• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 3,772 Views, 67 Comments

Shaping Man - PheonixLyrics101

The world, slowly rebuilding from its faults is becoming more forgiving as you trek through life. But what may become of you is a completely different story. Care to discover what life may bring?

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Chapter 5

As you walk down the hallways you can’t help but to notice the sleek design of the ship. From the inside it looks like a metallic version of an olden style wooden ship. The walls are a sparkling iron that is dulled as to not blind but has a complementing gold crown molding that lines the top and bottom of the halls. at the corners the gold spirals off of the molding and runs down the edge in a loop-de-loop fashion. On the walls lay plates describing the room numbers and floor in which you reside. You are currently walking Down hall D on the Fifth floor. However intriguing the interior design was, you preferred to know where Daring had wanted you to follow you too.

“So where exactly are we going?” You ask as you round yet another corner and Daring walks up to an elevator. She clicks the button on the right of the panels and you both wait for the elevator as she responds.

“Well we’re going to meet up with the captain of this fine vessel. Some things you might want to know however. He can be a bit of a douchebag at times, but you just have to muscle through it. Though however pompous he is he keeps the nobles at bay, however unpleasant the job may be. He’s sort of like an ambassador...but at the same time he contributes quite a bit to the country.”

“About that, i was hoping that after we meet this fellow. That you would give me a crash course lesson on...well this world really. I’ve been here like two days and I’ve only gotten more questions than answers.”

“I think I’ll have to redirect you to someone more...qualified than me at that sort of thing. I’ll show you to her later. Besides she's a huge nerd and would probably be committing scientific suicide as she would say it to not study you.” You suddenly felt a bit uneasy, picking at your nails and adjusting your coat on your back.

‘It’s getting pretty warm in here. I think i’ll take my jacket off.’ With that thought you, now with, at least to you, less effort than it was before you will your jacket away into your hammerspace and instead decide to zip up the black and maroon hoodie. Smiling inwardly that you were able to take the prized posession with you. It was a gift from your father for your thirteenth birthday. The age of the coat giving it a loose fit to your lean frame, your barrel giving it a slight bulge and resting your hands in the pockets of the hoodie, basking in the softness of the inner lining you cad sewn in during your junior year in high school. After all, living in Maine, even indoors you wore sweaters and clutched blankets and were still cold. Other than this year of course. The most you got at one point was a measly six inches. last year you got six feet. WTF winter make up your fucking mind!


Anywho you were feeling better about your current temperature and were at you look over to Daring, an inquisitive look on her face.

“How do you do that?”

“I use this locket. It was givin to me by a friend as I was making my way over here from my world. But i’m still getting used to it. It’s kind of like having a pocket dimension that organizes things for you. but it hangs on your neck.”

“Fascinating, may I see it?”

“Sorry but no, literally everything I own is in here, what little I do have I will protect till my last breath. Especially my phone. I have some very important...files that I would soon hope to transfer to a safer network.”

“Is that fancy talk for you having your porn stash saved on your phone?” She looks over giving you a sly but cocky grin. You try to keep yourself together but soon join her chuckling as it grows to full blown laughter. Sadly your fit had to come to an end as the elevator doors opened and you both stepped out. Daring leading the way to the captain’s office. You look over, stifling your laughter to answer her question.

“But in all seriousness, no, that's not why my phone means so much to me. I have pictures of my family and friends that I had and if I’m to be here for the rest of my life than I’d rather not let the sands of time obscure them from my memory.” She doesn't say anything but rather gives me some quiet time as we make our way over to the captain's’ quarters. We walked in silence until we came across Chieftain Tackt.

“Why hello there madam and good sir, how are you two this fine morning?” He asks as you with a grin as you almost bump into each other as you turn a corner.

“Hi Cheif, hows it going? Where you off to?”

“I’m just headed down to the kitchen to start on my gumbo, you know how everyone on the ship loves it.”

“Yeah all 376 of us, and I’m guessing thats whats for lunch today?” She asked licking her lips and her eyes sparkling with a faint hunger in them. You let loose a small chuckle as you look over to him to receive your answer.

“I was actually going to make it for dinner, after all, it takes time to cook enough for everyone here. The chefs are already working around the clock as is, wouldn't want to overwork the poor lads and lasses.” Chief said as he began to walk down the hallway once more, leaving us to our business.

“Catch ya later!” Daring yelled out after him as we continued on our way. As we rounded another corner a thought occurred to me.

“Wait, you said gumbo right?” I asked giving a perplexed look.

“Yeah why?” She asked giving a curious look my way.

“Isn't gumbo primarily meat or shellfish?”

“Yeah, he makes two batches, one for the vegetarians and one for the meat eaters like the griffins and thestrals.”

“Cool, but if that's the case then why were the others so scared of me when I told them I ate meat?”

“That’s because they’re civilians. Safe and sound living their xenophobic lives. Honestly if it wasn't for their stupid princesses they would be one of the world's largest trade centers, making them economic powerhouses. Instead their princess keeps their borders closed because a criminal from the draconic lands decided it’d be fun to reign havoc on the precious princesses land. Now that draconicus is encased in stone and has been for over 997 years now. So now they always pull that card as their reason yet their territory is smack dab in the middle of all the others and unless you want to get arrested for trespassing you have to go around or by sea, which no one wants to do because it's a five day to week voyage and the walk is twice along, and with the beasts that dominate the outskirts due to massive amount of manna that pools in that one gigantic area the walk makes the risk of death thrice as likely.”

“Pardon me for stopping you but aren't you a pony? I mean, everyone has their own beliefs sure but i would’ve thought that with you theoretically being born and raised there wouldn’t you have suscept to the...corruption is the best word I can find for that but why do you have different views?”

“Yeah, I suppose I can see where you’re coming from but we’ll talk about it later, let's let the captain know you're here.” You stop in front of a door, you're near the front of the ship if the curvature of the hallway is anything to go by, the walls coming to a slight point as they stop at a wall that has about a 4 foot difference from the end of the hallway to the right side of the door while looking towards it. Daring knocks on the door using a rat-a-tat wait three seconds ratti-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat wait three more seconds and repeating. Inside you vaguely hear a voice call out for you to come in.

As you walk in you take in the office/living space. It has crown molding that lines aqua walls in a very simple room. Which comes at a slight shock as all the captains in the movies usually have extravagant rooms with decour covering their walls and furniture. In this room the captain had a gun rack displaying many different guns that caught your eye, they were certainly one of the finer quality that you’ve ever seen throughout your life, short as it may be. You're pretty sure you saw a SAW that resembled a M249 but was modified to have a chrome finish with what looked like polished smoked hickory finishes. You couldn't help but admire the captain's choice in arms and nodded your head in approval. Turning away you take notice of the full sized bed with its satin sheets and silk comforter, the comforter dyed a deep bright red with an anchor decal in the center with seven stars surrounding it. The bed has a nightstand with a lamp, both fairly basic. But a nice black on gold finish that complemented the are nicely in your opinion. The map table in the center of the room held a fairly large map at around 6’ by 7’ or at least that's what you guessed by how much spilled off of the sides.

“Hey Capt, how’re you doing this fine day?” The captain was currently looking out a large window that panned across the wall facing the bow of the ship.

Author's Note:

Hey, I'm off of hiatus, time to hop back on this rolor coaster of entertainment and crack into my wells of imagination. Future chapters will most likely be no longer than 2,000 words but I'm going to try to post around three times a week or so to make up for this story being up for six months and only having seven chapters with 16,000 words give or take. Anyway, as usual I hope you have a nice day and I bid you, adieu.
