• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 2,257 Views, 134 Comments

Mega Mare Brilliance - Azure Sandora

Apple Bloom finds a mysterious gemstone that grants her unusual powers, which she uses in the hopes of finding her sister.

  • ...



“Where is she?!”

“She's in her trailer! She hasn't left since the concert!”

An Earth Pony with a blond mane, tail, and an indigo coat wearing a brown jacket, blue jeans, black shoes, and white t-shirt ran outside the stadium to the blue and white trailer parked out back. He went to the door and pressed his ear against it, hearing a mare sobbing loudly inside.

“Sapphire? I'm coming in,” he said walking in. Inside, lying on the couch of her trailer crying uncontrollably, was Sapphire Shores.

“Celestia...” the stallion said.

“I… can't do this!” Sapphire Shores shouted, “I can't go out there!”

“Sapphire, listen-”

“No you listen!” Sapphire Shores looked at the pony enraged, “I feel like I'm losing my mind these days! I don't enjoy singing and dancing anymore! I'm sick and tired of dealing with these amateurs who haven't opened a show in their lives! I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE!”

“I-I understand,” the stallion said, “Listen, as your manager, I'm worried about you. Lately you've been really on edge. Have you been taking your medicine?”

Sapphire Shores nodded, “It's not working anymore though! Even right now I feel out of control!”

“What you need is rest,” her manager said sitting down next to her, “Depression isn't something you should take lightly, especially bi-polar depression,” he placed a hand on her leg, “I tried to tell you not to push yourself.”

“I thought I could do it...” Sapphire Shores sobbed.

“I know you did. You're a great performer, and a great pony to want to make ponies happy, but right now you need to get better,” her manager said, “Please take a vacation. You were thinking about going to visit Ponyville to visit a friend, right?”

“You think I should go?” Sapphire Shores asked.

“Yes, I do,” her manager urged, “We'll cancel the rest of your tour, and you can go to Ponyville to relax. You can't afford another meltdown like that on stage.”

Sapphire Shores thought hard about what her manager said, “Alright then, I'll get some rest.”

“Atta girl,” the manager said patting her leg, “I'll get everything set up, and we can head out immediately.”

Her manager left the trailer, and Sapphire Shores calmed down. Now that she knew that she didn't have to go on stage she was fine. Ever since being diagnosed with bi-polar depression, Sapphire Shores had dealt with one hardship after another. She hated feeling so out of control, but taking the medicine made her feel lethargic. Still, she always took it, but for some reason the medicine had stopped working as well.

Sitting up on her couch, Sapphire Shores reached for a small box on her coffee table, pulling out a light blue gemstone. It was something she kept with her at all times these days, as looking at it gave her comfort.

Oddly, the gem looked like it was glowing a bit.

“Hey, Luna?”

“Yes Apple Bloom?”

“I gotta say, havin ya stay with the family… hasn't been as bad as I thought.”

“Oh, that's good.”

“I mean, your a real good cook, you help me with my history homework, and your a real help on the farm.”

“Well, since I'm living here now, I figure I might as well do my part, and it helps that I've actually lived through all the history you're being taught.”

“That bein said, there's one thing I gotta ask.”

“What's that?”

“Why the hell do you have to share a bed with me?!” Apple Bloom asked. It was nighttime now, and both Apple Bloom and Luna were in their sleepwear, which much to Apple Bloom's dismay Luna was intent on wearing as little to bed as possible. She also was lying on Apple Bloom's bed with her, both of them lying on their sides with Luna spooning Apple Bloom from behind.

“Well, your room is the only room available. I highly doubt Marble Pie would allow me to sleep with them, Granny Smith snores, and Applejack's room is still locked tight,” Luna explained.

“Can't ya just demand that Granny Smith open the room?” Apple Bloom asked, “Or just sleep in the Sapphire?”

“I respect Granny Smith's wishes, and as I'm living here as a guest I do not wish to use my title to veto her orders. As for sleeping in the Sapphire, I can't get comfortable in there, as I'm simply floating in empty space,” Luna snuggle closer to Apple Bloom, “Besides, there's plenty of room here for the both of us.”

“Only because your spoonin me like I'm your lover or somethin,” Apple Bloom groaned.

“I'd say more like a snugly teddy bear,” Luna said with a content smile, “Is me sleeping this close to you unpleasant.”

“N-not at all,” Apple Bloom said blushing a bit, “Ya smell real nice, and well...” Apple Bloom shook her head, “Augh, this is talk is makin me uncomfortable.”

Luna smiled warmly, “You were the one who brought it up.”

Apple Bloom sighed. Truth was, she did like having Princess Luna so close to her. She was really pretty, and really affectionate too. She held Apple Bloom so tightly when they slept, thus Apple Bloom could feel her breasts pressed against her back, which made Apple Bloom really embarrassed.

It didn't help that Luna seemed intent on flirting with Apple Bloom every chance she had. Mind you, she flirted with everyone a bit, but Apple Bloom was her main target besides Macintosh. At first Apple Bloom thought Luna actually had a thing for her, but overtime she began to learn that Luna was just a very affectionate and sensual pony. She was the Princess of the night after all.

“Can I ask you another question?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Certainly,” Luna said, “I will answer any questions you have.”

“Magic comes from the Mana Zone, right?” Apple Bloom asked, “If that's the case, then shouldn't you still be able to use your magic?”

“You would think,” Luna said, “But it's not that simple. Although ponies do manipulate the Mana Zone to cast magic, they still have magic within them. It's this magic that gives their magic form. For Pegasi, this is how they control clouds, and also what gives Earth Ponies their strength.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked, “So… you lost more than the ability to cast spells?”

“I want to show you something,” Luna said sitting up, “Sit up.”

“Okay,” Apple Bloom said following Luna's request.

“As an Alicorn, I should be stronger than you naturally, right?” Luna asked.

“Well, yeah,” Apple Bloom asked, “I remember readin about that in science. Alicorns have all three forms of Pony Magic, and excel in all three.”

“Wrestle me onto the bed and pin me there,” Luna requested, “I will do everything in my power to resist you.”

Apple Bloom thought the request was weird, but Luna looked like she really wanted to show her something. As such, she did what Luna asked, grabbing Luna by the arms and wrestling her onto the bed. Almost too quickly and easily, Apple Bloom managed to actually get Luna on the bed, sitting on the princess and holding her wrists down pinning her. Was she even trying?

She actually looked like she was struggling to get Apple Bloom off her. She was completely helpless.

“See?” Luna asked after a second, “Even a twelve year old filly can overpower me.”

“Luna...” Apple Bloom let Luna go and looked at her wide eyed.

“Do you now understand the weight of our bond?” Luna asked, “You are my guardian now, for I am completely powerless.”

“You sacrificed everythin...” Apple Bloom said, “Just to help me?”

Luna smiled, “You are my friend, Apple Bloom. It was the least I could do. Now, let us get some sleep. You have school tomorrow.”

“Yeah, okay,” Apple Bloom said lying back down on the bed, Luna immediately embracing her. All of a sudden, that embrace had new meaning. She was really depending on Apple Bloom. That really made Apple Bloom wonder why she was going through all this trouble though.

There had to be more to why she did this.

School was rather eventful, as students were still talking about the incident from a few weeks ago. Mega Mare hadn't been seen since then, but students were still talking about her. Mainly Diamond Tiara, who had begun referring to her as “her darling Mega Mare”.

After school, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo went off into town. Sweetie Belle needed to buy a new notebook and was hoping to get the new Sapphire Shores CD.

“Did you hear the latest news about Sapphire Shores?” Scootaloo asked.

“You mean her meltdown on stage?” Sweetie Belle confirmed, “Yeah, I'm worried about her.”

“Wasn't she diagnosed with depression or something?” Scootaloo asked.

“She was,” Sweetie Belle said, “Rarity went with her to the doctor when she found out. She cried for the entire day.”

“Geez, I'd hate to be a celebrity,” Apple Bloom said, “Ya don't get any privacy.”

Technically you are a celebrity now,” Luna said, “At least, Mega Mare is.

“Exactly, Mega Mare is,” Apple Bloom said, “And she's more of an urban legend right now.”

“Give it time, and everyone will be talking about you,” Scootaloo said, “You're going to be even more famous than Sapphire Shores.”

“Ugh, don't make me think about that,” Apple Bloom groaned, “This is the reason I'm makin sure no one knows about Mega Mare.”

I can relate,” Luna said, “Being a celebrity is very similar to being royalty. I imagine the stress is getting to Sapphire Shores.

“Are you a fan?” Sweetie Belle asked Luna.

I follow her career, but her music isn't exactly my tastes. I'm more of an Octavia Melody fan.

“You and me both,” Apple Bloom said, “She lives in Ponyville, ya know?”

Oh really? I'd love to pay her a visit one of these days. I hear she's very approachable.

“Oh Scootaloo, listen to this,” Sweetie Belle said handing Scootaloo a pair of headphones, “This is her new song.”

While her friends listened to music, Apple Bloom wandered off by herself a bit. As she walked off, she saw Lyra and Bon Bon (or was it Sweetie Drops?) having an intense argument.

“Things sure have been tense here in Ponyville lately,” Apple Bloom said.

Wait Apple Bloom. That isn't natural.

Apple Bloom looked at Luna in the Sapphire, “What do ya mean?”

I will allow you to see things with my eyes,” Luna said, “You will understand after that.

Apple Bloom closed her eyes for a second, and when she opened them, they looked like Luna's eyes. Through the Princess of the Night's vision, she saw two Crows flying around them, along with a Cannon stationed nearby.

“Viruses?” Apple Bloom asked.

We must deal with this,” Luna said, “Find someplace to Phase In, Apple Bloom.

“I can't just run up to them,” Apple Bloom said, “Remember, they can't see the viruses.”

Don't you remember? You can adjust your vibrations to match the viruses. In fact, normally viruses will appear like this. The viruses back at the school were only visible because Garnet drew the school into the Mana World.

“I see,” Apple Bloom said. She ran over to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo tapping them on the shoulders, “Hey, I gotta get to work.”

“Viruses?!” Sweetie Belle asked, “Where?!”

“Lyra and Sweetie Drops,” Apple Bloom said pointing to the arguing mares, “The viruses are in the Mana Zone.”

“So that's what viruses do,” Scootaloo said, “Also, it's Bon Bon.”

“I'm pretty sure her name is Sweetie Drops,” Sweetie Belle said, “I remember because she and I have the same first name.”

“Whatever her name is,” Apple Bloom said, “I gotta go before their argument gets violent.”

“Go for it,” Scootaloo said, “We'll wait for you here.”

Apple Bloom nodded and ran off behind an empty stand, “Is this good?”

This is perfect,” Luna said, “Use the new command with your ID, and I'll transfer us into the Mana Zone.

Apple Bloom nodded, “Mana Change! Mega Mare, Online!”

Apple Bloom tapped the Sapphire and then held her arm above her head. Luna appeared right behind her and wrapped her wings around both of them, and they disappeared in a blue light.

~Transformation Scene~

Apple Bloom held her arm out as blue energy shot out of the gem. Suspended in mid air, she spun around as her clothes all magically vanished off her now glowing body.

In a quick flash, blue armored boots and light blue tights formed out of the energy. Next up formed her armored upper body and shoulder pads. Armor then formed around her left wrist, and then her right one in immediate succession.

Finally, a blue knight's helmet with a green visor formed on her head. She held her arm out in front of her as if reaching for something, tightened her fist, and then stood ready in a fight stance, completely transformed into Mega Mare.

~End Transformation~

In the Mana Zone, Mega Mare transported down behind the stand in a blue light, landing on one knee. She ran over to the argument, firing in the direction of the viruses to get their attention.

“I'll ask ya only once! Leave them alone!” Mega Mare ordered. The Crows flew toward Mega Mare stopped in front her, and the Cannon turned around to face her.

I don't think they're going to listen.” Luna said, “All limiters released!

“Ready!” Mega Mare shouted.

The Crows flew at Mega Mare trying to tackle her, but Mega Mare fell back catching herself and kicked to her feet. The second she landed on her feet, the Cannon fired at her knocking her back.

“Cannon!” Mega Mare shouted, casting her spell. When the Crows flew back around toward her, she fired her Cannon at them, destroying one but missing the other. The Crow flew back around hitting her with its wing, and the Cannon fired at her back.

Mega Mare charged up her Mega Buster and shot the Cannon with it right before it fired again, this time stunning it. As the Crow flew back around, she activated a Long Sword spell slashing it as it came back around.

Right at the Cannon came to its senses, Mega Mare fired at it with her Mega Buster destroying it. As the fight ended, her armor learned the spell “Dash Attack” from the Crows.

“Um… what were we fighting about?” Lyra asked Sweetie Drops (or Bon Bon).

“Odd, that entire argument sort of feels silly now,” Bon Bon (Sweetie Drops?) said.

“I'm sorry for what I said,” Lyra said.

“No, I'm sorry,” Sweetie Drops/Bon Bon said, “I love you sweetheart.”

“I love you honey bun,” Lyra said. The two of them hugged, and walked off together.

Good job,” Luna said, “Whenever something like this happens, all we have to do is Phase In and take care of the viruses. Just let me know when you wish to see into the Mana Zone, and I'll transfer my sight to you.

“Thanks,” Mega Mare said, “But I'm a little disappointed.”

Oh?” Luna asked.

“I was hopin Lyra would say her name,” Mega Mare pouted. Luna laughed as they Phased Out, Apple Bloom appearing back behind the stand she hid behind. She stepped out as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ran up to her.

“That was so weird,” Sweetie Belle said, “All of a sudden they just stopped fighting.”

“Well, Luna and I defeated the viruses,” Apple Bloom said.

“So that was you? Awesome!” Scootaloo said, “You're like a super hero or something.”

“I'm not a super hero,” Apple Bloom said, “I'm just a pony lucky enough to get the power to fight.”

“That… kind of sounds like a super hero, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said, “I'm sorry.”

Apple Bloom sighed, “I've had enough excitement for one day.”

Why don't we go home, Apple Bloom?” Luna said, “You deserve a good rest.”

“Thanks Luna,” Apple Bloom said, “I'm sorry guys, but I'm gonna head home.”

“That's fine,” Scootaloo said, “Super heroes need their sleep.”

Apple Bloom shook her head, and started heading home. She really didn't want to be considered a super hero. It was bad enough that the school was talking about her so much. She just wanted this whole “Mega Mare craze” to die down so she could focus on finding the Mana Stones and her sister.

“Rarity, I'm home!” Sweetie Belle called out when she stepped into Carousel Boutique.

“I'm in the living room Sweetie Belle!” Rarity called back. Sweetie Belle ran into the living room seeing Rarity sitting on the couch wearing her black and white blouse, black pants, and black high heels. She was sitting with another pony, wearing a familiar white jacket, what appeared to be a blue leotard underneath, and white high heeled boots. She was an Earth Pony wearing a lot of make-up, had a long blue mane and tail, and wore a white hat on her head.

Holy hell, is that who I think it is?

“Oh Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said, “You remember my good friend and client Sapphire Shores, right?”

“I… I… I…” Sweetie Belle said.

“Rarity, I'm pretty sure she knows exactly who I am,” Sapphire Shores said somewhat somberly, “But I do remember Sweetie Belle. I heard you got your Cutie Mark.”

“Y-yeah, I did...” Sweetie Belle said, trying her hardest to not fangasm, “Me and my two friends all got our special talents in showing what other ponies special talents are.”

“Very nice,” Sapphire Shores said looking down, “Wish I had that growing up. Rarity, can I get a glass of water?”

“Sure thing,” Rarity said, “I'll get it.”

Sapphire Shores shook her head, “That's okay. I want to get it myself.”

Sapphire Shores stood up and walked into the kitchen. Sweetie Belle ran over to Rarity.

“Rarity…!” Sweetie Belle whispered.

“I know you're excited,” Rarity said, “but you need to calm down. She's here as our guest for a while.”

“Is she okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, “Is this about her meltdown on stage?”

“It is,” Rarity said, “But it's up to her if she wants to open up about it. Try to give her some space, okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” Sweetie Belle said, looking at Sapphire Shores in the kitchen. Usually she was really exuberant and lively, but right now she was somber and depressed. It was an odd look for her. Still, she wasn't not going to take advantage of this. She had the chance of a lifetime.

Maybe helping her would cheer Sapphire Shores up a bit.

Author's Note:

I realize that I'm suddenly falling in love with Sapphire Shores as a character, which is odd as she's not in a lot of episodes. I'm pretty sure she's been in only two. Either way, I'm going to enjoy this arc.

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