• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 3,772 Views, 67 Comments

Shaping Man - PheonixLyrics101

The world, slowly rebuilding from its faults is becoming more forgiving as you trek through life. But what may become of you is a completely different story. Care to discover what life may bring?

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Chapter 8

You wake up with a start. Looking at the ceiling and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you stretch your back and neck, the satisfying cracks coming from it causing you to groan in pleasure fro the dissipating stiffness. Climbing out of bed. You’ve been on the ship for a couple of days now. The captain just so happened to be Daring’s mom. Though you were pleasantly surprised that she was a very pleasant woman to speak to.

She would talk to you about the present and past of Terra and any important thing that would get you called out for doing. Like touching a unicorn's horn unless given permission, the same with pegasus wings. You would help out, acting as more of a cabin boy than anything. Helping keep the ship in tip top shape. Anything from helping to raise the sails to cleaning the hull from the scorch marks from stray lightning bolts that occurred from the previous storm you had to fly through. Though you haven’t been practicing your powers as of late considering whenever you try you just get the feeling of pins and needles in your head until you stop trying to summon up them. Something that has you slightly concerned because as you’ve been reading up on the different species on Terra, as it’s called. You currently being in the Northern Griffin Provinces or the NGP. Though the planet as a whole is about twice the size of Earth it is very prominent with the locals.

You were never small at 5’9 and were pretty lean with bigger arms but you were just plain tiny compared to them. You never took it into consideration before. Sure that astronomer you met back was short compared to the rest but that was because she was actually a lot younger than you took her for. Only about 13 as you learned while talking to her while stargazing on the deck. Today you were going to the doctors to get a check­up. The on board physiologist wanting to get a better look at your body for science. He also wanted to give a portion of your blood to a hematologist when you land in about a week.

You head into the bathroom, starting up the shower, you do your morning routine. Though what concerns you the most is that Cordelia hasn't spoken to you for the whole time you’ve been on the ship. Even when you try to talk to her. Now all that's there is just an empty feeling that concerns you pretty deeply since you had been meaning to ask her questions concerning her origins, why you were here, how you were alive, how your friends and family were. Though for now you’ll focus on the here and now. You step out of the shower and wipe the mirror of the steam as you brush your teeth and comb your hair to the side. You dry off and get dressed, picking a simple white t­shirt and jeans that you found in the bag that was given to you by Cordelia. You grab your glasses and walk out the door, slipping into a pair of sandals as you walk to the elevator. Pressing the button for the third floor you head to the doctors quarters.

When you arrive you knock on the door, waiting as you bring your hands behind your back. Dr.Tender Heart opens the door, he’s a rather lanky stallion that stands at about 6’7 tall with light blue swept back hair, his hon peaking out of the hairs that go to the middle of his neck with dark purple fur. He has on normal doctors wear and has a clipboard in his left arm. He smiles to me as he speaks.

“Why hello there Gary, nice to see you could make it today. How are you?”

You chuckle as you walk in behind him. “I’m doing pretty well myself doc all things considering. Just wanted to ask a few questions is all.”

“That should be fine.” He states as he takes a seat in his chair as he motions for you to sit on the bed.

“Well you see when I first got here my powers worked pretty well. I was able to summon up as I would and was generally not experiencing any discomfort unless overdrained. Now however all I get is this pins and needles feeling. What do you think could be the cause of that?”

“Well, i’m not quite sure,l but If you want I could always give your system a flush and see what happens, maybe you’ve come in contact with something that your body finds foreign and I could clean it out now, study it, and give your body small doses, gradually giving it larger doses as to build your body's immunity to it and help it to adapt to fight whatever's blocking your powers. Now I’m not saying it’ll work but it’s what I’d recommend.”

“That actually sounds like a solid plan Dr.Tender Heart.”
“Please, call me Tender Heart, we’re all friends here are we not?” “Well than you Tender Heart, I’ll be sure to remember that.”

“If you will Gary, could you lay down with your arms to your side and your head facing up please as I prepare the spell?”

“Certainly doc.” You say as you do what you’re told, laying down you get comfortable as Dr.Tender Heart powers up his horn. You feel the intertwines of magic start to tendril around you as you feel as if something's being physically drained from you. You start to feel your muscles loose some of their mass and your body shrink, you feel your facial hair receding and your teeth become a tad bit more crooked like when they first came in. You feel your hair grow slightly longer. You could feel yourself shrinking, you try to yell at him to stop but your voice is a bit higher than it usually was. When it's all over you lay there, sweating from the physical pain it had put you through as you lay there gasping for air as Dr.Tender Heart does the same, But a shocked gasp escapes his lips as he takes a look at you.

“I don’t think I remember you being quite this small Mr.Gary. Are you alright?”

“I think I’ll be good doc.”You say as you sit up. You look down at yourself and just gaze at how small your clothes look now. Your once very formed figure is replaced with what you can only call a lean but muscular teenage figure. You feel like you had just gone through a time machine and placed in a past you’s body. You to your shock, feel pretty damn good. Just then, with great relief to you hear a voice in the back off your head.

‘Why hello there Gary, sorry I haven't been around lately and cut off your powers but I couldn’t get them to work with that darn serum that they injected into you to forcefully age you back on your old world. At least not without dire consequences as you experienced before.’

‘Well thank you Cordelia, but quick question, just how old am I now? I mean that spell took most of my physic with it, and my voice, and my beard. I mean, I’m physically a whole new person right now. Hell everyone here thought I was a full grown adult from my world, now I've lost about fifty pounds of muscle, my voice is higher, and i’m about an inch shorter. What should I do?’

‘That, is for you to decide, and please, your making the poor stallion panic at least answer the dear.

‘Oh...right. Well thank you again Cordelia.’

‘Your welcome Gary’

“Hello, Mr.Gary, are you alright in there? Did I use the wrong spell?”

“N­-No, I’m fine, and you used the right spell. You see, back on my old planet, when I was younger I was injected with a serum to force my body to mature at a rapid rate.”

“Why would you do that though?”

“I would rather not talk about it. Though if I were to guess I’d say that i would have to be around 15 years old now, if not younger.”

‘No you’re right, your body is 15.’

“No, fifteen that's it. Well, it seems like I finally get my teenage years back eh doc?”

“So it seems.” He say with a smile. Backing up slightly to take a seat in his chair. “Never thought I’d do that in all my days. Though I guess I should get rid of the serum that I contained in the jar then?” He asks as he holds up a mason jar filled to the brim with the dreaded liquid.

“In the worst possible way.” You tell him as he sets the jar down on a countertop. “Though if you don’t mind i’d like to monitor its destruction, make sure that it truly is disposed of so it can’t be reproduced or studied. That serum destroyed thousands of lives back on my world. And thousands before it in the creation of it. I just want that stuff gone.”

“Say no more, he says as he goes over to a trash can with a biohazard symbol and opens the top up, and with a swing of his arm, tosses the jar into it. There is a sucking sound before he closes the lid. You look at him with an unimpressed look. He raises an eyebrow at you.”What?” He merely responds. Shrugging his shoulders as he sits back in his chair.

“Nothing doctor I just thought that you would take this matter a tad bit more seriously. When I said disposed of I meant to the point where it could not be retrieved. Not merely into a biohazard container to be disposed of on the mainland.” You told him.

“ He gives you an understanding look. “Of course you wouldn’t know about the disposal system in this world, pardon me for not telling you beforehand. You see, these trash bins are fixed with a void and incinerator mix that is held n place with barrier spells. You see, inanimate objects can go in but once inside it goes through the incinerator and the remnants are sucked into the void and left to drift in the void for all eternity. So don’t you mind your little head there Gary. For you won’t be seeing that, nor will anyone else for that matter, ever again.”

You give him a grateful look and thank him as you get up off the bed. Stumbling a bit and getting a bit of a feel for your new body you walk around the room as you feel pretty silly in your baggy clothes. Dr. Tender Heart chuckles a bit as he watches you.

“You know, you could always go to our seamstress on the ship to fix up your clothes. Also if you wouldn’t mind i’d like to run a physical so we can get your information updated.”

“Of course doctor”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, short chapter. Next one will also be relatively short but it'll be out around three or so. Though during a road trip where I'm singing at the New England Hydroplane Series competition. Got hired for a show up here in Maine and got hired again for a show down in New Hampshire. So that gives me plenty of time to type. See you all next time, and I bid you a due.