• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 14,328 Views, 1,970 Comments

A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 1-God’s Windup


Heroes Fall

“Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.”

—Steve Jobs

“Is that the best you can do?!”

Was it?

Was it really?

Iron Man planted his palms into the rising earth, thinking of those words over and over again.

Was that the best he can do?

He did say it was, that this, this right here was indeed the best he can do. And yet, as the weight of the world fell upon Tony Stark’s shoulders, pushing him down further and further with each drone sent their way, he knew now that it simply wasn’t.

This was not the best he can do.

Not by a long shot.

He had created him to do so much more. God…

His suit was slowly beginning to wade. Power levels were dangerously low, and it didn’t help the fact that the seemingly endless army kept coming for them, never stopping, never halting. They just kept coming. Endless. Horrible. The Mark 45 wouldn’t last much longer on its own, on his own. Stark wheeled his head over to the right, squinting behind the mask to witness more drones come his way.

Thank God he wasn’t alone.

With every hundred more sentries sent their way, the piles of bodies merely rose in height and weight. Tony Stark could see, could actually feel the force of the attack he and his team were destined to fend off. Nothing could get through them. They just could not let that happen. They stop the enemy here…or they lose everything.

Again, Tony Stark didn’t know how many times he thanked God that awful day. At that point in his life, Stark didn’t even know if He was listening anymore. After all he had done, all the promises he had made, could he keep just one more? Maybe. It was hard for Stark to keep a promise, especially now of all times.

Could he keep a promise to them? His team?


Only one way to find out.

It was already too much of a blur for Stark to point out positions. So, whenever they appeared in front of him, that’s when he acknowledged their presence.

Standing high and mighty amongst the piles of dead sentries stood Steven Rogers, or Captain America as many knew him by. The old man held his shield tightly in his right forearm, swinging madly and ramming the star-spangled shield against the head of any robot that drew near, launching them backwards and dead before they hit the ground.

Pistol shots rang out in the air of searing metal body parts and lightning strikes, the shots only belonging from Natasha Romanoff. The Black Widow dipped and ducked away from the swings of the deadly sentries, only to appear from behind to send a bullet into their unsuspecting heads. Her lovely orange hair swayed and bounced as she fought, her skin-tight suit adding to her curves as she kicked and punched without mercy. Like a spider, so much like a beautiful creature, yet deadly in every which way.

Tony nearly missed the arrows flying over his head, impacting the skulls of the flying sentries, their bodies hitting the concrete with dark eye sockets. The arrows were right between the eyes. The perfect shot every time. Bringing his gaze over to the source of the attack, Tony watched with heavy breaths as Clint Barton held his own against an army that was crawling at his feet, his distance slandered and breaking off his comfort zone.

Oh, well. They had all left their comfort zone behind long ago.

The lightning strikes from before came back, stronger than ever from what Tony could remember. Blue shards of heaven’s might rained amongst the team of warriors as a protective shield, all leading together to join Mjølnir, the weapon of the gods. Speaking of said god, Thor slammed his hammer to and fro at every miniscule sentry that tried to get too close to him. They broke apart at the God of Thunder’s might, their metal skin raining around Thor’s face like glass shards.

Standing behind Thor, the twins were up to their usual chaotic nature. Pietro Maximoff was here and there and up and down and everywhere Tony could keep a good look at him before he felt dizzy and too lazy to keep track anymore. Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, swung her hands out madly, the red haze from her fingertips ripping bodies to pure putty.

Flying high and above, the area Tony once proudly commandeered, was the reincarnation of the AI, the android that was meant to be Earth’s undoing, now willingly risking his well-being for the path of life. The Vision. His power was unmatched, his strength unprecedented. His fists phased through the bodies of the flying sentries with no effort whatsoever. Body limbs rained from above, joining the piles alongside the others.

Last and certainly not least, there was Bruce Banner.


He bit down on a sentry and ripped it apart, spitting the metal into the concrete.

Yeah. That was pretty much the picture Tony could have explained.

His palms came together into fists, pushing harder into the earth despite the tremendous amounts of pain he was feeling. His suit may have been protecting him, but how long could it last? Like his body, so much like his mind and skin, his suit was close to breaking apart. The flood of sentries kept on coming, swarming from all sides and forcing Tony’s team in a circle formation within the church’s confines.

They were all protecting one another, themselves, and the device that sat in the center of the holy dome.

The device that would prove to be the destruction of mankind.

Not one sentry could get passed them. Not one.

There were still hundreds more.

They needed his help. His team, his Avengers, they were struggling to hold the line for the safety of life. Tony Stark gritted his teeth, forcing himself to rise to one knee. Sparks danced off the cuts in his armor, static flickering inside his helmet’s view of the world. A soft, yet stern feminine voice echoed through Stark’s ears as he continued to stand, despite the warnings of his suit.

“The Mark 45 isn’t going to take much more of this,”the voice said, earning a grunt from Stark as he eyed the next wave of sentries fly over the rubble and into the church. “Would you like me to direct all preservative energy to the armor?”

"No thanks, Friday,” Stark grumbled beneath the mask, his eyes flickering upwards to stare at the lone bot hovering above all the others. Its red eyes narrowed, as if coming in contact with Stark’s heavy glare, as if it could actually see the emotions flicker through Tony’s face.

And then it charged.

“Direct all energy to the repulsors!”



He had enough.

After everything he had witnessed, all the horrors and travesties the enemy was capable of, he simply had enough. He would stop them here, with his army, with the ones he brought together for the final showdown between good and evil, peace and destruction. They lose here, they lose absolutely everything.

Ultron simply had enough.

His thrusters pushed him forward, instantly coming into contact with his Vision. The android never saw it coming and hardly had any time to counter his forward attack. Ultron and Vision danced in a flurry of punches and slashes while in mid-air, the other Avengers seemingly lost in a sea of sentries directly beneath them.

With a grunt of effort, Ultron blasted his Vision to the far-off wall, the android impacting with a dull thud. The Vibranium-based beast of Stark swooped in for another charge, but was instantly blown back from the golden rays of energy erupting from the Vision. The power of the stone within the mind of his creation was almost too strong for Ultron to handle, and he felt himself being pushed backwards despite his will. It was almost too powerful for him to counter. Almost.

But not nearly powerful enough.

He quickly swiped with his left arm, deflecting the golden beam and pointing his right hand outwards. The concussion blast rang out throughout the floating city. Red blasts of electrical plasma fired from Ultron’s fingertips, delivering a swift hit right into Vision’s chest. The effect was instantaneous, giving Ultron enough time to charge again, but this time earning a well-deserved victory.

His fingers coiled around the android’s throat. Barely giving notice to the Vision’s features of pain, Ultron flew down in a perfect dive-bomb of precision and execution. He landed directly in-between Thor and Wanda, his Vision taking every bit of the painful crash.

His presence seemed to capture quite the attention, as it always should. Both Thor and Wanda turned his way, their eyes wild and full of energy. Ultron stood and planted his foot against the Vision’s chest, successfully keeping him down with only a few gasps of pain escaping his jaw. He turned to face Thor. He smiled.

The God of Thunder swung with his hammer aimed clearly for the AI, completely forgetting about the other sentries approaching from behind.

Just like that. With one, miniscule, second of an opening, that’s how easy it was for everything to fall apart. The team of heroes had created a perfect fight, a perfect balance with each member performing their part to the fullest extent of their power. If any of them broke that balance, removed just one stone from the structure, it would all come crumbling down in the worst possible way.

Thor was swarmed and engulfed in Ultron Sentries before he could react. It was that fast. That unbelievably fast.

As the Son of Odin fell, so did the others. One by one, Ultron watched with a growing smile as his army pushed forward during the enemy’s faltering, ultimately bringing down each Avenger. Down-to-earth, both metaphorically and physically. Down where they belonged. On their knees. So beautiful.

Wanda turned to face Ultron, her fists glowing fiercely red and ready to strike the one she might have called a friend, but unwillingly prepared for the next wave of sentries overcoming her. Even with her dark magic, the drones overcame her body, prying at her face, arms, legs, pushing and pulling, scratching and punching. Screaming.

For mercy.

So beautiful.

The screams caught on, capturing the attention of a certain Super Soldier.

Steve swung his head over to the direction of the screams, eyes instantly widening at the sight. “Wanda!” he cried, dodging and leaping over oncoming waves of sentries to the screams. He saw her hand sticking out of the pile, her face crowded within the blue lights and metallic limbs. He reached out for her, his fingertips gracing hers.

Ultron clotheslined him.

Steve performed a backflip from the force of the hit, ultimately landing flat on his chest. The captain was overcome the second he was down, Ultron Sentries swarming from all sides to keep him grounded. Still, he fought on, kicking and swinging his shield back and forth, but unsuccessfully regaining his footing.

Eyeing the fallen captain dangerously, Ultron turned his attention back to the Vibranium detonator, the device remaining unguarded from his position. He had successfully defeated a small portion of the Avengers’ defense, leaving them open, ready for the final strike.

Agent Barton, Romanoff, Doctor Banner, and Pietro remained, doing battle against the sentries directly in front of them. They would never expect the hundred others stabbing them right in the back. And they never did.

Take them all. Leave the core for me.

Ultron’s order carried on through every sentry he designed from hand. Just like that, through that small opening he created, his army flushed past him in a stampede that couldn’t be stopped, successfully trampling Thor, Wanda, and Captain America.

No one would’ve guessed that Ultron created a path that cleared the area where Wanda was lying.

Yet they rushed by, continuously and on and on. Both agents spun around, firing off a few rounds and arrows before being tackled themselves and falling at the foot of God’s holy house. The Hulk raged on, more and more bodies raining and piling on top of him, only to be flung back and destroyed on impact from the beast’s never ending strength. Most of Ultron’s forces kept the Hulk busy for the time being.


All that could be seen of Pietro was his silver blur, searing drones apart and leaving nothing but their torn bodies falling to the ground.

It would not be long before Pietro turned his attention to Ultron, especially after what he did to his little sister. He needed to act now.

The path in front of the AI cleared, leaving a straight shot straight to the core. Wanda Maximoff lay amongst the path, her clothes torn and blood splotched across her frame. Her chest heaved in and out, eyelids soon to fall like the piece of land she lied on. For some unknown reason, she managed to keep her eyes open long enough for Ultron to stroll past her.

All he offered, all he could ever offer to her was a longing stare, contemplating the choice and the friend he hoped still lied to his right. He hit the device now, there was no turning back. He would fly off and survive, and humanity would reach its long-deserved end. But at the cost of so many lives…Wanda and Pietro would join them. He hit the device now, they died.

He didn’t and all he worked for would be for not.

Ultron closed his eyes, gritted his Vibranium jaws, and stepped forward, his right hand outstretched for the core. He immediately brought that hand back to capture Tony Stark in mid-air and slam him into the ground.

And so he fell to one knee, his right hand clasped around the metallic throat of his creator. Red eyes stared into blue, two different personalities built upon the same aspect yet infected in the worst possible way coming together. Tony reached forward and pressed his palms against Ultron’s forearm, struggling to push the AI off of him. Ultron would not move a centimeter.

“Friday, repulsors anytime now would be great,” Tony growled beneath the helmet, his eyes still latched with Ultron’s. The sun shone heavily behind Ultron’s structure, sending a heavy shadow to cascade across Stark’s body.

“Transferring all direct energy flow to repulsors…”

Her voice, though without form, gave Tony the idea of a young woman staring at him with eyes of dread, as if giving him the grave news Stark never wanted to hear.

Ultron sneered, tightening the grip around Stark’s throat, surprised to notice that his fist was actually beginning to crush the metal. “You just transferred all the energy from your armor’s defenses to your repulsor blasts,” he said, the tones in his voice making it seem as a statement and not as a question.

Tony’s lips quivered as his eyes switched from the longing bar to his lower right and back to Ultron smiling down at him. The grip around his throat tightened ever so more, making Tony gasp for the air he was quickly losing grasp of.

“You really believe, don’t you? You still believe that your attempts at retaliation are going to help?” Ultron asked. When Tony didn’t respond, Ultron brought back his right palm with Stark still grasped within his fingertips and slammed him right back down. Stark gasped for air, eyes nearly bugging out of his skull.

After a few more heated breaths, swarms of Ultron’s legion flying overhead, Stark managed to say, “It’s better than doing nothing.”

Ultron chuckled at that, finding it quite humorous.

“On the contrary…” he told Stark, raising his left hand outwards. Stark’s eyes grew wide, shifting from the hand and back to Ultron’s horrible gaze, the red eyes holding every bit of darkness that Tony Stark never wanted to see again.

Ultron smiled, the fingers on his left palm flexing and relaxing.

“Even with your forces of evil, even with my Vision aiding your dying cause, even with all the innocent blood shed this day…you would have all been better off just doing nothing to prevent the inevitable.”

“Transfer complete, Boss.”

“When it all falls down…this is where I build my church.”

Tony Stark released his grip from Ultron’s forearm, his palms glowing fiercely blue with the intention of decimating the AI standing above him. But he was too late. Too damn late. And the worst part of it all was that he could not do a thing to stop it. Not a thing.

Ultron slammed his left palm down on the core. And like removing the bottom stone from the towering structure, Novi Grad fell.

The world just seemed to vanish from beneath them. Dust and rock began to float, filling the air, blinding all the soldiers in the battlefield. Every bit of fighting ceased at that point. Ultron Sentries were caught in mid-swing, trapped within the force of nature as the earth below them simply dropped. It was as if time had stopped, and no one was capable of controlling the outcome.

All except for Ultron, whose eyes were closed and mind drifted away.

Tony Stark looked around, noticing the crumbling of the battleground. His team was hovering, as were the sentries, the rocks, and everything else around them. He somehow managed to capture the facial expressions of his fellow Avengers. Wanda was practically flying, her eyes staring up into nothing and her face etched into a state of absolute shock. Her hair flowed aimlessly in the dust, adding to the horrific canvas of war.

He brought his attention back to the AI. His eyes were still closed, a peaceful expression on his metallic features.

The Vision rose up from behind him, his cape flowing.

Tony checked his repulsors. Full power.

They already lost.

He shot Ultron in the face. Twice. With both palms.

Screw it.

The blast knocked Ultron backwards, landing into Vision’s arms and bringing the two into aerial combat once again. Tony Stark rose up and planted himself into the ground, his fingers clawed into the earth that tried to fly away from him. He eyed the two flying overhead.

As if the world simply didn’t exist around them, the two battled in the falling city, their skirmish only staying within the church’s remaining confines. The android swung wildly with his right forearm, but the AI ducked, rearing up and jamming his fist into the jaw of his Vision. He flew back, his eyes shut tight in a showing of pain. Ultron rammed him, planting him against the church wall and chucking him back to the ground.

“No more slaves of Stark! You don’t deserve that freedom!” Ultron screamed and dive-bombed the Vision.

He landed on the Vision’s chest with a powerful crunch, his knee pushing the android further into the ground, large cracks appearing underneath him. Vision was in a daze, his mind growing fuzzy. He barely kept his eyes open long enough to witness Ultron reaching for his forehead.

His fingers coiled around the stone. For the first time in his life, the Vision roared in pain.

“Pietro!” a female voice cried within the madness.

In an instant, a silver blur drove straight through waves of floating sentries and appeared by the young woman’s side, capturing and cradling her in its embrace. The woman was not done yet, and with her body encased within the safety of her kin, her red eyes set on the target, she twisted her fingers until a red haze fell across the atmosphere, entangling both Ultron and the victim beneath him in its fierceness.

The dark magic wrapped around Ultron’s body, causing him to gasp in shock as the evil swarmed through his circuits. They flowed in and out of his body, traveling through his limbs, tearing them and approaching all that was connected.

His hand was still on the stone.

The telekinesis did not stop.

It went straight into the Infinity Stone.

“Scans show the Vibranium detonator has just activated propulsion thrust on Novi Grad. The city will impact the Earth in less than a minute.”



“The estimated trajectory and speed of the city will create a blast radius large enough to wipe out all life. I’m sorry, Boss. You tried your best.”


“Give me scans of the core! There’s gotta be a weak point somewhere!”

“Scanning now…”

“Stark, listen to me!”

Tony flashed his gaze across the landscape, eyeing his fellow Avengers during the fall. Several deactivated sentries hovered a few feet above the ground, which at that point had become a desolated chard of concrete beneath his feet. He could see Steve, Thor, and Banner managing to find their footing and keep themselves locked to the ground with Steve ramming the tip of his shield into the concrete and Thor doing the same with his hammer. Banner, much like Stark, dug his fingers into the concrete, refusing to let go.

That left Romanoff and Barton, the two hovering several feet above the ground with looks of shock and terror etched into their expressions. Banner brought his gaze over to Romanoff, roaring and reaching out for her. He was so far away. Tony didn’t even know what happened to the twins. He turned to spot Ultron with his body frozen, red clouds swarming across his Vibranium exterior. The Vision was beneath him, the same dark clouds engulfing him, infecting him.

That same voice from before returned, the voice belonging to Thor.

With grime and dried blood across his face, Thor shot a ferocious look over to Stark. With his right hand gripped tightly around Mjølnir, he brought up his left arm and pointed it towards the device.

“We have no other choice!” he shouted over the rushing winds and cracking earth. “Destroy the core! We…we need to wipe out this ground!”

“That’ll kill everyone on this damned city!” Steve shouted, gripping onto his shield for dear life.

A spear shot through Thor’s breastplate and pierced his heart, bringing him closer to reality. Thor brought his wounded gaze over to Steve Rogers, the look in his eyes being all the hurt and pain he possibly could’ve shown the captain. Steve seemed to share the same feelings, his glare softening but still grim, still far from truly accepting the aftermath.

They destroy the city now and hundreds of innocent lives would be lost, including their own.

They don’t and humanity is doomed.

Hulk roared in pain, his massive fingertips gracing Natasha’s fragile ones.

“Scans complete, Boss. Overloading the core with enough energy will be enough to pierce the inner components of the machine. You’re going to need an intense amount of pressure applied directly to the Vibranium detonator in order to breach the core.”

Tony Stark breathed in.

They do nothing…and they lose everything.

Not this time.

“Like the god said! Destroy the core! Thor, I’m gonna need you to bring in the lightning!”

Tony Stark shot up, his feet bursting to life and sending him straight down onto the device, his metallic fist connecting with it. Even with the powerful hit, his strike did nothing to affect the detonator. Steve watched on with horrified and somber eyes as the Hulk forced himself to rip away from Natasha and jump onto the device, his large fists ramming down on it.

Massive cracks burst around the device from Banner’s strike. The Hulk roared in fury, bringing his fists above his head for one more hit.

Ultron, still covered head to toe in red serpents ripping away at him, lifted up his left palm towards Banner. He gritted his teeth, eyes burning bright red. His fingertips sent a deadly concussion blast and hit Banner directly in the chest, sending the beast backwards.

Ultron began to smile…but it quickly died.

The sun had faded away.

Dark clouds rolled overhead.

“Forgive me, my friends!”

The Son of Odin leapt through the dust and smoke, lightning striking down straight onto his hammer. He roared a roar mightier than that of the Hulk and brought Mjølnir down on the head of the device, straight onto the core, deep into the earth, and all throughout the falling city.

Lightning, nature’s destructive force, coursed throughout the city. It impaled surviving Ultron Sentries, turning them to melting scrapheaps. It electrified what remained of Novi Grad, tumbling skyscrapers and cracking the earth. It soared through the flesh and bone of each Avenger, earning several cries of pain.

The lightning tore across the landscape, completely eradicating the massive device beneath everyone’s feet and wiping out the thrusters Ultron had constructed. The AI flashed violently as heaven’s might ripped apart his body and mind. The same could be said for Vision, as he too was engulfed within the electrified attack. His body was torn, his strength depleted, and his mind…

The dark magic fused within the Mind Stone.

The lightning struck his forehead.

The Vision had gone dark, the stone burning bright.

The Avengers were caught within the fall, within the blast of the Mind Stone that warped time and space. Their cries were long since forgotten as the crumbling city fell to the depths of the ocean waiting for its inevitable arrival. Chunks of the city landed within the sea, creating massive tidal waves that spread through Sokovia.

And then all was silent.

As the storm clouds settled and the last bit of earth fell to the ocean, silence returned to the landscape. There, however, was no one else.

Not a living soul.

Not one.

“Alright, Bon Bon, where do you suppose the best place to eat lunch is?”

A contemplating frown transfigured across Bon Bon’s features, her jaw tightening around the small picnic basket handle held between her teeth. She squinted, her left foreleg rising to rub her chin as if in deep thought.

She spotted Ponyville Park just over the bridge. A small grin tugged at the Earth pony’s lips.

“Les head oher dere! At Honyhille Hark!”

Lyra Heartstrings gave a hearty giggle, lifting up a foreleg to try and hide her smile, but failing at doing just that. She brought her golden gaze over to Bon Bon, the poor pony staring at her strangely.

“You should really stop trying to talk with your mouth full, Bon Bon,” the unicorn told her friend, the greenish gray mare dropping the basket right by her hooves. Lyra continued on with Bon Bon continuously frowning at her.

“Come on then, slowpoke! We might miss some perfectly good benches!”

“Excuse me, but I believe it’s my turn to choose where we eat lunch this time,” Bon Bon quickly stated to the fading Lyra. In an instant, Lyra returned to be just about nose-to-nose with her friend, a questioning expression screaming through her eyes.

“Um, no, you got to choose last time, and that last time was possibly the worst spot you’ve picked in weeks! How is it that you got all the shade and I was stuck in the sun for two hours? Getting back at me, eh? Coincidence much?” Lyra questioned, her eyes narrowing.

Bon Bon shared her actions. She nearly gasped, saying, “Don’t tell me you’re still peeved about that whole thing? I said I was sorry!"

Lyra was about to respond, possibly with an infuriated scoff, but simply lost all the breath in her lungs when a ball of fire crashed right in-between them.

The world spun completely upwards. Bon Bon didn’t know where she was anymore. All she could feel was the impact of the dirt against her back, chest, forelegs, and practically everywhere else on her body as she tumbled and rolled across the road. As she came to a rest, Bon Bon’s eyelids fell with hurt etched into her face, every wrinkle spelling a new definition of pain the mare had never felt.

The screams came quickly.

Groggily at first, Bon Bon opened her eyes and lifted her head to see the same ball of fire skip across the road like some stone throne against a lake’s surface. It quickly shot upwards from an uneven bounce, impacting Ponyville’s clock tower and finally coming to crash within the confines of the village. The clock tower fell in a burning blaze of glory, eliciting more screams of terror from within the town.


Turning towards the direction of the familiar voice, Bon Bon was greeted to a face filled with mint green and golden orbs of worry and terror. Dirt and dust coated Lyra’s face, but she didn’t care one bit. She bit her lip, tears threatening to form as she continued to eye the injuries her friend had acquired.

Lyra leaned down, using the back of her head to push Bon Bon up.

“Bonny, are you okay? Oh, Celestia, please tell me you’re okay!” Lyra cried, struggling to push the mare back to her hooves while carrying her own injuries. Luckily, and thankfully, Bon Bon stood back up with Lyra’s assistance, though a bit wobbly at first.

The Earth pony leaned into her friend’s embrace, letting the unicorn wrap her foreleg under her chin and bring her in close.

“I’m fine, Lyra…but…” Bony Bon wheezed.

“B-but w-what?”

She stared down the charred dirt road, eyes narrowing on the rising cloud of dark smoke behind the wooden buildings.

“Ponyville might not be.”

Unsure at first, Lyra shifted her gaze from her injured friend and onto the tower of smoke Bon Bon had pointed out. With a simple gulp and her injured friend leaning onto her for support, Lyra nodded and said, “Alright, let’s go check it out.”

“Come on then, slowpoke,” Bon Bon chuckled, barely pushing off of Lyra and managing to stand on her own. Lyra’s smile returned, glad to see her friend hadn’t lost any bit of herself, well, the part of herself she was trying to keep under wraps, anyway.

She didn’t need to keep it under wraps. She was still the same old Bon Bon that Lyra knew.

Limping side by side, the two best friends made their way into Ponyville, leaving their scorched lunch behind, alone and forgotten. Their journey was short, yet the tale was so much more powerful than the two could’ve ever imagined. Whatever the fireball was that came from the sky, it had sure done a lot more damage from what they had seen earlier.

The clock tower was the first thing the two mares saw once stepping hoof into Ponyville. A massive hole remained on the outer walls, fire still burning what remained. The two made sure to keep their distance, mostly Lyra just following Bon Bon. The strange mare seemed to have more expertise in the kind of situation they were in, far more than Lyra could’ve had.

Once they limped past the small crowd growing around the burning clock tower, they came into contact with the larger crowd circling the area where the tower of smoke was emanating from. Bon Bon snorted in annoyance, turning to Lyra for help. The unicorn nodded, forcefully pushing ponies away and creating a clear path for the injured mare to safely make it through.

“Excuse me! Pardon me! Really important mare coming through! Not talking about me, but I’m her best friend, so yeah, I’m kinda important too. So back away and let us in!”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes, wincing in pain only when she would apply pressure to her right foreleg. Lyra wouldn’t stop screaming and shoving innocent bystanders away. The Earth pony frowned and opened her jaw to speak out, but once again lost all the breath in her lungs once she realized they had made it to the front of the crowd.

There it was.

The fireball that had nearly killed them both.

It wasn’t made of fire. It wasn’t even a ball.

Whatever it was, the dirt simply exploded outwards from its crash, leaving a decent-sized hole in the earth. Lines of small fires trailed the crash, leading up to the hole filled with shredded red metal and dust. The crowd was murmuring quite loudly, trying to pinpoint what exactly was strong enough to make such an impact. Bon Bon was wondering the same thing. It could’ve easily been some kind of flaming projectile flung from the Everfree, presumably from a dragon. It wouldn’t be the first time Bon Bon had heard of such an event.

However, the red metal was definitely a new one.

The dust settled. The crowd gasped. Lyra had practically fainted in Bon Bon’s hooves.

Sticking straight out from the pile of dirt and torn metal was a hand. A metallic, red hand with a ball of light attached to its palm.

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