• Published 22nd Aug 2015
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A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 66-Extending the Universe


Victory Road

“Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings.”

—The Vision

Two weeks later…

“I must say, Director Fury, over these past few days I was beginning to think that we may never fully gain control of the situation laid out for us,” Princess Celestia addressed, the sound of her hooves echoing throughout the long hallways of Canterlot Castle.

The blinding, afternoon sunlight spilled inwards from the rows of stained glass windows lining the halls. Save for a few guards gripping their spears—their faces set in stone—the halls were cleared for the two princesses. Celestia and her younger sister, Princess Luna, turned accordingly, smiling to the two men to their right.

Celestia continued. “But thanks to you…both of you…we were able to strike fast into the heart of the enemy and bring them down for good. Not only that, but the reconstruction efforts have gone on without any trouble whatsoever. We can expect Canterlot to open its gates by the end of the week.”

The two stopped, turned to face the men that walked with them through it all. Their smiles mirrored each other, both siblings lowering their heads in respect. “And yet here we are now…and I still don’t know how to thank either of you enough,” Celestia told them.

Nick Fury offered a polite smile and placed his hands into his deep pockets. Odin Borson stamped the butt of his spear into the marble floor, turning his one good eye to the Alicorn sisters.

The words of the Princess were true. It had been very dark times not too long ago, where the world teetered on the edge of total annihilation. Beasts of war, of Hell, invaded the world above and struck down many great cities, tore apart so many families. Equestria suffered a terrible blow, and the neighboring nations fared no better.

With Ultron’s nearly endless armies and Tartarus’ foulest warriors infecting the rest of the world, it was a fight for survival to push such forces back. Just when the skies seemed as dark as the future ahead, hope arrived tearing through the clouds with four powerful engines roaring across the skies. With that hope, the world fought well knowing they received aid from some extraterrestrial allies, a group of mighty heroes, and their Equestrian neighbors.

Battles continued to rage across the lands, air, and seas. However, thanks to their combined efforts, those who weren’t brought down by the strength of S.H.I.E.L.D., Asgard, and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes fled like the cowards they were. None made it too far. Each demon, each beast and sentry taken down and destroyed.

And Ultron…

Ultron was hunted. Down to the very last sentry, the world united, searched, and struck down every mechanical menace they could find. More and more good news continued to arrive to the two sisters. Word of thousands more sentries brought down, hundreds of thousands torn apart like the weak, metal men that the minotaurs had mentioned. And even more continued to fall. The threat of Ultron continued to dwindle.

The search was still happening even as the four strode through the hallways of Canterlot Castle

“No thanks are necessary,” Fury attested. His large, black trench coat swayed around his legs as he walked forward. Celestia and Luna followed with Odin close by him. “It was our fault for Ultron’s escape and entry into Equus, and we see fit by…well, cleaning up our mess.”

“Yet all that you have done was aid us in our time of need,” Celestia explained, both Fury and Odin turning to her but continuing to walk. “Even when we were most vulnerable, after every tragedy that had befallen our nation and our world, you led us to this victory that we do not deserve. For without either of you…I fear for what might have been.”

Fury’s shadow cascaded across the floor, mixing with Odin’s and the sisters’. And for a moment the man was silent, hands digging into his pockets.

Odin followed by the man’s right. His red cape flowed gently behind him. He sighed greatly, earning their attention. “A great evil had escaped and infected this world with fire and desolation. No world should experience such travesty that they don’t deserve.” With every step forward, Odin planted his spear into the marble beneath him, creating a soft clink that echoed alongside Celestia and Luna’s hoofsteps.

“But you all have shown tremendous bravery and leadership, a kind I have not seen for many years,” Odin told them, his white beard glistening in the afternoon rays. He eyed the two sisters with a knowing smile and said, “Do not think lightly of yourselves for these wretched times, because even now with the world on the road to recovery…you and your sister…and your nation…are a symbol of hope.”

Celestia and Luna shared a warm smile together. It spread, Fury’s towering walls even breaking. Odin continued, facing forward as did the others. “This is a victory not only for us, but for you and your sister, your nation, your people, and your world coming together for the greater good. So, I can guarantee with all certainty…that this is indeed a victory you can accept.”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Celestia politely bowed her head, Luna following suit. Odin nodded in consideration to their actions, continuing forward down the long, long hallway.

A short moment of silence and tranquility passed them by. Fury saw as dust particles danced in the afternoon rays of sunlight ahead of him. He could see the towering doors that led to the exit of the castle directly ahead. With a gentle cough, Fury stated loudly, “Well, if we got everything wrapped up, I suppose it might be time for us to take our leave. All of us.”

Celestia turned the man’s way. “When will you make your departure?” she asked, curiosity ripe on her tongue.

Fury shrugged. “Hard to tell. Maybe in a day or two. We can’t just take off without ensuring this world’s safety…and maybe a few goodbyes here and there,” Fury chuckled softly. “Stark told me all about the new friends he’s made…and all the new allies the Avengers have formed. That crazy son of a gun has been on one hell of an adventure, if what I’m told is true.”

Knowing Stark, about a good third of the story probably wasn’t. Then again, he did take the rest of the Avengers’ words for it. “But we do have our own problems to deal with back on Earth, so we can’t stay for too long,” he finished, hands escaping his pockets and meeting the warmth of the sunlight he walked through.

“And what of Ultron, Directory Fury?” Luna asked. “Doth thou suppose his evil hath been silenced?”

“Your Majesty, there’s no need for such formalities,” Fury said, causing Luna to blush.

Flustered, the Princess of the Night rubbed a hoof through her flowing mane, coughing gently into said hoof. “Um… Yes, of course.”

“But yes,” Nick muttered, his gaze elsewhere, staring into the large crevice in the center of the Everfree Forest. He stood behind the large glass window of the Helicarrier, watching as waves of fresh Ultron Sentries emerged from the pool in the crater. He could still see as an array of missiles fell down into the crater, demolishing anything caught below, silencing everything around the pool into bright, blistering orange and yellow blossoms.

Fury smiled smugly. “…Yes, I do believe his evil hath been silenced.”

Yet his smile didn’t last. It was replaced only by a haunting look and an enervated sigh. Both princesses turned to him quizzically. Odin kept on walking.

“Then again…” he turned to face the two sisters, an unknown and mysterious expression lingering on his face, hiding somewhere in that lone eye of his “…I don’t believe it’ll be the last great evil we see on this planet.”

Both Celestia and Luna stopped dead in their tracks. Nick halted as well, followed shortly by the King of Asgard, his cape swaying as he turned to study the trio behind him. Celestia stepped forth, her expression wanting, her eyes narrowing.

“What do you mean?” she asked, voice nearly at a deathly whisper.

“Let’s just say that because of the intervention of some of Earth’s most remarkable individuals…” Fury began, facing away and continuing down the hall, the sounds of the approaching hoofsteps following him, “…that Equus has become part of a bigger universe. And it became part of that the moment the Princess of Friendship pulled that red rust bucket out of the dirt.”

Luna came close to the man’s left, her sister left behind. She studied the man’s facial features, looking intently for any sign of hidden truth. “Is that a good thing…or a bad thing, Nicholas Fury?” she asked.

“You can take that however you wish,” the Director replied, his voice as hard as stone. He studied the dark blue Alicorn for quite some time, watching her sparkling mane flow with no wind, see the wisdom burn in her eyes, the lust for knowledge as ripe as ever.

He turned aside, joining Odin to stare down the hall. And he finished with: “Just know that you’re not alone in this big galaxy of ours.”

There was the revelation laid out for Celestia and Luna to take, and it was even more dreadful, yet exhilarating to imagine. For instance, the Equestrians can no longer live in fear knowing what might be above their heads and within the heavens. Yet, that only showed so much possibility, so much for the mind to comprehend. If there was truly an Earth filled with a species known as humans, then how many other worlds were out there? What other species lived in the stars?

And would they ever meet? Would they make peace as Earth had with Equus? Or would they annihilate them?

It was as dreadful a thought as it was exhilarating.

Celestia was so lost in thought and silence that she nearly rammed her snout into the door ahead of her. She paused, both Celestia and Luna as the twin doors stared them down, as Fury and Odin slowly turned to them.

Princess Celestia breathed in and exhaled, her chest rising and falling, her mane shimmering in her sunlight. “Well,” she smiled, turning to both Fury and Odin, “then allow us to show our gratitude in some way.”

She held her hoof to them, the two studying it before bringing their eyes onto her. “For the hard work, dedication, bravery, and sacrifice you and your allies have shown over the past two weeks, we will be hosting a grand celebration tonight in the Canterlot Gardens. The repairs to both the city and the gardens seemed to have been accomplished, and we would love for you and your Avengers to join us, Director Fury.” Celestia turned to the god standing beside her. “You as well, Your Highness. Besides…”

Princess Celestia twisted her neck down to her younger sister, smiling gently at her quizzical expression. She said, “I hear it is going to be a lovely night tonight. Wouldn’t you agree, Luna?”

Princess Luna replied with a warm and gentle grin. “I’ll make sure of it, dear sister,” she confirmed with a nod, pushing her way through the doors and exiting the hallway. Watching as her sister vanished behind the swaying doors, Celestia turned back to Fury and Odin, waiting for their responses.

Nick only shrugged, his upper lip curling in thought. “Well, I’d hate to pass up a free invitation.”

It seemed to be the only “yes” she would get out of him. With that, Celestia eyed the King of Asgard beside the Director of (what remained of) S.H.I.E.L.D. He appeared to be lost in thought, as if struggling with the decision before him. Shortly after, he bowed his head to her, murmuring, “I shall see to the remainder of the Asgardians before I make my decision.”

Not truly a conclusive answer, but one she would take as of now. Celestia nodded politely and made her exit through the doors, her long tail nearly caught between the swinging towers. All that remained were the two powerful individuals standing silent and frozen in the long, warm hallways of the newly-repaired Canterlot.

And neither of them could say a word. Not yet anyway.

“It’s been a long two weeks…” Fury began, breaking the silence. Odin slowly turned to face him, his left eye curiously studying the man to his left. “We deserve to kick back…relax…just enjoy ourselves.”

“It has been quite tiresome,” Odin agreed, facing the doors mere feet in front of him. “I suppose a fine celebration would be in order.”

Fury lowered his gaze. “You know…I never asked you, but…have you ever had apple cider?”

Odin stood and faced him. He managed a weak, faint smile and answered, “I cannot say that I have.”

That only sparked a smile to grace the Director’s features, his hand reaching out to push the doors open. “Then I guess there’s a first time for everything.”

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