• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,068 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 26


While some ponies might have shown adversity to becoming a slave to the predictability of a routine, Applejack was not one of them. To her, the worst days were the ones where she DIDN’T have reason to rise with the morning rooster; when the orchard was bare and any chores she needed to do were brief and simplistic. No matter how hard the work might be, the orange mare just found it comforting; her never faltering dedication to the daily grind of farm work often tended to confuse or even disturb those who hadn’t heard of the brain behind the prosperous Sweet Apple Acres. Just knowing that she’d used the day to help her family and maintained the business she’d inherited all those years ago gave Applejack a sense of contentment unmatched by anything else, and Faust knew she needed it now more than ever.

“Big Mac! How’s it coming over in the north section? Need another set o’ hooves?” AJ asked, giving the tree behind her another good buck. On the horizon, her brother looked at the hundreds of healthy apple trees in front of him, all still brimming with unpicked fruit.

“...Eeyup?” He said cautiously. Truth be told, he could easily handle what remained in his section of the orchard, but Applejack seemed almost desperate for any excuse to keep busy; the stress of the journey ahead of her taking a heavy toll, physically as well as mentally.

“Good! Ah’ll be there right quick!” Applejack almost shouted, relief evident on her face. Deeming she wasn’t going to get any more fruit from the tree she was under, the farm mare began grabbing the apples that had missed her basket, strategically piling them up so nothing would spill when she moved it to the wagon.

“Ah…uh…don’t suppose Ah could persuade you to grab somethin’ to drink before you do?”

Applejack looked up to see her sister trotting over with several glasses of ice cold lemonade balanced on her head, condensation beading down the crystal clear glasses.

“Yer’ workin’ up quite a sweat there, sis. Granny says we can’t have ya gettin’ dehydrated on us.”

Applejack opened her mouth to protest, only to shiver at the sheen of nervous sweat that had built up on her brow.

“Ah…well, guess Ah am.” She muttered sheepishly while grabbing a glass and downing it in one gulp. “Trees are bein’ quite generous this year. Like Granny always says, we can’t let such a good harvest go fer nothin’!”

Applebloom nodded and smiled.

“Yeah, good thing we still have the whole o’ summer ahead of us.”

Applejack grabbed for a second glass and drained it with the same aching need.

“That’s no reason to slow down, sis! Only so many hours in the day!”

Applebloom nodded with added hesitance. “Right, but Ah know we still have the rest of the week at least…”

“Right, but we still gotta grab what we can before the time com- Ah mean before Ah have to…consarnit, ya know what Ah mean, ‘Bloom!”

A third lemonade gave up its existence to fill the very awkward silence. Applebloom avoided eye contact, lamenting that she didn’t just bring the entire pitcher with her.

“Now look, Big Mac needs me like yesterday! Mind loadin’ these apples onto the wagon fer me?”

Applebloom looked to the remaining glass on her head. Her sister quickly relieved her of it.

“No problem, but Ah don’t think-”

The foal never got a chance to finish her statement, with Applejack already galloping across the orchard to assist her brother. The giant red stallion, to his credit, just stepped aside and let her attack his assigned trees with all the gusto of one who really, really wanted to keep herself distracted. Carefully moving the apples onto the wagon, Applebloom collected the discarded glasses and walked back to the farmhouse.

“Granny, Ah think you need to have a word with her before she bucks holes into the trees.” Applebloom sighed, watching her sister attack the trees several more times after the last apple had surrendered and fallen to the baskets below. “ …Also we’re gonna need more lemonade.”


Celestia’s sun began to slide below the horizon as Applejack stifled a yawn and threw her hooves into yet another tree. The apples on this particular tree, however, stubbornly refused to be dislodged, despite the orange mare continuing to punish the oaken pillar for its impudence.

“Jackie! Sun’s gettin’ real low. High time you took a break and got some food in ya, don’t ya think?”

Mopping her brow, the earth pony turned to see her grandmother trotting up, baring a steaming plate of apple cobbler with a side of roast barley and vegetables.

“In…in a minute, Granny. Just gotta get this tree done *huff* …and the twenty or so behind it *huff*, and all of the west section *huff* and-” Every statement was punctuated by the crack of hooves against wood, the apples overhead just swaying in mockery of Applejack’s efforts. “Ah can keep this up all night you know! You gotta fall at some point!”

Shaking her head, Granny Smith set the plate down on the ground.

“That they do, but Ah’d bet the farm that they’ll beat ya until ya have a good long rest. Come on, Jackie, let’s not forget what happened the last time you tried harvestin’ the entire orchard by yerself.” The aged green mare intoned. Her granddaughter grit her teeth and drove her head into the tree.

“Ah…*huff* Ah promise, I’ll stop just soon as-“Applejack broke off, stopping to smash the tree one final time with all of her enormous Earth Pony strength, the crack of impact reverberating in the twilight silence.

A single, solitary apple dropped off one of the branches.

“WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE FER YOU TO FALL?” She screamed in exhaustion, throwing her full body against the trunk and grunting as the effort merely knocked the wind out of her.

“Some more time for nature to take its course, and fer you to rest and regain yer strength.” Granny sat down next to her panting granddaughter. “Please, Jackie, stop. Ah can’t have you hurtin’ yourself like this, nor can yer family.”

Too tired to argue, Applejack just collapsed against the trunk.

“Ah know, but…Ah only got a week before…before we leave. Can’t…*huff* stop now when there’s still so much to do…to prepare you fer-”

“For the possibility of havin’ to be without ya?”

Despite her extreme fatigue Applejack whipped around to gape at her grandmother.

“Oh come now, Jackie. It’s obvious you’re afraid for the worst here. It’s written on yer face plain as the sun in the sky; ya never were good at hidin’ things.” The old mare smiled fondly, a twinkle in her tired eyes.

Applejack collapsed again, taking off her Stetson and wiping her eyes.

“Ah don’t- that’s not- oh heck, who am Ah tryin’ to fool here? If I don’t find a means of keepin’ mah mind occupied Ah’m worried Ah’m not goin’ to be able to be there for Twilight when the time comes.” She said, her voice degrading to a painful whimper. “Granny, Ah’m terrified.”

Nodding in understanding, Granny gently cradled her granddaughter’s head in her hooves, coaxing her to lay it in her lap.

“Nothin’ wrong with that, darlin’. Faust knows Ah’ve walked into challenges of my own with shakin’ hooves and a sense of utter dread in mah gut. However, Ah walked into them despite my fear, and Ah gotta think that after everything else that’s happened to ya and yer friends, yer goin’ to do the same.”

Despite her age, Applejack curled up like a foal trying to hide from the evils of the world around her.

“Ah’d make a lousy Element of Harmony if Ah didn’t…but Ah can’t shake the feelin’ that this time…might be the one that does me in.”

A hoof lightly brushed over her mane.

“Ya know, there’s eventually gonna to be a time where Ah’m not going to be around, Jackie.”

The blunt statement of fact made Applejack widen her eyes in shock.

“Don’t look at me like that! Ah ain’t a princess like yer friend, Jackie. Life’s been good to me but everythin’ has its end. Just like how I planted all these trees with ma folks when I was a young filly and watched em’ grow-“Granny Smith paused, gesturing to the vast orchards of apple trees around them, “-I raised yer Ma and Pa, and then you three, to be here after Ah was gone.”

She smiled ruefully, thousands of memories seeming to flash in her eyes as she looked to the setting sun.

“Granted, Ah very much hope Ah’ll be kickin’ fer a while yet, but when I do go, Ah’ll be happy knowin’ this: Ah’ve done right by mah family for every single day Ah’ve been a part of it. Ah helped yer parents build this place into the sprawlin’ orchard it is now, and Ah swore to make you and yer siblin’s into model ponies after they were gone. Whatever happens, Ah can honestly claim to have used mah life for the best possible intent.”

Applejack blinked back her tears, letting her face instead be shrouded in doubt.

“And…what? Yer sayin’ that what Ah’m about to do is the same?”

Granny shrugged. “Well, let’s not be too modest here, this is the well bein’ of Equestria itself that yer defendin’! That’s a far higher demand than most of us, me included, would deem themselves worthy of undertakin’.”

Applejack shivered terribly. “What if Ah… fail?”

“We’ll all be devastated and miss you terribly, but we’ll know you laid down yer life as much for our own safety as that of every single mare and stallion in Equestria. No pony, not even an Apple, could be asked to do more.” Granny stated, smiling as her granddaughter sat up. “That said, the chance of that happenin’ is likely to be less if you approach it with a well-rested mind and a full belly.”

Applejack winced as she smelled the cobbler and felt her tummy rumble.

“Suppose Ah can’t argue with that. Just…” She sighed and hugged her grandmother. “You’ll still be here if Ah make it back, right? Ah mean- when Ah make it back?”

The old mare chuckled and returned the hug. “Of course, Jackie. Ah didn’t spend my whole life here just to leave when mah family needed me the most. Now, let’s have somethin’ ta eat. Then we’ll head inside and get you in yer nice comfy bed.” She noted the Stetson lying on the ground. “I’ll even iron yer hat to get some o’ the wrinkles out, how’s that sound?”

Applejack sighed and smiled. “Like Ah’m truly blessed to have such a wonderful family.”



There was something different about nap time today. Typically Pinkie would change the Cake twins, feed them a snack, then put them down for an hour while she tended to the bakery and let the Cakes have some time for lunch.

Not today, however. Today the pink mare had only done the first two tasks, seeming hesitant to continue with the third. Instead, she was just cradling the twins in her front legs, reclining in the rocking chair that sat by their crib. It wasn’t a bad change of pace as far as Pumpkin or Pound were concerned- indeed, the only reason they weren’t already asleep all snuggled up with their adoring sitter was that she was far more subdued than normal. Her usual smiles and cheery attitude seemed forced today, like she was covering for something less pleasant. Her embrace, while gentle, betrayed the subtle tension in her muscles, almost as if she was afraid to let go of them.

“Still awake, huh? Yeah I don’t blame you.” Pinkie finally said. “Was kind of hoping I might join you in your nap today but I guess that’s out the window.”

“Gooah?” Pound gooed softly in query as to what was wrong.

“This is probably a stupid question but do I still feel…normal to you two?” Pinkie asked. “Like does this feel like my chest against your cheeks? Do you still believe it’s me hugging you?”

Both foals cocked their heads in confusion. Pumpkin leaned in to sniff at Pinkie’s coat and shrugged.

“Can’t tell the difference? Really?”

Pound craned his head slightly to look at Pinkie’s flank. As a very attentive baby, he had noticed the addition of the black ring around her cutie mark, but assumed she’d just gotten ink on it or it was part of a joke, like when she’d smeared shoe polish on the eyepiece of Twilight’s telescope.

“So the fact that I’m different in some manner doesn’t bother you two?”

Again those simultaneous expressions of adorable bewilderment looked up at her. The twins could tell their foalsitter had changed, but not in any manner that struck them as dangerous.

“Goo?” Pumpkin asked, totally lost. Pinkie felt her eyes start to tear up at this. How strange that felt after a day or so of being a rotting zombie.

“I’m sorry, it’s just- I was so afraid!” The pink mare sniffed. “Even after Miss Aurelia restored me to my usual self I thought nopony would be fooled, that you’d sense I wasn’t the same, but…”

“Goo?” Pound asking, mimicking his sister. Pinkie gave them both a tearful kiss on the forehead.

“They made it sound like being undead was the worst thing ever, even worse than sugar-free cupcakes! That I’d be forced to leave and never get to see either of you two again! Oh, how can I even put this into words you’ll understand?” Pinkie wiped her eyes and sighed. “Aunt Pinkie did some bad, awful, horrible, meanie-pants things. She let out a part of her that she’s tried to keep repressed, and it made her hurt her friends. She tried to stop but couldn’t…so she hurt herself to make it all end.”

A phantom burning sensation came from the Darksign on her flank. She tried her best to ignore it.

“So now Aunt Pinkie’s a bit different than before, and even if that’s okay with you and your parents… she needs to go away soon to try and fix things.”

The twins began to get teary eyed. They couldn’t stomach the thought of being away from their beloved foalsitter.

“Oh, don’t cry! I’ll be back! I mean it! I just… I’m not sure how much more different I’ll be when I return. What happened to Aunt Pinkie isn’t normal.” Pinkie sniffed again. “I’m just telling you both this because she’ll come back fine and well if she has a reason to keep going, and you two mean more to me than anything.”

Pound blinked away his tears as he was hugged tighter to the mare.

“I hate the thought of leaving you more than anything else, but that doesn’t mean you two can get up to your old tricks while Aunt Pinkie’s away, okay? Be nice to your parents, behave yourselves and don’t break anything. Do that and Aunt Pinkie will be back good as new!”

The twins heads wilted to either side of Pinkie’s legs, so heavy was their confusion.

“That is, if you understand anything of what I just said…”

Pumpkin and Pound turned to each other. They had no idea what their foalsitter was getting at, but honestly that didn’t matter. Being asked to do things by grown-ups was annoying, but the twins could tell it was really important.

“Pinkie…Pie…” Both twins gently cooed, reaching up to touch the mare’s face with their tiny hooves. The tears spilled freely as Pinkie rubbed her face against the foals’, a strange but not unwelcome lightness blooming in her very empty feeling body.

“I’ll make it back for you two, I promise!” She sobbed happily.

From the doorway, the adult Cakes both sighed in resignation as the weight of the scene descended upon them as well.

“At times, I can’t tell if I should cherish how much she adores our foals, or fear that they love her more than me.” Cup Cake mused as she leaned against her husband. “Then I see things like this and remember how fortunate I am to have her in our lives, and how much I never want her to leave.”

Carrot Cake draped a hoof around his wife’s neck, nuzzling into her cheek fur.

“If what she told us is true, then we know what we have to do, sweetie. Just remind her she has us rooting for her, and that we need her as she needs us.”



“Scootaloo, where’s the cloak Rarity made me for Hearth Warming?” Fluttershy called as she sorted through several items packed into a travelling case.

“Right here! Hey! Give it up you little…just a minute, Mom!” There was a sound of scuffling, followed by the exchange of several words that the pale yellow pegasus was certain her daughter hadn’t learned in their household. Finally, the little orange filly appeared, red-faced and clutching a colorful cashmere wrap in her teeth.

“Sorry, Angel suddenly seems to prefer sleeping with this rather than his usual blanket.“ Scootaloo grumbled as she laid the cloak in the case. Fluttershy hung her head.

“Maybe I should let him keep it then. I mean, if he likes it…”

“No. Mom, please, Rarity made it for you. That little white monster will do just fine with his normal accommodations.” Scootaloo replied as she placed her hoof firmly on the cloak. Fluttershy thought to protest further, but decided against it.

“You checked that there’s enough feed and supplies for everyone?” She asked.

“Three times now, Mom. Aunt Tree Hugger checked as well just to be sure. Heck, we’ll still be good if you’d do as I asked and double up on the medical supplies you’re taking with you.” Scoots replied. Fluttershy blinked in shock.

“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly do that! What if the squirrels got the flu while I’m gone? What if the water supply for the beavers got contaminated? What if you got sick and I wasn’t there to…”

“Mom…” Scootaloo said gently.

“And if Tree Hugger couldn’t get you to the hospital in time…”

“Mom!” Scootaloo said with greater insistence.

“And I couldn’t get back to take care of you and everyone and…”

“MOM!” The orange pegasus shouted in alarm. Fluttershy jumped at the piercing interruption to her worrying thoughts. She stumbled over her own hooves and plopped hard onto her flank, staring at her daughter with ragged breaths.

“Mom, please stop. It scares me when you get like that.” Scootaloo instantly regretted having to raise her voice but sometimes it seemed to be the only measure that could snap Fluttershy back to her senses. Unfortunately it also usually resulted in the poor pegasus tearing up and muttering apology after apology, as she then proceeded to do.

“Oh Scootaloo, I’m so sorry! I just, I thought…” She hid her face in her hooves. “I’m so terrified of what I have to do. To leave you again after I just got you back…and what might happen if I don’t make it back and-”

Scootaloo sighed and walked over to hug the sobbing mare. “Mom, please don’t cry. Aunt Tree Hugger’s making tea. Can we just sit down and talk?”

Fluttershy looked up through the hazy film of her tears. It hurt all the more that her daughter was proving to be the stronger soul in their relationship but Scootaloo seemed adamant to give the support her own mother could not.

“Come on, you don’t have to leave for another few days. There’ll be time to pack and take inventory later.” Scootaloo pleaded. Sniffing and rubbing her eyes, Fluttershy let herself be pulled to her hooves and lead out of the bedroom.

A few moments later both pegasi and their earth loving friend were seated with three steaming cups before the fireplace. Tree Hugger, ever the laid back and respectfully polite mare, had given her friends the couch while she curled up on the floor. Whether Fluttershy and Scootaloo needed the space, however, was another matter, as they were still wrapped up in each other’s embrace.

“Now, do you feel okay with saying what’s on your mind?” Scootaloo asked as Fluttershy gently stroked her mane.

“I… I don’t know.” Fluttershy’s eyes stung as she looked down into her filly’s concerned expression. “I promised I’d be there for you from now on. That’d I’d make up for having to give you up. I felt ready to be the mother you needed, and now it seems that chance is being taken out of my hooves. If I stay here, Equestria is doomed, and if I leave-”

Scootaloo sighed. “You’re worried you won’t see me again.”

Fluttershy nodded and shed more tears. “I’m so sorry.”

Tree Hugger raised a hoof as if to interject. Scootaloo shook her head and bade her that she had this.

“Mom, you’re right, we’ve been through this already, and what I said remains the same. You made a mistake in high school, got involved with a stallion who had no need of you beyond his immediate satisfaction. Yeah that’s dumb, but I guess it happens. Least the other foals in the orphanage said so.”

Fluttershy sniffed and cringed as her mane was brushed from her face.

“Yes what you did hurt, yes I hated you when the truth finally came out and you said you wanted me back.” Scootaloo reached up and pressed her forehead to her mother’s. “What’s important, however, is you DID come back for me, rather than leave me to be somepony else’s problem. You stepped up to your responsibility when you knew you were ready, and now, if nothing else, I know I have the kindest, more caring mare in Equestria as my mother!”

More tears fell, not all of them from the yellow pegasus.

“I'm still scared that your status as an Element of Harmony requires you to go into dangerous territory, but I also know you’re still going to do it because that’s how much you care about your fellow ponies. That really means a lot to me.”

Fluttershy tried to take reassurance from this. Unfortunately her daughter’s words just served to fuel another very pertinent worry.

“But if I’m not strong enough…”

“Mom, please. Don’t talk like that.” Scootaloo begged as she buried her face in her mother’s chest. “It’s hard enough for me to say this. I need you to believe you are strong enough. Strong enough to be there for your friends as you are for me. I mean, even Rainbow’s going to need the help!” The filly blushed adorably. “Don’t tell her I said that!”

Finally, Fluttershy broke out into a small smile. She kissed her daughter on the forehead and hugged her tightly.

“Just keep the cottage clean and look after the animals. So long as you’re doing fine, that’ll be my reason to keep going.” The pegasus whispered. Scootaloo’s wings buzzed to confirm she would and Fluttershy turned to Tree Hugger. “That goes for both of you.”

“Hey, like, no worries. Scoots and I will be right as rain.” The earth mare soothed. “Just a shame Discord’s gotta go with you. Was hoping to get some good vibes off him at my next poetry slam!”

“Speaking of extremely attractive, intelligent and loveable draconequui-” The aforementioned poofed into existence. “Much as I dread to think what manner of hippie type love you’re going to be subjecting her too, there is someone dear to me that would probably be better off if left here.”

Discord set the chittering Izalith chaos bug down on the floor. Sensing the room seemed unnaturally cool and dark, it crawled over to the logs in the fireplace and set them alight with its flames.

“While I have my doubts about Seath’s whole doom and gloom routine on how my darling Queenie is harboring an all-powerful soul, I suppose it can’t hurt to take precautions.” He set down the flame proof blanket, oven mitts and the bag of charcoal briquettes. “Just remember to keep her away from anything wooden or flammable, don’t bathe her if she doesn’t need it and make sure she eats regularly to keep her happy. That way you shouldn’t have to worry about her summoning any more giant monsters to trash the place.”

Fluttershy gaped at the draconequus in terror. Discord hastily raised his lion paw and smiled. “Relax, I told her very clearly to behave herself while we’re away.”

“And seeing as I handled Smooze no problem I think I can handle a cute little wood bug.” Tree Hugger smiled as she slapped on a mitt and tickled the Izalith insect, rambling somewhat incoherently about her ‘fantastic energies’.

Discord rolled his eyes and huffed. “Rest assured Queenie, I’ll make sure you don’t have to endure too much of that.”

The chaos bug just chittered ambivalently.



“Alright, now we slide the spatula under the pancakes, making sure it’s fully underneath…” Rarity gently guided Sweetie Belle’s hoof as instructed. A small amount of the bubbling cake still spilled as the top part wasn’t quite cooked, but the unicorn just told herself to be patient. It was still edible and when her sister was concerned that was progress.

“And now we just twist our hoof like this and flip it onto the other side…yes, just like that!”

Sweetie Belle shakily flipped the pancake and braced herself as it sizzled on the griddle. When the usual sensation of heat and smoke failed to erupt, and no interdimensional portals had spontaneously opened around her like the last time she had made a meal, the filly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Phew! Okay that doesn’t seem so hard…though I still don’t understand why I can’t practice my magic at the same time and try to levitate the spatula.” She said. Rarity bit down on her tongue and frantically composed a diplomatic response.

“It… it pays to take this in little steps, Sweetie. First let’s try to get you making a proper breakfast that doesn’t require the fire department, then we’ll worry about doing it with magic.” She smiled trying not to think of whether they’d even have enough time to do so before she left. “Now try to do the same to the others.”

With her brow nervously dripping with sweat, Sweetie Belle took the spatula in her forelock and tucked it under another pancake. With grit teeth and held breath she turned her hoof and the cake promptly splattered everywhere as it fell back into the pan. Rarity instinctively backed up behind the kitchen table, as did her sister, but as the pan sizzled she very carefully approached and surveyed the damage.

“Okay…that wasn’t too bad. It’s a bit messy but still good.” The unicorn sighed in relief. “Ermm…I think that’s enough practice for today. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll finish making breakfast?”

Sweetie Belle looked disappointed but duly climbed onto one of the chairs surrounding Rarity’s little dining area.

“You’re sure it wouldn’t be better for Pinkie Pie to show me how to cook?” She asked. Rarity’s ears twitched as she flipped the remaining pancakes.

“Perhaps, dear, but she has some rather urgent business to attend to…” The unicorn sighed. “As do we all, unfortunately.”

Sweetie Belle cocked her head as her sister levitated over two finished stacks of pancakes and followed with syrup and butter.

“So, I was thinking… after school, would you like me to show you a few make-up techniques?” Rarity then asked as she sat down and began to dress her breakfast with the needed trimmings. Her sister looked halfway between elated and suspicious.

“You’ve never let me anywhere near your make-up!” Sweetie Belle commented, eliciting a defeated roll of the older unicorn’s eyes.

“And yet that hasn’t stopped you from getting into them, has it? So, I might as well show you how to use them properly.” She replied, getting a rather mischievous smile on her face. “More so if you wish to make yourself look nice for that lovely little Button Masher.”

That did the trick of efficiently dispelling Sweetie Belle’s suspicion. Instead she instantly blushed and turned her head away.

“For the last time I do NOT have a crush on him! He’s just…well he has a lot of cool games and loves having me around to play them. It’s nice having someone besides Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, who doesn’t fret over cutie marks as much…and doesn’t think less of me because I’m a filly….and thinks I have a nice singing voice and…” The unicorn foal broke off upon noticing the look her sister was giving her. “It’s NOT the same thing as a crush!”

Rarity nodded sagely.

“Oh, of course not! Whatever was I thinking...” she grinned shrewishly. “I guess that’s a no to the make-up offer, then…”

“No no no, please, I’d love to! I want to look as pretty as you do!” Sweetie Belle backtracked.

The smile faded from Rarity’s face.

“Oh Sweetie, I know you will…but, just in case…I’d feel better knowing I’ve prepared you for everything that I should have.”

Sweetie Belle’s ire was smashed under the sudden weight of realisation.

“You are coming back, right, Rarity?” She asked in a small voice. Taking a deep breath, Rarity forked some of her breakfast into her mouth, giving herself time to think and thus decide how much of what she was about to say was a lie and how much was cold comfort.

“I’m going to try my hardest to. We all are. But considering what happened to Twilight and Pinkie one cannot be too prepared. By the same bit, however, one cannot back down, even in the face of adversity too great to possibly overcome.” She looked at the foal across from her. “I don’t suppose it’s worth asking why you always agree to undertake such recklessly dangerous stunts with your friends?”

Sweetie Belle shrugged. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It’s a basic understanding that we always go at our activities together, no matter how dangerous they may be.”

Rarity nodded. “And being an Element of Harmony is no different. I hope that helps you better understand why I’m doing this.”

Sweetie looked scared, but still put her fork down and trotted over to the chair by her sister.

“While sometimes I wish you weren’t like this, I knew the instant you came home and told Mom and Dad what happened at Twilight’s castle that you were going to follow her lead. My big sister is way too brave and too considerate to do otherwise.”

Rarity blinked in surprise.

“Just…promise me you’re not going to take it too far. I think it’s wonderful how you describe in your journal what you’d do for each of your friends… but don’t forget you have a family waiting for you as well.”

The smile found its way back onto Rarity’s face.

“Trust me, I’m going to be keeping that at the forefront of my mind every step of the way.” Suddenly, her smile disappeared. “Wait, you’ve been reading my journal?!”



Rainbow Dash impatiently trotted around her hospital room, checking the clock on the wall for what seemed like the five hundredth time. All over her body, the still healing skin grafts stung terribly with each strut of her legs, but that just seemed to fuel the pegasus’ desire to be free of her confines.

“Dash, please, slow down. There’s ponies on the floor below you trying to sleep…probably.” Soarin groaned as his marefriend stomped and grunted.

“Well if the doctor would just hurry up and get back with the paperwork I wouldn’t need to disturb them. Seriously, how long does it take to write up a patient discharge form?”

Soarin glanced at the numerous bandages wrapped around Rainbow’s body and cringed.

“Longer than normal when the patient isn’t ready to be discharged.” He replied. “He did say you needed another few days to completely…”

“No! No more sitting out on the sidelines. Not after hearing about the attack on the Crystal Palace, not while my friends, and family, and Equestria, and YOU are still in danger!” She declared. Soarin let a brief ember of pride shoot through him at his marefriend’s concern before resuming his worried stature.

“Dashie, please. We don’t know that for certain. Twilight herself said they still had other avenues to investigate.”

“Right, which entails going into the same hole of Tartarus that spawned the damn beast that did this to me, as well as the black monstrosity that killed her!” Rainbow raised her hoof and smashed it against the wall. “I am so going to go kick that freak’s flank from one end of Lordran to the other for that!”

Soarin hung his head and walked over to coax Dash’s hoof away from the crater it was making in the wall.

“Dashie, I love that your first priority is to support your friends, I love that you’re more worried about my wellbeing than your own, and both are reasons I expressly demand and beg that you please think about this before doing anything stupid.” The stallion gently insisted. Much as Rainbow’s impulsive nature and undying loyalty drove him wild, he’d seen how it could also lead her astray into some very risky ventures, and from what her friends had described in the letter they’d received the previous day this was possibly the riskiest yet. Fortunately his approach of being agreeable yet firm was helping Rainbow to step back from her vengeful thinking and look on the situation with a less hot headed mindset.

“I…I am. I know Soarin, this is no Wonderbolts trial or Equestrian Game challenge, but you know I love you just as much as I do my friends. If somepony hurts my friends, then they hurt my pride. I gotta be a mare, I can’t let it slide.” She sighed and sat down on the side of the bed. “I can’t stand back just because I got a few burns and a wounded ego. There’s too much for me to fight for here.”

Soarin nodded as he sat down beside her.

“And that’s why I need you to please promise me, seeing as I obviously can’t talk you out of it, that you’ll be careful. No unnecessary risks, no crazy stunts, no Daring Do imitations.”

Rainbow harrumphed and rubbed one of the stinging burns on her shoulder.

“Fine, none of the above, just my usual heroic deeds and dedication to being 20% cooler than everypony else.” She said, much to Soarin’s chargrin. To his credit, a single look was all that was needed to get Rainbow to rectify her statement. “I’ll be within reason! Geez, when did you get to be such a worry wart?”

The stallion sighed and leaned over to kiss his marefriend on the lips.

“When some reckless mare had the audacity to steal my heart and make me feel like I was the luckiest colt in Cloudsdale.” He replied, relishing the slight tint that came to Rainbow’s cheeks. “Speaking of which, if I needle Spitfire to hurry up and find a place for you with the Wonderbolts, will that give you further cause to get back in one piece?”

Rainbow hung her head in defeat. “Always gotta use my dreams to reign all this awesomeness in. I dread to think what you’d have done to some other poor mare if I hadn’t snapped you up for myself.” She grumbled before hugging the stallion tight. “Throw in some train tickets back to Ponyville and promise to look after Tank and you’ve got yourself a deal!”

“Thank Faust.” Soarin said in relief while kissing Dash again.



Twilight knew this was wrong, that not feeling much beside a dull sense of awkwardness was a bad sign. Yet, as she sat across from her parents, with her brother and his wife on a communication portal and Seath awkwardly hunched over by a bay window, the undead alicorn still nursed a subtle gratefulness for not being able to work herself up into her usual bundle of nerves. Telling everypony the news of what had happened to her, and more importantly what she intended to do to fix it, had not been an easy task. In all fairness, neither Twilight Velvet nor Night Light had thrown a fit (even if the former looked like she was about to). Shining Armor looked cautiously relieved that his sister wasn’t in as bad a state as he feared, and Cadence was doing a masterful job of holding her tears back. If nothing else, the family support she’d always relied on to see her through held firm despite the gravity of the events that had transpired.

“Twilight…you’re certain there’s no other alternative? No doctor we can take you to see? Nothing Celestia can do if given more time?” Night Light asked hesitantly. Twilight looked to Seath, who did his best to appear fixated on some unseen event happening outside.

“A most loathsome and enigmatic pox is the Darksign curse. Many a century of medicine and magical research hath gone towards finding a cure, and many a century of death and failure hath followed.” The dragon sighed as he placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Mine own experience doth dictate that nary has a means of relief existed. However, mine witnessing of thine daughter’s capabilities doth stoke the ember of hope that she may yet achieve the impossible. T’is her earned right to try if she believes it can be done.”

Twilight Velvet looked at the white drake with a composed expression that nevertheless betrayed the righteous fury becoming of a mother who’d just lost a cherished offspring (at least in a partial sense). Seath, to his credit, took the scorn without protest.

“And the only way for her to try is to venture back to your homeland? The same homeland that’s already gotten her… like this?” She demanded, very nearly tearing up on the last word. Seath grumbled and clenched his hands.

“I assure thee, I wish not to burden her with such a perilous task!” He argued.

“Then why can’t you do something about it? You said you’ve dealt with this curse for eons, what’s stopping you from trying to put all that knowledge to use helping my daughter?” Twilight Velvet demanded.

“Mother…” Twilight Sparkle began but Seath cut her off.

“Permit her turn to speak. With all I hath done to earn the hatred of entire worlds, a few words shalt prove a paltry addition to the weight of mine sins.” He said darkly. Getting to her hooves, Twilight Velvet strode to stand before the great dragon.

“As a mother and a parent I have to accept that I can only do so much to protect my foals. That eventually I have to let them out into the world to make their own decisions and deal with the consequences of their actions. I accepted this when Twilight became Celestia’s student and when she was sent to Ponyville. I accepted this when Shining joined the Royal Guard and when he moved to rule over the Crystal Empire. That does not mean, however, that I can simply stand back and let them be forced into actions that may very well be a matter of life or death.”

Twilight groaned and held her head in her hooves.

“Mom, I already told you, that’s…well, that’s not really an issue anymore. For better or worse I’m possibly even more impervious now than when I became a princess.” Twilight said, to several dubious reactions.

"Then why do you look so exhausted?" Night Light asked. The alicorn blushed and bit back a yawn.

"That's my own fault, not Seath's. We've been doing a lot of studying in preparation for this venture, nothing serious!" She assured.

Twilight Velvet cringed and shook her head.

“You’re still my little filly, though. No matter how you may be changed or twisted, you will always be my daughter.” She said sadly. The lavender alicorn saw the pain slowly seeping through the cracks of her mother’s fracturing visage. Her body felt a little more like its old self as the weight in her heart grew heavier. Unpleasant as it was, the sensation was probably the closest she’d felt to true emotion during her time as an undead.

“And that’s why I have to do this, as much for my own peace of mind as everyone else’s; Celestia, you, Dad, Shiny, Cadence… all of you have a part in this as well.”

Seath arched an eyebrow at the order of names, though he seemed to be the only one who noticed.

“Just… promise me that this will work. That you’ll cure yourself of this curse and come back safe.” She said before glaring at Seath. “And that YOU will do your job in protecting her. Celestia’s track record may be almost spotless but I’ve not forgotten the times she failed to be there when Twilight needed her. Promise me you won’t make the same mistake!”

Dragon and alicorn exchanged glances, neither sure how to respond.

“Twilight is as any teacher could wish for in a student: a monument to their ideals and a paragon of what they themselves could not be. For the sake of what little honor still burns within me I shall strive to keep her from harm.” The dragon replied after considerable thought as Twilight reached out and took both her parents’ hooves.

“And this will work, I know it. With Seath and I working together, this curse doesn’t even stand a chance!”

Shining raised a hoof from the portal.

“Just remember we’re all here for you, sis. You got a lot of ponies that need you back home!”

Twilight sighed and smiled at her sibling.

“Trust me, that’s what I’m counting on!”


“Well, that went as well as I could’ve hoped. I mean at least they didn’t shout or scream.” The alicorn said as she and her teacher flew back to Ponyville, having said their goodbye’s to her family in Canterlot.

“As thine brother did state, thine parents show remarkable strength of character.” Seath commented with more reserved tones. “Again thine value of family as a union of souls rather than an institution of authority doth mock the efforts of Lord Gwyn to provide a standard that all of Lordran should follow.”

Twilight noted her teacher dipped lower in the air as his thoughts grew heavier.

“Yet as the Great Lord was punished for his efforts thou art in turn…to what end does fate seek to show how it stands not for any attempt at harmony?

Twilight dropped her altitude to bring herself alongside the dragon again.

“What you said to my mom…was that what you wanted her to believe or what you truly believe?”

Seath glowered at now being forced back on the spot right after barely managing to defuse a similar situation.

“It is what all needed to hear, and what needed to be said. I speak as much to quell mine own doubts as that of thine.” He said with a weary sigh. “To swear would be to deceive. To plead that one does not lose faith would be little comfort, but t’would also be truth. T’is all that hath driven the practice of miracles yet e’en now as Lordran crumbles as many retain the knowledge of that art as they do mine own.”

Twilight nodded. Small comfort indeed, but right now she was just glad that Seath could offer her something even in the depths of his own despair.

“Well that goes both ways. We can make this work, Seath. You just have to trust me as I do you.”

The dragon exhaled slowly as the castle came into view.

“I can ill afford to do otherwise now. Indeed, t’were I to have any doubt in thee at all I wouldst not have agreed to fill this week with such aggressive teaching.” He sighed as Twilight clumsily landed. The strain of the excessive amount of studying they’d been doing over the last few days was beginning to show, yet still the alicorn had methodically absorbed all he’d imparted to her, practiced her spells through the night until her catalyst refused to let her continue, and even begun a venture to seeing if pony magic and sorcery could possibly be combined. As great a demand as she’d had him place upon her, Twilight had proven she was indeed an even faster learner when she needed to be.

“Well soon I’ll hopefully have a chance to show you were right to do so. For now-” She yawned and pushed the door open. “I suppose using one night for its original purpose can’t hurt can it?”



Checking the time on the Ponyville clock tower, Trixie gave her caravan one final check over. The door was latched shut, what few possessions she was leaving behind were safely stored, and the caravan was in an out of the way spot where it was least likely to attract the attention of any wanton thieves, assuming there even were any in this so called picture perfect town.

Assuming she’d actually be back to check at any point for that matter.

Pulling her cape down over her saddle bags, Trixie headed in the direction of Twilight’s castle. The sun was getting low, and she had no further reason to hang around town.

No further reason to really hang around anywhere, really.

The blue unicorn’s head descended with the sun as she approached the crystalline castle. Her entire purpose for coming back had been to settle the score with Twilight once and for all. It had been her reason for searching out new tricks and new spells to practice, to find ways to actually do what she’d previously boasted about. The last year or so all she’d been fixated on was bringing closure to their rivalry.

And now fate had promptly spat on her efforts by subjecting the alicorn to something far worse than anything she could dish up. She could claim Twilight had it coming, what with having every grace of life up to and including becoming royalty handed to her with no effort on her part, but that just sounded petty, not to mention hollow (no pun intended).

The great castle rose up into the heavens above Trixie, its flawless architecture a perfect, clean mask to hide the bloodshed and insanity that had taken place within its walls. A multitude of press ponies still mobbed the front door but Trixie had been shown a tactfully hidden side entrance that she could use to evade them. Stepping inside, she saw that steps had been taken to preserve the façade beyond the exterior.

The place had been cleaned up, everything was in order, and as she entered the main chamber, she saw the six Elements of Harmony were all seated on their respective thrones. All perfect without a single hair out of place, and yet just as much of a willful deception.

“So, seeing as we’ve discussed a lot of things without your input, Rainbow, I thought we’d let you have a few moments to say whatever you need to say.” Twilight offered, to which her pegasus friend just smiled and shook her head.

“No need, Twi. As the Element of Loyalty, you know I’m about action not words. Just point in the direction where you need me to go and I’ll handle the rest.” Dash replied. “Soarin’s got everything handled at my house, and I know Shy’ will have Scootaloo well looked after.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Tree Hugger will make sure of it. I just hope I don’t have to burden her with foalsitting duties for too long.”

Dash placed her other hoof on Fluttershy’s, giving her a look of assurance.

“Then I think we’re both ready to head off.”

Twilight nodded as her assistant came in carrying a wrapped bundle. “Spike, is Aurelia about done repacking her stuff?”

“She is, and she asked me to give these to you and Pinkie.” The dragon unwrapped the bundle to reveal a small pile of humanity sprites. “I gave her everything that we recovered from the Crystal Archives but she thought it best that you both have a little extra insurance.”

Behind the young dragon the Chosen Undead stepped out, decked in a new set of armor made of polished brass that looked like it had been originally been designed for a being of a far greater stature. As heavy as it looked she wore it quite well, as would be expected if the ease with which she had handled the club Grant and her other enormous weapons and items were an indication of her strength.

“You have our thanks then, Miss Aurelia. We’ll do our best to see it doesn’t go to waste.” Twilight replied as she divided up the humanity and handed half to Pinkie.

“As I will try to make sure you don’t have to use it, though I do have something else for you all for that.” She set down a selection of weapons and equipment wrapped in a sheet. “In Lordran, it is customary that one receives a starting gift when they embark on a quest. A gesture of good luck that will hopefully serve them well in some manner during their travels. The good knight Oscar, who freed me from my cell in that accursed Asylum, gave me similar aid before I disembarked. Taking your somewhat different anatomies into account, I’ve selected the following as the best choices for you in turn.”

The seven ponies clustered around the offered items, asking about each and making their choices, until Celestia stepped in with Seath and Luna in tow.

“Twilight, I’m about to step out and hold a press conference. Do you want me to say anything on your behalf?”

Slipping on her saddlebags, the alicorn tested their weight and shook her head.

“No, I think we’re going to head out now. Everyone’s done what they needed to do…I think.”

She looked in Trixie’s direction. The unicorn sighed and shrugged.

“Trixie has had a bit of an eye opener this past week in how little she has keeping her here. If she follows you now it is in hopes that she can make something more of herself in another region…one where her reputation does not precede her.” She grumbled. Seath shared her disdain as he thought about how his own return was not likely to receive a warm welcome.

“Okay. The instant you arrive, send me a letter. And keep me updated on what you find. Equestria is counting on you all!” She said, before adding in a softer voice. “I’m counting on you, Twilight.”

The alicorn looked up just as Celestia leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

“Please, don’t forget me!” The white alicorn whispered before turning and heading towards the front door along with Luna. Twilight stood watching her departure with an unreadable expression, the spot on her cheek burning with a not unpleasant sensation of heat.

“What… was that about?” She asked.

“Ask when we are next alone.” Seath quietly replied. “Come, the bonfire beckons.”

The party trekked out into the backyard, finding Discord impatiently pacing about wearing a loud tropical themed shirt and clutching a stuffed suitcase.

“There you all are! I’ve been waiting for ages for you to finish up your little pre-trip pow-wow! Time waits for no one you know!”

The watch on his wrist demonstrated by popping off its band and running off into the hills. Seath found himself oddly chuckling at the sight.

“Thine statement is far more accurate and a greater falsity than thou may expect.” He mused as everyone gathered around the dancing flames.

“So, uh…how does this work? There like some ritual we gotta do, or one of them creepy incantations?” Applejack asked, gulping heavily as she stared into the swirling shapes of light and heat.

“Close thine eyes and permit us to do the rest.” Seath said as he and the Chosen Undead reached into to grip the crystal lance thrust into the middle of the fire. “The flames shall take thee in their embrace and speed thee into the space beyond. When thou opens thine eyes again…”

The bonfire did exactly as described, blooming outwards to engulf the souls around it.

“We will be in Lordran.”

Author's Note:

Whew! This hopefully captured just the amount of feels for everyone. Sorry it got uploaded later than usual but I wanted to have both my editors have their say on it before posting so some negotiating of schedules and time differences had to be done. Was worth it for their refining of my prose!

To bring up one question that was asked a lot, I'm basing Fluttershy and Scootaloo's relationship on this comic here: http://matty4z.deviantart.com/art/sorry-I-couldnt-be-there-for-you-407773499

and the damn tearjerker of a fan fic it spawned:


Honestly it's the first time I've rewritten my own headcanon just on how many levels it works for the characters involved (originally I had Scootaloo down as the adopted daughter of Lyra and Bon Bon since it creates the ultimate nuclear pony family). It explains why Scootaloo can't fly because she inherited her weak wings from Fluttershy, it shows why Flutters is so scared of making mistakes (because she already made a BIG one) and why she dotes on every creature in need of a mother, and it just gives Scootaloo the perfect compensation for not having a big sister like Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. If that wasn't enough I also plan to have it play into some more key events in Lordran when Fluttershy discovers she's far from the first being to have stepped into parenthood far before she was ready for it.

Hopefully that helps clear a few things up and as always, feel free to ask and critique.

Editing and proof reading again comes courtesy of Gogito
and lunarstallion