• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,019 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 1

This couldn’t be how it ended. Not again, not after he’d for once had the chance to actually accomplish something with his life, as opposed to just senselessly waiting in the void, endlessly fighting against his damn nemesis while waiting pointlessly for death as before…

His triumph over the Everlasting Dragons, his tenure as the Duke of Anor Londo, his guardianship of Lord Gwyn’s offspring, the pages upon pages of magical knowledge he’d handed down from one generation to the next, and used to fill the vast shelves of his Archives. All the eons of study, his endless experimentations, the punishing tolls he’d put himself through in his pursuit for immortality…and THIS was to be his great reward? No grand send off, no giant memorial to his namesake (he didn’t really consider the Vinheim Dragon School of Sorcery since practically no one these days remembered for whom that crumbling ruin had been named), just another cheap and worthless demise at the hands of one foul, pathetic little human…

Telling himself to ignore the pain wracking his aged body, the white dragon picked himself up off the floor. Before him the rotted female hollow, the so called ‘Chosen Undead’, grabbed for the length of tail she had just chopped off and plunged her hand into the part that was still bleeding freely. Blood the color of lavender spilled silently onto the floor, instantly hardening to merge with the crystals that covered all surfaces of the cave as the warrior pulled from the tail the one weapon that her opponent hadn’t seen in thousands of years, and could happily have spent another few millennia before seeing it again.

That wretched blade. That loathsome Moonlight Greatsword! Even though his vision were all but useless, he could still sense the cold aura of its power, could still feel the sharpness of that illuminescent edge from when it had previously cut through his skin. That damn sword had been the death of him in a life long past, and now, despite all his preparations to prevent such, the blasted undead was in the perfect position to make history repeat itself! Well not if he had anything to say about it!

With a roar of unbridled anger, Seath again bellowed his cursed white breath across the ground before him, raising a bed of needle sharp crystal spikes as his opponent made a lunge with her new weapon. Having no choice, the Chosen Undead abandoned her attack and quickly rolled out of the way, several of the spikes piercing her body as she scrambled to reach safety. As the dragon went on the offensive, she quickly checked the fresh holes in her armor, then with a sigh of relief, she kissed a ring that adorned one of her fingers, giving the dragon another cause to roar in anger. Again his vision might have been gone, but he could still sense the presence of a Cursebite Ring. Its manufacture was, after all, only made possible due to his genius in sorcery; much like that estus flask his opponent then whipped out to help ease the agony of her own wounds. He lunged for it, jaws snapping with intent to bite it out of her hands, but with remarkable nimbleness (for a hollowed husk) the Chosen Undead stepped out of the range of his attack and smacked him full force with her shield. The dragon roared again as he registered the mocking warmth of Grasscrest enchanted metal against his skin, yet another magical miracle that he ultimately had made possible. How he loathed what had come from his teachings, his work, the means by which he strived and sacrificed in order to finally attain immortaility!

So many failings along the way, so many set backs to impede his pursuit, and now…now it was all to come undone. As the dragon reeled from the pain in his muzzle, the Chosen Undead spied another opportunity to strike. Had the world not already been a blurry void for him, the dragon’s vision would no doubt have become such from his tears as a searing gash was cut open across his abdomen, his skin burning from the impact of electricity. A lightning enchantment! As if the curse defense wasn’t bad enough, this rotted wench had also taken the time to study up on enchanting her weapons with the one weakness inherent to all who were of the everlasting ilk! By his brethren! Would the foul corruption of his sacred art ever end!?

The dragon staggered backwards and clasped both hands over his wound. Fortunately, it was already healing so he needn’t worry about it proving fatal. He could endure, at least long enough to rid himself of this loathsome thorn in his side!

Sadly, this brought no comfort as the Chosen Undead took advantage of her opponent’s retreat to dash to the other side of the room, having no doubt realized the flaw in directly attacking the drake, and sighted the means by which she could rectify it!

Seath made another powerful lunge for the warrior, spewing his white breath in every direction. His aim still held true even with his sight, and against the many foolish souls who had come before, this would have ended the battle swiftly in his favor…

What tragedy that this particular fetid husk seemed to have a bit more common sense than her predecessors.

Upon seeing the dragon was on a collision course with the object she’d been aiming for, the undead warrior simply halted her advance, took a few steps backwards and let Seath crash face first into the wall, doing her the service of destroying the strange metallic crystal that had been mounted in front of it.

His crystal…

His precious, Primordial Crystal! The last hope he had for immortality!

Seath gave a tragic growl as the now useless fragments of his greatest and most crucial treasure rolled off his muzzle and clinked worthlessly upon the ground. Immediately his body felt even weaker as the power of the ancient gem ceased to feed it, and the toll of his great age weighed him down further. His wounds stopped healing. Some of them reopened, and the agony that had previously taken its leave now hit him again with renewed force. Despite all his effort, it seemed the end was now upon him, that once more his last memory would be the pain of that wretched Moonlight Greatsword piercing through his skin to bury its blade in his soul. With his dying breath, Seath pondered if he’d end up in limbo again, kept in reserve until fate decided on another incarnation for him…

Or maybe it would just surprise everyone and decide that he needn’t die just yet…

As Seath struggled to rise, he sensed a strange disturbance above his head, a rippling of the air, caused perhaps by the fluctuations of time that were known for plaguing Lordran. Beside him, the Chosen Undead stilled her killing blow as she likewise beheld what appeared to be a portal opening in the air. To her surprise and horror, a gigantic hand, simian in nature and covered in black hair, reached down to grab Seath and yank him out from under her blade, denying her the victory. The undead’s only option was to again leap out of harm’s way as the white dragon was pulled into the portal and it vanished into nothingness, leaving her alone, and tragically without the Lord Soul fragment she so desperately needed in order to complete her quest.

The poor warrior had only a second to contemplate this unfortunate turn of events before she heard the familiar click of bony limbs on crystal flooring, and turned to see that the Man Eater Shells Seath placed to guard his inner sanctum had managed to return in force, fording through the fog gate with the intent to finish what their master could not…


Elsewhere across reality, in another land known as Equestria, another being with an exceptional flair for magic was beginning her day. Species wise she was a pony, lavender in color with a dark purple mane and tail. The mane was streaked with a lock of pink running down its length, and on her flank she bore a mark of a large six-pointed pink star surrounded by smaller white stars. Curiously she also boasted wings on her back, and a horn upon her forehead, a seeming combination of pony, unicorn and pegasus all in one.

With her mind refreshed and her belly filled with a mixture of oats and delicious waffles, prepared in part by her trusty dragon assistant, Twilight Sparkle was certain today was going to be great. Currently she was setting up an experiment in the yard behind her castle, another of her pursuits into the forays of magic when she was not tending to her duties as the fourth princess of Equestria. Today she was studying the theory of ley lines and their possible role in linking one realm of existence with another via their concentration of magical energy. It was a study that had first been proposed many years ago by the legendary Starswirl the Bearded, but had long since been debunked as a somewhat radical and way too insane line of thought to be considered by many. Nevertheless, those with a more open mind had seen fit to publish a few tomes on the subject, and it was these tomes that had eventually inspired the lavender equine to conduct an investigation into the matter…much to the chagrin of her assistant.

“Twilight, you know I’ll always be the first to support you in whatever studies you choose to pursue, and out of us all, I will also be the last to call you out on your more…eccentric habits…” Spike commented as he watched his friend dig a small and deep hole in the ground. “But even with that said, just what exactly are you hoping to accomplish with this?”

Mopping her brow, Twilight tossed her shovel aside and levitated a yardstick over to the hole. Scrutinizing the depth, she nodded it was to her satisfaction and then walked over to a second hole she’d dug earlier to measure how far it was from the first.

“Just something that may give me insight into the mechanics behind what’s happened as of late, what with us losing the Elements of Harmony, the mystery of the box they were locked in, and then…well…our new residence that literally grew out of said box when we managed to unlock it.” Twilight looked to her new castle, a most bewildering example of a tree that was composed not of wood but crystal, its branches supporting a bevy of pink stone towers and sparkling gold spires.

“There’s a chance the box actually contained a separate plane of reality, a sort of pocket dimension, where the castle was before it was brought into our plane. If we can establish that there is indeed a connection, some magical bridge between Equestria and another world, that may help us understand what happened to the Elements and whether we can get them back.”

Spike nodded, clearly understanding Twilight’s thought process, though still with some manner of cynicism tainting his mood.

“And the only way to test this was to dig up my new flower bed?” He asked. Twilight paused as she looked to the mounds of dirt she’d piled up, and the newly blossoming flowers that had been unceremoniously uprooted along with them.

“My calculations indicate this is the most likely spot where a ley line might exist. The only way to confirm it is to mount some focusing crystals and see if they can pick up any unusual concentrations of magical energy.” The lavender pony explained. When Spike just kept forlornly staring at the ruin of his gardening efforts, Twilight sighed and rubbed the back of her head. “Look, let me just get everything ready and see if we get any readings. Afterward, we’ll go into Ponyville and I’ll buy you fresh bulbs so you can start on another flower bed.”

The little dragon sighed and nodded that this was a fair trade. He did owe it to his friend to at least give her theory a try.
“Alright, what else needs to be done?”

Twilight walked over to where a book was open on a small reading stand and studied its contents. “The crystals need to be set at exactly the same level in the ground, and exactly the same distance apart. So if you could grab one, and I’ll grab the other, we’ll tweak them till they’re perfect.”

Spike did as told, grabbing a metal pike with a small, clear gemstone mounted on top of it. Dragging it over to the fresh dug hole, he set it upright and slowly lowered it into the earth. “How will we know when they’re adjusted correctly?”

Twilight snuck another glance at her book as she levitated her pylon into place. “They should start glowing, or indicate they’re picking up additional magical energy.” Twilight twisted her pylon and Spike followed suit, but neither produced any apparent effect. Frowning, Twilight elevated her crystal by an inch, then signaled for Spike to try and get his on the same level. Again nothing happened.

“Ummm…maybe if we tried having their largest sides face each other?” The pony and the dragon adjusted their crystals so that each shining surface refracted the light of the sun to each other. It made for a pretty rainbow effect as the stones sparkled under the clear blue sky but that was all they did.

“Okay…ummm…maybe if they faced away from each other?”

The stones were rotated and now they painted the wall of the castle as well as the trunk of a nearby tree with rainbows. Again, it was very beautiful, but not quite magical enough to deemed a success.

“Dang it! Hold on, let me check my notes again. Stay there, Spike.” Twilight pushed her pylon into its hole and trotted over to the book, leaving Spike shake his head as she began reading aloud. “Exactly one and a quarter foot into the earth, yeah I got that right. No more than two feet distance, yep…and if my geography is accurate….”

She turned the page, revealing a map with a lot of scribbled thoughts and lines drawn on it. “The alignment of this spot should be right where everything converges…unless I was wrong about the pace of continental drift…but that wouldn’t affect the topographical formation…maybe my estimations of sedimentary wear and tear were off…or maybe if I tried applying Watkins’ equation to the contours of the land as opposed to the elevation above sea level…”

As his friend’s chatter grew increasingly non-sensical Spike yawned and contemplated his poor flowers again. Such a colorful arrangement he’d been cultivating since spring had come to Equestia again, now all tragically cut short thanks to Twilight’s need for knowledge. Ah well, maybe he could still save them if he planted them again right after they were done. The sky was darkening so they’d at least get some water to help them regain their…

Wait…darkening? The sky had been completely cloud-free a moment ago….

Spike looked up and blinked upon seeing a swirling vortex was forming overhead, a black whirlpool of utter darkness that swallowed up all light around it. Momentarily he remembered the experiment they were conducting and looked to the crystals, but they still remained clear and magic free.

“Uh…Twilight? Is this also something that’s supposed to happen?” The dragon meeped as he was enveloped in the shadow of this otherworldly phenomenon. While Twilight remained lost in her own scientific ponderings a strange appendage appeared from the void. A hand by the looks of it, though one that must have belonged to a black giant if its size was any indication. Spike noticed that it clutched something in its fingers, a mass of almost brilliant white; with what appeared to be the angular head of a dragon poking out between two of the fingers..along with other limbs and grand fairy-like wings poking out from the gaps between the other digits.

“Twilight?” Spike said with a note of increasing alarm as the hand reared back as if preparing to hurl what it clutched at him.

“TWILIGHT!” Spike cried before abandoning his post. Snapped from her thoughts, the lavender mare turned around just in time to see her assistant running full sped for her, as the giant draconic form was launched at the two of them. She had only a moment to let her instincts kick in and prompt her to flee, before the entire section of the castle grounds was flattened under the impact of a soft but very heavy weight. Knocked off her hooves, the poor alicorn was sent tumbling into the grass, her world briefly going black as she hit her head against the ground before finally coming to a stop.

“Oooh, what the…” Twilight groaned as her skull throbbed and her vision swam slowly back into focus. Picking herself up, the dizzy mare blinked as light suddenly streamed back down over everything, leaving her staring at the ruins of her experiment, crushed under the body of what appeared to be a very large, and mortally wounded dragon. “Huh…oh no!”

She ran over to the drake, halting as she got a better look at him and confirmed the presence of numerous bleeding cuts and gashes across his otherwise pristinely white body.

“Oh Faust, are you alright? Spike! Spike where are you?” She cried out, getting a groan in response, followed by a hacking cough.

“Huh-here…*cough*…I’m here, Twilight…”

The mare turned and winced at seeing her dear assistant had been thrown into one of the piles of dirt and flowers by the impact. She tried not to snicker as he rose to his feet, filth clumped all over his body, and a cute blue orchid comically propped on top of his head.

“Wha…what happened?” He asked while dusting himself off. Twilight turned back to the dragon and resumed her examination.

“It appears we have an…unexpected guest.” She replied while observing the magnificent white beast before her. Well, at least he would have been magnificent, had it not been for all the open wounds, and the disturbing lack of any signs of life. Closing her eyes, the alicorn’s horn lit up with a lavender glow as Spike cautiously approached the creature and noted his condition.

“Ouch, looks like someone really did a number on this poor guy.” The dragon nudged the white giant’s hand and cringed when it just limply flopped over. “He isn’t dead is he?”

“No…thank Faust…but he’s very badly hurt.” Twilight shut off her magic and shook her head. “What exactly happened right before you screamed my name?”

“I don’t know…one second all was normal, then this black hole opened in the sky…” Spike looked up and cocked his head in confusion upon seeing the overhead vista had returned to one of pure sapphire blue, with Celestia’s sun being the only occupant. “Then this…uh...this hand came out and…I think it was carrying this guy…” The little dragon scratched his head, at a loss for what else to say. “Umm…does this qualify as a success or a failure of the experiment?”

Twilight grimaced as she walked along the drake’s body, noting the further down she got the less draconic his anatomy became. While the head was indeed graced by the same pointed muzzle and fanned temples as Spike, and it bore the clawed hands, muscular torso and graceful wings, below the waist the creature’s body took a complete 180 turn into something else. Instead of legs it had what appeared to be tentacles, snaking out of a bulbous mountain of flesh that pulsed intermittently with light generated by some internal source. Twilight also noted that the tentacles were covered with a fringe of fluffy white hair, while the skin of the midsection was pockmarked with patches of small, angular formations that held the same lavender color as her own coat.

“Is that crystal growing out of his body? Purple crystal?” Spike asked, daring to lean in closer upon spying the gem like protrusions. Twilight noticed the same formations also covered most of the dragon’s wounds.

“It…certainly appears to be. Strange, what is this thing? I mean, it looks like a dragon but it’s unlike any I’ve ever seen.” She commented, her curiosity rising as she took in the creature’s appearance.

“Same…definitely not any dragon from around Equestria…” Spike commented as he lightly touched one of the crystal patches. The drake gave a sudden lurch and a deathly gasp, causing him to reel back into Twilight. “That said, he’s definitely not well so we should do something about that!”

“Indeed. Let me get Fluttershy and see if she can help, just…um…stay there and keep an eye on him while I grab towels and medical supplies.” Twilight ordered.

“Right-o” Spike replied as his friend ran off into the castle. The little dragon sat down on the ground, cocking an eyeridge when the petals of an orchid draped down into his field of view. Reaching up he pulled the flower off his head and wondered exactly how long it had been sitting there, before turning back to the new arrival as it took another raspy breath.

“Easy there…whoever you are. Don’t worry, Twilight’s getting you help. Try not to move, you’re safe now. Well, safer than wherever you came from at least.”

As the sun beat down and eased its pain, the drake seemed to relax. Indeed though the trip may have been agonizing, Seath sensed that wherever ‘here’ was, it was better than where he’d been moments ago. Even if he was still about to die he could now do it in a more comfortable setting.

Wheezing a gentle breath of acknowledgement, Seath gave himself over to the void, letting his blurred vision fade into blackness as his mind followed suit…

Author's Note:

For those who aren't familiar with FROM Software's library of games, Seath is something of a legacy character. Originally he appeared in the King's Field series, then cropped up again as one of the iconic bosses from the first Dark Souls. He's also been referenced/had a cameo role in Dark Souls II and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he appears for a fourth time in some form in Bloodborne. I had the idea of what if all of his appearances were literally all the same character, forced to die and be reincarnated over and over again by some higher power, a higher power that he subsequently escapes from and now must deal with as it tries to get him back.