• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 3,772 Views, 67 Comments

Shaping Man - PheonixLyrics101

The world, slowly rebuilding from its faults is becoming more forgiving as you trek through life. But what may become of you is a completely different story. Care to discover what life may bring?

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Prolouge pt1

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to get this out but I'll be adding a part two in a couple hours. Got my motivational dub step and years worth of imaginating my own fan fiction. Now just to sit down and figure out what to write. Don't worry, all of my future chapters other than the prologue will be at the minimum 2-3 pages (2,000-2,500 words) and 5,000 on the weekends. Whelp off to write that second part, bye.

As I Walked the grounds of the university I just couldn’t shake this feeling of being watched. Yet whenever I turned around nothing was there. After five pointless minutes of me just standing there looking I figured, ‘Fuck it, whoevers there can watch, not like i have anything valuable on me anyway.’ Then it hit me, where was everyone? It was only 8:53 sure but classes started in about seven minutes so there should be at least somebody around right? ‘Wait, what’s today?’ I ask myself as I check my phone. ‘Shit! The talent how was today!

As I sprint to the Gymnasiam hoping to the universe that I wouldn’t be late for my band to play. As I step into my dorm I grab my guitar I check the pamphlet that we got when we were told we would be performing and check when we’d be playing. “Phoenix Lyrics-9:45-9:50” “Thank goodness.” I breath out as I sprint to the gym. I pull out my phone to check the time. It reads 9:39. “I take that back!” I yell to myself as I put a little boost to my sprint. I bust through the back doors only to be stopped by my bandmate Jess as she slaps me.

“What the hell, where were you!?” She yells to me.

“I’m sorry, I forgot the date.” She hmphs and and turns to grab her drum sticks.

“Were on in 2 Gary.”

“I know.” I reply while wiping the sweat off my brow as I turn back to tuning my guitar. The rest of the group greets me with waves as I set my guitar down, satisfied with the sound.

“Sup PedoGar.” Says Jason.

“Sup tall, fat, and ugly.” I reply while we share a chuckle. Jason is 19 about 6’4 but has a bit of weight to him, with his shaggy medium length light brown hair and semiformal attire, wearing a light green button up with the first couple buttons unbuttoned while rocking a loosely fitting pair of blue jeans courtesy of his girlfriend not wanting him to make a fool of himself no doubt. He’s our pianist when i’m not on the board and at bass every other time. His girlfriend being Jess, who is 20, was in a pair of dark blue jeans that accentuated her figure nicely while wearing a magenta blouse that again hugged her figure like every man dreamed they could do to her. Now when I say that she’s hot I mean that she’s drop dead gorgeous. Not in that skinny as fuck supermodel but more so that perfectly curved woman that you’d want to do anything for hover long it takes just to catch a glimpse of that curvy perfection. Or you know, just be on the swim team like me and check her out then. Then there’s Ol’ Frank, our disk jockey, he’s actually pretty young, we just call him that since he’s the oldest in our band at 21, and i’d be lying if I said we’ve never used him to get alcohol into a party.

Then there's me, I won’t go into detail here but i’m 20, have short really dark brown curly hair that I straighten when I have the time. I’m currently wearing a long sleeved black dress shirt that i rolled the sleeves up and unbuttoned the top two buttons while sporting dark blue worn jeans and brown work boots. Why the work boots? Cause I'm in the military that's why. But back to what i’m doing right now. As I set up the mic and grab my guitar pic I look back to see if everyones all set and signal to the guy with the lights that were all set. As he dims the lights I start strumming out the first few chords.

(For those of you who want the song I was thinking of.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvtPYdqilm0

Yeah, we’re a cover band for now till we can orchestrate some of the songs we’ve written. But that doesn’t matter cause the crowd fucking loved it. We got 2nd place behind this kid that did BMX. I mean this kid was wicked talented and i probably would’ve given up our position if we didn’t get first and we did. Afterwards we each got a red ribbon and $500 (that we instantly put away for better equipment) and we headed for lunch at a local diner. After we ate we went back to my dorm and picked up my roommates ps4. Then we went over to Ol’ Franks and we proceeded to play InFamous Second Son till we passed out.

{Next Day}

I woke up to the sound of screaming. It sounded like Jess and I was instantly awake, but I couldn’t get up. Looking down I saw the blanket i was using had burn marks on it, with my hands I threw the remainder of it off and looked down to see...well nothing, my legs weren’t there. The couch I was sleeping on was charred and as I looked around I saw my friends had all begun pouring water on me to try to stop the black flames that were rapidly consuming me. The weirdest part was that it looked as if everything from my waist down was being burned away by this mysterious fire and consuming me, fast. But I couldn’t feel it, and as I look in horror at myself and mentally scream I just feel my guitar fling itself onto what remains of me there and gets burned up with me. The last thing I see before I black out was my friends running out the dorm and the room going up in flames as I slowly lose consciousness.