• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 28: Queen takes pawn. Your move!

[Golden Bits Hotel 7: 35 pm - Spike's POV.]

"Who designed these hotel buildings? It took me 35 minutes to find Ember's room," I was standing outside her door, and for some reason, I began to feel nervous. Like Twilight being overdue for a friendship report worried. But I had to get over it. Ember was going to head back to the Dragon Lands tomorrow, and I needed to speak with her. As I went to grab the doorknob, I couldn't stop my claw from shaking. Why was I feeling so nervous? I almost turned away until I remembered my match with Goku. I took a deep breath, and I said those same words. "I will surpass myself!" It's just Ember, your friend from the Dragon Lands, who became Dragon Lord, who probably had a long day and didn't want to be bothered and--

"Spike? Is there something you need?" A voice called to me. I snapped out of my funk to see Ember standing at the doorway.

"Oh, uh, h-hey Ember. How's your night going?" I said sheepishly. I notice she was still wearing in her golden armor. "Hey, you're still wearing your armor,"

"I know. Thank for that observation," Ember snarled at me. "Now that the pleasantries are over with, I assume you had something you wish to discuss. Come inside," She said as she leads me inside. Wait, how did she know that?

"Um, how did you know I was looking for you?"

I saw Ember let out a sigh as she sat down on the bed. She patted down on the left side of her, motioning me to sit down. I was pretty confused, but I complied. "These past two days have given time to reflect on many things. Mostly on the path we are both on right now,"

"Whadda ya mean?"

"Spike, something unimaginable happened during your battle against your mentor,"

"I don't see what was so special about me getting scaly flanks handed to me..."

She chuckles at my little quip. "What I mean is the power you displayed at the end. It is a power that was once fabled to be used by a fearsome dragon. He went by the name of Spi-Roh, and the power he wielded was known as Dragon Soul. Somehow he was able to harness his inner flame and expel it outward. It would appear as if he set himself on fire much like how you have done,"

"Whoa, so what's so special about him? What does his power's have to do with my Ki energy?"

"Father was the only one actually to engage him in battle and survive. The scars from that battle are most likely where he got the impression of how a dragon should hold themselves. He once told me that before there was any Dragon Lords our kind settle disputes through more less than civil means," I arched a brow at this. Dragons seem like they're all ill-tempered. Ember somehow caught this and shot me a look. "Despite what you may have experience with our brethren, I assure it was far worse all those years ago. And Spi-Roh was the fiercest of them all. He revealed in combat challenging and killing all those that either stood in his way or simply on a whim. He was dubbed the Emerald Menace because of the green flames he spewed from his maw,"

I swallowed down a lump in my throat as she went on. How could anything enjoy taking another life? "W-What happen to him?"

Ember shrugs. "I haven't the faintest idea. After battling my father, he traveled to Equestria to establish a foothold there. Rumor has it that he went into hibernation. Or that the Princesses manage to defeat him somehow. But this rumor was dismissed as false as his power was formidable. He could level entire continents with it. His potential was virtually limitless, and you remember what I told you about certain draconic traits and how they can be passed down,"

I began to feel a chill down my spine. Something was egging me to ask this question, but I knew I wouldn't like the answer. "Are you trying to say that Spi-Roh was my father?"

"...No. And that's what is so perplexing. The Emerald Menace cared little for other dragons so he would never mate with a female. Plus, there were no dragons in those parts at the time. You wield his power, but I cannot smell his scent in you. That's another trait dragons have. If any of our ancestors deemed another dragon an enemy, then they can imprint their scent into their bloodline to warn future offspring since dragons can live for a long time. My father did this for me,"

"Urgh, maybe it's just a coincidence then! Goku came from outer space, remember! His powers are not from this world!" I mean seriously, where is she going with this?

"Isn't it? Would you be able to harness the powers of an offworlder if it wasn't a part of you?

"..." I couldn't say anything. Goku did say anypony could harness their Ki energy. Maybe I should talk to the Princesses. "So, what does this mean for me?"

"I cannot tell you, but I do know that you are nothing like Spi-Roh. I am sure of it,"


"Because of our promise," I could say I saw her cheeks burn.

"That's the second time you said that. Does that have something to with that weird purple flame you used on me?"

"...Yes, you see that flame acts as a courting ritual between two dragons. Should our two flames conjoin, they form a new color. A symbol of our union," I could have sworn I heard Vinyl's record player scratch against the recording disk.

"S-S-So y-you're saying that we're--"

"Mated for life? Are our souls bounded forever? Or, in Equestria's terms, Married? Essentially yes," I saw Ember face grow more flushed with every passing second. I couldn't believe it. Me? Married? And it's to Ember and not-- I mean Ember's tremendous and I really like her but-- it's just--

"Spike, you seem conflicted?" I was drawing a blank. Nothing made sense, so I did the only reasonable thing to do.


I fainted.

[Outside the hotel - Scootaloo's POV]

Argh, this is so lame. Why did I let Spike talk me into walking to the park? Walking was so six month's ago. And the trek to the park is taking forever. Canterlot is cool and all, but I'd rather hang with Rainbow or Goku. But now that I think about it, wouldn't it be simpler to discuss our matches with Goku. Why did he want to leave? And for the past few minutes, I've been picking up some weird ki energy signatures. They feel all shifty, and there were multiple ones all around us and some waiting at our destination before they just poofed and disappeared. We were getting pretty close now, but I just felt like something terrible was going to happen.

"Hey Spike, have you felt anything weird at all?"

"No, why? it's a nice night for a walk through the park,"

I stopped and looked at him funny. There were so many of those power levels around that it be impossible to miss. Plus, there was something weird about Spike - scratch that - a lot odd about Spike. "Spike, you said you couldn't find Ember at the hotel, right?"

"Yea, I couldn't find her anywhere,"

"Ok, but you have only left the room a few seconds before me,"

I saw Spike slow down a little. "I just used my speed to check every room as quickly as possible..."

"But why didn't you try to find her power level?"

Spike came to a full stop now. "..."

"I only bring that up because I can sense Ember's Ki energy right now and she's been in the hotel the whole time. But that's not the weirdest thing,"

Spike and I tensed up. "And what is?"

"I can feel Your Ki energy with hers, but how is that possible if you're standing right here. What's even stranger is that I'm not picking up anything from you. It's like I'm staring at space and Goku told us that if a pony's Ki energy is completely gone, then that means they went to the check-in station in Otherworld!" I leaped back and took my stance. "So who the hay are you? A zombie impostor or something!?"

'Spike' started the whole evil laughter deal and went to speak. "My, my some filly's very perceptive, although, haven't you heard the expression; ignorance is bliss..." I watched with horror as a ring of flame appeared at the fake Spike's feet and slowly went up around his body. With the deed complete, a bug mare was standing in his place. She smirks down at man and me is she tall. I think Rainbow once said that this pony is a changeling. "I swear Goku's powers are becoming more and more cumbersome the longer he's here. Not that he'll be a problem much longer thanks to you~."

"If you think I'm gonna help you hurt Goku then you're wrong, changeling!!!"

"I suggest that you watch your tone well. I am Chrysalis, queen of the changelings, and you won't have a say in the matter..." Whoa, she's a queen?!

"Oh Yeah!? You and what army? With my training, I can take anything you throw at me!"

The bug queen lets out another chilling chuckle. "I love it when they ask that..." I saw her snap her fingers, and suddenly, more green rings covered various objects. Then more changelings showed up. But I thought they could only change into ponies. "You look spooked. We, changelings, are shape shifter's that can morph into any creature or object. And I am well aware of your training, so I decided to tip the odds in my favor. You should feel honored, though. One hundred changelings along with their queen to capture a small filly. It shows how formidable you are,"

I felt a bead of sweat coming down my forehead. I never fought so many ponies at once before. "Um... I need an adult..." I was chuckling nervously, and bug queen grinned evilly.

"We are adults~ GET HER!!!" At her orders, all the changelings rushed me at once.

[10 minutes later - Spike's POV]

I awoke with to the feeling of cold water splashing against my face. I coughed and sputtered as wiped the water from my eyes. Once my vision was clear, I saw Ember holding a bucket in her claws with a bemused expression on her face. "That was very rude, Spike," Her voiced laced with a hint of venom. Was she getting annoyed? I'm the one who should be annoyed.

"You're annoyed?! I'm sorry I just found out that I got married the other day in the most unromantic way possible. To a dragoness, I barely know anything about--"


The next thing I knew was that I am sitting on my flanks caressing the bruise forming on my cheek. Ember's magenta eyes were now glaring at me as she brought her fist down and crossed her arms. "You truly are a misinformed hatchling. Bethrothed or not, I will not sit idle as you so carelessly disregard your heritage!"

I scampered back to my feet and fixed Ember a glare of my own. "That's just it. I know next to nothing about being a dragon, and yet some dragoness who I assumed was my friend just forced one of the biggest cultural traditions on me without my knowledge or consent!"

Ember scoffs at my outburst. "Perhaps if you stayed in the Dragon Lands a little longer than you would have been more informed. The promise flame doesn't happen by chance. It is a test to see if two dragons are truly compatible. It would have failed if you truly did not harbor any feelings for me!" Ember said with a hint of hurt in her tone. I felt like I was punch again. Did I have feelings for her? But I mean this entire time I was crushing on Rarity. When did this happen? I saw Ember turn around and showed her back to me.

"But what made you interested in me?" I said, feeling more subdued.

"Can't you tell from the bond we now share? It's how I knew you wished to talk to me. Our souls are now communicating with each other. If I can hear yours so well, why can you listen to mine?" I just stood there, shocked. I felt like dirt as Ember tries to hold her composure. This relationship was all new to her too, but she went with it because she believed in us. And here I am taking her out of her comfort zone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want- I mean -Everythings so confusing,"

Ember was quiet for a while before she spoke again. "I suggest you go talk with that unicorn your so fond of to sort out your feelings. It's best you do this before we go any further..." I was stunned once again. Does she know I like Rarity? How big is this promise flame thing?

"...Ok..." I said as I walk out of her room. I turned back to see her still facing away from the door. I wanted to talk more, but I had to go. I slowly shut the door and place a claw over my face. "Great, I finally get a Marefriend and we already fought. Goku said he was married so maybe I should talk to him," So with a new goal in mind, I went to my master to discuss my next big challenge; relationships...

[Canterlot Captial park - Third person POV.]

Scootaloo jumps as high as she could into the air as the changelings rushing her dogged piled into one another. She looks down to see the tangled mess of bodies before she starts to fly off back to the hotel. "I got to get help!" she said to herself. However, before she even moved 2 feet, a blast of green magic cuts her off. She looks back down to see that the changelings have untangled themselves and had their magic at the ready as they took to the skies as well. Scootaloo poured on the speed as they gave chase. Lucky, she was much faster than they were thanks to her training. The park was enormous. In fact, during the field trip that led to the whole discord fiasco, Cheerilee said it went on for two full miles. Thankfully, Scootaloo had a commanding lead over the changeling horde behind her. She just made it to the edge of the park when she slams into something hard. She rubs her snout and looks up to discover that there was a shield blocking her exit.

"Oh come now," Chrysalis voice called out, causing Scootaloo to whip around and face her. "Did you think I would leave any possibility for you to escape. I knew all the little ponies would refuse to leave the Colosseum to watch their favorite sun princess fight your mentor. So in a way, you have Son Goku thank for your current dilemma," Chrysalis said with a condescending tone. Scootaloo gritted her teeth and flew to the ground to use the trees as cover. The horde of changelings wasn't too far behind. Chrysalis looked amused at this. "That's right, my little mouse, keep running,"

"Maybe I can outrun until some pony notices," Scootaloo thought as she hid in the foliage, but this idea fell short when a loud hiss went off behind her. Scootaloo reacts by bucking her legs out toward the sound. A loud crunch from the impact was the little fillies reward as the changeling she struck was knock unconscious. Unfortunately, this alerted the others, and they all made a beeline for her position. The chase began anew as Scootaloo used the trees to her advantage. Thanks to her small frame, zipping in between trees was no issue. Her pursuers were not o lucky as they collided into a trunk or the tree itself. Scootaloo found herself in a small clearing within the park. However, what caught her attention was Rainbow Dash flying towards her.

"Scoots, there you are. Listen, we need to get out of here. There are changelings everywhere--" Rainbow Dash never finished her sentence as Scootaloo slams her fist into her abdomen.

"Yeah, like the one pretending to be my big sister!" Scootaloo finished for her. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground morph's back into a drone. Scootalo resumes flying as the drones continue their pursuit. The chase went on for several minutes until Scootaloo found herself cornered between the shield barrier back at the entrance and the changeling hoard slowly advancing to her. Chrysalis teleported in front of the horde with a victorious smile on her face.

"Thus, our cat and mouse game ends. Make it easier on yourself and surrender now. You may have been able to take out a few drones, but that was just blind luck. You are still vastly outnumbered!" Chrysalis stated.

Scootaloo was undeterred by this and shot a defiant glare at the queen. "Luck had nothing to do with it," She said as she took her stance. "You might have me outnumbered, but you're all outmatched!" With a mighty bellow, the young filly charged forward straight into the horde of changelings.

[Goku's room.]

Spike found himself back in Goku's room as he sat on the bed while explaining what just transpired with Ember. Goku sat in the chair backward as he listens intently. "She told me to go and talk to Rarity to sort my feelings out before we go any further. I feel like I hurt her feelings, though. So what can I do?"

"Haha, you are my pupil,"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Back when I was younger, I met this girl named Chi Chi. She asked me to marry her the next time we meet. Although at the time I thought marriage meant something about eating food, so I agreed," Spike deadpanned as he arched a brow at this while Goku chuckles sheepishly. "Hey, cut me some slack. I was just a kid, anyway, years later at the 23rd Annual World Martial Arts Tournament. I met Chi Chi again but as my opponent. She was as skilled in martial arts as she was hopping mad at me for forgetting my promise."

"What did you do?"

"After I beat her in the match, I explained to her that I was confused about what marriage meant. She took pretty hard until I went up and asked her to marry me right then and there,"

Spike frowns at this. "It sounds like you were forced into marriage as well," He said ruefully as his shoulder's slumped.

"Not necessarily, I could easily just said no, and I'm glad I didn't. However, that's not the point. The point of the story is that love has some pretty odd beginnings. But it's important to listen to what your heart is trying to tell you. I followed my heart, and I got the most amazing family out of it,"

"Well, so far, my heart can't seem to make up its mind. I've been trying to use that bond Ember talk about, but I can't get it to work. She says that it would have failed if I didn't like her,"

"Well, do you like her?"

"I don't know..."

"But you like Rarity, right?"

"Yeah, I loved her the moment I saw her,"

"Ok, but have you ever went and told her how you feel?"

"...No, but I think it's pretty obvious,"

"Then you should talk to her. That might clear things up. Say how does pony relationships work anyhow?"

"One stallion could either be exclusive to one mare or they can form a herd with multiple partners," Spike informed before he had a thoughtful expression. "Maybe this promise thing wants me to form a herd with Rarity and Ember!!!"

"Whoa, slow down there. Let's talk to Rarity and see how she feels first,"

"Right, let's go now!" Spike got off the bed with Goku in tow as the two heads off to meet with Rarity.

Scootaloo launches her fist right into a changeling drone in front of her. The drone crumbles in an instant, and she moves on to the next. A drone was coming to grab Scootaloo from behind, but Scootaloo responds by sweeping its legs. She then sends him into another drone with a well-placed kick to the stomach. A drone was charging her from the left, but Scootaloo jumps up and slams her elbow into its snout. Once she landed, she blocks a kick sent by another drone before she swung him into four more drones before letting go. A line of changelings charged up their horns and fired their magic at the filly. But Scootaloo flickers out of the way causing the drones to hit their comrades inadvertently. Moving through hyperspace, Scootaloo lands solid blows to the offensive line. She reappears behind as they collapse to the ground. The drones all look hesitant toward the filly now. In a span of a few minutes, Scootaloo had taken down 25 changelings on her own.

Scootaloo smirks as she pants slightly. "Is that all you got?" She taunted.

Chrysalis sucks her teeth as she absentmindedly twirls her locks. "Incompetent fools! She's making you look like amateurs,"

"You don't need my help to do that!" Scootaloo snarks. "But then again, their leader isn't much better!"

Chrysalis snarled at her before she glared at the rest of the drones. "Bring that insolent little brat to me now!!!" The harsh tone from their queen seems to have snapped the drones out of their reluctance. They stepped forward and morphed into several different creatures. Most turned into ponies she knew such as the foals from the schoolhouse and Miss Cheerilee, as well as her fellow crusaders. Other's turned into different ponies from Ponyville. Among the crowd, Scootaloo saw that the drones change into the elements and Starlight Glimmer. Some even assumed the form of Spike in his Gi. Scootaloo tensed up a bit, and Chrysalis saw this. "What's the matter? Can't harm your friends?"

A Sweetie Belle imposter darted toward Scootaloo who hung her head down. The faker launches a straight jab that Scootaloo caught effortlessly. She clenched her hand around the drones limb, causing it to wince in pain and fall to its knees. "Scootaloo stop!! I'm your friend!"

Scootaloo shoots the faker using her friend's voice a dark glare. "NO! YOU'RE NOT!!!" She then slams her right fist right into its muzzle. She calmly faces the horde of imposter before reaching up and grabbing the power pole. She thrust the power pole into one of the fake Cheerilee's stomach. The artificial doubles over and Scootaloo uses its head as a stepping stone. She used her momentum to scissor kick two more changelings disguised as citizens of Ponyville. Scootaloo knocks another foal into the air with the power, spins on her heels, and struck against an Applebloom look alike on the side. Of her head. She backflips into the air while pining 'Mayor mare' to the ground with the end of her staff. She proceeds balance on the other end and split kicks a fake Twilight and Applejack in the muzzle. The drones were fewer in numbers now and doubled their efforts. A big Mac imposter managed to grab the young filly and threw her in the waiting maw of a changeling that morphed into a manticore. However, Scootaloo shifts her body in the air and slams the end of the power pole into its skull.

"H-Ha, you'll have to do better than t-that!" Scootaloo taunted, but she could feel herself becoming exhausted. Two Lyra's was coming from her blind spot. Scootaloo responded by pointing the power pole at them. "Power Pole Extend!" The mystical stall shot out and struck both of the drones. The pole kept extending and knock the two imposters into several others. Scootaloo held power elongated and used it to swat down a group of Fluttershy's attempting a divebomb. She retracted the pole in time to deflect the incoming barrage of magical beams. The beams had reflected all over the vicinity as well as striking down on more of her foes. Scootaloo stood tall as there were now only 50 changelings left and one infuriated queen.

"Quit attacking in small numbers! Surround her and engage all at once!!!" Chrysalis barked out, and the remaining drones did just that. Scootaloo studies the group carefully. They were mostly a gang of Spike's, Pinkie's, Big Mac's and the crusaders. Scootaloo focused her Ki into the power pole as the imposter all went to pounce her. The power pole began to glow as they got closer.

"Chikara Tatsumaki!!!" Scootaloo called out as she spun power pole above her head. A burst of Ki energy surrounded her and formed into a twister that collided against the barrier above her. The force of this powerful attack scattered the changelings in all directions. Chrysalis had to throw up a shield around herself to keep from being thrown back as well. When the attack finally died down, only two beings were left standing in the wake of the devastation.

Chrysalis drops her shield and survey's damage. All her drones were incapacitated and Scootaloo, while exhausted, had a satisfied smirk on her face. Chrysalis let out a sigh as her horn lit up. "If you want something done right then you must do it yourself. I see you picked up your master's tendencies to be a nuisance but that all comes to an end right now!"

"Bring it!" Scootaloo said as she readied the power pole. 'I hope Goku and Spike felt that last move. I got nothing left now...'

[Outside the Golden Bit Hotel.]

Spike marched down the streets of Canterlot with a purpose as he made his way to the castle. Goku was casually strolling behind him his pupil as he took in the sights. "This place sure has the Ox Kings palace beat by a mile,"

"Yeah, Canterlot's pretty cool but let's hurry!"

Goku chuckles at his pupil's eagerness. "I'm pretty sure no one is leaving after-" Goku stops himself as he felt Scootaloo's power's surge. Goku expression instantly turned severe. "Spike, did you feel that?"

"Yeah, I think Scootaloo might be in trouble but how? She was on her way to the castle..."

"That's not all. I'm picking up some bizarre power levels near Scootaloo. Wait. Oh, man, not good. I encountered these strange Ki signatures before. And one of them belongs to Chrysalis,"

"YOU MET CHRYSALIS!!!" Spike blurted out. "Goku! She's bad news. She led an invasion against Canterlot. They're after Scootaloo now. We need to move now! But her power level disappeared!" Goku said nothing as he flew in the air with Spike quickly following suit. They both tried to hone in on her power level when Spike notices something glistening in the distance. "Goku, look over there. I think that's a shield spell over Canterlot Captial Park!"

"Let's move!" Goku and Spike both activated their aura's and made a beeline to the park.

"It's beneath me to lay my hands on a tiny runt such as you. I am many things but rather not be labeled a filly abuser so kindly surrender," Chrysalis said in a bored tone.

"What's the matter...? Afraid I'll kick your flanks like your goons?" Scootaloo shot back.

"Aww how cute. You believe you stand a chance. You're all tuckered out my little filly, and I'm at full strength. Empty bravado won't save you!"

"Then you got nothing to worry about!"

Scootaloo rushes to adversary till she stops in front of the queen. She thrust the power pole forward only for Chrysalis to catch it in her palm. She then pushes her back with a shove causing Scootaloo to fall on her back. She quickly gets back up and twirls the power pole above her head. "Power Pole extend!" she said as she used the momentum from the swing to launch an attack aimed at the queen's crown. Chrysalis, however, effortlessly blocks it with her left forearm as she examines her nails. She turns her sight to Scootaloo and blasts her with a beam of magic. Scootaloo was forced to drop her weapon to block the blow. After a direct hit, she tumbles backward and laid face down. The power pole reverted to its standard length as Chrysalis studies it.

"This is quite the amusing little toy you have," Chrysalis went to pick the staff up, but Scootaloo fires a Ki blast at it. The power pole was sent flipping through the air as Scootaloo leaps up to reclaim it. She then flickers out of sight and reappears in front of Chrysalis. This action manages to surprise the changeling, although, instead of attacking, Scootaloo started to flicker in and out the vicinity around Chrysalis. She kept on going until it appeared as though multiple Scootaloo's were closing in. Chrysalis responded by erecting another barrier around herself as Scootaloo began whacking away at it. "She still has this much stamina left?" she mutters to herself. Growing irritated at the constant assault, Chrysalis pushes out her shield and sends Scootaloo reeling. Scootaloo struggles to maintain an upright position as Chrysalis yawns into her hand. "My dear, are you finished yet?" Scootaloo narrows her eyes in response as her breathing becomes heavy.


Chrysalis sucks her teeth at this. "Stall them. I'll finish up here," She said as she turns to the filly. "Sorry my little pony but playtime is over, and it's past your bed time~" The next thing that happens came as a shock to Scootaloo as the changeling queen morphs into her mentor. "Whadda think? It took a while to get this form down, but I'd say its pretty spot on," 'Goku' said.

"Really? Could you be a bigger copycat?"

'Goku' huffs and fires a blast of magic at her, thus, disarming the power pole. He then rushes towards her using the same techniques Scootaloo mentor wields. In her current state, Scootaloo was hard pressed to defend against this assault. However, this wasn't her mentor but a cheap imitation. Scootaloo blocks a punch and steps forward. She connects with her right knee directly in 'Goku's' stomach. She follows up with a left uppercut to his jaw, which causes him to stumble back. Scootaloo then launches a roundhouse kick right to his face. The force which manages to draw blood from the imposter's lip. 'Goku' stares wide-eyed at the fact that Scootaloo managed to harm him.

"You might look like him, talk like him, and act like him but...!" Scootaloo darted forward and sent a barrage of fists to his gut. 'Goku' tries to counter with a jab but Scootaloo caught and used his momentum against the fake and throws him to the ground. Finally, she proceeds to jump in the air and connects with a dropkick right to his sternum before backing off and taking a knee. Fatigue finally sets in as Scootaloo studies her seemingly vanquished foe. She lets a smirk grace her features as she finishes her statement. "You're still just a fake, and in the Kame-Sennin Ryu there are no substitutes!"


Chrysalis gritted her teeth as she focused her magic on healing herself. "It's just one annoyance after another," She grumbles as she kickflips back to her feet much to Scootaloo's dismay. "I am Queen Chrysalis, and I won't be bested by a pony again!" She charges her magic for another offensive spell. Only this one was much stronger than the previous one. She fires her beam and Scootaloo could watch on in horror as the blast barrels down on her. The explosion struck, and Scootaloo felt blown back before she rolled against the ground and skidded to a halt. Chrysalis drops her disguise and levitates the filly over to her. Chrysalis looks her over and discovers she has multiple scrapes and bruises as well as sporting a busted lip and black eye. Her breathing was shallow, but a clear indicator that she was alive. "Things would've gone a lot easier on you had you just come along quietly. Surely your master taught you to respect your elders. No matter drones, to me!" Chrysalis signal for her drones to appear however the resulting battle left them all battered and broke.


"We are returning to the hive with our friend here. Prepare the 'guest' room. Also, I require one drone to remain here and assume this filly's place. We need to buy as much time as possible, understood?"

"YES, MY QUEEN!" With her business concluded, Chrysalis lit up her horn and teleports all but one drone back to the hive. The drone then proceeded to morph into Scootaloo and awaited the arrival of her friend and mentor.

The duo had broken through the shields with a combined Ki blast and made their way through the park. They were met with minimal resistance as five changelings got in their way. The duo quickly dispatched their enemies and spotted Scootaloo alone. "Hey, Scootaloo. Are you alright?" Goku said as he lands near her to check her over. Spike falls behind them and carefully surveys' the area to ensure that there are no more hostiles.

"Pfft. Of course, I'm ok. These crazy bug ponies tried to pick a fight they couldn't win, and I sent the off running," 'Scootaloo' replies.

"And you fought them off all by yourself; even Chrysalis?" Spike asked skeptical tone as he looks around the destroyed park.

"Aw, they weren't so tough," 'Scootaloo' dismissed.

"Well, as long as your ok then that all that matters. "Goku said with relief.

"We should head back to the castle and inform the princesses after your match. Chrysalis might be up to her old tricks again!" Spike said.

"You don't know the half of it," 'Scootaloo' mutters softly.

"Good Idea. Let's stay at the hotel in case those changelings come back," Goku said as he and Spike to the skies. However, He notices something odd about Scootaloo. "Hey, Scootaloo, what's up? Let's get going,"

"Well, the fight kinda wiped me out, and I can't use my powers right now. Can you fly me back?" She asked. Goku complied and scooped her up. Then the trio headed back to the hotel.

[The next day - Changeling Hive.]

Chrysalis was walking through the shifting corridors of her hive as two drones followed behind her. She was nursing the phantom pain of her lip as they made there to the specialized room used to contain their captured victims. Inside the cabin, several pods housed various beings from all different kingdoms around Equestria for feedings. However, one new addition was the sole purpose of her visit. Chrysalis stood before the pod that housed the unconscious orange filly that caused her a lot of grief last night.

"26! Is she properly restrained?" The queen asked.

"Yes, your majesty. We used our strongest slime spitters to craft this particular pod," 26 answered.

"And has that magical staff she wielded secured in the armory 24?" She pondered

"It has your highness," 24 responds.

"Good! This one was a lot of trouble, and I don't wish for her to escape. Once Sombra and his mare returns, we can finally begin the next phase. Then we shall have all the love we could dream," Chrysalis cackles maniacally as the drones rejoiced. They made their way out the pod chamber as the queen glances back at Scootaloo one last time. "Enjoy your stay, my dear~."

Author's Note:

And done. Just to clear up any confusion, the changelings are like the foot shoulders from the red ribbon army. But they're only slightly stronger than the average human in Dragonball. Scootaloo lost cause she wasn't used to fighting that many opponents at once like kid Goku was. Therefore she burnt herself out quickly. Plus, the mind games didn't help her either. Yes, she knew they were fake but it's still her friend's face's she punching. If she was in top form than she would fared better against Chrysalis who is currently still pretty weak from her banishment.

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