• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 2,253 Views, 134 Comments

Mega Mare Brilliance - Azure Sandora

Apple Bloom finds a mysterious gemstone that grants her unusual powers, which she uses in the hopes of finding her sister.

  • ...

Diamond's Love & Aquamarine

Diamond's Love & Aquamarine

“Sapphire Shores is where?!” Scootaloo shouted, she and Apple Bloom sitting with Sweetie Belle at the cafeteria.

“Shh!” Sweetie Belle shushed, “Keep it down! Rarity doesn't want a whole bunch of people knowing about this.”

“Why is she stayin with Rarity?” Apple Bloom asked, “Ain't she supposed to be on tour or somethin?”

“She said that she ended it early,” Sweetie Belle said, “That meltdown she had on stage was pretty bad apparently. She seems really somber all the time.”

“Celebrities are rarely like how they portray themselves on stage,” Apple Bloom said, “I ain't surprised that she's more reserved in real life.”

“Oh no, she's not,” Sweetie Belle said, “She's insane. You know all those crazy outfits she wears on stage? She actually wears them. And normally she talks a mile a minute, always laughing, waving her hands around, she's like a cartoon character.”

“Sounds like her being so quiet is an improvement,” Scootaloo said.

In a way, it is,” Luna said from the Sapphire, “She suffers bi-polar depression. That means she's either really high up, or really low. Her usual self was probably a product of her high moments.

“So, her somber attitude is because she's medicated?” Apple Bloom asked. Luna nodded.

Bi-polar depression is very hard to medicate. Most ponies claim to feel like they're in a fog or going through gelatin when under medication,” Luna looked to the side sadly, “I had wanted to open research for better medicines, but the new age sciences of the world do not indulge older outlooks.

“What do you mean?” Scootaloo asked, “Your ideas can't be too outlandish.”

Depression is caused by a magical imbalance within the pony's brain,” Luna explained, “I seek a means to treat the imbalance itself as opposed to simply subduing the symptoms like current medicine does. Sadly, it's harder to get other ponies on board.

“But that sounds perfect,” Sweetie Belle said, “I bet Sapphire Shores would appreciate that.”

I'm sure she would,” Luna said with a sigh, “But pharmacists and doctors don't get as much money from a cure than they do from a treatment.

“That's screwed up,” Scootaloo said, “Ponies have to suffer just so they can keep making money?”

“Hey, Diamond alert,” Apple Bloom said lightly tapping the Sapphire. It glowed whenever Luna was talking to them, so they couldn't talk to her when they were near ponies who didn't know.

“Guys, I need help,” Diamond said seriously.

“Need help picking out a dress?” Scootaloo asked jokingly.

“I'm serious! I need help finding Mega Mare!” Diamond Tiara said. Apple Bloom flinched slightly when she said that.

“Why do you need to find Mega Mare?” Sweetie Belle asked slowly.

“It's… just important to me, alright? Look, no one else is willing to help me, but you three are my friends. Please,” Diamond Tiara all but begged.

Apple Bloom sighed, “I'll help ya.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom in shock.

“Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said, “Are you sure you want to help Diamond Tiara find Mega Mare?”

“I ain't makin any promises she'll find her,” Apple Bloom said, “But this is real important to her. No one else is willin to help, I figure as her friend I might as well.”

“When you put it that way, I'd help too,” Sweetie Belle said, “But I need to get home after school to help Rarity with… stuff.”

“Yeah, Dash and I are meeting up to work on my flying,” Scootaloo said.

“That's okay,” Diamond Tiara said, “Apple Bloom should be enough. Besides, this will be the perfect chance for us to hang out, right?”

“Right,” Apple Bloom said. She could almost feel Luna's gaze on her. This was a huge risk, but she wasn't going to compromise Luna no matter what. Still, there was something in Diamond Tiara's eyes.

Something desperate.

After school ended, Diamond Tiara ran right to Apple Bloom and pulled her along into town. Apple Bloom and Luna talked a bit about the situation before leaving, but neither of them could figure out what to do. Luna had thought telling Diamond Tiara might be okay, but Apple Bloom didn't want her involved.

In the end, they'd play it by ear.

“Okay, this is perfect,” Diamond Tiara said when they made it to the shopping district, “Mega Mare will probably come here.”

“What makes ya think she'll be here?” Apple Bloom asked.

“This place has the most activity in Ponyville,” Diamond Tiara said, “If those monsters decide to show up, it'll be here.”

“Diamond, ya know those monsters probably won't show themselves here, right?” Apple Bloom asked.

“They're here now, though. Somewhere here, look,” Diamond Tiara pointed to the middle of the district, where a salespony was being harassed by a customer, “They're over there, we just can't see them.”

“How do you know that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Things got better in the school after Mega Mare appeared,” Diamond Tiara said, “Also, yesterday I saw Lyra and Bon Bon arguing, but all of a sudden they stopped as if something came over them. Right before it, I'm pretty sure I saw that blue light Mega Mare disappeared in.”

Shoot, she'd have to be way more careful. Also, Diamond Tiara was in town yesterday? How long was she searching for Mega Mare?

“Hey, Diamond? Why is it so important ya find Mega Mare? Is this because of yer little crush on her?” Apple Bloom asked jokingly.

“Am I that obvious?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“No, not at all,” Apple Bloom said, “Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo told me ya looked smitten by her though.”

“Oh,” Diamond Tiara blushed, “Well, that's part of it, but… I just want her to know that I'm really thankful for her saving my life, okay?”

“But… didn't ya thank her after bein saved?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I did, but that was spur of the moment,” Diamond Tiara admitted, “I want her to know that I'm serious.”

“I see...” Apple Bloom said, turning her back to Diamond Tiara and looking at Luna. Based on her expression, she was thinking the same thing. Apple Bloom turned back to the salespony being harassed, tapped the Sapphire, and pointed her index and middle fingers to her eyes, a silent signal to Luna. She then closed her eyes, and reopened them, seeing two odd viruses moving around them in a circle. These viruses looked like blue and purple sharks.

“Hey, I'm gonna search the other side of the shoppin district,” Apple Bloom said, “If I see Mega Mare, I'll stop her and bring her to ya.”

“Thanks Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara said, “I'll wait here.”

Apple Bloom nodded, and then ran off to find a private place to Phase In to the Mana Zone. She ended up going behind the stand she used yesterday.

“Mana Change! Mega Mare, Online!” Apple Bloom shouted. She tapped the Sapphire on her wrist and held her arm in the air as Luna appeared behind her. She wrapped her wings around both of them, and they vanished in a blue light.

~Transformation Scene~

Apple Bloom held her arm out as blue energy shot out of the gem. Suspended in mid air, she spun around as her clothes all magically vanished off her now glowing body.

In a quick flash, blue armored boots and light blue tights formed out of the energy. Next up formed her armored upper body and shoulder pads. Armor then formed around her left wrist, and then her right one in immediate succession.

Finally, a blue knight's helmet with a green visor formed on her head. She held her arm out in front of her as if reaching for something, tightened her fist, and then stood ready in a fight stance, completely transformed into Mega Mare.

~End Transformation~

This time, Mega Mare appeared behind the stand in the real world.

Are you sure about this?” Luna asked Mega Mare.

“I wanna do somethin nice for her,” Mega Mare said, “I don't want to be a public figure or anything, but I don't see why Diamond Tiara can't see her hero.”

So, you like her,” Luna said with a knowing smile.

“She's just a friend,” Mega Mare covered, “Come on. Let's go make an appearance.”

Diamond Tiara's heart was racing at the thought of seeing Mega Mare again. She begun having dreams about Mega Mare after seeing her at the school. Dreams of Mega Mare protecting her, going on dates with her, and even of Mega Mare whisking her away from…

Someone stepped out from behind a corner, looking at the fight. Diamond Tiara couldn't believe what she was seeing. They were wearing blue armor, and they had a long shimmering red mane and tail.

“Mega Mare...” Diamond Tiara said. She saw Mega Mare get wavy and vanish as if she were a mirage. That was unusual, but it made sense with what Diamond Tiara thought. Those monsters were invisible, and right now Mega Mare was fighting them.

After about a minute or two, the harassment stopped, the ponies in question looking like they were snapped out of a trance. Mega Mare appeared in a nearby alleyway on one knee. She looked exhausted. Was she hurt? Diamond Tiara ran over to the alleyway, where she saw Mega Mare breathing heavily.

“Geez, those were stronger than normal,” Mega Mare said. She looked up with she saw Diamond Tiara hold out her hand, “Um...”

“Hi Mega Mare,” Diamond Tiara said lovingly, “I saw what you just did.”

“Oh did ya?” Mega Mare said taking Diamond Tiara's hand getting up.

“Well, I couldn't see per say, but I know that it was you. Those monsters were causing trouble, right?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“They're called viruses,” Mega Mare said, “They're creatures that infect the Mana Zone. Apparently, they affect the minds of ponies.”

“Just like that weird stone that got to Pip,” Diamond Tiara said, “What was that?”

“You sure ask a lot of questions,” Mega Mare said looking at Diamond Tiara suspiciously.

“S-sorry, I didn't mean to pry,” Diamond Tiara said, her heart sinking, “I just… um…” she turned to leave, feeling like she was annoying Mega Mare. All she wanted was to talk to her again, and yet just like everyone else in her life she-

Mega Mare grabbed her hand stopping her.

“I didn't mean that was a bad thing,” Mega Mare said, “Actually, it's nice to have someone take interest.”

“Why are you fighting for us?” Diamond Tiara said, “What are you?”

“I ain't no one special,” Mega Mare said, “I'm just a pony with a little bit of power. There's someone I'm searchin for, and in order to find them, I need to fight the viruses.”

“Will there be another monster like what Pip turned into?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Possibly, but I don't want you to worry about it,” Mega Mare said wrapping her arms around Diamond Tiara from behind, “I'll protect everyone in Equestria if I have to, and that includes you.”

“Mega Mare...” Diamond Tiara said, her heart racing again.

“I gotta go,” Mega Mare said, “I'm glad I could see you again, Diamond Tiara.”

Mega Mare let Diamond Tiara go and stepped away. Diamond Tiara turned around watching Mega Mare walk off.

“Mega Mare! Um… I want to see you again. Please, can I…?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“You'll see me again,” Mega Mare said, “I doubt you'll leave me alone.” Mega Mare turned back to Diamond Tiara, smiled at her, and then vanished in a blue light. As Diamond Tiara placed a hand on her chest, she heard Apple Bloom calling for her.

“Diamond Tiara! Where are ya?” Apple Bloom called out, running past the alleyway. She stopped when she saw Diamond Tiara, “Diamond Tiara, are you okay?” she asked running up to her.

“Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara said, “I saw her. I saw Mega Mare...”

“You did?” Apple Bloom asked, surprised, “Geez, I'm sorry. I wasn't much help at all.”

“No, it's fine,” Diamond Tiara said turning to Apple Bloom, “I appreciate you even coming with me. No one else would.”

Apple Bloom laughed rubbing the back on her head, “Aw, it's nothin. So, what's she like?”

“Oh Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara said looking up at the sky, “She's so heroic. I think… I think I might be falling in love with her...”

“The… crescent moon… so high…” Sweetie Belle said to herself, writing the lyrics in her notebook. After a second she tore the page out in frustration and balled it up, throwing it in the trash next to her desk, “Ugh! I just can't figure out the next lyrics!”


Sweetie Belle turned to her door and saw Sapphire Shores standing there, still wearing that outrageous outfit. She seriously dressed like that all the time, huh?

“Sorry to interrupt,” Sapphire Shores said, “I wanted to tell you that Rarity's gonna be coming in late. Something about business at the castle.”

Sweetie Belle sighed, “Of course she's busy. She's always busy.” Ever since the Council of Friendship became more official, Rarity had to spend more time at the castle. Since she also had a business to run, it was like she was always busy.

“So… what 'cha got there?” Sapphire Shores asked, clearly trying to break the awkward silence.

“Oh this?” Sweetie Belle asked, referring to her book, “It's… a song I'm writing.”

“A song?” Sapphire Shores asked with a smile, “You write music?”

“Well… my dream is to be a pop star like you one day,” Sweetie Belle said looking down sheepishly, “I'm trying my hardest to curb my enthusiasm, but having you staying here is a dream come true for me.”

“Mmm, so I'm someone you look up to then?” Sapphire Shores said sauntering into the room and leaning forward close to Sweetie Belle, “Hoping you can follow in my footsteps?”

“Y-yeah,” Sweetie Belle admitted, “I had wanted you to look at my song, but-”

“Oh, is that all?” Sapphire Shores said picking up the notebook. Sweetie Belle panicked as the older mare sat down on her desk with her legs crossed reading the notebook.

“W-wait!” Sweetie Belle cried, “It's not ready yet! I-”

“Hey… this isn't half bad,” Sapphire Shores said, “Did you come up with these lyrics yourself?”

“I did,” Sweetie Belle said, “They're actually inspired by something that's happening to a friend of mine.”

“Real life is the best inspiration,” Sapphire Shores said setting the book down. She then lowered her gaze somberly, “You know, you'd do better to get a new idol.”

“What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I'm not the kind of mare you think I am. I'm unstable, out of control, and that's when I'm off my medication. You don't want a crazy mare like me as your idol.”

“Miss Shores, that's not true at all,” Sweetie Belle said taking Sapphire Shore's hand, “Your mental illness doesn't change the fact that you're a great performer, and a wonderful pony. I've followed your career since I was five years old and you were just starting out. I really look up to you, Miss Shores.”

“R-really?” Sapphire Shores looked really taken aback.

“I was wondering, if you'd help me with my song,” Sweetie Belle asked, “I'm thinking about performing it soon, but… I'm really nervous… and I can't finish the song, so…”

Sweetie Belle looked up at Sapphire Shores pleadingly. This was her dream. Sapphire Shores was a big celebrity in Equestria, and Sweetie Belle wanted to prove to her that she could stand on the same stage.

After a second, Sapphire Shores sighed with a smile, “Alright. I'm not sure how much help I can be, since the medicine slows down my mind, but I can at least help out a litt-” Sweetie Belle hugged Sapphire Shores.


“D-don't mention it...” Sapphire Shores said awkwardly patting Sweetie Belle on the back. She knew she was coming off as a creepy fan, and Rarity would have been really annoyed with her, but Sweetie Belle couldn't help it.

This was the best day of her life.

“She wants my help...” Sapphire Shores said pacing back and forth in her room, “No, she wants Sapphire Shores to help her,” Sapphire Shores walked over to her vanity mirror and looked at herself, “Who am I fooling? That's not who I am!” she buried her face in her hands, “I'm no one! NO ONE!”

Sapphire Shores fell to her knees and broke down. She didn't even know why she was crying. She had taken her pills when she was supposed to. She didn't want to change her medication, but nothing seemed to work. She was losing control of herself again.

You are weak…

But I can give you strength…

Sapphire Shores stopped sobbing and looked around, “W-who's there?”

I'm here…

I'm always here…

You carry me around everywhere…

“I… do?” Sapphire Shores asked.

Open the box on your dresser…

Sapphire Shores went over to her dresser and looked at the small box that held her good luck charm. It was given to her by a dear friend, and looking at it always gave her peace. Was the voice coming from…?

She slowly opened the box, looking at the light blue gemstone inside. This time, she was sure that it was glowing.

I am Aquamarine…

I have been keeping you safe…

“Aquamarine…?” Sapphire Shores asked, “This can't be real. I'm not hearing voices in my head.”

No Sapphire dear…

You're not going crazy…

My voice is being projected directly to your mind…

“Okay, so what did you mean by keeping me safe…?” Sapphire Shores asked.

Your mind Sapphire Shores…

I've been protecting your mind…

“Protecting my mind?” Sapphire Shores asked.

I'm the reason the medicine hasn't been working…

I block it for you…

“What?! Why would you do that?!”

Sapphire, don't be angry with me…

I'm trying to protect you…

Your mind should be free…

“No… I need to be on my medication...” Sapphire Shores said, “If I'm not… I go out of control...”

Those pills don't help you…

They slow you down…

Ponies are losing interest in you because of it…

Because you aren't the eccentric Sapphire Shores they love…

“They're not losing interest...” Sapphire Shores said.

Yes they are…

You can't see it yet…

But I wish to help you even more…

“How are you going to do that?” Sapphire Shores said folding her arms, “Cause right now, I'm not seeing it.”

Take me into your hands…

Allow my magic to flow into you…

Sapphire Shores was reluctant, but she slowly reached for the glowing gemstone. When she took it into her hands, she felt something flow into her, going right to her brain. After a second, she felt… calmer. In control. Most of all, she could think.

“This… is you?” Sapphire Shores asked.

From now on, you and I are one…

I will balance you out…

Keep your mind clear so you can see the truth…

All of a sudden, Sapphire Shores looked at the small gem in her hand in a different light. This was far better than her pills. She could think clearly, feel however she wanted and not feel hindered.

And best of all, she was in control.

Author's Note:

If you like what you saw here and wish to support me, then please check out my Patreon and consider donating. Your funds, no matter how small, will aid in my conquest for world domination.