• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,068 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 40

Despite the heat from Twilight’s bonfire, Celestia still felt herself shivering. Before her, the flames promised one of two things: either she was going to now make good on her oath as diarch to defend the nation of Equestria, or she was going to find her life abruptly ending in a fiery and no doubt excruciatingly painful way. As her sentries checked and packed provisions for her into two ornate saddlebags, the solar princess gave another sharp swallow and tried to do the breathing exercises her doctor had shown her to help calm herself. They helped whenever she had a stressful day to get through… though, now they seemed to only make her hyperventilate more.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this, Tia?” Luna asked as she walked over and gently draped a wing around her sister.

“Heh… heh… about as ready as I was for the defining battle of our war against the gryphons, or when you and I faced Sombra’s last stand…” Celestia smiled pitifully. “In other words, no, not at all.”

Luna nodded somberly, tensing her wing as she looked to the flames.

“You don’t have to do this, you know. None will think less of you if you decide this is too dangerous a task to undertake.” The black alicorn replied. Celestia followed her gaze, feeling the essence of both power and danger flow from the fire in equal measures. She dug her hooves into the ground, snorted, and shook her head rapidly.

“No… no, I can’t. Not when I emerged from both those horrible events successfully, and most certainly not when Twilight and her friends made it to Lordran intact. If the finest magic users in our kingdom believe they’ve deduced how these flames work, then I have to trust them, as I have to trust you that this is the right course of action.” She said while slapping a hoof to her face. “Besides, you’ve already had to do most of the ruling these past few months anyway, due me worrying myself sick. My staying here won’t fix anything.”

Two unicorn sentries walked up, carrying Celestia’s saddlebags and her royal armor in their magic.

“We’ve made sure you’re as prepared as can be, your highness. Is there anything else we can do for you before you leave?”

Celestia took a few more deep breaths, forcing her body to still as she began putting on her armor.

“Just know that until I return, Luna is in charge. Spread the word among your ranks, and expect to be working much more closely with her thestral guards.” The white alicorn looked to her sibling and smiled. “I’ve no doubt it’ll be easier than when you had to deal with me as your sole ruler for those 1,000 horrible years.”

Luna snorted in amusement.

“Please, like I could ever hope to be the fine, compassionate monarch you’ve proved yourself as…” She said before noting Celestia’s look. “Though rest assured, I will make every last effort to do so till you return.”

Celestia’s worry lessened slightly as she returned the wing cuddle. “You’ll do fine, Lulu. There’s hardly been anything serious happening around here lately anyway.” She replied, adding in a lower voice. “Which is what worries me even more…”

Luna nodded softly.

“Just remember, Tia, when you return, not if. And this time, with the one you truly care for by your side!”

Celestia rolled her eyes as she slid her helmet on over her head.

“No more us denying the blatant truth, no more us dancing around what’s plain fact. Yes, Lulu, I won’t forget that.” Celestia huffed as she turned to the fire. “First thing’s first, though. Let’s see what the court mages have worked up.”

From where they’d been double checking notes and giving their equipment one final inspection, several ponies in fancy archaic robes gathered around the fire stood at attention upon hearing their ruler words.

“Do what you must, my loyal ponies. I’m ready when you are.” Celestia confirmed.

Behind her, Luna heard the door to Twilight’s castle open. She turned and saw the face of a light pink unicorn with a mane of teal, light and dark violet stripes poke itself out. Seeing the royal court mages weaving a spell around the bonfire, she quickly summoned a scroll and quill in her magic and trotted out into the backyard.

“You certainly wasted no time getting back here, Starlight.” The moon princess said.

“There wasn’t much need for me at the Royal Archives once I got my latest findings submitted, so Swift Quill told me to catch the first train to Ponyville.” Starlight Glimmer said in a voice heavy with guilt. “I know Twilight and I exchanged goodbyes before she left, but… well… much as I doubt I’d have been any help with what happened to her, I finally felt I had to do something, even if it is just house sitting for her. See to it someone is maintaining her castle while she’s away.”

Luna looked back as the bonfire bloomed and the flames shot up into the sky.

“Don’t be so sure. I’m going to need all the help I can get here if things go south. Your skills may be required sooner than you think.” She replied while approaching Celestia. “Is it time?”

With another deep yet ragged breath, Celestia nodded. “I’ll have Twilight contact you as soon as I find her. Hopefully, she’s at least made more headway into discovering what’s going on than we have.”

With a deep breath of her own, Luna hugged her sibling.

“Good luck, Tia. Know that whatever happens, we’ll welcome you back. However you may be.” The night princess whispered before adding in a harsher tone. “Just again, come back!”

Celestia sighed and nuzzled into Luna’s neck.

“I will. Stay strong for me, Lulu.” Celestia reluctantly parted from the hug and turned to the swirling fire. “Alright, here goes nothing.”

She stepped forward, cringing as the flames slithered out to envelop her in their searing aura.

Then, in a flash, the solar princess was absorbed into the inferno, and vanished. The mages carefully stepped back as the bonfire died down, returning to its more natural size and intensity.

“Did it work?” Luna asked, trying not to betray her fear. One of the older mages leaned forward and poked at the fire with her staff.

“Seeing as there’s neither sign nor smell of burning flesh, nor cries of agony, I’d say it did. At the very least, that’s the same as what you reported to have happened when Princess Twilight and her friends used this fire, isn’t it?”

Luna thought for a moment, then let out the breath she’d been holding in.

“Yes, yes it is. Okay, let’s assume the best for the moment. I want a few of you to keep monitoring the flames for anything strange, while the rest return to your normal duties.” Luna turned to the sentries. “Armored Core, Echo Night, I want you two to help me and Starlight comb Twilight’s castle from top to bottom. See if there’s any notes, experiments, or whatever else she or Seath might have left behind that we can use to prepare ourselves.”

Starlight looked up from her frantic recording of what had just happened.

“Uh, prepare for what, exactly?” She asked.

Luna narrowed her eyes as she strode back to the castle.

“The worst we can assume. Whatever happens, I’m certain things are about to go very wrong.”


Back in Lordran, things were already going very wrong, more so than they had before. Ironically, while the Blades of the Darkmoon had ceased their advance, the situation didn’t seem to be improving. Seath’s channelers were still trying to regroup, and failing, due to Seath himself suddenly deciding he desperately wanted to be elsewhere.

From her vantage point, Twilight was at a loss to explain what she was seeing. One moment her teacher had been fueled with renewed vigor upon seeing his daughter, Priscilla, alive, and the next he was frantically backing away looking absolutely terrified at the appearance of his fellow god.

Before the great white dragon, several of the Blades were likewise puzzling his sudden change of mood, right before they were forced to scatter as Seath tripped over his own tentacles and crashed onto the floor again.

“After so long we are met again, death, and he who strove across millennia to deprive us of our rightful bounty, to deny our claim to his fetid soul.” Nito softly intoned as he closed the gap between him and Seath. “How dost thou fare, oh noblest of traitors?”

Seath frantically kept trying to push himself away from the encroaching mountain of bones, his breath choked, and his face even paler than normal as the gaze of dozens of hollow eye sockets bore into his flesh.

“Ni… N-Nito?” He gasped. His hands held out his catalyst as a barrier between him and the gravelord. Nito placed his greatsword upon the golden staff and let the weight slowly push it down against Seath’s chest.

“Long have we slumbered, dreamless and idle, yet each of thine sins did reach our ears. Of every life thou snatched and made impossible for us to claim. T’is truly a sorry fate thou hast chosen for thine self… old friend.”

An icy chill ran down Twilight’s spine at the last two words. Even though Nito’s voices never went above passive apathy in tone, they still seemed laced with a hint of sad disappointment. Beneath the gravelord, her teacher sputtered as he lay on the ground, paralysed with fear.

“And now, what do we find? Thou hast perverted the laws of life further with this?” Nito pointed an accusing finger at Priscilla. “Is it thou who hath brought us back? Made us an offence to that which we represent?”

Both Priscilla and Twilight moved to try and stop Nito before he made things even worse than they already were. Unfortunately, the former had only managed to raise her scythe before Nito swung his greatsword and knocked it away, while the latter managed to barely take a step when the gravelord reached out with his free hand and hoisted Seath up by his neck.

“Curious… that which hath returned us from the abyss doth radiate strong within thee… and yet…”

Nito brought the dragon on level with his top most skull. A tremendous shudder rocked Seath’s body as his former ally blew a dusty, deathly gust across his face.

“No… no. Great as thine sins art, this one is not of thine own doing. Nor do we sense thou still stands as thine kindred once did, everlasting and beyond our grasp…” Nito released Seath and left him to stumble back as he clutched at his throat. “In our absence, another force hath sought to punish thee for thine trespasses. Curious indeed.”

The sword was removed from Priscilla, allowing her to step back and raise her scythe again in defense.

“Okay… now what the hay is going on?” Rainbow asked, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Twilight swallowed and placed a hoof to her chest.

“Nito represents death, Seath told me his greatest fear was dying… that much explains his reaction.” Twilight ran over to her teacher’s aid. “As for the rest of what you’re spouting, gravelord, I think an explanation is in order!”

Nito looked to the pony, then to Seath again.

“When first the flame did bloom, this one stood by our side, as ally and kindred soul. He taught us how we may use our gifts to render his brethren unto death. He slew many of his own to sate our needs.” Nito curled his hand into a fist. “Yet then, when peace did reign and the order of life and death was set, he did betray us, as he did betray his own!”

The channelers swarmed around their master, tridents aimed at the gravelord as he aimed his sword at them in turn.

“His servants, misguided and greedy souls they were, did steal away mortals by the score! The accidents and failures of his experiments cursed them to forever be chained to life, never to become one with our dominion, as is the law! Many are the sins he committed against us… yet fate, it seems, hath not stood idle…” Nito’s fist loosened as he took in what a grand yet pitiful mess Seath was. Robbed of the means by which he’d attained immortality, and now reduced again to merely a mortal shell ridden with the signs of guilt, loss, pain and suffering. “Punishment hath been netted to thee in full… thus is our grievance with thee settled.”

A very tense and awkward silence held. Not even the Blades of the Darkmoon could fathom what they were supposed to do about this new development.

“So… does that mean you won’t start fighting us? Cause, if you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of in the middle of a siege here!” Spike pointed out. Nito leaned to stare beyond Seath, cracking his skulls to the side as if only now noticing the hordes of blue phantoms and the bloodshed soaking the hall.

“We art risen, wrongly and against our will… dost thou seeketh to compensate us with new souls for our needs?” Nito queried, turning his gaze to the miniscule dragon. Spike looked to Seath, then to Rarity. He took a nervous swallow and nodded.

“I don’t know what your deal with Seath is, but right now, those folk no doubt want you dead as much as they want us. Any chance maybe you could direct whatever ire you have towards them instead? It’d really help!” The purple dragon asked, trying not sound too afraid as the great figure of death trapped him in his far reaching shadow. The Darkmoon Blades promptly regrouped and raised their arms for battle as Nito turned to them with mild curiosity.

“These art they that serveth the Great Lord’s house… who sought us only when we were of use to him, and no further…” Nito turned to Seath. “A traitor to us thou was in kind… yet t’was thine betrayal of the everlasting dragons that first gave us purpose…”

Priscilla nodded. “And now he seeks to right the wrong that was dealt to us all. To finally end the Great Lord’s line, so that it may ruin Lordran no further!” She argued. Again, Nito looked to the army of blue phantoms. His skulls creaked chillingly as he nodded.

“The death of many carries greater weight than the death of one. Very well, get thee behind us, those who wish to remain out of danger.”

Realizing they weren’t about to receive any further assistance from this new menace, the Blades of the Darkmoon made to charge Nito. The gravelord merely curled his arms around his body, bowing his skulls as if in prayer. The foreboding glow returned to his form as Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow and Spike promptly dove for cover, while Priscilla grabbed Seath and hastily pushed him out of harm’s way.

“Unto thee who art misguided, we give new purpose. Join us in this, the hallowed dance of death.” Nito softly intoned as he unleashed another wave of miasma across the hall. The blue phantoms and Painting Guardians were promptly sent hurtling into the far wall by the blast, many of them dying instantly as their bodies were crushed between the stone and their comrades. Nito let his arms slowly fall to his sides as the ethereal corpses vanished, leaving those who had managed to survive the attack to groggily get back to their feet. The gravelord permitted these unfortunate few a moment to regain their senses and face him again, whereupon he drove his sword into the ground and let out another deathly scream.

The hall was quickly cleared out as giant ghostly blades burst out of the floor, one after another, slicing phantoms and guardians to ribbons as they frantically retreated to the door.

“For one who hath wasted millennia in sloth and slumber, the gravelord’s ferocity remains as terrible as ever.” Seath gasped in a terrified voice as Nito pushed his advantage, cutting the remaining enemies down with quiet satisfaction, much like he had done in ages past.

“Quite… l’m honestly not sure if I should feel blessed or horrified to be witnessing this.” Griggs likewise meeped. “It’s one thing to hear the tales of what terror the gods wrecked during their war with the everlasting dragons. It’s quite another to see it for real.”

“Indeed.” Logan replied, not with fear, but with disdainful puzzlement. “One would expect a soul who aided them in such would not react with such pitiful fear upon seeing it again, though…”

The big hatted sorcerer narrowed his eyes at Seath as the dragon clutched a hand to his chest and got his breathing back under control.

“Well, now that the rabble’s been dealt with, might we take our leave? I’m quite eager to be done with this place, and hopefully never return!” Rarity replied, wincing as she turned to the ashen remains of the Painted World.

“Thine sentiment is shared, fair equine. If thou desires not to partake of our final business here, I shall think no less of thee.” Priscilla replied as she let herself relax. “The Dark Sun Gwyndolin is an adversary not to be taken lightly!”

“Yeah, we noticed.” Rainbow groaned as she felt the pain of her wounds return now that her latest adrenaline surge had worn off. “On that, where the hay can we expect to find that creep anyway? The crow demons didn’t really give me much to go on.”

Watching Gravelord Nito chase the fleeing blue phantoms out of the hall, the Chosen Undead sheathed her blade and removed her helmet. “I didn’t see any sign of any other gods the last time I trekked through here. If Gwyndolin really is a master of illusions, as you said, Seath, then he’s no doubt concealed his presence very well.”

Twilight furrowed her brow, fighting against her hollowed state to dredge up a memory.

“To us, maybe, but his followers might know where their master is…” The alicorn’s voice rose as an idea struck. “Seath, that woman we encountered when we first arrived here, the one in the brass armor, you said she was part of Gwyndolin’s covenant, too?”

Seath looked down at his student, his head tendrils raising as he caught on to her logic.

“Most faithful a follower is the Lady of the Darkling. Indeed, if any soul were privy to where the Dark Sun hides its fire, it would be she that is both its servant and keeper.” The dragon replied. Twilight forced her withered mouth into the best impression of a smile that she could manage.

“Then I think it’s time we sought her out again and got some answers. By force if necessary!” The hollowed alicorn declared. Rainbow looked around at the carnage littering the hall and snorted in weak amusement.

“We’d better hurry then, Nito’s making pretty short work of the other guys serving this Gwyndolin guy's needs.” The pegasus said as she ran to the door. “By the way, nice job convincing him to give us some breathing room, Spike.”

The purple dragon followed Rainbow’s gaze and whistled quietly.

“Well, honestly, I didn’t think that would work… I’m just sick of everything trying to kill us, so I had to say something!” He chuckled. “Wow, who knew a few strong words was all it took to turn a god of death onto our side huh?”

Seath regarded his tiny kin with something almost bordering on awe.

“Who indeed…” The white dragon mused as he turned to his channelers. “How fareth our numbers?”

The purple attired sorcerers who were still standing gingerly checked on their comrades, seeing who was capable of being healed, and who was truly beyond all aid.

“Not well, your grace. The Darkmoon Blades have claimed many, more than we were able to claim of their own forces. We can only hope the flames will accept our kin’s sacrifice and burn for that little bit longer.” One of the channelers bowed his head and dropped onto one knee. “For the rest of us, however, we are at your service, as we always have been!”

Seath stared at the minute human with ambivalent feelings. On one hand, he was quite pleased that his loyal sorcerers didn’t even flinch at marching to their doom, so long as it was done for his benefit. On the other, though, the bodies littering the hall were yet more deaths on his conscious, more lives lost on account of him. Seath glanced at Twilight as she checked the state of her catalyst. How strange that one tiny equine had finally broken down his hardened shell of apathy, made the white dragon at last feel the weight of the many, many souls who had been snuffed out due to his actions.

Truly, did the purple alicorn know of what terrible results her efforts to ‘heal’ her teacher had wrought?

If she did, would she still deem herself a virtuous soul? Or a monster of a wholly different nature?

“Come, let us take our leave.” Seath instructed as he lead the party out of the hall.

Outside, the carnage continued on the same level, Nito cleaving through phantoms and guardians like an explorer cutting their way through some troublesome plants. While the opposing numbers still continued to replenish themselves at an alarming rate, they seemed far less eager to press their advantage now. When death itself decided to cut out the middleman in order to obtain your soul, one’s resolve understandably faltered.

“Fools. When all they value is gone, their purpose lost and their gods departed, death offers the only salvation, yet still they resist and attempt to subvert our will…” Nito lamented as two exceptionally brave Blades of the Darkmoon charged him, bearing tower shields to defend their bodies, and long poleaxes sparking with lightning enchantment. He let them hack pointlessly at his bones, waiting until they became aware their efforts weren’t having the desired effect before grabbing them both with his free hand. “Is it thou who hast brought us back? Thine mistress? Her brethren?”

The phantoms struggled as Nito brought them up to his top most skull. Their clothing fluttered as he appeared to sniff them, then sighed in lament.

“Nay, there is nothing of the essence about thee that tore us from the abyss.” Nito promptly crushed the two phantoms and let their corpses fall from his hand. “As always, the air and earth holds no value to us. Nay, it is not here we sense those who hath made us abomination…”

Nito idly cut down more enemies as he approached the elevator leading to the other floors of the keep.

“It is far from here… deep within our own dominion. Curious indeed.”

The gravelord stopped as he finally reached the corkscrew mounted platform, staring up at the dark sky in great confusion. Behind him, Twilight delicately picked her way through the bodies as they slowly either vanished from the premises or were consumed by the flames, restoring them to life at a separate location.

“Well, while your reasons for why remain questionable, you’re proving to be quite helpful.” She commented. Nito clenched his fist as he bowed his skulls.

“We seek answers to this most ill of situations, as do thou. To that end, our goals are similar.” The gravelord curled his arms around himself and unleashed another miasma wave to clear the elevator platform of enemies. “But here is where our paths divide… until thou is embraced to our bosom, as it is meant to.”

Twilight stopped, then took a few steps back as Nito grabbed the elevator lever and twisted it around to make the platform ascend.

“This force that hath beckoned us back to the living realm doth radiate from the Tomb of Giants. We sense answering its call shall reveal why. Thou art free to follow, but we sense thine own intent shall not be served in doing so.” The Gravelord instructed.

From where she was flying overhead, Rainbow Dash surveyed the carnage.

“Meaning what? You’re just going to leave us now? Really?”

Nito craned his skulls to look at the impertinent pegasus.

“I mean, not that I really want to stop you if that’s your intent, but Twilight’s right, you’re really helping us out here!” She protested. Nito looked to the elevator as several more phantoms materialized on it. He drove his sword into the ground and cut the meddlesome blue figures down before they’d even had time to draw their weapons.

“Never hath death sought to play favorites. Our will is fair, and nothing more. Rich or poor, god or mortal, all are equal in our domain. If thou seeks to deliver another of the Great Lord’s family unto us, then we will do naught to stop thee, but nor will we neglect our own purpose to serve thine.” Nito folded his arms. “An abomination we may now be, but our law still stands.”

Rainbow glared at the tower of bones before finally slapping a hoof to her face.

“Right, okay, humor me a moment here, Nito, just because my mind still refuses to believe what it’s hearing: how is turning your back on us now fair?”

Nito turned his gaze to the Chosen Undead, then to Seath.

“Thou travels with they who sought to end us or otherwise subvert our cause. T’is our right to enact just punishment for such, however, such may still be done by the Dark Sun’s hand. If not, then thine acts shall redeem thee in our eyes and net us souls of similar worth. No matter the outcome, our will shall be served.” Nito explained as the elevator rose to the stairway leading up to the bonfire chamber. Rainbow contorted her face and stared at the floor.

“Well… okay, I can sort of see the sense in that… only… wait… whoa, WHOA! Did I just say something here makes sense to me?” She said with sudden fright in her voice. “Is this it? Is this what it feels like when your mind finally snaps?”

Twilight took a deep breath and gently extended a wing over her now panicking friend.

“Rainbow… please, don’t. It’s not doing any of us good if you keep trying to overthink this.” The alicorn soothed as everyone ascended to the bonfire chamber.

“But… but… if he leaves us be, he gets what he wants, if he turns on us, he gets what he wants… I… I can understand that! That’s actual tactful planning! Soarin said something similar when we started dating, about how if I made it into the Wonderbolts we’d be the perfect team, and if not then we’d be the perfect couple! Either way we’d both become better ponies! It actually makes sense!”

Rainbow looked at her hooves, as if noticing them for the first time in her life.

“Whoa, this is getting scary… I feel like my eyes are being opened to aspects of the world I never knew before… like, maybe there’s a whole 'nother layer of reality to both here and Equestria that none of us were aware of!”

Spike stared in disbelief as he came up behind Rainbow.

“So, in other words, you’re turning into Pinkie Pie?” He asked dubiously. Rainbow shuddered terribly.

“Oh dear Faust, I hope not! That’d be even worse!”

Seath pinched the bridge of his nose as he flew up to the edge of the floor above.

“Brace thyself, mine daughter, what thine ears are subject to now is but a small sample of the madness thou shalt endure while we travel with these strange equines.” He said almost apologetically as Priscilla climbed the stairs and joined him outside the bonfire chamber.

“Yet such are the company thou hast accepted as friend… and apparent student…” The crossbreed said. Seath noticed a note of what sounded like relief in her voice. “Forgive this confession father, but never did I expect thee to travel with such fair souls.”

Seath stared at Priscilla in surprise, then felt a strange warmth wash over him at the fact she didn’t seem at all afraid to speak frankly. Course, then again, what exactly had he been expecting in the first place? The impact of seeing her alive and well still had yet to abate, let alone any following sensation that she might regard him with more than simple loathing.

“Excuse us, Lady of the Darkling? Uh, ma’am? Hello?” Twilight very carefully peered into the darkened interior. “Uh… sorry to bother you, but we have a few questions about… your… boss?”

She lit her horn and cast its light into the shadows. Nothing but empty silence and unsettling lifelessness replied back. Indeed, save for the bonfire still burning away by the far wall, the building appeared completely deserted.

“Really? She’s gone?” Twilight commented in confusion. Rarity stepped up beside her and cast her own light to search the interior.

“It appears she has. Hmmm, well, from the standpoint of how that’s going to hinder our efforts to find this Gwyndolin character, that is a shame indeed.” The unicorn exhaled. “From the standpoint of how she received us with all the warmth and welcome of a disgruntled cockatrice, however, well, I’m actually rather relieved by her absence.”

Twilight approached the bonfire, scanning the walls with her horn light. Again she turned up nothing but cold, empty air.

“Strange.” The alicorn mused. “Seath, you don’t think she could’ve been an illusion like all the others, could she?”

The dragon cast a light ball and raised it to better illuminate the room.

“Nay, Twilight, as one charged with keeping Gwyn’s sacred flames, hers would be a likeness not easily replicated. Methinks she hath instead fallen back with the Darkmoon Blades, to where they may defend their master and prepare for the judgement that shall soon be upon them all.” Seath swore. Behind him, the Chosen Undead turned to the elevator again, scratching thoughtfully at the Darksign on her neck.

“Such is judgement thou shalt deliver on thine own accord. Our domain calls to us with demand for our immediate return.” Nito placed a hand on the hilt of the twisted sword thrust into the centre of the flames. “Great is our dislike for flames, but we sense the paths that link those of the Great Lord are open again.”

The gravelord paused, then turned to the party. “For those who are fated to die regardless, we promise thee safe passage, if thou seeketh to travel with us now.”

Silence held as this offer was met with little enthusiasm from the party.

“Well, while I certainly would welcome leaving here and having a rest, I’d prefer it’d not be in such a definite… erm… final sense.” Rarity said, trying to be polite.

“Likewise, I’m not feeling my best… but I’m also not about ready to bow out either!” Rainbow replied.

Twilight nodded and approached the mass of bones.

“I fear none of us can follow you on your own search, Gravelord Nito, however, if the means that brought you back into existence are somehow linked to the mystery we’re trying to solve here, then I only hope we meet again so that we may face this unknown calamity together.” She said. Nito bowed his skulls respectfully.

“May thou succeed in banishing what light remains then, brave one, so that darkness may at last claim what is rightfully ours.” He responded before looking to Seath. “And to thee, who hath feared us longer and stronger than any, go to thine demise knowing only this: we hath not forgotten what thou made possible for us with thine betrayal of the Everlasting Dragons. Foul may be thine soul, and unforgivable are thine sins…”

Nito broke off as he viewed Priscilla and Twilight.

“Yet now, as thou stands on the precipice of oblivion, accepting of thine crimes and seeking to atone… for this, we deem our grievances settled.”

The Gravelord saluted Seath with his blade.

“We bid thee peace, fellow bearer of the Lord Souls!”

Seath looked deeply disturbed at this gesture, yet still he returned the salute with his catalyst.

“And also to thee.” He grimly replied as Nito let the flames grow and consume him, spiriting him away from Anor Londo. Rainbow let out a relieved exhale.

“He may be the only entity here that makes sense thus far, but that weirdo still gives me the creeps.” She said while stretching and feeling the soreness in her muscles. Twilight nodded as she stared into the bonfire.

“Well, going on what you and Rarity said, not to mention I doubt this next part is going to be any more pleasant, does anyone want to be teleported to safety?” She asked. “Hopefully Mr. Laurentius has worked out how to use the Lordvessel, but even if not, I’m sure Miss Aurelia can take a few folk back to Firelink Shrine for now.”

The Chosen Undead turned at her name.

“I can… indeed, I should check if the rest of your friends and Siegmeyer made it back from the Darkroot Garden… with Sif…” The warrior clenched her fists and looked up to Seath. “You do remember our agreement?”

Seath glowered at the battered human, but nodded regardless.

“I have not forgotten. Once our business here is concluded and we are returned to mine archives, I will do as promised for the wolf.” He said. The warrior then surprised him by giving a small bow of thanks.

“Alright, then whomever wants to sit this next part out, now’s the time to speak.” The husk replied as she approached the flames. Rainbow sheathed her blade and groaned as Rarity cracked her neck.

“Not that I favor leaving you Twi, but I’m also not gonna be of much more use without some of Fluttershy’s healing touch.” The pegasus snickered weakly.

“Some time to recharge and see if I can concoct some stronger spells from my notes would certainly be appreciated.” Logan mused as he leaned heavily on his catalyst staff. “The trials of the gods domain have certainly taken their toll.”

“Indeed, for both of us.” Griggs replied.

“A few of Pinkie Pie’s treats followed by a nice long nap would do wonders for me.” Rarity replied while taking a few weary breaths. “Spike, care to accompany me, or do you wish to stay by Twilight’s side?”

Spike looked to the alicorn, swallowing heavily and clenching his fists as he saw her pull out a humanity sprite and absorb it into her body.

“Sorry Rarity, but I have to stay here for this. So long as you’re safe, I gotta make sure Twilight is likewise.” The purple dragon replied with a smile. Rarity smiled softly too.

“Such a noble and fearless soul. Just please come back to me in one piece. And here…” Rarity lifted Spike’s face with her hoof and kissed him full on the lips. Unlike before, this was no small teasing gesture, nor gentle show of appreciation, like one would give to a child. This was a proper show of affection, and it did the trick of reducing Spike to a limp sack that promptly melted onto the ground in a flurry of red hearts.

“For luck, my Spikey-Wikey… and also an offer that maybe it’s time we stopped beating around the bush… I mean… if you want to… and… oooh…” Rarity’s expression faltered as she observed the now love paralyzed drake. “Oh dear, did I come on too strong?”

From where she was now reaching into the flames, restoring herself to normal, Twilight looked over and chuckled in amusement.

“He’ll be fine in a minute, Rarity. It’s just… well… after six years, anypony would probably be overwhelmed to have their crush realized.” The alicorn smiled before turning and whispering in Rarity’s ear. “So long as you aren’t just playing with his feelings, understand?”

Rarity looked offended.

“My dear Twilight, the very thought!” She proclaimed, before looking at Spike again. “Seriously, if you’re okay with it, then…well, why not? After thinking it over what reason do I have to not give it a try? I've only got one life to live..and far too many souls here seem adamant about trying to cut it short. If there is indeed one who wishes to be my special somepony who am I to refuse while I have the chance?”

Twilight nodded and smiled again.

“I’ll bring him back to you. Soon as we clean up this last mess.”

Rarity nodded in turn, though her expression still seemed uncertain.

“I’m holding you to that, Twi.” She said before trotting over to the fire. “Alright Miss Aurelia, get us out of here so we needn’t take up any more of your time.”

Author's Note:

Hey I'm back, with fresh prose and plenty of fluff! Yeah I know most will no doubt be disappointed there's no Gwyndolin killing or deep, heart-to-heart Seath/Priscilla/Twilight talks, but I had to set up a number of things before I got to those points. As I warned in my last journal this chapter, and the next, will mostly be about changing the assortment of the party, giving members new roles and letting them set off on their own pursuits. That way I can set the needed steps in motion to finally wrap up this arc and reveal a few points most folk have already guessed.

Also yes I'm going to have Sparity in this fic too. Sorry, but that's one of my main OTPs amidst the MLP cast and it really seemed fitting as a reason for both Rarity and Spike to keep going for each other's sake. Maybe some Fluttercord in the works soon too (my third favourite OTP) so be forewarned.

Hope some folk still find this an entertaining read, and if not, well you have my word, there WILL be Gwyndolin battling and family reconciliations soon!