• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 14,332 Views, 1,970 Comments

A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 10-Avengers…Disassemble

Fluttershy stepped aside, allowing Clint Barton to enter her cottage with another wounded creature slung over his shoulder. She gasped, hooves reaching up to cover her mouth once she spotted the trail of blood drops falling from the creature’s limp arm.

Her eyes followed the trail of blood to witness Barton gently place his friend down onto the couch, folding the arms together and kneeling by its side. Barton lowered his bow over to the wall. He moved in close, raising his palm and softly rubbing his friend’s scalp, whispering calming words. Fluttershy’s gaze softened at the saddening scene, her approach slow and steady.

Her hoof landed on something smooth. She looked down, noticing her first aid kit’s supplies scattered across the floor. She frowned, quickly picking up each tool and settling them back within the case. With the kit’s handle between her teeth, she approached Barton’s side, appearing by his friend’s lower body.

As Barton whispered his words of comfort, Fluttershy took great interest with the new creature Barton had brought in, his “friend” as he had mentioned earlier. With its slender form, slightly wider hips than his own, ample breasts, and long, curly, orange hair, Fluttershy could only assume the creature was female. The faint lipstick was also a dead giveaway.

Without wasting any more time, Fluttershy placed the first aid kit on the floor and removed its contents. She made one more scan of the wounded body, noting the cuts, scratches, and blood stains. Bending down, Fluttershy plucked a cloth from the kit, gently rubbing away the blood stains near the tears on the black suit.

Throughout the duration of healing the female’s wounds, Fluttershy’s hearing caught wind of Barton’s whispers.

“Come on… You’re not leaving me now… Not now…not after everything we’ve been through,” he breathed, his left palm gently caressing her filthy forehead. Fluttershy listened closely, but still continued her work.

“You were there for me when I was in the dark. Back when I…” he paused, not keen on sharing that info with someone around, “…lost myself. You never gave up on me, even after everything I was forced to commit. Please…let me do the same. Let me be there for you when you come back…”

He reached down and gripped her bloody palm with his own.

“Please…” Barton said, his head low and eyes shut tight.

Fluttershy sniffled, eyes threatening to shed a tear or two. She wiped her hoof across her gaze swiftly, pressing the bottle of alcohol onto the cloth she held and applied its contents onto the female’s visible wounds. Doing so earned a quick inhale from the prone female, her breathing slow and eyes refusing to open.

Fluttershy shot a glance over to Barton, whose head remained low and away from her. She continued applying alcohol to the cloth, pressing the cloth to every cut she saw, again and again and again. In no time, she was done. She placed the bloody cloth down near the kit while retrieving a fresh roll of gauze bandages and medical tape.

Ripping out a suitable-sized amount of gauze, Fluttershy gently pushed it into the first and largest cut she saw, quickly reaching down to pluck the tape from the floor. Biting the ends off, Fluttershy pushed the tape near the ends of the gauze, ensuring it to stick to the wound.

One down…

“So…um…what’s her n-name?”

The question sort of slipped out, floating about in the air despite Fluttershy’s attempts to capture it and place it back where it belonged. Barton heard it, to the Pegasus’ great disappointment, and turned his head towards her shrinking form. Her eyes darted his way, and then retreated back to her work, ripping gauze and medical tape.

Barton sniffed, noticing that his hand was still grasping hers quite tightly. He relaxed his grip, placing both of his palms against his kneecap.



“Her name,” Barton clarified, eyes narrowing on the yellow Pegasus desperately trying to hide behind her mane. “Her name’s Natasha.”

Fluttershy tried to smile. “That’s a beautiful name.” She applied the second gauze strip to the large gash across Natasha’s lower hip.

“It is,” Clint agreed, actually smiling while his gaze drifted over to her slack facial features. He noted her breathing becoming more pronounced, her chest rising and falling at a steady rhythm.

Fluttershy noticed the smile and his eyes hanging over Natasha’s form. How he held her hand, rubbed her forehead, whispered words of comfort to her. Sooner than naught—and wanting to keep whatever conversation they had going—Fluttershy asked, “Is she…well…your…y-your um…”

“Are we together?” Barton asked, earning a tiny squeak from the Pegasus, a red hue burning in her cheeks. Barton gave off a dry laugh, shaking his head. “No… No, we’re just…really close.”

“Oh…” Fluttershy murmured, continually eyeing her work while shifting a glance or two to Barton’s way. She politely cleared her throat, earning his attention. “Um…it doesn’t look like you two are from around here.”

Barton leaned in. “Where is ‘here’ exactly?” he asked.

“Equestria,” Fluttershy answered, beginning to ready the third gauze strip.

“Then we’re not from around here,” he said, leaning back until he slowly settled into a sitting position, his forearms resting on top of his kneecaps.

Fluttershy leaned over and pressed the strip over to Natasha’s last big cut. “Oh, so you’re from some far-off land? Another country, perhaps?”

“Another world.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Barton opened his mouth to explain, already meeting the curious expression of the yellow Pegasus tending to his friend’s injuries, but he stopped abruptly. He stopped when the soft groans caught his hearing. With speed that surprised the mare, Barton rose to his knees, gazing heavily onto Natasha’s form.

Her brow furrowed, head tilting to the side as more disgruntled moans blew past her lips. Both Barton and Fluttershy studied her closely, waiting for any other sort of response. Barton wouldn’t wait any longer for his friend to wake up.

“Natasha…can you hear me?”

Her eyes fluttered open, a moan escaping her exhale. Natasha’s soft gaze floated upwards, connecting with the friendly and familiar stare of her fellow agent. Her fellow Avenger. Her friend, Clint Barton. Hawkeye.

“Clint,” she breathed, every breath being as painful as the last. She reached up, her limp palm gently caressing Barton’s face. “You alright?” asked Natasha, earning a humorous smile from the man.

“Yeah, I’m fine, and so are you,” Clint told her, reaching up and gripping her palm. He motioned his head over to his little, yellow companion, Natasha’s stunned gaze following suit. “You have Fluttershy to thank for that.”

The yellow Pegasus, presumably named Fluttershy, faintly smiled, offering a little wave.

Natasha’s jaw remained frozen solid, open without a single breath escaping or entering. Finally, she found a reason to breathe again, eyes never breaking contact with the Pegasus suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. “Clint…where are we?”

“Would you believe me if I said Heaven?”




“I honestly think it’s a mixture of both. We’re in a place called ‘Equestria’.”

Natasha broke her eyes away from the Pegasus, sending a questioning stare towards Barton. “Equestria? What are you talking…?” she began, but suddenly halted once the events prior to her fading came rushing back. The flood of sentries, the world falling down and ripping apart, and that black hole that kept reappearing behind her eyes. She groaned, head falling back onto the pillow.

“I think I know what happened,” Natasha muttered, eyes shut.

A faint voice came from below, earning Natasha’s interests. The Pegasus began to speak, really surprising Romanoff when it spoke clearly and consistently. “Um…I’m sorry to be a bother but…what exactly did happen?”

Noting the rising eyebrow from Natasha, Fluttershy blushed and tried her hardest to become invisible. “I’m sorry! It’s just…this day was just like any other day…but then Barton showed up and one of those sentries almost killed me and...” she sighed, “I would really appreciate an explanation, because this day just keeps getting really, really weird.”


The pandemonium was instantaneous. Fluttershy shrieked in terror, falling onto her haunches and curling together as tight as she could. Every animal in her cottage proceeded to follow her actions, but instead chose to react as if their own individual predators stepped into the cottage. Birds chirped in their cages, wings flapping wildly. Rabbits and squires scurried off into holes in the walls or made their retreat underneath desks or tables. Barton and Romanoff remained where they were, eyes glued to the door and the outside world.

Once the silence settled back in to her cottage, Fluttershy peeked up from her mane she held tightly with her front hooves, her body quivering in absolute fright. She watched Barton stand up fully, continuously eyeing the door.

“It’s about to get weirder,” Barton growled, plucking his bow off from the far wall.

The Pegasus’ nervous gaze shifted over to Natasha, who for some reason couldn’t keep her eyes off the door, her breathing becoming uncontrolled.

In that loss of control, she managed to breathe, “Oh, boy…”

The moment that deafening roar broke out across Ponyville, Tony Stark was already outside of Twilight’s castle with the most unusual bunch trailing him. Twilight Sparkle and Spike stood by his left, Rarity on his right. Tony held the middle ground, his eyes catching the flying carriages soar right on by.

“I know I just got here no more than a few hours ago, but I’m pretty sure carriages aren’t supposed to do that,” Stark quipped, flinching once the carriage impacted, several screams erupting from its crash. “Unless of course all meaning just doesn’t apply to Equestria, judging by ‘daisy sandwiches’ and ‘portals to Doug’s universe’.”

“They’re not supposed to do that!” Twilight yelled worriedly.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, good! I thought I was losing my mind there for a second. I bet you guys would’ve liked to see that,” he said, all three of his companions catching the forced humor in his tone and finding nothing funny about it.

Twilight stepped forward, worried stare focused heavily on the trail of screams leading to the destruction of Ponyville. Her head swiveled backwards. She shouted, “Come on! We have to see what’s causing all of this and put a stop to it!”

Rarity and Spike took off after Twilight, a reluctant Tony Stark following suit. As all four of them drew nearer, the screams and the sounds of destruction became stronger. Each footstep could feel the vibrations of the earth as it trembled and cracked, shook and sputtered, screamed and died. For Twilight and her two close friends, they simply had no idea what to expect. No more than a few hours ago did they discover an intelligent alien wearing a robotic suit. Anything could’ve happened that day.

Tony Stark knew exactly what they were going up against the moment he heard that roar.

And he had no clear idea how to stop it. How to stop him. Without Mark 44, it was impossible. That suit was the only key to stepping up against him with enough strength, at least to slow him down for the time being.

At least he could try. The screams were growing so much louder. So loud that Tony hadn’t even caught the gasps of shock and terror from the three standing in front of him. He stopped in his tracks, a deep exhale blowing out his lungs. Stark slowly shook his head.

He knew exactly what they were going up against.

A very pissed off Hulk.

He burst through a house, stumbling into the street. Ponies scurried away in terror at the sight of him, but he cared not. He grabbed the end of a nearby carriage, lifting the massive object with no effort and tossing it into a far-off household, spewing out wooden boards, hay, and several terrified townsfolk. Hulk reared backwards, fists held out to his sides as he screamed to the clouds.

Rarity was the first to react appropriately.

She screamed.

Tony didn’t judge her. Yet.

“What in name of Celestia is that putrid, green beast?!” the unicorn exclaimed with her voice shrill, her hoof jamming out to point at the creature’s backside.

Stark held out his hand, pushing himself to the front. “Now, now, he may, on first glance, be a putrid, green beast, but he’s really just a big softie,” he explained, eyeing Hulk’s movements carefully. Hulk bent down, ripping a chunk of earth out of the ground and using it to bring down an entire house. “On the inside,” Stark finished, though the uncertainty in his voice failed at hiding.

While Spike focused on picking up his jaw, Twilight turned towards Stark, her expression wildly confused. “Wait, what? You know that monster?”

“Where’s Romanoff’s flirting when you need it?” he whispered quickly, intentionally missing the question. “Alright, this is what I want you all to do…” he paused, continuously eyeing Hulk destroy the street ahead of them, “Stay back and let me handle this.”

Both Twilight’s and Rarity’s jaws dropped simultaneously. The Alicorn shook her head, frowning. “Absolutely not! We will not stand aside while you deal with the monster alone! We’re coming with you!”

"I agree with Twilight,” Rarity stated, stamping her hoof in the dirt. “That ruffian will pay by our combined efforts.”


Stark shook his head, bringing his gaze down to the two pain in the asses he’d come to know as Rarity and Twilight Sparkle. He held out his hands, slowly saying, “Okay, here’s a little story of how this’ll play out if you try and help me. First, that guy over there, yeah, he’s gonna smash you. Literally. Hulk. Smash.”


“Stay out of the way. You may think you stand a chance against him, but you don’t. Not at all. Zero chance. Get out of here, go help some ponies, do something else! Just stay away from him!”

“It’s staring right at us.”

Low growls began to form at the end of the street, silencing the argument between the three. Slowly turning their attention back ahead, Spike stood in front of them all, quivering with a single claw pointed forward, pointed towards the green beast glaring them down. Just staring under the hated gaze of the monster brought both mares back a few feet, their own legs unknowingly shaking beneath them.

As they stepped back, Stark stepped forward. Neither Twilight nor Rarity objected. They seemed to be at a loss for words.

Tony pushed past Spike, his hand held out to the young dragon, warning him to back off. Spike obeyed without arguing, fleeing to hide beneath Twilight’s tail. He kept his pace, slow and steady, as the Hulk’s eyes narrowed on him. He gnawed his teeth together at the sight of the smaller man, growls becoming more feral.

Stark held out his hands, continuing on with the screams of Ponyville burning around him. He began. “Hey, Banner. How’s it going? You don’t look too well, I mean, not as well as you usually look…scrawny and…less colorful.”

Hulk roared, causing the three behind Stark to yelp in surprise. Stark just flinched back, eyes widened. He nodded quickly, the Hulk slamming his palms against his face as he breathed through gritted teeth.

“Alright, that’s cool. That’s completely fine,” he said aloud, his tone becoming smaller despite his efforts. He knew his attempts were fruitless. Banner was too far gone now, and he no idea where the others were. Looks like he was on his own for this fight. Just like before.

Turning back, Tony caught sight of the three behind watching him, waiting for him to handle the situation as he said he would. He turned back, nodding once.

“Oh, God, please don’t make me look like an idiot in front of them.”

He fell to one knee, his right arm completely outstretched and aimed behind him. However, he kept his stare focused completely on Banner, the beast stomping side-to-side, waiting cautiously for Stark to make his move.

He made his move.

“Mark 45, I choose you!”

Twilight’s castle doors flew open, a metallic figure jetting outwards at breakneck speeds. Rarity, Spike, and Twilight all spun around once the sound of Twilight’s doors bursting open caught their ears. Their expressions flatlined, eyes bugging out of their skulls once Tony’s suit came flying towards them, towards him, towards the one who created it.

The three backed away, clearing a path for the suit to merge with Stark, for it to give the human the type of edge he would need for the inevitable fight that was soon to befall Ponyville. It came rushing forward, fires erupting from its feet as it flew past the two mares and baby dragon.

And then it stumbled and fell apart feet behind Tony.

Seconds ticked away. Even the screams of Ponyville faded to silence. Stark, for some reason, kept his pose longer than he should have. The expressions on all three of their faces completely gave the situation its respected title. It was awkward. Silent and awkward. The Hulk was still staring them down, and Stark still hadn’t received his suit.

Reluctantly, he turned his head back and saw it in a jumble of sparking parts feet behind him.

Tony nodded, lips pursed.


He faced Banner again, instead meeting Banner’s palm wrap around his throat.

“Mr. Stark!” Twilight screamed, her eyes fearful once the beast came into full view, his hand gripped around Tony’s entire neck and shoulders. The green beast brought Stark in closer, his filthy teeth showing as he growled right in the man’s face.

Tony gasped for air, his hands barely grasping Banner’s pointing finger and thumb.

And then he threw him.

“Son of a bitc—!” Stark cursed the moment his back hit the glass window of a coffee shop, earning several screams from the ponies taking refugee within the building. He landed on numerous tables, pushing them aside as he finally came to rest on the floor.

He groaned, palms flexing in and out. “Okay…I’m hurt now. Definitely hurt now,” he muttered as his face contorted into different levels of pain.

A roar and a crash later, Stark regrettably looked up to see Hulk stomp inside the coffee shop. As the ponies near the far walls quickly made their escape to the outside, Tony forced himself to crawl backwards, earning himself a few extra feet away from him and Banner. It wasn’t enough. Hulk approached quickly, raising the back of his hand to strike.

And a magic bolt hit him in the back of the head.


Slowly, Hulk lowered his massive forearm, his face turning back to the sunlight and the one who called him out. Standing outside, her wings outstretched in a sign of intimidation, was Princess Twilight Sparkle, her horn aglow and ready for another spell.

“Leave him alone!” Twilight threatened, her glare evident but holding no strength.

Hulk snorted, stepping back outside. The moment he did so a rainbow hit him square in the jaw.

Banner roared against the act, taking several steps to the opposite side of the impact. He clawed at his own face, eyes shooting off in every direction to catch a glimpse at his attacker. He scanned the skies, losing sight of his closer surroundings and suffering in doing so. A lasso flew by and fell over his face, tightening around his neck.

Banner’s eyes shot open, both of his hands reaching for the rope growing tighter around his throat. He nearly grasped it, pulling with all his might.

“Ah can’t hold ‘im anymore! Do it now, Dash!”

Hulk was just about to turn on the voice, but stopped once that same rainbow came back for another strike, successfully connecting right onto his forehead. Banner fell backwards, the pull of the rope and the strength of the hit causing him to do so. As he made impact, he wasted no time in trying to get up. However, the magical blasts stopped him from doing so.

Twilight kept the beast held down with her magic spells, sending one right after the other. Her spells weren’t hurting the monster, not by a longshot, but her intentions weren’t to hurt it, but to buy her some time for her friends to show up. It didn’t take that much time.

“Rarity, keep him down!” Twilight ordered, sending off a spell that connected right into Hulk’s shoulder, earning an agitated roar from the beast.

The unicorn nodded, her horn glowing bright blue. Rarity focused her magic over on a nearby carriage, lifting the massive object with all her strength and levitating it over to the green monster. She slammed it down on him repeatedly, again and again and again. Banner yelled in anger, his hands gripped around the lasso while the wooden carriage crushed him over and over, slowing him down with each strike.

“Keep a good grip on that lasso, Applejack!” said the Alicorn, who shot a quick glance to her Earth pony friend. Applejack’s jaw tightened around the rope, her head yanking back to keep the monster at bay.

Twilight shot off yet another spell, her ear twitching at the sound of laughter growing immediately closer. “Pinkie Pie, bring in the cake batter!” she shouted.

Instantly, Pinkie Pie appeared by Twilight’s side, discarding her miniature fan and whipping out her baby blue party cannon.

“How did you know I filled the party cannon with quick-drying cake batter this morning, Twilight? Have you been secretly spying on—?”

“Just shoot the stupid cannon already!” Rainbow Dash screamed, skidding against the dirt as she made a quick landing.

Pinkie Pie aimed quickly, her tongue sticking out to the side as she aligned the cannon as best as she could. Slamming her hoof on the trigger, the cannon shot out a helpful supply of cake batter. The shot hit Banner on the pectoral. She fired again, earning a roar from Hulk as the second shot hit him in the leg, Rarity’s carriage pushing him back to his knees.

Pinkie fired again, hopping right on top of the cannon and slamming all four of her hooves on the trigger repeatedly. Each shot made its mark, impacting against Banner’s chest, legs, arms, face, and back until he was lying in the dirt, Applejack’s grip tightening and Rarity’s carriage crushing him. His eye was all that remained, widening as the last shot completely covered him.


The rising of Twilight’s hoof brought an end to the madness, brought an end to the conflict, and the cries and destruction had finally ceased. Everypony was breathing ragged, sweat streaming from their faces as Rarity finally relinquished her grip around the nearly destroyed carriage. Pinkie leaned forward, her belly resting on the cannon as she blew away the smoke building from the muzzle.

Applejack relaxed her jaw, moaning and rubbing her cheeks as Rainbow came to stand by her side, eyes cautiously watching the drying cake batter. Each one of them stepped forward. Twilight noted how the sound of the wet batter dried against the sun’s destructive force, cracking and withering together. She also noted how it had unusually fallen silent, and how the cracks grew larger and larger—

A green fist exploded outwards, sending dried shards right into the mares’ faces.


The scream was like nothing the ponies had ever heard before. It was loud, yes, but it was something more than. Something far more treacherous then anything they had ever encountered before. Not Even Tirek gave Twilight the chills she felt at that moment. Not even Tirek could make her feel afraid. But this beast, this “Hulk”, as Tony had mentioned, was nothing like they had once faced.

It was something different and terrifying. Something strong, something powerful. Something that couldn’t be stopped.

And it smashed them.

Just like Tony said it would.

Hulk easily broke out of the cake batter, gaining hold of Applejack’s lasso and tearing it in two. Twilight quickly readied herself for another spell, but Hulk saw her horn glowing. He swatted his hand across the dirt, spewing up rock and earth that hit both Twilight and Pinkie, knocking both mares backwards.

“You’re gonna pay for that!” a feminine tone threatened, easily catching Hulk’s interests. He spun around, slamming his hands together and creating a shockwave so powerful it blew Applejack and Rainbow Dash back several yards. He watched as the rainbow mare tumbled across the road, finally coming to rest in a coughing fit.

He reached back and plucked the carriage out of mid-air, the carriage that was intended for his backside. A tiny yelp came from behind him.

With whatever remained of demolished carriage in one hand, Hulk spun around, meeting the meager gaze of the quivering unicorn. He approached her. Rarity’s withered form already desperately tried to take action and escape. But her body betrayed what her mind ordered, and sooner than naught she was face-to-face with the rage monster.

It yelled. Loud. Right in her face. Smashing her personal bubble into a million little bits.

As the Hulk backed off, Rarity’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fainted right on the spot. Hulk roared, his head raised high and fist slamming against his chest. A gentle moan caught his attention, causing the beast to run around and catch sight of the rainbow one beginning to stand back up. He grinded his teeth together in rage, the carriage in his right hand just waiting to be used.

With Rainbow Dash struggling to find her ground, she had no idea what was transpiring around her. She had hoped her friends would’ve regained the advantage, just giving her enough time to get back in the fight. It turns out that wasn’t the case. At all. All she heard was heavy grunt that made her ears twitch in agitation.

She lifted up her head, weary eyes widening in shock once a large chunk of carriage was launched right for her.

It was too late. Even she knew she couldn’t get away in time. Scrunching together, Rainbow shut her eyes, bit her lip, and prepared for the pain to come. Instead, a red, white, and blue figure leapt in front of her, shielding the Pegasus with its own body.

Rainbow Dash heard the crash and flinched when it came, but felt no sense of an impact or the tearing of sharp splinters into her skin. She felt them rain down instead, gently landing onto her multicolored mane. Curious, she opened her eyes and lifted her head, jaw dropping at the sight of it.

The figure slowly began to stand, revealing a circular shield gripped tightly in its right forearm. That would explain how it had survived the impact of the carriage, its remains resting around them. But how? Why? Why save her of all ponies? Reluctantly, she continued upwards, scanning the colorful outfit until her eyes rested on the back of its head.

It turned its eyes back to her, their gazes connecting for a short moment. And then it broke off.

“Doctor Banner, that’s enough!” he shouted, stepping forward and away from the Pegasus he had just saved. She continued to study him. She assumed he was male from the strength in his voice. She also assumed he was a guy because he stupidly approached the monster when he should have been running away.

Hulk growled, slamming his fists in the earth as he caught sight of his newest adversary.

Captain America remained unfazed, standing perfectly still. He yelled, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you. Controlling your anger…but this… We both know this isn’t who you are, and I’m sure as hell ain’t gonna let you keep hurting innocent civilians. It’s time to calm down, Banner…”

Hulk roared and charged him.

Steve remained completely still, shocking the Pegasus lying behind him. That shock only amplified once the same red caped-figure flew in on the scene, tackling the green beast right into the dirt. Rainbow watched on, too stunned to even speak as the two went at, the caped one gaining the upper hand and actually throwing the beast into the side of a house.

Thor straightened his posture, lifting up Mjølnir out in front of him. Hulk shook his head, wooden boards falling down onto his shoulders. He looked up, grinding his teeth at the sight of the one who tackled him.

“Cease this aggression, Banner! We are only here to help—!”

Hulk’s green fist sent Thor crashing into the house all the way on the other side of the street.

He emerged from the rubble, roaring in anger once a star-spangled shield hit him in the side of the head. Hulk stumbled back, his hand rising up to cover the injury. Quickly turning towards the source, he screamed out once Steve Rogers attempted to charge him, his shield already flying back into his grasp.

The smaller man was close enough, and Hulk brought down his fists on the area he presumed to appear next. Instead, Rogers slid underneath Hulk’s open legs, appearing behind him and leaping upwards. Hulk, acting carelessly, spun around, meeting the end of the Captain’s shield against his cheek.

That was the second strike. The third came from the flying hammer nailing Hulk right in the nose.

The hammer flew back, landing in Thor’s grasp. “And we will help you, my friend,” he assured to himself, rushing forward to aid the Captain. Hulk saw him coming, yelling and swiping forward. Thor ducked on instinct, rearing up with his hammer in hand and smacking Hulk in the cheek.

Captain Rogers continued the assault, not slowing down for an instant. Banner was weakened, palms rising up to hold his face. Stepping back a few feet, Steve ran forward, leaned his right arm back, and nearly threw his shield on target. He would’ve succeeded too if his stitches hadn’t opened up.

“Gah!” Rogers screamed, slowing down just a tad. That slight fault cost him. Throwing his shield would’ve opened Banner up, allowing him and Thor to capitalize. But no. One, miniscule fault cost them everything.

Hulk plucked Rogers off the ground, swinging his entire body over and smashing him against Thor. He released his grip around the man’s body, sending both of them tumbling away down the street. They came to a rest in a pile of limbs several yards away, but Hulk was already there, his fists were already raised, his voice was already bellowing to the world.

And he just about finished them.

He just about crushed them under his strength.

But he didn’t.

He stopped.


A large breath blew past Banner’s lips, his lungs aching for the first time since he awoke. His fists lowered to his sides, the weight of his name called out somehow bringing them down. The rage, anger, the lust for destruction in his stare began to wade, his brain wanting to hear that voice again, wanting to know that it wasn’t just playing sick tricks on him again.

So he followed it. He followed the voice and turned around.

The strength in his eyes simply ceased to exist. Every aspect of the rage that once burned like great brimstone inside of him was extinguished, the ashes floating away to cleanse the darkness. In that cleansing, he saw her. He saw her through the settling dust of his destruction. Her approach, while slow, was all he needed, was all the assurance he required to know that it was no sick game.

Natasha Romanoff.

It was her.

She was alive.

Banner growled, his muscles tightening. Joined by her side was Clint Barton, bow lowered but an arrow still in place, still ready to fire. With him was another one of the strange creatures he had defeated earlier, her coat a light yellow alongside her pink mane. She seemed frightened, standing close to Barton’s thigh and refusing to move forward. Barton stopped as well, his worried gaze shifting over to Natasha.

She didn’t stop. She kept moving forward, closer and closer to the monster. The battlefield was silent, warriors of the destruction paying heed to the beauty approaching the beast. Twilight and Pinkie stood up together, dirt covering the entire bodies. But they stared on, slack-jawed and breathing shallow.

Applejack and Rarity watched the scene play out as well, mostly Applejack trying to wake up the dazed unicorn. They remained silent alongside Rainbow Dash who, for some reason, couldn’t find any reason to speak. It was as if all the words were ripped from her tongue, leaving her mute.

Both Thor and Captain America just sat by and watched, tending to their own injuries knowing the battle was over at last. Tony Stark, having recently emerged from the wreckage of the coffee shop, coughed loudly, swaying his hand out in front of him. He caught sight of Romanoff approaching Hulk, a relieved sigh escaping him.

“It’s about damn time.”

She made her final approach, stopping five or six feet away from him. Banner shook his head quickly, snorting and clenching his fists. But he didn’t attack. He found no reason to. His eyes landed in hers, lost in the sea of her grace.

Natasha managed half of a smile, never breaking her gaze from his.

“Sun’s getting real low…”

Banner remembered.

He remembered the motions, the tone of her voice, the actions that came next.

She raised her hand out to him. Banner did the same. Unsure at first, unsure if she was even real. The moment his large fingertips graced her own, that’s when he knew it was real. She was real. She was alive. His breathing was smoother, much more controlled than previously.

She blinked, still holding the beautiful smile. And then she raised her hand and gently caressed Banner’s cheek. He flinched at her touch, but slowly melted into it, his eyes shutting.

“What have you been doing, Big Guy?” she asked, her voice so low. So low. Banner opened his eyes. She whispered one more time. Once more to him and him alone.

“Come home, Bruce.”

And she backed away, her hand falling with her.

The events that transpired completely and utterly blew the minds of everypony within the vicinity. Ponyfolk emerged from their safe dwellings, growing in a crowd around the beast and the other visitors. Spike, recently coming out of his own hiding spot, joined Twilight’s side and watched one of the most surprising events of that day take place in the tattered streets of Ponyville.

The monster stumbled backwards, actually beginning to shrink in size and lose its color. Its hands clawed into the dirt, those hands growing smaller and smaller until they stopped. It stopped. He stopped. The monster that had attacked Ponyville lay shaking, twitching, near naked, and crying.

He was crying.

And then he closed his eyes and slept.

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