compatriots. The Flim Flam brothers with Flam donning the Mk. 1. Lightning Dust in her Ultra Bolt outfit. The heavy hitting, muscle-bound minotaur, Iron Will. And a swarm of several hundred changeling drones. Besides the dark tyrant stood his faithful companion Hope who wore her brown cloak with a set of armor similar to Sombra's but was colored purple. She held a small case in her hands that she tentatively swipes over it. Chrysalis held a smug grin on her face. This battle was sure to be her crowning achievement as months of planning and espionage is finally coming to a head.

"Indeed, it is. Now that we have all gathered, would you like to say a few words that will inspire the passion of warfare," Chrysalis said half condescendingly, half seriously.

Sombra huffs at this and turns to his followers. "Today is the day for retribution! Today is the day of reckoning. The so-called heroes of harmony had stood in the way of what is rightfully ours for far too long. We bring down the empire first and march toward Equestria!" Sombra stated, and the assembled masses roared in approval. "We shall defeat the elements dethrone the royal rulers and finally drink from the cup of victory that has eluded from us for so long. By the end of this day, we shall have our vengeance. We shall have control, and the umbrum will walk this plane again!"

"WHAT!?!" Chrysalis shouted out in surprised at that last part, but she was drowned out by the loud cheering. Sombra heard the queens outburst and walked up to his allies.

"You four shall head down and separate the elements. I will secure the crystal heart and the princess," Sombra said as the group nodded. Lighting Dust shot up into the air and flew to the festival while Flim and Flam's horn lit up and teleported themselves and Iron Will to the empire. Chrysalis marched up to Sombra, intending to give him her grievances, but the unicorn quickly moved to address the changelings. "Changelings, one of you shall assume the form of your queen and led the drones on an assault on the empire. You are to wait 10 minutes before attacking to allow our colleague sufficient time to cause anarchy," Sombra finally turned to Chrysalis to relay her orders. However, what greeted him was a face he was not expecting.

"You have lost all cognitive of sensible thought! Do you have any idea as what you're planning to unleash?!" Chrysalis shouted. Hope looked on in confusion while Sombra had an air of indifference.

"What are you talking about?" Hope asked.

"The umbrum are a plague on the world. Those monsters are beings that feed off pure hatred and spread around like wildfire! Vile monster of smog that would give even the most seasoned drone nightmares!" Chrysalis informs while Hope looked aghast.

"That isn't true! I have been with the umbrum. They are peaceful ponies that was wrongfully imprisoned by the first crystal ruler!" Hope defended.

"You little fool! You know nothing of them or their nature. I may look like a ravishing young beauty, but I have lived for thousands of years, and I have witnessed their terror first hand! I have seen lush, healthy forests reduced to nothing more than a barren wasteland. How do you think the badlands came to be? It was all at the hooves of those monsters!" Chrysalis spat out.

"You are mistaken. The umbrum I met are kind and would never do the deeds you describe!"

"I never would have joined this cause if he was the end goal. If the umbrum roam free, then there will be no ponies for my changelings to gain love from!"

Sombra watched on with mild amusement as the two mares went back and forth. "As interesting as it is watching you both squabble like fillies and colts, we are on a timetable," He said, gaining their attention. "Chrysalis, you can curb your concerns. I share a very personal relationship with the umbrum. They will provide me with the power we need to combat Equestria's allies once we establish a foothold. However, if you still have reservations about them, then I shall have them remain in the Empire while you can have Equestria's capital Canterlot. Do we have an agreement?"

Chrysalis scoffed as she ruminated his words. "Just be sure to keep those creatures away from my new kingdom!"

"Excellent. Now the two of you should go deal with the sisters before they decide to make a premature visit," Sombra suggested. Chrysalis agreed albeit begrudgingly about the latest development and stood next to Hope as they teleported Canterlot. Sombra took another look at the Empire before he slowly rose from the ground and flew towards it with a wicked grin on his face.

[Crystal Festival.]

"This is so lame! I wish these jerks would attack already..." Rainbow whines. Fluttershy and herself were making their way to the jousting event.

"Maybe they decide that attacking the Empire was too much trouble and went home," Fluttershy offered meekly.

"Eh? You're probably right. Not many ponies can handle my awesomeness!"

"Looks like some ponies in need of another reality check!" A familiar voice called out. Rainbow and Fluttershy whipped their heads around to discover Lightning Dust hovering casually in the air. A smug grin adorned her features as Rainbow's face contorted into a scowl.

"You got some nerve showing your face to me after you and your goons foalnapped my sister!!!'

"PFFT. Please, that brat was hardly worth the effort of capturing. Beating your multi-colored flank into the ground? Now that will be worth the effort!" With that said, Lightning Dust shot forward with both her hands extended outward. She slams directing into Rainbows gut, causing the colorful mare to grunt in pain while Fluttershy squeaks in surprise. Lightning broke off her assault and sent Rainbow crashing through several festival stands.

"Oh, my goodness!!! Oh, my goodness!!!" Fluttershy called out as she flew toward Rainbow who had land in a cotton candy vat. Fluttershy slowly helps Rainbow get back on her hooves as she shook off the cobwebs and sugary treats. Rainbow glares balefully at the turquoise mare who smirks in response. Just then, a dozen crystal guard ponies arrived at the source of the disturbance.

"Stop right there in the name of the Empire! You under detainment!"

Lightning Dust ignores them and continues to mock her rival. "What's the matter, Rainbow Crash? Are you so slow that you can't beat me without the help from the peanut gallery? HA!" Rainbow snorted in anger and shot up from the ground while Lightning fled. Three other royal guard pegasi quickly gave chase as Fluttershy sat on the ground with no idea of what to do next.

"Ah don't like this..." Applejack said to Pinkie Pie as the two operated the apple cart. Pinkie currently had a face buried in one of AJ's pies. "Shouldn't they have made some kinda move?"

"Yeah, you're right. It's quiet, too quiet..." Applejack raises a brow at this and then turns to the bustling street filled to the brim with ponies talking amongst themselves before turning back to Pinkie. "I don't mean quite as in there's no sound. I mean quiet as in 'there is no sound' I mean there's no danger here yet,"

"Isn't that kinda like a jinx?"

Pinkie hummed in thought for a moment before her body started to convulse and spasm. "Oh! Blinking eyes, curling pinkie, twerking haunches! We got one serious combo!"

"What the hay's wrong, Pinkie? You're more jittery than an earthworm in an apple 'bout to be swallowed!"

"Oh, something about to explode,"

"Beg your pardon--" Applejack began, but as she suddenly found herself being blown back from a powerful force. She faintly heard a squeal of delight from her bubbly friend as she flew in the opposite direction. Applejack skidded to a halt across the ground. The farm mare clutches her head as the surrounding ponies flee the area in a panic. Amidst the chaos, two unicorns were slowly making their way here.

"Well look at this brother of mine. A former associate of ours came to the Empire as well," Flim said as he crossed his arms.

"It's a small kingdom after. It's good to see you miss Applejack. How has business been treating you?" Flam asked as he lowered his outstretched arm. Applejack saw a smoke trail coming from his palm. A clear indication that he was the caused of that explosion.

"Business was fine until you two showed up. Whatcha doin' 'ere anyhow?" Applejack said as she got into a defensive stance.

"Oh you know, seeing the sights," Flim said.

"Touring the Empire," Flam continued.

"Toppling a government," Flim added.

"And most importantly... Getting rid of the competition. Nothing personal miss Applejack. It's just good business," Flam finished as he raised his arms again. The blue reflectors on his palms glowed brightly as another blast shot out. Applejack tucks into a roll to evade. She stands up and glares down both the stallions as she charges forward.

"I must say, darling. These gemstones are truly magnificent!" Rarity said as she marvels at the festival stand showcasing the Empire's most exquisite jewelry. Twilight came up behind her and pulled her away much to her anger.

"Rarity, we do not have the time to go ga-ga over fine gems. Sombra could attack at any moment!"

"It might be too late," Starlight said as she ran to her friends. "I got word from the guards that previous contestants of E.A.T tournament are attacking in multiple areas around the festivals. Twilight, they're after our friends!!!" Starlight said with urgency.

"Then we can't waste any more time--" Twilight started to say, but a series of grunts and screams alerted her of imminent danger. The three ponies to toward the source of the sound, only to discover several crystal guards thrown in multiple directions.

"IRON WILL IS READY TO BRING THE PAIN!!!" He shouted as more guards joined the fray to subdue him.

"OH! How barbaric! Cease this senseless display at once!" Rarity said sternly, but her demands fell on death ears as Iron Will turned his sights on the trio.

"I don't like that look in his eyes..." Starlight said as she primed her horn. Twilight and Rarity following her example.

"IRON STAMPEDE!!!" The minotaur called out as he barrels down upon the princess and her friends.

"Get ready Girls!" Twilight said as she met the bulls charge head-on.

"Looks like the parties started!" Scootaloo said as Spike, Cadence and herself were witnessing the commotion from the palace balcony.

"Shining Armor is providing extra security for the crystal heart with the rest of the guards. I rather not split them apart since the changelings had nowhere in sight!" Cadence stated.

"You don't have to worry about that anymore. Look, straight ahead!" Spike said as tiny black dots came into view. The swarm of drones flew high into the air, temporarily blocking out the sun, and depending upon the empire. Thus fueling the already raging fire currently threatening to consume the Empire. "Scootaloo and I can handle the drones!"

"Yeah, it's payback time!" Scootaloo said as the duo ignited their aura's and joined the battle.

"Be careful you two," Cadence said softly.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll find, but I would be more concerned about myself if I were you..." A malicious voiced said that sent shivers down the crystal princess spine. Cadence slowly backed away from the balcony as she looked around the throne room.

"Who is there? Show yourself!"

"As you wish your highness!" At that moment, a pool of darkness appeared on the ground before the princess, and a figure rose from it. Cadence was shocked to see not a pony but a person much like Goku.

"W-Who are you?"

"Hmph, I realize I have gone through some radical changes, but I am certain you recognize a king when you see one," It took a moment for Cadence to figure out what this man was talking about before her eyes widen in horror.


"In the flesh, as it were,"


"You can thank our mutual friend Son Goku, for that!"

"Why didn't the others sense you?" Cadence took a cautious step back.

"I picked up many new tricks from that little filly from earlier. It wasn't hard to conceal my presence once I entered the Empire from the skies. But I digress, you and I have an appointment with the current prince of the Crystal Empire!"

Cadence tried to teleport away, but to her dismay, Sombra flickers out from his position and reappears in front of her. He then grabs hold of her horn, canceling out her spell, and ignited his hand with dark magic. Cadence screamed in pain as she felt the dark energies morph around her horn. Sombra releases his grip and Cadence fell to the ground. Dazed and confused, you brought her hand up her forehead and discovered several crystal protrusions lining the length of her horn. Her panic increased when she found that she couldn't channel her magic.

"What did you do...?" She said weakly.

"Nothing to fear my dear, I just made it to our trip together isn't hindered by fruitless resistance," The dark king maliciously smiles as he dragged Cadence to her hooves and slung her on his shoulders. He walks to the balcony and set his sights on the guard contingent surrounding the Crystal Heart.

"I want all of you ready for anything. The enemy has begun their siege, and the elements along with their allies, are currently engaging the threat. We shall hold here and protect the Crystal Heart at all cost!" Shining Armor relayed.

"Yes, sir!"

"I find that amusing when it appears that you're incapable of protecting yourselves..." A new voice said that put Shining and the guards on edge. "Then again, I suppose I can't blame you for your shortcomings when you're standing in the presence of a true ruler!"

Shining was becoming irritated from the constant put-downs. "Show yourself," He demanded.

"Look up," The voice responded coyly. Everyone attention turned upwards and gasped at the sight of a furless being with the princess of love in tow. The man landed in front of the group, and unceremoniously forced the princess to the ground. This act caused Shining and the guards to quake in a fury.

"Guards! Apprehend this scoundrel right now!" Shining ordered, and the guards rallied behind him. They charged forward, hoping that their superior numbers would win the day. They were wrong, of course.

"Good, I was hoping for a chance to test out my new body!" Sombra said. Faster than any of the guards prepared for, Sombra vanished from sight and appeared behind the advancing group. All the guards proceeded to fall to the ground, unconscious, leaving Shining Armor alone. The crystal prince gritted his teeth in frustration as his horn lit up. There was a bright flash of light that covered the area. Once the fire died down, Sombra regarded the scene before him with mild interest while a groggy Cadence looked on with worry. Shining Armor had a determined expression as he glared his opponent. He pulled out the sword from his sheath and readied his little shield.

Shining aimed the tip of his blade at Sombra and spoke. "Release Her!"

Sombra gave the unicorn stallion a mock round of applause. "Impressive, I'd give a 6.5, just slightly above average," Shining roars out and rush the dark king. However, to Sombra's surprise, Shining Armor flips over him and twist his body so that his shield was on a collision course with the tyrant's head. Shining was rewarded with a satisfying thud as the impact echoed around the vicinity. Shining allowed a smile to grace his features before that smile turns to shock as Sombra began chuckling.

"What's so funny!?" Shining demanded.

"Plenty of things. You among them. Come on, Prince. Amuse me some more~," Shining roars out as he sent a flurry of sword swipes at Sombra who in turn effortless dodges them. Shining's anger grew as a burst of haughty laughter came from his foe at his missed attempts. Finally, Shining had enough and coated his blade with his magic. He then leaps into the air and brings his sword down hard on Sombra. Sombra smirked and shot his hand out, catching the powered up blade in between two fingers.

Shining watched on in pure bafflement as Sombra drunk it all in. "How--" He never got to finish as the dark king slammed his fist straight into Shining's exposed stomach. The crystal prince's world went black as he crumples to the ground.

"Not bad for the younger generation but still subpar all the same," Sombra then casually strolled to the pedestal now that no further obstacles laid in his way. He gazed at the crystal heart in both admiration and contempt as he plucks it from it's resting place. "Never has a piece of rock caused me such misery. This time I'll be sure to bury you where nopony shall find you," He promised as he held the crystal heart in his aura. He turns back to Cadence who was trying to make her way to Shining Armors unconscious form. Sadly, Sombra had little patience for such sentiment and quickly intervened. "Now, now, my dear. He's had a very trying day and deserves his rest. We on the other hand still have work to do,"

"You...monster...!" Cadence weakly spat out. Sombra activated his magic and entered the shadow realm to take them both back to the throne room. Once there Sombra enabled the secret passage that led to an underground staircase. He hoisted the Princess of love again on his shoulders and made his way down.

[Unknown Location.]

Rabia and the others had lead Goku more profound into the forest until they finally came across a large bright red crystal sitting in the center of an open field. Goku felt the subtle waves of power emitting from it. There was no question that this was the object keeping the spell in place. "There are multiple ways to escape from here, but they are all sealed off by this crystal. We can't use our magic on it but since you said you don't have magic then maybe you can destroy," Rabia explained.

Goku regarded Rabia's words carefully as he stares at the crimson crystal. He found it strange that he wasn't picking up any malevolent energy of any kind from it. It could mean several things, although he would remain trapped in this dimension as well if he did nothing. "Alright, I'll give it a shot," Goku stepped forward and held out his hand. He charged a Ki blast and fired it at the crystal protrusion. The explosion explodes on impact and leaves behind a could of smoke. The cloud dissipates, but the crystal itself remained unscathed.

"Awww..." The umbrum whined with disappointment.

"Hmm, I guess I'll have to use a stronger attack. Everyone stand back!" Goku instructed as he cupped his hands together in preparation for his signature move. "Ka...Me-- Huh?" Goku paused once he notices all the umbrum trembling in place. "Are guys ok?" He asked but received no response. Goku took a tentative step forward with his hand outstretched. However, Rabia and the other's let out a horrifying shriek and ran away. Goku got a bad feeling and quickly chased after them.

"Where are you taking me?" Cadence asked as she finally got over her drowsiness, but she was still very fatigued. Sombra said nothing as they made their way to a barred off door. "Wait...! Where did this door come from?"

"You have ruled over my Empire for some time now, and you have yet to discover its secrets?" Sombra asked rhetorically. He levitated the Crystal Heart in front of Cadence and forced her to take hold of it. The Crystal Heart reacted to the feeling of Cadences magic and shot a beam at the door. The glow subsided, and Cadence was very afraid to ask her the following question.

"What did you do?"

Sombra turned to the Princess of love with perhaps the most haunting grin yet. "All I have done is corrected the mistake of Princess Amore' committed so long ago. It's funny. You bare a striking resemblance to her. Let's hope my brethren aren't in the habit of hold grudges," The door violently shook until it blew off its hinges. An eerie smoke bellowed out the outline of the door frame, and everything went silent. The occupant continued to stare into the darkness until a pair of eyes stared back at them. Multiple other pairs of eyes appeared as well. They let out a terrifying groan and flew out the door filled the skyline of the Empire. All the fighting momentarily ceases as they gazed up the smog like creatures.

Back in the prison dimension, Goku caught with the Umbrum only to bear witness to petrifying sight. The once cute hybrid ponies had morphed into something foul. They stood 8 feet tall and sported misshapen teeth. They turned to face the Saiyan warrior, and Goku stared face to face with the most soulless and glowing white eyes.

"What's going on here? Who are you guys and where are the Umbrum?!"

"Fool...!!! We are The Umbrum!!!"

Author's Note:

It's winding down guys only a few chapters left.

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