• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 2,257 Views, 134 Comments

Mega Mare Brilliance - Azure Sandora

Apple Bloom finds a mysterious gemstone that grants her unusual powers, which she uses in the hopes of finding her sister.

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Battle: Hydra Shores

Battle: Hydra Shores

boss theme

Mega Mare charged up her Mega Buster and fired, but Hydra Shores jumped into the water out of the way. Mega Mare saw what looked like a sharp crystal fin swimming in the water around her at high speed.

That's her!” Luna said, “Be careful Apple Bloom! She's stronger in this environment!

“This place can't make that much of a difference,” Mega Mare stated. Almost in response, Hydra Shores jumped out of the water past Mega Mare and slashed her with her trident, and jumping back into the water. Before Mega Mare to brace herself, Hydra Shores jumped out in the opposite direction doing the same thing.

You were saying?” Luna asked sarcastically.

“Alright, alright, I get it,” Mega Mare said falling to one knee, “Can't underestimate her.”

“Having fun talking to yourself?!” Hydra Shores shouted jumping out of the water and firing icicles out of her trident at Mega Mare, who rolled out of the way and ran to the side, “And ponies call me crazy!”

“Sapphire, no one is callin ya crazy!” Mega Mare said firing her Mega Buster at Hydra Shores, but she jumped back into the water just in time, “It's all in yer head!”

“LIAR!” Hydra Shores screamed jumping out of the water and charging at Mega Mare. She slashed wildly at Mega Mare, who used a Long Sword spell to block, “They do think I'm crazy! They want to condemn me like a psychopath so that Sweetie Belle can replace me!”

“Maybe some ponies think yer losin yer mind, but they just don't understand what's wrong! Yer sick, I get it, but-”

“I'M NOT SICK! I'M IN CONTROL!” Hydra Shores screamed, creating a massive tidal wave from the water behind her and knocking Mega Mare back.

Be careful,” Luna warned, “Her powers seem to be augmented by her mental state.

“Yeah, I can see that,” Mega Mare said forcing herself to her feet, “Uh oh!”

She looked ahead and saw Hydra Shores charging at her, screaming violently. Mega Mare rolled out of the way and fired her buster gun, finally hitting her.

“Castin spell! Gatling Gun!” Mega Mare shouted, turning her buster gun into the mentioned weapon. She fired at Hydra Shores, but she seemed to almost swim on the surface out of the way of most of the shots, and spun her trident in front of herself to defend from the rest.

Hydra Shores fired what looked like an electric blast at the ground underneath Mega Mare. She tried to run, but saw that she couldn't move. Her feet were frozen to the ground!

“No more running away!” Hydra Shores shouted swinging her trident and shooting three ice arrows at Mega Mare. She blocked the attack as best as she could, but still took a lot of damage as her life bar showed.

“Damn it!” Mega Mare swore, “She's too powerful!”

Hydra Shores started laughing, “This is too much fun! Way better than singing silly songs about love!”

“She's really unstable,” Mega Mare said quietly, “You see how quickly she jumps emotions?”

I do. It looks like the Aquamarine is giving her absolute control of her emotions, but only the extremes.

“Luna, what are we gonna do?” Mega Mare asked, “I can't get past her like this.”

I don't… wait! Apple Bloom, I have an idea! Cast the Garnet Crush spell!

“Alright,” Mega Mare said, preparing the spell like usual, “Castin spell! Garnet Crush!”

As soon as her charmed hand touched her buster gun, Garnet Crush appeared right in front of Mega Mare. He slammed his fists on the ground, sending shock waves at Hydra Shores and knocking her off balance. The quake also cracked the ice binding Mega Mare's feet, so she was able to break herself free.

Mega Mare ran toward Hydra Shores as Garnet Crush vanished, casting a Pulse Gun spell. She fired it at Hydra Shores before she could retaliate, paralyzing her. Mega Mare fired a charged shot at Hydra Shores knocking her to the ground, but Hydra Shores allowed herself to drop into the water.

She's hurt,” Luna said, “We might be able to win this soon if we focus on using electric spells.

“Got it,” Mega Mare said, bracing herself for Hydra Shores retaliation. She didn't know, but Hydra Shores swam around her and slowly came out of the water behind Mega Mare, crawling over to her.

Luna gasped, “Apple Bloom, behind you!

Mega Mare turned to late as Hydra Shores knocked her into the water. Hydra Shores jumped in after her using her trident to push Mega Mare further into the water.

It's okay Apple Bloom! This water isn't real! It's just a magical construct like everything else,” Luna said. That must have meant Mega Mare could breathe. That was good, but they had a new problem now, as Hydra Shores swam all around her slashing with her trident.

Mega Mare clashed weapons with a Wide Sword, but she couldn't move as quickly under the water. Hydra Shores on the other hand was even faster, and pushed Mega Mare back. She swam over to Mega Mare and began chocking her, glaring at her angrily.

Mega Mare cast another Pulse Gun spell, and fired it at Hydra Shores knocking her back. Mega Mare swam into the paralyzed Hydra Shores tackling her out of the water, and then jumped out herself breathing heavily.

“This bitch…” Mega Mare said, more so referring to the Mana Stone than to Hydra Shores. It was beginning to be made apparent that while she was facing Sapphire Shores' emotions, it was Aquamarine that Mega Mare was actually fighting. At least it was a fusion of the two.

Mega Mare turned to Hydra Shores, who was lying on the ground also exhausted. She slowly sat up and used her trident to support herself.

“That was pretty good kid,” Hydra Shores said, “But my concert is far from over!”

Mega Mare looked at her life bar. Hydra Shores was actually more than halfway finished. Looking in her eyes, Mega Mare could see intense sadness, and determination to control herself. Even if she defeated Hydra Shores here, Sapphire Shores would still suffer.

Still, Mega Mare had to save Sweetie Belle.

Mega Mare closed her eyes sadly, and charged up another spell, this one being her one Elec Sword spell. Hydra Shores screamed and charged at Mega Mare, but she slashed Hydra Shores just as she ran past her. Hydra Shores froze in shock as her entire body glowed white.

“No…!” Hydra Shores cried, “I can't… lose this power…!”

“I'm sorry," Mega Mare said somberly, "but I have ta put ya away.”

(end song)

Hydra Shores screamed in pain and sadness as her entire body exploded violently. Mega Mare stood up and saw a new spell appear on her visor, this one being “Hydra Shores”.

The Mana Field slowly faded away, revealing the inside of Town Hall. They were apparently in the higher floors of the building. Mega Mare turned around and saw Sapphire Shores lying on the floor, The Aquamarine next to her. Mega Mare picked it up and looked around.

“Sweetie Belle?” she called out running deeper inside. She quickly found Sweetie Belle, her wrists tied to a radiator behind her.

“Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle cried happily. Mega Mare smiled and ran to Sweetie Belle to untie her, and Sweetie Belle immediately embraced her savior, “I knew you could do it!”

“Glad someone believed in me,” Mega Mare said laughing a bit, “For a second there, I thought I was a goner.”

I had absolute faith in you, Apple Bloom,” Luna said, smiling warmly.

“Thanks Luna,” Mega Mare said.

“Apple Bloom, what about Sapphire Shores?” Sweetie Belle asked, “Is she alright?”

“She wasn't awake when I ran here,” Mega Mare said, “She might be up by now though.”

They ran back to where the fight apparently took place. She was still lying on the ground, but she was fully awake, sobbing heavily. It was probably the most heartbreaking thing Mega Mare had seen in a while.

Mega Mare sighed and walked over to Sapphire Shores, kneeling next to her like she did for Pip before.

“Yer okay now,” Mega Mare said softly, “The explosion neutralized all the magic within you.”

“I'm… a horrible pony…” Sapphire Shores sobbed, “I attacked my best friend… I hurt Sweetie Belle… and I put my fans in danger… I am crazy…!”

“Miss Shores, that's not true,” Sweetie Belle said walking over to kneel next to them, “You made a mistake. I know the real you would never hurt anypony.”

“Sapphire Shores, mental illness is just as serious as any illness,” Mega Mare said helping Sapphire Shores sit up, “It don't mean yer crazy, it means yer sick,” Mega Mare took her hand, “And that's okay, it's the same as somepony havin asthma or somethin like that.”

“It is?” Sapphire Shores asked.

“I don't think any less of you for being bi-polar,” Sweetie Belle said hugging Sapphire Shores tightly, “You're a regular pony, and you're still my idol Sapphire Shores.”

“S-Sweetie Belle…” Sapphire Shores said in shock. Footsteps were heard outside the room, and the guards ran in, lead by Rarity.

“Sapphire!” Rarity cried, running up to Sapphire Shores and trading places with Sweetie Belle, embracing her tightly.


“I was so worried about you!” Rarity said.

“But… I locked you up!” Sapphire Shores said, “How could you be worried about me after-”

“Because you're my best friend, Sapphire,” Rarity said, “I know that the Mana Stone was the thing that made you lose control. I'll help you get the treatment you need. The right kind of treatment. That way you can still be yourself and be well.”

“Oh Rarity!” Sapphire Shores said embracing Rarity and breaking down, “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

Mega Mare smiled and stood up, walking away from the crowd.

“Um, excuse me,” Rarity said, stopping Mega Mare just as she was about to shift into the Mana Zone.

“Y-yeah…?” Mega Mare asked, only slightly turning to Rarity.

“You're Mega Mare, right?” Rarity asked standing up and walking over to Mega Mare.

“I am,” Mega Mare said, trying to lower her voice a bit to hide it.

“I don't know how you're able to control that Mana Stone you're using, but it might be dangerous. I do appreciate your help, but your life might still be in danger.”

“It's fine,” Luna said teleporting into the room in between Mega Mare and Rarity, “This one is under my protection.”

“P-Princess Luna!” Rarity said, she and the guards bowing immediately, “I had heard you were on an extended vacation!”

“I am,” Luna said, “And I'm spending that vacation helping Mega Mare. She and I have a common interest concerning the Mana Stones. Mega Mare, come.”

“R-right,” Mega Mare said, confused by Luna's sudden intervention. More and more she was wondering why Luna was so determined to stop the Mana Stones. Luna vanished back into the Mana Stone, and Mega Mare went into the Mana Zone to safely Phase Out back to the real world.

After making sure that everyone was okay, Sweetie Belle insisted on continuing the concert. It had been deemed that while Sapphire Shores did in fact use the Mana Stone of her own free will, she didn't know it was corrupted and wasn't in full control of her actions. Because of this, she was allowed to stay for the rest of the concert.

“Thank you all so much for being a great audience,” Sweetie Belle said toward the end of her concert, “Even though things got scary earlier, this day has still been a dream come true for me. And this wouldn't be possible without the help of my teacher, idol, and good friend Sapphire Shores.”

There was a loud cheer from the audience, surprising Sapphire Shores back stage.

“They… really care that much…?” she asked, more so herself than anyone next to her.

“This next and last song,” Sweetie Belle continued, “is one that Sapphire Shores herself helped me write. Because of that, I feel it wouldn't be appropriate for me to sing it alone. So I'd actually like it… if Sapphire Shores would come out and perform it with me.”

“W-what?!” Sapphire Shores asked, meeting eyes with Sweetie Belle as she motioned for her to come on stage.

“Please Miss Shores,” Sweetie Belle requested, “This isn't just my stage. It's our stage.”

Sapphire Shores smiled warmly, shedding tears of joy and walking on stage. She was met with a rousing applause, even bigger than the one that Sweetie Belle received.

“See?” Sweetie Belle said, “They still love you.”

“Thank you, Sweetie Belle,” Sapphire Shores said taking Sweetie Belle's hand into her own. Everyone got silent, and the music started.

The crescent moon, so high in this dark lonely sky,
An ocean of obsidian, tangled in the light
So make a wish now upon a shooting star
And watch it fly across the night, into the beyond

(Sapphire Shores)
If this unwritten tale, without a single word,
Could somehow own the night, the moon, only a blur

(Sweetie Belle)
The hidden masterpiece you hide where none can see
Would take to the sky like a bird set free

Tomorrow, we’ll spread our wings and find where we belong
You dream to see the world one day – Would you mind if I tag along?

Listen close, and you can hear,

as it’s suddenly drawing near

Your wish is coming true!

The crescent moon, so high in this dark lonely sky,
An ocean of obsidian, tangled in the light
So make a wish now upon a shooting star
And watch it fly across the night
Ah, until this whole dream has come to an end!

So if we lose our way because the map we drew
Is quickly blown away, lost to the desert wind

I pray a light appears to guide our drifting souls
Into an age to last a thousand years

You’ve fallen prey to desolation time and time again
But I only remember how carefree you were back then

All the things we long to hold,

as our cards begin to fold,

Appear within our reach

Let’s break away the veil of this dark and endless night
Your tears will fade into days that still lie ahead
If you could take what’s reflected in your heart,
Beyond the dawn you’d set your sight
Ah, this swift gale of wind will carry us there

My relentless beating heart burns on inside my chest
And I feel the flames growing wild

I only wish I could see – Take a glimpse into your dreams
Those clear blue eyes, like cloudless skies, gaze at a new world

The crescent moon, so high in this dark lonely sky,
An ocean of obsidian, tangled in the light
So make a wish now upon a shooting star
And watch it fly across the night
Ah, until this whole dream has come to an end

We’ll break from this dark and endless night
Your tears will fade into days that still lie ahead
If you could take what’s reflected in your heart,
Beyond the dawn you’d set your sight
Ah, this swift gale of wind will carry us there

Needless to say, after that performance the crowd went crazy. Sweetie Belle and Sapphire Shores both bowed, and looked into the audience to see Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Rarity in the front row applauding them.

Sapphire Shores turned to Sweetie Belle, and the two of them embraced lovingly like sisters.

“You were wonderful, Sweetie Belle,” Sapphire Shores said softly to Sweetie Belle.

“Think I could be half as good as you, Miss Shores?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Girl, you're gonna be… even better.”

The next day, Sapphire Shores actually packed up her things and stood outside of Carousel Boutique with Rarity, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Behind her was a taxi.

“Are you absolutely sure about this, darling?” Rarity asked.

“I am,” Sapphire Shores said, “Before I can even think about my future, I need to get control of myself. I think I might need additional treatment along with my medicine. I found a clinic here in Ponyville that has a really good therapist.”

“Ah yes, I know the one,” Rarity said, “Fluttershy goes to see him a lot.”

“Miss Shores,” Sweetie Belle said stepping forward, “I wish you didn't have to go. I don't know if I can handle being a star on my own yet.”

“Don't worry Sweetie Belle,” Sapphire Shores placed her hands on Sweetie Belle's shoulders, “You're going to be fine. Right now, just focus on making a name for yourself here. Everything else will fall into place,” she picked up her suit case and put it in the trunk of her taxi and smirked, “Besides, once I'm back in top form, I'm gonna turn you into a super star.”

Sweetie Belle was beaming, and Scootaloo took her hand smiling at her.

“Told ya it would be okay,” Scootaloo said.

“If you happen to see Mega Mare, tell her I said thank you,” Sapphire Shores said turning to Apple Bloom, “She left before I got the chance to.”

“I'm sure she knows,” Apple Bloom said, trying her best to hide the Neutralizer in her shirt sleeve, “But if we do see her, we'll let her know.”

“Thanks,” Sapphire Shores said, winking at Apple Bloom, who stepped back a bit in shock. She didn't…

Sapphire Shores got in the taxi, and waved to them as it drove off. The four of them waved to her as the taxi left, and Rarity sighed.

“Well, I better message Twilight,” Rarity said, “She'll need to hear about this.”

“About what?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well, that gemstone that Sapphire Shores had was very dangerous,” Rarity said, “It isn't the only one. If my theory is correct, there are probably eight more out there, and one of them belongs to Mega Mare.”

“What do ya make out concernin her?” Apple Bloom asked, her heart racing.

“It helps that Princess Luna is with her,” Rarity said folding her arms, “But she seemed so young. Also…” Rarity slightly looked at Apple Bloom, but sighed, “It's nothing you need to worry about. Let the adults handle things.”

With that, Rarity walked inside, and Apple Bloom held up the Sapphire to talk to Luna.

“That was too close,” Apple Bloom said.

Yes. It appears Rarity is going to talk to Twilight about our appearance,” Luna said, “We're going to have to be more careful.

“If she tells Twilight, what's going to happen to you?” Sweetie Belle asked, “Are you going to be able to stay here with us?”

“Not just that, what about Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo added, “She's going to be okay, right?”

I assure you, everything will be fine,” Luna said, “I'm going to think of a way out of this. For now, just take it easy. You three did wonderful dealing with Aquamarine. You deserve a rest.

The Sapphire stopped glowing, and Apple Bloom took the Aquamarine out of her pocket looking at it.

“She said that this was her good luck charm,” Apple Bloom said, “That tells us she probably had this thing for a while.”

“I wonder where she found it,” Sweetie Belle said.

“I don't think that's too important,” Scootaloo said, “She probably found it lying on the ground and thought it was pretty.”

“I don't know Scoot,” Apple Bloom said folding her arms thinking, “Somethin feels off. I get the feelin this is actually a lot bigger than we think.”

* * * *

Unknown to the three of them, someone was in a nearby alleyway watching them. This pony had a dark coat, a super long dark mane and tail, and they were throwing a black gemstone up and down.

“Beaten by a little kid, huh?” the mare asked with a sinister smirk, “This just got interesting.”

The mare sauntered off deeper into the alleyway, still tossing the black gemstone, "I think it's time you and I officially met," she said. She was engulfed in a white light, transforming into someone wearing a super skimpy outfit like a dominatrix. She pulled out a scary looking blade and swung it, turning it into a whip and cracking it, "Don't disappoint me, Mega Mare."

Author's Note:

This chapter marks the end of the second arc and the introduction of who's going to be my favorite character in this story. Can't wait to see the predictions of who she is.

PS: made a correction with the color coding for the song, for those who read it before I could correct it.

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