• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 14,332 Views, 1,970 Comments

A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 51-Age of Ultron

The sun was gone.

The Vision could only stare up into the clouds, watched as they consumed what remained of Celestia’s everlasting glow. Some strands hit his eyesight, a few left, then nothing more. Darkness filled the heavens above. What remained of the light in Canterlot quickly began to dissipate just as fast, if not faster, as the hope that left everypony’s hearts.

Nothing remained once the light vanished. The wind, however, picked up, blowing Vision’s golden cape through the burning winds. With palms resting by his side, eyes lowering back to Canterlot, Vision could only watch as the remainder of Canterlot’s citizens piled into airships scattered across the city’s landing pads.

On the edge of Canterlot, Vision stared at the airships taking off towards the mountains. One after another, they safely vanished beyond the mountains, hopefully concealed from the monsters that lied in waiting, hunting.

And then the last airship took off, its engines and rotors roaring to life as it kicked off the ground and took flight. Vision watched it escape, a celestial presence emerging to his left.

He turned that way, instantly noticing the flowing, rainbow mane.

The weary, wounded eyes of Princess Celestia.

Those same eyes gaze upwards, watched as the last airship filled with the remaining citizens of Canterlot escape to the mountains. She gently exhaled, shivering a tad as her sunlight left her.

“I will protect them,” Vision assured to her. He watched as she slowly turned his way, a deflated and broken smile growing across her features. It didn’t last, but it still told the story, held some sort of impact that Vision could recognize.

She nodded to him. “I trust you will.”

With that declaration, Vision stared upwards and took off. Celestia could only watch as the android disappeared across the mountain range, alongside the airships holding her little ponies.

Twilight’s horn slowly died down, causing the stream of sparks to end. She slowly backed away, smiling a tad at her handy work. The gash that once filled the Mark 45’s chest plating was completely filled, the red-hot metal slowly cooling down.

Her smile was quick to cool down, just as the metal, the moment Stark tussled her mane, quipping, “Thanks a ton, Twily.”

Though she could do without the nickname—especially that one—Twilight only shook her head, a slight crimson dab added to her cheeks. She took a seat next to Doctor Banner, the man resting on a wooden bench. Adjusting herself, the Alicorn watched as Tony Stark finished his work, thanks to her of course.

Pieces of his Mark 45 armor were scattered across the same table that once held the lone Ultron Sentry that fateful day. A massive hourglass hung passed Stark’s head, rows upon rows of shelves that contained thousands of unused and abandoned scrolls and spells. Piles of the scrolls lined the carpet, opened or torn for members of the Royal Guard looking for some sort of spell that could aid them in the inevitable battle ahead, a battle that was soon to fall upon them.

To put it bluntly, the Canterlot Archives were a mess, and Twilight was worried.

Not only was the constant booming of Ultron’s attacks against the dome shaking her, but the pestering feeling of guilt, anxiety, and fear shook the mare straight to her bones. It was the guilt of having let someone like Ultron achieve so much, cause so much destruction, and now finally unleashing all of the rage and fury that infected him for so long onto the populace of Equestria…and the world. It was anxiety that constantly clouded her thoughts, filling her with questions she never wanted to know the answer to.

Would they make it out of this?

What was Ultron’s end game?

How many of her allies and friends were going to…?

Again, she didn’t want to know the answer. But most of all, it was fear that hurt her the most. Fear of what was coming her way. Fear of the beast seeking vengeance not only on her, but Equestria and the world as a whole.

Fear of the unknown.

She was tired of that fear, that constant nagging that never ended. She needed an assurance of some kind, something to tell her that everything was going to be okay. But she was a princess now. She was the type of pony to assure to others that everything was under control, that there was no reason to fear the unknown. That no matter what, no matter what obstacle or challenge got in their way, they would make it out.


It would be nice to be talked down to for once.

“You have to promise me…”

Another tremor from above shook the foundation of the archives. Tony Stark spun around, his tired eyes landing on the Alicorn. Bruce Banner slowly looked over to the Alicorn sitting by his right, her head down low and ears deflated.

Starlight Glimmer watched from afar, the shadows covering half of her face.

Captain America leaned forward from the shelf, his shield attached to his back.

Smaller explosions rocked the skies above them, causing some dust particles to rain down from the ceiling. Twilight shivered, feeling all eyes rest on her. She said, “Promise me that we can make it out of this.”

“Twilight…” Steve Rogers began, but was silenced once the Princess continued.

“Please!” Twilight’s voice broke, causing her eyes to water. “You have to tell me that everything is going to be okay because…I…I-I don’t know what to do.”

Everyone stood silently. Starlight, specifically, was momentarily stunned.

It was several seconds before Twilight found the strength to continue. The constant booming from outside didn’t help in the slightest, but she ignored it the best she could. Sighing, Twilight muttered, “Everypony looks to me for leadership, for the right answer. But…but now…”

Another sigh. Everyone remained silent, Starlight stepping out of the shadows to join the group.

“Now I don’t know what to do.” She looked over to Steve, her eyes burning, “You were right, Captain. We’ve never faced someone like Ultron. We were never prepared for this, but…but I…”

She restrained her sniffles as hard as she could, but couldn’t hold them back forever. Wiping a foreleg across her nose, Twilight moaned, “But I don’t know if I can do this…if we can do this. You said it yourself, Steve. If you die…then Equestria will just have us to turn to. But if you couldn’t stop Ultron…then what makes you think we’ll do just that?”

Steve relaxed, letting his eyes rest on the whimpering Alicorn.

Closing her eyes, letting a few tears escape, she whispered, “You need to promise me we’ll make it out of this. If not…then I don’t know what we’ll do. I just…I just…” more tears, nearly blubbering, “I just don’t want to lose any of you.”

She was done, if what the constant flow of tears and weeping gave light to. Starlight, once before indifferent on the situation, now felt the weight of the pain and guilt that Twilight must’ve been feeling hit her full force. She was a princess, yes, but to the state she fell into, the weeping, broken mare that sat before Starlight, it showed the unicorn that she was more than that.

A princess is a princess, but a friend cared for others, unlike Starlight’s previous attempts at “friendship”. Seeing the hurt in the Alicorn’s face, the constant tears flowing from her eyes, it showed to her that Twilight cared for her friends, that she didn’t want to lose them. Both to her closest friends; Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike, and of course to the Avengers.

If only she could feel that same care and love that she once believed in, maybe then…

Starlight’s train of thought screeched to a halt the moment Doctor Banner began speaking, the first to do so in over a minute of dreaded silence.

The man leaned forward, his fingers interlacing with one another. Staring at the shaking Alicorn, Banner stated in a low, steady voice, “Twilight…” she looked to him slowly, eyes red, “...as a leading expert to one whose lost more than they’ve saved, I need to tell you that we don’t plan on dying anytime soon.”

Twilight’s jaw closed. She stopped crying, but still shook with tense trepidation.

“We lose many things,” Banner continued, his eyes dropping low, “sometimes more than we can count. We make mistakes, all of us, but it takes true, definitive courage to stand up against injustice despite the loss, despite everything.”

He looked at her, eyes belonging to a man with loss.

“Never once have I thought differently of you or your friends.” Twilight remained silent, gulping silently. “You’re brave, you’re leaders, and you have that strength and determination to stand up for what’s right, more so than what the Avengers could ever accomplish.”

She felt a strong presence rest on her shoulder. Turning that way, Twilight gazed upwards into the powerful stare of Captain America, his palm gripping her shoulder tightly, comfortingly.

It was that same powerful stare Twilight had seen before. The same stare from someone who has been on the battlefield, the war-torn landscape filled with fog and engines of devastation tearing apart the landscape. In that moment, lost like a soldier abandoned by her superiors and lying in the dirt, there was the Captain, his hand held out, explosions rocking the earth around him. There he stood, telling her to stand up and fight like a soldier, like the hero she always was

“We lose so much in life,” he stated profoundly, gazing into the Alicorn’s eyes. “But the thing that life manages to give us in that loss is a choice. You either continue to grieve over it, or you overcome the pain and fight like hell for what really matters.”

He tightened his grip lightly. “Twilight…I can’t promise that we’ll make it out of this, but I can promise that we’ll be with you to the end…together.”

Another palm on her other shoulder. She turned to her left, noticing Banner’s hand on her, comforting her. “Together,” he muttered, low and strong.


All three of them turned to Tony Stark, seeing him with his arms crossed and his eyes focused on Twilight specifically. Soon enough, Stark lowered his gaze to his right, causing the others to do the same. Once their gazes fell upon the lone unicorn, causing her to drop her eyes, they waited patiently, waited for what she had to say.

For somepony that betrayed her country, and pretty much her species, she looked just as broken, if not more so than Twilight ever could. But she stood up from that brokenness, brought both of her eyes—even the black one—up to stare headlong into the wondering stares of the ones she once called her “enemies”.

“Together,” Starlight stated, staring at Twilight and nodding once.

Now her allies.

It was her turn to be momentarily stunned. After all that she’s done, both enslaving villages and betraying Equestria, there stood Starlight Glimmer, the pony that sacrificed basically everything just to stop Ultron. Twilight’s opinion began to waver, her thoughts of Starlight Glimmer forever changing, but only so much. Just allies, perhaps. For now.

Hopefully something more later on.

That moment broke when the Captain released his palm from Twilight’s shoulder, instead choosing to step in front of her. Banner released his grip as well, standing up next to Captain Rogers and gazing down to the Alicorn below.

Twilight shifted her attention from one man to the other, then finally to the gloved-palm held out to her.

Steve asked, “Are you with us, Twilight?”

Lost like a soldier abandoned by her superiors and lying in the dirt, there was the Captain, his hand held out, explosions rocking the earth around him.

You stand up.

Twilight’s eyes shifted down, then back up, then to the hand held her way.

You choose to fight.

She stared into his eyes.

Only if you’re willing.

He stared into hers.

The question remains… Are you?

She thought of that question again and smiled. Princess Twilight smiled. Confident, determined, strong. With that, she placed her hoof in his hand.

The doors to the Canterlot Archives swung open. Led by Captain America, shield attached firmly to his right forearm, Tony Stark stepped out encased within his Mark 45 armor, minus the helmet. The suit was damaged, but it would hold for the time being.

Behind him was Doctor Banner, followed quickly by Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. Together, all five of them bustled through the streets and entered the Canterlot Gardens, making sure to take in their surroundings. All the while, they stepped out of the way from the constant flocks of Royal Guard filling the streets.

They weren’t alone. Not even the Royal Guard could hold the battle by themselves.

From bat ponies encased in dark purple and blue armor, to shimmering stallions and mares embodying an image of the Crystal Heart over their chests, hundreds of ponies—not just ponies in golden armor—filled the streets, the air, and the rooftops. Consisting primarily of Royal, Lunar, and Crystal Guard, the Equestrian Army was readying themselves for the biggest defense in Canterlot’s long history.

The defenses were set up first, lying cannons across the streets and rooftops. Bunkers in the streets, in the buildings, and even surrounding the gardens were filled with guard handing out weapons or readying the cannon defenses. Captain America managed to spot just what kind of weapons their forces would be handling.

The Royal Guard consisted mainly with hand-to-hand combat, or hoof-to-hoof. Spears, swords, shields, the occasional bow and arrow and crossbow were present, too. They also specialized in magical capabilities, their armor and weapons magically enhanced to deal and take more damage. So that’s what the spells were for.

The Lunar Guard worked a little bit differently. While they did carry weapons ranging from swords and shields, the main weapon Captain America managed to see were a pair of electrified gauntlets able to be attached to a pony’s hooves. Short claws were attached to the ends of the gauntlets, sparks and electricity coursing from the tips. Steve saw as a bat pony snickered in delight, clawing at the air with speeds that managed to impress him. Barely.

That left the Crystal Guard, the remaining forces of the Equestrian Army. While their weapons were basically the same as the Royal Guard, what they truly shined in—no pun intended, thought the Captain—was their ability in magic. Mostly all of the guards consisted of unicorns, each one mastered in spells and combat.

As they entered the Canterlot Gardens, several guards saluting or bowing to Princess Twilight’s presence, they were met with the remainder of their team. Shining Armor was busy ordering his troops to each defense post while Celestia and Luna readied themselves. Each sister wore armor that suited them, their weapons the same.

Celestia held a massive, golden spear. Luna, on the other hoof, possessed a longsword. Surrounding them were Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, each one of them either appearing worried, visibly terrified, or uncertain. Rainbow tried to be brave, glaring up at the sky and to the ones constantly penetrating the dome above their heads.

Finally, the remainder of the Avengers either observed the soon-to-be battleground or stood next to the two Alicorn sisters.

Clint Barton, with his bow by his side, stood behind a barricade of stone, constantly scanning the streets and sky, watching for any sort of disturbance, waiting for what will fall onto them. Both of the twins were by his side, each of them standing silently and watching the Equestrian Army do their business. As for Natasha Romanoff, she stood next to Luna, her eyes shifting to the approaching Captain.

Everypony followed her gaze, either happy to see Twilight or expectant to see both the Captain and Tony Stark. Twilight's friends rushed to her, sharing a few hugs—a particularly long one with Spike—before breaking off to turn to the Captain. They watched as he approached both Celestia and Luna, offering his hand.

Celestia placed her hoof in his palm. “I believe we are ready to begin?” she asked.

Steve nodded, lowering his hand. He said, “Ready whenever you are, Princess Celestia.” He turned to Natasha, nodding. “Romanoff...”

Natasha smiled. “You know, I was wondering when you boys were gonna stop moping around,” she said, smirking at Stark and Banner.

Confident, though somewhat fretful smiles were shared. As the two continued their conversation—Stark and Banner joining in—Celestia turned her gaze downwards, having noticed a certain pair of eyes focused on her. She looked down to see Twilight Sparkle staring at her with a widened pair of violet eyes, smiling a tad.

“Princess…” Twilight breathed, her eyes gazing at the armor and the spear, “…you look…incredible.”

Flustered, Celestia smiled warmly and said, “Well, it certainly has been quite some time since we’ve worn these.” She turned to Luna, her younger sister eyeing her. “I recall…the Crystal Empire…?”

“King Sombra’s end, my sister,” Luna clarified, turning away and studying her sword.

Nodding in understanding, Celestia faced Twilight again, her expression turned serious. “I hope you are ready, Princess Twilight. The battle ahead will not be easily won,” Celestia stated, her tone as hard as rock.

“Trust me, Princess…” Twilight responded, turning her gaze over to the Captain, smiling at him, “…I am. We’ll fight through this together…and come out of it together.”

Her closest friends surrounded her, encouraged by her words and expressing their own form of encouragement. Starlight shook her head, unable to hold back a slight smile at the scene before her. To her surprise, a pang of hurt hit her heart just by seeing the glow of their friendship shine in the darkened city.

Thankfully, nopony could have seen her. They weren’t paying much attention to the unicorn once a flash of light nearly blinded everyone in the vicinity.

“Hello, everypony!”

Rubbing the spots from her vision, Applejack groaned. Rainbow Dash shook her head and mumbled, “Oh, no…”

Everyone else lifted their heads. Blinking furiously and lowering his forearm, Captain America turned his attention right, straight up to the Spirit of Chaos chuckling humorously above them.

Pulling at his patch of hair below his chin, Discord eyed the dark clouds above with growing interest. “My, my, what kind of trouble has Equestria gotten into this time?” He yanked off his beard, stretching it out until it became a telescope.

He observed the dome, his eye bulging out from the end of the telescope. “Well, it seems we might have some unexpected guests joining us for tonight’s soiree!” He snapped his fingers, his beard returning to normal with the telescope nowhere to be seen. “Oh, what fun! What excitement! It’s just the kind of energy this boring, ol’ city needed!”

“I believe you’ve all been acquainted with Discord?” Celestia groaned, her tired eyes shifting from the draconequus to the Captain. “Please tell me you have.”

Steve Rogers shook his head, still studying the strange creature currently eyeing him from above. “No, I can’t say that I have,” Steve mumbled. Both Celestia and Luna looked at each other, sighing in unison.

Discord caught on, turning towards the sisters, as well as the seven mares. “What’s with all the frowns?” he asked innocently, teleporting next to Celestia in a flash. He laid his arm around both Celestia and Luna, saying, “I bring nothing but good tidings, after all! I received your message, Princess Celestia—”

Another flash, Discord stood directly behind Twilight and her friends. “And I have to say that I was quite surprised to hear of this…um… Oh, how should I put this simply? Ah! Hell on Equestria! I was quite surprised, so much in fact that I arrived posthaste!”

“I sent the letter hours ago, Discord,” Celestia bluntly stated.

“And you want to blame me for your slow-as-all-living-heck mailing system? For shame, Princess Celestia! For—!”

“We sent it magically,” Luna retorted, her deadpan expression mirroring her sister’s.

Discord paused, staring at nothing, then shrugged. “Okay, I admit I may have gotten into a little ‘detour’ here and there, but I’m here now! That’s all that matters, isn’t it? Oh, speaking of which—”

He disappeared and reappeared in mere seconds, now holding several items in his arms.

The draconequus smiled with glee, placing a top hat on Rarity’s head. He said, “I couldn’t help myself, and I got everypony a few gifts, even something for myself.” He placed a flower in Fluttershy’s mane, earning a blush from the Pegasus. “A flower for the dear, sweet pony, and a poster for the daredevil herself…”

Rainbow Dash caught the poster in her hooves, unraveling it and frowning at the sight of Discord in a bathing suit.

“A pear for the orange horse,” Discord said, tossing the fruit over to Applejack, who dodged and backed away in disgust from the fruit. He handed Starlight a brown paper bag. “Some mascara for all of those dreaded cutie mark problems.”

Starlight frowned. Discord ignored her and continued on. “A hammer for the maiden,” he said, snapping his fingers which allowed a familiar hammer to appear out of thin air. Pinkie Pie bounced with glee, her forelegs held out wide for the weapon. When it fell into her awaiting hooves, it nearly crushed the pony with its weight.

The Avengers’ eyes grew wide. Twilight pointed an accusing hoof at the hammer, shouting, “Where did you get that?!”

“Nowhere!” Discord panicked, snapping his fingers once more, causing the hammer to vanish and allowing Pinkie Pie to finally stand up, though a bit groggily.

He turned to Twilight, his twisted gaze narrowing in delight. “And I couldn’t forget about Twilight! For the newest princess of Equestria, I offer my assistance in any way possible,” Discord declared, bowing a tad to Twilight.

Though appearing confused, Twilight watched as Discord rose back up, flashing once and appearing in a sweaty gray jacket and pants, boxing gloves in each hand. “Let me at those demons! I’ll give ‘em the ol’ one-two!” Discord declared, punching at the air.

“Hey, what about me?”

Discord stopped his training montage, having already consumed three eggs in a glass cup before swallowing and staring at the little dragon. He rolled his eyes, snapping his fingers once more. Out of the suit and back to normal, Discord brought forth a weapon out of thin air, tossing it to the dragon. Spike barely caught it, tumbling back into the grass.

“Knock yourself out, kid,” Discord lazily mumbled, staring at his lion paw for chips. Spike, on the other hand, was ecstatic, staring at the weapon resting in his claws with excitement ripe in his eyes.

“This is so cool!” Spike exclaimed, aiming down the sight of the rifle. “Finally, something to defend myself with.”

Captain America, however, instantly noticed the weapon’s design. He could never forget the HYDRA assault rifle. Turning on the draconequus, the Captain pointed at the rifle and asked, “Where the hell did you get that?”

“Oh Captain, my Captain!” Discord sang, teleporting next to Steve’s left. “Where I get all of my gadgets! You honestly don’t believe I carry them on my person now, do you? I mean,” he stopped mid-sentence, yanking out several more weapons—all past, present, and future—from under his skin, tossing them across the grass. “Does it look like I can carry all of that? Get real, dear Captain.”

Steve Rogers was unfazed, though his confusion could have radiated off of him with how strong it was. The same could be said for the other Avengers, Stark included as he noticed the mask of his Mark 1 suit lying next to his foot.

Natasha eyed a pistol next to a mace, slowly lifting up her eyes. “Where the hell have you been?” she asked.

Discord vanished, then reappeared just over everyone’s head. In his claws rested a comic title the “Age of Ultron”, a joyous grin plastered on the creature’s face. “Oh,” Discord explained, flipping through the pages, “just been doing a bit of light reading if that’s what you so desperately wanted to know.”

He paused, cringing a tad on a certain page. “Oh, I don’t like how this is going so far...”

Twilight narrowed her gaze on the comic, her eyes widening. “What is that?!” she yelled, hoof pointed directly to the comic in Discord’s twisted hands. Before anyone else could read what she called out to, it vanished, leaving a grinning Discord hanging above.

“Oh, nothing!”

Before Twilight could react, the earth rumbled from behind the draconequus. Everyone, Discord included—though he just spun his neck as an owl would—brought their attention to the God of Thunder slowly rising from his unexpected landing.

Thor approached the group, ignored the Spirit of Chaos above, and stated, “Does anyone wish to tell me why my hammer vanished a few moments ago?!”

Everyone looked up. Discord whistled innocently.

He followed their gazes, staring up at the strange, twisted creature above. Shaking his head, Thor explained, “It matters not. While I almost fell to my death, my hammer returned, and it gave me time to finally see just what we are up against. The dome will not hold for much longer. I have seen the numbers Ultron is sending to Canterlot, and I can only pray that that is all he has.”

“The dome will hold long enough,” Shining Armor confirmed, groaning as he approached the group. He rubbed his forehead, continuing. “How many did you see exactly?”

Thor shook his head. “Too many.”

“That’s helpful,” Shining growled, more pain erupting through his migraine.

Celestia stepped forth, Thor turning her way. “We appreciate all that you have done, Son of Odin,” Celestia proclaimed, earning a nod from the God of Thunder. “But now it is time to ready ourselves for the upcoming battle ahead. Shining Armor, would you please?”

Shining nodded, spinning around and barking orders to his troops.

“Alright, listen up!” Squads of Royal, Lunar, and Crystal Guard lined up or huddled together, turning their attention to their captain. Raising his hoof, Shining Armor shouted, “We’re bringing down the shield soon, and I want every one of you at your defense stations prepped and ready! I want those cannons filled, swords sharpened, and everypony in their specific area! Hold your ground, never give up, and remember your training! Equestria and the world are counting on us today! Us! We stop Ultron right here, right now! Do you hear me?!”

In unison, everypony lifted up their weapons, their armor clanking in defiance to their movements. They shouted once, twice, three times.

Then get going! We hold them here!” Shining Armor bellowed, placing his helmet over his head. Igniting his horn, Shining unsheathed his blade, jamming it up. “For Equestria!”

For Equestria!”

And then it was a scramble. Instantly, the skies were filled with Pegasi, the streets with unicorns and Earth ponies all rushing to their designated defense stations. In the midst of the chaos—Discord chuckling in delight from above—Captain America turned to face his team. Clint and the Maximoff twins had arrived, joined by Natasha, Banner, and Stark.

He spun around to see Thor approach. Nodding, he turned back and said, “Alright, you heard him. The shield’s coming down, which means we need to be ready for whatever Ultron’s gonna throw at us. Clint, I want you and the twins to stay here in the gardens. Nat and I will be with you. Doctor Banner, you’re welcome to get angry anytime now.”

“I can hold it,” Banner muttered, squinting at the flaking dome above.

Steve nodded, then continued. He pointed at Stark and said, “Tony, the skies we’ll be filled the moment that shield comes down. Thor and Discord will be aiding you,” a certain draconequus looked down from his comic book and floating couch, “but we need the skies cleared. Is that understood?”

His helmet merged forward, transforming and closing over Stark’s face. His eyes lit up, the man nodding only once. “Yeah, I got that.”

Captain America looked up. “Is that understood?!”

Groaning, Discord slithered down until he was a crumbled mess all over the grass. “Yes, I suppose so,” Discord muttered, slowly putting himself back together.

Thor chuckled, turning to Rogers. “We can use this one’s chaotic nature to our advantage.”

The Captain nodded in agreement. He slowly brought his gaze downwards, to the seven mares and one baby dragon staring at him expectantly. With confidence ripe in his eyes, as well as his voice, Steve said, “Twilight, I want you and your friends to—”

Of course, confidence could only last so long before it all fell apart.

The city trembled. Many guards stumbled where they stood, others falling flat on their stomachs. Once the tremor slowed down, both Celestia and Luna brought their chins upwards, the others following their actions. In the midst of the earthquake, they saw the dome flickering, several pieces cracking and breaking off.

Several hundred bright blue asteroids, as they appeared but were far from being so, struck the outside of the magical dome. Another tremor, this one even stronger than the last. Shining Armor roared in agony, stumbling in the dirt and clutching his forehead.

It felt like his skull was cracking open, somepony jamming nails and tacks in his head and repeatedly punching him with each strike against the shield. Fresh tears burned at the edge of his vision, but he held strong. With what he was, Captain Shining Armor held the shield.

And then he looked up to see the hand.

Gritting his teeth, Shining placed his hoof in the hand, allowing Captain America to yank up the hurting stallion with pure ease. Once he was back to his feet, he looked around, spotting shards of his protective dome lie against the soon-to-be battleground, several of his guards looking around, waiting for the shield to fall.

He turned to his little sister and her friends, watched as they stared at him. Waiting.

Celestia and Luna. They nodded.

To Steve Rogers. The soldier stared straight upwards, his chest slowly rising and falling. Thousands of cracks appeared above his head, more and more shards of the dome falling down. No stopping it now. The dome was coming down one way or another.

And he turned to him, to Shining Armor, and nodded. His eyes showed signs of sorrow, regret, and steadiness all mixed into one. With all of his experience, Shining Armor had seen that look before in the eyes of his guards. It never meant anything good. It never meant anything bad, either.

It just meant he was ready.

He said, “Captain…bring down the shield.”

Staring reluctantly above, Shining Armor took in a few, cautious breaths, his gaze falling back and observing his team. They were scared, shaken, worried, fearful, but steady. Every single one of them. They were all ready.

So, he nodded.

“Your call…Captain.”

His horn fell dark. Pietro and Wanda Maximoff slowly looked to each other, their fingers lacing together one final time.

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