• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 14,299 Views, 1,970 Comments

A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 30-Fastest There Is

Stupid things thought they were sneaky.

A chilling shiver raced up and down Rainbow Dash’s spine, yet she did her best to hide any and all movement lest she give herself away from their watchful eyes. However, she was beginning to feel less and less worried as Ultron’s nearly endless army flew overhead in small waves of five each, a few groups trailing behind.

She hid herself in the frozen forest below, dipping to bushes, hiding between tree branches, logs, rocks, anything that could provide cover. The snow fell slightly in the forest, the Foal Mountains hanging in the distance. However, Ultron’s army and their trails of dying, blue light seemed to fly away from the mountains, presumably southeast if what Dash’s compass was telling her.

Even she came prepared. A nice, big jacket to keep her warm from the cool temperatures in the frozen forest, a water jug with a knapsack strewn over her back, a compass in hoof and a scowl on her face. Those twin rose irises of hers stared straight up, past the blinding white of the snow covering the tree branches and onto the escaping Ultron Sentries overhead.

She needed to keep up. The army would no doubt lead her to Ultron. The freak was going to pay for what he did…and not even the Avengers could stop her now.

Placing the compass inside her knapsack for safekeeping, Rainbow swiped her water jug and took a quick sip, ready to continue the journey southeast. But just as she was about to place her water jug back where it belonged, her ear twitched at the sound of a slight rustle.

She immediately dipped to cover, back pressed hard against the tree she hid behind. Rainbow held her breath, a worsening frown growing across her features as she listened intently for the next sound to be heard. All the while, she mentally punished herself for not staying alert. No more water breaks until she was certain the coast was clear.

Waiting on for several more seconds, the Pegasus slowly turned her head to the left to investigate. Peeking out from the cover, Rainbow spotted the bush where the noise had emanated from. Apart from the cool wind blowing across the snow-covered forest floor, the bush remained motionless, silent even.

And then the rustling returned.

Rainbow gritted her jaw and slid back ever so slightly, eyeing the bush and preparing to defend herself for the situation. Slight traces of snow continued to fall between the distance of the mare and the rustling bush, and finally the perpetrator revealed itself.

A white rabbit.

The furry, little critter sniffed innocently and rubbed its face. Dash only snorted, earning the rabbit’s attention and scaring it away. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, adjusted her jacket as a cool breeze approached, and spun around to be nose to nose with Pinkie Pie.

A look of shocked horror spread across the mare’s features, only to be replaced with dread as Pinkie began to open her mouth.

There you are, Dashie! I’ve been looking for you for—!”

As quick as a bullet, famously known for as well, Rainbow Dash shot forward and slammed her hoof across Pinkie’s mouth, silencing the pink mare for the time being. She sternly shushed her, earning a curious brow raise from Pinkie.

“Be quiet, Pinkie!” Dash hissed silently, scanning the skies and the area around them. She let the seconds tick away, letting the silence return to the forest. It was the exact time she returned to the pink mare.

“How did you follow me?” Dash asked, and then quickly realized the question was pointless against somepony like Pinkie. So, she instead asked, “Never mind. What are you even doing here, Pinkie?”

Removing her hoof, Pinkie smiled joyously and said, “Before I fell asleep last night, I totally remembered that Twilight asked me to watch over you. So, just as I was about to go on a super-secret spy mission, I saw you and your little rainbow trail flying right past the Everfree Forest. A little gator told me to follow you just in case you didn’t get hurt. So, here I am!”

Again, Rainbow shushed her pink friend, eyeing the forest cautiously. As Pinkie bounced up down, shivering every now and then as she didn’t bring any clothing to keep warm, Rainbow turned her nose to the sky, mentally gasping to barely see even a hint of the sentries’ trail. A cluster of hawks seem to cover the skies now, circling directly over her head.

She was running out of time. If she didn’t catch up she’ll lose the sentries’ trail, and ultimately Ultron’s hiding place.

With a snort, Rainbow spun around and pushed Pinkie aside. “I don’t have time for this, Pinks. Go back to Ponyville. I’ll be back in a few days, tops.”

The stubborn mare appeared in front of Dash’s path, shaking her head. Rainbow responded with a glare so heated it could melt the snow covering her hooves.

“No can do, Dashie!” Pinkie replied happily, a slight grin tugging at her lips, infuriating Dash. “I have orders from Twilight not to let you out of my sight! And I have orders from Gummy to keep you safe no matter what!”

Irritated at Pinkie’s loud voice, Dash hissed, “I don’t need your help. I can take care of this by myself. Now go home.”

Pinkie shook her head again, that same smile gracing her features. “Nope!” she practically yelled. “I’m stuck to you like butterscotch! In fact, that actually sounds pretty good! I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet so I could really go for a snack. Hey! You got any butterscotch in that knapsack of yours! I bet you do and you’re just trying it hide it from me!”

“Pinkie…” Dash warned, eyeing the skies, desperately searching for the trail and finding none.

“You can practically hear my tummy rumbling! Hee, hee! It tickles! Let’s stop for a snack break, Dashie! Maybe that’ll clear away that angry frown that seems to be directed towards me!”

“Go home,” Rainbow sternly whispered, spreading her wings and taking off. Her flight was cancelled short, the mare face planting into the freezing forest floor. Dash’s angry eyes popped out from the snow, turning back towards the pink mare hugging her rainbow tail and keeping her grounded.

“One second!” Pinkie whined. “Silly filly, you know I can’t fly! Looks like we’re both…‘grounded’ from here on out! Hee, hee, hee!”

“I said…” Dash growled, ripping her tail away from Pinkie’s grasp and spinning to face her. With feral eyes and gritted teeth, Rainbow spread her wings and screamed, “Go HOME!”

And just like that, her anger distracted her and her voice gave her away. An orange pony tackled Rainbow to the snow, straddling the mare and keeping all four of her hooves down.

“Ah found her!” Applejack shouted, struggling to keep the angered Rainbow Dash down. Thankfully, her strength was enough to hold Dash until the rest of her friends arrived. Twilight and Fluttershy arrived by air, and Rarity slipping past the trees and coming into view breathless. They each wore heavy winter coats. Each one approached Applejack with equally concerned stares for the Pegasus the mare held down.

Rainbow Dash saw them approach, growling and struggling even more against Applejack’s great strength. Even with her own force, Dash was equally matched with the pony above her. So, she listened and waited as Twilight was the first to come forward, joined quickly by Fluttershy and Rarity.

“There you all are!” Pinkie shouted, hopping towards the approaching Alicorn. “How’d ya find us, Twilight?! Huh? How’d ya do it? How’d ya do it?”

Holding her disheartened frown against Dash, Twilight answered with her breath cooled from the forest’s temperatures. “It wasn’t hard once Fluttershy got the local hawks to tell us where they spotted a blue Pegasus flying by. It especially wasn’t hard once we heard her screaming from a mile away.”

“Blame her,” Rainbow said, jamming her hoof towards the innocent smile of Pinkie Pie. “She’s been shouting and giving away my position before all of you showed up!”

“We’re not playing the blame game here, Rainbow,” Twilight sternly told the downed Pegasus. Fluttershy approached Twilight’s right, nuzzling a hawk resting on her foreleg before letting the creature take off into the cool air. Twilight continued, turning to Applejack.

“AJ, could you please?”

Applejack nodded, stepping away and allowing Rainbow to compose herself. She shot up almost immediately, holding her furious glare against each and every one of her friends. Twilight glared back, nearly shouting, “What were you thinking, Rainbow? Going out on your own to take on an army even you know you can’t fight against, and for what? To prove a point to the Avengers?”

“It’s more than that, Twilight!” Dash shouted back, her breath growing larger and larger as her anger flared. She pressed a hoof over her heart, eyes burning. “They told us we can’t protect ourselves! They told us we can’t fight back! I’m going to prove to them who we really are, by shoving my hoof straight down Ultron’s throat!”

“Rainbow Dash, that’s enough!” Rarity ordered, instantly rejected as Dash turned to her.

“Shut it, Rarity!” she screamed, earning a gasp from the unicorn. Dash ignored her, turning back towards Twilight. “You expect us to back away from the fight? Do you expect us to sit back and let somepony else fight our battles for us?! Well, I’m not!”

“But alone?!” Twilight bellowed. “You could’ve been killed!”

“I’m not alone anymore!” Dash said, holding her hoof out to the rest of her friends. “We can stop him here! We can use our Rainbow Power and bring an end to this freak for coming to our world!”

Twilight shook her head slightly, lip curling. “We don’t even know where he is!”

“I was just about to figure that out before Pinkie ruined everything and made me lose the trail!” Dash replied in a sharp tone, earning a gasp from Pinkie.

Pinkie shot forward, stepping right in the growing feud between Rainbow Dash and Twilight. She said, “Hey, don’t pin this on me! Pin it on Twilight! But most importantly, pin it on Gummy! They told me to follow you!”

“Pinkie, I told you to keep an eye on Rainbow!” Twilight angrily replied.

“Tomato, butterscotch, same thing!” Pinkie said, hoof waving back and forth.

Dash smacked a hoof against her face, slowly bringing it down. She muttered, “Look, either all of you are with me or not, I’m going ahead to find this Ultron jerk and put a stop to him.”

She spun around and stopped, a tight pinch of pain erupting from behind. Dash spun her neck back to see Applejack gripping her tail with her jaw. Releasing her friend’s tail, Applejack said, “Oh, no yer not, missy! We’ve been searchin’ this here forest all mornin’ long an’ we ain’t about ta jus’ let ya go on ahead! Yer comin’ home right now!”

Rainbow glared at her blonde friend. Applejack glared back. The stare down lasted a few seconds before Twilight stepped in, a wounded look in her eyes and loss in her voice. She murmured, “You’re no match for him, Rainbow Dash.”

Dash could’ve scoffed. “What? Did the Avengers tell you that?”

Twilight was taken aback, her eyes widened and frown returning. “No, I…I just… Ugh! Why do you have to be so stubborn?! We saw what he’s capable of back at the Gala and Griffonstone! Do you really want to risk your life for a dangerous journey you might not make it back from just to lose in the end?”

Now Dash scoffed. “What do you mean? I’m already the fastest thing in the world, so there’s absolutely nothing stopping me from—!”

Unfortunately, not even Rainbow Dash was quick enough to finish that bold statement once a powerful gust of wind broke right through the group, knocking everypony onto their backs and into piles of snow.

Silence returned to the forest once more. More snowflakes casually began to fall against the forest floor, building higher and higher as time progressed. A certain pile of snow broke apart with a pink mane and face popping outwards, shaking to get the snow off.

“Owie wowy,” Pinkie groaned, rubbing her forehead. “That wind sure hit hard.”

Applejack slowly stood up, eyeing the white trees cautiously, listening intently for every sound. She gulped. “Ah don’t think that was the wind, Pinkie Pie.”

Groans began to spread. Twilight joined Applejack in helping Pinkie back to her hooves. Soon enough, Fluttershy helped up Rarity, and the group turned to Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus slowly beginning to stand on her own. Twilight took her eyes off Dash rubbing her head and onto the silence of the forest surrounding them, eyes watching and ears listening.

“Whatever it was,” Twilight began, earning everypony’s attention, “we need to stay alert in case it comes back. Now, Rainbow, I think now would be a good time as ever to head back to Ponyville and—”

The gust of wing returned, just as powerful as ever. Everypony spun around to see the blur, colored blue and silver, disappear between the trees and out of sight. That, of course, didn’t stop Rainbow Dash. It also gave her an excuse to completely disregard Twilight at the moment.

“There it is!” Dash pointed out, spreading her wings and taking off like a bullet from a freshly fired chamber. Ignoring her friends’ cries and pleas, Rainbow Dash tore through the frozen forest, dodging tree limbs and trunks as if she had memorized the random path she took. There was no memorizing. There was only the blur.

And chasing it down.

And figuring out what the hay it was.

Rainbow had completely lost track of her water jug and knapsack, as the two essential objects to her travel had flown off in the midst of the chase. She was focused completely on the blur that had the guts to attack her and her friends. Even after several twists and turns, ups and down, spirals and shifts, the chase was turning out to be fruitless with no blue and silver blur in sight.

Until it tore right past Dash’s nose.

“Hey!” she called out, taking off to chase its trail. There it was, trapped in her sights, heading down a linear path in the frozen forest. Rainbow smirked, already picturing the quick and easy victory in her mind. Now she was closing in, each centimeter of herself growing closer and closer to the blur. Her wings burned, but she ignored it, finally within reaching distance.

And then it turned, spun back, and smacked right into her. In milliseconds.

Rainbow tumbled and rolled, crashing right through a thorn-filled bush and coming to a painful halt, chest planted into the snow-covered forest floor. Her jaw, once tightened with teeth shown slowly began to relax, her eyes adjusting to the light after having been shut tight upon impact.

The pain flooded her veins, earning many painful grunts and groans as she slowly pushed herself up. Upon further inspection of her surroundings, Rainbow Dash realized her coat was completely torn to shreds, an obvious aftereffect from the thorn bush. However, the pain and the status of her coat mattered little to the Pegasus. What she focused on, what her mind was still trying to contemplate was how that blur managed to pull off such a move.

It made a complete 180, holding the same speed as it originally had and slammed into her with just as much force as the first time it hit her and her friends. That was impossible, even Rainbow knew that. Even she knew she couldn’t pull off such a feat.

And she hated that.

Falling to a sitting position, with her mind still contemplating the events that transpired, a soft gust of wind returned, earning the Pegasus’ attention. However, that moment of attention was all Dash needed to finally realize what it was that attacked her. What it was that pulled off such a move that once seemed impossible.

And it was…human.

The human wore a silver and blue skintight shirt, white lightning designs on the ribcage. It sported black pants, snow particles painted across its legs. Its hair was an extremely light tan, small stubble across its chin and cheeks. The human didn’t stop. It casually strolled on by Rainbow Dash, smirking down at the slack-jawed mare. It was a knowing smirk, a cocky one. Rainbow Dash knew that one personally.

And it said, “Fastest thing in the world?”

And then it was gone, trails of silver and blue vanishing from sight.

The human left a stupefied Rainbow Dash sitting on her rump, jaw agape, and eyelids refusing to close. Soon enough, she was all alone in the frozen forest, the cries of her friends growing stronger and stronger, signifying their approach. But she didn’t seem to care much for that. She didn’t seem to care much for anything at that point.

The second fastest thing in the world muttered, “Whoa…”

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