• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 2,257 Views, 134 Comments

Mega Mare Brilliance - Azure Sandora

Apple Bloom finds a mysterious gemstone that grants her unusual powers, which she uses in the hopes of finding her sister.

  • ...

First Battle

First Battle

Once Apple Bloom got back into the library, she realized something was off. The whole interior of the castle felt weird. It didn't look weird, but there was something in the air.

“Somethin ain't right,” Apple Bloom said looking around, “It's like I'm somewhere else. Why do I feel so funny,” as she looked around, she saw an odd option appear on her visor. It said “contact assistance”. Was the armor trying to connect to that mare in the red armor?

She shrugged her shoulders and decided to try contacting someone for help. After a second, a connection was established, but not with the red mare.

Hello? Is someone attempting to initiate a psychic connection with me?

“Hold on, Princess Luna?!” Apple Bloom cried out, “What's goin on here?!”

That is what I'd like to know,” Luna said, “I was about to begin dream weaving, but you summoning me caught me off guard. Speaking of, how are you contacting me at this moment?

“I don't know...” Apple Bloom said looking at her now armored hand, “This strange gemstone appeared an' it turned me into somethin… I got this blue armor on now, and I think the armor is tellin me somethin's wrong with the environment around me.”

Wait, a strange gemstone?” Luna asked, “What sort of gemstone was it?

Luna sounded surprised, and worried. Did she know what this was?

“Um… I think it was a sapphire,” Apple Bloom said nervously.

You already merged with it. Are you okay? How is your head? Any strange thoughts entering your mind?

What was up with these questions? It was beginning to sound like this armor wasn't a good thing at all.

“My head feels fine,” Apple Bloom said, “The only thing now is that I'm confused as hell! What's goin on with me? Why am I wearin this armor? Why was I attacked by these weird creatures?” Apple Bloom, now beginning to panic, fell to the floor hugging her knees crying, “What the hell is goin on with me?!”

Shh… shh… it's okay Apple Bloom,” Luna said comfortingly, “I'm sorry if my interrogation earlier upset you. I was merely afraid for your safety, but you seem to be yourself thankfully. I assume you were able to utilize the Mana Stone in its controlled state.

“I'm scared...” Apple Bloom sobbed.

I can imagine, but right now I need you to be strong. Can you tell me what your situation is? Where are you at this moment?

“I'm… at your old castle in the Everfree Forest,” Apple Bloom explained, “Somethin ain't right here though. There 're these weird monsters everywhere made of crystals, and the castle feels strange to me.”

Those monsters are called viruses,” Luna explained, “Think of them as disturbances in the Mana Zone given form. That area must have been infected by viruses, powerful ones at that. Somewhere in there must be a high level virus. I'm afraid you're not getting out of there until you destroy it.

“There's someone else in here with me,” Apple Bloom said, “They're wearin armor like mine, but its red. I think she's in trouble.”

I see. I'm sorry Apple Bloom, but you have to defeat that virus yourself and help this pony.

“Hold on, I was just callin someone to help me get outta here!” Apple Bloom fussed.

This is the only way to get out of there,” Luna explained, “I know a lot is happening right now, and its all happening really fast, but you must do this. I promise I'll explain everything to you when we get the chance, but you have to survive first.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath, choking back a sob before she spoke again, “I just figured out how to shoot. I don't know any other attacks.”

That armor you're wearing is designed to learn from the enemies it defeats,” Luna explained, “However, as it's was just activated it doesn't know any spells. I can initiate a Mega-Link with you and share my magic with you, that way your armor will be able to use my magic. That should be more than enough to get you out of there. How's that sound?

“That's fine,” Apple Bloom said, catching herself, “I mean, please. Thank you, Princess.”

Not a problem,” Luna said, “Establishing Mega-Link. Connecting with Mana Stone… Wait a second. This magic… is it…?

“P-Princess?” Apple Bloom asked, “Is somethin wrong?”

N-nothing,” Luna lied, “I'll continue with the Mega-Link,” Luna continued whatever she was doing, and through Apple Bloom's visor she saw another option come up. This one said “spell book.

“Spell Book?” Apple Bloom asked, “Is this it?”

Yes,” Luna said, “From there you'll see a list of spells you can cast. I see your armor is a buster model, so I wrote spells that will match your type. Most of them are projectile spells, but I gave you a few blade and support spells as well.

“So… I can use magic now?” Apple Bloom asked.

As long as you're in that armor, yes. Speaking of, I see you haven't given yourself an ID. Since you activated the Mana Stone on your own, you have the rare opportunity to create your own identification.

“With all due respect Princess, I'll worry about that ID thing or whatever when I'm not about to die,” Apple Bloom said.

Ah, of course. My apologies,” Luna said, “I'm heading over to your location now. For now, just try to survive and find that virus. I'll meet up with you when I get the chance.

“Alright. Thanks Princess,” Apple Bloom said.

Think nothing of it. You and I are intimately connected now, so if you need to ask me anything, just let me know.*”

Feeling a little more confident, Apple Bloom ran out of the library. She was immediately met by two more Mettaur viruses, but she also saw a virus that looked like a black bird. Her visor showed the name “Crow”.

Hold Apple Bloom,” Luna said stopping Apple Bloom.

“What, you can see them?” Apple Bloom asked.

I told you, I am connected to you now,” Luna said, “Before you rush in, try using one of the spells I gave you.

“Um, okay,” Apple Bloom said, opening the spell book. She was afraid that the spells would be complicated, but they all looked like weapons. As Luna said, most of them were projectiles, but she saw a few blades too.

Do you see a spell that says “Wide Sword”?” Luna asked.

“Lookin right at it,” Apple Bloom said, “Should I cast that one?”

Not yet. First, cast the spell that says “Dash”. That will make it so the next move you make will teleport you right next to your opponent, and then bring you back to your original position where you cast it. That will give you enough time to attack. Once you cast Dash, cast Wide Sword immediately. This spell is on a timer so you'll only be able to use it for a brief moment. You should only need it for the one time though. Do you wish for me to go over the strategy again?

“So… cast the Dash spell, then cast Wide Sword. Move toward the enemies, and then attack?” Apple Bloom confirmed, “I think I can do that.”

Apple Bloom pulled up the Dash spell and cast that first. She then cast Wide Sword. Instantly her right arm turned into a blade similar to the one the red mare used, only the blade was really wide. On her visor she saw a timer appear, starting at 30 and going down really fast. She had to hurry.

She tried to move forward, but was instantly shot right in front of the three enemies. Not thinking, she slashed with the sword, hitting all three enemies. The two Mettaurs toppled back exploding, while the crow writhed in pain exploding. Apple Bloom felt a force instantly pull her back, and she was standing right where she was initially.

Very good,” Luna said, “Keep that strategy in mind.

“I will,” Apple Bloom said, “Can I just keep casting spells like that?”

I'm afraid not,” Luna said, “The armor has a limit. Do you see a gauge at the side of your visor?

She did. It was empty, but now it was slowly moving up.

“Yeah, I see it,” Apple Bloom said.

That's your magic power. In order to cast those spells you had to deplete the armor's magic. Until that goes back up, you won't be able to cast magic again. Worry not, for your Buster Gun should be unaffected.

“Buster… Gun?” Apple Bloom asked.

I refer to the weapon on your right arm. That is your default weapon, the Mega Buster.

“Not gonna lie, that sounds super cool,” Apple Bloom said.

Luna chuckled, “Yes, I'm sure. Now, hurry along. Your magic will replenish itself in time, but keep in mind that spells you cast won't be available until the armor resets, as in until you Phase Out and then Phase In again.

“I don't really know what that means, but I'm guessin your tellin me that the spells I just used can't be used again?”

I put in multiples of the same spell, just in case this happened,” Luna said, “Just hurry on ahead. I'll finish explaining things to you when I get there.

Apple Bloom nodded and ran on ahead. She hated to admit it, but this armor was starting to grow on her, as were these new powers. Could the red mare do this sort of thing too?

With Luna's help, Apple Bloom was able to get through the castle without too much trouble. While she could punch any enemy that she faced, Luna urged her to mainly use her Buster Gun and spells, as the armor itself wasn't meant for melee combat.

That worked just fine for Apple Bloom.

When she made it to the throne room, she felt another tremble.


“Princess, what's goin on here?!” Apple Bloom asked looking around.

The Mana Stone senses danger. It must be the virus that's infecting the castle. Brace yourself, Apple Bloom!

Apple Bloom stepped back as the left wall exploded, and the red armored mare fell into the room, landing on the floor. Apple Bloom ran over to them as the got to their knees.

“Hey! Are you okay?!” Apple Bloom asked. The armored mare looked up at Apple Bloom, and though her eyes were completely covered by the visor, Apple Bloom could tell she was furious.

“What the hell?! What in tarnation are ya wearin?!” the red armored mare asked.

“I'm sorry, I was curious about the bracelet, so I tried it on and-”

“You WHAT?!” the red armored mare shot up and grabbed Apple Bloom by the arms, “Do you have any idea what you did?! The Neutralizer is bound to you now!”

“I-I'm sorry…!” Apple Bloom said, tears beginning to form in her eyes for some reason, “I didn't mean to take it!”

The red armored mare grimaced and looked away. Before she could say anything else, something came out of the hole in the wall. It was a large purple scorpion made of crystal. It had two large angry red eyes, and its claws were constantly snapping.

The armored mare pushed Apple Bloom behind her and got in a fighting stance, activating her sword arm as a large red and black diamond shaped shield appeared on her left arm, “I'll get us out of here! For now, just stay behind me!”

The red armored mare charged at the virus, but it whacked her with its claw knocking her to the side. The scorpion pointed its tail at the armored mare and fired some sort of green beam at her. She screamed in pain when it hit her, and Apple Bloom saw steam coming off her armor.

“No!” Apple Bloom cried out.

“Damn it…!” the red armored mare swore, “My armor can't stay stable much longer…!”

The scorpion fired its beam at her again, but this time she pulled up her shield and blocked it to the best of her ability. It looked like her armor was taking too much damage. She had to help her. It was kind of her fault she was in this mess in the first place.

Apple Bloom pointed her Buster Gun at the virus and charged it up. The red armored mare looked at her in shock.

“What do you think you're doin?!” she asked. Instead of answering her, she just fired at the scorpion, knocking it back and grabbing its attention. The large virus stopped firing at the red mare, and instead began walking toward Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom, are you sure about this?” Luna asked.

“I… I can't let her die!” Apple Bloom said, “I don't know if I can beat it, but maybe I can give her time to recover!”

I doubt her armor has a self repair function,” Luna said, “But she might be able to catch her second wind we hold it off. Remember, you are using my magic, so I am fighting along with you.

“Thanks Luna,” Apple Bloom said getting in a fighting stance.

“Goddamn it! Get outta-” she grimaced in pain, “Augh!”

I'm right outside, so I can focus solely on helping you,” Luna said, “All limiters released!

“Ready!” Apple Bloom shouted.

The scorpion fired its acid beam from its tail, but Apple Bloom rolled to the side preparing a spell.

“Cannon!” she shouted, turning her right arm into a large cannon, bigger than her usual one. She pointed it at the scorpion and fired at it, only doing minor damage. The scorpion turned to Apple Bloom and tried to whack at it with its claws, but she managed to run out of the way just in time.

She stopped with a slide casting another spell, “Mini Bomb!”

This time a small bomb appeared in her hand. She saw on her visor she had five of them. She ran in a circle around the monster throwing her bombs at it, a new one materializing in her hand after each throw. These seemed to be doing a little more damage, but not a whole lot.

She tried to cast another spell, but she couldn't open the spell book.

“Damn! I forgot about the-” the virus whacked Apple Bloom back with its claw, knocking her into a wall and doing massive damage. A loud alarm started going off in her head, probably warning her that she was about to die.

Apple Bloom!” Luna cried out. The red mare tried to stand up, but her injuries must have been to bad as she fell to her knees again.

Apple Bloom forced herself to her feet as her magic recharged.

“Princess, did you manage to put in a few healin spells in this spell book?” Apple Bloom asked.

Yes, but they're weak. Healing isn't my specialty, I'm afraid. You'd have to use all of them to fully heal.

“That's fine,” Apple Bloom said, choosing the five spells that said “Recovery 10” and using all of them. Sadly she still was sore, but she could stand at least. Also, that annoying alarm stopped beeping in her ear.

“Hey!” the armored mare shouted, “If your gonna do this, ya gotta fight smarter! Wait till it's about to attack, then fire something strong at its face! That should catch it off guard!”

Apple Bloom nodded and started charging up her Buster Gun. When it looked like the scorpion was about to fire its acid attack, Apple Bloom fired her charged shot in its face. That attack pushed it back, and like the Mettaurs, it looked dizzy.

She wasted no time casting a spell that said “Long Sword”. Her arm turned into another blade, this one being longer than the other one she used. In fact, she could slash at it from where she was standing right now.

Apple Bloom slashed at the large virus with her Long Sword a few times, actually surprised by how much damage she was apparently doing to it. The scorpion shook its head and swiped with its claw, but Apple Bloom jumped away from it landing right next to the red armored mare.

“Hey, what's your name?” Apple Bloom asked the red armored mare, who looked up at Apple Bloom for a second before answering.

“Just call me Proto Mare,” the red mare said, “That's my ID.”

“Proto Mare, huh? I'd give you my ID or whatever, but I haven't come up with one yet,” Apple Bloom admitted.

“Well, don't worry about it,” the red mare, Proto Mare, said forcing herself to stand, “I think I can help out now.”

“Are ya sure?” Apple Bloom asked, “Yer armor's not lookin too good.”

“If you cover me, I'll be fine,” Proto Mare said, “Focus on counterin like ya did before. If ya do that, the next attack ya do will do double damage. I'm outta spells, and it's hard for me to surprise this enemy with my Proto Saber.”

“Then how about I surprise it, and ten we both unload on it with our strongest attacks?” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Simple, straight to the point, with a hint of recklessness,” Proto Mare said thoughtfully, before smirking looking at the scorpion, “Perfect.”

Apple Bloom felt something looking at that smirk, which was the first smile she ever saw on Proto Mare. She shook it off and focused on the scorpion, who pointed its tail at the two armored ponies. When it fired, Apple Bloom rolled to the left and Proto Mare jumped to the right.

Apple Bloom got on one knee pointing her Buster Gun at the scorpion, charging it up. The monster was focusing on Proto Mare, who ran circles around the monster blocking its attacks with her shield. When it turned around again and raised its claw, Apple Bloom fired her charged shot at it, once again catching it off guard.

Proto Mare immediately stopped moving, holding her blade at her shoulder. In a flash she rushed at the scorpion and began slashing wildly at it. Apple Bloom was amazed. Its health was dropping so fast. This Proto Mare was strong. Too strong.

She was happy they were on the same side.

When Proto Mare was done attacking, she jumped back away from the virus, who only had a small fraction of its health left. Apple Bloom took that as her chance to fire another charged shot at it. When the blast hit the virus, it writhed in pain as its entire body exploded. When the monster faded away, Apple Bloom saw another gauge appear on her visor, but this one went up instantly, and it showed a spell “Acid Shot”. Was that how the armor learned magic?

The environment around them got wavy, and whatever Apple Bloom sensed was wrong with that place vanished. Proto Mare's weapon and shield all vanished as Apple Bloom fell to the floor.

“It's finally over! Can I go home now?” Apple Bloom asked in exhaustion. Proto Mare crossed her arms thoughtfully.

“Now what am I gonna do?” she asked herself, “It's only a matter of time before the other ones start comin, and now...” Proto Mare turned to look at Apple Bloom, who was lying on the ground exhausted.

“Apple Bloom!” a voice cried out. Proto Mare and Apple Bloom looked and saw Princess Luna running in, wearing a fancy blue gown and high heels.

“Princess Luna,” Apple Bloom said in relief, “I'm so happy ya came.”

“I couldn't leave one of my valuable friends alone, now could I?” Luna said kneeling down next to Apple Bloom. After helping her up, Luna turned to Proto Mare and looked at her in shock, “You're the one Apple Bloom mentioned was here too then?”

“The name's Proto Mare,” Proto Mare said, “That kid has somethin of mine.”

“Well, considering the circumstances, I'm afraid that it belongs to her now,” Luna said, “Perhaps we can come to an agreement of sorts?”

“I don't want her or anyone else involved with me,” Proto Mare said, “I'm on a mission, and I need to accomplish it. Sombra's countin on me.”

“Sombra? As in King Sombra?” Luna asked, “He's still alive?”

“That ain't yer concern,” Proto Mare said, “Just stay outta my way.”

With that, Proto Mare turned and walked out of the castle. After a few seconds she vanished in a red light. Luna frowned thinking about Proto Mare's words.

“Sombra… lives?” Luna asked.

“Um, Princess Luna?” Apple Bloom asked, snapping the Princess of the Night out of her daze.

“Yes, sorry Apple Bloom. I suppose you would like an explanation?” Luna asked.

Apple Bloom nodded before yawning, “That would be nice.”

“How about first we get you home,” Luna said, “Will the armor to deactivate, and you'll return to your previous state.”

“Um, I don't know,” Apple Bloom said nervously, “I'm pretty sure durin the time this thing appeared on me, my clothes vanished.”

Luna laughed, “Not to worry, Apple Bloom. Your clothes were merely displaced to make room for the armor. Once you deactivate it, your clothes will reappear instantly.”

“Alright,” Apple Bloom said, willing the armor to vanish. She was engulfed in a blue light, and instantly reappeared in her usual clothes. The bracelet and sapphire from before were still stuck on her wrist though.

“There, that's not too hard, right?” Luna asked, smiling when she noticed how tired Apple Bloom looked, “Let's get you home, so you can rest up. I'll answer all of your questions in the morning.”

Apple Bloom nodded to Luna, who vanished in a purple mist that briefly swirled around Apple Bloom for some reason. Se shrugged it off and started making her way back to Ponyville. She had enough weirdness for one day.

The way home was quiet, as everypony had already gone to sleep. This included everyone back at Sweet Apple Acres, which was good. Apple Bloom didn't want to have to answer why she was coming in so late.

She didn't even get undressed. When she reached her room, she plopped right on her bed and drifted off to sleep, silently praying that the whole thing was a bad dream, and she'd wake up from it in the morning.

Author's Note:

* For those who have played Mega Man Battle Network or Star Force, this translates to press the L button to talk to Luna.

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