• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 2,257 Views, 134 Comments

Mega Mare Brilliance - Azure Sandora

Apple Bloom finds a mysterious gemstone that grants her unusual powers, which she uses in the hopes of finding her sister.

  • ...

Lose My Mind

Author's Note:

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Lose My Mind

All during the walk to school, Sweetie Belle's head was somewhere else. Every so often she would be heard humming some sort of tune, and she seemed to be thoughtful while giddy at the same time. This wasn't too odd, as Sweetie Belle was always the really excitable one of them, but still...

Apple Bloom was also distracted. She seemed thoughtful, yet more melancholy and confused. It was an improvement, as she didn't seem so depressed, but it was clear that something was up with her. Every so often she would look at the Neutralizer, running a finger around the rim of the Sapphire.

Scootaloo had no idea what was going on with her friends. Walking in between them, she looked at Apple Bloom first, who gave a heavy sigh. She then looked at Sweetie Belle, who giggled to herself.

“Alright, I've had it!” Scootaloo shouted, “What the hell is going on with you two?! Did you two have a magical night that I wasn't invited to, which left Apple Bloom confused and conflicted while Sweetie Belle will remember it as the most magical night of her life?”

I'm not sure about Sweetie Belle, but Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara did have an interesting get together,” Luna said from the Sapphire.

“Ooh, now we're talking!” Scootaloo said, “Come on, give me the juicy deets, Luna.”

“There ain't nothin “juicy” to tell,” Apple Bloom said, “Diamond Tiara is just fallin hard for Mega Mare.”

“Ah, the typical super hero dilemma,” Scootaloo said folding her arms, “The woman you love but is unattainable has fallen in love with your super hero alter ego, and while part of you wants to tell her the truth, the other part of you knows that if she knew who you were she'd be in danger.”

Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo incredulous, “Ya know, it's amazin. You are so off beat. Like, nothin you just said is correct in the slightest.”

“Apple Bloom, it's fine,” Scootaloo said wrapping her arms and wing around Apple Bloom, “I've read a number of comic books with Dash. This is a difficult time in your growing career as a super hero, but I am here to help you. It's okay, I got you. I got you.”

“Okay, first of all, I'm not in love with Diamond Tiara. Second of all, even though she's rich she's our friend now, so I doubt she's unattainable even if I wanted her. Third, the Mana Stones just want to manifest and cause havoc, they don't have it out for me, so Diamond Tiara isn't in danger. Finally, for the last time I'M NOT A SUPER HERO!”

“You… sort of are, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said, “I'm sorry to agree with Scootaloo, but… you fit the criteria.”

“What about you?” Apple Bloom said, immediately derailing the conversation from her, “What's got you so giddy?”

Sweetie Belle giggled, “Okay, I was going to surprise you guys, but I can't keep it a secret anymore,” Sweetie Belle looked around and dragged Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to an alleyway, “Sapphire Shores is helping me make my Ponyville premiere!”

“Holy shit, what?!” Scootaloo asked, “Sweetie Belle, that's awesome!”

“Tell me about it!” Sweetie Belle said, “I had just wanted her help in writing my song, but this morning she said that she wanted to help me get known. I'm going to be a Ponyville celebrity!”

“That's great,” Apple Bloom said with a smile, “I know how badly ya wanted this since getting yer Cutie Mark.”

“Truth is, being a super star has always been a bit of a dream of mine,” Sweetie Belle said, “I didn't have the courage to pursue it before, but once we got our Cutie Marks it just felt right to me.”

“So, when are you going to depute?” Scootaloo asked.

“This weekend,” Sweetie Belle said, “Sapphire Shores is going to get a venue today and help spread the word.”

I am happy for you,” Luna said, “But should Sapphire Shores really be out and about like she is?

“Rarity was worried too,” Sweetie Belle said, “But she kept insisting that she was okay. Oddly, she seemed like her old self a bit. Energetic, perky, and full of life.”

“That's good, right?” Scootaloo asked, “Her being back to normal?”

For someone suffering bi-polar depression, no it is not,” Luna said, “She might not have taken her medicine. This is a common issue with ponies who have this mental issue.

“Because of how the medicine makes 'em feel right?” Apple Bloom asked. Luna nodded.

She should be fine for a bit, but if she's not taking her medicine she could go dark. For a pony who's bi-polar that can be VERY dark.

“Well, its not like she's going to hurt anyone,” Scootaloo said, “Come on, this is Sweetie Belle's big day. Let's not ruin this for her.”

“Yeah, sorry Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom said, “We are happy for ya.”

“Thanks girls,” Sweetie Belle said, “And I'll keep what you said in consideration, Luna. I'm pretty sure Rarity's going to talk to her about it today.”

As long as you are safe,” Luna said, even though she looked uncertain. Apple Bloom wondered if they were thinking the same thing.

“Yes! This is perfect!” Sapphire Shores said, looking up at the space she reserved for her new protege. She managed to acquire Town Hall for Saturday, and sent out the word that Sweetie Belle was now under her wing.

The kid was going to be singing in front of thousands.

Satisfied with her work, she began making her way back to Carousel Boutique. On the way, she heard a few ponies talking.

“That's Sapphire Shores, right? What's she doing out here in Ponyville?”

“Didn't you hear? She went crazy at her last concert and got sent out here.”

Crazy? Was that what ponies thought? She wasn't crazy, she was sick. And she didn't go crazy, she just had a meltdown on stage.

This is what ponies think of you…

They think you're losing it…

“I… don't believe it…” Sapphire Shores said, “It was in the papers though… that I was diagnosed with bi-polar depression...”

They don't care…

They all made their decision of what happened…

Which is why your choice of protege seems odd to me…

“What do you mean?” Sapphire Shores asked, “Sweetie Belle is a good kid.”

Oh she is…


By taking on someone so young…

You could be digging your grave…

“Now I don't believe that for a second,” Sapphire Shores said, “Sweetie Belle won't replace me,” she stopped and admired herself in a window's reflection, “I mean, who could honestly replace moi?”

You'd be surprised…

But it's okay…

I'll stay with you the whole way…

“Thanks,” Sapphire Shores said. At first she wasn't sure about the gemstone, but now that she had a chance to get to know the Aquamarine, she had a feeling that they'd get along perfectly.

It really was a good luck charm.

Sapphire Shores' walk back to Rarity's place turned into a skip, much like how she'd skip as a child. Even if some ponies here felt like she was going crazy, she didn't care. She felt better than she had felt in ages. The best thing she ever did was decide not to take those pills again.

When she stepped inside the shop, she spun around and lay on the couch dramatically. For some reason, she couldn't help but laugh to herself. She just felt so good and free.

“Oh Sapphire,” Rarity said walking into the living room, “You're back.”

“Rarity, I feel fantastic!” Sapphire Shores said, “I haven't been this free and in control in ages!”

“So… you've started a new medication then?” Rarity asked. Sapphire Shores sat up and looked at Rarity with a raised eyebrow.

“What makes you think that?” she asked.

“Well, you seemed so exuberant this morning I was concerned, so I checked to see if you had taken your pills, and-”

“Wait, you checked to see if I had taken my medicine?” Sapphire Shores asked, glaring at Rarity, who folded her arms.

“Yes, I did, and I'm glad I checked. Sapphire Shores, you skipped your medicine today, didn't you?” Rarity asked.

“Who do you think you are going behind my back and checking on me like I'm some crazy pony?!” Sapphire Shores asked, getting up and stomping over to Rarity, “I thought you were my friend!”

“I am your friend! And that's the reason I'm so concerned! I know what happens when you don't take your pills! You could go dark, and I don't want to see that!”

“So you'd rather see me sluggish and subdued?! Cause that's what happens when I take those damn pills! I feel like I'm moving in slow motion, and its hard to focus or think of anything! Besides, what's wrong with me free?!”

“What's wrong?! Look at what's happening right now! You're not this out of control, Sapphire!”

“Out of control?! OUT OF CONTROL?! SO THAT'S IT, ISN'T IT?! YOU THINK I'M CRAZY TOO, DON'T YOU?! YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS DAMN TOWN!” Sapphire Shores broke down in tears, still glaring at Rarity, “I trusted you! I thought you were my friend! BUT YOU'RE JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE WHO THINKS I'M LOSING MY MIND!”

“Sapphire, you're scaring me...” Rarity said stepping away from her friend.

“I'm not crazy...!” Sapphire Shores said walking toward Rarity, “I'M NOT CRAZY! I'M IN CONTROL!”

“Sapphire Shores-” Rarity was backed up against a wall, “Sapphire Shores, please forgive me for this...” Rarity said with a pained expression. Her horn started glowing, and she grabbed a few pieces of fabric from her shelf. They were tough, so she used them to wrap up Sapphire Shores. The celebrity fell to the floor and struggled with her bindings, screaming loudly.

“RARITY! RARITY!” Sapphire Shores screamed, tears of rage falling from her eyes.

“I'm sorry, but I have to call your doctor,” Rarity said, “I don't know what's going on, but as your best friend, I have to do what's best for you. You'll thank me for this.”

“NO!” Sapphire Shores struggled and pulled at the fabric, but they were too strong. Upon realizing how helpless she was, she broke down and just cried, knowing that this was the end. She was going to be condemned after this, probably thrown into a crazy house or something. They'd put her in a straight jacket, and treat her like she was insane.

Sapphire Shores…

Allow me to take over…

I will save you…

Sapphire Shores didn't want to be condemned. She didn't want to be forced back in slow motion. She didn't want to be treated like a crazy pony. She wanted to think freely. She wanted to be respected. She wanted to be in control.

“Aquamarine…” Sapphire Shores said through her tears, “Save me… please...”

Say the words…

The words I taught you…

And I will give you power…

The words… Aquamarine had transferred them to her when they became one. Even now she had it in her pocket. She could get herself out of this. Aquamarine would save her. Aquamarine was her true friend. Rarity had betrayed her, so as far as Sapphire Shores was concerned, she didn't need her anymore.

“Mana… Change...” Sapphire Shores said. Immediately Rarity turned to Sapphire Shores in shock.

“What did you say?!” Rarity asked. Immediately she was pushed back onto the floor as Sapphire Shores was engulfed in light blue energy. When Rarity looked up, she was horrified by the sight she saw.

“I'm in control now…!” Sapphire Shores said in her new, terrifying form, “No one will control my life again!”

“Oh Sapphire… why…?”

“You're against me,” Sapphire Shores said, slowly approaching Rarity, “You and everyone else. But now I have Aquamarine, so I don't need anyone.”

“Sapphire Shores… NO!” Rarity pleaded as Sapphire Shores raised her new weapon into the air, bringing it down to…

“Rarity, Miss Shores, are you home?” Sweetie Belle called out stepping into Carousel Boutique. She was surprised when she saw an entire shelf soaked, and she could actually smell sea water. When she got to the kitchen, she saw Sapphire Shores sitting at the counter drinking some tea.

“Heya Sweetie Belle,” Sapphire Shores said smiling.

“Hi Miss Shores,” Sweetie Belle said, “Um… do you know where Rarity is?”

“Hm… you know? She mentioned that something came up in Canterlot, and she had to take a surprise trip. She wished she could have let you know she was leaving, but you know how it is,” Sapphire Shores said smiling sadly.

Sweetie Belle sighed, “Yeah, I know how it is… I guess she's not going to make it to my concert then?”

“Sorry hun,” Sapphire Shores said. Sensing how sad Sweetie Belle was, Sapphire Shores walked over to Sweetie Belle and embraced her, “Oh, it's okay Sweetie Belle. Tell you what, you and I can take this time to bond. Wanna go get a pizza?”

“Rarity says that the pizza here is too fattening,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well, Rarity ain't here right now. Also, I'm a terrible cook,” Sapphire Shores said waving it off, “I'm the adult here, so I say that we go get pizza.”

Sweetie Belle and Rarity didn't go out for pizza anymore, and as much as she did want to watch her figure, she loved oats pizza. It was nice to have someone she could hang out with, and Sapphire Shores was really nice.

“Well, okay,” Sweetie Belle said, “Let's go.”

“Wonderful!” Sapphire Shores said taking Sweetie Belle by the hand and guiding her out of the shop. Sweetie Belle was a little taken aback, but hey, free pizza. Still, she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

The weekend came pretty quickly, and with Sapphire Shores' help, Sweetie Belle was able to finish her song. They decided that to show that Sweetie Belle was her protege, she'd sing a few of her songs and end with her original song. As such, Sweetie Belle would be singing in a full concert.

She was excited, but really tense. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could sense something was wrong.

“Hey, you okay?” Scootaloo said to Sweetie Belle, who was already in her outfit for the concert, consisting of a long white dress, white high heels, and golden earrings. She wore light pink eyeshadow and red lipstick for make-up.

“Mm… Rarity hasn't called,” Sweetie Belle said, “Even if she was busy, she'd call at some point to check in.”

“She might be workin on a new dress,” Apple Bloom said, “She gets in the zone when she's workin, right?”

“Yes she does, but...” Sweetie Belle said looking to the side worried.

“Oh Sweetie Belle!” Sapphire Shores called out happily, sauntering over to the three teens, “It's almost showtime. You ready?”

“I-I guess,” Sweetie Belle said looking down.

“What's wrong sugar?” Sapphire Shores asked.

“Have you heard anything from Rarity? Anything at all?” Sweetie Belle asked, “I'm getting worried...”

“Sorry Sweetie Belle, but no,” Sapphire Shores said, “Don't worry though. She's an Element of Harmony, right? I'm sure she's okay,” Sapphire Shores turned to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, “Oh, you two are her friends right?”

“Yep. I'm Scootaloo, and this is Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said, Apple Bloom just nodding to Sapphire Shores, looking at her intently.

“Oh, Apple Bloom is it?” Sapphire Shores said walking over to Apple Bloom, “You're the younger sister of Applejack, right?”

“Y-yeah,” Apple Bloom said, “I am.”

Sapphire Shores nodded, “She and Rarity were good friends, so she told me what happened. I'm sorry for your loss.”

“My sister ain't dead,” Apple Bloom said, “She'll come back eventually. Still, thank ya for your concern.”

Sapphire Shores nodded to her, and then turned back to Sweetie Belle, “I'll see ya out there, Sweetie Belle. Break a leg.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and watched as Sapphire Shores sauntered out of the backstage area.

“Hey Apple Bloom, are you okay?” Scootaloo said.

You sensed it too, didn't you?” Luna asked from inside the Sapphire.

“Yeah, I did,” Apple Bloom said, “Scootaloo, you stay here with Sweetie Belle an' keep an eye on things.”

“What about you?” Scootaloo asked.

“I'm gonna head to Sweetie Belle's place,” Apple Bloom said, “I got a feelin that somethin's wrong here. Sapphire Shores didn't feel right to me.”

“You don't think she's possessed by a Mana Stone, do you?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I don't know,” Apple Bloom said, “But I need to check a few things back at Carousel Boutique first. I got a feelin, and we Apples always follow our gut feelins. I'll make it back in time for the final song at least, I promise.”

“I don't care about that right now,” Sweetie Belle said, “Apple Bloom, Luna, please find out what happened to my sister.”

We will, I promise,” Luna said, “Come Apple Bloom. Let us depart for Carousel Boutique.

“It was my idea first,” Apple Bloom fussed. She ran out of Town Hall to Carousel Boutique while Sweetie Belle braced herself for her concert. This was a big day for her, so she should have been excited. Sadly, all she could think about was Rarity.

She hoped her fears were misguided.

Apple Bloom used the secret key under Carousel Boutique's welcome mat and ran inside. It felt odd being in the shop without Rarity or Sweetie Belle around. It was quiet, almost too quiet, except a constant knocking.

Apple Bloom, you hear that, right?” Luna asked.

“I do,” Apple Bloom said, “Is that comin from the basement?”

I have a feeling that Sweetie Belle's fears are well founded,” Luna said. Apple Bloom prayed not, but she knew what she sensed earlier. She went to the basement door, where she heard the knocking even louder. Someone was down there.

Apple Bloom went into the basement, where she heard the knocking even louder. She also heard what sounded like muffled screaming. She followed the sound to a brown and golden chest that was shaking. Apple Bloom ran over to the chest and hit the top of it.

“Rarity, is that you in there?!” Apple Bloom asked. Instantly, she heard someone cry out in confirmation, but it sounded like they were gagged. Apple Bloom saw that the chest had a lock keeping it shut.

Apple Bloom, we need to find something to break this lock,” Luna said, “Rarity might suffocate if we don't act quickly.

“Right!” Apple Bloom said. She looked around, searching for the key. When she realized that she wasn't going to find that, she took a crowbar that was leaning against a shelf and pried the lock open. She threw the top of the chest open, and was shocked to see Rarity lying in the chest. She was tied up, gagged with a scarf, and she had an inhibitor ring on her horn.

Apple Bloom immediately took off the gag, and Rarity cried out in relief.

“Oh Apple Bloom! Thank you so much!” Rarity said.

“What the hell happened?!” Apple Bloom asked, removing the inhibitor ring and then untying the older mare.

“Sapphire Shores isn't herself!” Rarity said, “Something has possessed her, and is guiding her thoughts! Also, she hasn't taken her medicine in two days!”

“Somethin possessed her?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Where is Sweetie Belle?!” Rarity asked, “She's in danger right now!”

“She's with Sapphire Shores at Town Hall,” Apple Bloom said, “Her concert is today.”

“Sapphire Shores is going to attack everyone at Town Hall, I know it!” Rarity cried, “Apple Bloom, head back to Town Hall and protect Sweetie Belle! I'm going to get to the castle and get help!”

“Alright!” Apple Bloom said. She and Rarity both ran out of the basement and going in separate directions out of the shop. Once she was alone, Apple Bloom stopped and looked at Luna inside the Sapphire, “Luna, we were right! Sapphire Shores is possessed by a Mana Stone!”

It's a good thing we rescued Rarity when we did,” Luna said, “But we must hurry back to Town Hall! There's no telling what Sapphire Shores will do!

“Should we Phase In to the Mana Zone?” Apple Bloom asked.

Yes, immediately!” Luna suggested. Apple Bloom looked around to make sure no one was there, and then held the Neutralizer up.

“Mana Change! Mega Mare, Online!” Apple Bloom shouted. She tapped the Mana Stone and held her arm into the air as Luna appeared right behind her. She wrapped her wings around both of them and they vanished in a blue light.

~Transformation Scene~

Apple Bloom held her arm out as blue energy shot out of the gem. Suspended in mid air, she spun around as her clothes all magically vanished off her now glowing body.

In a quick flash, blue armored boots and light blue tights formed out of the energy. Next up formed her armored upper body and shoulder pads. Armor then formed around her left wrist, and then her right one in immediate succession.

Finally, a blue knight's helmet with a green visor formed on her head. She held her arm out in front of her as if reaching for something, tightened her fist, and then stood ready in a fight stance, completely transformed into Mega Mare.

~End Transformation~

Mega Mare appeared in the middle of Ponyville in a blue light, landing on one knee. She wasted no time running back to Town Hall, not caring about who saw her. Her friends might have been in danger. She wished she had told Sweetie Belle to hold off the concert and come with her, but it was too late for that.

She just had to get to the concert before Sapphire Shores stole the show.