• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 3,772 Views, 67 Comments

Shaping Man - PheonixLyrics101

The world, slowly rebuilding from its faults is becoming more forgiving as you trek through life. But what may become of you is a completely different story. Care to discover what life may bring?

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Chapter 4

You wake up with a pounding headache, cradling your head as you sit up. Your vision pushing in and out of focus. you try to move your arms to get up but find your movements sluggish and hazy, like you had just swam for miles on end nonstop. Your upper back especially hurts, where you had grown out the wings yesterday while you experimented with your powers, least to say your body felt like you just went twelve rounds with a group of chimps. You just let out an exasperated sigh and try to reach for your locket. You open up the book and your mind is delved into the pocket dimension. You look around at the stelliferous background and observe your inventory. You seem to have all of your items with you, but something that irks you is the numbers that appear in the corner of your peripherals. It shows a fraction, the numbers presented showing 134 lbs/230 lbs. Confused you look over your belongings once more and notice that after picking up your knife you see the weight appear in the corner of your peripherals. Your knife weighed in at about 2.5 pounds, with the scabbard came in at about 4 pounds. Nodding you place it back where you found it. You continue to look around a bit, taking in minute details, like the faint red glow that emanates from the bottom of the item once it’s placed on the wall, it appears to be a type of energy that permits the objects to float in the picturesque abyss that replicates a masquerade view of space. The sky above in which you view every night. The beauty in which you take advantage of every evening when the sun sinks below the skyline. But you digress, offering instead to focus on the task at hand and find the wonderful salubrious pills that would relieve you from this torment of pain and allow you to move around in the world that you reside.

You grip the bottle and focus on exiting your inventory, the book closing with an audible click as the magnet holds it closed. A sharp gasp escapes your mouth as you struggle to open the bottle. You want to transform but even trying to focus on it causes a feeling akin to that of a railway spike being driven through your skull, slowly, steadily at some point and jittery at others. You feel your vision darkening as you finally get the bottle open, you splash the bottle to your face spitting out all but one of the pills to your lap as you jerk forwards in pain but as the pill takes its effect you feel the pain subsiding and your vision becoming clearer. You look around at the pills that are scattered around you. You sigh as you start the tedious task of picking up the pills. as you close the cap of the pills they disappear in a burst of blackish red flame outlined with a green hue. You sigh as you look around, then you spot that you are alone in the tent. Confused you close your eyes and listen, searching for any sound aside from your breathing and beating heart. You hear laughter from outside the tent and smile to yourself, the sound bringing an uplifting feeling to you as you make to get up. You put on your coat once more as you step out the tent and into the blinding light of the snow frosted cliffside in which the cave resides. After allowing your eyes adjust you go to the entrance to find the source of all the commotion.

The sight before you astonishes you. A tremendous airship is docked below you, resting at the bottom of the cliffside, residing in the snow laden valley. The cave entrance standing a proud 127 meters above ground gives you a spectacular picturesque view of the land before you. You look down mentally calculating the best way to get down without killing yourself from the fall. You would use your powers but quickly decided against it when you felt the pain in your head from simply thinking about the act. You quickly gather your things, tightening the strap holding your guitar on your back. You, despite the pain, change your nails so they mock the diamond dogs so you can maintain a secure grip on the way down and begin your trek. Brushing your hair out of your face you gradually lower yourself out of the cave entrance, the sheer slope making it nigh impossible to get your footing. As you sink your newly acquainted claws into the rockface your feet search for a crack to slip into. Your boots come up with nothing sadly. You sigh as you mentally prepare yourself for the hell your arms will bring you after the climb.
As you climb you decide to contemplate your position. Interesting as this new world may be you can’t exactly complain. You grew up in the slums of Puerto Rico, having to face with raids of the local gangs, the bastard bullies that tormented you to the point of breaking your legs and beating you within an inch of your life. Then having to receive the fallback of your mother for the hospital bills. Her being a single mother ‘taking care’ of you and your older sister. Her drug and alcohol addictions always taking priority over food and water. Having to get your first job at 7 just to feed yourself and your sister. Working odd jobs along with your job working at the accursed banana farm. Having to skip school just to bring in enough income to get you to the next week. Then your mother's backlash after she receives the news of your absence. You would shovel the shit of the locals horses, having to deal with homework alongside it. The late night studies and waking before dawn to walk the three miles just to be able to catch the bus less you walk the thirty some odd miles to school, cutting through the woods to make the trek shorter. lugging the cheap two dollar backpack that you would have to sew every so often because the seams would tear under the weight of the books the school made you carry. You shake your head, not wanting to continue reminiscing. Realizing you had stopped you hastily continue as to not waste arm strength. Despite your better judgement you allow your mind to wander once again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gary Age 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You smile to yourself as you look at the tickets you were able to buy, three years of you and your mother, although considerably less from her, had managed to save the 1,500 U.S. dollars, had connected with your Abuela, who had moved to Florida many years prior, and had bought youselves each a carryon suitcase that carried your only belongings. You kept in there your 4 only shirts, your 2 pairs of pants, and your 3 pairs of socks. In the bag also had your meager collection of toy cars that you had accumulated over the years from the local church you and your sister would visit for the holidays if you could get the time off of work. You step out of the trunk of the homemade truck, it’s rusty frame leaving small scratches along your legs and arms during the bumpy ride there. Your mother and sister spill out of the front, thanking your uncle as he hugs you one last time, you hugging back as much as your frail frame can. You pray with him for safe travels despite you not being of any particular faith. You had decided that you would look at all the cultures and choose your own god to follow, or you would remain abstinent as you do now. You look into his tearful eyes and wipe them away with, telling him your gratitude for all he had done for you and the two most important women in your life. You turn and walk into the airport, you feel the chilled air of the airport on your face, savouring the escape from the sweltering heat. Your mother snatches the tickets from your hands as she talks with the attendant at the front desk. As she does that however you think about all the new opportunities you would be granted in America. Rumors had it that they didn't have the same sweltering, humid heat on a daily basis, and that the people were so pale that they rivaled the very paint on the classroom's walls. How everyone got to live in a house, and everyone got to eat to their fill, That everyone lived in luxury, and that everyone was nice. On the plane I was terrified, this giant metal cage was what was supposed to carry us over the ocean that separated us from America? I had spent all of my money on a seat in this? I was slightly perturbed and anxious about the whole ordeal, my sister having mutual feelings, but together, hand in hand, we stepped into the plane following our mother to our seats. I had spent the last three years learning english, even to the point of being able to read the books that i had bought from the market, a hardcover book that was called ‘Molly Moon’s Incredible Book Of Hypnotism’ I also bought a spanish to english dictionary to help me along the way. The seven hour flight was spent reading the book whilst my sister looked over my shoulder helping me translate as I read it aloud to her and I. When the plane landed, I couldn’t have been happier to step off, the feeling of the pájaro de metal as dubbed by my sister felt odd, like my stomach was being turned inside out but without the nausea, and when we landed i swore my innards would become my outardes. It was scary, but with being out of the plane we could move freely and when we stepped off we held our carry ons with us as we walked the corridor to get off the plane. Out the gate we met with my Abuela and Abuelo, we hadn't seen them for years and were more than happy to receive the letter stating that we could stay with them till we got on our feet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gary Age 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I live with my father now, an honorably discharged Marine in the military, he has a girlfriend, she's a bitch. She keeps insulting my mother and made fun of my hair. My father wants to marry this woman, i don’t think he should. I have been living with my father for a couple of years now. I was named after him, that would explain why my name always sounded weird when i spoke with anybody in Puerto Rico, It just doesn’t roll off the tongue like i always thought a name should. Alas my english has improved, I am now in advanced classes again. In Puerto Rico I was meant to skip four grades but mother insisted on me getting the social experience. They stuck me in the higher classes but i was disappointed to still technically be in the same grade level, just different classes than all of the other students. The rumors lied. The kids here are just as mean, only their tongues like cobras and their accent odd compared to mine. Over the years my accent has slowly began to fade. My sister still lives with my mother and grandparents as i attempt to survive this winter tundra of Maine. I hate it here but i hated it more with my mother. Here I get a better education than i ever thought possible. The teachers don’t even hit you here, they say it’s against the law but the spoiled brats here probably deserve it. I see them everyday with their fancy phones, their fancy clothes and shoes. I remain in solitude as to not taint myself with their ranched behaviour and racial discrimination. The two most common skin types i have seem here is either white, peach, or surprisingly red. A man i met in public slapped me for asking why he has red. I, confused, simply asked him why as he stormed off callling me a dirty mexican immagrant. I still got bullied. For being different, having a more dark orange skin tine compared to the black and white tones that dominate the halls. I was called a nerd on many occasions. I dont bother to correct them since i guess i am. I keep to my studies and have become quite the bookworm, favouring the Percy Jackson Series on Mr.Riordan's take on how greek mythology would affect today's world. I love it. I remember the excitement when i read the first book, i must read the next, and after that the next. But as i come to a close for the school year i couldn't help but wonder what next year would bring.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Current time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was torn from my thoughts as a voice finds its way to my ears. I turn to the right to meet the flying form of Daring as she flutters beside me.

“Hey, what are you doing climbing down when you could just fly?”

“Because my powers have become…compromised for the time being.”

“Well i can't really carry you down, no offense.”

“None taken, Now if you’ll excuse me.” You say as you continue your climbing.

“Hey wait, if you don’t mind staying here for about five minutes i'll be back with my friend, he should be strong enough to carry you.”

“Well, i think i’ll keep moving but sure, just please be quick, i may have overestimated my abilities when i had begun this.”

“I know the feeling.” Daring laughs as she flies off.You continue your decent as you wait for Daring and this friend of hers comes. Sure enough, about five minutes later this pegasus with a billowing shoulder length two toned dark green mane and equally dark blue coat come flying to your position.

“Hey there, I'm Cacti Mender, the ships desert ops expert, heard you needed a hand.” he said reaching out his hand for a handshake.

“No disrespect sir but I need my hands to stay alive right now Mr.Mender. But I can assure you it is a pleasure to meet you.” You say, angling your body so you can look him in the eyes. His Face flashed one of mild alarm and disgust but quickly becomes profesional once again. He clears his throat and speaks once again.

“None taken at all, but to get you down both Daring and I will be taking a hand each. Tell me, did you climb all the way from the cave to here? You were only about 38 meters above the ground now and it was around midday. Daring here was on her way to go and get you from the cave, she said something about you being able to fly was it? If so then why aren’t you flying now?”

“Because I was most ignorant yesterday in my actions and am currently paying the consequences of overusing my powers. The most i could scrounge up was altering my hands to grow claws to assist me in getting down.” You reply as you grab ahold of his right hand with your left and swing around kicking off and grabbing onto Daring’s outstretched arm. They grab hold of your arms with both hands and begin the slow descent. You savour the sweat being dried by the cool breeze being blown into your face from the rushing winds. The wind blowing your short cropped hair around. Now that you weren’t in the R.O.T.C. program you held no obligation towards your hair, growing it out was now a must, especially with the cold weathers you were witnessing now. You look over to the guy holding you up by your arm and realize that he’s FUCKING SHIRTLESS. You look at him bewildered and ask.

“Aren’t you cold up here? Cause i’m freezing my ass off up here.”

“Not really, us Abraxan are pretty resistant to the elements, considering we fly at high altitudes with thin air.”

“Interesting.” Is all you state before looking back to the view presented to you. The setting sun radiates the fiery glow off of the snow covered land. You look down and notice that you're about fifteen feet off of the ground, deciding to be a bit of a cheeky bastard you slip on a sly grin as you look over to Daring and tell her. “Well as much as I appreciate the ride I believe this is my stop.” you say as you jerk your arms out of their grip and begin a short free fall to the ground rolling and sliding with your right knee down letting your left drag behind, creating a cloud of snow billowing in your trail. Using your remaining momentum you begin running, taking off on a slow jog, using powerful leaps to go faster with minimal effort. Then going faster till you’re in full sprint. Feeling the wind on your face is a sweet relief for you, reminding you of your runs with your buddies when you would parkour around town, hopping from building to building and having to lose the cops if they ever caught you trespassing during late night parkour. You continue running until you hear wing flaps coming in from the right.

“Are you crazy?! What the hell were you thinking?” Daring yells to you throwing her hand to the sides for emphasis.

“Simple, I wasn't.” You say as you add a bit of boost to your run. You're coming up the side of the airship, deciding to have a bit more fun you aim for a window that's about thirteen feet off of the ground, around you crew members are doing maintenance around the hull of the metallic beauty.

“Yes?” She responds looking towards you her hat hanging by her neck and hair billowing in the wind behind her.

“Do you think that they would mind if I climbed this thing?” She smiles at the thought, looking back towards the airship, eyes giving it a once over, then looking back giving you a similar inspection.

“Wanna make a race out of it?” You smile back, briefly shaking her hand as you jump up pulling yourself onto and swiftly rolling onto a batch of crates, rolling onto your feet. Continuing your run you jump onto a passing forklift, climbing to the top, and running along it. Moving to the end you hop onto the crates its carrying and leap from them onto the window ledge, swiftly with practiced grace you pull yourself up and lift yourself to the next window leading to the next story in the gargantuan ship. Looking back you flash a toothy grin saying.

“Only if you can keep up.” As you start your ascent up the airship. She gives a short laugh as you continue your climb. Using her wings to boost herself to a similar ledge next to yours she looks over and calls out to you.

“Then let’s get this show started monkey colt.” You chuckle at the phrase and focus back on your climb. You see a railing for a small balcony that overlooks the ground from the airship. Grabbing the ledge you launch yourself from the ledge to the railing, mentally hoping the metal doesn’t give under your weight. Surprisingly it doesn't. Using your arms you pull yourself over, using your feet to kick off from the ledge. You flip onto the onto the ground where you are faced with a bewildered woman who screams and runs into her room locking the glass door separating the two of you. You try to call out for her to stop and that you're not going to harm her when Daring flies onto the balcony beside you and stifles laughter as she calls out to the woman who was cowering behind her couch on the other side of the glass door. Daring scoffs and reaches for the door handle. Opening the door the woman teleports over, grabbing Daring’s hand and teleporting the behind the couch that the woman. You hear a silent whisper argument for about five minutes before they emerge and the woman walks up to you shyly. She extends her hand out to you and you in turn intercept it halfway and shake it, introducing yourself in the process.

“Hi, I’m Gary, I’m a bit new around here if you hadn't noticed.” You jest, hoping to ease the woman's nerves as to why there's all of a sudden a human in her cabin as you release her hand. “But if you would be so kind as to give me yours i’d be delighted.” You take this time to take in her features. Her hair is a cool brown, curling at the tips slightly but for the most part straight, going to what you assumed the middle of her back from the hair you could see from the front. Her coat is a bright yellow. You didn’t notice it before but on her hand was a tattoo of what looked to be a ukulele with music notes pouring forth from the tips of the strings. You steal a glance at Daring’s and notice a similar sized tattoo only hers being a compas rose. Her eyes however are a sparkling blue that seem to pierce you. Her form is a bit on the frail side it seems. Not in an unhealthy way but more of a naturally skinny type. On her neck rests a amythest crystal suspended by a golden chain. She wears a vibrant blue sundress that hugs her figure quite nicely as she begins to talk.

“Hi, my name is Island Serenity. If it's not to much to ask but why were you climbing the ship?”

Daring decides to step in here for this and begins. “Oh me and Gary were just having a friendly race to see who could get to the top fastest.”
“I still think I would've won though if we had kept going.” You jest as you give a playful push with your shoulder.” Daring giggles as she looks to you.

“You wish, I would’ve had you beat in no time flat. Even so, I could’ve just used my wings to give myself a boost.”

“Well that's not very fair.” Giggles Island Serenity as you all share a laugh.

“Well in hindsight we didn’t exactly establish any rules so it was all fair game.” You state as you look over to Daring. “So should we continue our race or get back to business. Because I would like to know if I could speak to the captain about catching a ride to civilization. Less I spend the next couple weeks wandering aimlessly in a new world.”

“Yeah, I took the liberty of asking him earlier. Though he was pretty hesitant when Flash objected, Shining stood up for you and put his mind at ease. But the captain wants a close eye on you, so you’ll be staying in the room across from mine. Shining armour and Flash will be on either side of you and i’ll show you your cabin later. You follow her out of the cabin as you wave a goodbye to Island Serenity and head for what you assume is the captain's office.

Author's Note:

Alright, new chapter. Little bit of crappy parkour and we meet someone new! Alright, I'll see you next time.