• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 3,772 Views, 67 Comments

Shaping Man - PheonixLyrics101

The world, slowly rebuilding from its faults is becoming more forgiving as you trek through life. But what may become of you is a completely different story. Care to discover what life may bring?

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Prologue pt2

{Somewhere in the Mountains of Elephantine}

“Are you sure about this Ahuizotl?”

“Yes, i’m sure now do it!”

Ahuizotl yells as his henchmen, a certain trio of diamond dogs we all know and hate, are setting up the last of the preparations for the ritual. A ritual with the combination of a spell cast by the dozen unicorns that obviously he forced to do the casting. Or else he’d murder their whole family in front of them and the public in which he would then force them to do it again and if they fail he would just keep going down the bloodline till the unicorn get it right. So they better do it right the first time. As he walks into the pentagram, which was made using magically infused blood of an ape to give it the fiery red of the blood and the sunburst yellow of the magic. The pentagram has symbols drawn with the blood that would use as a gateway through time, space, and the multiverse, he feels his fur stand on end and begins to hear what sounds like barely audible whispers.

He smiles, pleased that everything is going according to plan. He uses the hand on his tail to signal to a diamond dog named Scruffy to get the unicorns to start casting the spell. As they do the all too familiar sound of magic charging up fills his cold heart of mischief and disharmony with the slightest of joy and a short maniacal chuckle leaves his snout as he wags his tail slowly in excitement. He then reached with his tail and grabs an oriental knife to which he uses to make three long shallow cuts on each forearm and let them drip into the pentagram. In turn with the spell casting of the unicorns the chanting of the dogs and his own blood the pentagram begins to glow darker.

The dogs in turn change louder as the unicorns put more magic into their spell, a few wiping away from the brow from the effort.

“Pour more magic into the spell, every lady drop off mana if you have to, I can tell were close.” Ahuizotl yells to the unicorns over the chanting of the verbal spell from the most fluent speaking dogs he could find.

The voices in his head were growing louder as more magic was being put into the spell. But the amount of voices jumbled together sounded like incoherent babble that was impossible to pinpoint on one voice. With one last burst of magic and the dogs howling the last word the voices in Ahuizotl’s head all screamed one thing. “HUMAN”

And just like that the pentagram erupted into fiery orange flames that glowed yellow and red as it reflected off the walls of the cave in the bitter cold caverns. As the flames were climbing higher the form of a pair of boot covered feet began to take form. With it came the pained cries of Ahuizotl, the cuts in his arms now pouring out blood as the cuts grew deeper and wider. So deep that they reached the bone and the cuts so wide they tore into each other. The pain growing too much he rolled onto his back in pain and did all he could to not roll himself out of the circle so he could relieve himself off the hell he was feeling.

Eventually the pain subsided and he looked up to the fiery figure in front of him, it stood with its arms by its sides shrouded in flames Ahuizotl’s blood swirling around him, slowly revealing color to the being that stood before him. He honestly want that impressed by any means with the stature of the being. It looked pretty thin with a slightly bigger barrel than the rest of the torso. The arms being petty slim compared to his own. But the legs, they were beefy and lean clearly stating it was bipedal, the being appeared to be wearing clothing on its body. But when his attention was brought to what color his fur was he saw the was none. The being was beginning to move to, the flames slowly being absorbed into its palms. Another item began forming on its back, it looked like a skillfully designed case of some kind. As Ahuizotl got up he looked down at his forearms and noticed that they had heeled,other than the fur that would undoubtedly grow back they looked just fine. Add he pondered this the being began to speak.

{Gary POV Thoughts after summoning}

It may have been only five minutes on their end, but it was about an hour on this end. An hour was all I needed at the time considering what was going on.

{Gary POV during summoning}

As my head burned away it revealed to me looking into an endless void. ‘So this must be limbo eh? I guess now I wait’ as I'm floating here my thoughts began to wander to what would happen to the others. ‘Did they make it out? They had to have I saw them lea-’

“Hello” Came a female sounding voice from nowhere yet everywhere at once.

“Who is this?” I asked calmly not trying panic over what had just happened.

“I am your guardian, I am too help you on your journeys and assist you with starting up on this new world your are to be sent to.” Came my reply.

“What do you mean?” I ask pensively, not sure what the fuck was going on and wanting answers.

“We are in limbo, and I am apart of you. In a sense I am your conscience, only now my purpose now isn't only to help you process info but to help you physically and mentally. I'm eventually my own being now. Only I am in a way omnipotent, if omnipotence was centered around one being. Now enough pleasantries, I need to prepare you for your future.”

“What do you mean? Am I going to a place to die or am I going to be reborn or what? Please tell me I'm not being reborn as a tapeworm. I'm not gonna be a tapeworm right?!” Panic slowly taking over until I feel a light slap across my face, although it felt liquidy and warm. “Thanks, I needed that. “

“It seems you did, now back to what I was saying,” as she was saying that a screen about the size of a 50’ in TV popped up about an arm's length away. On the screen it displayed me standing up straight with my current attire on and my hands by my sides standing at attention. “this is you now. Now I want you to make any changes to your attire you see fit.”

“Where am I headed? Because I'd much rather dress the occasion of I'm going somewhere.” The woman only laughed as she says.

“It'll be pretty cold, about the same temperatures you were witnessing where you were. ‘So I'll want my sweater and coat then.’

“Indeed you will.” As I reeled back at these aspect of her reading my thoughts I quickly brought myself back to my normal composure. Then it hit me. ‘How am I even going to get my stuff?’ “Just think of it and it’ll appear on your person.’’

“Ok.” I reply as I begin to think of my black sweatshirt with maroon decals and hood. And over that my blue form fitting peacoat that I had sewn black waterproof fabric over to make it look better, be more durable, and make it more useful. It was all together a very warm and flexible outfit. As I buttoned up my coat I summoned a pair of thin gloves and my two favorite necklaces.

They were in short chains so they wouldn't move when I ran and on them held a mood charm which held a crescent moon with a star held on by the tips fused to the metal framework. On the other held my prized charm, a three dimensional sword with a pair of wings fused to the blade. With them equipped I look to my hair, I quickly force my hair into its usual pose of all its dark brown straight spikey glory. I then asked.

“Is there a way to make my hair stay in this style until I change it?” Honestly I just wanted to see if there was a way to change my hairstyle at will. That sounded badass.

She let's out a few giggles before responding. “Of course you can, all your have to do is ask and I'll do it, as long as you don't get on my bad side that is.” With that we share a laugh. “But we. Must hurry up a bit, we are running out of time. Next tough must choose your arsenal and powers.”

“I'm getting powers!? That's so cool, do I get to choose them or is it preset?”

“You can choose one but it must be within reason.” She replies which makes my smile gallery just for a millisecond as a thought comes to mind. ‘Copycat or void type powers would be pretty kickass… but let's be honest here, being able to copy an exponents powers and summon then at will would be a hell of a lot more useful than some frilly magic power.’

“So I see you have made a decision. And a wise one at that. Just be known that with a power comes a setback, you will only be able to use the powers for a limited time and or have some sort of power source with you to keep from reverting back to your normal self. And to gain the power you will have to touch the being in question. As for your arsenal I believe I can grant you four items to start out with for your journey, so choose wisely.”

“I've actually already have a plan for that, first I would like to make a copy of my winded sword necklace that feeds me whatever power my abilities need to feel running, please.”

“As you wish.”

“Next I would like to have a copy of my moon necklace that will act as a sort of pocket universe that I can pull things and equip them in a sort of pause menus type format.”

“I can do that”

And as I take my necklaces of I put them in my inventory for later. After I put the new ones on.

“For my third price of equipment I would like a pair of handguns of my choosing with 500 rounds of ammunition each.”

“ Now that seems a little unfair asking for so much in one wish now doesn't it?”

“Well Aladdin asked to be a prince and ended up getting everything you saw in that movie with it so I think it's fair game as long as I can fit it in one sentence.”

“Point taken, now just think of them and they will appear in your inventory along with the ammo.” After she says that I begin to think of a pair of Thorns from destiny and a pair of badass dessert eagles I saw from the internet. As I think of them I mentally equip them and they appear in my hands.

As I go though my inventory I see that my first is there from when it came through with me, I sling it over my shoulder and store the guns away. My guitar, a gift from my grandparents for getting a scholarship to college was my pride and joy. It was with me through every gig since graduation.

“For my final wish I would like a guitar case that is equipped with a year's supply of pills that I can take that will quench my thirst, hunger, and act as a healing/reguvinating agent that I can use till I can get on my own feet, a text, a sleeping bag, a pillow and blanket, a survival guide of the local wildlife and it's inhabitants, night vision glasses, sunglasses, a bandana, a knife, flint and steel, rope, a pot, a pan, and whatever else I'll need to survive what lies ahead, all while working on a similar hub as my inventory. ” Since I'm in limbo I don't need to break so I managed to get that all in one sentence.

“That's quite a mouthful there Burt I think I'll manage.” She says as my first is wrapped in a stronger than meets the eye case that has a zipper on it to store things while I can summon anything I put into it into my hands. “And with that we have run out of time, till next time Gary, and please be safe on your journeys.”

“With all that you've given need I'm sure I'll do fine, thank you very much for all you've done for me.”

“Your welcome, but now youth must go and brave this new world. And with that I began to feel a tugging sensation as my feet started to burn away in a similar fashion as to how I got here.

As I began to remain my vision I saw what had to be one of the ugliest creatures I've ever seen

Author's Note:

Here's the links to the pictures I wanted to use during the fic but my phone wouldn't allow me to. This is the pentagram http://i1133.photobucket.com/albums/m587/MightyMicah/09064ADF-B7EE-469D-BEE2-DE74A03827DC-2590-00000423F0B88725.jpg
And Here's the guns
Desert eagles:
And here's the second
And last but not least the guitar
As of those who are wondering what that knife will look like I haven't decided on that yet, so feel free to give me examples in the comments below. Thank you all for reading and have a good one. Currently working on new chapter as you read this. It's gonna be about 3,000 or so words by the end so be in for a treat.